The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, August 26, 1898, Image 3

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    er mam wsaesa
So the falling of the hair tells
of the approach of age and
declinihg No power. the
matter how barren tree
nor how leafless it may seem,
you confidently why? expect leaves
again. Because And there is life the
So you need not worry about
the falling of your hair, the
threatened departure And why? of youth
and beauty.
Because if there is a spark of
life remaining in the roots of
the hair
will arouse it into healthy activ¬
ity. The it begins hair ceases to and come the
out: to grow:
glory of your youth Is restored
to you.
we have a book on the Hair
and its Diseases. It is free.
Thts 3cs( Atfyfoa Free*
if. you do not obtain all tho benefits
von expected from the use of the Vigor,
write the doctor dirlicdity about it. I'robabiy
there la some with yo ur gen
eral ; sy*tein tvliich may b« ea»lly
rembvetl. Addrest.
DU. J. C. AVEUt Lowell, Mass.
—A letter from the 2nd Ga.
Volunteers’ camp at Huntsville,
Ala., says the boys all got there
safely,, but that the camp is es¬
tablished on a, rod, hot hill. The
mountain scenery around is line. the home of Gen.
Joe Wheeler. . ■
i --
—Marshal Trmker saves about
1000 pounds house of lisjy at one cutting
on court square.
The Best Reifgdv ft*” for Flax.
ML John Mathias, i- a well
known stock dealer of Pulaski,
Ky., says: “After suffering for
over a week with iliux, and my
physician having failed to relieve
me. I was advised to try Cham¬
berlain’s Colic, .Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, and have the
pleasure of stating that the half
of one bottle cured me. " For
sale by Dr. R. J. Reid and L. R.
Ik-fKOtrat ic Mass.Meeting.
The Democratic mass meeting,
to nominate a candidate for the
house of representatives, cud
candidates for county offices, is
Called to convene at 10o’clock a ’
in. oh Wednesday, the 31st. day
Of August. 1898, in the court
house in Crawfordville, Ga.
This Aug. 17. 1898.
M. __
Horace HoldEK.
Chairman Democratic Ex. Com.
re. ^
.on the old factorage plan
with tile best results and
charging reasonable commis
obtain , . the .. -
.-ions. V.e
results because we have the
best , ruarketUere—moie -
er.-. ?:i;arr-er competition and
larger lots of cotton to offer
at one tilffi: v. There may also
be soanildxg in our
cations.-our manner of hand
ling, and judgment in selling.
fiVE Yol R
DAV iSON & r A’uGO,
, j
’ % T
Prompi ^alps.
Goo( r-- I i
liberal Ativane&s
Pure Home Matters Pick- Up by Oai
Local Eeoortd.
Whttt Our People Are Uo.R s-o<l Saying,
l'hiugs Our Vrieaarell Us.
‘‘I owe my success toJie newspapers,
and to them I freely give certain profit
of my yearly business,” ays John Wan
am alter
—Mrs. W. N. Mltbie has been
right sick this wek.
J. A. Ashley s still paying
highest market pice for cattle.
—Excursion setson is about to
close. Co toAtimta on Sept.
5 th.
—Mrs. Charlie Caldwell is re¬
covering from a spell of sick'
—Mr. Thos. E. Bristow is
foreman of the grand jury this
—Rev. R. E. L. Harris is pro¬
tracting his meeting at Jewel’s
this week.
—MissCattie Farmer returned
home from Oglethorpe county
—Mrs. E. C. Golucke and chil¬
dren have returned to their home
at Madison.
—Dr. J. A. Rhodes has bought
a new gin for his ginnery near
Sandy Cross.
—The crowd in town this week
has been larger than usual to
August court.
—Miss Claude Wynne, of San
dersville, is visiting relatives
here this week.
—Miss Nina Edmonson, of
Washington, is visiting Mrs. W.
R. Reid’s family.
—The usual large crowd' of
railroad men were m attendance
at court this. week.
—Mrs. Caroline Kendrick, of
Sharon, visited friends in Craw¬
fordville this week.
termed.the —Jury, panel No, 1, has since been
Tuesday “walking jury”
—The patent medicine man
and the new invention agents
were absent this week.
—Mrs. W. R. Jennings and
children, of Atlanta, are visiting
relatives in Crawfordville.
—Misses Camile and Mamie
Rhodesr of Augusta^ are. among
their friends here this week.
—The absence of outside news¬
paper canvassers at our court
has been noticable this week.
—Miss Ora Jackson returned
to Union Point Wednesday after
a visit to her* brother at this
—Wade H. Gunn, of part^ohis Aji|nta,
has been spending a in^3raw
week at his old home
f or dr ill e.
—Davis Martin, colored, was
brought up here yesterday from
Raytown and jailed. He is
charged with lunacy.
—Mr. James B. Walker, of the
cotton firm of Walker & Walker, Sat¬
of Augusta, spent a part of
urday in Crawfordville.
—Will Y. Edwards has been
supplying the hungry with tine
Georgia' barbecue at the ware
room near Georgia depot this
—Prof. Jordan H. Sanford
went up to Rome this week, to
visit his brother Vince, The
latter gave a barbecue, inviting
200 of his friends.
—Mrs. Foster Baughn visited
her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. aud Mrs. W, P. Hubert at
this place this week. Will came
of er from Washington Mono ty.
—Mr. \V. O. Holden has a fine
lot of forage near town tha*
from a trial package of seed •
out by the* Georgia R. R. 1 1
a mixture M German
known peas and. Kaifer corn.
—Charlie Harris was *rrre. c -ted
here yesterday by Man- 1
Tucker OJ1 infermation by 1 • .
gram that he wanted -it
Decatur, charged w>th tak
clotnes-that . . did not oolong . ,
;g m .
—Justice H. T. Lewis i
Judge J no. C. Hart came do
Sunday afternoon to at.*
court, *‘just. as a custom" u.-.i '■
the latter. It looks natural
see these distinguished jure'
j lore.
— Hon. Wm. M. Howard, v.
here this week to seehisi'rietw' -
He is making the oth a most e
celiont Congressman and many
Oj. ms 10th district friends vvoufi
like to vote r i stay to.
Congress for, life.
—Mr. R. I-. Veazey, one or
Tali: Mrro'sbest young farmer-,
has o a- thanks for one of. the
besr watermelons we have tried
till season. This shows - the/
Bob is a good melon rai
—eii a- a 'cievor
15 50
Surreys, Buggies,
500 Fruit Jars,
Just Received. Prices Low*
Washington, Ga.
A Harness Shop. - i'i
We have been informed that
Messrs. Barnwell & Vickers, of
^0o,n | establish
Washington, will j
a harness shop , at^j^his place.
There is a good opening here for
such-a business, ,andwe are glad
to hear that these gentlemen.will
establish it.
Butter Dish Fun.
Mr. , r J.T. t m m Taylor 1 tried , • 14 to .„ pe.
form an acrobatic feat with Mr.
Doc. Stewart o|1 our streets
Tuesday aud when Doc. came
down a loud report was heard
like breaking of glass. Dob.
had a butter dish under his arili
that Tolly did not see until it
was smashed on the sidewalk:
E i ht Xew Members. "
The meeting at the Baptist
church here closed Friday morn¬
ing last with the following addi¬
tions to the church: Misses
Mattie Tucker, Jennie Griffith,
Mary Stewart aud Ora Holder,
Willie Ann Evans, Julius
Boimer, and Frank and Archie
Ogletree. Baptizing will take
place next Suuday morning.
(ionoral -Meeting.
General meeting, will be held
with, Jennings’ church near town
on Tuesday after the third Sun¬
day in September. The people
in that section are making ar¬
rangements to take care of the
Visitors and we know those‘peo¬
ple well enough to say they will
do their full duty on that occa¬
Mr. Grityth Sold Out.
Mr. M. F. Griffith has sold out of general merchandise
to Mr. Green Alford, of Greene
county, and Mr. Alford took
charge of the store the lii’st of
the week. Mr. Griffith will go
into the Bank of Crawfordville
as cashier when that institution
opens. Mr. Alford and hrs fam¬
ily will be welcomed to our town.
The} - Want a Trial*
Messrs. M. (!)’Dowd's Son &
Co., another of .^ugusta’s old
and highly recommended cotton
firms, have a card before you
to-day in our paper. They want
a trial shipment of your cotton
and we feel sure if you give
them a trial you will continue to
' be their, qustomer. See their
i notice and. sen-' them some cot
i ton
Visiting Bar*
j There was an unusually large
attendance of outside lawyers at
{ i our court this week. The list
! was as follows; Col. C. Heard
and Justice H. r J\ Lewis, of
Grcenesboro; B. H. Sibly and
Judge .Tno. C. Hart, of Uhion
p oiat; Cols y L p. Reese, F. H.
Colley, W. M. Sims, Fred Gil
bert and Mr. Wynne, of Wash
ington; Hon. Thos. '. ■ \v arson,
of Thomson; Cols. James White
lead and E. P. Davis, of Warren
on: Messrs. Camming, of Au
gusta: Mr. Davis and Col. W. O.
.Jitchell of Atlanta; ' Coi-. Moore,
; : - r.-ve red by a Worosn.
Anith-.:- :rc*at dls«i A ery lias bocu made,
i.dthw lady in this couutry'.
. , . , J , , S ap0D hfiI
»::i! for •. v. i years -.-,e Withstood Il<
r«st t ' - tui her vital organs
' 1 ■■■■>■< ' •« fl deal!, seemed imminent,
A --- -- m on tii? she coughed-iccessantly,
. :: at cr-ep. She firmly discover
■ l ‘o rc'.-o'. f'rV, by purchasing of
- :.ottl of Dr. ! KimiV, New Discovery
< o: s-rrl, ■tion.’and was so much relieved
•: r k ; firsc, dose, that she slept
.By!,!: end with two bottle#,, has
cu:- J, Tier naraie is Mrs.
n’Ler Lutz.
Co., oLfc
*. s free .t Dr. . -T. Reid’s drqc +ore
:f . r %\v •vj- and
b ,ara;:'< td.
The Property in the tkiunty on an Up¬
ward Move.
The Signs of tlic Times Point to an In¬
crease in Business anil Decrease
in Croakers.
Taliaferro is growing richer.
Her taxable property has
creased this year nearly six
thaJjkf!# JPci^ra-ging dollars. This is increase known
is when it
that mtny counties in the state
have fallen behind and that the
state as a whole lias greatly de
creased. In 1897 we gave in
£610,672 and in 1898 the amount
is $616,633 making the increase
$5,961. Taliaferro is traveling
on a line to make the croakers
take back seats aud we rejoice.
f- i j A Fine Shelian. Carp. of , this
Mr. • Mike
coufity, caught a carp in the
river near the D. A. Moore mill
that weighed 13 pounds. It Was
caught in a basket and
very near filling thd basket. It
is said that these fish are fine
when the skin is taken off them
before, cooking. In the skin
may -he that disagreeable taste
they usually have.
Col ton Shedding.
During the greater part of the
pa.-tfr week showers have fallen
in most sections of the State,
which have added to the damage
to cotton and much corn. Fodder
pulling has been seriously inter
rupted and niuch fodder has been
ruined in the fields. Cotton
continues to shed, rust, and
open prematurely. There is
much complaint of boll worms in
some counties Picking is m
progress, but it is said that the
is poor in many
V, (2rorx$are ‘ verv grassy as a
Peas, pastures, , . potatoes, . .
rice, r .
and sugar cane are very good,
The rains are causing the late
peaches and apples to rot rapid
lys and is destroying the flavor
of cantaloupes and
The List and Best.
The last excursion of the sea¬
son to Atlanta is advertised by
Messrs. Tuggle & Hollingsworth.
The fare will be only $1.35 round
trip from Crawfordville to
G:fte City aud return. The train
will go up-earl yon the morning
of feept. nth. and after
from 12 o’clock that day
4 j). m. of Sept. 6th it will
return, reaching Crawfordville
and this section lime onmigh
supper. Seiiteniber the uth
labor day in Atlanta arql
preparation is being made for a
great day of it. Read the notice
on our last page and get
ticket in time. L will be a nic f ,
cheap trip.
—Mrs. Martha E.Moore
over to Sparta Wednesday.
—Mrs. Tuggle, widow-of Judge
Tuggle, died near Be thesda
Monday ln^t, <il the Of
j years. She had cancer of
j h»east * !
: ‘ ' L,'
hree loads , lr , voluntem *
: —.1 car O.
: soldiers pas-edthro u h iiore tfii -
; hrm-rl v . i ;,,,;,. a ,...
" J J : J T ‘‘ ‘ ,
\ ‘ ' ' ." if
-. ■- r I,J'L* ,
i will -L be mustered , Out fi Of V service.
Sears tba The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought
8lgaa*w» '
—Mr. W. E. O'Neal informs
! i us that he has leased Daniel
S«T^;n That
fine g I.
becoming one of the most r-opu-
1 &t resorts in this country. -See
his notice,
Brightest Items from Near by
To the Credit of the Excellent County
Journals from Which We Get
the Creamy N'ens.
—Norwood people will Enlarge
and repair their school house.
—Wilkes county’s taxable
property lias decreased $8,000
this year.
—Prof. Glenn who has been
teaching at "Washington has gone
to Conyers' to teaCll.
—Prisoners 111 UgietllOipe 1 <1
county jail tried to burn their
way out one day last week.
Col. . , A. T C. Ell wards, . ot ,, Wi wai- _
l’Gnton, reports having planted
turnips Oil Thursday and they ’
Ciimo up Saturday a. in.
—Elbei’ton is having bridges
built across the yivers between
Oglethorpe and Wilkes counties
and Elbert-. interests! That city is alive
to her
_ Rey tV./j-Irossj of Wash
0 n, received a letter, last
j week from a client asking about
I a case he bad 12 years ago when
J f ’L‘- —The Cross Lshmablite was practicing had an law. ap
It KiiyiTl.e
is one 0 j t j l0 best and most in
tell'i^eut citizens of Taliaferro.
— Jt■ mule on Mr. J. B. Calla¬
way’s place died with hydro¬
phobia last week. It was bitten
by a clog supposed to be mad,
last October.—G r ee nos b o r o
See W. T. Johnsons, Wash¬
ington. Ga., for Buggies and
Wagons. He buys in car load
lots and makes low prices.
—It is said that there are
about fifteen stills for the mak
• no-oi’ brandy in the lower part
of this county. If it be
constitutes a pretty wet fact for
a dry county.—Sparta Ishnniel
We have used Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy in oui* home for
many years and bear cheerful
testimony to its value as a meui
cine which should be in every
family. In coughs and efficacious colds we
have found it to be
and in croup and whooping
cough in children we deem it in¬
dispensable.—IL P. Ritter, 11 “7
Fairfax nvo.v St. Louis. Mo.
] For sale by pr. R. J. Reid and
Dr. L. R. Br'cwn.
—The negro “scussion, 11
which went to Macon. Monday,
was a howling success. About a
hundred negroes went from
Sparla. It is said that about
j thirty Macon of guest them of the remained in
| Ishmaelite, as
The Rev. W . I>. Costicy^
Slockbridge, ^ Ga., while
to tonil dut1fts at E l
p. 11Vv -ood, that state, was attaclc
ed by cholera nVorbus. He says:
“By chance J happened to
I hold of a bottle oi (Jiambm lain s
LeHc, Cholci a un< .an
j Remedy, and I think it was the
moans of saving my life. It
dv'’k T iiew ac hd ih'’I‘ lc
Brown. ,
—Mrs. J. W. Chapman of this
l)laco hrfs a fine Jersey cow that
fias just completed one year's
j butter record. An exact
was produced !in<l -L2 16 pounds of J but- u
cow ‘r
ter fhis , vas outside of
creiin) alK i jn ilk used by the fain
lily. Oftentimes a little more
j tluui v vo pounds of butter was
About one month ago my child,
which is fifteen months old, had
sUch ,. ome dies v . arc usually
giv’cn in such cas^s, but. a*, noth
iiug gave relief, we sent for a
l physician and it was under his
for a week. At this tmae
'the child had been sick for about
1 ton days and was having about
twenty live
OJvSCiS 6.<3i,y - ‘ ‘.
we were con vinced -.hat unit .s
0011 obtained relief it would not
•. Chamberlain’s Colic,
, fv , lje A
• UOl'Va aim la ‘ '
was lecoranieniied, and 1 decided
to try it. 1 ! soon noticed a
chan u -y m for the better: by its con
tinned . use a complete , . cure was
brought about and it is now p<jr
fectly hca i t hy, - C. L. Boggs,
Pol's-tie by Di 1 !‘iCLReid.' and
Dr. L. R. Brown.
a'KtS iVHtnr AIL Tastes USt Good. Hits. L?o
Ii€54st Cough Syrup.
... in tine. S**!*! by drwzu irt-N
At Four Score.
Dr. Miles’ Nervine Restores Health
L K<W> ■
^ S5 Ufa. Sp v ///%* \w
1L fl d 1, ■ su. / // •- / / *
WWNCJyE Ml EZEKIEL OBEAE, assessor and
tax CollectoriBevorly, the8$i Mass., who has
Miles’Restorative passed lUo mile stone, says:
"Dr- Nervine lias done a
great 4»ul of good- 1suffered for years from
sle^pl^pness wjjuldJYel ande nervous heart,, trouble.
tveapyind used up in the niorn
ln& had poamblt pnandmy woi-k.suemeda
.{nq^est suteessfhliy, attl had tried so many remedies un
I,.thought it no use. J(ut it
gav@ me restful sleep, a, pood appetite and
renlored me to energetic health. It is a
grand good u^dicine, aud I will gladly write
anyone inqijkipiug, full particulars of mysat
isfaetovJt jewperienee." HMj laSp m
l)r. MUtsjf’ Remedies vV>. Or. -yw
arc sold fjj.y all drug- BCA. h Miles’* ;
gists undyr a positive foL’ya© . 3 ^
guarantee,-first bottle f'V Si 75 © 5
benefits Of money re- B {Restores
east's funded. of tM Hook heart on dis- and Kg' .vir*
nerves free. Address,
DU. MILKS MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, lad.
(Jo lo Fanning.
Do you went to buy. or trade
fob a farm7 If so, write us for
descriptions of some of our bar
gains. Let us know what kind
of place you want, how much
you can pay arid upon what I- mis
you wish to buy. We can meet
your i e (|uireinei. bargains
We have many farm
for sale in Tennessee. North
Carolina and North Alabama.
Our places range in,.price from
$:>()() to*25000. We nave been in
the business of selling farms ex
eliisivciy Tiir ten years. We are
thoroughly familiar with values
and conditions throughout this
section. If yipi want lo buy, it
will pay you to consult vs.
Write for our list of farms for
j sale. Sent free to any address,
Ouabtkkk’s Farm Agency,
Chattanooga, 'Tenn.
r t. i r
f t •
Daniel Springs,
W- E- O'NEAL, Leasee,
Postaffice — Penn’s, Ga.
'Pile* Bi'-t If»iillti Resell in th(! South.
CottHge rout m d Hotel hr an! very rriuon
Coveiiient by IB-ific or wiynte ci'i.vv
anroH f-cu- IvjJlt* or Union I’oini.
Daily ft'ivU r.I the Siivinjis- Penn’s, ».
*" Y T-----------
OF <
.1 CD
And vicinity, will coihuU Uu-ir
Standard Manufacturing Co.,
AUGUSTA, ft A.,- -
F'»r i’lfecs on SASH, DOORS,
| BF.K, LATH or anvliiin^ in
TTJin lllu i*Gil M/IW ll/I!v WapU llUlUlj
1 s PiigcX a Wnk . . .
j r UK * * A U1NI m tr* E ‘ 1 U rv ULLnh. AV i** A *X
™ *“»
Th<j Thri( .,,. rt . W( . ek E(ijtion of lUo
_\,. w York World fiiit among all
“weekly” pap<-i* in size, frequency of
j publication, and the rmiiue**, accuracy
j | ^ri^aAAA^'liall'v atthe priA of a
(Jo] , ar wr .,,y y . it* political ne^> prompt
j complete, accurate and impartial as all its
I It prints the news I>i all ^uit! worm,
havinj'sp<..< ifii eorrespomieiiee from all im
portaut m-ws points on the ylobe. It has
S brilliant illustrations, storie- by »reat uii
tlitors, a capital humor pa-re. complete
j market, departnnnte Uyt the household
and woman’.-; qmiwta^i.ier-1. work-'Vad other special de
'> partments oi
We offer thfoouequalcd newspaper and
The Adv V, e .,ie-Ttemoerai T^teAlkr together one
y(>ar for ; .-,. papers’ »ub**iption
price of the two is S2.0o.
Morpine and Opium Habit
Easily Cured.’ For information and best
method -if curing above Uadits FREE,
address The Ohio Cheat. Works, Lima, O.
lw| IK but ticulars^ent pain. Book FREE. of par
mm (Wfice l!.M.WfK>rXEY, KH Fryor M.D.
U*. o. 9b