Newspaper Page Text
rituisunnv ”«>«»
Official O.taD .... TaliillCiTO -r „ Cl
t " '
It was “Severer” than hq
Talk about booms just watch
Crawfordville during the
six months.
Hon, Bill Howard has been
nominated for Congress again.
He is making a good one.
The Spanish have been calling
us “American pigs’. Oh, how
those do root around Santiago.
They have about rooted it up.
Sampson neither waited un (jj
his hair grew out or found a jaw¬
bone of an alfgator at Santiago.
His destruction to the Spanish
was almost equal to the Sainsou
of old.
While the people urp covering
Admiral Sampson with glory for
destroying the Spanish fleet, at
Santiago, they forget the brave
men who did the work while I
Sampson was ci in.-,)) . . g aiourn ,
some miles away.
Hundreds of thousands have
been induced to 1r/. Chamber¬
lain's Cough Remedy by reading
what it has done for others, and
having tested ils merits for
themselves are to duvets warm¬
est friends. For sale by Dr. It.
J. Reid.
Tlie crops of Warren county
are pronounced by those who
have traveled through the comi¬
ty to bo in most excellent condi¬
tion. The county in the main
has had good rains and the crops
are of good size and clear of
Ex Gov. Norlhon says that the
state will have a line exhibit at
the Omaha ex posit ion. lie wants
tho farmers to gather up a dis¬ i
play of farm products to send
up. This has been an unfavor¬
able season to select samples of
our farm products.
Hon. A. O. Bacon has sent us
a copy each of his speeches op¬
posing the passage of the annex¬
ation of Hawaii and opposing
the issueing of ^4ik1,000,000 in
bonds for war purposes. Mr. I
Bacon was voicing tho senti
ments of our people iu those j
speeches. , 1
Congressman Berry was cor- j
root in introducing a resolution I
extending the , thanks . , oi „ tne ,
American people to Admiral j
Schley for his success in demol
ishing the Spanish fleet. He
““ <l n f..... , „ n . \
the credit for the victory they
won while Sampson was cruising
around on the New York.
Are Are your cheeks
You hollow and your
Pale byouLppctit.
poor and your di
gestion weak? Is
0 and your flesh ou soft
■ ^
These ^s^nploms of
anemia or poor blood.
They arc just as frequent
in the summer as in the
winter. And you can be
cured at one time just as
well as another.
of ct'd liver c!t nd.’h hypo
phosphites viE certainly
chclpyoo. Aim: everyone
djtn take it, anc : will not
ar\;tu.*b the wct.-.c t stoiu
poorlvh-ngc: the L : , ■ and cc’.er of
v3c° r> / rich
Let v -' • r r.-inrg-.vfs It brings
-i; fcr.rtk
LpvljUs*. cx;i ft
Ite pub! b an Mass-Meeting.
The colored Republicans of
Taliaferro county met in the
court house Saturday and after
a most stormy meeting they
resolved themselves back into
the Republican party. ■ < At first
| they accepted the report of the
committee, allowing each one to
vole for whom he pleased in an,y
party, for county officers, but
then reconsidered that part of
(the accepted report and put it
j back into the hands of the
mittee. The meeting
how the participants swayed.
| They had a happy way of listen
: ing to those speakers whom they
wanted to hear and a regular
freeze-out way of talk-down the !
man they did not want to hear,
A phonographic record of the
meeting would have been rich.
The full intensity of living is
reached only by the perfectly
healthy. Sickness discounts
the capacity for enjoyment. If
his body is all out of order and
run-down, lie will not be able to
enjoy anything, no matter how
full of enjoyment it may be for
other people. If he is just a lit¬
tle bit out of order, if he “is not
sick, but does’nt feel just right” i
things '“■-".only half-hearted ho ,M« Jo sort of j
m a
way. The nearer he is to being
perfectly well, the nearer will
his capacity for enjoyment be
perfect. If # this condition:
t loos’nt exist, something ought
to be done. That means nine
cases in ten the use of Dr.
Bierce’s Golden Medical Discov¬
ery. It works directly on the
digestive organs, and on the
blood and through these every
tissue of the body. It makes
the appotite good, digestion and
nutrition perfect and supplies
rich, red blood to all the tissues,
building up solid, healthful flesh.
Send 21 cents in oue-cent
stamps to World’s Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo, N.
Y., and receive Dr, Pierce’s 1008
page -‘Common Sense Medical
Adviser,” profusely illustrated..
At Sparta the O’JJrien liquor
injunction case was argued by
Cols. Whitehead and Davis for
the prosecution, and Hon. Chas.
Hill, of Atlanta, for the O'Briens.
Judge Reese reserved bis deci¬
sion. which will be rendered
early in July.—Warren ton Clip¬
Mr. Isaac Honor, proprietor of
the Burton House, Burton, W.
V T and one of the most widely
known men in tho state was
cured of rheumatism after three
years of .suffering. He says: “I
have not sufficient command of
language to convey any idea of
what I suffered, my physicians
told me that nothing could be
done for me and my friends were
tally convinced that nothing but
denth would relieve me of my
suffering. In June, 1894, Mr.
Evens, then salesman for the
Wheeling' Drug Co., reccoraend
ed Chamberlain’s Pain Balm.
At this time my foot and limb
were swollen to more than
double their normal size and it
seemed tome my leg would burst
but soon after I began using the
Pain Palm the swelling began to
decrease, the pain to leave, and
now I consider that 1 am entirely i !
cured p or sale by Dl . R j
Here what Peter Cooper, who
died worth many millions, said
a newspaper* where “In all the)
towns a newspaper is pub-1
li.shed every man should adver
iU ' r ’ ,Ul if “Whin* mow than
,l CiU 1 sta taig Ins name and the
basiuess he t is in. It does not :
only pay the advertiser, but it
L: h- people at a distance know
,he lown iu %vhich vou reside is
a prosperons community of busi-1
uoss men. As the seed is sown
so the seed recompenses. Never
>ull down your sign while you
xpeel to do business."—Press
land Printer.
Ailvertbr ! Lett, rs.
The fd 1 ellers iviuaiu iu the post
olfiice a 5 . lira of this month .or;
Hon. J. H. Armor, J. T. ,Y
\ nor, Hon. W. N. Armor. Ho . J. ‘
r, ke. Hon. Win. Burke, Hon R. 11.
r, - ,kc. , Hon. T. J. Mrs. B. L
nt: a -. Mr. Wash t hipnan, Richard
1 ;*ns lead leiler' licit. G. T. Googcr.
■ . .1 A. Jones, Mi. E. S. Johnson (card
h r Ja'.e Peck, lhitler Smith, Mr.
muus Smith. Mrs. F. T. Taylor (2)
Mr. Ilorris Wi’.iiains.
Charged VHth (
Aaron Bailey c , was
I i arrested at Lithonia weetJc
and Sherirt itenry « i
brought him ouck ^
who ,
Aaron teas one ct.tU-' '>*
were 1 indited He here last| ’ 11 3U ftGiv Jt
gambling w, b> I
in the Superior next
' month.
You buy • her
can A
t G p buggy frort for
Vickers, Washing , toj )
AletYh r r r toj
at "’ aru ' a
J>atc of Primary itiv
People’s Par • ;
The i„ and
Committee met Bat j
decided to postpone ti unary j
nomination from Ju ! ,h to j
August 10th, on ace ’ the
20 th conflicting v, i as
of the Voterans re mi Vt
lanla and many of o
desiring to attend, the s<
tO S
changed. We are reo . i I
make this statem the I
1 an- ;
change. See our
noui’oements and voh
who ask for your Ur,. igh
this paper.
ho .J", ^ood or’s
Antiseptic says i*
—Congress has passed fill
to annex Hawaii.
—Mrs. J. W. Timb/
visiting Crawford.
—See C. L. Bagby’s for
coroner in another colui
—Dwelling houses are tire
ly too scarce inCrewford le.
—Mrs. E. E. Boline. o. ash
ington, is visiting friend^ arc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard .f kins ’
of Crawford, are visiting f •f tnds
—We are glad to see an
Richards up and about iu a
lodg spell of fever.
—Those who have lot: •- ^
money should build some li us >es
to rent. They are needed^ jJpry
—McDonald, the ved
vender, and his wife have
to Athens. They could n ud
rooms to rent in this plac
* ade
—A typographical cm -s
us say that Mr. A. J. \ -
charged §d0f) per day for ^? d
Exchange Hotel in J { an
at his '
ta. It is only $1. : M
—Mr. Quince Johnson M’ho
has been very sick at his RMue
iu Washington, came over .Y es '
terday to visit old frienc s 111
—The 2nd Ca. Reg. U. S t.
in which all the Taliaferro c n ‘
ty boys are is still at Tampa a( t
it now seems that they will be
there sometime yet. I
It is said that Spain will ?oon
ask for peace.
Portrait of Admiral Dewey.
A tino lithogiaphic portrait of Ad tn ‘ ra ^
Dewey, the Hero of Manilla 12x16 iff* 1 ®*’
has itist been issued by Popular Pub
in » C ° ” ° f fedianainiH. Ind. A*
wanted. Send 12 cents in postage l!
sample mailed securely.
'T'housBnds of .
A woinen are 5 i
troubled at i
monthly inter¬ l!
vals with head, pains .
in the i
back, breasts, * S3
shoulders,sides s
hips and limbs.
But they need
uot suffer.
These pains are symptoms of i
dangerous corrected. derangements The that j 1
can be men
strual function should operate J
painlessly. * |
makes menstruation painless, deli
and regular. It puts the
cate menstrual organs in condi
tion to do their work properly.
And that stop 3 all this pain.
Wliv wilt any woman smier
month after month when Wine
of Cardui will .relieve the drug her? It
costs <i.oo at store.
Why don’t you get a bottle
For advice, in cases re]uiring
special directions, ad lre*s, giv¬
ing symptoms, “The Ladies’
Advisory Department,” The
Chattanooga Medicine Co.,
Chattanooga. Tent.
o! OenavHta. 1 «*»«., stv*i
•* I was trotto^c et mortaV* iaier^-’
wilt! b rti»> pains in esau a»o har
but base been entirety iv .c»««S By V
oi Can}*!.'
Crawford, 6a., to Charleston, S. G.
FRIDAY JULY 15th, 1898.
It will afford those who go the opportunity all arc loDging for to see some U. S.
WAIt SHIPS; also some of the Spanish boats captured by our war vessels, the
historic Forts, Sunder and Moultrie, and Sullivan’s and James Islands and many other
points of historic interest, You will also see some of the big trans-Atlantic passenger
and freight steamships that ply to foreign ports.
And that class of people who will not go on a general excursion. The purpose of
the managers in arranging this excursion is to afford this class of our people oppor¬
tunity to take a trip to the historic old city of Charleston.
Leave Crawford 7 a. m. Friday. Arrive Charleston 2 p. m. Frida}-.
Leave Chaileston 7 p. ru. Saturday. Arrive Crawford 12 night Saturday,
Fare for the round trip from all stations from Crawford to Union Point inslusivo
S3.15; from stations below Uuion Point to Carnal;. 52.80 Arrangements have beon
made for reduced rates at some of best hotels in Charleston at rrto of 31.50 to 82.00 per
-ay. Excursion boats run constantly from Charleston to all islands and points of
Interest ( about city.
Tickets on sale at ail stations on the Georgia Road from Crawford to Camak. For
further information apply to ^
H. H. Little, Crawford. Earl Stevens, Sandy Cross.
A. M. Wilkins, “ Dr. Geo. Little, Crawford.
W. A. SHACKELFORD, Lexington.
-F p
Washinton to Atlanta & Return!
FRIDAY, JULY, 22nd, 1898,
And Return on July 23rd.
Train will go and come in broad open day light. Special coaches
for ladies and their escerts. The whole train will be first-class in every
respect. There will be ample accommodations for the colored people.
Schedule and Fare for Round Trip.
Leave Fare^Lcavc Fare
Washington, 8:00 A. M. 81.65 Crawforduille, 9:20 A. M. 81.45
Little Rivor, 8:15 “ 1.65 Robinson, 9:30 1 i 40
Ficklon, 8:30 “ 1.65 Union Point, 9:45 n
Hillman,! 8:35 “ 1.00 Greencsboro, 10:00 4*
Sharon, 8:40 “ 1.50 Buckliead, 10:15 U rl
Barnett, 9:00 “ 1.50#Arriye Atlanta at 1 o’clock P. M.
Returning. July 23rd, leave Atlanta at 4:00 p. m., leave Crawfordville
7:07 and arrive at Washington 8:00. For further information apply to
R, 0. BARKSDALE, Washington, Ga.
She Was Insane.
Pinkie Ellington, colored, was
tried before Judge Mitchell's
Wednesday for lunacy.
has beencra;iy fors ome time
«* , «*» , Wbronght . . , . '■>» • .
° c. inn, .
The County Institute.
The teachers Institute here
was wound up Saturday evening.
The attendance was small and
young Prof. Brad well did well.
We have always contended
however, that these institutes
cost the state more than they ben¬
efit the teachers. We may be in
error but it seems strange to see
a young man teaching a veteran
teacher how to teach,
It Was Observed.
July 4th was observed to some
extent at this place but not as
enthusiastically as it should have
been. A good size flag of the
stars and stripes was hoisted on
top of the court house and Mr.
Bergstrom gave some inspiring
tajis on the drum. A few gather¬
ed at the court house, after the
dc . of the destruction of the
Spanish fleet, and some short
talks were had. The great suc¬
cess of Admiral Schley at San¬
tiago was enough glory for us
o lethofJuly.
Catarrh is
Not Incurable
But it can not be cured by sprays,
washes and ^inhaling mixtures which
reach only tlie surface. The disease is
ki the blood, and can only be reached
.through the blood. S. 8 . S. is the only
remedy which can have hny effect npon
Catarrh; it euros the disease perma¬
nently and forever rids the system of
every trace of the vile complaint.
Mtes Jusie Owen, ot Monfepelier, Owe,
wrltfs: "1 was »#
fiioted from infancy
•with Catarrh, and bg
on 0 can know Che
suffering it prodnae*
better than I. The
sprays and washes
prescribed by the dhe
tors relieved mo only
51 to-mirorari'y, and
* though I used thftm
oonstantly for ten years, tire disease had a
flrmer hold than ever. I tried a natnhet of
Wood remedies, but their mineral Ingredient*
settled in my bones and gave me rheumatism.
I wws in a lamentable oondtt4on, and after ex¬
hausting all treatment, was declared inenrabl*.
Seeing S. S. S. advertised as a cure for blood
diseases, I decided to try W. A* soon ss my
system was under the effect of the medicine,
1 began to improve, and after taking it dor
two montlis I was cured completely, the
dreadful disease was erodieated from my sys
tacr, and I have hod no return ol It."
Many have been taking local treat¬
ment tor years, and find themselves
worse now than ever. A trial ot
S.S,S. r «.B!®od
will prove it to bo tho right remedy
for Catarrh. It will cure tho most ob¬
stinate case.
• Books mailed free to any addreee by
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
2 ° 9 7th ,, AU . 3 USta, , n Ga.
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects of
dnht, grinds the proper glasses anti >VAR
Lenses cut into your frame while you wait.
FREE OF CHARGE. tells if you need
medicine ot gUstyx
IAJ clipse Engines
Boilers, Saw Mills, Cottou (iius, Cotton
Tresses, Grain Separators,
Chisel Tooth and Solid Saws, Saw
Teeth, Inspirators, Injectors, Engine
j Repairs and a full line of Brass Goods.
; and Piices.
Ifey-Send for Catalogue
AVERY , ______ & _ -.r McMILLAN ^flr T r- t i %T
Southern Managers.
So«. 51 * 53S. Forayth St.. ATLANTA, GA
Write for our iuteresvinc: books “ Inrer.V
or’s Help " and “ How you are swindled." <
-tand us a rough eItc*oh or model of your f
•nventioo or improvement and we will veil f
yon free our opinion as to whether it is <
. probably patentable. Wo make other a specialty hands.
, of applications rejected furnished. ia
) High®® 1 references
aril i Jfrehsntaal Knsinoefs- Graduates of tse <
Pcirtechnie SeSeol of >-rirp. Baetoslors ia (
A- Yal Sotsnoee- Laral ra'.rarsity. s ‘
P. Wilt Law Vsaoctattae. **«c.-rx Wstar Vr oris /
Asai eiaWon Kew Itas Vfatar Work, Awoo. »
J 1 y Surra-eors dv:i Association. Aaeoc. ileu,bee Csa. )
Soscty of aac-useers.
Omcass: , Wafutnctov. T>. CL
1 Mowtokai.. Cak.
^VWWV-. n ^-^nrw^ws^ww
5 3
vdM Etc., Etc. w*
Barnwell & Yiekers.
We have the largest stock of this line of Goods on
hand ever before brought to this section of the country.
buy entirely in Car-load lots and get the
advantage in freights and car-load prices,
And we can save you money by buying of us. We
also carry a large Stock of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, _
&c. In fact you can get anything you want in the
leather line, 'WE SELL ON TIME to good par¬
ties at Cash prices, 8 per cent, in notes, payable No¬
vember 1st.
Barnwell & Vickers, Washington, ca.
Every Day Counts Now.
To enable retainers to carrv on an active, &t?rassive campaign during the coming
summer, placing sound doetorine in the hands of “doubtful” voters, we have reduced
the price for tl*© camp^igo to
25 Cents—25 Cents—25 Cents.
One name or a thousand, 25 cents eaeii pays the bill from now to Oct. 10. At this
low rate (about cost) we should have 50,000 new names during July and August,
Won’t you send in ten of that number. Every reformer knows the sond value of one
copy of Paper.
The People’s Party
It is for straight, anti-fusion, unadulterated populism. It is batihng for the
rights of ihc people. Joinour already large family and get others.
Send the Quarter to PAPER,
When You Need
Lumber, Laths, Lime,
Shingles, ilouldings. Doors, Sash. Blinds, Cement, Piaster Paris, Plastering
Hair. Sewer Fi-’e for your -.veil or ditches, Jars for your Lard, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc., *
Bolts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Boors or Blinds,
Nails, Locks, Coat or Hat Hocks, She f Brackets or anything else you tray
; need in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with me.
. j Washington Manufacturing Co.,