Newspaper Page Text
■ i. 0^* -^OCATE-DEMOCRAT §
6100 Per Tear
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t -iC»r -
fr V.«£lctoe Co., C!%n f
-ix. v
Paul G. Lt o\s Crawtordv"'c Ga.
For information as to Routes, Schedules
ami Rates, both
Passenger .and Fre$it
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
reliable information.
T. P. A. G. F. A.
An-justa, Ga.
'CyF-SF. A. G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
Macon, Ga.
t’si. h. mm son, ¥. 3. Vv. COFFIN
S. i:. A. F. & F. A.
MHlcdgevil?.-. Augusta.
•T ,
•• * This is tlie Man
:.. 0 - •
‘,.r«0 V- m '
v! i r<7 ij Jr’ & ' /.• Y "V f At, !
& kZ
Row o - AifWflfm FREE!
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madamggl‘qh'. W A T”“*‘ ' "'..-..‘; ,. 1' ‘" ‘
I 5, -.. u": .Ctjmr i” 1*:13‘. . .v 1? P'fixr-‘W‘H‘3“‘1’53t 1.1116
111““ 371W {1, 36"“ -
, E'ouu .3“ .Hmmmhu }s‘+t§“3“‘°‘"t°”Z-’ 1f~u ...._;.j firiger , '
"19¢ -. ‘ “0
'35?er . EfiC‘Jf‘r-4: A how v.1 AC? 1:31;:+ ~"991‘1‘0‘m ‘..c.,;..“;.-,"3.?'.7;‘) 5.4.“! -‘-“‘Ch 502d T’fiu :0
I w: \‘
M ~
mS 1
E w a ----- * '
$ 34 . 59 .
“Acme” Bicycles
’98 Models. High Grade.
We Have no Agents bot SeH „ Dfr^ct „
to ihe Rider ct Manufacturer's
Prices, 'Savin? Yea all
Agent’s Profits.
Best materials. Superb hni«h.
V-riVilege elegant models. We ship any wher^
of examination, pay orpre-*
eharsfes b-ith ways and rifunc y'-ur
money if not as represented. against Every ,
"Acme” is fuliii guaranteed //e/eeft-ie T Turk
nil Accident! as well 2 = ■
mership. Send for catalogue.
f02 Alain St., - - Eikhait, f n-d.
' ■ ,r I
ffroeklr zercrM :♦]tzk
rtoiel or as* 1
i*dd ttimS- rx «c c
H. B. WiLLSCN A CO ?»t« s L a.
it t/r <s Vf a a H t f( -j i A .(. ir, G-
*ts 'ia M il®
:1 i W ; "
E W" n Larqs :.-- catalogue {a . s‘h‘owing . .V‘ M’K.“ \K“: Q8}
figustga‘cmngo’f :L‘Cl stylfislof fepw :
in ting; win: all sccxigne. 1mm reds 'fidaaesai cf tsthmcnxahsa:
.' '
3:1 3“ ‘5‘ K. '14. Em ‘SEiX‘y'LLABERGsifi, ‘J’Jire Fence'Man.- ‘
”§§- 'u. Fgrsgjgh sag.“ ,-,_..._,_,. ATLA'NI‘A, " >4 GA,
.A. _
What l the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing,
V C. I.. BAG BY.
The rain has been general.
Watermelons are coming in now.
Frying size chickens are .plentiful.
Candidates for county offices still com.
ir.g in.
Judge Jacob Rocker was in our district
Marshal Jackron has put our streets
and tide walks in good order.
The present war we don’t think will
interfere with our farmers . 5 cent cotton.
Mr. W. J. Ellington tlleir and family have
returned home Irom visit in Madi
son county.
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott has returned
home after a pleasant visit to relatives ia
Warren county. ;
.Messrs. Stephens & Hahn soda fount is
a nice affair. These young men we hope
will do a good business.
The colored people’s big meetings now,,
religious and otherwise, are ia blooming
order. They will have there time and
Fruits of all kinds are on hand now and
the most of our pfcople are drying them
up or eating peach and appls pies and
We will give the readers of these’
columns a few dots on our trip to the re¬
union in Atlantaldst week- We returned
k-Mne'too late for this issue.
Judge Pitman says that Linny Simms
took a dose of English, peas for pills and
he did not know the difference and he is
getliff* alright; ....... J
Mr. Jim Ogietfee, fl'ftr f bridge builder,
had one of his bridges, he repaired on:
Williams creek, to wash away. We hope
it will not. prove a loss to liim.
y you want to learn a mania business
cjrtaHtwfcs Just, wait until he gets whiskey)
enough in him to explode himself and;
then vou'-will hear it all, and more besides.
Educate Toni- Bowels Willi Cinraretfi.
•Osiua-y Oathi.iMc, cure constination .forever.
10c, S3c. If a C. C. fail, druggists refund Money.
Rey. R. E. L. Harris jyissed down the
Ga. likeIfewaasenioyffig R. R. witk M btst this weefr. .life, ^te well, looked ns
man could. He is a strong prohibitionist
and a fine preacher,
J11. Aevolj of l>m,epk.sir. "Y
Cures l,'kills amt Fever; acts on the liver
and regulates the system generally. All
We hope to have a good and abundant
•erdp yet of late corn, peas and hay.' Our
people have not quit work on their farms,
they know'wheTe the leaks are^and will
'fllfthemiip in a fall crop;' ”
Vo Curo Constipation Forever.
Take Gasearets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
if C. C..C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
Crawfordville is blessed with beef
markets- now—some four or five.' We
think some of them might move to our
little town and’make the business • more:
No-To-Uae for I I fty. Cent3.
Guaranteed toC-acco habit cure, makes #sak
men strong, blood pure. 50c, SI. All druggists. ,
Our colored people we think would, do
mucis’be'tter if some Jfeoplo of the .white
\uersu'asibn WoBla let them aione and not'
lead tlve’m estra'v for selfish motives.'That
pti’.yd the devil iu this county.
Malarlon "With-ullalarlon Tablets
-JihaiihintCesRCi«e. ( foh /Otiills,- klAvcf and
'.t'giifr; of Tnpney'FeftmdecI,'' W^wnts. All
We had the pleasure not long ago of
stopping with our old friend and compa¬
ny comrade Mr. W. II. McGiWtpy and his,
good old father-in-law Mr...T*m ; Hafrisoif
an A family. We were highly entertained.
geetion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
All above goods for sale byL. G. Lucy if
It was holiday with us last week so we
.sent out no locals but we hope the readers
of the papers will not forget the truths we
' have told them before. Especially those
who want office and don’t know how to
go about it to get it.
“I think DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve,
j the finest preparation John on the G. market Dunn, for of
,, v..” s.- writes
y,\ ya. Try it and you will
! thhik ti, ---une. It also'cures eCzeuia and
all skin -Jisiases. Crawfordville
Andrews A Deadwyler,
' ;r. . LawreDC, Brown, blu.ron.
vVe stopped a little while with our
i friend Mr . F. Griffith whiie in Craw
i fordvfi’.e recently and enjoyed ourself
very much. He and his good wife kuow
now to make people feel at home in their
; pr^senco,
. Blanks, of Lf"Fvije, Tex;x
\v tnat o V DeWitt’s Witch
III ,2cI SikiVCW S WO I th § 10.00 to him. It
lies of -7; yq; ars funding. He
trv R . It also cores
an! i obstinate sore-.
uc r '."P S-iur- c.
, o V
J x, 6 WifL -: v. r.. o A . Gi,PX
i - .j. h fifid , - 1 iw'ing s? \
A-. ',x u c ..-ueri-oe. rite lor it
Excursions are oil the go nosy days, es¬
pecially among the darkies. A heap of
them ain’t got rations enough to ■'•'last two
days and at the same time they raise the
money to go on every excursion that
comes along. Somo of our white -people
do the same thing.
Thousands of persons have been cured of
piles by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
.Salve. It heals promptly and cures
eczema and all skin diseases. It gives im¬
mediate relief. ■ •
Andrews A Doadwyler, Crawfordville,
Dr..Lawrence Brown. Sharon.
It is strange that some people don’t
want to pay full value for honest work.
All people, have to live and the laboring
class of course depends on work for a
living for him or herself and family and
any one not willing to pay them for their
work should be drummed out of any
ci calized community.
Sick headache, biliousness, constipation
and ail liver and stomach troubles can
he quickly cured by using those famous
little pills known as Dewitt’s Little Early
Risers. They are pleasant to take,, and
never Andrews gripe# & Deadwyler. Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brou n Sharon.
The whiskey question is getting to be a
serious thing among our churches. We
think our clirfstain people should hold up
on that question, especially pastors of
churches. You can" only'tell them the
.eyil o£ whiskey and that is your business
in the pulpit. There are other evils that
are as bad as whiskey.
Pon’t Tobacco Sjtlf anti Kiqoke Toiirjdfe Array,
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag¬
netic. full v/piuTer- of life, nerve and vigor, makes take No-To
l’.ae, the worker, that weal; men
strong. All druggists, 50c oi-$l. Cure guaran¬
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Keruedy Co., Chicago or New York.
MUs Annie Brooke wasyisitiug Mr. J.
Taylor’s family hist- week, Miss Brooke
is the accomplished schoolteacher of Pea
Ridge and Miss Ella Norton holds the
reius ot a school up there too. Thofe
two young ladies are fully competent 'to
instruct their pupils but it looks,-to" 'fts'
that the people of that section should get
together and have one school and let these
young ladies have control. Live in har¬
mony with everybody, that will .look
more like business, ■
Our Manor Roll....
Tiie following kind patrons iiave paid
their subscriptions'since, our last issue:
W-. A. ^yeiy, 25c to Oct. 1 ’98.'
J. O. Brooke SI to Feb. 1 ’98.
W. F. Mann, ST to Aug; 25”’98.'
■W. T; GohduilghTY/eC. 'iT, ,
Jno. T. Chapman, Aug. 25, ’9S.
—Mrs. N. E. Powell left last
Friday for Atlanta and from
there she,.returns to her home in
Alabama. She came here a few
weeks ago to visit-her-sister Mrs.
Jane Hammack who'she’had not
seen in many years i and the
latter’s dearth made iGe'r'ctur'h a
sad one. ■
—Tha .ijisteuments .for 'the
'string band for this place hat e
ai;rived and wg,hope soon t-o-hear
some sweet music by the Craw¬
fordville orchestra, ‘
rn,. cures
i^'lSsSaiY Si SWItlvl « Vj„ Sqpnc,«eu.ral«ittaud Kabl'iatftes*. -Sohr 'ioathac-Jie ztooiacfc
and JMUuae* . CoirfpiaiuU. .-l'ricc, 25 Cents.
Chemical SvecfVTfeatroyer. "
Professor 'Shutt of the' experiment!
farms at Ottakva, Canada, recommends
the following very,simple compound fop
destroying weeds &ud grass; Two
pounds of sulphate 'of ', copper, or blue
vitriol, and 6 gallons of hot water. Dis¬
solve aird -apply as a spray ,-ot through
ordinary sprinkliiiKJpot. f
i v Cuus, .Burns, Bruise!, Rheu
■matism and Sores. Price, 25 ‘cents.
Handling Late Potatoes
Those who have rather late ground
on which potatoes are to be -planted will
find it worth while to sprout the seed
now. Merely set them in a warm,
light place and let them send out shoots
about H inches long. As soon as the
gfound can be worked plant the pota¬
toes, handling them carefully, so as not
to break off the shoots, allowing one
sprout to each piece of seed. In this
way potatoes can be raised on late land
as soon as on early land by the ortLnary
It re? t m w'vh you whether o-TiAi ’
nerv -kiiJntf lova. ■■ hafti
TtiMfjY&'i O'i tin IV,%\ . i,-rvou. trie** d* 8 r- for 1 te ’ b . i.u ^ | ’’-;
x a fir .x-r’* -;
, -W; ■}. ■ J -nUr 1 "■
to - r f k' *■ — i
m Laerfi** fc -A -'l; Co. t CV,ea? 3 , "5 ttrOw ; , SW t.
An Old I;Vfa.
Jrer? day strenirtbene the fcelir-f of emi
tam physicians that impure Hood is the
oe-iee of the majority of our u
T w-nty-uve years 'jcu thisth •7 was ax-1
L - a bar's for the f-trinula f j’row'Ti
Biu- is. The many roiaarkable cares e*fr"-t«|
» >• tii i a -1 s old hons-'hold remetiy r--:
sufficient to prove that the theory is correct.
Lroxoc’ Iron B;t*ers is soi-i by All u ^a. ,rs.
Correspondents’ Eeports of What Their
Neighbors Talk •
the Happenings in Their Respective t.o
calities. All the News.
f BY M.
Wo can eat peaches and grapes now.
Mr, C. L. Bagby went to Atlanta last
Mr. Blake Shelton is at home now for a
^Mr. .and Mrs. Will Gunn are up from
Sidney visiting in our community.
We expectg^at John Akins, does love
to hear the ki.ydids and the screech owls
Air. Jim Howell is stepping around pret¬
ty lively now as a Mr. Howell has arrived
at his home.
’Miss Annie Brooke, a charming young
teacher, spent one night last week with
Mrs. J’. T. TVylor.
Guess wlu, 5 !; young man says lie is going
to get him aT50 buggy and is going to
ride Miss —*y too.
Mr. and M'S. J. B. Jones, of Washing¬
ton, visited fjljo latter’s mother at Barnett
last Sunday.
Mr. W. Hi. Bagby and family of Sidney,
Ga., are visiting their parents and other
relatives at this wiiting.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Oslin, returned
Saturday fr bn an extended visit to friends
and relatives in Harlem.
Messrs. Will Snddeth, and J.ove
Mershon Sr; up from Tampa on a fur¬
lough. Their many friends are glad to
see them.
Mr. and Mrs. Bell Thompson, and Mr.
^nd Mrs. Mgar Thompson, of Sumter,
(,iU ’ are visiting around Barnett and
Williams creek at this writing.
Miss Car; A Beck worth returned home'
last Tjiewky. Her cousin Miss Myrtle
Taylor returned with her. We hated to
say, “good bye Miss Carrie.”
Maliiricm omlorsfMl by b«\st Physician*
and Ague. guaranteed All, druggists to cure Chills, from Mollit-M Foyer and est
Drug-Co., fit. Louis.
“M.” vis Led Mildraion 8 . 8 . last Sun¬
day andTo u-d a young man say he got so
aggravated about a message, a young lady
sent Kim that he had to catch hold of a
a himself.yUtlfc'*-; tel.e 5 .ra; ( post to keep from hurting
don’t seiyi him that
message ixp.puioA. *
The Chief Burgess of Milcsburg, Pa.,
says DeWitt’s Little Earh Risers are the
best pills he ever used in his family during
forty years of house keeping. They euro
constipation, sick headache and stomach
and liver troubles. Small in Size but great
in results.
Andrews & - Deadwyler Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence-Brown, Sharon.
' Old uncle Scab Acreo' died at his son’s
home on Pearidge, 32nd inst. lie .has
gone to meet his beloved wife who depart¬
ed this life some years since. We can say
"Well done thou good ail'd faithful ser
vtmt.” We extend to the bereaved fami¬
ly;'' relatives and friends our lieattfelt
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signataio ^ / m
" of
We are exceedingly sorry to -note the
death of Mr. Willy Andrews, which oe
cure.d lit his home in Augusta qu the 10th,
c= was a patient sufferer for many
E- with * Catarrh Of till!
stomach, lie leaves a father, mother,
sister and brether to mourn his loss. The
remains were Tntered in the burying
ground at Powelton church. Tlifi funeral
services were conducted by Rey. L. P.
Winter. We extend to the bereaved
family our heart-felt sympathy; but may
they cheerfully say:
“Why our heavenly Father has dealt
with ns so, in mystery now is wrapt,
But some Owed day bye and b\'e wt’ll
know.-and dhauk him lor the invsterv
Rsmfirkablc Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, Ill,,
makes the statement, that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs: she was
treated for a month by her family physi¬
cian, but grew worse. He told her .sue
j j was a hopeless victim o' consumption
and that no medicine could cure her.
Her druggist suggested Dr. King’s Ne„
1 Discovery for Consumption; she boug ht
j bottle and to her delight found hern-H
benefitted trom first dost. She • ■; wa
^ e-'! and afier s,x ; . ::i
| bereelf sound and well now do<-s tier ov. -
1 housework, and is as well •- ever w.-.s
. “Free trial DittJas o, tbi- G,, .t 1>. 1 ■ *
j TV at Dr. R. J. Reid’s drugstore Large
bottles 50C and *
Lai,' Dressing.
I will visit your o Hair cutting
and shonipooing w r the ladies and child
j WJS- 3 razors, -sr ,op at Mi.P.G
«tore. c ve me a call.
| JOHN C- W.LLIA.dr , Barber
Craw lordville, Ga
In Advanoo-
BY I. N. C.
We are having plenty of rain.
The crops and gardens all look fine.
Mr. George Glaze is the happy father
of- another girl baby.
Mrs. Willie Short, of Oglethorpe, has
been quite sick but is better.
There arc a good runny farmers behind
with their crops on account of the heavy
There were not as many people at the
general meeting at Sardis church as was
expected. *
Mr. mid Aim. 1*. G. Stewart and baby
are visiting their parents on Pea Judge
this week.
Mr. John Short, of Oglethorpe county,
spent Sunday night here with his aunt,
Mrs. J. II. Gibson.
Several frein around here went up 1 o
Atlanta Wednesday of last week to attend
the soldiers reunion.
It is the fashion around here to swap
horses for negroes instead of trading
horses. What do you think brother
Wiu your battles against disease by act¬
ing promptly. One Minute Cough Cure
produces immediate results. When taken
early it prevents consumption. relief. And in
later stages it furnishes prompt
Andrews & I lead wyler, Crawfordville.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Mr. Edgar Callaway had the misfortune!
to loose hia barn by fire last Thursday
while he was at the general meeting at
Sardis church. ,
Bob Moore,of La Fayette, 1ml., says
that for constipation he’ lias found De
Witt’s Little Early Risers them to for be perfect.
They never gripe. Try stomach
and liver troubles.
Andrews A Deadwyler, Crawfordville'.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Miss Katie Maitbie, of Crawfordville, is
visiting her sister Mrs. .T. R. I,. Lynns and
her grandmother, Mrs. L. A. Norman,
and other relatives in Helena.
’The editor of the Evans Oily, Pit., Globe,
writes, ‘‘One Minute Cough Cure is right¬
ly named. It cured my children after all
oilier remedies failed.” it eun coughs,
colds and throat and lung troubles.
Andrews A Deadwyl 1 Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Married at the home of the bride’s
parents, Miss Rosie Warde and Mr, Mat
Adkinson, both of Oglethmpe Co. We
wish them a long, happy and prosperous
i;y mocQdixrs. .
Lovajoy quite sick at this
Miss Ethel Gunn Is attending school at
'this place,
Mr. A. (). O’Neal, of Atlanta, is visiting
relatives near here.
On Tuesday two freight cars with goods
were left at this place.
Mr.-jJ- M. Hancock r-turned to Green’
yille, 8. C., Wednesday.
Mr. A. W. Btrozier, of White Plains,
visited friends here Inst Tuesday. On,,
MJss Annie Ilolibs, of Riverside,
visited Miss Etta Murdcn last week.
Mr. Will Rhodes, ot Atlanta, spent
several days last week with relatives.
Miss May Fluker and mother returned
to Washington after visiting the family of
Mr. J. II. Murdcn.
One of our young men is looking sad,
caused by a beautiful young maiden r< -
turning to her home.
Prof. Jordan IL Sanford, of Crawfoni
ville, and Mr. J. J. Evans, of Augusta,
were up here Monday.
Both schools near hero are having a good
attendance. The -Sunday school is also in
a flourishing condition.
Mr. O. IL Murdcn in.- recovered from
-his recent illness, and is able to be out
among his many friends.
Robert L. Jordan has just returned
home from Petersburg, Tenn., where lie
lias been attending school.
The charming and beautiful Miss Lucy
Fluker and sister,-of Washington, are yis
iting relatives and friends here.
Quite ail interesting meeting at Bethany
is being conducted by Rev. James I-'Iow
don.. There ha« been 14 additions to the
Crops are decidedly better than was ex
pocted a few week# ago and the farmers
are very much encouraged as to the re
suits of this years ycild.
Miss E. ./. Bear.ley "er tn extended
vih it to friend-; and relatives at tiiis place.
returncu to Crawfordville Tuesday.
are 7S glad to have with us.
Mi. C. B. M tch«l tin veteran drut
mer for lJammack L:.' e, & Co
with US was troubled
account of his fine hoi-'.' being cripj, i -2
Mr. L. O. Fa l ' ion i VrT.
employed c- W. Mrud-ntoe.'
him during last week. Mr. il..:,
■ er, EQ'.-i-,.<l hy me of
yoni g jieople while here.
On Tuesday night at 11 o’clock Mr. >V
T. (lorry’s house was consumed by
When the lire- was aiscovctc i he -| 1
hasp time to aa^e but few of bis g
In his loss, he has our sympathy.
Iiobin 311 vvax well repse-ented at
bunion last week: R, 8 . Jlurtien, dele-
NO. 23,
Royal makes the tood pure,
wholesome and delicious.
m w
Absolutely Pure
gate and Mr. J. T. Heard from Alex
Stephens camp. Asa Rhodes and W. II.
Murdcn, sons of vebTans. Also Mr. R. R.
iiixou and lady and Mr. W. T. ferry.
Your Scribe cannot fail to say that the
reunion of Veterans and Sons and Daugh¬
ters of Veterans which was held in the
city of Atlanta last week was simply grand
in every respect, and that ihe dear old
soldii rs of the sixties were the largest
hand of brothers weliaye ever seen at one
Non War Songs and Music.
Two of the most popular pieces
music arranged for piano and organ have
just, been issued by the Popular Music
Go., Indianapolis, Ind. “Bring Our
Heroes Home,” dedicated to the Heroes of
tlie l . 8 . Battleship Maine is one of the
finest national songs ever written. The
music is stirring and the words ring with
patriotism. "Dewey’s ii.attle of Manilla
March Two-Step" is a fine instrumental
piece and will live forever us a souvenir of
i.he greatest naval event in the the world’s
history. Either one of these pieces and
Popular Music.Boll containing IS pages
full sheet mmi • rent on rec ip! of ‘J5 cents,
Indianapolis. 1 ml,
We are having wet weather at last,
A few of our farmers report ripe water¬
Mrs. Jtm Griffith visited Mrs. Maty
Lunccfoi'd last Monday night.
Lit tie Fannie, daughter of Mr. W. F.
Combs, is quite sick with fe^er.
Just'usk Mr. IT. E. V/aU wlvat h- was
so hot about last Sunday evening.
Dr. Nash and wife attended preaching
;it Garter’s Grove last Sunday.
We had the worse washing rain last
Saturday evening we have had this year.
Mrs, Jane Armor and daughter, Mbs
Mamie, are both on thesiek list, this week.
Mrs. Web Combs, of Newton county, is
visiting relatives and friends in this vieim
Little Ilia Acton, and Utis EehoB -pent
last week with their grandmother Mrs. M
J. Nash.
Guess young man gets in .Air. T.
F. Combs way frequently on Sunday
Mr. Ed. Meadows and family arc visiting
his mothor-in-Jaw, Mrs. Holmes of Wash¬
ington county.
Miss Julia Limecford, a loyeiy young
•hxly of Greene county,R'isited Mrs. John
Echols Inst Sunday.
Miss Daisy Combs, a very tidy young
lady ot Wilkes county, visited her uncle
Mr. J. II. Jackson recently.
•—M r. a n u M rs. S P.
Vickers, of Thomson, spent Sun
day at Judge Hum mack’s.
—Mrs. Moody, of Augusta, is
visiting friends here.
—Messrs. Jack Stewart and
Benj. Jones gave a family barbe¬
cue Wednesday.
—Clarence Rhodes, the popu¬
lar clerk tit the Alliance Store,
has p (1(;n ver y J ow with fever at
. |-jJq fat-hor's near town, but we
are t , 0 know that he is inij
| proving.
• • I have » i> t/’Oig kX&Uve CAMCAKFTf f*iL..*ly find*.
n ml’il and gIIbc-Utb they art; bothered win* with
Ucrltil- >1 v r and I were
rjjLph <. breath wa- very b;-h. After
tuk\n% a few i >i*ca or Cascarets help have In the Improved family. *
nuCwferfully. T hay ero a are at
Wihfir.LMINA N’a'HL.
1127 KitteLhovHC St . Cindxmtti. OfUo
■ idto
Tjinxi “*
pl-iaisnt, I'-rrent. Ts-e« noon. Do
G'/ri, UeviT Sicken. Weaken, ot 1 . r;,e Uc.Se.EOc.
... CU5?e COMST5PATIOW. ...
i ^tUm CChhap*, ■anftrwL. »n* Tftrk. m
B3-TQ-BAC Hold fcnd ijT'i'acvofi r*y '2rti
U> CL KM T’btceo HaWk