Newspaper Page Text
Should know that tha
"Oid nmu” lieuiody.
% a
I te .1
rvatias. - ft
Is the best for PwBtlr t Correcte all
Irregularities in Female Organs. blMJUl.l be
taken forCkcnje ot Lit* and “for* ChiM-birlk.
PUuters "Oli Time” Keme<He* '.a Vo stood the
test for twenty years.
Kiwlo wily by KFponcer ai^dictnoOo., Cfcat
Paul G. Lucas Crawiofdv' 1 ''' Da.
For information as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either of tiife utidcrsiglladi
You will receive prompt reply and
reliable information.
T. F. A. chF.A.
Augusta, Ott. *.\.
V t
8.<W. W-U.KI S, H. K.NICHBI.SON, a. G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
sft. W. HAKDtV ICK, 0. If. MACflU,
S. A. C> F, A,
Macon, bn.
f • ■ fjf ■
•fl&fF. A. .1, F. & F. A.
5IilIcdgcrfito, AugUsta.
This is the Man
? £GPi £
Pt \i V* >1
Hw? i' MW Jltefl Free!
i m jr. CA. P.
f VP
By givig thomzbest and. cheapest {or all“. .
Cu pigpo (snot eel Wire Fencing No
say at afoot“ factory much vrxco.
mh‘ttgbwd ttla or how 3011
mm ‘ 6r forwhat outpace, nan to
h hoadquurzaa for M,~‘N~rvfi 11.x;
u m
d t
t H m
the Frelthl.
et- nm
$34.-5#. , . ,
*96 Models. 41«fi Pride.
Ultt UsK OS AflBMS Mil. !?*•*••
Wc to Have tot * AiHraaesar Saving Vo« all
l i. AjtMM's PH>4t*. fc
ftMt «!at»rVala, #uo*vS abipSD]rSa*T«wit*
Ww*~t We
oriril«e of *xa»inaticm, refuaa p»V ytur
^ f ftnti
CMWT if represented. Every
wtenuAip. *e*d for catalog.e
M 2 Mata St.^ - • Hkhart, faM.
SsKTtl^A«i€S$gir Fl-E ZTR fTOXF fATKVy
W illuitrntiogof ‘ Lame tnlo nfltyles a showin of fsnc- ‘ x ‘
in: ,with hundreds of testimoninle
from ‘11 sections. Addresu _
The Wire Fence Aunky. Nan
. 70,3, 1'ng 59. 9;“
the People of thst Thriving
Town Are Doing,
Our town is flooded with fruit eyery day
Atlanta is a whole town at once. She
the leading city of the South.
People are raising tobacco this year to
use at home and save the war tax.
MAlat-ton is devoid of bitter lasts,
Cbiiis and Fever; acts on the liver
regulates the system generally. All
•Mr, A. D. Moore’s lumber shed fell last
week during the rain. It is up again.
Mt. Paul Fouche was in our town last
week fixing up bicycles for the boys,
Mr. Jacob Rocker aud family are on a
visit to Emanuel county, the glory land.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Caacnrets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
It C. C. C. fail toeurc, druggists refund money.
Mrs. Dr. Mohre, Mrs. J. A. Kendrick
and sister visited Union Point last week.
We think the pea crop will be the beet.
we have had in our section for many years.
Mr. A. T. •Gilbert visited his son Frank
at Chickumauga camps during tiie re
Gdncate Four Bowels With Cuseuret*.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money
Mr., Gilbert and son, of Texas, are
visiting Air. L. A. Moore’s family at
Hillman at.present.
Mr- Pyron, of Social Circle, has been in
Sharon several days acting as depot agent
and, telegraph operator.
Miss Beck-worth, of Wilkes couDty,
who has b«ui .visiting relatives in this
section has returned home.
No-Xo-ltw for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 60c, «1. All druggists.
Mr. W. L. Kendrick, our depot agent,
has been quite sick for’several days. We
hope he may bo alright soon.
Our people don’t seem to be grieving
over the war talk much now. They have
found they will not have to go.
Mrs. l>r. W. A. Moore, of Millodgevill*.
has been visiting her daughter Mrs.' J. A,
Kenorick aud her family, atJhjs place,
Mwlarlon With Malarion ra-bleta
Guaranteed Cure for Cliilh, Fever aud
Ague, or money refunded. 50 cents. All
Mr. and Mrs. William Gunn, of South
Georgia, have been up on a visit to rela¬
tives and friends iu this and Warren coun
D- Mr.
Mr. Albert Barnett one of John
O’Keeffe’s head clerks is off on a vacation
at present. He is a steady business young
man. : •
The editor of the Evans City, Pa., Globe,
writes, “One Minute Cough Cure is right¬
ly named. It cured my children after all
other remedies failed.” It cmes coughs,
colds and throat and lung troubles.
Andrews & Deadwylcr Crawfordvllle,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Whenever you get the wotneii folks
aftar you you are gone sure, they will
pick up everything from earth to your
grave. both
Tliere has been several deaths
white and black in Taliaferro and
counties in tiie past two or thtee
vVe are sorry to state.
hob Moore,of l.a Fayette, Ind.,
that for constipation lie has found
Witt’s Little Early Risers to be
They never gripe. Try them for
and liver troubles. Orawf^oville: :
Andrews in Deadwyler,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Sunday tiie 24th of Juiyw* the flfst
Sunday in three ve«r* thfct mt * n(1 m v
good wife were not with *»ch other- This
looks like a good record.
Mr. Corhinj»f WafHngton, h* been
yiaiting SliaroO section recehtly. He is
one of the yoan^ soldiers who wi*. dis
chargeil from the 2nd. Ga. I
"waraitb'?" l* mtlorseil by best F»ysfrian« eve''and
i° cure Chills ipffit'M
i , rU f 4lrdhureisbs or from est
Drug Co., St. Louies .
We never bin up with two core clever ,
btvsthan our roushis Mr. MB Roger*
a id Bob OuVu of DeKalb c*nty. We
h >po to see tkem again soon.
Win your battle-, against dva-e by act
ing promptly. One Minute urt
produces imrrfediate results, nen taken ,
lat«r stage* it fuinisne* pion*ir(
Aifctw i Deadlier. L* AOr nliB.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Share
People generally have Lay r.r nit
their crop* for the presentfcur. We
h i\e ha 1 »o much rain tlu.t
work the ground being to., w u
The many friends ac,d ro.aU ' ? >ir
•nd >Ir». Hell Thomps. a
niy were glad to meet ti i hi. ti
home. •
SrttUWir.y.f.r^V^. ?•
Mr. William Moore has taken charge of
our post office entirely, lie being th; peat,
master anil we expect he will make a
good one. lie has been In the same busi¬
ness btfore. ,
E. C. Ble.iks, of Lewisville, Texas)
writes that or.c box of DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Sa ivew* w ortli $50,00 to him. It
cured his piles of ten years standing. He
advises others to try it. It also Cures
eczema, skindiscases and obstinate Crawfordvllle’. sores.
Andrews A Deadivvler, .
Dr. Lawrence BroiVn.Sharon.
We had the pleasure of seeing Mr.
Saigo Plunkett recently, lie is one of
the big writers for tho Atlanta Constitu¬
tion. Wo never sayv Brown, wc guess he
had had ldm hid mil ready for any
Don't Tokacro S|iil and Stnokt Tour I.tfc Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, lie mag
netic. full of life, nerve and vi'ror, take No-To
llac, the vromlor-worker, tliat makes weak men
strong. Ail druggists, 50c or It, Cure guaran¬
teed. Booklet and sample free. A ddress
Sterling Kemedy Co., Chicago or New York.
Mr. J. W. Fallen is wearing the white
liiit at mill in Sharon. Joe had rather
grind corn and gin cotton than attend to
Ids bar-room, but he has got -good old
clover George T. Moore there to see that
every thing is alright.\
. Some of our tube friends reported us as
a deserter from our family when we went
to Atlanta to the reunion—wc take all
such slurs in good taste. Nothing
•orry people will tell-such infaijious lies
aud they don’t get any pay for it either.
Mr. W. II. Bagby and family of
Emanuel county have returned to thoir
homes after several days visit to ..relatives
in this and Warren county. We were
glad to sec them all and to know, that
they wove well pleased with their South
Georgia homo.
We intended visiting some of our e^ni
klu people last week but our better half
•aid we hud been gone long enough from
her domicile and we should not go any
more without a pass from her signed,
sealed and delivered iu tho presence of a
N. P. Ex-O. J. P..
Mr. John T. Stone, of Raytown, lost
a flue horso on Wednesday evening of last
week. Tho horse was hitched to a wagon
which had a coffin in it for some colored
person on Mr, Stoho's place and about 100
pound* ,»f meat, The rimat has never
been found*; The coffin was recovered
and brought,back to Mr. A...D. Moore,
aud retrimmed. It was fortunate that the
driver escaped lnit : ,t-was a heavy Ws ‘0
Mr. Stone, having his horse drowned.
Thousands of persons haye been cured of
piles by 11 using' DcWitt’s. Witch Hazel
Salve. It 'heals promptly and cii es
! cczcnni’fitfd'till skin diseases. It gives 1 -
; mediate relief. •». i
Andrews A Dcadwyler, Crawfordvllle,
; Dr. Lawrence Brown, !?huron.
Writion’t wisii to disguise) ourself iu our
trip to the old Vets reunion.i in Atlanta.
We were there whole soul and body and.
met many who wc had not seen for yearsi
It was a sublime affair. Words cannot;
express what was to be seen there. We
met a good many people w.e-never expect
to meet again, such a.*, the old, wav horses,
Gen. Gorilori, Evans and others. Other
writers have already wrote it up. We
!enjoyed the trip very mifeh. Along the
line of the Ga. R. R. 1 he crops are very
good arid a very good crop will be gather¬
ed this fall. We saw all the manufactur¬
ing business and business of all kind was
ip .full storking order. AtKuita has
grown out of our knowlodge- Wc had
not been there in 18 years and consequent¬
ly vre hui to liuve a idiot and we ap¬
pointed Mr. lim Rogers to take care of
us, ;.nd” alternate iu the person of Capt.
Fd. Gttess, but Jim Kogans was our main
stake. Capt. Guess being bald headed ami
there was so* many bald headed mtu
there that I Bad to depend on Rogers. He
■»* *•* ..................—
him. Jim Bugera will stand the stampede
in any reunion that eoiien for the next 20
years. .Capt. Guess w ill .aide out, iu hi-j
, bateau . . buggy when .... it is necessary regard
less of hiw tirry^iorntj. Thxf Csiptain told
tiiis on himself. Wliile w" are tulkii g
r r,„ s ,t r
I aliaferro people.-- i hose #ho were in
good circumstance* both old and young
never forgot the lost cause. When the
old Vets itere vi pit their way
they . paid it .or them “ T,us was a grand ,
*ftd nobledc*d and will be remembered t?n
their rtrtoig ootsi Hurrah for Taliaferro'*
geu*ro-“y also , or Atlanta . , < hospitality, , . that j
In clo'.ingthie articio we must i>av
{ . (f . t !.. k j aa ,* that
was we tpox , -inter mi x. a,»p | e
rsnlil vv«; ha ! about oat it up. h ? *
j , ‘ e " a J ' ' r * * ., r , doue , u ., xta *■'**'•
olhCTi wouW uot a °*
i O XX. Q "T 1 XT. «
In* K "J Vw Had
Hair ])rc--Lig. *
• I
a ir. air ; -itt;:;" ;
«. stdI I,lid- !
L'l ■?o >h;irpt;u razors. op at iff P.G
J'torc. Give me u call.
i CrawforJ
/ vi le, Ga.
Securing free *
dam from the grip,
•of catarrh makes
loyal friends for
the liberator.
J* I'e-ru-na has
4 been making
friends of this
M7 kind for many
A" years. It cures
K, catarrh w her¬
ns ever located.
ISBHIP'- My M rs. It. Lades,
: of 35 Twenty
v\^iW' eighth St,, Do¬
troilt, Mich., Is one of the many tliou
san< l of Pe-ru-na’s friends. This is what
•he says to Dr. Hartman:
“ We have used your Pe-ru-na with
tbs most remarkable results and would
not be without it. We have always
reedtomended it to our friends. A few
yea, -s ago I purchased a buttle of your
recommended Pe-vu-na and after seeing its results,
it to my grocer who was
troubled with dyspepsia, the curing of
tyh'oh induced her to 6ell it in her
Itom- Slie has sold large amounts of
it. My daughter has just been cured
of aundice with Pe-ru-na. My pen
woi id grow weary Were I to begin to
tell you of the numerous cures Pe-ru-na
has effected in our immediate vicinity
wit dn the last couple of years.”
Dir. Ilartinun, President of the Surgi¬
cal Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, will counsel
tnuj thi.i prescribe free for of charge. fifty thousand Every women suffer¬
ing woman should write for special
question blank for women, and havo
Dr. Hartman's book, ‘'Health andl
Bet uty.” All druggists sell Pe-ru-na.
- -Miss Bennie Davenport went
do icn to Barnett and Povvelton
Saturday after a week’s stay
wi ll friends here. She moved
he r honsehold goods to Powelton.
She will likely make her home
in /Atlanta* i
•—-The Lombard Iron Works
and Supply Co. have a notice in
this paper that will pay every
m^bhinery.bwner in the county
to read. This shop is up t6 date
ip every line of work and will
TWPhtvyoh 'reasonably.
Office Moved.
I have moved my Law Office up stairs
over M. F. Griffith/s store,
Attorney at Law,
Cfuwford'ville, Gn.
—Annual meeting at tho
Presbyteriail church here will
begin to-night (Friday) aud will
probably cdtiilnue one week.
Pastor Burgess will be assisted
by Rev. Tom Cartledge, of Way¬
DuCklAoW Ancle* may.
The Best Salvo in tire world for Ontfi,
Bruises, Sores, (Tlocra, Salt Rheum, Fvt.
er, Tetter, Chopped Hands. Chilblain*.
Gorfla, dod all Skin Erupt ons, end fxisi
flre’.y, cures Piles or neTar rtfeoired- la
il guaranteed tp give* satisfafl^on or
money refund.-J. Trico 25 ceoU per box.
FW sale by Dr., R. J. Reid
[Continued from last page. J
greater, tiy the insurance i»
higher fcofnplaiflts than made .■mould ho. the The railroads same
arO by
and by the mills when they put their
cotton in warehouses.
, : ^ rSXStSS. your interest to do all that is in your
Rower to have every one make this
: Change by next, season. As a general
bole, the press boxes will have to lie
, famde smallert eithor one way or both.
This can be done with very little ex
pease by fining the inside with boards,
follow 2 SSKte.HAS to
block can lie sawn off fit the
box. The-cost of making thhf change
in most cases will not exceed $5.00.
Jority they or the gmuers in our tejeritorj,
and promise to alter thoir prejs
boxes to tho* stamlard size. We re
fcix:ctfully solicit the co-operation of all
growers and those interested in tho
cotton crop, to urge upon the ginners
the importance of making all bales of
the standard size, as the success of this
j movement and the benefifs to be derived
it depend upon them. We are
pciuners will makes thin r*h .a^e, but it lg
:%rv that th- change !>e as * near |
universal as p-ossihle.
farmer# interest themselves in j
thin, to them, vital auction* and nr^ro !
njFir: »b«-ir ginners the importance of a ,
U!iii'or:u size for press boxes.
Ii. T. Nesbitt, Commissioner.
Itmti with you *NbcUu»r you contiaootbo
fetbOVrf tfce -5-ir lor glifis totifcr*
OU» UefV v Ua GAA-rCjA. *t tr* jA
U;--. v - r rui»*e U t
otc n*j i>At ru.utxocd •> >x •*
Td j. £ ■' i3tf: -l atttLg
i ui. , htfT*, -d
V&**' % bax.fl. m^nniv »w1*i u«uaF> parts >u tiy,, ?oru» intently 1 borer. tk re i.M •Irt It i 9 witfc * in i '4
* a ‘*ri i
“s to-'•nr-' < - **-r<*' r,r montT
B »ril «y I mmmj U., Ct.vw/*, a«A*hr«to*, Jrf t
TT>7 i — uJ
Correspondents' Ecpqjffs of, Whit Their
Uelshbiwo Talk
■ r
the Happen (it* in Their HespeCtlve Lo¬
calities. Alt the Neve,
rc,i. N. C,
Farmers busy laying by.
The fruit crop is fine around litre.
Mr. Frank AW ns is on the rick list this
week., r <«
ML M.,Boatwright and Mortio Landrum
visited WoodskockiSuuday last."
Mr. S. A. Caldwell report* very good
crops in Greene bounty.
Mr*. Jeff Land nun, of Woodstook, lias
been very sick but is thought to be some
Mr. Elisha Jarrell, from liairdstowri,
was visiting Mr. H, M. Boatwiigld's fuini
ly Sunday.
S. A. Caldwell says he. expect* to have
it big time when cotton opens and get
some whiskey to buy somo-moiiey with.
Misses Maggie Boatwright, of Helena,
and Nannie Short, of Oglethorpe, were
tiie,guests of Mrs. J. 11. Gibson Sunday
“I think DeWitt’s Witch Ilu/.al Salve
the finest preparation on the market for
piles.” So writes John C. Dunn, of
Wheeling, W. Va. Try it and you will
think .the same. It ttlso cures eczema and
all skin diseases.
Dr. Andrews Lawrence ,t Dead'Pyier,; Crawfonivill*
Brow”. SMuron.
A man in Greene comity had a negro
hired who ran fiwny # tiic other day, went
to Spain and carried a plow stock with
him to kill Spaniards. Another way to
use a plow stocks.
Things are changing around here. We
are having mail niggers instead of mud
dogs. There was a' man in Oglethorpe
county who hud'a fight with a negro one
day last week aud she hit his finger.
A Narrow FM-ap*.
Thankful word* written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart, of Groioti, S. I). “Was taken
with a hud cold which settled ou my lung*,
cough set in aud finally terminated in
Consumption. Four Doctors gave me
up, saying I could»Hvc hut a short time.
I gave myself up to my Sartor, determin¬
ed if I Could ubt Lcvt st*y with toy frinids on
euriti, 1 would «iy uhwat onesjsbhvei
My husband UdvfrAI to get Dr. Klug's
New Disodyerf dr Consumption, Coughs
and Colds: I gave it u trial, took in nil
eight txittiesi It has ( urcif uae. and tlmuk
God I am suvod aud oo*v a wcH am!
healthy woman. Trial hotlkt* free at J)r.
R. J. Reid's bo. Drug tstore. Regular size
50c and HI Guaranteed or prk-e le
Mrs. O. P. Harris ts i[iiite sick.
Mrs. E. C. Jilxon went to Atlanta .tfon
Mjss Anna L. Harris in visiting her
hrothet) Mr. il. P, Harris*.
Miss Eva Gunn, of Washington, Isviift
higher aunt! Mrs. E.'If.'McCauley.
Mi** Euuie Humphrey, of near White
Plains, Is visiting her cousin Mozelle
Miss Lucy Fluker who has been visiting
relatives here Is visiting relatives and
friendsat Woodville.
There will he pr< a , jfiing'ut tiie Robin
sou Academy on Saturday Bight before
tiie 2nd Sunday by Rev. Simeon Shaw.
W atermelon* are very scarce at this
place. A large 'dortH at young people
attended the sll'ig'iuz at lile academy Sun¬
day night.
We are sorry to chronicle the death of
Mrs. if. C. Randle which off cured In At¬
lanta on tiie 2nd iifst. Silk leases quite
a number of relatives and friends and
s -veil children to mourn fie r 1 departure.
Tiie hcr»aved liavc our sincere Sympathy
in their grt*t aftlictidh.
The Sure La Grippe CuM.
fill mslsdy, i’ if yotf will only fromthl get the " dreftd rigid
rc|ne „ You are having pain p *U through f
:'' our body, your liver ts . out of order,
have no appetite, no life ofr ambition,
have a ltd cold, in fact are completely
. , lectr!c Bitten is ... the onlr ,
J *' “ ’ reel¬
vdy will gfve you prompt and sure relief,
They act direct off your Liver Stomach
a,1(J ? on M , ]lk « a ; being,
1 hey* are guaranteed to cure or price re
funded. For t*Ie at Dr. R. f. Keid’i
drugstore. Only 50 cents per bottle.
BY M. !
IUin at d era** a plei.ty.
Mi-» Willie Lee Waikei very
Giles* who got disappointed lad Sun
diiv. I
D.uinners plentiful at Barnett last (
w " fck - :
Will Dozier went to Covington lost
tti Adxraixoo*
NO* 24,
Kbyal makes the fltMd pare,
WfWtesome end delicious.
»,k v* / \ i
Preaching at Rarnettjgeijt Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs. J E visited out
community la*t weeje.
Master Kinnith Cofby i* attending
school in Washington,
Mr. J . L. Turner, had the misfortune to
lose two cows recently.. 1
Mr, II. T. BeckwqRji , is suffering, very
much with a very Grittitii bad'liadh
Master Lies* 'spetit tail Friday
night with Master Ail^n ifot Tjjrber.
Mr. Love Mershon is -it liome on a
furlough as was stute f 0 last week!
Little Annie MtidVajou.Gl'ove Taylojf,'' visited 1 M«. J. E.
Bagby at last week.
I)r. L. R. BfbW'n WiI'MrS. Xsbury, **t
Sliarbn, were ih'os'i'r'tioiiJ&stiveek.
Misses Bei-yl a'n'd Wgry O’Brien, were at¬
tending camp meeting at C'ulVerton last
week. v ' ’’
All the Fhnataii'il'jiedple 'liavte Returned
honfe after spending a short while in this
community. ' ;
Mr. W. I-*. Dotvif,"had : A ftore at Bar¬
nett now and is doing^irstt^ go.od busi
ness we think.
Planters C d 6 v A N O I L
Cdia') Burns,'Rruiskf, Kheu
matimn and Sord*.' Puica, 25 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. J*lse'McKmny, of Bermu¬
da, visited the forum's parent* nsar Bar¬
nett last week. ", - »> •• r h V ’■
The DeWitt’s Chief Burgess Litpp ^atiy of ijlilesb'urg, 'H' Pa., die
says us^ilin hlf|,family se|, s are
best pill* he«vur daring
t Th ? y cur r
constljjatloh, tick headache and l stomacii
and fiver trouble*. Small fn jlze.but great
Ju results*. t ,, ,
Andrewstk BrbWn, Deadwtier Orawfyrdville,
Dr. fjaWfehce ShkrbP.'
Prori-actfd - meetinga:otnmen6ed 'Hi Jen -
niiigslast Saturday by Key. Mr. Weayer,
of Lexington. •> . M J..
and Kick il till till headache, liver liver anil. and.! bllimispejis, *tdmgcji stom^cji troubles troubles pqtjstipation
can can
be quickly cured n by qsjng those famous
little piRs known as ljenitt s Little Early
lfis« rs.' They atg pijt^sfnt ( |o take a ml
never —— gripe* Dcadwyler. <, .Crawfo rdville,
Andrews &
Dr. •. Lawrence Brown' riharon.
Mi turn Emmie Lwi/M^ary, Likzie and
Master Loyd Deck worth, have entered
school at MildrajohJ 1 Bt'L‘
' Planters ■ v ui lii-M.niiRttM. ,S<j«r auxaoeli
*ud Suwaar Coinpluto la. rM’lu , 25 CmiU.
Ask a certain glrf of 1 ou'r'communfty
which two yoUng ire'ri ire tl.a most hand
some of Mildr/jdtfTTrfi3^T , t —
O A. BTOTtlX. iM^ttr^mji
Bean th* Die jp Bought
Guess what two young mi'rj itarted to a
barbecue ami got \vkt(?r'-Wiu nd between
two creeks? Wonder wbatbecann of the
poor fellow*? :u9 u> i j
Hl/Bli t
Planter* Q)nftpaL>B knJ Dyspep¬
sia, Indi¬
gestion. Regulate* th* liver. ' Phe*. 25 eu.
All above goods for *al«j[rf L. G. Luca*
Our Honor RbllY I
The following Jtiltd patron* 'hare paid
their mbxcriptUns »ifk-e our tiel i ssuo:
■ J. W. Aljmi, 50c*to ^for. O. ‘,’9^. ’
J. P, Potkins, tr to Aug. ’20 ’98.
A. J. Ohapmth, $1 to Feb. 19 ’9®T‘ f-3
' ASS « V
H I h*v* k**ii diId* CIMAreYs bia for
which I have amieteO for
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mend them to triend* « Mile all they m
repre.ea*e«. • TBoa, Otuan. Eifi», Uk
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Ft*a*ant. Palatable. Poum*. T*i»e Q«ea. f>»
SooU, Neve* ilckeu. Weat.u, or Ori** )*., Me. Me.