The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, August 05, 1898, Image 2
ADVOCATE-DEMERIT, ~C M ftJlthfSHSD EVERY FRIDAY MOPATKC SY CLEW. G. MOORE. Official O.taa Taliaferro C*. CRAY.FORDV1LLE, Al.d. 1 'i i tu,ti !.i poijm ;| 1 c i'UM.'l.' )!lf arc- re nor!.-, d in Gr< ccounty. His the greatest of (><.-v man itesmaq, | last. : Cnl. J. H. candidate [ for liOlOg • governor, came in U | drowned in a .swollen stream near j ,, _ p^.* j Iiuncb'uds of j ,j ( j lu-acu . 1 nave gone to '.'. .is 1 - m Uiinc -. lor want Ol markets ; t i ting facilities. Jshmae me. Bislioj Uockor -w ill eomo to Washington on the 15th i n&t and dedicate the new orphanage ; erected by Fatiier O'J’rie-i. ; W i-l.ington Chronicle Jf peace is made with Spain an army of 50,000 will be sent to ,, * 11 , " *' r , ■' ,l , IjO** as , n i-. ■ • (iiu:e’-;:l. It is tim ■ th.H. qiillatil geialoniitu was being ' " vi'ttid. -- Mr. Sanders, s m of (.apt. Dennis Sanders, was here a l'e w | days ago. lie has h-m in the Lild Us. Ih-g. fit tlie i.. S. \ it! ! Tampa but was discharged a few j Weeks ago on itfiioui.! of lu's I hoallii. Mr. J. H, Sloan wi'itt-s ns ;m [ article on the subim-t of a. uni form bale of cotton* that, should interest every ginnor and pro¬ ducer. It will not cost much to make all cotton presses conform lo making the 2-1x51 inch bale and the buyers and spinners will give more for the cotton in that shape, The bale will be easier handled. The Ad vo-Demoorat \s new fall samples have arrived and you can get you a pretty, stylish, made to measure suit of clothes jor a.small amount of cash. Even the northern papers ean not help praising Con. .Joe Wheeler. Eye witnesses say that to Wheeler is due a large amount of tlie credit for the victory at Santiago. When Shaftt-r and every general in tlie army wanted to retreat. Wheeler rode to Shatter's headquarters and showed the folly of falling back. They pushed ou and won. lYTrl'vmtT v.;L'*wSi iSii„ ,,n v! U rite a great book of over a 1000 ! intges entitled. The People’s| Comibon Sense Medical Adviser, ►SimpHtied." , in,;., Vew’bbok.'s printed in tlie English language have reaehed so great a sale as lias thi> popular work, over 6(X),000 C °P ,, S 1,a y lu * boe “ ^. ld f '• ;;f oaeli. i lie pronts tu li ‘ u i-uormous >.ilu Dio having n paiti its. author fur greal ai-i^uul of labor ami lOi'iioy exponifod dta'idod bn its pr. duMiou* ho has now to give away, absolutely froo. .'iK'.iK'O copies of this vuluablo L^’n!?«^SCfr'\vS . 1 Medical ,, ,■ , Assertion. . i , Dispensary of Buffalo, N. Y of which com puny he is {.resident, tweuty-one (21) one ednf stamps, to cover the cos' of mailing only, and tu on w;h lx- soul posH'iHu. - It i a veritable medical litu’arv,'com 1 ilet’e in one vo|uin§. Tt ip’nhuns pvs large pages, amUnvr 800 illustrations, some of thoth'm colois. The Free ,.EdiH<5h is precisely the sAinc as that sold ut $!.r»o except .niilv- tluit f he books ure bound iu strong ma Cilia paper cov ers, ijpsb ad Oi oi oth It js not often that;-* our reudei s )uwe an oppvortunity to abtuii! a valuable booki-on such gem-rous terms, and we predict that few will mis.* availing then: sieves ot the usual and lilierai offer to «wh!eh we have called their attentioi . is Old Idea. fS'-rr Ur si ■■•uri.Hrrv' ti ** V ’- t* of oni > „ liiai imp i: .U vi is the the \-ji~joniy oi ( UT -five -mre jasto th** tu %try v us tfKn) 14 n * *«;> for <Jv* formu’n of Ilro'uns Iron :iutnY oi l * u* ' i*. t '.nc->,y v* r v r*. =3=2?: T 'St^nd.ird Square U.k, '-ji lurusta, Ga.iAug, 1-t, 150'-. • r Advocate-Democrat: Uf, t'.ka'.tho liberty ot caliiag you ,• ■•,!;!.cr 2 attention to the tn;por (•g ‘ i'a^allyoi:.-..-.. • ,rt . r : ,: .pi;, ii oft!;- *!-:• ard •'/ •• .. i* a bale mad- . ;t p: -'>•#.<, tIl( the , ins.K, i„ •-,« me He* «... j,. 54 ■ U ’ n "': Kml ™-’‘ 1 ■' fiai "■'■’Linnga * 0 i tiLfi-, r r; f (-tr'i'/l-iim* ;..j;'ni.:saad nuule *h<- Trnnx; -mr , 1 • the Kura; -zn Mill lililieultics , ... of ..” . .... , ;; i,e 01 end the damug<": c-ond-:-on It. v. >1, the American cotton is roe >110 ip numerous tlia! v.-e are sure a great di-.-riminntiou will be made against our i next -• cation, unless there is . -c i! ml.- and an univeiMtl ~./.c bale ;ul(. .pi a aiii! i.-nforced. After Y number of experiments with bales of all the <!:f~ fennt it was found that the best results could be had from those made in pres“-ooxcs ill indies wide by r>4!.m-,and this ize has been adopted as the standard uy all the Cotton Growers Associations in Western and Gulf States; ahso by the (ionve&liou in Atlanta, Ga., last May. This si/.n < 24x54 j was found to press to a greater density, and when pressed at the Compress, the bagging usually placed on a hale of cotton would then cut er bale,completely and prevent any dumage ft, i.-, well understood that the more cot ton that can be stowed in a steamer, the hiss tin; freight and consequently, tim more tin- cotton grower will for bis crop. It naturally seems that a fV-.v i:. h cs in the size of bales would make no dif , iariy tl.rougli , , an oceansteamer amounts to , . i..;>t |, .s of space, and in stov.-iin; i. !cs „i im'^iiu d/t, they an.- so screwed in oiid nearly siuneil always spaces as to mid often twi.-ti i r.-a I ., and of j me torn out sliapc by I be time they reach the Foreign Furls. The lust spairs also form air passages mid in ease of a fire the a Ilttge is iiiiich ;/irater, couseiiutntiy the iiiMir ;m, - i, liighur tlmn it should bn. The --mino complaints are made by tlm Rail 'uiuis, and l,y the Mills when they put iln-ir cotton ill warehousi's. U i- think we havt fully explained the for this chuncc, and that it is to interest to do all that is in your to have everyone make this change next mason. Asa general rule, the will have to 1 ms made smaller, one way or both. , This cau be done very little expense by lining the inside boards, one lining on another where size is to bo reduced several inches. 1 lien the follow block ean be sawn oil to the box. The cost of making this in most cases will not exceed This amount is too small t.o spare, thereby continue to sutler the loss by discriminations in the past, as well as additional onus that will surely follow. The Eu.opean mills use about ti irop fourths of our cotton crop, and of course they have n groat den! to do with the price of cotton, therefore it is to our interest to see that it Is shipped in the condition they want it, aud by reducing the damage and the cost of tramportutiou, the grower will get that much more for his cotton. \\ n have received letters from a majori ty of lhr dinners in our territory, and they promise to alter their press-boxes to the standard size. Wc respectfully solicit tlie co-operation of al! growers; and those interested in the cotton crop, to urge upon tlie Uiuners the importance of making all hale* of the standard size, as the success of this movement .ml the bene tits to lie dir ■' i — — ...... ne '' 8S f a, v th “ the d,an K e u ‘ HS lK ' :ir uni ‘ - L^! lt ^ -"« «*« »»xf«i» to hear from those that are interested in this movement, and es those that have made this change. \our« very truly, **• H. SLOAN. ^ W(J ^ Ch^berlai^’s Cough Remedy in our home for many years and bear cheerful te.stiiuouy to its value as a niedi Cine which should be in every family. In coughs and colds we luive found it to be uhieaeious and in croup and whooping cough in children we deem it in H- ........ VT !• air ax a-.'c . I. Mu • sah b D R j Rekl , , , . \ Vi -' > ) for M» iet r. ,, Mei'ocr’s a victory m th Soui iH'i :i Oi ...orica. U; .i;est al iloiileaglo on the e\ ,-ning ol ,>,.. 1 ,,-. ~ ; l< nnethor o\ Idence ot * , tho tUre ., u d higli exec 11. ice * of that ustnue.on. br..'oliuk. . T . ,, btrnton. urn i>o--n or iwo years a student at Me*\'er. •rad WHO v ;i • I -u> a - dent co- hm : " 1 ' ’L' lu .....' " Y vt ti.o St-it i, "a Oruti . i . . Lon vest. < won u: e motia no is KM SO L diameter aud oi ‘ : Mercer s v» • the liigii aui , J cf wisely directing -enthusiasm of enerry of 1 students for high ends. As long as the President, Faculty an < Students of the institution T' 1 1 , - v smud;a it.; • »• th. ' tests, atlieletics can not b-icc no | abnormal. This is iiaworunt question in the life of our col- ■ The Institutions repre-1 the s — ;r >'l ' at " MotPea ' ,..... < 'le' On * o’- inn# oi July20th v .vo j tdano P'niverftitv of Louisiana. Univer git ., 0 f . M ,»r 18S., Mlllsaps College OI . • Miss., University of Alabama, ~ ; ^ Him. Alabama, , l T . tu . , orsi . . , Oi ^ r o > : and Mercer. The sij-nin. j car.f/! and 1 value , of ^ such 1 an OC-. ca . ;OU j s ‘ M develop-; enthnskwm i ij; a higi , c? , ;1S .._ The insiuedhUO on! -come of the contest at Mont eaglo was the organization, of a • Southern ctato* rical Association. Mr. John R. Straton of Mercer University . . was made .’resident Ol «-11 i rs ca¬ ganization. President Pollock Mercer and some oil t lli.s students . accompaincd P.ood f Mr. , Straton to Moriteaglo, and behind him with enthusi; sbJ. m * Room ror White People. rn r l he , managers Ot the excar won ; „ to Macon on Aiuq 15th, re!'.am ui'r m the afternoon o± tno - day, have made arrangemenft toi accomodate all white peopli- in, splendid style. The train w ill be properly policed and good carder wul be kept. 1 No one need fear 'o t.ii.e too ti . xp. x He, .UK a. - . ranging for two.big games of i baseball to be played in Mficon blitween. Crawfordvill® !L n ‘ Macon. —The weather appeared like an equinoxial Wednesday o' r glit. —Mr. SV. P. Brown, of am - berlain Med. Co., Des Moi heSi . la. here this week pi •q^cr 1 was a “ liew lot of tnat excellent ;fled made by his firm. —The new advt. of WY T. : of Washington will be in this issue. Anyt! ring his line can be bought fk'om very reasonable. J. M. Denham, of W,hite and is buying cows prices Highest Market them. —Miss Louise Lanneau in\s about recovered from a severe s])ell of sickness. Barnwell & Vickers an meet all fair and lionora'ote (3&m petition, and invite it. They are strangers to dirty methods, Washington, Ga. —Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Caldwell attended Culverton camp meet¬ ing a few days ago. Try the Washington Mfg. Co. on nails and builders hard¬ ware. —The mixed excursion to Macon ou Aug. loth bids fair to be a good time to visit Central city cheap ^ .««*.«.^« ash cS ,tby thc " - ,u ^ ton Mr °* L °‘ —Mondayamostcrowdedex 01 11 coaches coacaLS ] passed asseu here from Athens to Augusta, Yesterday anotlioi Horn Ciaw ford to Augusta, with. five _ coaches ’ P assed * Ifc /“ ^ ther patronized. 1 Some Craw fordvillians were interested in 1 the latter-. i ■ j ' Scoffs Emulsion through the winter? If so, we . are sure it quieted your cough, healed the •• rawness in your throat, increased your weight, gave you more color, and made you feel better in every way. But perhaps your cough has come back again, or you are get ting a little thin and pale. Then, why not continue the same helpful remedy right through the summer? It will do you as much good as when the weather is cold. • its persistent use will certainly f:;^ l S arpe!iKM S'ZrZ* d g ML V S your It Will infixed cure every iun case !s . gV {j [jj of consumption, when 1' 11 . to take something they say is just as good. a AOd $t._ V. , jL j ftlK-'ICr Catarrh. Catarrh is one of the most obstinate leases. and henae the meet difficult to , jet r{[i of _ There is but one way to cure it. The disease is in the blood, and all the ipravg washes and inhaling mixtures n the world can have no permanent affect whatever upon it. bwift's Spe sific cures* Catarrh permanently, reach for it is the only remedy which can the iisease and force it from the blood. > 1 ,.. B. P. McAllister,of Harrodsburg, He-v£jtesr a, hadl Catarrh for years. ent inhaUni remedies A i-Lh winter l was wors* ^8S tliar. the year previous. -}y '*3sr- TO “Finally It W; a :-Y brought that Catarrh to my notice blood ■*** v f was a di,.('e.;p, and after think¬ ing over the matter. 1 i tt unreasonable saw was & a, expect to bo cured by \ remedies which only oSn he d^ded ur f r e t'ry SS?, t an3 at, e r a. few improvement. bottles we reused, Continuing I n<> ticed a perceptible h“ ^^Stt^a&^e^an^cifreft.”®' To tin the wrong treatment for con ie Oatfirrh is;to continue to suffer. Swift’s Siieoific * is a real blood remedy, and a lvGS obstinate, deep-seated- diseases, which other remedies have no effect whatever utton. It promptly the Catarrh, and never foils to cure even most aggravatedcases. Blood S.S.S.?.: goS^medy anneraU. dangerous mailed free by Swift Speoifla • Books Georgia. 0 om p a ny, Atlanta, BALTIMORE MUSICAL And Educational Home School, For GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES. Cor. I.afavette Ave. and Charles St. Baltimore, 3Itl. Bavthold Meyer, Prin. Catalogue tm-nished upon application. Specialties —- Piano, Vocal Culture, .Stringed Instruments, Languages. Elo cution, with Literature, Art and Eng lisb Branches. Number of hoarding pupils limited. Uneceptional home omforts. Opens Sept. 8th, 1898. FRICK COMPANY Eclipse Engines Boilers, San Mills, Cotton bins, Cotton Presses, Grain Separators, Chisel Tooth and Solid Saws. Saw Inspirators, Injectors, Engine Repairs and a full line of Brass Goods. gSy-Scnd for Catalogue and l’lices. Southern Managers. Now. 51 A 53S. Forsyth St., ATLANTA, GA m PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, eolith 8t., Augusta, Ga •J FREE EYE TESTS for all defects of grind, the proper glasses and WAR¬ them. Lenses cut into your frame while you wait. OF CHARGE, J 2 ££zk 2 ■o > iPrTj:- H HI a m ■ i* - • m Write for our interesting books “ Invent¬ or'* Help" and “How you are swindled." Send us a rough sketca or model of your ; invention or improvement and wc wifi ujU tow free our opinion as to whether tt 1* probably applications patentable. Wo make a specialty band*. of rejected in other f Htgbeei references furnished. SGAlilON & MARION ? FATRNT SOLICIT03S £c ESPESTS V ClTll A Mechanical Engineers, firadaates ig tX* S Folytscbuic School ot' Bngtueerluff- Iiaclt.’.ois in V Appilcd Sciences. Laval rnirersltr. vice ( C Patent Law AWoclatfon. American VViter WerVs / ■ } 1 unrnr -- NcwKuglaud Water "Werk? e-yec / } p. Q. gurveyora Va?ociaaon, Assoc. Mt-rubcs Cam { ; sosSety at Civil Engineers. OFFICES! < W.vsvtrxcrrov. D. CV 1 MoxtUhal, Van. imm&Ms SC YEARS’ EXPERIENCE WT' 10 i I* ■ --v •»*Trade Marks IKtMWAWA' ■’’fyfv't Designs Ac. Copyrights ,„. r ,,.. vn - ^ ho c SClClllltlv jfiSt’viivJIL *iu»d*Amcir ' 5 tSS!*** !e ; ; . -' r cws *'?? T Morpine and Opium HaMt ^ e dress The Ohio Chem. Work*, pma. o. _ STROM, A. !■ ^y^^chnicikcr A Jsw^er, Richiextb Store, <’ - ' r .jTqtff. 'I. Yc"*' SHIP' YOUR feOTTOrf • MOSS & BRA ■P, :■T Y -v L jTT A. &. a General Commission Mr: mB i Q i **7 / f n6j HO:**JS C4- O »»i A -OUST4. GA, FIVE DOORS EE.LOAV COTTON EXCYIAAGE. TVF. MAKE LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES UPUN COTTON HELD OS STORAGE AT REASONABLE RATES. A • Person Attention Given to Weight sad Selliry. I3i,r .dp;.; .-m-i Ties . Furnished li ur Customers at Factory Prices. TRY US AND A OU TVILL SHIP AGAIN. UjaiwwwmiaCTWi ™!T ™ JSSS , *S£i 5 Saps, idtCe^ EtC# > qg I | an nwell & ViekerSi, We have the largest stock of this line of Goods on hand ever before brought to this section of the country. We buy entirely in Car-load lots and get the advantage in freights and ear-load prices. And we can save you money by buying cf us. We also carry a barge Stock of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, &c. In fact you can get anything ON TIME you want good in the leather line, WE SELL to par¬ ties at Cash prices, 8 percent, in notes, payable No¬ vember 1st. Barnwell & Vickers b ? WasliiFigton, Ga. MERCER UNIVERSITY, MACON, GEORGIA. A high Grade Institution, with good equipment and with an excellent Faculty. En¬ Full courses in Latin Language and Literature; -Greek Ls.n.gKk and Literature;. glish Language and Literature; Modern Languages: Philosophy; Mathematics the and Bible; Astronomy; and Law. Natural History; Physics and Chemiatry; History and Many students finish the college yyar at a cost of 8160.00 for all expenses. For Catalogue or further information, addiess ' 'y ■ P. D. POLLOCK, President, Macon, Ga. Ol mi i ® ti REPAIRS SAWS, RIBS, BKlSTLE TWINE, BABBIT, &o., FOR ANY MAKE OF GIN. ENGINES, BOILERS AND PRESSES Aud Hcltiug. Uopalrs for Pipes, same. Valves Shafting, Fittings. Pull»yi, Injoctora, and LOMBARD IRON WORKS & SUPPLY CO., AUGUSTA, GA. j When You Need Lumber, Laths, Lime, Shingles. Mouldings, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Cement, Plaster Paris, Plastering Hair, Sewer Pipe for your well or ditches, Jars for your Lard, Jugs for your Syrup, etc., ... , -i . Hinges, and SereWs for Your Doors or Blinds, Nails, Locks, Coat or Hat Hooks, Shflf Urackeis or anything else you may need in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with tins. Washington Manufacturing Co tt- - 5 WASHINGTON, GEGKGIA. will give you right pricesDevery time you call on them. For Fall See Clothing Our New • :rr.if t Samples From the Firm of tlie Foliowirm Advt: tt t . * o ..... 1 yj m * EXPERT LABOR c<m bincd with . • IRT!S?5£: SENWS Mb. HAINEfi EXPEDIENCE neD.ei ; ■ t \ f Me tailoring ,. > TV ; • r’f !' V-<- . • - -v#* > THE RESULT Of YEARS OR FAIR, MONSST DEALING HAS PLACED RvIHSACH, ULLMAN 1 00 CHICAGO AT THK FINACLC OF THC PROFESSION. THE MYSTERIOUS SECRET OF THEIR SUCCESS High Quality—Low Price GUAfiANTEED SATISFACTION TO TEST THEm AStLITY TO OIYE YOU ALL THIS, CALL ON Os G* moors . Agent at Crawfordvilie. COMPLETE Cotton.Ssw.Orl St, Oil <ui<l Fertiliser __ MILL OUTFITS. Gin, tan« Slill ami Outfit*. BulMiiWFfHrirlfrG. Factbry, and l’urn.'H'o Railroad . Castings. Railroad; Mill, Machinists' and FAOtoryj^Uppllei. KlttifigB, Belting, Backing. InjaFtors, Oilers, Pipe Ktc. Saws, pilvs, | Gfist'every dciy: work ISO hand*. LOMBARD IRON WOMSOMY CO., «r».--AUGUSTA,. QA.