Newspaper Page Text
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^ aBaKant -vo a > < . . ra.L.'^i
What docs it do?
ii causes the cii glands
in the skin to becorne'more
activmaking the hair soft
and glossy, precisely as
nature intended.
It cleanses the scalp from
dandruff and thus removes j
one of the great causes of
It makes a better circu¬
lation in the scalp and stops
the hair from coming out.
ii Pi'cvenss @it<! si
cares Mdmtss I
Ayer’s Hair Vigor will I
surely make hair grow on
bald heads, provided only
there is any life remain
ing in the hair bulbs. j
It restores color to gray j
or white hair. It does not j
do this in a moment, as
will a hair dye; but in a
short time the gray color
of age gradually disap
pears and the darker color
of youth takes its place.
Would you like a copy
of our book on the Hair
and Scalp? !t is free.
• If you «!«■» not obtuln nil the benr fita i
you cxnootf'l 1 r#*n» tbo of Hit- Vigor | !
wrlt« tin Doctor about it.
Atidrt-Hs, DU .1. C. AY EH.
, Lowell, Mass.
—The colored base ball teams j
of Crawford ville and White
Plains played a m’atch game at
the latter place Friday last.
Crawford ville won by a score of
7 to 5.
C^.Give the foUrAving gentlemen your !
support in tlie nuiniiwtion. They uiv i
irood men:
For Tax-ltewivtr. i
- 1 hereby iinnouuoc myself u cumlMitte
lor the util- e <i| Tu\-lte<fiver f<-r l!:e
County of Taliaferro, mihjeet to the nomi¬
nated on Aug. null. 1 promise faithful
erviee if elected. In a-hiug my friends
lor their support, they " ill please remem
brr my sftth-tlous itud pliysienl Intirnmlies.
ivt me your vote. Yours ()h-dlriitly,
J. M. dill's.
Jane TO, lsfis.
l’or T«\-( allector.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
fur the office of TAX-coM.LrToU of j
TALIAFERRO coi n l'Y. suhj.rt to the
People'- Party nomination on Any. lOih.
Mis. Mcii. it vour vote* and ,
promise, it elec a d, to faithfully se rve L'm ;
ice-,!, ...the best of rny kno.HeC.
Yout> Respectfully.
,Lt::c Id. lsils. t UARI.IL C. CU.M MAN. ]
'"'n\-('tillector. |
I ..:-,nc :uee myM-’.f a eatidichite fertile
o;’.., TA x-coLLEdTHi OF TAI.IA 1
FBliUO COl.’N.IY : ,«<i I h.-retev sineerew
»dv the Mipjci-t ofmv fr.eiidk and fedow
chi/ 'is :i he tlciHiijuntfou cm Aug. Htth, ,
] W> j u-s'.ire v cm the ti<-M ot s. is'icif I |
< ’?cU’cl >ci »j» ; c! offic e, and « ovi r fie j
a" '• 1' • v , ;> , 's mteie.'t.
y.. \>n Truly, j
For < bronrr.
' „
__. v .
( i
w '
Dissolution Notice.
h ip. o;
u*t n . >
Ki Ti
|jbor> Wand, of tin ti • • A 4 -« )
I All i S. U*tl
K i"
c \V
S A Wonderful Di 'c nr.
r - ter )T »tury r*: <rds
WCB.V * erful diMont v
Bbt,> t*i have tavoun . more f r
bama::.-:' >• J hoas. ho!d
Srowy.-f tin- Fitter, it sty’Hi* t* >
U ind iritii ■eit'O'*— •- n t”K
• L
mns 'irvi J ..ier*.
v g - —LA -WM 7 vr;>. ‘ nB
u E*. i ■ ' 110 *
\i : rs Ji"
kxmi Ispcrt-wv
W?t»L s.-r people Are ;.»««»*? x*
bii tfrOur V'rJr,. *.i ' i*it t
<•! own my taco to tie »ewsr-»i
ic-iu I fn-ely give a rt.
of my yearly business,” say
—Superior court is in session
in Sparta this week.
J atent medicines at. cut
prices at the Owl Drug-Stove.
her ho: ': (
■ r '. i* I, Won W ,.; . ./tor.,
.. ,,
S( ' ’ V, '' ;” n ~' .
f -c
a !!»'•• The Owl Drag Store,
—Mr. Will Y. Edwards
]>od a load of cattle to Au; ; a
M ' ■ '
Chapman, oi tc .
Ih-uil mg
ton spent Sunday .!•*»’<; 1 ‘ 11
—Thorn will bo no curly pick
ing cotton this year iiko ! ml and
year before.
For fresh and pure dr :gs
Owl Drug Stfti • is the place
to get then).
—Mr.* J. T. Lyle has be -r
marketing. some line
hero this week,
— Mayor T. C. a
Sunday froi T )] in x
to visit relatives.
Soda water made from pure juices, and ice ■ - um
( iW' Brug ‘ ore.
o f SteUaviUe, were’ among their'
friends here last week. ;
Best shingles at lowest hv
ing prices can be bought of!
Wasliington Mfg. Co. '
—Glad to know Mr. W. A. 1
Li-gxvon Is improving • so lime!) |
as to- be about out of doors.
Some sections of land are
more washed by recent rains
than we over heard of before.
—Miss Mamie Howard, of j
Stephens, has been on a visit to
Mrs. L. F. Stephens this week,
—Some say the dove law goes|
into effect Aug. 15th. Others in
this section construe it to begin
J illy 1 5th. |
Barnwell V Vickers , (] , c
undersold, but if you will!
to see them they will un-j |
—Miss Hattie Richards has |
recovered from a severe spell of I
sickness sufficient to visit in the
Surgeons needles, silk, hy
podennic needles, tablets and all
sapplios for surgeons ivt the Owl
Drug Store. :
—Mr. J. S. Barnwell, week of “Wash- look- j
ington, was here this
n.g.uto some busies he ship-,
Rov. M. S. Weaver, or Lex-!
ington, was here this week. He
pivJehed Jennings Saturday 1
and Sunday. laths and j
Get our prices on |
an( j brick before you begin your
houso . Washington Mfg. Co.
.. „ ,! , f , r , „
chapman, of Youngs Island. S.
e’.. are on a visit to their father s
family in this county.
Barnwell vl Vickers do a
square business. They will tell
you the grade buggy they sell
.. -r ,, P ,,
this week to see 'heir sister.
Mrs. Dr. Beasley, The latter
is itu-jiroving.
Barnwell A* Vie’ccrs say
when they misre present their
buggies or run down any body
eises buggies in order to see
you. they will close: their Joor>
and take their sign down
—rAnltdvt. of .
■ r
si tv will be lountt wi:-e_ ■' -
this mormmA 1 ■* : ’ *' ■ '
< t \ • S )'k So \ r
S °D to Me" '
Pre.-scr.ntions filled by a
licensed ajHithccarv >t *'* '
•' r store..
--- Hamnxack wm
too unwell this week to at •"
office in tho gin-s’n T> Vv‘
unusutd-to see his . F. r tnt ’
in this old building.
Barnwell A Vinkers ire -
V ( jivir. weekly ear oi
ieS. It is nothing
get in three or four ear load - a
Mr. John T. Chapman. o1
FI i » id t. called on us t’Fs
Mr. Chapman was for a long
time principal of * n H..
School at this »>lac-? .r d
' J *”
R, fc,fh
e ?* rreys. Buggies
W V, ■: <KU9 ’a-rJ
\sap ?* f tsssa iiX r j|4* wdro I
AcA' z 1
Just Kcrcoivetl. Prices Low.
w. a?. Dxy:£±2>rBai<4\
Washin gt on, Ga.
The Owl Drug Store is . onb of .
the nicest neatest and mostcoin
plete of any in Middle Georgia.
' two Of o ir TX oat -on
uprising young men and they
deserve your patronage, when
y OU nC ed anything in the
: • the ; m -
i uiv e. the nicest soda fount and
serve the best soda water be- i
tween Atlanta and Augusta. I
Th-dr prescription department ■
is complete. They have a very I
excullont ., , prescript.on . clu-f, ; m ,.
Mr. Hahn, who has maae ^ ,iC | j
drug business a life work and is
duly licensed by the State Board
of Pharmacy.
Mann Married. :
The following from the Vicks
burg, Miss. Dispatch, July 29th,
tolls of the marriage of one of
Taliaferr0 * s popular young men.
We extend hearty congratula
tions and best wishes to the hap
py couple:
“At 2:30 o’clock yesterday
afternoon at the residence of the
mother, was celebrated
the wedding of Miss Bessie Davi
son 0 f this city and Mr. L. B.
Mann, of Charlotte, North Caro¬
lina. Rev. Dr. Sanson porform
ceiemonj iu his usual
impressive and beautiful style.
The house had been beautifully
decorated with palms, ferns and
cu t flowers in the greatest pro
fusion, making tbe pretty parlors
an entrancing bower, a fit setting
for the tall and handsome bride,
who was gowned in a dainty
organdie taffeta aid ,
white over
trimmed with white satin ribborf
Mr. Henry Yoste, the uncle of
tho brido g av0 her away,
After the ceremony a wedding
dinner was served to the imme
diate family connections and A
when congratulations and good
byes had been said, Mr. and Mrs.
Mann took the 4:45 train for
£j vudo ^ e their future home.
^ ^ is the youngest
daughter of Mrs. Carrie Davison
and the late Mr. Ellis Davison of
this city. Mr. Maun is a native
of Georgia. For several years
he was employed by the News*
I )a P®^ T Lmo t • 1 here here ’ durimr d which " ^
time lie made many friends, . with
^bom we join m wishing the
happy couple a continuance ox
their happiness. A large nufm
ber of handsome presents in
silver, cut glass, etc., testified to
, ” estem and affection
which , ,. Mr. and , ,, Mrs, , Mann r
i with
«• in
About one month agomy child.
which is fifteen months old. bad
au attack of diarrhoea accom
named by vomiting, t gx\e ,,
such remedies as are us.iadj
given in such cases, but as noth
ing givve relief, we sent for a
physician and it was under his
; care for a week. At this time
the child had been sick xorabout
•, • da-vs and was 'having about
twenty five operations of the
' nvels every twelve hours, and
wq were convinced that unless it
-oon obtained relief it would not
five. Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea’ Remedy
was reco
tinned use a complete cure was
•oitriit about and it is now per
Stump ‘-W iieallhy.—C. Gilmei Co., L. .Boggs. a.
own, \*. •
For su;e bv Dr R. J Reid.
—1- -----
— v„ A, . Ywm \\ <r r ^=(lav is 1 tfxe - ae
tot-the People’s Party nomina
Fens for countv offices. Vote
for those whose names appear in
our a- uo.ucement columns
you will not regtei it.
Wtic >»T\ F.w Ys-Hrt A*-A 5'^
m Mie T>- Jane 1 of 4 n. Crav..oravu.e .<! * m~.
has bought a, fine Hosier safe !
with latest.improved locks. The
vault is completed and every
thing is getting in shape .o be-,
gm business soon. The ar-.
rangement of the fire and bur- j
money hir P put roof in it safes doubly makes safe and the |
we hope to see the business start!
off alright by September f.rst. i
See W. T. Johnsons. Wash
mgton, Ga., for Buggies and
Wa lie buys in load .
g 0ns . cur
lots and makes low prices. !
be liode to Jail.
Sheriff Henry has another 1
boarder in his Hotel Taliaferro, j
Sikes Berry is the latest addi-1
tion. He is one of the numer- !
gamblers , indicted . . , , here by i
th e last grand jury. Sikes was J
walking along the road and Mr. i 1
Charlie Griffith asked him to ride
with him. Sikes refused at first
but finally consented. As soon
as he got straight in the buggy
Mr. Griffith informed turn that
he was in his charge and he
would bring him to town.
X~ Best Remedy j
The far Flux. 1
Mr. John Mathia’s, a well
known stock dealer of Pulaski,
Ky., says: “After suffering for
over a week with flux, anti my
physician having failed to relieve Cham¬
me. I was advised to try
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, and have the
pleasure of stating that the half
of one bottle cured me.” For
sale by “Dr. R. J. Reid.
Business Double,
The cotton seed trade and
other business in Crawfordville
have grown to double what they
were a few r years ago. The year
is not far back when only a few
wagon loads of seed were
brought to this market. We are
told that last year as many as
125 cars of seed were shipped
from this place. Two hundred
and fifty thousand pounds of cot¬
ton sped make a pretty good
shipment. That represents
about ? 14,000,
It does look like this amount
of valuable product should be an
inducement for some enterpris¬
ing company to put up machin¬
ery here and make these seed
into oil and guano, besides hav¬
ing the hulls to fatten cattle
To make up such things here
and keep-the money circulating
here is the only way to build up
the -town and increase our
u.mare of Otutmeiits for Cataych Thai
Contain Mercury.
us mercury of will surely" destroy
the sopse smell, and complete
de ^p,ge- the wholei system
when"a&tSrfcpg it through article- the
m ..htiuld Vp 0as surfaiea. W used Such
never except or.
.inscriptions from reputable
Physicians, as the damage they
vi fi do is ten fohl to the good
vol , can possibly derive from
''Hall s .CaitoiTh' Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney as
Co.. Toledo. 0.. contains nomer
Curo be sure you get the gen
a j ae . It is taken internally and
^ d9 in Toledcr Ohio, by P J.
Cheney & Co. Tu vimon.«is
Sold bv Druggists, price 75c.
rar P* bottle up, 1 e !
Halls family . Pills are. the .,
•- best.
-The quarries in
county are being worked
Or.r town shou 1 ^ t"*** *'-r. -A '
chis stone to curb up the Ade
unites of prlncips ts.
Slightest Items from Near by
To tho Credit of Pic Excellent County
lotirnnls from V-'hfdi WJe Pet
the Creamy Sews.
«=-t week after a. long ,11-!
ness -
half Of the white men
Lexington Are members
As to the merit of Dr. Tiche-1
nor’s Antiseptic the proprietors j
refer to any and everyone who
■< ^ it^toir tn*L.^ j coun-[
the ad oin ing |
ties last week .
_Best crop prospect in years’ in'
* now the general report
Oglethorpe county. ,
People are surprised at the
wonderful cures wrought by Dr.
Tichenor’s Antiseptic, a remedy '
for Burns, Wounds or other in
—Miss Eva Gunn left Sunday j
to visit relatives at Robinson.— j
Washington Chronicle. the j
—One of very unusual j
thiigs of the c%y is the sale of; j
boine ground Hour in the stores
at Lexington.
Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic is I
placed squarely on its fearing own merits 1 j
as ]jing no favors, no
competitors trial. and courting fair j
- .
—Rev. Ab. Harris has accepted
a call to the Baptist church at j
Reidsville, Ga., and has entered ! !
imnn ' his work ", j
I he Rev. M . TJ L. n - -o.stley, . of . I
.jtockbrulge, Ga.. v.nue attend-;
mg to his pastoral di ties at LI
ienwood, tliat state, w .,s attac.v- j
ed t^y chOiCia moi bus. He says: j
"By chance I Ua PB? J t0 |
h°k! °t a betno ot Chamberlain _ s |
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, au (t I think it was the
means of saving my life. It re¬
lieved me at once." For sale by
Dr. R. J. Reid.
—It is said that Lieut. Will
Neary, formerly of received Hancock,
died from his wounds in
the battle at Santiago.
In case of colic or pains in
stomach or bowels. Dr. Tiche¬
nor’s Antiseptic gives relief in a
few* minutes.
—A negro woman living near
Siloam smothered her infant
child to death one night iast
A friend in need is a friend in¬
deed. When badly wounded you
need a friend. Dr. Tichenor’s
Antiseptic will prove a friend
—Mrs. Phoeba Tappan died at
White Plains last Sunday week
ago. She was tho mother of Mr.
George W. Tappan and was 76
years old.
Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic is a
clean, pleasant, reliable com¬
pound for healing wounds, etc.
Also for curing colic, in man or
animal. 50 cents a bottle by
—All our neighbors are peaches report¬
ing fine watermelons and
—and they are sending in their
editor, a few* tp sample. The
\dvo-Democrat cajl't sav how I
many fine ones aie in Taliafeno. j
We have not seen a sample,
—Mr. J. W. Asbury. of Talia¬
ferro county, visited his
daughter, Mrs. H. T. Evans, and
.son, Dr. J. C. Asbury, last
veeix. , ,r ii- Asbury m.a 1$ I
t . ‘
pleasant gentleman, and is prom
inent in his home county.— j
Herald- Journal,
There is no use suffering with
a wound of any kind now-'a-days.
Simply keep it wet with Dr.
Tichenor’s Antiseptic. It stops
the pain and heals quicker than ‘
anything - , and. cost only 50 cents
a bottle.
—Mr. C. E., McGregor, of
Warrenton. met at the reunion
1 in Atlanta his brother Jas. E.
yj e Q r?o0 r. of Pittsburg. Texas
1 ;
T>ieprohiDitionis.sot ..... V\ '.,xes
i —
jf — * ?
was held . , at . ... V, ashington. j , premu ?
! ed over by Rev. J • 1- Gross. and An
orsratlizatioil was effected
Aoromitteen’bn committeemen appoint,, am^inted a for xor
j each distiiot .o secuie euou^l.
signatures to .have an election
{2’3“ lg; ‘ £323 ‘
Felloweri by Heart Disease, Cured by
:L 1
fJ£Mk in ~ p
\(u‘WjmK I\# ' m ft) -# '
, ,/ f f
t* * R. C. C.SHDLT8, of Wlnteiset, Iowa.
& /Wl inventor and manufacturer ot
Shuits* safety WhuaetreeCpapiiag.
B iSS«.vS: : ™ w«T2
ina« c <* “e to remain away from home over
&bi» to sleep wdi and tho pains gradually
lessened, and finally ceased.^ I reduced tbe
amnowfe^tne'beitcr in every way than I
have foi y,’' Saggy?
Dr. Miles' Remedies 'yjm
aie sold by ail drug-*
gists under a. positive® ■ $
guarantee, nrst .bottle
.teneau or Sh money S resfe. J
nerves free. Address,
db. mires medical oo., Bwaartina.
Go to Fanning.
Do you wunt to'buy or trade
for a fal-m? If so, write us for
descriptions of some of our kind ber¬
gains. Let us'know what
oi place you want, how mu0!1
V ou c ^ n P a y, an ' 1 a P°^ ' T ; iat
y°u wish to ouy. We can meet
We ^ciuiremen,*. nave many farm bargains
for sale in Tennessee, North
Carolina aqcl North Alabama,
Q ur places range in price from
* 3 qq to *25000. We have been in
t j ie business of selling farms e.x
c i us i ve iy for -ten years.. with We are
thoroughly familiar values
an( j conditions throughout this
section. If you want to-buy, _ if
will pay' you to consult us.
Write for our list of farms for
sale. Sent free to any address.
Crabtree ’s Farm- Ag exc y,
Cliattanoog:i. Ten n.
Crawfordvi CTO
And vicinity, will consult their
interest by writing to
Standard Manufacturing Co •J
For Prices on SASH, DOORS,
BER, LATII or anything in
(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24. '30.
The New Life-Giver.
Promotes Vigorous Health by instilling
OXYGEN from the air into the system,
and cures all forms of disease with-^t
Mediciae or Electricity. It is as simple as
•Prices of OXYDONORS areatly ro*
dnccd. Get the genuine, made by 'he
discoverer and inventor, Dr, Hercules
Book of particulars and price list free,
Address’Di. II. Sane he, g<51 Fifth Avc
IU;£V x ew York,
The lew York World,
' 1 s'Pages a B>t*k . . .
. . 1 oil Papers a Year
Pul^isViad every Alternate J)ay escejet Sun¬
.. day.
The Thrice-a-W#ek Edition of The
New York WorM is fiist among all •
•weekly" papers in size, frequency of
readers will testify, it people. is against the
moni , po i it . r.nd for the -
portunt Lmiar.t ne-wsooints on the globe, it has
iiiustmionM stories by great au
t j i0rs . a capital humor page, complete
market, departments for the household
and woman's work and other special de
rtracnts of tmusual interest.
a\ e offer this uncqualed newspaper and
T he ^Advocate-Democrat together one
r F;4 U14 ? ; ;iJ —vt/t'-k- .lA
,.,Ap f ILipj fhfet