Newspaper Page Text
S@i3.-00 Per Year.
s-tioidd know t}ir..t the
“Old lime" Kenedy,
Is the tv>ft tor reach TrraiiU*. Cdrrc-'ts
irregularities ini’- • Gi-gam-. t-iioula be
taken for Ch-i-.-e <' Mleani.l beiore
Flamers “OK Tiws" ie-mases. liftve stood the
test tor twenty j : ••.».
M»d Kif v . veer Medicine Co., Viiut -
• Paul G. Luc;:.- Cr:Lviortjv'"<" Ga.
For fnformation tc Routes, Schedules
aud Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either of the undunvlgned.
You will re •<'. prompt reply and
reliable information.
T. T. A. G. J?. A.
Au^[tc1:.n. Ga.
C. r . & F. A. G. A.
Atlaiitrt Athens.
S. AT c. r. a.
Muapn, fto,
S. F. A. S. F. & V. A.
Milteilgevil! i Augusta.
(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24, 96.
The New Life-Giver.
Promotes Vigorous II: p.lth by instilling
OXYGEN from the air into the system,
and cures all forms of disease without
Medicine or Electricity. It, is as simple as
• Prices of * OXYDONOrtS ; ereatiy re¬
duced. Get the genuine, made Hercules by the
djscoverer unci inventor, Dr,
Book of particulars and price list free.
Address Dr. II. Sanclie, 201 Fifth Ave¬
nue, New York,
Exchange —BATES:—
Per Day. SI.00,
Hotel. Pei Week. SLOP, 54.50
* and A5.00.
V. Proprietor, J. ADKINS. 163 Marietta St.
Opposite Miller As Brady’s Cel brat, d
Staid,-s. the Lee., st in the South.
qf'JbCeitK ( j-A
ii A€ftic A DUhaIoC
‘98 Models. Hid‘1 ** Tirade
We Have no Agca-t ct Sell Direct
to the Rider st Aa^olactunr’g
Prices. Ss in? Yoc all"
Agta Y Pre-fit?.
Best Materials I fii.ish. Etzht
elc :
l rc; , r tLf Vrrv r
“Acme" :s /-.! :a ■ itfer'i afrtisut fe- r
ail Accidents ... V, V .. . 2 f<r‘iv3 tVc-rh-
7,„i„W.,. SeSdfc.r cstii ..
182 Main St., * . citshart, Ind.
Whr, the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing,
IC.l. BAtillT.
We were quite sick last tvtek.
Fleas are worse in our sectiog than we
ever knew.
The fly, gnat and musquito crops are
good this year. . ,
Mr, .T. II. Chapman was visiting Wash¬
ington last week.
Sunshine aud dry weather would be
very acceptible just now.
Sweet potato crop will be short this
year; too late setting out.
We have a good many sick children in
our section at this writing.
We think the day has oome to do away
with these combines in elections.
Excursions have got to be so common
hat they do not draw much erowd.
Court is in session last week and ive
guess evil doers will fare but middling.
Hauling icord wood now is claiming the
attention of a good many of our farmers.
Judge Jacob Rocker mid family intend
emigrating to South Georgia another year.
Mrs. E. W. Taylor and family were
visiting Mrs. A. E. Taylor and family the
past week.
The principal part of our fruit crop
was lost in this Section on account of the
wet weather.
Dr. A. A. Davidson, of Augusta, was
visiting his parents here last week. He
looks natural,
Mr. James Furgerson, of Richmond,
was visiting his mother and sisters at this
place last week,
Mr. A. D. Moore keeps pretty busy
nowdaysrepairing the old wagons to haul
in the present crop.
Mr. 0, D. Moore has been suffering with
rheumatism for sometime. We hope he
will be all right soon.
The annual meeting at Salem Baptist
church, Barnett, will commence to-day.
All are invited to attend.
There has been a great deal of oak lum¬
ber shipped from Brake’s saw mill at Bar¬
nett to Augusta recently.
Before you vote for a mim now days
you had better find out where he is at or
you may (get dkssfppi/iuteU.
Mala lion With Malar ion Tablets
Guaranteed Cure for Chills, Fever aiid
Ague, or money refunded. 00 cents. All
Mr. Walter Merslvon, of Warren, has
been spending sometime with relatives
here. Ail are glad to see him.
Wc hear a good many predicting a good
deal of sickness in the near future on ac¬
count of so much rainy weather.
to Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Casearets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 05c.
I! C. G. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
Air. George Fouehe and sons are ie
painting the convent building which will
improve the appearance very much,
Excursion from "Washington to Macon
on Thursday of last week. A good many
of ot.r people especially colored went.
Miilnrion is devoid of bitter inste.
Cures Chills and Fever; acts on the liver
and regulates the system generally. All
When you want syrup pans made, skim¬
mers or any kind of sheet iron or tin work
done, call on or write C. L. Bagby, Sharon,
Mrasrs. Taylor and brothers alto Mr.
Johnson, of Augusta, were visiting in out
city last week the guest of li. II. Jackson
and A D. Moore.
Educate Your ISowel* "With CoscSbfef*.
Candy Cathartic, euro ixnnstipaiion forever.
ICc, 25,-. II C. C. C. lai!, drtij.'nists rclunu money.
Mr. J. E. Bagby and Will Rocker will |
move to Emanuel county this fall, so we
learn. Warren and Taliaferro people will
take possession of the glory and yet.
Dote) Jack-son k a great’ place for the
young!people tb’n.eet and Jiayc theii chats
anil .Mr.- and Mrs. Jackson takes great
care and pains to entertain their visitors.
No-To-llac tar Fifty Cent*.
Guaranteed tobacco imuit curt; makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c, It All druggists.
We heard Drat parties barbecued meal
all day oil Sunday to carry oil the excur¬
sion to sell. This is not right, It it a
violation of the law of the land and
against the law of God.
Malarion is enilorwd by iiett Fhysfcian*
and guaranteed to cure Chills, Fever and
A S ut '- All druggists or from Moffit-West
^ ~t. w.
Mrs. Shenidan and family and Mrs.
Valentine, of Macon, ft re spending the
summer fn Sharon boarding with Mr. and
ilrs. E. E. Darden. We wish them a
pleasant sojourn in our town.
News has reached Sharon that Mr.
Love Merrhon is sick with fevet HlS
tri.ny frierds here will regret to learn this.
They camp n iw at Hfintsviile. Ala. Some
of thebovs - will be home soon on furloughs
io tUey write.
casto rt 7 - a.
B ^ ritlle The Kvi Yts *a« Btopt!
f Catarrh of the bowels, be
v. prevalent in
m civs, most
V/ •T toe summer tttenths, it catted
* iussmer catarrh.
1 lt-surpriaes many that |
IP rhal. bowel trouble Dr, Htwitnao^s is catar¬
books make this plain.
Write to the Pe-ra-o*
Medicine Co., Columbus, 0., for theca. .
They toll all about catarrh and how -
Pe-ru-oa cures it wherever located.
* T had chronic diarrhoea
for fifteen years,” writes
Mr. X. E. Miller, Grand & v >
Prairie, Tex. "1 tried fj
thaay medicines and B V*
doctors in vain. At last
Pe-ru-na was rcco©
mended, amlitrelfeved
and cured me at babe. ” ’V
Mr. John Hartina. cb
k | Main St.., Cincinnati, G.,
writes: “My wife and
% [fiftfa mysoif for took chronlo your dio*-! Pe -1
Mj »j(® ru-nu, rhcea and it crurod ua.“,
!lr. No doctor or medtetn?
Is we tried before helped
Mr. Edward Wormack, s ^
Ledbetter, Tex., writes: pT
“ troubles Pe-ru-na is unequalled for bowel ® jUg* •* ~ h
by anything in my ex- M
periesoe. life to Pe-vu-nig, X owe mv ijli L [j
shall always rccoia
rnerKl it to those suffer¬
ing as I was. ”
Mr. John Edgarten, 1000 Third Aw.,
Altoona, Pa., says: .“I suffered from
dysentery for three years I took P»
ru-na and am now well."
Tom Pate was in to see as last week.
He had a crow to pick wit about**ciis
singhim through the press by calling him
devil Tom. Well he is always so full pf
devilment is why we gave dim,that name,
lie is a hard nut to crack.
You invite dtsappointir i at when yog
experiment. DeWitt’S L, ,1c Early
Risers are pleasant, rasy, til <ugli little
pill*. They dure constipation ami Sick
hfeadaehe just assure as yon ako them.
Andrews & Deadwyler, (.j . wfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown Hharon.
Our Masonic brethren and dors had
big time herepn^ the Utl , in,f. . ;v‘
what wc think they call the' lloykf Ji .re their lodge. They had din¬
ner for all of the same faith and order in
Mr. G. W. Brown’s vacant store room.
A stubborn cough or tickling in the
throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure.
Harmless in effect, touches the right spot,
reliable and just what is wanted. It acts
at once.
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfordville^
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
There will be a series of meetings start¬
ed at the Presbyterian church in Sharon
on Saturday before the first Sunday in
September conducted by Rev, Mr. Cart
ledge of Washington and Rev. Mr,
Burgess of Madison. This will no doubt
be an interesting meeting for our people *.s
the above ministers are men of ability
The public is invited to attend.
When von call for DoWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve the great pile cure, don’t
accept anything else. Don’t be talked
into accepting a substitute, for piles; for
sores, for burns.
Andrews «te Deadwyler, Crawfordville
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Why that the Republican Party
got a giiii on the last, primary of the Pop¬
ulist Party? There is something stinking
and unfair about. Watch out boys, you
will he caught. Wc never intended for
our Populist to lie Republican endorsers
or anything of the kind. We will meet
you at the ballot in the general election.
There was a nice barbecue dinner ati Mr.
Edward Keating’s residence on Saturday
of last week. It was a most pleasant
affair and everybody enjoyed the occasion
to their hearts "content. There was a hour.- j
tilul plenty to cat of meats, bread, pies, j
cakes, etc: There was a good ' many prel- I
. ty young ladies , writing ... on the b.g crowd 1 :
present. In the evening the young people l
enjoyed themselves in a dance and goner*
nl (onversetion, i
Truth wears well. People have learned i
that DcWitt’s Little Ear; Risers '
are rt
liable little pills for reguhding the bowels;
curing constipation and sick ■ headache.
Andrews A Deadwyler, r "■ wfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Bailiff Arnett carried . , l;t. . hey :
a e negro
to jail last week forstealing a watermelon, !
which all boys white null . k have done,
as a general thing. This no., is not much
larger than a pound of soap after a week’s;
sucti cliilrfren ,a for ' „ „
They ough. to nave giv<r on- a -
whipping and let him go. We predict
that when it comes to trial, Judge Reese
will turn him loose. When you come
putting infant* in jail the courts are get
ting hard up for work.
trifi , CUBAN RELIEF «ire*
•-'* too e
B iltVB v_ a j, v ^ - j ir siuxaaci;
and suutiau t CoiapuicU. i'rice, 25 Cents.
JJorr^ fjkradmts’ Eeports of What Their
r # Neighbors Talk
tbt ‘ Happenings in Their Respective lo¬
f calities. All the News.
*t T BY I. N. C.
VM B.....
fTlw farmers , are quite busy pulling
Tk Helena baSbball team backed
out* ashington not long ago.
ffc racted meeting will commence at
fcSaral Baptist church next Friday.
■i Pi W. P. Pittard and Mr, Rail
Str- . or. went up to Union Point Saturday.
* DiWilt’s Witch Hazel Salve has the
largest sale of any Salve in the world.
This Diet and its merits has led dishonest
Ant pec>t% tor to th attempt who to attempts counterfeit it. deceive Look
fyPSg'Em - .nan to
ffjye you cull for DeWitt’s Witch
Tfiifr'- the groat pile cure,
if & Deadwyler. Crawfordville.
Dr/ijIvAence Brown, Sharon.
Mr. i?. M. Akins, the postmaster, lias
beau ,uite sick for the lust fow days, lie
is up v
'f! Iffllona "baseball team went up to
Ajjfidc sttStik > Saturday to play against
vKooe toek.
Me rs, 8, A. Caldwell and Gordon
Stroz^r went up in Greene county Thurs
Oar o.i business.
TV? “-Miijts, Geo. Hess, 8 A. Caldwell and
r and family sjamt Saturday
^tthrB^undav with their aunt Mrs.
For hi'okfin surfaces, sores, insect bites,
burfis, skin damases and especially piles
■ tliere ’V one rSiabla remedy, DeWiit’.
Wife!: Hazel Salve. When you call for
DeW it's don’t accept counterfeits or
fraud-i You will not be disappointei
with .feWitt’^ Witch Hazel Salve.
Andrews A Deadwyler Ciawfordviile,
Dr. .1 awreuce Brown, Sharon.
sj#k;yj£ exceedingly sorry4o report the
of Rev. B. M. Callaway; lie line
the p; A;>'. He was compelled to get
some ppe else to carry on meeting at Sta¬
tion cbuf$Ji,<# B&'ie
Mr Norman and Mrs. llattie
of Helena, vf-iied tlie hitters aunt,
'"'fl ■ uneefoui in Tsiliaierro county
During i
How Jnmrditec dared,
Buffering humanity should tie supplied
wiUi every means j>oueible for its relief.
It is with pleasure we publish the follow¬
ing: “This is to certify that I was li ter
riMe. sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for
oyer sis mouths, and was treated by some
of the best physician* in our city and all to
no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recom¬
mended *| Electric Bitters; and after taking
v bottles, I was entirely cured. I now
take great pleasure in recommending th
to any person suffering from this terrible
malady. 1 am gratefully yours, M. A.
Bogart, Ky.”
Sold at Dr. lb J, Reid’s drug store. CO
cants per bottle.
iiv x.
Bermuda can boast of one professional
Several from Bermuda are on th# jurry
this week.
Air. C. M. Walker, is bailiff for 'the
grand jury this week.
Quite a number of Mildra ionites visited
our Sabbath school Sunday.
Mrs. W, T, NelsoAand Miss Bird Veuzey
visited Crawfordville Monday.
Farmers are making good use the of
sunshine In saving fodder and hay.
Mr. W. T. Cooper will be with Mr. C.
I. Ogletice from this until Christmas.
Mrs. E. W. Jones is 011 the sick list.
Hope she wifi soon recover her usual
Bermuda school is making preparations
for an entertainment at the close of the
nummei term.
One Mim:' • ■. ,;h Curo st»l|ir.-< - j"">
pie by its quick } can s anti children may
jn ti „ s without the least
danger. It his'wo;, fot itself the liest
reputationof any preparation used to-day
fot colds, croup, tickling in the throat or
obstinate coughs. Crawfordville.
Andrews & Deadwyler,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon,
Messrs. Almond and Madox, of Conyers,
are on a visit aud bu:<ne-:s trip to Mr. (LI.
Ogietree this week. ;
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Jones, Sr,, spent one,
dav last week with their daughter Mr*. S.
3/.^ ncgr Powellon.
V V. II. Jon -s and children, of Au
gmta, are oil an extended visit to relative*
n our neighborhood,
Mrs. Henry Googer and children spent
N „, , T .,d„ ,Uv :,1- - !......
the Democrat:-tp meet and name candi
dates for the various county offices,
VdcaU* t :> tVomm.
Esperially inluahle to wo.cen is Brown*’
Iron Biitire. Backache vaaiahes, headache
ilisappearg, weakness, and strength ti„. glow takes of health the place readily of
comes to tie'- pallid < he--k when this w !)!!•
derfni remedy L taxvn. For sickiyehiicren
er overworked rue.n it he/ no^uah Nrohome
ahould 1*; without, this famous remedy.
Browiii’Iron Bitters is sold by ail dealers.
Xn Advance-
Vi't welcome the beautiful sunshine.
Mrs. Em. Combs has the tin--t llowor
yard of bur vicinity. *
Guess whose dead stock can list:! live
freight from Cmvvfordviile.
Miss E. J. Nash visited her sister
Mamie Slxerm last .Monday.
f Everybody tryed to get -their road in
good shape before court week.
Fortune’s road is paved wit It ec-oii; my,
■Economize therefore by purchasing your
groceries, meats, dry goods, notions and
slices from Crnwl'urdvilie Alliance ston
Numsen’s Old Orchard Vinegar always on
hand. Warranted pure, aud a unrantend
absolutely .for pickling.
Mr. A. H. Mathis attended r,.urt this
we£k in Craw fordville, as a grand juror.
Mr, and Sirs. W. 10. Wall attended
preaching at Anthony’s Chapel last Sun¬
Mr. Carter Moss, ol Washington, viMied
Ilia son Mr. Luck JIoss last Saturday
Mr. IV. T. Combs is still on the sick
list but glad to say is much better at this
Mrs. Lewis (ilase and childreiiof Wilkes
coulity visited liar aunt Mrs. M. J. Nash
last Sunday.
Mi.M. S. Hobbs spent last Monday
night with Mrs. W. II. bllerrerouhis way
to Crawfordville.
Guess what twef men came buck from
their trip-a little disappointed but report
Laving a lively time. )
Miss Carrie and- brother, Ur. Wile
Moss of Wilkes Co., visited Mrs. M. L.
.Moss last Saturday liighl and Sunday
More than twenty million free samples
of DnWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve have i Mil'll
distributed by the manufacturers. What
better pioof of their confidence in it’s
merits do you want? it cure, piles, burns,
scalds, sores, in the shortest space of
Dr. Andrews Lawrence & Brown, Deadwyler Crawfordville,
Miss Mattie Jane Combs iias just re¬
ceived her new organ, so look for the
young men Mattie lo hear (lie nice music.
Mrs. Leila Holges, a charming lady of
Ohio, has been visiting ^er brother Mr. J,
W. Rives and frkuds in our vicinity thR
Miss Emma Holges, a swiiftt little girl,
VatowllJl"'VV 5’-ftly-x, .(»•:
Ohio, was visiting her cousin Miss Sallie
Rives the first o.f tint week.
StzuftrJfia'* sytilcji
Best Salve la the world for Ontu,
Bruises, Soi-es, Uicera, Salt Rhouin, Fev
er, Totter, Chapped La*tfy Chilblains'
Corns, and all Skin Eruptlpfls, and posl*
tfvpiy cures Piles, or .ns'pay .’rumired- It
1» guarantood tfi give sntiaffejjoti or
money rafuuded. Price So i-oula yet box.
Per sole by Dr.' R. J. RcifL
J. E. Bagby and family visited Idiiin
last week.
Mr*. J. B- Jones visited her mother at
Burnell last week.
Some men in this section have the
Eafanuel fever again.
Handsome Carswell ,.Tones was over
from Washington Sunday.
Nothing succeeds like success. Ed¬
wards & Co., are always successful in
pleasing their patrons in groceric , meats,
dry goods, notions and shoes. Numsen’:
Old Orchard Vinegar always on hand.
Guaranteed pure aud guaranteed absolute¬
ly for pickling,
Miss May Ella Davis returned home
from Washington last week,
Mr. Jim Gregory and family returned
home last week from Comer, Ga.
Miss Katie Cosby, of Union Point, vis*
ited- Mrs. Sallie Jackson recently,
Mrs. Anna Reese, of Norwood, visited
her brother Lint Williams at Barnett last j
Experience is the great teacher—you ,
will experience both pleasure and profit by j j
purchasing your groceries, meats, dry
goods, notions aud slices from Cmw f, <:d* j
vl'l- Alliance .SLi.r,;. ' OW
ChArd V ^ 1 "Jf. ” *ff rillJt ,
ed pure and guarantetd bsolutfely for
Protracted meeting begin:. Rt Bftriset, •
Friday. Crfrm: one, come all ai !'■' ,u
iiave « mee.ti i
Gooper, 1 :* riant;;, i? tper.d- j
- cr-ia ;&rV,
•* r t
Mr. M. if
drajon, Ti . il M
yant, nr nr iia:
uliBlAfv 1 HA
fc A-.X,l, A. Viicu, 2£-cts#
AH a bo
Till icarts at tli* * tot-d n»-ii i*rvir
one s.
di'H-oM' is au* ium j mru
tiy Browns’ I , Buu.s. t v> .#£
the hio<ri, nerve: uceuii/ije a ivi at
or othere r*- Isro
BiUer*. K i and n Y
quarter of a ee ftury. it txuTvit 1
most ri»i!oi»h,' ■ . u j l&tbn*
liro Ai^y' li irai &tiers *-■> ,*oid by all i
NO. 27.
Ruyai makes tile iuuii pure,
wholesome and delicious.
stfii HOY/ty
f. *
Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Smith, and daugh¬
ter of Washington, visited Mr. and Mrs.
I., L. Osliti at Bnrnett last undny.
Mr. and Mi's. Jack Hart, of Summit
Ga., have been visiting frisn-is and rela¬
tives at Williams creek the past two
Mrs. Clandie Rocker, of .-fontgemery
county, is up on a visit to her mother
Mrs. Barney Wheeler. Mrs. Rocker is in
very bad health.
T. B. Rice, a prominent, druggist of
Groeneshoro, Ga., writes as fellows; “1
have handled Dr. I’irts’ carminatiye for
eight years, and have n«v<-r I- uown of a
single instance where it f died to give per¬
fect satisfaction. Parti'': ’who once use it
ilways make permanent customers. We
si! more of this article than all tlm other
Carminatives, soothing .syrup:: and colic,
combined.” For teetliii'g children
it had no equal. For sale at Alliance
Miss Ethel Taylor, a charming young
of Barnett, has returned home after
;i two week’;-; May with fri 1 ds in Union
Bears tho jplhi) Khtii You Haw Always Bought
Mr, and Airs. Boll Thomson was culled
from Summit, Ga., last week to the bed
side of their rick . daughter Mrs. Willy
<l-'trris who. a* tiud ; tnu*j <' .> ly ing,. Vl©,
Platwm CUBAN OIL cures
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
Hair Pressing.
I will ylsityour homes ami do hair cutting
and shompooing for the ladi' s an'!, child¬
ren; also sharpen razors. Shop at Ml, I’.G
Lucas’ store. Give me a cull.
Crawtordvillc, Ga
Our Honor 10)11.
The following kind patrons have paid
their subscriptions since our last issue:
J. D. Hammack, $i to Feb. 25, ’99.
G. W. Atkinson, 25c to Nov. 27, '98,
A. II. Gunn, 25c to Nov. VL
A. J. Woodall 25c to A up - 25,
O. P. Bonner, 50c to July 1 ’9'x,
John A. Evans, 25c to No ,13 ’9*k
■‘CAMdAKI'Tft «l<> all cliLimed Ior tliein
ttiicl Tru a truly wonderful vk l havcolten
whiheii lor a jhc licine ;>.’e:i*;.;;t !•; m.:! at last
have found it, in C-v.caietE Siiif <• l..kinj/ tin m. my
blood lias been uuritied and n;y • < nj/lexion in bas Iru*
proved wonderfully ami J let ! ig.ich Luttreil. bettti Teuii. every
way. Mils. bALLijc hi. ^icllaich,
p| Canl1tt- p- !nvabK Potent. Taste Goon, no
Kaartiy Cnir.pua?, UtlritTo, Montreal. TSe» York, 219
Hid : LMianintoed by alldrug- Haoll.
gist;-, to Cl 1 l££ Tobacco
Leave to S* il.
OTATEOFGJ ORGIA, 1 kferro Oonn
yy ♦ y
i ' v iiOit) ,* DiiiV roii ,t ci n: Rachel
Ker au ..nistrat rix of .1 J. Kent, de
cea indue form 1 ,died to the
leave to I one hundred
teres of Ian.; more or less
ih< estate of d deceased,
iie (:01st Disti - . G- M. in said
,mi i will pass ttj 01 aid applica
turn 1 first Mondav in Septemiict
EG. IE. MITCHELL, Ordinary,
ugu-t Oth 1808.
Office Move-:.
lov'-d my Lav, * • lice up stairs
* ! F. C fith’s sti,:. .
Attorney at Law.
Ci tiv. mrdville, Ga.