Newspaper Page Text
To/!V 10 t HERS.
# ■> wr Ar + aSS r’ Tl No IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO
j CR, SAMUEL PITCHER, of ..Huannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of “CAS TORI A, the same taut
lias home and docs now bear ypfy" crib Oil every
the far-simile signature of /cucJUm wrapper. '
This is the original “CASTOR I A" which has been used uf
of America fo thirty ,
ihe homes of the Mothers over years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at ihe wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bougt • ( V i , —.H OH thC
and lies the signature of * Wrap- ; '
ncr. No one has authority from me to use my name except j
The Cent mr Company, of which dm. H. Fletcher is President.
March 24, ISOS. ;
z>. I
Do Not Be Deceived. j j
Po not cntlanjrcr the life of your child by accepting
a c heap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(becaufe iic rnakeb a few more pennies on it), the in- j
•redients of whir# even he does not know. ,
li r Ihe End You Have Always Bought”
* I
4 4 <F4>
Insist on Having Failed'You,
IT: II ±‘J :> Kind That Never
THI UkTAdH QOMtnANY, 7 i MURWfcY »1 «t*.T, lit.WVOian.cnV.
¥ .
■iw w" « » »nyr»wwiiwurww r .m *91 • »**»»'
* V 8 }u> n h E WRITERS!
-J!!^!iisazvxauu ~—
ivr and I eep up with tiie age. Tvpewtiters are. now a necessity
1:11 > oi business.
ip...iiis', kmdii-l’r' m.'ers. New Franklins, Deh iiiuies, Williams Ca.i
, :ui<l ull
i Hei.'iiishitig File. . I.aryed E\(lnslvt< TypewHttV House in the. South.
.(Uipprd T YlT'AV'BlTEli iiMI’AII! PLANT in the South.
^Iie:- , ».d0 Anti-Trust Machine. BEND FOR CATALOGUE.
Southern Typewriter Headquarters,
41 •: Pouctroo St., Atlunta,-Ga.
—in i if
ho; i campaign woriers.
Every Day Counts Now.
'I ■lc r,!.>rmcis li am on mi active, digressive campaign during the cofiling
‘ * I .tin. sound doctorine in the hands bf “doubtful’’ -roll U, we have reduced
he campaign to
(CO n t- Contts—25 Cents—25 Cents.
i >tu = or n • l, in i ami, 25 cents each pa vs the biil from now to Oct. lo At th:
J, I -,V t lit I..lout cost ■it It 1 have "' 0,000 new
\\ it'i \m. sciiti iu ten ui that number.
The People's Party Paper.
It i> f.n U;agi»f, am (i-fusiou, unadulterated Populism, It is battling tot the
J ii! t - ul tin otir already lanre faluily and get otiicrs.
S» iul l i*
Perfection is thfe result of our long
M sL/
a l
.. -fife? n Y -
l.-.z ? 7 ! tart k'/. ) “Ai
sc. *%&-. e're&F.-.’.
' "i'C
% mb •.-■
are the product of mechanical ingenuity.
$40.00 $50.00 $60.00
Monarch Chainlees $100.00
Send for 1898 Catalogtie.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lake, Hftlsted end Fulton Streete, Chktftgo
BrancHee New York, London and Hamburg.
Send ten 2.cent stamps ter a deck cf Monarch Corns iliuetr-nt, ^
Lillian Russell. Tom Cooper,Lon R,c:i?n!son and WaiKn
f am beaten inWs tliciion, I ex
yet !<■ close my sliop, and have nothing
to' w. e h i think that you
re the word:; spoken to
-ome : di who were
against the j*ale of liquor. He knew not
v.l;. t!'■ •* asking. Ask that mother
lo be si: ..nt her boy is in treat
<>t h.ivinj-; hi, mind, manhood and
.v/.A wreck'-.d: ask that •» ife to be silent
when the till of the saloon Li ever open
i> catch, the pennies that should sustain
the babes nthome; that chdstain hold
la.-. i,.:ace when he aces immortal soul
r-uu. into eternal misery. I ■
ki-cp-r” and for reply: ‘‘The voice of
thy brothers blood crieth unto me from
tile ground-”
“Woe unto him that giveth ( his neigh¬
bor that putleth thy loittle to him
and maketh him drunken,” i “Woe to
him that buiidetha town witlijblood, and i
es'.ablis’ji a city by ini.juity.” |We come :
>o our council /.ith this judgenient pre-'
nonneed by God, and appeal t* tiiein to
they }>os<dbfy can tt prevent a
c< usumation of fbi:-- curse to ovr town.
We beg them to discharge their dir.
ty chr::,taiu», parents and ciazens.
()ur merchants too, say that it brings
trade, and for a mess of pott age itltey are
willing to sell their birtii riglitj Listen
to God’s judgement against mi'ancient
city. city. Her Her sms .ins liave have reached reached unto unto heaven heaven
and Got! both remembered her iniquities,
In oil hour both her judgements came. I
The merclnuit.s of these things which
were made rich, by lier, shall stfjud afar
off for fear of her torment, wee fld
■ 4l _
lipfiuty In Blood Deep!
Chan blood means a clean skin. No
beauty Without blood it. t T.scaret Cindy clean, Cathar¬ by
tic : .in your and keep it
tirring up the lazy live# and driving all im¬
purities pimples, from (lie boils, body. blotches, Begin blackheads, to-day to
1 I - 1 that sickly bilious complexion by taking
■u.-'.-U,—h-nutjy satisfaction guaranteed, for ten cents. 10c, 25<f,50c. All drug
’ _____________*
\f BY A. B. C.
Most oi our boys went courting tiiis
week. V
Missis Eugenia Chapman and Mamie
Rhodes vLited the tauiily of j. S. Chap¬
man last Thursday. \
It seems that quite a number oi' our
neighbors will leave us this full, Rcokfug
ijoiiH'.-, in Emanuel county. •
The boys pei-f >nnnd some sliglit of
hand trick- last Saturday iv.;;ht>at Mr.
Golden Stt-v ,mi i.v. Ask him If it is not
Mr. I. F. Shields and wife left lost Sat¬
urday for their home at Bath, S. C., after
a pleasant vicit to the family of J. 6 .
Y>'e think n mowing machine agent
could do a good busmen- in thijs vicinisy
this full as the farmers have a tine crop of
hiy growing. •
Don't Tobnrro Spit mid Smoke Your I.ifc Anny.
To guit tobacco easily and forever, bemaff
uetic. lull of life, uorvo and vigor, take No-To
U-o, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, fifeo or II. Cure guaran¬
i teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
dtorling Ketttody Co., Chicago or New York.
Some of our boys got left last Tuesday
night Imi iiiey scented to enjoy the show
just the same, so we yucs, it was uot the
first time for them
iat tiio rcstdoncoof Mr. Mr. A. Hill :a«,t
-Saturday which was attended by some of
our Bermuda friends.
One of our neighbors claims lie had his
melon patch ruined by lire last spring but
we ti ul tie is very ho-pitable as wc gqperal
!y get plenty good melons.
Why don’t our neighbors have a well
sunk ut MiMrajou. The cost would-be but
tittle and , nr children have good water
! to liiir.k while studying.
Prof. V<Tn, G Fra-.iy, intciested a large
audieuce at Miidraj ui last Tnes !av night,
[ the enehan.ment was grain: \f.- think all
; went away foaling that the,- were well
| paid for their trip.
Sere: a", of tnir young folks wero nbsept
j from our Sunday >vh'Ol lust Sunday.
Young peopk ii you v. is’d to have u :h
! isliitig and inicif-t; ig st-hool,'•itow u by
always b-::ig jf.'sont. Show to your
l ut lier am! sugc: intondeut tint you are
with tim and w.using for ti.*■ same
i grand <; u<e.
ltr+i>is v “'i >* »: vht bh-'T yell Cf'
nv.-Ti-h ffiidv- . Xtl*!
1 rouid'. i *;r- ior ton *» •
j v Ui tU I .‘Ub ‘ ' - IS w; . iStl
i lint-. ; Lur:i»» G. tdoov*
nuiiee < Li t f.: lKlltHHi
> j. ou
! SitbillC,
sn». i?>N pocitt •'^5 xS^your
'V. J & * a e t » , own drupTii't who
,V, Ovovrh Corn*. T*tc<? it with
3-w- i jruaV. vvqfto t'U.rp, o **ve v^fuDvi money.
vlvoHC.'Ce., Catcaffo, n»afa fteir Itri
IVt* hfi; a great fiss-ll of cumpiaiul c.f
. our tteighb *rx a:ul fricn Is gfriemlly altotit
; the ; . :.rrmigamenu«fur protecting their
'lock’Th i in town. The ixvir banes
• h iv . :\i o“t the scorching sun ail
town c “Uhl, with but little
• a-;U l.uilt over the rack*
ami y • brute- faun sun ami vain.
Oth ' v is our town
c ^ A O I £k
For Infants uad tiildrea.
Be K-nd You Have Always BocgW
Bear.- ilia
BlgsiaWirc of
mercury-7*31 surely destroy
:.ho souse ofsaaell »ud corapiete
h eertin^o fife whole system
euberi-ri S it through the
inccrus surfactJS. Such OrficlfeS
; ItouM never be need except on
r<»srcnptions from reputable
hysictans. as the damage they
v.’lll do IS ten fold to the
•’ 0,1 can possibly derive
'.hem. Hairs Catarrh Cure.
‘TRitiiifactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co.. Toledo. 0.. contains nomer
cuiy, ana is taken internally,
acting dtreouy upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the sys
rijm. In buying Hall’s Catarrh
t '’in> he It sure ill to Ci£n% vou Ohio, ffet the ?nd £ren
in Toledo, by F. J.
Cheney & Co. Testimonials
Sold by Druggists, price 75c.
per bottle.
Hall’s family Pills are the
Spanish prisoners stationed at
Atlanta have been removed to
Portsmouth. They were glad to
It cost the Royal Baking Pow¬
der Company something like
$500,000 annually for advertis
^g- Some one Once suggested,
SftJ'S ail CXC'iangG, to the compa¬
ny that it discontinue advertising
one year, the baking powder was
so well known and advertised,
and place that amount, $500,000
in the profits. The answer was
that it would undoubtedly cost
the company three times that
amount to get the product in its
original channels again. This
is a pretty good pointer to those
business men who imagine they
are making a great saving when
they discontinue a $4 or $0 a
month advertisement a few
mouths in a dull season. It
never pays to tear out a dam
ecause the water is low.—
> vess and Printer.
*Tp eeth!ng
A»o SeaoraOr PoaT- Stzxnech opsol, ‘
Bowels out of oftiftr—do not rest
wen at night. Ttw. very t>est
(or chiMreo white teotfckm to
It cure* Dtorrlioea, regofates tfco
Stomocfc tied Dowds, cures V/tad
Colic, softens the Gadts, -cures Obot*
era Maatowu Cholera Vorbus, Mp.
tog. oud acts prbtnjth'. tt is good
for adults, tog. and is a specific tor
romlting during pregoeocy.
by oil DfdsglsU, 23 ood 50c.
WE or » Firms BIG MONEY
lo K.xcltieiVe Territory. Our Safes sell at
sight. City or Country.
Aitents actually getting rich; so can you.
fine Agent, in one tiny, cleared !S73’40
Proofs anti Catalogue, free on application.
Alpine Safe & Cycle Co.
Money Makers
’ Wanted
\y \\/ /K can show any steady Reiag and earnest ft
maa how he cast make good wagss bv
'bundling oar publioatious.^ but We those don't l *
refer to experienced anything, Kioa, juttnew to
wko have never sold tve
are Reversible patkiag car Map of the 6 \
Uaifed States uivi work! I
P6 z 46 inches Ln siac.
II bfeantifni ecierv s
1S96 edition and corrected to date;
New railroads, new towns.
New counties.
The largest map printed oc a
single sAieL 1
It is
A iMxMt'qroph of live M’ocM
Cm. si«i« sko* s 6 celersc of shi yr*Jt
«,uu-,. *ita r»ilr«*«s. cc'Bistiss. rireri,
t.K-as . etc. Tila.ilier the stds sbc«-s ar, ogK.lir ?
•iegaat mapef World, iooetwii all e»i»t
ries at a gtanee by k.lp ot a tuarsienl iades. f
It also skews ocaaa ourrestss. looetas ivuiesof Via 4.^“ ft
cavarers, and acoeratsiy boocdarr.d'i- l .
of 3 licarr«it erects, such as
petes, Cuban battles, Ar.aeaiau ?
petar Scad espiditioas. address A’ssist* aad S 5i,i «e "« will ds, a •¥:. lvssa S |
us year ootuerr a*«otr*, or :
w»u Uaw yoo cab aeeere a by 1
saadii w and we wiU forwara a .wfj
prepaid OuriH<»«cie«rfr««i$«te «rp: ess. w^iklyfros: ' |
the start by felUwiag car club pina of werk. ft
I! yen gsit samples and don’t vrsxt to sa* «
Mce With.cs retnrn »n«e and get Z
your cash back. Yonr newspaper,*r. bank J
will tell you we ati respeusible. ► i
’RAND, McNALLY & C b. ?
•!«( Test Nieth Street; Yerk City .
STROM, ^_ ___
A. !■
& Jeweler,
Uiciiaui's Store. Cniwfordvi’,1*. Ga.
Repair Work, a Specialty.
0 nW$lJ 5 - -x- -x- OiMl. 35 .
0 ;
" O **
-r. r
Ateiista i to * Atla ntfi ii SoAi
——And Return
Septembe r *- o'fcii, 18©fc3 i »
We will run ouLst daviight special on the above date, Cihy. thus giving all an opportu
Uity to blend buMks with pleasure and visit the Gate
Train will learriuausta Sept. 5th, at. 7 City tune, makir? a ” s ‘ t T
fl"A £hi a. m., « * * n
*$gfc -> « «*> - »■
’ $ c,;ri
FARE Roiiid Trip 1 .
Kate. | (Ga 8:10 81.35
Lv Augusta, 7:00 v m (Citv Time) SI .95 ! Ly Crawtordville a m - ... 1.35
“ Uamak 7.(5 “ (Ga K li “I 1.65 | *: Robinson 8:20 “ 1.25
*■ Norwood 7:10 “ “ ....1.55 | j “ Greeriesboro" Union Point 8:32“ S:45 “ “ 1.35
“ Barnett S:C0 “ •* ____1.45 “
Arrive in Atlanta at 11:30.
Iicturninig, leave Atlanta at -t p. m., Sept. Ctlt, arrive at Attgusta at 9:oO {)• m.
Special coacbes for ladie- and escorts, libsepro seats, 5oc extra, tickets lot sale ^
by all Ga R Ii agent* and on tire train by
A high Grade Institution, with good equipment and with an excellent Faculty.
Full courses in Latin Language and Literature; Greek Language and Literature: J'u:
glish Language ahd Literature; Modern Languages: Mathematics and Astronomy;
Natural History; Physics and Chemistry; History and Philosophy;the Bible; and Law.
Many student-, finish the college year at a cost o! £100.00 for all expenses. For
Catalogue or furthei information, address
P. D. POLLOCK, Presidant, Macon, Ga,
HX.CM'-r* Wet aJ*- ddSlSKB
**jm A sn.'M* »
t aonMis* rxwK*.-jt u ** m
To keep our great inodals factory busy, concluded aiid introduce make early marvel- our tt
Splendid ’98 we have to a
ous o fer direct to the rider.
For 80 drtyS wo will sell samples of our swell ’98 bicycles approval at net
cost to manufacture and will ship, C. o. D. on to
any address on loccipt of the nominal sum of 81.00 (il west of Denver, That
deposite is merdv to show good faith on purchaser’* part; if you don’t want to send
money in advati :V, .send your express agent’s guaranty for charges one way and wc
will pay them the other If you don’t want the wheel.
QTRF RTAM IIi° T est grade, embodying every late improvement of value,
1 l-4 inch imported tubmg, flush joints, improved two-piece
cranks, arch crowd, In’-gcde.latchable sprockets, handsomest finish and decorations,
Morgan & Wright, qi -It repair tires, single or double tube, high grade equipment.
Special price on sampl..................... • . . ......................$29.00
pftjOq A P IT . splendid machine equal to any for service and easy running.
tjU JorvyP -.. st 1 1-8 ineli seamless tubing, two piece cranks, arch crown,
detacliable sprokots. <-ly finished and decorated, Morgan & sample W right, tiuick $24.00 repair
tires, single or double tube, high grade equipment, Our special price
KLONDIKE Best medium grade for 1898. I 1-8 ‘inch tubing, striped and
......-Y •.-orated, arch crown, dust-proof hearings, ball retainers, best
L Special price sample $ ( 9-00
Indiana or New Brun-. ick tires, standard equipment. on
NOTE. Choice of Color, Style, Height, Gear, etc. Fully ihteranteed.
You will be surprised at the appearance and quality of these wheels. Don’t wait,
order now while this, offer is open. Prices will be much higher soon. A ou can make
Big Money as our Agents, selling for us. Wc, give our agents choice of cash, the
free use of a sample wheel, or gift of a wheel, according to work done.
Do You Want Cheap Wheels?
We have numbers of 1896 and 1807 model wheels of various makes and styles, soiru
a little shop-worn, but all new ........................ $ f 2.00 t0.f(> ? 6 00.
Wheels Slightly Used, Modern Types, $8,00 to$12.GO.
Our business and reputation arc known througheut tlib country. References, any
of the express companies, or any bank in Chicago. Art catalogue free- Secure
agency at once,
The J. L. Mead Cycle Co., - Chicago, Ill.
STOVES a » 200.000 sa ewsstr Tisp*orion. ohb giving
They are made of Southern Iron by Southern Workmen,
wtioarc sustained by the products of Southern Tamiers.
They last longer and make more homes happy than any
e other Stove on earth; if ire backs guaranteed for is years.
If you r Dealer does not handle them, WRlTfi POR CATALOGuB.
s 7
m A:
UA-.- in , ■ , |
t -
: __
MU n v -
t V ■* 1 U
t; *
u -i ■k , 4 ,. v
x- ■i*. l Or
L fr •»(
?» m
Phillips nashville,Xtenn/ & ButtoffI Mfg. Co.
etw»rserc«*£ er ------
Maateis asi Graff*. goBvwwarc, TtowTtra. Ste.
,.®uw * s
China, Crockery 'and ^Glassware,' Cutlery,
Laua4?y and Doirv. 4 SPECIALTY.