Newspaper Page Text
Tlilf It
m GPffi
How is this?
Perhaps sleepless nights
caused it, or grief, or sick¬
ness, or perhaps it was care.
Wo matter what the cause,
you cannot wish to look old
at thirty. hair is starved hair.
Gray have been
The hair bulbs
deprived of proper food or
proper nerve force.
I m J t, 1
Increases the circulation In
the scalp, gives supplies more power miss¬
to the nerves,
ing elements to the hair
Used according to direc¬
tions, gray hair begins to
show color in a few days.
Soon it has all the softness
and richness of youth and
the color of early life returns.
Would you like our book
on the Hair? Wc will gladly
send it to you.
Wrlto its 7
If you do not obfnin all the
benefits you expected doctor from
the Vigor, write the
about it. He may be able to
suggest something of value
to you. Address, Dr. J. C.
Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. $
A French ship La Bourgogne
was sunk near Halifax thisweolt
drowning 000 passengers, several
of whom lived in Atlanta and
other southern towns.
W^.Give the following gentlemen your
•upporl in the aominaiion. They are
For Tax-Receiver.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for tlic office ,pf Tax-Receiver for the
County of Taliaferro, subject to the nomi¬
nated on Aug. 10th. 1 promise fuilhfid
«rvic<: If elected. In asking my friend*
• their support, they will please remem
jijy afflictions and physical infirnmtics,
• me your veto. Your* Obediently,
it 2!), 1898.
For Tax-CaHcctor.
toroby announce myself a candidate
he office of TAX-COLLECTOR OF
.IAFEURO COUNTY, subject to the
,pic’s Party nomination on Aug. iOlh,
18. 1 earnestly solicit your votes and
omlsc, if elected, to faithfully serve tbe
ople to the best of m v knowledge.
Yours Respectfully,
.IgiVC 13, 1898.
For Tax-Collector.
I announce myself a candidate for the :
FERRO COl X n and 1 hereby sincerely !
a»k the support of my friends and fedow I
Citizens In the nomination on Aug. 10th, 1
JS..S, I assure >ou the bc-t of service, if
■Vredto said office, ami will ever be
8l,ye ,0 lhr pro > lh> s
Yours Very Truly,
Juno 15th, 1893.
For Coroner.
C. L. Bagby is a candidate for Coroner
ol Taliaferro county and solicits tiie votes
pf-hw friends in all parties. Give him
ur vote aud it will be appreciated.
Dissslution Notice.
Vuio-l:. Ik r i n ihnt toe firm of
Edward-, Cal J is been
•veil ; ,lived bv man M. C. \\ . Cai,u
wit! ir I ii€ r ntHi ng Hum
>er« of the firn COFIT! t *>«*»*•
mder lb name I>W
ill aecm SO 1
vd wards 6s ( tuning
abilities of
V )'.YARDS .x CO.,
vawfordv Jun
Arr Yov WcOLl
vkness niani » in l:c loss of
on aud os. The blood i«
ii"’ —fho door is
le of Browns’
restore your
’VC jaake your
T-rni more ft*
j r>* of ici ne.
on iiittrre ■. 3 ih) i *>y til djolt:ra.
P'dra Editiq Matters if.tted I n cj Our
$ I^cal Kepcrten
Whnt Oar People Ar« D 'lrrtj: and
1 hlifjjrt Our Te ll t».
*-J owe my success to the newspapers,
: and to them i freely jrive a certain profit
i of my yearly business," says John Wan
! aniuRer.
Try the Washington Mfg.
Co. on nails and builders hard
—Miss Emma J. Beazley is
visiting relatives at Robinson
this week.
Wash Williams’ new store 1
building is most ready for occu¬
.—Mrs. Martha Moore went up
in Oglethorpe Saturday to visit
T. C. Moore, of the Sparta
Islimaelite spent Wednesday in
Crawfordville. j
—Mr. W. Y. Edwards sent a
friend in Augusta a pretty pet
coon this week.
—'There are no vacant houses
in Crawfordville. Good sign of
a prosperous town.
- There are only 38 candidates
in the field for offices in the gift
of Taliaferro voters,
—James A. Anderson, of Au¬
gusta, spent July 4th at his
father’s in this county.
—Mrs. Jane Hammack and
Mrs. Powell went down to Au¬
gusta to visit relatives this week.
—Jesse Nunn says he has s&i in
very promising branch bottom
corn. This year seems to be
one- that bottom corn will do
- Mrs. Jack Reid left Satur¬
day for her home at Montezuma.
Jack returned several days
—Mrs. Vince T. Sanford and
children, and Mr. Ronasville, re¬
turned to their homes in Romo
- -Mrs. J. G. Hahn left Wed¬
nesday for a visit to her parents
at Nashville, having been uotfied
by a message that her sister was
quite sick.
Charlie Lanneau, of the
Madisonian, spent July 4th at
his homo here. He rode down
on his bike.
- The long looked for rain
came Tuesday evening. It fell
hero for nearly an hour and wet
the ground well.
—Some of our farmers are put¬
ting in corn with plenty of gu¬
ano aud will yet make a good
crop. Good idea.
—Wo will not get out a regu¬
lar paper July 22nd. We will
lot editors, devil and the press
aud type rest that week.
-—The general report is that
early corn will bo almost a fail¬
ure. Wo have seen some pretty
good roasting ears on sale hero.
—There are several new firms
and business changes spoken of in
Crawfordville business circles
during the near coining months.
-What has become of the big
political barbecues, It seems
that our candidates take it Cuban
stylo in this county—in small
—Rev. L P. Winter and son
Rogers, attended the meeting of
the Athens district ladies mis¬
sionary societies in Washington
this week.
—Ed. Thompson, who former
]y worked on the Democrat here,
paid Crawfordville a visit Wed.
nesday. Ed. is now with tho
SptvrUl Ishmaelite.
_ Mo ssrs. Andrews & Dead
wylvluv j mve secured the ser
vices of Dr. H. F. While to ruu
their prescription Hahn. department in
place of Dr.
—Miss Burge, of Graves, Ga.,
who has been on a visit to Miss
Eva Asbury at Lyneville. return¬
ed to Athens Monday ‘ to attend
the Normal school. ;
—Miss Cornelia _ Fluker. of j
Washiugton, spent a part of this
week visited with Mrs. Dr. Beasley.
She her grand father.
Mr. Henning Murden Sundav
send —Correspondents from their will please
us news respec
live sections next week. Ye:
Editor will not be here all the
week and our assistant will need 1
your help.
—There was no property for
miblic sale here Tuesday last. !
[good for the people when
nc * property is sold at public sale
but rather tough on the Sheriff
and the printer.
Having contracted with a
western cattle ranch, we are
prepaivd to pay this market
ice fc all grades of cattle.
Give us a call, Address, us at
Siloara. Rhodes & Dolvin.
Bicycles. ‘
A Church Organized!
Several Baptist brethren met
at Margaret’s Grove in thiscoun
ty last Friday and organized a
church. They have two deacons,
Messrs. D A. and Mat. Saggus.
Rev. Mr. Davis has been preach¬
ing there occasionally and he
will continue to serve them until
the church can call a pastor. We
extend to them our best wishes.
To the Sea Coast.
The excursion to Charleston
on July 15th will afford a rare
opportunity to take a pleasant,
cheap trip to the sea-coast.
Several from this place will go
including ladies and and gentle¬
men. The management of the
excursion are gentlemen that
we can vouch for as being all
right and they promise all
who want to go one of the best
trips of the season. See the
notice of the trip in another
column and take your family
along to the sea-coast.
New Drug Firm.
Messrs. Jno. H. Stephens and
Jos. G. Hahn have rented the
Dr. White store and will open
up at the old stand a new drug
business. They, will paint
aud fix up the store room and
will make it very neat and at¬
tractive. They have ordered a
fine soda fountain and will give
Crawfordville another place to
get refreshing drinks.
See W. T. Johnsons, Wash¬
ington, Ga., for Buggies and
Wagons. He buys in car load
lots and makes low prices.
When you have a cough,
just call at Andrews & Dead
wyler and get the One Minute
Cough Cure. That will cure it
in one minute. Price 20c per
bottle. Also fruit jars at 00c
per dozen.
Barnwell & Vickers are re¬
ceiving weekly car loads of bug¬
gies. It is nothing to them to
get in three or four car loads a
—Messrs. Rhodes & Dolvin
have been shipping large lots of
cattle to Cincinnati, furnishing
beeves to make canned food for
the soldiers. They shipped here a
car load to Augusta from
Sawed brackets any style or
shape gotten out by the Wash¬
ington Mfg. Co.
—Mr. James J. Chapman, who
has been making his home in
Florida, will leave in a short
time and try his hand in Seattle,
Washington. We expect Jim
will go to the Klondike while
he is up there.
Best shingles at lowest liv:
ing prices can be bought of
Washington Mfg. Co.
—Atlanta is making elaborate
preparations for the Veterans
Rounion. 110 camps of Sous of
Veterans are expected to Talia- be
represented. All of the
ferro camp should meet here
Saturday at 4 o’clock and decide
about the mat ter of going.
Barnwell & Vickers are
never undersold, but if you will
come to see them they will un
Get our prices on laths and
and brick before you begin your
house. Washington Mfg. Co.
—Dr. G. W. Shackelford has
opened his office over the Alii
ance Store and will be with us
until Saturday, July 16th. It is
wonderful how lie extracts teeth
without the slightest pain;
bad after-effects. He is up to
date in all the different and lat
est methods m dentistry.
and have vour teeth examined.
No charge's
W. T. Johnson. Washington.
sells everything ou wheels.
“Man wants but little here below,
Nor wants that little long.
Please come and buy that little herej
And bring your friends along.” j
Washington, Ga. *
To the ig Trade.
I am emplo at the drug
store of And s & Deadwyler.
and will be sed to see my
friends thy am still in the
practice of m ine.
H. HITE, M. D.
Lef' itlier.
Mr. B. K ird went up to
Union Point la week looking
for one of h s ' s, who had left
him. He four John, the young
man i n questio well located and
satisfied, at vr -k up there, and
he was not m *sted.
Sire rving Up.
The ext Iry weather had
dried up a „ many branches
and creeks uis section. We
are told tha ^ /eral of the mills
in the coum a had been unable
to run for la v . of water. The
wells have hel out remarkably
Excursioi to Atlanta.
On July 22 1 an excursion will
be run from ishington to At'-'
lanta and ret i on July 23. It
will be a first •is excursion, run
by Mr. R. V. P ’ksdale an ex
perienced excur onist of Wash¬
ington. The litre for round trip
from Sharon 8 1 Barnett, 81.50,
from Crawfor -ille 81.45. See
advt. in anoth column.
WillUt uly mil.
The Confi irate Veterans
held a meeting a the courthouse
here Tuesday inj amd arranged to
go to Atlanta a body on July
19th. They e >cted delegates
and made all an^l lgements. The
railroads fatten to give the
Veterans the le v rate that was
expected. Thd jate is same as
advertised to the public—82.14
round trip fromJCrawfordville.
How's] This 1
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for anyrease of Catarrh
that cannot be Jtured by Hall’s
Catarrh Cure. -
F. J. Cheney $ Co., Props.,
Toledo, O.
We the w v ersigned, have
known*F. J. C iey for the last
15 years, and lieve him per¬
fectly hoG;% in all business
transact! f (financially able
to carry c ibligations made
by their fiA^
West jug ax. Wholesale
Druggists. Toledo, O.
Walding, Kin :an & Marvin,
Wholes: ! > Dir-' ists, Toledo, O.
Hull’s C uu-u Cure is taken
internal! \ acting directly upon
the blood and mu-ious surf aces of
the system. Pr. :e 75c. per bot¬
tle. Sold* by all Druggists. Tes¬
timonials free.
Hall’s Family Pills are the
best. t
Special Yoticc.
All wanting Ic< for Sundays
will please get it' on Saturday
nights. I will not deliver any
more on Sundays after this date.
W. R. Reid.
Crawfordville, Ga’. June 24, ’98.
The Soldiers, the Soldiers. I
About 20 train loads of soldiers
have passed thro gh here this
week on their way to Charleston
where they will TlujV embark for San¬
tiago, Cuba, are mostly
volunteers from it lie north and
west. Many of ( ur people have
looked for they, and waved
j bauds and hats xAshet. anl extended to
them be St ) They had
: “any cars of hoi-sds, tents, guns
[ > and provisions ant‘ they are go
ing to Cuba too ‘‘^oot out some
of ihe Spaniards. \
Baby Carriages.
Brightest Items from Near by
To the Credit of the Excellent County
Journals from Which We (Jet
the Creamy News,
—The peach crop of Wilkes is
exceedingly tine.
—Cotton is fruiting well in
Oglethorpe and early corn is not
—Work will commence soon
on the two tine hotels for Wash¬
—Several sections of Wilkes
county were favored with re¬
freshing showers last week.
—Prof. Ray, of Haddock, Ga.,
has been elected principle of the
school at Norwood.—Clipper.
J. M. Denham, of White
Plains, is buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
—Prof. .J, L. Johnson and Miss
Sue Bell Moody were married in
Oglethorpe county last week.
If you, your baby, or your
horse has colic, Dr, Tichenor’s
Antiseptic will cure it and “don’t
you forget it. 1 J
—Prof. Purks, a well knbwn
teacher of this section has ac¬
cepted a position in West Point,
When, your little boy cuts his
foot apply Dr. Tichenor’s Anti¬
septic. You will be delighted
with the result.
—Col. and Mrs. N. C. Edwards
were the guests of Col. John P.
Moore, of Taliaferro county for
several days last week.—War
renton Clipper.
A penny to a peanut that if
you give Dr. Tichenor’s Antisep¬
tic a fair trial you will be pleased
with it. Cost only 50 cts.
—Jack Arnold reports the
country from Mt. Zion to White
Plains still suffering for rain.
Some of the farms haven’t had a
good rain since April.—Sparta
If your horse or mule has
Fistula or Foot Evil, Dr, Tich¬
enor’s Antiseptic will cure it.
For sale by druggist at 50 cents
a bottle.
—Dennis Wynne was overcome
and killed by foul gas in a well
at Washington Saturday.
Another negro was sent down
for the dead man and he too
came very near dying.
You take no risk when you
buy Dr. Tichenor’s satisfaction Antiseptic.
If it fails to give you
for its claims you can get your
money back.
—We are sorry to chronicle
the illness of Mr. Quince John¬
son, who has been quite sick
during the past week with fever
at his home on Lexington
avenue.—Washington Gazette.
A. H. Patter, with E. C.
Atkins & Co., Indianapolis, Ind.,
writes: “I have never before
given a testimonial in my life.
But 1 will say that .for three
years we have never been with¬
out Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy in the
house, aud my wife would as
soon think of being without flour
as a bottle of this Remedy in the
summer season. We have used
it with all three of our children
and it has never failed to cure —
not simply stop pain, right, but cure aud
absolutely. It is all
anyone who tries it will find it
so.” For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
—Major Joe McWhorter is now
using a carriage that has been
in constant use for over forty
years and which has had the
wheels adjusted only once in
that long time. It was made by
Neal & Newton at Bairdstown.—
Stephens cor. Echo.
lor r... Bites or Mings
Of insects, use Dr. Tichenor’s
A ntiseptic. It gives immediate !
relief. 50 cts. a bottle at your
drug store.
....... .-—
— Misses Nannie Barnett and ;
Annie Brooice, . two , splendid , ... j
voung ladies, who will represent .
the Sharon society at the ap- j
proaeoing nfnaehino- missionary missionary meet meeun ine 0 ;
will be the guest or Muss Clara
Barnett after the meeting is
over.—Washington Reporter. l
A Small Hole I
May sink a great ship. A slight;
wound mav result in your * death. :
of ; n Dr. m- Tiehenor , . s Anti- . 1
use !
wili prevent iufiamation, i
snpperation or soreuess. |
I 2335.1
[.25 _ I
m. .
- I
m i SB
Best COagh Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
ia ticie. Sold hy Ongyists.
A Shattered Nervous System.
Restored to Health by Dr. Miles' Nervine.
m r !
} m * ■ ■%«
n •»
\ -1 7% mu
-1* lt m
> 4 ;
m -
m R. EDWARD HARDY, the jolly man¬
ager of Sheppard Co’s, great store at
Braceville, Ill., writes: "I had never
been sick a day in iny life until in 1890. I
got so bad with nervous prostration that I
had to give up and commence to doctor, I
tried our local physicians and one in loliet,
but none gave me any relief and I thought
I was going to die. I became despondent
and suffered untold agony. I could not eat,
sleep nor rest, and it seemed as if I could
not exist. At the end of six months I wa3
reduced to but a shadow of myself, and at
last my heart became affected and I was
truly miserable. I took six or eight bottles
of Dr. Miles' Nervine. It gave me relief
from the start, and at last a cure, the great¬
est blessing of my life."
Dr. sold Miles' by Remedies all drug¬ Dr. ^
gists under a positive Nervine
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re¬ Restores
dis¬ .
funded. Cook on V. Health ^
eases of the heart and
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind.
Notice to Public.
My son, William Joe, who is 16 years
old, lias left me anl I hereby notify the
public that I forbid anyone hiring or hai
Doring said boy, without full consent from
Crawfordville, Ga., Juh,' 6, 1393.
Confederate Veterans.
163 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga,
General Orc|er No, 9.
You are hereby notified that during
your stay in Atlanta, attending the Con¬
federate Veterans Reunion, you will find
no place more pleasant, or more convenient
at SI .00 per day than the Exchange Hotel
163 Marietta St. which is kept by a Con¬
federate Veteran.
And vicinity, will consult tlieij
interest by wrrting to
l=v c=> •>
For Prices on SASH, DOORS,
BER, LATH or anything in
(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24, I9G.
The New Life-Givei\
Promote? Vigorous Health by instilling
OXYGEN from the air into the system,
and cures all forms of disease without
Medicine or Electricity. It is as simple as
Prices of OXYDONORS greatly re¬
duced. Get the genuine, made by the
discoverer and inventor, Dr, Hercules
Book of particulars and price list free.
AddressDi. H, Sanche, 261 Fifth Ave¬
nue, New York,
The New York Worm,
JS Pages a Week . , .
. . . 15(> Papers a Year
r-riD *''■*'*~* vDl nMIT NC U nfll vJ L I Lr\ a d r\.
Published every Alternate Day except Sun
The Thrice-a-Week Edition of Tb*
t' 0 ,v ^ ° rk is first among all
“weekly” , papers in size, frequency of
publication, and the freshness, accuracy
and variety of its contents It has all the
merits of a great Its So dailv at the price of a
dollar wecW -V- political news is prompt
comp i ete , accurate and impartial all its
rea dere will testify. It is against the
monopolies and for the people. all world,
It prints the news of the
having special correspondence from all im
portant news points on the globe. It has
brilliant illustrations, stories by gieat au
thors, a capital humor page complete
market, departments for the household
and woman’s work and other special ‘ de
i>artments of unusual interest,
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
The Advocate-Democrat together one
year for SI.65. The regular subscription
price of the two papers is S2.0C.
PIUM ticulars cured out and pain. Whistey at sent hoiae Book TREE. Sablta of with¬ par¬
AUinia, — i IMM „ ,|| Office B.M.WOOLLEY, N. M.D.
as. 1(H ^jor gb
5 #