Newspaper Page Text
ead Aciie ?
Are your nerves weak?
Can’t you sleep well? Pain
in your back? Lack energy? y
Appetite bad? Boils poor? Digestion pimples?
or *
These are pure signs of ►
poisoning. From poisons?
what ►
From poisons that are al¬ <
ways found in constipated <
bowels. y
If the contents of the <
bowels are not removed from ►
the body each day, as nature
Intended, these poisonous ► 4
substances are sure to be
absorbed into the suffering blood, al
ways causing and
frequently disease. causing severe
There Is ►
a common sense
cure. ►
They daily insure an easy
and natural movement of
the boweis.
You will find thatthe use of
Ayer’s ►
orsaparlHa ► ►
with the pills will hasten ►
recovery. It cleanses the
blood from all impurities and ►
is a great tonic to the nerves.
Write the Doctor.
Onr Medical Department bes one ►
of tiie roost eminent physicians in
the United States. Tel! the doctor
last Will how you are suffering, medical ion ►
receive the best advice
Without cost. Addre“ d J y
Lowell*, Mass.
—Prof. Jack Beazley has been
teaching school at Mildrajon
since his mother has been crip¬
pled by the fall from a buggy
some weeks ago.
gl^,Give in the following nomination. gentlemen j-our
support the They are
good men:
for Tax-Receiver.
I hereby. anpouuce myself a candidate
for the office of Tax-Receiver for the
County of Taliaferro, subject to the nomi¬
nated on Aug. 10th. I promise faithful
service it c-leap-d. In asking my friend*
for their support, they will please remem¬
ber my afflictions and physical Infirmaties.
ive me your t.ote. Yours Obediently,
June 29. 189£.
For Tnx-Cfllleotor.
I hereby sinaounee myself a candidate
for the office of TAX-COLLECTOR OF
TALIAFERRO COUNTY, subject to the
People’s Party nomination on Aug. iflt'i,
1898. I earnestly solicit your votes and
promise, if elected, to faithfully sew# tho
people withe best of my kupwledge.
Yours Respectfully,
June 13, 1896.
For Tax .Lullector.
I announce myself a candidate for »,«
FERRO COUNTY and I hereby sincerely
ask the support of my friends and fellow
citizens in the nomination on Aug. 10th,.
1898, I assure you tiie best of service, if
elected to said office, and will eyer be
alive to the people's interest.
' Your* Very Truly,
Juno LViip 1898.
*■ For Coroner.
C. L. Bugby is a candidate for Coromer
of Tafiafer^f county and solicits the votes
of his friends in all parties. Give him
your vote and it will be appreciated.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the- firm of
Edwards. Caldwell & Wo., has been dis
solved by mutual consent, Mr. <;. >v. Caid
weii withdrawing. The reinainiDg mem
widert£ e i?me W !!f EDWARDS
AU accounts due the old firm wii! be paid
Edwards & Co., the new firm assuming all
liabilities of the old firm.
I c- w. uaeuwell. rnn-rn
raw or .c. ja,,. une ot s..c.
a xvoader/ai utico-rrry.
The quarter of a century records
dim.™ l.
remedy, firowns'ir-vi Hrv.n . j eeme to
contain the . ■ utw of .- * !
•ad neither man, -vo.'-jsti *
it wjtiioot .
Browu* is-t i -- i«
ft f. a .1 r* jp Beport +w
Wh" " '^g .^y r >V>l« Are Hairs and ^ayio^.
^ i* Our Fricnd» Tell l'».
^¥owe my success to the newspapers,
and to them I freely give a certain
of my yearly business,” says John Wau
— Jno. H. Stephens spent Mon¬
day in Atlanta.
—Those who visited Atlanta
are joking and being joked.
—Wednesday evenings yain
was almost a flood in this beat.
—Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Oslin
spent Sunday in Crawfordville.
Try the Washington Mfg.
Co. on nails and builders hard
Mrs. R. ^IcC. iboney m eut
up is Grwne Sunday
(ord wasMn Sforirille
—Peaches and melons have
been plentiful in our market this
Sawed brackets any style or
shape gotten out by the Wash¬
ington Mfg. Co.
—Mr, W. W. Bird has bought
the county right to it new feed
—Crops and the grass are hav
ing a Dewey and a Spaniard time
of it now.
Best shingles at lowest liv¬
ing prices can be bought of
Washington Mfg. Co.
—Miss Emma J. Beazley re¬
turned Tuesday from a visit t,o
—Mrs. James W. Golucke, of
Atlanta, spent Wednesday night
here with relatives.
—Miss Katie May Bray, of
Stephens, is visiting Miss Ella
Norton at this place.
—Mr, W. T. Richardson, of
Conyers, has been among his
friends here this week.
—Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Lucas, of
Washington, have been visiting
relatives here this week.
—jMrs. Dr. Phillips, of Har¬
lem. has been on a visit to her
parents at this place this week.
—Capt. R. O. Barksdale’s ex¬
cursion was a success. All who
went on it had a delightful time.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Evans
and daughter, of Augusta, spent
a part of this week at Liberty
—Mrs, J- G: Hahn returned
Monday from a few weeks visit
to her mother in Nashville,
—Mr. and Mrs. Will Hubert
returned to Buckhead this week
after a sjjprt stay with relatives
—Mr. Jameson, of Augusta,
has b$en ftere a few days this
week with his friend Prof. Jor¬
dan Sanford.
—John Jones, who has been in
Florida several months, came
home last, week on a short visit
to his parents.
Barnwell & Vickers are re¬
ceiving weekly car loads of bug¬
gies. It is nothing to them to
get in three or four car loads a
—Miss Cinnie May Boone, of
Atlanta, has been on a visit
Crawfordville relatives and
friends this week.
—Sorry to hear that Mr.
John A. Caldwell had quite a
severe spell of something like
vertigo one day last week.
—Mr. and Mrs, John T. Chap¬
man, of Flymoth, Fla., have
been on a visit to relatives and
friends in this place this week.
still improving since herbalfout
of her buggy some two weeks
ago, but she cannot get about
—Sorry to note that Mr. YV.
A. Legwen has had a slight
stroke of paralysis and has been
right feeble during the past two
—Mr. J. P. Hubert has return
ed to his home at Harlem after
spending a xveek here at the
| ctc u Dea p( j 0 OI f n; s s i S f er Mrs
Davenport. ■ *
— There are some fine colts and
calves in this county. }Jr. W.
K. Gunn has one oi the largest
7 months old calyes we have
ever seen.
—Marshal Tucker and squad
of iKiads have been grading the
hill on Commerce St., this week
improving appearances
— Ml’S. Annie Sanford Cochran,
-jf Barneaville has been with her
• ■- tw.n y ^
y. i, entertain 1 ' : quite a crowd of
' : a. tVw-. f
rte'.ta *
. is u.^
IT *:i 9*
j Where to Send Cotton.
fn another column of this pa
j j ie f oull( j au announce*
ment the flrm o[ Moss &
Bramlitt, one of Augusta's lead
•’ing commission firms, rheyask
|.a shipment of your cotton and
| we feel sure you will be pleased
j w’ith their services. . Give them
1 tx-ial.
Lightning' Killed Them.
Lightning struck and killed a
sow find pigs belonging to
! Stocks Hall near town Saturday
last. Stocks is an industripys
little fellow and with his thrift
he had made some cash and
bought the sow and was prepar¬
ing to raise meat. His bad luck
is regretted by h,is friends.
Taliaferro’s Colored Soldier.
Besides several of the white
boys from this county in the U.
S. army, Taliaferro furnishes
one colored soldier. Ben Wright,
a hard case raised here, was
seen with the regular army in
Atlanta last week by several of
our 'citizens who visited Mc¬
Pherson post. He enlisted there
tyith the regulars and is now
doing duty for the government.
“Undo Seab” Acroe’s Dentil.
Mr. S. N. Acree, for many
yeai$ coroner of Taliaferro
couu.ty, died at his home near
he,re Friday last after a short
i^ness. H G was 79 years old
?md was remarkably active for a
man of his age. He received a
hurt some days ago by a fall
from a buggy and died from some
Spinal trouble, supposed to have
been brought on by the hurt.
He leaves one son. The bereavj
ed have the sympathies of all.
General Crop Review.
The weather during the past
week was favorable for growth
of all crops. Corn has made
rapid advance and the prospects
are now encouraging. Cotton
has made rapid growth, but there
is much complaints of rust and in
some sections black rot. Rice,
potatoes, cane, late gardens, and
pastures are very good, There
are some complaint of the fruit
rotting. Grapes are good. Ap¬
ples and pears are scarce, Fod¬
der pulling has commenced in
some sections and will soon be
Mr*. DavenportY Beaty.
Mrs. Jennie Davenport who
moved to Crawfordville last win¬
ter died at her home here last
Sunday morning after a long
illness, and was buried at Powel
^ on on Mondoy ' 8he was about
years old and for many months
had been a great sufferer. She
was a sister of Mr. Jack Hubert,
Q f Harlem, and Mrs. Miller of
p owe it 0 n She leaves one
daughter. Miss Bennie. The
bereaved have the sympathies
of all this section,
Since our last issue there have
been several store houses pamt
ed up, one new one finished and
a new store opened in-Crawford
-jj e Messrs. Stephens &
Hahn have opened up at the Dr.
White store with a stock of
drugs and the prettiest soda
fountain that was ever" brought
to th is place. The store has
been repainted, Holden & Co’s
, ror^ived a new mat of
" '
^ u» ^ t ^ of m .
provements still goes on. I I
OvWitt’.s 'A r it_h Hazel Salve i
Cures PUej, Haro*.
“Man wants but little here below,
Nor wants that little long.
Please come and buy that little here
And bring’your friends along.”
Washington, Ga.
>i 14 ,?
Excursion to Macon.
Several of the colored citizens
of this section have arranged for
a daylight excursion from this
place to Macon leaving here at
8 o’clock Aug. 15th and return¬
ing in the eyening of the. next
day. The faro is o„iy „., 5 and
they advertise ample accommo- j
dations for white people. It 1
j^vill be a cheap trip to the
.Central city.
Mrs. Hammock's Death!
Mrs. Jane Hammack, wife of
the late Henry T. Hammack, of
this place, died on Thursday of
last week, at the age of 7(5 years.
She was a remarkably industri¬
ous old lady and was true to
visit her sick neighbors and
friends; #was one of the oldest
members of the Baptist church
here. Her name was Crawford
before marriage, a relative of
Governor Crawford. She had
been ailing only slightly and on
Friday before her death, she
fell near her gate and bruised
herself from the effects of which
she never recovered, She
leaves one daughter, Mrs. L. F.
Stephens and one sister, Mrs.
N. E. Powell. The bereaved
have our sympathies.
Itobbcil the Gravr.
A startling incident of which
Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia,
was the subject, is narrated by
him as follows: “I was in a
most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes
sunken, tongue coated, pain con¬
tinually in back and sides, no ap¬
petite—gradually growing weak¬
er day by day. Three physi¬
cians had gjven nje pp. For¬
tunately, a friend advised trying
‘Eleotric Bitters,’ and to my
great joy and surprise, the first
bottle made a decided improve¬
ment. f /continued their use for
three w/eeks, and am now a well
man. I know they saved my
life, and robbe/d the grave of
another victim," JSToone should
fail to try them, Only 50 cents
pejr bottle at Dr. R. J. Reid’s
Drug Store.
The Yets to the Reunion.
The Alex Stephens Camp of
Confederate Veterans went to
Atlanta last week in a special
decorated coach. The Camp
was very well represented and
the car was pretty well filled
when it left hei’e. They had a
good time but some of them got
tired and returned early,
others lingered until Monday of
this week,
Atlanta had 60,000 visitors
within her borders and they
were just about as many people
as the Gate City could handle.
It was a good humored crowd
however and but little trouble
was experienced.
How’s Thb!
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any cate of Catarrh
tb*t cannot be cured by nail’s
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney * Co. Prop*. |
1 .' j
the undersigned, .
Vs e nave ;
known F. J. Cheney for the - kast j
15 years and believe him par- !
iecuy nonomme biwirahle in m all business i t
transactions and financially able
to carry out any obligations made
by their firm
West & Try ax Wholesale
Druggiata, Toledo, U. & Marvin, i
Wadding, Rinnan |
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. ;
rr ,l ji- A ....pi, r,m, ic t*L-f»n I
•, acting * direcly -( 'i upni
the b'uod and mucous surfaces of
tit: tho Price 75c. oer bot- ! i
Sold by all Druggists. To
tii. ouiuL free. I
H-U’s Family Pills are A
- - —
Baby Carriages.
iJrig’htest Items fr^na Near by
To the Credit of Hie Excellent County
Journals from Which Wc Get
the Creamy News.
—Greeuesboro will soon vote
to have waterworks.
—Willis Willingham died in
Washington last week.
—Miss Dempie Albea died in
Wilkes on the 17th. inst.
W. T. Johnson, Washington,
sells everything on wheels.
—Hancock peach growers have
shipped about 14 cars up to last
—Judge Hump McWhorter is
president of the Georgia Bar
—Mr. Lum Callaway died last
week near Woodstock of cancer
on his mouth.
„« T . ... „
town need digging deeper,
J. M. Denham, of White
Plains, is buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
—Misses Mary apd Bessie
Torbert, of Greene, are visiting
friends at Powelton.
As to the merit of T)f. Ticlie
nor’s Antiseptic the proprietors
refer to any amj everyone who
lias given it a fair trial.
-—A negro child was found in
a croker sack near Park’s mill
in Greene county last week,
wonderful People are surprised at the
cures wrought by Dr.
Tiehunor’s Antiseptic, a remedy
for Burns, Wounds or other in¬
—Hon. and Mrs. W. M.
Howard are at their home iu
Lexington, since Congress ad¬
Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic is
placed squarely on its own merits
asking no favors, fearing no
competitors and courting fair
—Instead of complaining of
dry f eather all tho neighbors
ar,e reporting refreshing showers
apd nice crops.
J)f. Tichenor’s Antiseptic is a
clean, pound for pleasant, healing reliable wounds, com¬
Also for curing colic, in man or
animal. 50 cents a bottle by
—Cols. Rich Kennebrew and
G. C. Daniel, of Danielsville are
in the race for State Senator
from that district.
In case of colic or pains in
stomach or bowels, Dr. Tiche¬
nor’s Antiscqitic gives relief iu a
few minutes.
—Greenesboro and White
Plains had a game of ball last
weelc in which the former was
victorious 20 to 9.
There is no use suffering with
a wound of any kind now-a-days.
Simply keep it wet with Dr.
Tichenor’s Antiseptic. It stops
the pain and heals quicker than
anything, and cost only 50 cents
a bottle,
—White Oak campmeoting will
convene on Friday before the
4th Sunday of August. And
Fountain will begin one week
after White Oak.
A friend in need is a friend in¬
deed. When badly wounded you
need a friend. Dr, Tichenor’s
Antiseptic will prove a friend
—Prof. Callaway, of Wilkes
county, and Misses Pearl
Rogers and Eula English have
been elected as teachers for the
Warrenton Academy for the
eusuing year.—Clipper.
See W. T. Johnsons, Wash¬
ington, Ga,, for Buggies and
Wagons. He buys in car load
lots and makes low prices.
—“Wink’’- Taylor, a wen I
known hotel keeper was shot
and killed at. Ashville, N. C.,
Adi^tALTa iXwas
the cause.
Barnwell « Vickers are
never undersold, but if you will
eome to see them they will till- !
uerseu. , ,, •
— yir. Gideon Woodruff, of
near Raytown, died suddenly at
Mr . Henry Aycock’s in Wilkes
last week. He was 87 years old, ,
an d had started to church when /
death ■
Get our prices on laths and
ana oncKoeiore before you vou be°in oegin \oui vour
house. W ashington Mfg. Co.
“ ®I
0 2 m
E :23
Her Health Restored
zM- Ik i
..~z mm
r* SI>*
m ,v
*«AI!E misery of sleeplessness can only-pe
■ realized by those who have experi¬
enced it. Nervousness, sleeplessness,
headaches, neuralgia and that miserable
feeling of unrest, can sureiy bo cured by l>r.
Miles’ Restorative Nervine. So certain is
Dr. Miles of this fact that ail druggists are
authorized to refund price paid for the first
bottle tried, providing It does not benefit.
Mrs. llenry Bruns, wife of the well known
blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, says:
’I was troubled with sleeplessness, nervous¬
ness, headache and irregular menstruation;
suffering untold misery for years. I used
various advertised remedies for femj jieyom
plalnts besides being under the uf^ocal
physicians, wi-hout help. I noticed in Dr.
Miles' advertisement the testimonial of a
lady cured of ailments^lmilar l,y mine, P.nd
1 shall never cease to thank tbaji, l;\dy. fir. Her
testimonial Induced me to use Miles’
Nervine and Nervo and Liver ^ills, which
restored me to health. I cannot gay enough
for Dr.Mlles'Remedies."
Dr. Miles' Remedies fiS&V
are sold by all drug¬
gists under a positive -Nervine
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re¬ .»Restores
funded. Book on dis¬ S' Health A
eases of the heart, and
nerves free. Address,
Dlt. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Iud.
Go to Farming.
Do you went to buy or trade
for a farm 7 If so, write us for
descriptions of some of our bar¬
gains. Let us know what kind
of place you want, how much
you can pay and upon what terms
you wish to buy. Wo can meet
your requirements.
We have many farm' bargains
for sale in Tennessee. North
Carolina and North Alabama.
Our places rapgo in price from
$300 to $25000. We have been in
the business of selling farms ex¬
clusively for ten years. We are
thoroughly familiar with values
and conditions throughout this
section. If you want to buy, it
will pay you to consult us.
Write for our list of farms for
sale. Sent free to any address.
Cuabtkek’s Farm Agency -
Chattanooga, Tenn.
01 *
And vicinity, by wrrtfng will consult their
interest to
Standard Maunfactaring Co.,
FnrPijppaon SASH, DOORS,
BER, LATH or aiiylliing in
(Trade Mark Registered Nov, 24, ’9<i,
The New Life-Giver,
Promotes Vigorous Health tile by instilling
from tlu,*lr into system,
cures all forms of disease without
Medicine or Electricity. It is as simple ns
Prices of OXYDQNORS greatly ro
Get the genuine, made bv tliu
and inventor, Dr, Hercules
Book of particulars and pricelist free.
Address Di. II, Sin die, #01 Fifth Ave¬
nue, New York.
The New York World,
1S Pages a )Ye«k . . .
. . . IM Papers a Year
P(lbll , lied ev , ry AUernute Vtty ,
4 i„ y .
weekly” papers iu size, frequency of
publication, and tho' freshness, ifliaYaii accuracy
an ,i variety of it» contents. the
merits of a groat $.> dailv at the price of a
dollar weekly. Its political news is prompt
complete, accurate and impartial as all its
readers will testify. It is against the
monopolies and for the people, all world,
h prints the news of the
jS»t brilliant illustrations, stories '{IKh by Lm
pace,' great au
Htors, a capital humor household complete
market, departments for the
and woman’s work and other special de
partments of unusual interest.
VVe offer this unequaled newspaper and
Thc Advocate-Democrat together one
v ,. ar f or 91.65. The regular subscription
p rice of tte two p aper* i* Y 2 . 0 o______
|'i|*f PI f a a moat*
n«ww,rwRM.» 4id*Ml«. -i'll utC
* 0 *. ;.i X. Sb