The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, July 08, 1898, Image 1
THE ADVOCATI -DEMOCRAT. <v 01,00 per Year. VOL', XXIII. ALL WOMEN Should know that the “Old Tlm«" 'Remedy, * I mm f Is the best for Female Troubles. Corrects all Irregularities In Female Organs. Should be taken for Change of Life and before Child-Birth. Planters “Old Time” Remedies have stood the test for twenty years. Made only by New Spencer Medicine Oo., Chat¬ tanooga, Tennessee. Paul G. Lucas Crawtordv ! ”o Ga. GEORGIA RAILROAD. -AND CONNECTIONS. For information as to Routes, Schedules and Rates, both Passenger and Freight, write to either of the undersigned. You will receive prompt reply and reliable inhumation. JOli TV. WHITE, A, G. JACKSON, T. P. A. G. P. A. Augusta, Ga. s' V SJW. WILKES, H. K. NICHOLSON, C. F. A P. A. G. A. Atlanta Athens. W. W. HARDWICK, S. E. MAGILL, S. A. C. F. A. Macon, Ga. M. R. HUDSON, F. W. COFFIN S. F. A. S. F. & P. A. Mllledgeville. Augusta. ! This is the Man s^vesthe PBOPig •if A £ tSS. % £ # $ &T & A.* £ Sr ^ Wm H How? 0 m M m Free! f /- By giving Steel theg ire best Fencingfor and cheapest all aupenor special factoryprmc.x.No purposea at matter how little or how much send vou need, or headquarters for what purpoge, for 1t. to m ._ , (‘ V y\ 1 Pay x* the Freight. re $ 34 . 56 . ‘.‘A' ae” ’98 Models. High Grade. SAME OftABE AS AGENTS SELL POIt S7S.M. We Have oo Ageatg but Sell Direct to the Rider at Manufacturer's Prls»s, Saving You all Agent's Profits. Best materials, Superb finish. Eight elegant models. We ship anywhere with pririlcfte of examination, pay express charxes both ways and refund your if ” represented. Every money not as "Acme" is fully guaranteed against Work all Accidents as well as Defective manship. Send for catalogue. ACME CYCLE CO., 102 Main St., - - Elkhart, lad. I 1 =-— PAi ■ av S •J •aicklr mt. ml. T\C B7I VTZZ.£ PATENT OBTAIXm ftttod nw-iel > at nrfi'iLai.- a fr&o rw&crt as to flwtnMlHy. U-FASZ 300S Fft£X. Crri: tad foil iEfcr-ixo«. e»-WriK fsrsctAL “rrsa. L H. D««t B. WILLSON A. CO . p-«-■>* e..;<uB* WA5HINC.TOK, O, O. V ' V Illustrations Large catalogue of a1 styles showing _of fenc ing with hundreds of testxmonials from all sections. Address 1!. L. SHELLABERGER, The Wire Fence Augfiw Man 70 g. 1‘ng sc. CRAWEORDVILLE. GA.. FT .JULY 8,1898. SHARON ITEMIZED. What( the People ot that Thriving Town Are Doing. 1 C. L. B.VGBT. Rain was much needed in our section.' ■Whooping cough reported in Ibis section. We have had a great deal of sickness in our family. We understand the boys haye a ioke on Bio. Will Cary. Mr. Barksdale, of Powelton, was in Sharon last week. Mr. J. L. Turner and son, Allen, was In Sharon last week. Messrs. Brown and Cannon were in our town last week. The weather has been so hot that wo had to quit the house. Mr. W. P. McKeon and family have returned from Augusta. Preaching at Raytown Methodist church next Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. J. A. Kendrick and J. W. Fal¬ len visited Augusta last week. Great deal of sickness in this county on account of hot and dry weather. Mr. Brown has fixed up the old Ken¬ drick milk so ho can grind veur wheat, Mr. A. I). Moors’s sick baby is much better and it is thought it may get well. Religious services at Williams crock Baptist church next Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Kendrick and family have returned from their visit to Greene coun ty. Charley Caldwell passed through our village last week on his way to Washing¬ ton. Mr. Ben Sturdivant is seriously sick. He has been confined to his home a long time. We see uncle Chas. Bergstrom has got a new buggy. Charley will go to Sunday schools and big meetings now. We met Bro. Ben Evans from Groene county lust week. He was on a visit to his relatives in this county. We met with our old friend James Randal, of Greene county last week in Crawfordviile. He is tho same old Jim. Uncle John P. Moore was in our town last Saturday having some buggy work done. He is quite feeble but talks freely. Mrs. Ben Turner visited our family last weak. She is one of our best ladies and it is a great pity that her health is so delicate. Messrs. Jackson, Chapman, Taylor and others took a fish down on the river near Carter’s Ford last Friday. They had good luck. Malarion is devoid of Bitter taste. Cures Chills and Fever; acts on the liver and regulates the system generally. All Druggists. The war news still comes in. If all is true, Spain is whipped already and it is useless foi our people to ltt their minds be troubled. The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa., says DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are the best pills he ever used in his family during forty years of house keeping. They euro constipation, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in size hut great in results. Andrews A Brown,"Sharon. Deadwyier Crawfordviile, Dr. Lawrence Water is getting very low in the wells in this section and a great many arc hav mg.them cleaned out while the water is low thinking it will improve the How of water. “T think DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve the finest preparation on the market for piles.’’ So writes John C. Dunn, of Wheeling, W. Ya. Try it and you will think the same. It also cures eczema and all skin diseases Andrews A Deadwyier, Crawfordviile, IJr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon. Don’t yofi run for office in this county against a man Darned Chapman, Rhode* or Moore for about every third man is either one or tne other of these names or is kin to them. CASTORXA. Bought Baars the Th« Kind You Hate Always Signature of Mr. John Woodam. of Greene county, is in this county visiting his ton-in-law, Mr. Jim Sturdivant. We were in the ; same company, tho Greene Rifles, with this old comrade. Planters CUBAN OIL cures Cuts, Burns, Bruues, Kheu matism and Soree. Price, 25 cents. ! Our Institute passed of very quietly in town last week but we see a great many of our white educators did not attend. The darkies were there every day and we ex¬ pect the best part of the night. J reuiuves toe toruuacco, | • I it E.ik..3 re* l»*t *tr-jng mauboad. jujfx I r a I ” IOO.U.O you • ( ■ . box££u. . iXZZiZXl "IN THE WT HPIEST OF ALL PEOPLED They say that the county office* don't pay anything. Well we don’t know how about that but whenever a man gets eleet to one of them he climbs up mighty fast and 1ms plenty to what he had before. MIllarion With Malnrion Tablets Guaranteed Cure for Chills, Fever and Ague, or money refunded. So cents. All Druggists. We hear a heap of the people talking about the county papers getting to them so late in the week. We reckon the Edi¬ tors think they are lets getting their pay and they can afford to bo late themselves. Win your battles against disease by act¬ ing promptly. One Minute Cough When Cure produces immediate results. taken early it prevents consumption. And in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. Andrews & Deadwyier, Crawfordvillo. Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon. Col. George Mnrehtnim has returned from the glory land, Emanuel county, much improved in health. George don’t like that county as woll as he does up here, but he says it is a good fanning country. The editor of the Evans City, Pa., Globe, writes, ‘-One Minute Cough Cure is right¬ ly named. It cured my children after all other remedies faiied.” It ernes coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Andrews & Deadwyier Crawfordviile, Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon. Mr. W. J. Norton will soon have the shelves and draws put in the store room under the Masonic Hall in Sharon. This is the property of Mr. O. D, Moore, We guess he will start up business there this fall or rent it out. Sick headache, biliousness, constipation and all liver and stomach troubles can be quickly cured by using those famous little pills known as Dewitt’s Little. Early Risers. They are pleasant to take and never gripe* Deadwyier, Crawfordviile, Andrews os Dr. Lawrence Brown Sharon. Charley Caldwell and ourself stand a poor chance in this election. We have’nt got kin people enough to rely on. Char¬ ley has the advantage, lie has the big guns oif his side and they are very numer¬ ous lu this county. * Planters NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep¬ sia, Constipation and Indi¬ gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. When you hear an old soldier always talking about what he did in the war \ ou can put it down as a general thing that ho did very little service. A good soldier that was faithful to his duty ain’t going to harp much on what he did in tho war. Sudden's Arnica Salve, Tt» Best Salve in the world tor Oats, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fav¬ or, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi¬ tively cures Piles, or no'pef Psaoired. It is guaranteed lo give satlsfatS^on or money refunded. Price 25 cent# pier box. Fox sale by Dr. R. J. Reid. ‘•Jack Sprat” wrote a letter up here recently from Emanuil county and he has the best crop he ever had and that it cost him less to cultivate it and from the tenor of his letter he will not return to this sec¬ tion again. Ho expects to come up ou a visit about the last of July. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar¬ tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im¬ purities from the body. Begin blackheads, to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, by taking and that sickly bilious complexion All drug Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. It is very discouraging to a mechanic to work for parties and then they d- n’t want to pay him what his work is worth. Such people are poor citizens and ain't a general thing got much principle. This is not only the case with mechanics but with the whole people who haye to labor for a living. CASTOHIA. Bean tba Thff Kind You Have Always Bought Signature cf Tom Brown says down in Emanuel county the hogs’ noses and heads are »<> keen and sharp that they can drink milk out of a jug or drill a hole in a rock and the beef ealtleare so small that when you cut off the head It weighs about as much as tke balance of the bodv. He says it is no county for him; he had rather stay here. Piaimrs CUBAN RELIEF cur^ Colic, urAl%i**nd Toothache in five xninitos. lSc\xr stomach fc'jiQEicr ComplAinU. Fries, 25 Ccn»j. All above goods for -ale by P.G. Luca We have been complimented by several of our voting people that they would vote for us for coronor. Hope they won’t for get ua in their tin work. I rnav eet beat in the round up. C. L. Bitgby, Sharon. Ga. Dou’t Tobacco Spit aud Smoke Vour Life Away, To quit tobacco easily and forevei be rcug " ^ HIOB strong. AH druvviStS, 50c or tl. Curt: . • : • ;i Booklet and ear.-p;e free. A.r« ;S Sterling ilemedy Co, Cbicako or Xe.7 \o:k. E. E. Darden says if he had not been such a handsome gentleman he would have been Jo some big offh * before. He has got the intellect but at! the ugly met „ as and he would not dis . . figure 1 for office. We don't think it woul ho Doctor long to fix him self up ee if this he the case but on the othe it would take him a long time to ) a beautiful man or a great st> ered by a Woman. Aik.1i it discovery lias been made, and tba • lady in this country, “Discs a d its clutches upon lici and. I cars she withstood its sever bor vital organs uud , were Fo> . death seemed imminent, hs she coughed iucessantly, jin •deep. She finally discovcr ctl covery, by purchasing of 1 kjUJ( us a "ing's Now Discovery for Cons nd was so much relieved on lose, that she slept all n',-b h two bottles, has been at'M), Ler is Mrs. Linin' 4 name nick A s writes W. C. Ham¬ by, N. C. Trial bot tics fn T. lteid’s drug store, Hog >c and $1.00. Every bottle -4 JERMDDA DOT? BY X. G complete failure with us. I as been ten weeks without r t mssibie for our neighbor hood til a crop this year. We b ,ot bad rain enough since the 28id of, ii to run on hard land, MBs ilo, cf White Plains, is swind¬ iug son le with Mrs. C. I. Ogletrce. Mr. 1 Nelson opened tile summer term o'i school at Moore’s mill Mou day. Mr. ■ « Mrs. W. T. Nelson went up to Whih .ins last week to see sick rein tives M 'inie Googer, of Crawfordviile, attui the fish fry at Mr. B. F. Wynne’s Sati 1 ■ Carminative is pleasant to the taste, a , promptly, and nevei fails to give sti ’faction. It carries children over the cri d time of teething, and is the friend f anxious mothers and puny child' ^ few doses will demonstrate its \ E. 11. Dorsey, Athens, Ga., writ' • consider it the best medicine I havi used id my family. It does jdJ for it! and even more.” For Sale . j? lli&nce Store. M'- N\ Chapman, of Crawfordviile, was iu t neighborhood one 'lay last week oii] 111s , liegs< Bernv u ia school opened Monday with only te/j pupils. There will be a full attenda,. ce next week, we hope. Eilum a y 0 r ij ovve j g with Cascarets. ' V * '"th" 1 tie, cure constipation forever. iuc, - : if c. c c. fail, druggists refund money. : Eflie Ileringdine, our efficient tench -i returned to Bermuda Saturday to take • r<re of her school for the summer term. The toung people honored the return of Mi-jpff} e Heringdiue to our neighbor¬ hood Wf|, a ulus jcal entertainment Bat day uilSit. 1 bo:. stllK |i 0 { persons haye been cured of pile-, ty uring DeWitt’s Witch Hazel ,Salve. j t heals promptly and cures eczeir j , U)( j a |] ^hin diseases. It gives im medl a relief. A jews A Deadwyier, Crawfordviile, Dr. sfrence Brown, Bltaruu. W. JL, W. II. and Ed Jones anil I, O'- etree went upon Ogetchee iv >i"ining. We have not heard what !y. k they hud. J thatati. i, 1 the fish fry at Mi. Saturday report a good /dan abundance of fish. It was fprir < ge to a Used, j w Ci - - < or.sfIpatlon Forever. i yasaajete ’■ fait to cure, Canclv druggists Cathartic. refund 10c money. or 25c. J tick and Il^hry Wynne visited yiji.e, several days last week. They iiepoi ve dry sections and five Seatons* i : hie o bei ween here and that place and all ^‘>n. ci sorry. o-ttac for Fifty Centfl. Guar •d tobacco habit cure, makes weak j Bleu blood pure. 60c, fl. All druggists Mr.'r> r,. Yea cry adcoinpaliied by hig ! dau^i i jlird, and Miss Jennie Rain j lone A.m j/ l’owelton visited Mr. John M. ar Carr's Station in Hancock Friday itnii Saturday, returning home Sun < « JHD’S SHELLABERGER ? he Wire Fence Man, of Atlanta, Ga., and '.heel uacl ckc.iiHZtst fencing In vxteteact * ' r purp'ses. Ofttalwroe free. Write forte Hair Dressing. , I yisit your homos ana do hair cutting , an jmpooing for the ladies and ( rei so s hitrpen rihop at Air. P.G ill razors, 1 -tore. Give me a call. JOHN W. WILLIAMS, Barber, j Crawfordviile, Ga. ‘ i} A WoKdcrfal Diecovcry. i last quarter of a century record* m t H wonderful discoveries in medicine, ' for ■ tatty than that sterling old household y. Browns’Iron Bitten,. It seems very elwn jnte of good health, Mnher man, woman or child take 1 w *%out deriving the greatert t>enefir. br ivtm 'iron Bitters is sold by all dealer*. In Advance. COUNTY MATTERS. Correspondents’ Reports of \71iat Their Neighbors Talk the Happenings in Their Respective 1-0 calltles. All tlie News. if BARNETT HEWS. BY M No rain yet. There is a lot of sickness in our commu nily, Mrs. Carrie Gregory was quite sick last week. Mrs. C, L. Bagby is quite sick at this writing. Corn will be sorry this year, and cotton too, in our section. Mr. J, T. Taylor visited Warren Co. Inst week on business. Dr. A.C. Davidson, of Sharon was at Barnett last Saturday. Mr. Batksdale, of Powelton, was in our town last Saturday. Mrs. Tollie Taylor visited Mis. A. D. Moore, Sharon, last week. Boh Moore, of LaFayette, Ind., says that for constipation lie bits found De Witt’s Little Early Risers to be perfect. They never gripe. Try them for stomach and liver troubles, Andrews A Deadwyier, Crawfordviile. Dr. Lawrence Brown, (Sharon. Mrs. Bunnie Turner was the guest of Mrs. Amanda Bngliy last week. Mr. J, L. Turner says he will make just enough coin to carry to mill on time. Mr. Brantley, of Hancock, passed through our community last Saturday. Mr. Jim Gregory says that ho don’t think he will make enough corn to falton a ltfg this year. Malnrlon Is endorsed By Best I’liyslclnns and guaranteed to cure Chills, Fever and Ague. All druggists or from Mollit-West Drug Co., St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. James Gregory visited their daughter Mrs. Hcrschel Stewart of Poaridgc last Sunday. George Marchman, of Sidney, Ga., is up yisiting in our community. All he talks about is tho Emanuel gills. He sav» when he goes hack to Sidney ho Is going to get him an old lady. E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas, writes that one box of DoWilt’s Witch Hazel Salvewi.s worth $50,00 to him. It eurwi Ids piles di ten yi ei'- 'Milling. He advises others to try it. It also cures eczema, skindisensr.s and obstinate sores. Andrews A Deadwyier, Crawfordviile. Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon. Murry Taylor says there is not enough waier in Beavordaui creek to drown a cat. Col. George Marchman, says there is a man in Sidney that inis 75 head of hogs and can stand a hundred 3 'ards and count every rib in them and he milks ten COWS and gets 1 1 1-2 gal. of milk from all ten of them. Yellow Jaundice Cured. Fuilciing humanity should he supplied With every means possible for its relief. It Is with pleasure we publish tiro follow¬ ing: “This is to certify that I was a ter¬ rible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for Oyer six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians in our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recom mi'iided Electric Bitters; and after taking, two bottles, I was entirely cured. 1 now take great pleasure iu recommending them to any person suffering from this terrible malady. I am gratefully yours, M. A. Ifogart yL. xiugtm, Ivy#" Hold at Dr. H. J. Reid’s drug store. 60 Cents per bottle. COMBS ITEMS. BY L. Mrs. ilary Lunceford is on the sick list this week. We were blessed with another last Sunday. Miss C. L. Walker is visiting home ple in Wilkes this week. Miss Rosa Moore spent last week with her cousin Kate Rivers. * Mrs. W. 11. Sherrer vitited her last week who was very .sick. Mr. N. E. McBryer preached it tine mon last Sunday at Athonys Chapel. Mr, Oti* Lunceford made a flying to Crawfordviile Monday on business. CASTOHIA. Bsars tke ■Tin Kind Yen Hate Always BwgN Biguatare •f Miss Julia Huff is visiting her brother Mr. John Griffith of Vv ilkes, this week. Mr. J. W. and Riven family visited Mr. L. D. Sherrer* family last Saturday and Sunday, Mr. Ove Lunceford is said to have the finest crop of any of our farmers. He has cotton waist high. Miss Kate Rivers visited Mrs. W. Sherrsr last Sunday. She is a good girl and all enjoy being with her. Mrs. E. II. Meadows have returned ijome a f lera pleasant vi-it to her mother airs, J. Homes iiumcs iu >» Washington ^ county. J j The Spaniards ‘ snv thev will die before they will , surrender. Ben. charier ready , 1 bombard (Santiago. o NO. 20. Royal makes the lood pure,' t wholesome and delicious. J*S!l lOY; @ . A &A?|N0 POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. MILDRAJON DEW DROPS. BY A. B. C. Mrs. Maude Harley, of Augusta, is with her uncle, W. A. Hill this week. Mr. Will Jones, of Bermuda, was visit¬ ing in our hamlet last Sunday. Alisa Ola and Lucy Pittman, of Hillman, were here last Saturday ami Sunday. Mrs. Mary Taylor and daughter arc visiting our neighborhood this week, While the Cuban, yoko iis being raised our burden Is becoming very irksome. It makes us sad lo know so ‘many of our brave boys are being.killed, in Cuba. Mrs. A. G. Bcazley iwill open school Monday jltli. We predict for her a large attendance. ■ We are heartily in favor of Uncle Sam issuing money on his own responsibility and let those interest bearing bonds alone. The croquet game last Saturday at Sir. Hills was a decided success. We failed to learn where they will meet next Satur¬ day. Its a fact that one.of our most amiable young ladies entertained two young men at a recent gat heriug'~»one slept or nodded while the Othcr.waabeing entertained. Only 18 candidates In our district this week. What’s the matter candidates? Como out and show yourself so we can Yolo- for you or advertise In your county paper so we can count you on the ticket. As was wont the,'old folks and children and young folks with their swuethearts were out at S, S. in full force last Sabbath. • One young man was so excited over the situation that he only partially hitched his gray horse to his buggy. Beipg In 1 formed of this he at once alighted and completed the job. “There’s W. H. Broadwell, no use in talking,” druggist, says “Chamberlain’s La Cygne, Kas., Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy does the work. After taking medicines of my own preparation and those of others’ I took a dose of Camberlain’s and it helped mo; a second dose cured me. Candidly and con¬ scientiously i can recommend it as the best thing on the market. J 7 The 25 and 50 cents size for sale by Dr. 1J. J. Reid. Go to Fanning. Do you went to buy or trade for a farm? If so, write us for descriptions of some of our bar¬ gains. Let us know what kind of place you want, how much you can pay andui>onwhat terms you wish to buy. We can meet your requirements. We have many farm bargains for sale in Tennessee. North Carolina and Nortli Alabama. Our places range in price from $500 to §25000. We have been in the business of selling farms ex¬ clusively for ten years. We are thoroughly familiar with values and conditions throughout this section. If you want to buy, it will pay you to consult us. Write for our list of farms for sale. Sent free to any address. Crabtree’s Farm Agency, Chattanooga, Tenn. ; DYSPEPSIA “For nix rears I iris a victim of dyi pepaia in its worst form. I could eat nothing but milk toast, and at times my stomach would tot retain and digest even that. Last March I began taking CASCARETS and since then I have steadily improved, until I am os well as I : ever was in my life.” LmviO H. Mcrpht, Newark. O. I CANDY 1 Muh CATHARTIC ^ ! THhOt •W%f MAH A •CMmO > - — Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do • Good, .Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 23c.SOc. Mi CURE CONSTIPATION -i.riin, (kieaxo, iloctreal. New York. 311 mis .TO.RIP DAU 8oui » n d guaranteed by ail dro* gists to tl BiiTobacco Habit.