Newspaper Page Text
8100 I* OX*
Wv know that tUi
“c • n#'’ Beuiedy.
i 8
I wmm
4 !
tAken for “Old Change Time” c? Lite Rvsicdie* and Vjft.oie have stood UuW-bjrth. the
test for twenty years.
Jlidu oulv bv ppersen-Medicine Co., Chat
' 'un«t#!r«, Tutuscsete. •>-
Paul G. Lucas Crawiotdv"’*- G».
For information as to Routes, Schedule*
and Rates, both
Passenger and Freight, either of tl»e undersigned,
• ,You will receive prompt reply and
reliable information,
i v. tv*, i c •
JOli \Y. TYllITj:, A. G, JACKSON,
T. P. A. u. • • d. p. a.
AuRiiste, Ga.
C. V. & P. A. ’ G. A.
Atlantq Athens.
\V. W. HAltmVICK, fi. K. JIAGIBL,
S. A. C. F. A.
Macon, Gu. i
s. F. a •.. Ji- l A P.'A. ■
~ MUledgeyille. Ar-E’'»ta.
This is trie Man i
.. th c p EOf>ig\
#$£ , JpL %
'■**■ FREE!
f f
-~._.....__.__— m3. heapeaf _7_ ,__
supergl-lin‘ By *7! gee: the $irq ?bsfit encmfi fox- No 9,11
purposes at special little factory how much price.
matter how or 370a
need, or headquarters for what purpose, for it. Ben to ‘
m ‘
r < $34.59. n
*96 Models High Grade.
UH««KAKaI H6S8TS seu F08 $71.*e.
We liave ae Agents but ScM Direct
to the Rider at >lamtfoct«rer’(
Prices, Saving Yea til /
Agent’* Proiits.
cher»^« betb weys and reiuad
nooey *.f us repceev-ate-t. w.inA Kvery
-Acme- .1will is fuib gwxremtaed Work
atarimtf) Hta1 for catalogue
102 .HaiD St., - • * Etkbart, kid.
K0 fj \ n ; wi
.-I.-: T-t hi «iV»*Xi
onickly s^^nred Ttx LCr T A -7 CBTAIFEDk
fcrftd m> -i IT - r ■ '««q kH trw. ri-wnu i*
4*-?Acr- - ’ C- i*.M K!ef6U««
itikd fa*il uuor3.ak. -n. :
u i**--* !**-*»<. _ WASHINGTON,
w a li Mb
, fi Im
5gr X the I Urelyi»t. Pay rs
W Largo catalogue showing §
illustrations 01' all stylus of feno-
111.: with hundreds of testimOniuls
,1‘rom all sections. Afidl‘ess
The Wire Fence 153nm“, Man
woe. Forsyth 8n GA.
W}>af.| the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
Grass, grssn, and weeds, weeds; iiow
Prohibition i* all the talk now in Wilkes
Mr, A. D. Moore was on the sick list
last week.
, Uncle Jess Darden was down hero on a
visit, last week,
Mr*. Mittie Downing was visiting in our
county this week.
Mr. W. T. Harper, of Fountain, was iu
our town last week.
Mrs. Coot Elliott is suffering cousidera*
bly with afflicted eyes.
Mr. Murry Taylor was out in his white
Zouave pants last week.
Our farmers should save ail the hay.
This is a good year for it.
Hot times in Georgia, politically; espec¬
ially in Taliaferro county.
Our trip to Greene county has been
postponed for the present!
Captain Hunter, of llillmau, gave our
town several calls last week.
Preaching at Raytown Methodist church
next Saturday and Sunday.
People are working the roads, filing up
for the Judge and his court,
Mr. Joe O’Briel), of BarnoR, was in
Sharon last week on business.
Miss Missouri Balgby is spending some¬
time with the Mildfajon people.
Mr. Albert Barnett has returned to bus¬
iness at Mr. John O'Keeffe’s store.
The melon crop though small in size
will make up iu quantity this season.
Our streets and side walks were washed
out a great deal during the heavy rains.
Now Is the time to subscribe for your
county paper and advertise your business.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brake, of Elim. was
visiting Mr. Joe Taylor’s family last week.
Mr. L. A, Moore and sous, Anrthur and
.Lewis, of llillmau, were in to see ns last
R..H. Davidson, of Augusta, is up
ing parents. Bob has k good time in this
county. '
Miss MyrtieTaylor is on a visit to bar
uncle Mr Willis' Beckworth of Wilkes
All ot our schools Iiaye began again ex¬
cept Sharon. What is the matter pro¬
Mr. Tass Perkins is behind Mr. O’Kceff’s
counters now. Tass is an old hand at this
Miss Ross, of Macon, is still n guest at
Hotel Jackson. She has many friends in
Mrs. Triplett is reported better, She is
suffering from dropsy. We hope she may
get well.
Our town council held thoir regular
meeting last week and fixed up their busi¬
ness to date.
Mrs. II. T. Beckworth is in very feeble
health at present also her daughter Mis*
Minnie issick.
Drying and car.hing fruit is ail the go
now with a great many of our people and
it is a good idea.
-Mr. Walter Davidson and family, of
Augusta, have been on a visit to his pa¬
rents at this place. __
To Cura Constipation Forever.
Take Cuscarctt Caruiy Cathartic. 10c or K>c.
It C. C. C. (ail to cure, druggists refund money.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Gregory were visit¬
ing the'lattcrs parents last Sabbath, Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Bagby.
Malarion Ip deToifl of bJtt^r
Cures Chills and Fever; acts on 1 he liver
and regulates the system generally. All
Bro. Mike Taylor says he has (hanged
his coming to town. It is the tirff 3fon
dav in place of Tueidar.
Ed acute Tour Itowel* With C»»care*s.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation refund forever.
10c. 25c. If C. c. C. fail, druggist* money.
Messrs. Bud and Willis Harper have re
turned to Emanuel county after several
duys star up in our section.
No-To*li»c for Fifty Cent*.
G’JAra&ntettd tobecco bftbit ruTO, in^kca
men strong, blootl pure. 5dc, 11. All druCBisU.
If you want j-otfr syrup pans made or
repaired or .Vimmers made or any tin
i work done call on C, I., Bagby.
i Cap'. Joe T.-ivlcr vra* in our town last
1 week having *n evtparator made. Jo* i»
* cxk of the Walk where he goes.
«alftrldni« endorsed by best Physl' ians
I and euarauteed iff ctfreCuiils. Fever and
Ague- All druggists or from Mof!it-\\ <-v
f Drug Co.. St. Louis.
J. K. ’Bagby and J. T. Tayi r '
' visiting tte glory land thi- we. k. pro,
i peeting for A iocuteen another year
■ 3«L7f lii * IN M 3f« fox kmn ooogk
} y
*t /
Mr. Anderson, our insurance man, has
left us. He made many friend* while
Some people aro raising dogs. Hogs
■would pay best but every man to his
There was a barbecUe at ME L- A.
Moore’s, at llillmau, on Thursday of la*t
week. Some of the Sharon people atteml
Sharon business men have got so much
pash about them that they won’t let the
lazy club play draft in their homes of bus¬
Col. C. C. Carroll was in our town last
week. He says he is doing a good busi¬
ness ou Pearidge but it is a hard matter
for him to gat married.
We are glad to state that Mr. IN . L.
Kendrick, our nice depot agent, is hack
to bis place again; his recent spell of sick
nes did not last him long.
Uncle Billy Moore is very attentive to
the post oilice business here. He don’t
open or shut up only at the proper hour
and keeps his office iu uice fix.
You invite disappointment when you
experiment. Dc Witt’s Little Early
Risers are pleasant, easy, thorough little
pills. They cure constipation and sick
headache pist as suit: as you take them.
Andrews A Deadwyler, Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown Sharon.
Bro. Tom Evans lias a spelling match
eyery two weeks. Auybody who wants
to cuter the class can do so free of charge.
Bro. Tom is the expert.
A stubborn cough or tickling in the
throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure.
Harmless iu effect, touches the right spot,
reliable aud just what is wanted, It acts
at once. Crawlordvillev
Andrews <fc Deadwyler,
Dr. Lawrejice Brown. Sharon.
A lot ot candidates were left out tills
week. We feel sorry for all of them .and
we expect a good many will retire to pii
vate life entirely. If we gat beat we ex¬
pect to.
When you call for DeWitt’s AVitch
Hazel Salve the great pile cure, don’t
accept anything else. Don’t he talked
into accepting a substitute, for piles, for
sores, for burns.
Andrews <A Deadwyler, Crawfordville
Dr. Lawrence Brown, SUarqp.
Barbecue dinner at Hotel Jucksou last
week to his special guest, the Missus Car¬
ter, of Augusta, and their many admirers.
We were not present but suppose they
had a pleasant time.
Don't Tobacco Spit aud Smoke Tour life Away,
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag¬
netic, full of life, nerve aud vijror, take No-To
Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 50c or $1, Cure guaran¬
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling itemedy Co., Chicago or New York.
We are lorry to learn of Judge David
Hammack’s ill health, Mr. Ilammack is
one of Taliaferro’s old laud marks and few
men either present or past lias a better
record than he as a faithful servant in
any public trust. We Hope he may stay
with ub many- more years.
Bovdtlan 1 * ArzUaa SaMr*
Tbc Best ftaivo to tbs wotl4 C&S OfJte,
ftmfee*. Bores, CTleers. Sail Rheum, Fe*.
«T, Tetter, Chapi>ed Sarnln, ChilUatn*.
Corns, and all Skin Erupt Ota, end posi¬
tively cure* Piles, or noV** fcantu*!. h
is guaranteed H> give sat!tfnotion or
money refuudei. Price 23 CcOU fit?box
tot 4fiJs by pf. R. J. Rei<L
August meeting—a bad time for chick¬
ens and shouts.
There ara a great many on the sick
list thi* week.
Mr*. L. M. Moss attended preaching at
County Line last Sunday.
Mrs. Neva Wail spent last Sunday
afternoon with Mr*. Mamie Slterrer.
Fluker dietiict can siiv more than any
other district it* thecounty. There is not
a bicycle owned” iu it.
Mr*. .7. \V; Rives spoilt !a*t Monday
witii iter mother Mrs. Martha Slterrer,
who isou the sick list this week.
Just ask Mr. Walter Partridge ha* he
lost his grass hook or has it got too hot to
cut gras*. Walter *»ys it Is too hot to
Mr. Otis Luneeford had the misfortune
to lose hi* corn etib one night last week
l)y fire and *11 hi* cor* *nd some of Mr.
G. G. Ilixon*.
Nearly all the wotkenfolk* in our vicin¬
ity urn busy canning fruit a* they hate but
little sun theae days to dry it and some
must be savad Tor cold rain? day*.
Our district wc* live with wndidates tiio
first of toe v.erk. Brother* who art left,
I hope you do not feel bud or discourager
for 1 did all I could for evety one of you
Mr. Ove Luncfford is «till in the lead
on cotton. lie has the fittest in our vicin
ity. Overton is a thorough going young
j n3:l “ and attends to hi* own business.
! i 4G
1 ii
L", W
' a ©RN-OIIT
e e
Most women are
drudges. Some are'
willing, some are
I I unwilling. Some
V women drudge for.
tli e mat*l vc s,'
A - some for their
V rJf§H family. Their
rau * ine I s ond
' W.
leas; no matter
how ill they feel
tln‘V work.
v fi'/, 1 i tVomen never
hal :< ke care of themselves.' Early
deca and wrecked lives abound,mainly
thro rh-neglect. Every woman should 1
have che book called “Health and
Bty .''which the Pe-ru-na Medicine
Co: imbus, O., will mail on request.
ilt vomen some easy things to do
to -Oft i et health, and all about the
viruu of Pe-ru-na for women’s peculiar
ills. vjrites; Id iss Lizzie Peters, Museoutah,
“lain perfectly cured of female weak¬
ness ! taking Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin.
I, a \ e gairibd thirty-seven pounds
sie T begun taking l’e-ru-nu. My
fnernft ure wondering what makes
me lock so bright and healthy. I
wouldnike to let the world know what
a wonderful medicine Pe-ru-na is.”
Woman’s diseases are mainly catarrh
of the pelvic, organs. Pe-ru-na drives
out e^jiFy phase of catarrh.
Mrs! Eliza Wike, No. 120 Iron Street,
Akron JO., writes:
“I would be in my grave now if'
it had not been for your God-*sent
remetly. Pe-ru-na. I Was a broken
down woman, now I am well.”
Drawn Ir Serve Taliaferro Superior
Cwiirt, August Terta 1808 .
drund Jurors.
K M T Kegdrick T E Bristow Mathis
T Br- wn A H
Jno II ’(rndrick J W Asbury
J J Mo -v ■ S M Marchman
JN * U \V G/-e ,
it J Ji/vi'li W W Bird
J It Holiday W B Barnett
O 1) Moure J T II sard Sr
E D Hadawny J C Luneeford
L A Moore Br A C Dayidsou
P E Durden i. f, Vea/.ey
G N Wright X J li racy
J W Farmer E II Ogletre#
J P Johnson It I, Veuzey
R S Murden A T Ray.
Tr»vor*e Jurors.
J S Chapman C Bergstrom
W C Cl*apniatt C A Taylor
C I Oglttree John O’Keeffe
J L Turner It It Taylor
T F Moore J T Ernest
W f C Taylor , F G Mitchell
W D Ogle tree N T Cannon
B. F Wynne A It Smith
W E Afielt Chus Itolh
M P Deidwyler D S Stewart
I U Elliigton J P Sturdivant
J T Dritktni It R Doziur
F H Stewart Jno T Cooper
Julian Richard* E II McCauley
It F Ray O G Stone
N A Allen It J Maun
C G Moore J T Luneeford
T B Flyut J P Perkins
•»'«!*■ Beats the Klondike.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Mar^s
vilie, Tex., has found a mom
valuable discovery than lias yet
beon mads in the Klondike. For
years he suffered untold agony
from consumption, accompained
by hemorages; and was absolute¬
ly cured by Dr. King's New Dis¬
covery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds. He declares that
gold-is # of little value in compari¬
son witl? this marvelous cure;
Would have it even if it cost a
hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma
Huonchitis -and all throat and
lung affections are positively
cured bv Dr. King's New Dis
cov ery for Consumption, Trial
, bottles free at Dr. R J. Reid's
j Grnv store. Regular si fee 50c.
| aud*1 1.00. Guaranteed to cure
or price refunded.
Barnwell & Vickers can
meet all fair and honorable com
petition, and invite it.
strangers to dirty methods.
Washington. “ Gl.
;■ > _
j J. M. hfijin" Denham, of White;
Plains. <<■ '
pnvlP g Highest Market prices
* C) y fhytn.
Try tiic W *-T Mfg. i
Co. on nails and S hard ,
Sav-V! brackets cny- style or;
shape go Xfg. en Co. out by ..... Wusn-j
Oorre'sjbndents’ Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
the H»ipf>en!iiffs in Their KorCjpective Lo
c ilitles. AIVthoNewB.
UY X. ,
After a long rest we com3 again.
Weaffendeil Green court one day this
There is a wonderful come out In crops
of all kind.
Mr. C. W. Jones fs on the sick list, or
v?ns last week.
Since, our last writing we have had an
abundance of rain.
Mr. D. 8. Stewart lias treated himself
to a new top buggy.
Mr. John Ogle tree, of Com, G#., Is on a
visit to his brother, Jlr. 0. I. Oglfetrce.
Dr. A. S. Cooper and family of I’oweT
ton spent Sunday with the family of J T.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKinney of near
Barnett were over to see thoir son Jesse
We sympathize with Mr. P. R. G. Clark
iu the death of his bah?. We known the
little one is better off.
Experience is the great teacher—you
will experience both pleasure and profit by
purchasing your groeerie*, meats, dry
goods, notions and shoes from Crawford¬
ville Alliance Store. Nujukcu's Did Or¬
chard Vinegar always on up. Warrant¬
ed pure and guaranteed, absolutely fo»
Mrs. J. N. Chapman, of Crawfordville,
spent several (lays tiffs and last week with
her sister Mrs. W. '1’. Nelson.
Mr*. Nannie J. Johnson, of Poweiton,
spent several days with her parents Mr.
ami Airs. S. J. Jones last week.
Farmers ol Bermuda have had hut little
trouble with General Green up to a month
ago. Since that time lie hias shown his
For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites,
bury*, skin/ dfneaws »;k! remedy, i-sy.ewii-'l.y DeWitt’s }45e.s
there is Haitel one reliable, When call for
Witch Salve. yon
DeWitt’s don’t accept counterfeits or
frauds. You will not he disiippointed
with DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve.
Andrews A Deadwyler CTawfdrdvillc,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
BY I. N. C.
Mr. Ethel Stewart, of Pearidge, visited
his brother Saturday night.
Miss Maggie Boatwright spent Monday
night with Misses May and Mat StrozU-r.
Mi*s Bessie liichards, of Crawfordville',
is visiting friends In our town this week.
Mr. Will Callaway and Mrs Hattie Wall
visited Mrs. ,Tamos Callaway Sunday last.
Mr. Tom Heard and sister, ffomTignal],
visited their aunt Mrs. Sallie Short Sat
Mr*, ft. M. Itoatwright spent last week
with Iter mother, Mrs. Cullen Caldwell, at
Miss Seals and her brother, from South
Carolina, arc visiting Misses Eula and
Lucy Short.
Mt. Charlie Aarbuck, from Raytown,
was in this place Monday night with his
Mrs. Meadow*, of Grehhe county, spent
a few days this week with her sister, Mr*.
Percy Stewart*:
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Hulve has the
largest sale of any Salve in the world.
This fact and ifs merit* has Ivd dishonest
people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look
out for the man who attempt* to de<<*ivt
you when you call for lieWitt,’* Witch
Hazel Salyr the great pile ( ure.
Andrews «t Deadwyler, Crawfordville.
Dr. Lawrence Bfown, Sharon.
Mr. Bunk Smith and’sister. Mi** Lei),
from Stony Ridge, visited their cousin
Mrs. M. M, Boatwright Thursday lust.
Truth wears well. People ha ve learned
that DeWitt'* Little Early Itinera are r«
liable little pills for regulating the bowels,
curing don’t constipat ion and sick headache.
They gripe.
Dr. Andrews Lawrence it Deadwyler, Crawfordville,
Brow n. Slmron.
Misses Ida, Ella and Mamie and Ain *
Taylor, from Piernmn, visited their
cousin, Mrs. S. A. (laid well Tliurnl zv 1 a t.
Planers CUBAN BELIEF curt*
'•lie, fc; u .ur.. r. Auadl o 3
• *t ci i;j UV>* r J Mi.• ' :\
UiU S..*.. ,.r ( umifOiril,. I'; ' x .> "' c *
Most at I of - I farmers have itff -J by
their crop* or they will quit he til the
protracted n vti; t- ate ffi o.-ir with.
1MmIv* 5 MUBIAN TEA eum Dyspon
* gia, Con*tipation and Iudi
„„ tion . p^ !ltwt WU«r. Tri«*,25 ct*.
AH above goods for sab- by L. G. Luc;io
Mr. mid Mr- -L A. i < 11 -|ie;,t 4 our -
night wills Mr. n ,t -. D;:v<: Walker
while their to r r. nferro county
on wav •
to visit their father uud other re.stives.
O __ A. _ JS3 __ r __ X? C3 XX. __ I _ jffk _ I '
lUKmd You Ka.4 Always
NO. 25,
Royal makes the fot^d pure,
whettsome and dc4tciou§.
@ t
Absolutely Pure
*M«. ,-. * 1 * Ml**
ROYAI. nAKJNlJ /•' it'tEA C0.‘ NhW YORK.
Mr. Hurbuck and wife aud litti* Gussia
of Raytown, spent part of last week with
their aunt, Mr,s Joel 'iaylor. ■ ,
Marshal Boatwright has a tomato Vine
that measure* ten fret across the top uach
way, ( an any one beat that? • '
Mrs. Hattie Maltbie, of Crawfordville,
is visiting her daughter and mother Mrs.
Berther Eyaus and Mp. E. A. Norman. *
Fortune’s road is paved with • -economy.
Economize therefor* by purchasing your
groceries, meats, dry goods, • notion* and
slioes from Crawfordviliu Alliaufce store—
Numsen’s Old Orchard Vinegar always ou
hand. Warranted pure and guaranteed
absolutely for pickling.
Mr. L. Gunn, of Crawfordville, came
over here Sunday to *ee his best girl,'
That is right, Jlr. Gunn, we are always
glad to have the Crawfordville boys to
viHit tii<< sweet and pretty young girls ol
Mr. Jesse A slimy is in Gicenesbor. at
this writing.
My. Jdhn Marchman i» 'visiting home
folks I his veeA. ••<'
Knuek playing' >* the T sport around ><k '
Lp-( .
We guc! > some of" tfie once-eandidates
will stay at home now.
Miss Mttttle Lou Banks, of MatiBn, in
visiting Miss Eva Asbury.
One Minute Cough Cure surprise* poo.
pie by its (jiiffk cures and children may
take -t in It, large quantities without' the, least
danger. 1ms won for itself the best
reputation of any preparation used to-day
for colds, croup, tickling iu the throat or
obstinate, cough*,
Dr. Andrews Lawrence X Blown, Deadwyler, Crawfordville,
Mr. E. I». Evans visited relatives in thi»
section last Saturday aud Sunday.
We heard Mr. W. II. Johnson say that
his cotton was growing so ia»i that an ant
can’t climb if.
W« heard an old man say not long ago
that lie had never asked a man in IffS lif*
to vote liis ivuy. That * more th»n a
great many clin aayn
Nothing succeeds like success. Ed.'
wards & Co., are always successful ia
pleasing thoir patrons in groeerie*, meat*,
dry g oods, notions and shoe*. Numseu’s
Old Orchard Vinegar always on hand.
Guaranteed pure andguaraftteed absolute¬
ly for pickling
We heard a certain widower a«tc a man
not long since if it would be cheaper to
hire a cook than it would to buy one.
There are three important, questions to
consider right along here. VV* would
say buy.
.Mcsre than twenty UMllton free samples
of DetYitt'sWitch Hazel Salve have been
distributed by flic UtauTifaeturcr*, What
better proof of their confidence in it’s
morn- do you want? It,cures piles, burns,
scalds.. Bofes,, in the shortest, space of •
Andrews & Deadwyler CTawfordViJle,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
tftur Honor Roll.
The foTfowing kind patron* have paid
Aheir subscriptions since our last issue;
C. II. Beazley, 81 to June 18 ’99.
\V. B. Barnett, 5oc to Feb. loth, '99.
• y
j H g £83 jTO M I B ftlll B JP®
: B'B fyVffS a B liU | | £gp
, fa.
•o|<i!f: my -|fnaoii ravnelfhaveboea thrv
?1 si* G*SVAKYT‘» Hud are the beet
-.«•!*!< ir.n.....!■.. ryer had In tbe bouse. Lant
weelf m7 wife v .; frimtic with headache foe
two - /l. r *r ; i some of your CASCAJRKTS,
- nd *bry r-\‘ v<e. *t,e pain In her head almoet
l:arr-(.;)i6tel' V/t : itb recommend Caacare**”
t’ JiS. Sl*D*foHU.
jPPWb’jri/ Safe ,4 Deposit Co., Pittsburg, P*.
jvA-saaete CATHARTIC ^
Tt/.oj tea ah Roourrireo !-iIatatile, Weaken, Potent. Ts-to Good. Do
'J.K.d, Ni . L-r dii-Xcn. or Gi :^o. UM. R*. SO*.
... GJ«t£ constipatjom. ...
3i#rllfc* RVorpaay. Cbieaf*, MwtvoaJ. Tift Si?
«iO*TO*BAC * iTMU!t%&&'S£sr