Newspaper Page Text
ItpimiH iHiii.di;ii:!mU!ll!!lii'!Wi iUduMiu*u.n'ad»t'iqi7^rr;
1 mMQps
iSM 3
j i jfij
li ; similatingtheToociandRegula- AVegctabiePrcparationforAs
ijj Litg Hut S!od.lolT. 5 antiBovcLs cf
■, j Promote s Digestion,Cheerful
; ness and RcshContains neither
i Opium,Morphine nor Mineral
Veape of Old BrSM'fU£LPiTCBER
PumpJcm 4 Ld.Se/xner
e *
fioehtlU Salts -
jdrusc Seed *■
}\pp€rmlnt jji Carbonate - Soda
Harm Sad -
Clarified Sugar Flayer. .
Apcrfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Constipa
tiori. Sour .Convulsions .Feverish¬
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature cf
ru s®
Mil «&
Be progressive and business. Keep up with the age. Ty pew titers are now tt necessity
in every line of
Bemingtonsj Smith-Premiers, New Franklins, Dens-mores, Wilhunis Cali*
graphs, and all
At Astonishing Prices. Largest Exclusive Typewriter House in the South.
Best Equipped TYPEWRITER REPAIR PLANT in the South.
The.S7o.0O Aoti-Tml Maeliinc. SEXD FOB C.tTAT.OG&E.
Southern Typewriter Headquarters^
41 L Pdactree St., Atlanta, G&.
Every Day Counts Now.
T<i cnahJc reformers to carry on nti afctfvc, ttgressfve cumjiaign during t iik coming
summer, placiflg sound doctoriue in tho hands of "doubtful 1 voifcrs/ we have reduced
the price for tiie campaign io
25 Cents-^-25 Gents—2S Cents;
One name or a thousand, 25 cents each pays the bill ff'diii now io Oct. 10. At this
low rate (about cost) we should have . 30 , 00(1 new reformer namett during July and August,
W./ii’f you send in ten of that number. Every knows the solid value Of one
copy of
The People's Party Paper.
It for straight, unti-fusiort, unadulterated Populism. It is battliflg for the
rights of the people. Join oar already large family and gfrt othefs;
Semi the Oiutrn-r to
Perfection is the result of our long
a |||1
Big 1 V
V, I
mmff »MiBijs£ w
-SI *
ss ir.<:
■- s^ VJ
are the product of mecharaca! ingenuity.
$40.00 $50.00 $60.00
Monarch Chainless $ 100.00
Semi for 1898 Catalogue. territory.
Agents war.tod in open
Lakd, Hatetod .ond Fuiten Striata, ChTc«*o
Branches- Hew York, London and Hamburg.
Send ten 2-Cent skaeope ter a <l;cr, of SffonarfcH P**irinff Cards liii**t*«Un*r
Lillian RuceeS. TCwr. Cooper. Lee RicUerdeojs and Walter donee.
For infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
Bought •
No Further Cultivation After
This Date Required!
Coinidtssldner of Agriculture Nesbitt
tJrgefc Continued Activity In Carry¬
ing Odt All Plans Kormuluted at
the Beginning of the Year.
DepaRTMRXT Atlanta, of AaRipULTURii, Aug. 1, 180V
The widely distributed rains, follow
Ing the long continued drouth, have
caused some shedding of the cotton,
and, in some instances, came too,late to
rescue the corn crop, but, as a
crops throughout the state are in good
condition and further cultivation, after
this date is not only unnecessary, but
might prove actually hurtful. , nn,„ lhQ
••laying by" of those standard ?rops
•hould not mean a cessation of farm?
activity, nor ait entire abandonment of
the .. plans . carefully * lt formulated r m av_ the
beginning of the year. Fortunately for
Georgia the strictly “cotton farm,” ex,,
cept iu rare instances, is a thing of the
In nearly , all .. sections . of . the stafq c * .
there is hay to be saved, orchards and
vineyards to be looked after, cattle and
t0 ? Wive Pr ° per C “ r °’
lastly, fall . crops to be . prepared for,
Auother important branch of his work,
to which the average farmer has boon
•o far woefully indifferent, is the de
struction . .. of ... the . insect euc its,
various „
which are beginning to infest our, fields
and depredate on our crops. To keep
these in check it has become necessary
that each individual farmer , wage
an incessant warfare on them., , AJ
this sensoii much may be done to des*
troy their breeding places. In- the
etubble fields, in the fence corners and
iu many byplaces they will be found
entrenched, preparing for their winter
accommodation iu order to bo ready in
the spring to start out on their destruc
tive work with the first warm days. If
neglected now the result will lie an as.
tonishing increase iu numbers and in
the amount of injury to various chinch crops." bug
Iu Tennessee in 1804-the
was observed in different sections of
the state, hut not iu nnmbejfimtuffieieuJ
to cause any alarm and no precautions
Were taken to prevent their reappear
mice. In 1805 a territory of nearly 000
gquare miles was literally covered by
these depredators, and the farmers iu
this section not only sustained great loss
by the actual injury to their crops, but
were compelled to ut considerable ex
pense destroy the hordes of bugs which
infested every part of their fields. Wo
need not therefor© lay the flattering
unction to our souls that ffie season of
"laying by" is a season of entire “rest.”
While in the there driving may work be a conip^rative to tho let
up necessary
proper management of your standard
fcrops there are still various farm oper¬
ations just as important which should
not he "laid by.” Indeed, after nearly
40 years’ experience on the farm, w«
have come to the conclusion that, for
the up-to-date farmer, "laying by time”
comes only when life itself ceases.
Deauty Is Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean akin. No
beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar¬
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, all im¬ by
din ing up the lazy liver and qriving
purities from the body. Begin blackheads, to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascaret.*,*—beauty gists, satisfaction guaranteed, for ten r ents. 25c, All 50c. drug¬
....... v FALL CROPS. I.’V ;
Because we have failed in one or even
two (trials with crimson clover we should
not abandon the attempt'to grow' it."' It’
is certainly supply, a most valuable adjunct to
out forage besides performing
for our lands during the' winter the
work which the pea crop acconfpiisheS
iti hfnnus the summer, nitrogen namely, storing up both
and for future crops.
The gererif mistake in planting fall
oats and rye, tvVq of our most impor¬
tant crops, is that’ they are put in too
late and the land is not made rich
enough. If the seed site put in early
and the crop forced ■ forward by high
manuring, the result; is usually nlost
satisfactory. Iu very cold weather it is
always the rich S}>Ot8 which escajje,
sometimes when the poor thin spots
are entirely killed out. The pres
ent year the spring oats were an entire
failure, while the fall crop Wsis unusfi
ally fine. August is none too early to
begin the preparations for all crops td
be sown in the fall. After the
thoroughly broken it slioitW bvYnr
rowed and reharrowed tififil smooth
and fine! Time was when the preparn
tiou and cultivation of onr lands, though
of the rudest and most imperfect
character, produced'phenomenal crops,
becansc the virgin pifiyt soil abounded in the
elements, of food. But today,
thoughtful faripers.realize the fact that,
eveu in our incomparable climate, tliree
Where we can prbdace <wo or
crop* on the same land' each year, the
time has passed when muscle can count
against brain. All over the state we
begin to w*o the evidences of this.
For Infsntc and Children.
The Kind Yen Have Always Bought
Bears tte
S^fgaatw© of
Intelligent energy is taking the ptaev
rif mcVc plodding. The farmers who
have a well defined, thoroughly studied
plan, which they follow with unfailing
pertinacity-;’ard the men who are forg¬
ing to the front iu successful agricult¬
ure. Scichde, by it* discovery of cotn^
plete plant foods, and by the its equally require¬ im¬
portant finding* as to food
ments of different crops, points out the
mean*, but it ren main* lor the farmer u.
take hold of th r means and by
dicions rotatiou 1 of erttpa,' thorough
preparation of tb* \%Lii aod —
' ’*
promote tho chcmfcal m
Cultivation, to
changes necessary to tho most profitablo Some of
development of his business.
the results of such careftll methods are
seen in the yields of wheat and oats
reported to this department the present
year, larger than ever before, in some
cases almost phenomenal.
Equally important with the careful
saving and baling of our cotton is the
necessity of meeting tho complaints
made by the various transportation com¬
panies and mills against tho different
sices of our American bales. The loss
of space in storing these bales, and the
generally damaged reaches condition foreign in which
otir cotton markets, aiui
have given rise to a general protest,
as about three-fourths of our cotton is
handled by European buyers, it is to our
interest to meet tlieir demands in this
respect. The discriminations which may bo
^ade agmnst Van our cotton on a(|count o
incredible sum. It has
been fonud after several tuts that the
best size for convenience of handling
‘“^2^,. L of iiehes’hfwidtri.y
inches iu length. This is the size ad
vocated by all the cotton growers’ asso
: oiatinns ZmTto nSs This size agreater ‘«xi4 has been
| ^ to deusHv and
compressed for final' ship.
ment the original bagging will entirely
cover the compressed hale and thus
imifh nradi of of thA tbe ininrv ugury from tron^ tho tne rough lougn
OI 0ur cotton wm pro
A11 jjjis redounds to tho interest of
the farmer, because all the extra ex
ponses from waste of space, higher in
iurance and actual waste of cotton are
charged aKa i ust Lxi.s cotton in the gen
end account, and any method which
will reduce these expenses will add that
“in^^lmhlr addressed to the Sloan ginners
of the BOuth> i s8ued j )V j. H. of
Augusta, Ua., one of the leading cotton
men of the south, ho says that our cot
ton, as a rule, roaches the European
manufacturers in such badly damaged
coll( Tition that they refuse to pay a good
price for it. He has made a study of
this subject and is iu a position which
gives him every opportunity of asoer
taming its true status. Iu Ins address
the ginners he says:
\ye take tho liberty of calling your
attention to tho importance of exerting
all our efforts in favor of the adoption
of tbe standard size cotton bate, which
is a bale made in a press box, measuring
oil the inside LM inches wide by .’>4 inches
long, and deep enough to make a hale
weighing about 500 pounds, tho
It is well understood that moro
cotton that can be stowed in a steamer,
the less the freight and consequently
the more tho cotton grower will receive
for his crop. It naturally seems that
a few inc.hos in the size of bales would
make no difference, but a tew inches
running irregularly through an ocean
steamer amounts to a great loss of space,
and iu stowing halos of irregular sizes,
they are so screwed in odd shaped spilcos
as to often break, and nearly always are
torn and twisted out of shape by the
time they roach tho foreign ports. The
lost spaces also form air passages and
in case of a firo the damage is much
[Concluded on first page.]
Regulates Aids Digestion, Bowels,
Cures Cholera Infantum,
Cholera Morbus,
Diarrhoea, Children, Dysentery,
; Aud all disease* ot ths Htomaoh
and Bowels. It is pleasant
t-o the tasks and
to give satisfaction.
A. Few Doses will Demonstrate
its Superlative Virtues.
In Territory. Our »«*ll iU
City «»r Country.
yD i l If I ULiLfi It U NEEDED
AxfuIs A^nt.iti at4urtily afttioK rlcli; ho t-nn you.
; ,t»e on« .lay, cleared «7.T40
I I'roofs s:ul t’Htuloauo free oil application,
AlplllG SclIG n & CyCl© CO.
.AferAfuMotU . Jf JfcJI.
/r$ • f M f) An 2 P
"IflUilOl || fllll|\vl ■ IN y
^If in ill T ^ M |
nil /% ri lull
Ecu »how iny *»i»E »na«*rnett
maa how he i*a m«k* Coo* w«*o« Wo don’t hy ^ 1
hacdliDg r«fertooryorioac«dMoo,bntfntho*o oar pahlitotroha, y.
who’hnrr penhiaf B»T»r oar »o)d axythio*. J.rtaow wa J t
i^cvptsKac Map of the
united States aivJ Workl
M:>i laohos la tlia.
iz bftactifffi o$l«rt.
sditiva an«i c«rr»cte'i to i«l«.
ra;ir*ai4'i> u«w towiki.
HhW ffcUltiw
Tb* Uriwi wap priaaod on a .
r.ifctle '
It •»
A fJtvKofrc^jh of Kve Work! ^
Oiih aide sho’s. * color,--1 a*- «p oT *«r •jT'sat ^
SOJHUV vritii raitron-iJ, o-wa-, ri*ar!., I i
Thv**b'’i siiow, :> oqo lly
ala«aat map *f dio World. 1 ww,: illeoai.’- c
rics at » tdunL'i by kelp ot a K.-sri-!. a! iociot. f
It also abowc ocorm wirreot. , ro-u -.ot die
Ccvarors. and acooratoly io!>-‘.o» t mu ,w« ;
of nil cur.-ait inch m Wat. i ry Ha- J
paws, Coba* 'i. ■ .sv.roi, ?
polar orpaditloj.<. Zilitu l ■; ta, ex-.
S*o-l 'J* jvtr a-ldrosi aai’i will ad-.-j*. jj
fva Lovr you a com tv ajwoey. of S i
saadt! 30 ar. I wa vili forward a o-apy by t
p.'rpaid aiprss*. cl-ar free. ia-. ly. klyfroo? |
O’-r at, ptaa S
Iba start by 1 jlUr.* c’.i*a ' vor- 1
It yon e«t»r.»: -f-,« aa 1 don't ••. -oc to <•-.
g.gj wi:b as-vo-! ,:ia r,,t’!ru ar , tul t -t |
yc-r c'l.a back. Yo,rr r.»,rs; a;»-,r or Laak .
will ^;L}-cu wc r-j
.. RAND, M:NAi.LV&CO. . i ■
61 East f ’ Vt i»«w York City
A Woman's
For thirteen years this woman suffered front a help.
l&j; infirmity which baffled skillful medical treatment. i 1
She was restored to health in a remarkable manner ,
and it note helpful to other sufferers.
To* thirtum year* Mrs. Georg. L. Rogers,
of West Main Street, Canton, N. Y., suffered
from the indescribable tortures of inflam
, h<uma . U5m .
(X-N p*f**a< vh* have been afflicted
1 wiilt tfcta dUtase know what such suffer
j B » a,
TU*. wbm hav. never felt the pangs of
|N» *Uw not tha remotest idea 4
its lortum.
was an o ina e
h .«*nt years, however, there has been
formulated a remedy which successfully
copes with iL
The many cures effected by Dr- Williams' ,
Pink Pill, for Pal* People attest to that fact.
One of the striking examples is Mrs.
Rogers experience. she said:
In speaking of it to a reporter
* Thirteen years ago I was attacked with
& ory rheumatbm and a complica- K
Uon of
“I cannot begin to describe my sufferings
during that time. .
* c*** i u( *£ c somewhat ot what I
endured, when you look at these hands*
They were distorted, twisted and swollen,
| “My foot, too, is so much out of shape
that the big toe lays across the others, the
| old, pleasant home sixty-five and other years
have a com
forts, life to me was far from enjoyable, for
all other things pale into insignificance When
you are without good health.
To keep our great factory busy, ami introduce car’.v our
Splendid ’98 module we have Concluded to make n marvel¬
ous offer direct to the rider.
sell samples swell ’98 bicycles n6t ________
For 30 days wo will of our at m
COSt to manufacture will tthip, C. ()■ I). on approval to
ftnv address on receipt of the non;inai sum oi $1.00 (it west of Denver, $5). This
drposite is merely to show good faith on purchaser’* pari; if you don’t want to send
money in advance, send your express ugiiiilV. guaranty for clwrgss one way and wo
will pay them the other if you don’t want the wheel.
SIBFR] AN Digest grade, embodying every late inipintnraent of value,
| oiutiit i nn. 1 j_q inch imported tubing, flush joints, improved two-pieefe
franks, nrch crowd, inr/iX’d c tut dull dc uprockcfc.s, hmid.HoiiHhst finish and d^coru-tlons,
Mortrstn & Wright, quick rcptiir tire#, single or double tube, ...............$29.00- hi^h equipment.
Special price on sample.............-I........ ...... .
rOSSACK LUJonen. h. splendid machine, seamless equal to any for service piece cranks, and easy arch running.
Best, 1 1-8 inch tubing, two Wtiglit, quick crown, repair
detachable sprokcti, finely iinisheil and decorated, Morgan sV sample $24.bO
tires, single or double tid-e, high giyide equipment. Our special price
KLONDIKE rw ^V x ^ ,Y:YMeeoi.!te.l. Best medium grade,tor crowii. 1898. 1 l-« inch tultiiig, Dull retainers, striped liest and
arcii dust-proof Special Itetirintrs, price sample $ | 9-00
Indiana or New Brunswick tires, stamlard equipment. on
NOTE* choice or Color, Style, Height, Cieiiiq etc. Fully HiiarftntcCd.
You will he surprised at the appearance and quality of these wheels. Don’t wait,
order now while this offer is open. Briers will he much liiglirr soon. You ran make
Big Money as ortr Agents, selling for us. We give cut agents choice of cash, tho
free use of a sample wheel, or gift of a wheel, according to Work done.
Do You Want Cheap Wheels?
Weliavc muntiors of 1896 and 1897 model wheels of various makes and stiles, soma
n little shop-worn, but all new ............ . .......... $ I 2.00 to $ I d-OO.
Wheels Slightly Used, Modern Types, $8*00 to$12.00.
Our huHinestt ami reputation are kllbwii. In throughout tiie country. References, any
of the express companies, or any liitlik Chicago. Art catalogue free. Secure
agency at once.
The J. L. Mead Cydle Co., - Chicago* III*
Of Aliy Style neatly
Executed at the
STOVES m , OVER DAILY use 200,000 mvanr BAngrAotiQ*. q mb atvtna '
They are made of Southern Iron by Southern Vorfcfire.u,
Who Sire sustained by the prodnets of Southern FarmefS.
They last longer aud make more homes happy than any
Other Stove on earth. Fire backs guaranteed for is years.
,***.*• It your Dealer does not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOOLiE.
1 mm
M K .
tzrz |,«a' Lc j?. ®r,’ m Sf- ‘ m m « I sae:. v
«. v
H { vi V
© y
: w.
fi. (, w SA.^RT.;
v . ’i ■
Phillips & Buttorff Mg. Co;
it *¥JfWrr’J(nm KS CF "
* • -».
^ c
Kmatfit; aad Or*t», IWlrvwan, 7fu«r*ra. Ite
China; Crockery and Glassware, Cutlery,
re:-, thing noce-sfary Kitchen, and BLuiaff ccnrenkot Rocffi, ^ W / ET W. C
for tike
Ia iadty sml Dairy, A QRE01AL.TY. j
j ■
. I tried* , . «ed . many p.u
prietary remedies, but no permanent beno
™ as "?£“ le ?* p[lkf«PalePeSo£ r ■ j a SA t tv
"Before I had finished the first good. box I begaa
to feel that they were doing me and steadily
“j continued using them
grew better.
|^b!£?fc»S*£ £.pL®
VCj „
“My apprtitc desire is good; live 1 and feel enjoy bright, society, cheer
ful and have a to
“ I have been a member of the Methodist
e " ufC f °. r !” ™YJ(. e:lTh u 01 “* r#aw
was unable to attend. attend the ‘ chmd*
“Now I am able to
services regularly and certainly appadato
that pnvil«£; . . ^ .
1 p
Pale reoplf a wonderful wonaertui medicine medicine and ana am ana
confident '.no other remedy could hav
effected the wonderful cure they have ■»
n case. that
1 am glad to state this, hoping relief.** son)*
sufferer may profit by it and obtain
It was nature's own remedy that accom¬
plished for Williams' this cure caused by for .Impute People blood,
Dr. Pink Pills Paie
are composed, of vegetable remedies that
exert a powerful in purifying and
enriching the blood. Many diseases long be
supposed by the medical profession to
incurable have succumbed to the potent
influence of these pills. This uoivcnaj
remedy is sold by all druggists.