Newspaper Page Text
$100 Per Year.
Phorilil know that the
“Old Tiruo” EemeOy,
m U 1 A#
taken for Chanpo «i Ltie and belo.e Cmii-B
Rawer* “OM Tine” Resawisa liavo stood tne
tact for twenty years.
3 £<td 8 only tv Ik-.v fipencerXlodlelnc Cc., Chat
'tanoega, Tennessee.
e-1 vtirwyr r-.-JW- .atcj— i:-rEWtuira*^
Paul G, Lucas Crawlordvi"'' Gn.
For information as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
reliable information.
T. F. A. G. P. A.
Augusta, Ga.
C. E. & P. A. G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
S. A. C. F. A.
Macon, Ga.
S.F. A. S. F. &P. A.
Mlllodgeyllle. Augusta,
Tbte V
skVEsrp p Eo
•kt £ .
Sip ft %%\
jfiSL & <• %
7 «I#I lifl 7
§ 3 % |
iltfj?.#™ Ns Jill
ti Hit f fflrlsisS Man §
A t*
lip nm $® £ 3 .$ Fence
t«!tskSg Vis K hi oo”§® Wire i £|
<nx& ttui" KM The S
ttggs-j cbi? m *
I Fsy x ’^^ j6fS
9 the Ffuifhi.xsii c 0
re a i>
$ 34 . 59 .
“Acme” Bicycles
’98 Models. High Grade,
We Have no Agents bm Sell Direct
to the Rider at Manufacturer’s
Prkes, Saving You all
Agent’s Profits.
Rest materials, Superb fiuish. Eight
elegant models. We ship anywhere with
privilege of examination, pay express
charges both ways and refund 3 f our '
money if not as represented. Every I
“Acme” is fully guaranteed against
all Accidents as well as Defective Work- ’
manship. Send for catalogue.
AWHC if’' wLLfc c^rri c UU. cn
102 Main St, - - Elkhart, lad.
fra I P"Af ^ \ ^ fil gj%jH
quickly &aar»2 sheared, rrs CTC WHSU PATEt.’ CSrAHTEr..
t* h. B.wkLsciri' is. XP4T
Sms BeaSiac, WASH' M G i G M, D. C.
Wl at the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
1 C. r.. BAG BY.
llave’nt seen any watermelons yet.
We have had some awful hot weather.
McMillan, the insurance agent of Au¬
gusta, was in Sharon section Inst week.
A good many colored people have died
in our section this spring.
Religious services at Sharon Presbyte¬
rian church next Saturday and Sunday.
It lias been the dullest summer we ever
saw in regard to mechanical work.
The pi jinary election for judges passed
ofl very quietly in Raytywn district.
The onion crop is exceedingly good, this
Drummers were pretty plentiful in our
burgo last week,
Mr. Tollio Taylor’s sick children are a 1
Preaching at Barnett Methodist church
next Saturday and Sunday.
Judge M. J. Taylor has recovered from
his recent spell.
Dr. Davidson says he does not love
goobers nohow but be loves fish mighty
Messrs. Bod and Wilt Edwards, Charlie
Caldwell and Melton called on us last
Frying chickens are making there ap¬
pearance now and are selling at fair
Several boarders at the Hillman hotel
this summer so we learn. It is doing a
good business.
People have been pretty busy setting out
their potato slips. They have to keep
them watered,
Mr. Reemis, of Hancock county, was
visiting relatives in Sharon ai;d Raytown
section last week.
When you want us rail on us or write
for any tiu work you may need. C. L.
Bagby, Sharon, Ga.
We have been away from our town for
some days past but we are trying to keep
up with what is going on.
Our law makers should stop all swind¬
ling in counterfeiting flour. It is an out¬
rage to a civilized country.
Our people are complaining very much
at the sorry flour they buy now. It is
As this woods are full"of eandidates~""7or
county offices we hope the best and most
competent men will get elected.
We had a spectacle and jewelry man in
our town last week from Crawfordyille.
lie seemed to be an up to date fellow.
We hear the field w'ill be full of candi'
dates in ihe coming election. We hope
they- won’t forget us in tho coroners list.
Messrs. J. W. Fallen and A. D. Moore
took a big squirrei hunt last week on
Little River but did not have much luck.
Beef meat is very high now on acconnt
of the beef speculators. It is dear meat
with us at any price—we can eat so much
of it.
Dr. Davidson and Brown have been
kept pretty busy the past two weeks. No
deaths reported but a great deal of sick¬
From the number of drummers on the
road and in our town our merchants must
be laying in a big stock of fall and winter
Two of our cleyer citizens and business
men had a little eruption last week but
we think it will all runout right in the
near future.
We understand that a negro in our
district is in the race for sheriff. We
think lie has started to the wrong market
to buy his supplies.
“I ihink DeWitt’s Witcli Hazel Salve is
the finest preparation on the market for
piles.” So writes lolin C. Dunn, of I
Wheeling, W. Va. Try it and you will
think the same. It also cures eczema and I
all skin diseases.
Andrews <fc Deadwyler, Crawfordviile,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
The Racket Store must he doing a pret¬
ty hot business, we see Uley Gunn has
taken off his mustache and we liked to
have not known him.
Planters CUBAN OIL cures
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu¬
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
Sharon was getting there on the 23rd
election day, barbecue a little skirmish
fight and a marriage at night at our little
sister town, Raytown.
The Chief Burgess of Mi’cMiurg, Pa.,
says DeWitt’s Little Early libers are the
best pills he ever used in bis family during
forty years of house keeping. They cure
constipation, »ick headache" and stomach
and liver troubles. Small in size but great
Dr. Andrews Lawrence <fc Brown, Deadwyler Crawfordviile,
Subscribe for your county paper and
you are running for any office put your
card in the paper by all means. All of us
want to see vou elected.
ShRUBebssr t
»«r all C^u.oguo frov. Write for it
Woman’s Mysterious Ills.
Explanation of their nature by Dr. Hartman, wiki | tells how to cure them.
• '< ■ - I
fi* iS Tm H OUNG
SS mm II m ssh#. w< hen about are their constantly health. pua- In¬
deed male troubles puzzle all
m woe Older women have
v- I exp nee, but few possess
I 81 L, S kn< per It frige jiecompuuied tai suffering of the subject. is by painful,' many The
var f sensations that distress.
IIo luch of this is necessary
w> is a Jtter jinestjon of guesswork. is The
shrouded in
pr isional mystery.
7 Dr. lutin's book for women,
V \ called these l f 41th rs with and delicacy, Beauty,” and treats at
the sac le with clearness. Write
to the Pe-rvt-na Medicine Company, Columbus, >r it; it is mailed free. It
is a practical printed talk to women. I)r. Hartu ;efines women's diseases as
ratarrh and tells how Pe-ru-na cures them.
Mrs. C. C. Naeve, 386 Morrison St., Portland, CH as follows:
Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O.
Dkar Sirs; —“I began to take Pe-ru-na when I lived' in Columbus, 0.,in 1887,
and have used it and the Maii-a-lin ever since whenever I needed medicine. I
have never found an equal to Pe-ru-na for regulating the menses, and before I
began tried to jbake different it I was medicines never regular before and I saw always Pe-ru-nf. hai more but without or less success.” pain. 1 had
There is nothing mysterious about the action of l’o-ru-na. It is not a
“ cure-all,” but it cures catarrh wherever located, jji'irf there may be catarrh in
any organ of the body, as all are lined with mucoi membrane.
Mrs. M. C. Mehl, 504 Walnut St., Columbia, Pa,,says: *• I have been troubled
with catarrh and a soreness in my bowels for several years. I tried everything
that was recommended. I tried Pe-ru-na and am hftppv to say that I am now
tntirely well. ” j
Dr. Hartman’s advice may be had without charge by any woman who will
write for it. His book on Chronic Catarrh is also mailed free. It explains the
Janger of local treatment. All druggists sell Pe-ru-na.
Mr. Harty and wife, of Savannah, are
spending the summer with their relatives
in this section. Mr. Harty formerly lived
in this county and is a brother to Miss
Kate Harty of Sharon,
Mr. John Bob Moore and Miss Clara
Stone w r ere married at Raytown Methodist
church on the 23rd Instant, Dr. A. C.
Davidson officiating. We wish the young
couple a long and useful life.
Malarlon With Malarion Tablets
Guaranteed Cure for Chills, Fever and
Ague, Druggists. or money refunded. Counts. All
Whenever yoti want to hear some big
stories toHJnst call ou Bro. Tom Evans
or Un*’ will
to your hearts content.
They tell good ones and all true so they
were told by good paities.
Win your battles against disease by act¬
ing promptly. One Minute Cough Cure
produces immediate results. When taken
early it prevents consumption. And in
later stages it furnishes prompt relief.
Andrews & Deadwvler, Crawlordvillo.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Frank and John Acrce wore carried to
jail for car breaking at Barnett. We ex¬
pect these boys intended to put up a store
on a cheap plan. They will know better
when Judge Reese gets through with
The editor of the Evans City, Pa., Globe,
writes, ‘-One Minute Cough Cure is rigl't
ly named. It cured mv children after all
other remedies faiied.” It cutes coughs,
colds and throat and lung troubles.
Andrews & Deadwyler Crawfordviile,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
(Ve heard a man discussing Tom Pain
last week, his goodness, etc. We do not
propose to discuss anytime in the way of
of religious matters but if that man goes
to his death bed with tlie same opinions
hesavshehas the devil will have him
trotting arouDd in the lower regions hold¬
ing on to Tom Pain’s coat tail.
Sick headache, biliousness, constipation
and ail liver and stomach troubles can
lm quickly cured by using those famous
little pills known as "Dewitt’s Little Early
Risirs. They are pleasant to take and
never gripe, Deadwyler,
Andrews & Crawfordviile,
Dr. Lawrence Brown Sharon.
We understand that some parties are
trying to get Angeline Terrel out of jail
on bond. It is doubtful whether it can
be done or not. She claims now she had
nothing to do with the burning of Mr.
Kendrick’s barn but she ha* told severa
different stories about the affair and you
can’t rely on what she might say.
Maiarion Is devoid of Bitter taste.
Cures Chills and Fever; acts on tiie liver
and regulates the system generally. All
Little Sebastin, infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. P. McKeon, died on the morning
of the 27 th, of June at their home in
Sharon at 4 o’clock a. m. Everything
was done to save the little fellow but
God saw fit to take him away. His
remains were carried to Augusta and
buried. We extend our sincere sympa¬
thies to the bereaved parents.
Bncfclen’a Arnica SOr*.
The Best halve in the world for' Oats,
Bruises, Sore®, Dicers, Salt Rheum, Fer
er. Tetter. Ohnpped Hands. Chilblains.
r L rns, an 1 -t.i.'-i ■ 1 Erupt , cat, and , pow
tive’v cures V" -- or e«*pa- faauired. Il
***>*.* >■. "ive sa‘Vat\ion or
n ice 25 t eats per box.
F«r ante by ih J. Reid
Oui "people very seldom gives us any
news and we have to pick it up ourself
and theu they will come and borrow- our
paper to read the news.
The Advocate-Democrat’s display of
the Stop hen - High School was very good
apd we have hoard it complimented on
by several in our section.
Wtfundevstiu d that the ladies in our
section intend having a barbecue of their
owtn a 6 the men folks have got so sclflsh
with their beer -;nd ’cues.
The popph our section lave been
putting, jr i and corn the past week
where . ain was. Two crops a year
„„ •dlyay.., -. 4,,
Thor 6 f persons hayebecr,
piles by using DcWitt’s Witfh Hazel
Salve. It heals promptly and cures
eczema mediate a^(i relief. all skin diseases. It gives im¬
Andrews Us Doadwyler, Qrawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
A great many farmers are going to
double their wheat crop this fall so we
hear. That is exactly right. Put plenty
in; you won’t be apt to get too much.
Pitt’s Carminative is pleasant to the
taste, acts promptly, and never fails to
give satisfaction. It carries children over
the critical time of teething, and is tire
friend of anxious mothers and puny
children, A lew doses will demonstrate
its value. E. 11. Dorsey, Athens, Ga.,
writes: ‘‘I consider it the host medicine
I have ever used in my family. It does
all you,daim for it, and even more.” For
Sale at Alliano Store.
Our visits will be suspended as a regular
practical 1 after this week to do tin work in
Crawfo IviT If you need my service
you cs i writo me at ,Sharon. C. L.
E. C’ Blanks, of ‘Lewisville, Texas,
writes-tiiat or.e box of DeWitt’s Witcli
Hazel duive was worth 350.00 to him. It
cured piles of ten years standing. He
advises others to try it. It also cures
eczema, skindiseases and obstinate sores.
Andrews <fc Deadwyler, OrawfordviUs.
Dr. Lawrence Brow-u, Sharon.
Miss Ross, (if Macon, is spending tic
summ,. here boarding at Hotel Jackson.
She . is made the place her summer
resort fir several years back.
17)f aNUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep
■ v s ia, Constipation and Indi¬
gestion Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
.Mr. -’ F. Darden has had a nice flour
and nival bin made so lie can put a lock
and key on it and keep the, cook from go
in to opener tiian necessary. A good idea
these hard war times.
■ PURE of health. BLOOD Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the foundation makes
the blood pure, rich and nourishing and
gives and maintains good HEALTH.
Hair Dressing,
I win yisityour homes and do hair entting
and -hompooing for the ladies and child
ren; also sharpen razors. 3hop at Mr. P.G
Local’ store. Give me a call.
Crawfordviile, Ga.
A Wonderful Cisco-, ery.
The last -juarter of a cer.tury records
ra2ay w<mderful discoveriea in medicine,
but none that have accomplished more for
remedy, humanity Browns’ thin that sterling old household
Iron Bitters. It seems to
cotr aiu the very elements of rcsxi v,!i, I
a;i<l neither man, woman or ch i id e-.« take I [
it without deriving the createH bench'.
Brt wna’ Iron Bitter* is sold by ail dealers. 1
In Advanoe.
Correspondents’ Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
the Happenings in Their Respective Lo¬
calities. All the News.
Ilot; Hot! Hot!
Mr. G. R. Gregory reports cotton bloom.
Sirs. Partridge, of Washington, visited
at the home of Mr. Rantz Jackson last
Messrs. J. J. and A. L. Chapman of
Miidrnjon, attended-preaching at Barneit
Misses Fannie and Annie Cary, are vis¬
ing friends and relatives at Sharon and
Ray towr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wheeler, of Bermu¬
da, was the guest of Mrs. Helen Chapman
last Sunday.
Mrs. Mollic Harris lias returned home
after a pleasant stay with friends and rela¬
tives at Sharon,
Mrs, A. J. Mellon, of Crawfordviile,
was tho guest of Mrs. Bill Jackson near
Barnett last Sunday.
Mrs. Shannon, of Norwood, is on an
extended visit to her sister, Mrs. Jesse
Taylor near Barnett.
Mr. Charlie Roth and family of Sharon
were the guest of Mr. G. W. McAlpin’s
family last Sunday.
Malarlon Is endorsed l>y best Physicians
and.guaranteed to cure Chills, Fever mid
Ague. All druggists or from Mofflt-West
Drug Co., St, Louis.
Lum. Caldwell, of Pearidge, nrni P, G.
Stewart, of Helena, visited Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Taylor last week.
Messrs. L. Oslin, J. W. O’Brien, Lewis
Dozier and Ed. O’Brien, Jr., visited
Sharon last week on business.
Bob Moore, of LaFayette, Ind., says
that for constipation he has found De¬
Witt’s Little Early Risers to be perfect.
They never gripe.’ Try them for stomach
and liver troubles.
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfordviile.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Mrs. Charlie Dozier, of Hillman, visited
Mr. anu Mrs. Joe Dozier’s last Sunday.
Miss Kate’s many friends hero wers very
glad to soe her.
A Clever 1 rick.
<np* I■ in),j, like >>>»' .'Imre is
y „■ 1 u.. inbuilt it. AUyWJt, ’fan
try it who has Lame Back and Wf u!
Kidneys, Malaria or Nervous Trouble
We mean lie can cure him elf right awn
by taking Electric Bitters. This nicdicin
tones up the whole system, acts as «
stimulant to the Liver mid Kidneys, is ::
i lood purifier and nerve tonic. It eure>
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells
Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It U
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, uno
restores the system to its natural vigor.
Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that
they are a mlricle worker. Every bottle
guaranteed Only 50c a bottle at I)r. R.
J. Reid'; Drug Store.
r.r x.
We are still needing rain.
Bermuda school will open Monday, the
We had a small crowd at Sunday school
Ask Andrew Cooper and Jim Jones how
the" Wre radishes.
i me of our boys are getting in earnest
about Bird hunting.
Miss Oline Sharp, of Warren county, is
visiting in our neighborhood.
Mr. D. S. Stewart says he wont make
enough corn to winter a jay bird.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Nelson visited
relatives in Crawfordviile Monday.
Miss Minnie Mack, of Brunswick, Ga.,
is spending the summer in Powelton.
Several from our neighborhood went to
White Plains Sunday to the district meet¬
Mr. L. A. Brake’s saw mill has com¬
menced work again after a few week*
Messrs. Jack and Henry Wynne attend
ed the commencement iu Sandersville this
Rev. J, II. Kilpatrick filled his regular
appointment at Powelton Saturday and
Miss Fannie Googer, of Crawfordviile,
spent.a few days with her brother, ifenry.
in this section last week.
Planters CUBAN RELIEF cures
Cone, Xeuralgbittud Toothache
in five minutes, hour stomach
a lid li-.iia.ncr Complaints. Price, 25 Cents.
All above goods for sale by P.G. Lucas.
BY I. N. C.
Nice rains and funneis busy.
Mr. S. A. Caldwell has lee 1 sick but is
up again.
Ben, son of Mr. John Griffith, is very
si k with fever. ;
Mr. Lunk Calaway is quite low with a
NO. m
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
cancer on his face.
Mis. Robert L. Boatwright visited het
mother-in-law Saturday last.
Mr. Eth 1 Stewart, of Pearidge, visited
his brother at Helena Saturday.
Miss Maggie Boatwright visited her
sister Mrs. Robert Thaxtop, of Oglethorpe
county last week.
Crops are locking nice through this
section, much better than the farmers ex¬
pected some time ago.
Mr. rind Mrs. Dave Walker visited their
parents, Mr. and Mr. Geo. Short in Ogle¬
thorpe county, last week.
Miss Amie Caldwell, of Crawfordviile,
i< visiting in Helena this week also Mrs.
Hattie Maltbie is visiting her relatives
Mrs. Eliza Norman has returned to her
home after staving some weeks with her
daughter Mrs. Hattie Mnltbieof Crawford,
Miss Woodio Norman has returned to
her home after spending several weeks
with Mrs, Bettle Perteet in Oglethorpe
Miss Mamie daughter of Mr, R. T.
Rayle, has returned to her home to spend
vacation. She has been going to school
in Elberton. We are glad to welcome
liar home again.
Millions Given Away. I
It is cersainly gratifying to the public'
to know of one concern in the land who
arc not afraid to be generous to the of- needy,
suffeiing. The proprietors Dr.
ivintf’s New Discovery for Consumption,
!!ou - lav* given away over
ten million tria' bottles ot c,* 1 -
Urine; and have the satisfaction of knowing
it lias absolutely cured thousands of hooe
less cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarae
ne«s und all diseases of the Throat, Chest
and Lungs are. surely cured by It. Call
on Dr. R. J. Held, druggist, and get a
trial bottle free. Regular size 50c and Cl
Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded.
Black berries and red bugs, scratch,
scratch, scratch.
We have been blessed with nice rains,
but need more.
Rev. Jim Bell filled his regular appoint¬
ment last Saturday and Sunday at
Carter’s Grove.
Mr. Jim Linencliole and John Mathis,
of Wilkes county, visited Mr. W. II.
Sherrer last Sunday.
Mr. John Lunceford and lovely wife
visited Mr. John Meadow's family last
Sunday. Mr. Lunceford says his brother
Dave is better.
Miss Katie Sisson, of Sparta, is on an
extended visit in and around Combs. We
are glad to have her with us, ain’t we
Mr. Tom Combs.
Bears the The Kind You Hava Always Btujht
Mr. C- R. L- Sherrer and family of
Wilkes county attended preaching at
Carter’* Grove last Sunday. Come again
Charles, we are always glad to see you.
Mrs. J. W. Rives and Mrs. Mamie
Sherrer visited Mrs. Octave Winkfield
last week. They report having a lovely
time as one always does with that jolly
Miss Bailie Lunceford is still very sick.
Guess what gentleman in our vicinity
so seldom rigs up in his Sunday clothes
that his own dog did not know him last
Sunday night and he had to knock the
poor old dog’s eye out to get in the house.
Liver 116 s
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, const!
P :ltion ' * olir stomach indigestion are promptly
cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work
easily Best cents. after and All dinner thoroughly. dmggiits. pills. Pills
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mas*.
Th e ^ r» u *> Huod ' 8 SaraapwUto.,