Newspaper Page Text
we art: asserting in the courts our right, to
I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of “CASTORIA the same that
has borne and doss now bear on every
the fac- simile signature oj eg wrapper.
This is the original “CASIO Ri A” which has been used in
the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bough t on the
and has the signature oj f wrap¬
per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company, cf which Chas. IT. Fletcher is President.
March 24,1898. jf iff ^ re/ ^ JD.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in¬
gredients of which even he does not know.
“Tiie Kind You Have Always Bought”
& r «*
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
0rju-\yKUT7j -M.' > r TrsavsTS-awaW v»vt*. .-mr-TWar n -vao.
Beprogr wsive and Keep up with the age. Typewriters are row a necessity
in every fine of business
Remingtons, Smith-Premiers, New Franklins, Densmores, Williams Cali
graphs, and all
At Astonishing Prices. Largest Exclusive Typewriter House in the South.
Best Equipped TYPEWRITER REPAIR PLANT in the South.
The§75.00 Anti-Trust Machine. SEND FOR CATALOGUE.
Southern Typewriter Headquarters,
41 j; Peactree St., Atlanta, Ga.
Perfection is the result of our long
WA A •
Wfl a)
I | \
% It # L
Ty j
are the product of mechanical ingenuity.
$40.00 $50 b a $60.00
Monarch Chafnless SiOO.OO
Send for 1893 Catalogue.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lake, Hafsted nnc! Fuitcn Street3, Chicago.
Branches—New York, London and Hamburg.
tea 2-Cent stamps for a deck cf ffionsrcti Playing Cards illustrating
LilHan Russell, Tom Cooper,Lee Uiohardcon and Waiter Jones.
' 9 lDu
0 0 0 0 0
Use “Southern Home Paint.”
Guaranteed the best Paint made. No adultera¬
tion. It is strictly pure and will cover more
surface than any adulterated goods.............
in 30 Beautiful Colors!
F. J.Cooledge d Bro.
Paint and Varnish Makers
& Atlanta.
Commissioner Nesbitt’s Ques¬
tion Box For the Month.
Why So Few Sheep Are Railed III Georgia.
More About the Wire Cottou Tie—Jeru¬
salem Artichokes as a Food For Hogs
and How to Plant Them—Importance of
the Selection of Good Soed.
Question.—W hy is it that in Georgia,
many parts of which state are pecu¬
liarly adapted to sheep raising, there are
60 few sheep raised? One would suppose
that if properly managed it could be
made a most profitable business.
Answer.— In southern Georgia there
are a good many sheep raised. Several
years ago oue of the largest sheep own¬
ers there reported that he clipped an¬
nually 90 cents worth of wool from
sheep, which cost him only 14 cents a
head in expenses. There is only one
reason why sheep husbandry is not oue
of the leading industries of tho state,
and that is, there is no law for their
protection against tho dogs which roam
at will through the country. It liar,
been said by men af experience that oue
acre well sodded in Bermuda grass will
support five sheep nine months of each
year. This was on ordinary land, which
had not yielded profitable returns in
other crops. For the remaining three
mouths we 'have other crops, such as
rye, turnips, barley, potatoes and the
hardy native grasses, all of which can be
grown in abundance. Tho sheep more
than pay for their keep in the increased
fertility of land on which they are folded.
One hundred sheep regularly folded
will fertilize eight acres of laud to such
a degree as will enable it to double the
crops produced on it. Besides tho added
value to the lands in the droppings we
have the crop of wool and the increase of
the flock, which last may be reasona¬
bly calculated as 90 per cont of the
whole. Nor are these all. The charac¬
ter of the crops required to support the
sheep are just those needed to recuper¬
ate our too often exhausted lauds. Bor
muda is particularly adapted to these
lauds and the grass roots serve to hold
the soil together and prevent the wash¬
ing away of the accumulating vegeta¬
ble matter. Many worn fields could be
thus rehabilitated, that now offer no
encouragement to cultivation in other
crops. We trust the day will dawn
\vheu the present difficulties in the way
of successful sheep raising will be re¬
moved, and instead of about 500,000, the
present number of sheep in the state,
Georgia will contain at least 8,000,000
or 4,000,000. Our mild winters and
early springs give us many advantages,
of which growers north of us are de¬
prived. In some sections of the state
tho sheep receive no a'- •’>4’ • beyond
the annual clipping, and ur til the price
of wool was so much reduced they were
even under this careless management
found profitable. If more attention
were given to raising crops for them, to
improving the breeds and to the gen¬
eral care of the floefe, there is no rea¬
son, except the oue mentioned, why
sheep raising should not bo mado profit¬
able in our section. An experienced
sheep raiser in Southeastern Georgia
once said to me, that it was cheaper in
that section to raise a sheop than a
chicken, because the chickens had to bo
fed, while the only attention the sheep
received was an occasional salting. —
State Agricultural Department,
The '•Harlequin** Hurt.
Question.— I am a largo grower of
tnrmp and mustard soed. In the spring
before they ripen much damage is dono
the plants by a spotted bug. What is
it? Can you give a remedy?
Answer. —The bug that injures your
crops is without doubt the “Harlequin”
bug, the worst insect enemy of all cru¬
ciferous plants. They live through tho
winter hidden under leaves or trash of j
any kind. They are ready to deposit
their eggs from the middle to last of
March, aud then in from four to six
days these hatch out a brood of larva?,
which at once commence their deHruo
tive work by piercing the leaves and
sucking the sap. The leaf thus pierced
soon wilts and dies. These insects are
shy and timid, aud upon flic approach
of a person try to hide behind anything
that will conceal them. They are very
difficult to contend with, as they cannot
be reached by auy of the arsenical poi¬
sons. All rubbish under which tho bugs
may take refuge during the winter
should be carefully burned, and infested
fields or gardens should have clean cul
ture. Hand-picking into pans contain
ing water or kerosene is often resorted
to as a remedy. Pyrethrum in decoction
or powder, and kerosene emulsion may
prove effectual when the bugs are young.
Cabbage growers plant mustard be¬
tween the rows of cabbages, which be
ing preferred by the bugs attracts them
in large numbers, when they are effect
ually destroyed with pure kerosene,
Possibly you might adopt this plan sue
cessfully if your turnips and mustard
are sowed in drills. I hope you will try
it and report result to this department.
—State Agricultural Department.
CASTO ^mmail R m. ■ A ■
For Infants and Children. *
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of <v;
rntroffsn In Ifsanres.
Question. —Please give me la pounds
the nmouut of .nitrogen, potash and
phosphoric acid in a ton of chic sen ma¬
nure, and also a tou of stable manure.,
Answer.—I n a ton of chicken manure
there are 67 pounds of nitrogen, 41
pounds of potash, and 48.60 pounds of
phosphoric acid. A ton of well rotted
stable manure contains 11 pounds of
nitrogen, 10 pounds of potash, and 0
pounds phosporio acid. Thus yon see that
the chicken manure contains six times
as much nitrogen, four times as much
potash, and eight times as much phos¬
phoric acid as does well rotted horse
mauura Chicken manure being so
valuable, more care should be taken to
gave ik— State Agricultural Depart¬
FMitina Unsound f’en Vino liny.
Question.— 19 thore any groat risk In
feediug damaged poa vine hay? I have
known cases where it has beon fea
without any apparent injury.
Answer. —As a rule it is dangerous
to use stock food of any kind which is
not perfectly sound, particularly in the
case of horses and mules. In tho case
of pea vine hay, it has been demon¬
strated that where it has fermented or
become moist after being stored, salt¬
petre is formed in sufficient quantities
to produco violent irritation of tho kid¬
neys. and If the feediug is persisted in.
death often results. Mouldy hay is also
regarded by experienced feeders as ex¬
tremely dangerous.—State Agricultural
New War Songs ami Music.
Two of the most popular pic cs of
music arranged for i Luo at d mg m h m
lust been issued by the Papua* Music
Go., li.dianapclis, I ml. “Bring Our
Heroes Home,” dediciited to the Heroes of
trie U. S. Barilo-hip Maine is ope of the
finest uni ion il .songs ever written. The
music is stirring and tho words ring with
patriotism. “Dewey’s Battle of Mat ilia
March Two-Stop” is a fine Instrumontal
piece ami will live forever as a souvenir of
: be greatest naval event in the the world’s
history. Either out: of there pieces and
’’opular Musi” Boll containing IS pages
full sheet mu i ■ sent on tec ipf of •Jo cent
Indianapolis, Ind.
Admiral Cevera, and his 1,000
men captured by the Americans
will be sent to the United States
for safe keeping.
- Pitts’
Aids Digestion, «
Regulates the Bowels, )jj |
Cures Cholera Infantum,
Cholera Morbus, t
Diarrhoea, Dyu.ntcry,
Teething Children,
And all diseases of tho Stomach
and Bowels. It Is pleasant
to the taste and
to give satisfaction.
A Few Doses will Demons trato
its Superlative Virtues.
I»» Kxdimivf Territory. Our Safi'H hoI! at
vixlit, Ci f y or Co un( ry.
.Vq:<*nt!« rt«’tn;»!ly rich; ho c;i»i you.
One A*r«‘nt t In <1 no <Iay, cl* tired
l*roofs and ( ntHlofcUc freo on appllculion.
Alpine Safe & Cycle Ce.
j „ B 8 Jc B |CPTQ
*1 WH
* %{/ ^1^ I*
, ■■■ MfCinTufj i *
J ■■ Ull IWlI
% W/ V /R ctn show any ttaady good and earnest by
Pj m&a bow be can wake wages
baatlling our pubiicatktcs. We don't
_^ l •xpeMaacad but thoso
rafar to man, to
who ha▼« B«T«r sold anything. Juat now wc
are puuhiag our
l^everslblc Map of the
United States and World j
M inchvt in «i««.
II l>...liful colon.
I& 9 « odilio. »nH corrtct«d to d.^:,
N.w r.ilroads, BuW towns.
N.w counti.s.
— Th. l.ree.t M»p printed on a
single slitat.
, It is
J Jj A pfcotoaroph of tt'.e World 1
On 6 sido.howi.coior.dmapofour
nountry, with ratlroadi, couutirs, rr.--r-., ft
towns, _____, etc. The other side .iiowi mi r qmlly ni map nap of ui in's the World, vf tyi i«i, locating luvf.ini»; II ■ • 1 / < i ■, >UR- e.. i: i i .• * -
ries at a glance by help of a marginal iyUrx, tii *
It also shows lows ocean currents, route, t - i 4
coverers, and accurately legates the xco;iox i
of all current events, scch as bowed.- , y < i>- ^
*| putei, Cuban t, attics, Auntnian tn“iv.-i^-‘i: »t .■>■„, \ *
Jj i ^ndY*your admelt •«
S 2 dTJ°Ld* we wHt fc'^I TZfl bj f
prepaid express,
Jj ’ thVsLrt'hyitf'iwinvmtVciirpiL'L’V
*f Th '
your cash back. Your ne-aspapor or C
jj " ia teU we are j es?OT,lb ‘ e ’ I
S 61 East Ninth Street, New York Ctiy t
t,*? r.r•??
A | ST" P OIV* « ;
Watchmaker & Jev/oler,
Richard’s Store, U’raw'ordviBe, G».
Repair Work a Specialty.
! New Bra in
j © &
that alleviates suffering and ‘ )
This tells of a discovery effective. Medical
prolongs life. U is inexpensive , of the
science is revolutionized over this , one greatest
achievements of thodern times.
The fact that several dollars spent for the
fight medicine has effected a cure where a
skilled and expensive physician aided by
the latest and most ingenious instrument of
science, had failed, is a matter of much
importance. Important, because it downcast
opem to
tuficrers a new, inexpensive and sure
avenue to the restoration of health and the
full enjoyment of the pleasures of life.
Such was the experience of Mrs. Ada
I-I. Herr, cf 439 North Charlotte Street,
Lancaster, Pa. desponding
From a weak, nervous, per¬
son, she was made a strong, active woman
and a cheerful, helpful wife,
pier story is interesting. terribly from female
Airs. ITerr suffered
disorders. Her nerves became unstrung,
cramps griped her and caused ths most
intense weak pain. and physically demoralized
was she, that the slightest labor wearied
her and household dudes were a burden.
The most alarming symptoms of her
malady were the frequent fainting spells
that afflicted her.
In the midst of her work, cr in a con¬
versation, dizziness would come upon her
and she would fall prostrate in a swoon.
She consulted a reputable physician. He
diagnesed her case and prescribed the usual
Instead of Improving, she continued to
grow worse i the ailment that was robbing
her life of the joys of young womanhood
btcainr more pronounced.
i r : IfX* nra
'X it H L»'
uMiaaixvm i u rrrju mr.f.AD'MY.
tQ? To keep our great factory busy, and introduce early our
Splendid ’98 models we have concluded to make it marvel¬
ous offer direct to tin' rider.
For ill) days we will sell samples of our ms ell T-8 bicycles approval at. net
cost to manufacture n|| d will ship, C. ()■ l). on to
any address on receipt of tin' noir.itutl stun ol 81.00 (if w est of Denver, 85). This
deposits: is merely to show good faith on purchase!’s part: H yo t don’t want to send
money in advance, send your express agent's guataniy for eh; rg \s one way and wo
will pay them the other if you don’t want the wheel.
OiLUiumn. FIRFPIAN Digest grade, embodying every late inipri ye nent of value,
i i-I inch imported tubing, llush joints, improved two-pieep
cranks, arch crowd, larae dotatolinble sprockets, handsomest finish an l decorations,
Morgan & YVriglil. quick repair tires, single or double tube, high grade equipment;.
Special price on sample........................................ ..... $29.00
rn^RA fK A splendid machine, equal to anv for service and easy running.
up ix. j, s( , imrii seamless tubing,'two piece cranks, arch crown,
detachable sprnkets, finely finished and decorated, Morgan & Wright, quick $24.00 repair
fires, single or double tu' <■, high guide equipment. Our special sample price
FI nNmKF A1 V Best medium grade for 1898, 11-8 Inch tithing, striped best and
. Mi.i.nnited. arch crown, dust-proof bearings, hall retainers,
Indiana if New Brunswick tires, standard equipment. Special price on sample 9 | 9-00
NOTE. Choice of Color, Style, Height, t ear, etc. Fully Guaranteed.
You will he surprised at the appearance and quality of these wheels. Don't wait,
order now while this offer is open. Prices will la: rniu'li higher soon. You ^ can makq
Big Money as otir Agents, selling for us. We, give cut agents choices of Cftsfa, tfRI
free use of a sample wheel, or gift of a wheel, according to work done.
Do You Want Cheap Wheels?
Wo have numbers of.Phd an I 1897 model wheels m variou mal.i < and stvies, some
a little shop-worn, but all new ..... ................ I 2.00 to $ I 6 OO.
Wheels Slightly Used, Modern Typos, $8.0C to$12.00,
Our buslines and reputation are known throughout the country. References, any
of the express companies, or any hunk in Chicago, Art catalogue free- Secure
agency at once.
The J. L, Mead Cycle Co., - Chicago, Ill.
‘ *. ^ *y »»■ 4 baBM Of Any Style neatly
1 IB BBC M i " v * Executed at tho
‘java. 1 . fflf DAILY BVtSKY ONE 9IVIH<a
) sss. i SATISFACTION, s'
They are made of Southern Iron by Southern Worknica,
■who are ouetalned by the products of Sent hern Farmers.
They last longer and make more liomea Trappy than any
other Stove on earth. If Ire tacks guaranteed for is CATALOGUE.^ years.
If your Dealer doeu not handle them, WRITE FOR
/ S
v m
* 2 iz* Cfrh vuikxmF
K . :
i j
; /
UlL J i
S|-. ~
1 MB &• -.var’i.r-t.
© prw.n*a mmmm N^cc.’at O ps k Bull orff Mfg. Co. -
KftN'JMOTUfiSfttt OF
Mantels and Grates, Eottrywa-c, Tinware. Etc.
DCALEI-2 •!«
China, Crockery and Glassware, Cutlery,
Everything nem-sarr and convenient C~H
for the Kitchen, fiininf Room, «
Laundry and Dairy. A SPECIALTY.
It seemed impossible to correct or even to
check the disorders.
u I had become greatly weakened," said
Mrs. Herr, in telling her story to a reporter,
“and the awful cramps and the frequency
and nature of tire fainting shattered spells alarmed j
me beyond belief and my system,
“I tried electric treatment! it failed, and
I did not know where to turn for help, '
“ A friend told me how her mother Vtt-J had 1
been greatly benefited .by taking Dr.
ID. ms’ Pink Pills for Pjde People. but de¬
“ I had but little hope for success;
cided 41 to give these pills a trial. much bene¬ ,
1 took two boxes and was
fited. After taking six more boxes I uraa
cured. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pitts for Pata
People had done what all the previoua
treatment had failed to do.
“I am fully restored to health now, and
do things that I had hardly dared attempt
No discovery of modern times has proved Pink
such aboon to women as Dr.Williams’
Pills for Pale People. Acting directly eo
the blood and nerves, invigorating the body, the
regulating the functions, the exhausted they restore
strength and health to woman
when every effort of the physician prmte
unavailing. *"
These pills are rfccegnned v.'Myw*
as a specific for diseases of the biooa «
nerves. For paralysis, long supposed locomotor incurable, ataxia,
and other diseases
they have proved their efficacy in thousand*
of cases. Truly they are one of the greateaH .
blessings ever bestowed upon mankind. , \