Newspaper Page Text
SX^OO por
SboeirJ know that th«
“Ci-i Tirao” 3c aeB,
$ .:» | P
test for twenty .years.
Maii >clybv Few Spencer Medicine Co..
' 'tai'-oupn, Tennessee.
Paul G. Lmcs CmwiorcW'f Ga.
For iGformalion as to Routes, Schedules
and, both %
CfO, tdlil ►-*5* cx> GO,
write to either of the undersigned.
You will r-.cdvo prompt, reply and
rel in hit information,
T. V , A. G, f. A.
AiiSrtufa, Ga.
C. F. & F. A. G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
IV. W HAlimV I C K, S. li. MAGIEE,
8. A. C. Y. A.
Macon, Ga.
:»1. 51. tflBSON. F. W. COFFIN
S. V. A. g. F. » V. A.
(Trade Marl-f Registered Nov. 34. ’9C».
The New Life-Giver.
Promot-es Vigorous Health by instilling
OXYGEN front the air into the system,
and cures all forms of disease without
Medicine or Electricity. It is as simple as
breathing - .
Prices of OXY DONOR3.greatly ro
dneod. Get the genuine, made by the
discoverer and inventor, Dr, Hercules
Book of particulars and price list free.
AddressDi. H. Sanche, 301 Fifth Ave¬
nue, New York,
Exchange —RATES:
Per Day, £1.00,
Pei Week. £4.00, 84.50
& . # aud £5.00,
H 1 ,,"’ 183 Marietta St
Opposite Miller & Brady’s Celbrated
Stables, the Largest in the South.
mmMk N r
$ 34 . 50 .
*98 Models. High Grade.
We Hs/e im Agents bo* Set* Direct
to the ki'rfr at Maaafactorer’s
Prices Saving Yoe ail»
K * zat ' 3 Proftts '
Beet material), Superb ^nisfc. EJ^kt v.-itt
-da^aut models. examination, Wa ship anywhere bay
ptlvilsRe of vx-,-tt
charges both trays anti reinnd yoBr
money if net as represented. oucrantesd against Every
"Acire” is fulb well Defection Worn
aM AemderM n« as
mamhip Send far catalogue.
! 162 Main St , -«• Elkhart, bid.
iPip7 - 7il5S
Wbst* the People ot tiurt Thriving
Town Are Dolug.
Mr. Maliare was on the sick list last
The whiskey business at Barnett is still
Prof. Jarrell was in our town last week
on business.
Ne.l Cary passed through Sharon with
bis best girl recently for Moore’s mill.
Religious services were held at Ray
tvwn Baptist church last week and part of
If yon want to make some men lie and
do it quick ask them to loan you sorre
Preaching at the Jennings church was
discontinued this month for the want of a
The fig crop is immense this year and a
great many are drying them. They tie
fine fruit.
We had several days sunshine t-he past
week which made the cotton hop up in
maturing fruit.
Sorry to hear of Mrs. Wm. Harris’s
serious sickness near William’.- Creek.
He; mind is effected.
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott and her grand¬
daughter, Manda, were the guests of Mrs.
Molly Taylor a part of last week.
Messrs. Wash Avery, of Augusta, and
Dick Williams have been spending some¬
time in our county with their friends.
Tim ginneries Id this section arc all
la apple pie order. It won’t 1 e many days
before tbe fleecy stuff will he coming in,
The protracted meetings at Barnett
Baptist and Sharon Methodist churches
were siimly attended on account of so
much rain.
A great many of our people ).ve not
saved their fodder and won’t save it but
they can save a great deal of hay which is
better for stock.
You invite disappointment when you
experiment. DeWitt’s Little Early little
Risers D<’ pleasant, < asy, thorough and
pills. T-ey cure constipation sick
Dr. Lawrence Brown Sharon.
Don’t forget the protracted meeting at
Sharon Presbyterian church this week,
conducted by those two good men, Revs.
Cartledge and Burgess.
>IwXnvion With Malttrion T»bl«»a
Guaranteed Cure for Chills, Fever and
Ague, or money refunded, 50 cents. All
They are still having their little barbe¬
cues through tbe country. The political
pot is boiling—the longest pole usually
gets the persimmon, says Jack Griffith.
To Cure Constipation Foreror,
Take Casearels Candy Cathartic. 10c -or 25c.
If C. C. C. fail to care, druggists refund money.
Some people are so quick sometime to
censure a community bccauae everything
does not work to suit them and they
arc just as liable to be in fault as anyone
MalarSon is devoid of bttt«r to*tv.
Cures Chills and Fever; acts on the liver
and regulates the system generally. All
Piof. Moore opened his school last
Monday. We heard some of the parents
%ay it was a God send to them to get the
children out of their way and out of devil¬
Bdaeste Vocr Bowels With Onemrota.
Crtiidv Cathartic, cure constipation forersr.
10c, 26c. It C. C- C. fail, druggists refund money.
Jt seems that Taliaferro jail has got to
be a pretty big boarding house. We
sometime think that there is a heap of
people do misdemeanors just to get the
county to board them awhile. If the
laws would put a little whipping- and
work in it they would not have so many
boarders in our county jails.
N’o-To-Bae for Fifty Cents.
Guarantcad tciaceo habit curd, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. SVc, 81. Ail druggist*.
Our defeated candidates in ’he last
primary are convalescing. We don’t think
that any of the n will have to go to Mill
edgeville yet a while but some of them sre
looking very bad yet, but when the dog
! days arc over and we cease to have so
much rain everything will be better with
i us.
Ttaer. -i»n is endorsed by be*: Fhy*iel:m«
an i guaranteed to cure Chills, Fever and
Ague- Ail druggists or from MofMt-West
Drug C -J. . St. Louis.
Parents are often forgotten by their
(children. We have seen this ;u our past
life e id it should the case. Parent*
should be looked after by tueir < Sildren.
it i> a great consolation for the old :olk* to
see them even if they are not able to help
them in their old age,should the} need
finan iM heip, thf ir presence would be
honored, by them.
C A ©TO Tl X A .
Btors ti» b* Kied T# Hiw
a., i vir wa Ctsanirness goes
a viihkeaith. -(fate
® catarrh anp
-, JSg^ ^ ^ «*r &hoiiy
!&* d/ran.
'V sfpflp Make system¬
y atic efforts to
ba free frota
thie distrusting
disease. Mrs. L. A Johnston, 103
Klham Rad Rtpl-ey 6ts., Montgomery,
Ala., GO is ber esperieooe with catarrh
of the etcanach sod bow she was
” I ■will to yon that I haw.
tahen ©igirfc bottles of your Pe-ru-na
ond two of Elaa-a-Uo and vejetee to say,
*Gorl bless Dj. Hartman and Pe-rts-na-’
And J eas-neatly assure yon that it
baa done roe moms good than any medi¬
cine 1 haw ewr taken in my life. I
prescribe it, to ovary one 1 meet who
Is so Bering, os the boot medicine in
the wOvW, and have made mot^y eon
Torts who a**; now rejoicing In the
great «>»'J which they have derived
from the same. - 1 can t«U you tbeA 1
ora aim-cat entirely relieved of indiges¬
tion, that. g-renA fee which hea tortured
me so many years, and can now eat
anything I Is fruits or
something- add.'’
To understand t-he eoientMLa notion
of Pa-ru-ne. H la best to have Dr. Hark
tnan-’a apeoini booh for tvcxneu or his
boo!; on oh coal a catarrh- These boohs
ore mailed free Viy Oohi-nrfKjs, the Pe-ro-m O. Afedi- All
Cine Company, C
flrngglsta sell fkv^n-EKi.
Among our many old friends we met
hist week was Mr. Biil Robinson, o<
He is one of the best old
citizens ol Greene county.
A stubborn cough or tickling in Cure-, the
throat yields to One Minute Cough
Harmless in effect, touches the-right It spot,;
reliable and just what is wanted. acts
at oace.
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfordvillejj
Dr. Lawrence Brown, ipharon.
at There court lust was week more tha p I ja 'Wjku' iittendauccf: »aw—«ss
: '..... colored >>«
county treasury. Hi.,
When you call for DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve the great pile cure, talked: don’t
accept anything else. Don’t be
into accepting a. substitute, for piles, for
sorts, for burns.
DmiToS B^ y snr tor . " . vJI ... ‘
There are u big lot of negroes and white
people sitting around the court bouse and
town court week who have no business
there. They have work at home and they
should he there attending to it, hut every
man to his choice.
Truth wear* well. People have learned
that DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are re¬
liable little pill* for regulating the bowels,
curing constipation and sick headache.
They don’t gripe.
Andrews «& Deadwyler, Craw ford ville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Col. David Taylor went to sec his best
girl last Sunday and fell in the creek and
came very near getting drowned but he
managed to swim out and become very
much dilapidated and was feeling as cold
as if it had been winter time.
T. 13. Rice, a prominent druggist of
Greeneaboro, Ga., writes as follows: “I
have handled Dr. Pitts’ carminative for
eight years, and have never known of a
single instance where 1t failed to give per¬
fect satisfaction. Parties who once use it
always make permanent custou.eis. We
sell ritore of this article than all the other
Carminatives, toothing syrups and colic
drops combined.” For teething children
it has no equal. For sale at Alliance
We hear it reported about that the
Democrats and Populist of the white per
suauon and the good colored Democrats
and Populist are going to -make some
change in our county election for county
offices. Our people should stand together
and not be so much devided. In unity
therei*strength. If you-are a Populist
lie one. If you want to he anything else
be one and mean what you say and don’t
dish about so much. People will find you
out soon enough r or your good you, may
fool them for axvhile but they wiil catch
.upY?ithyoo of
poople in this country won’: tell yon D-.o
truth nohow and you hay * to srness at •
h-vap v;hen vmi hear nieatalkni#,
Planters CViBAfV BELIEF aow*
OAlSt, 5 i-t’-. <a iai*i T90(»%0lt -
i tj tl ra ,*rj«utop e-m.u- fc unmeh
aad Jua-IM* Cwapidinlt. f’rioc, 25 Oe-nts.
IMbmmm »IE «>x Blood Xerwefc
diS^ e^i
awss^a otherwise succumbs a«« to browns’ Iron
LrSwiraa Biusre i* sold by ail deal-rs.
BirrIi,g the Battle
f;_____° Santiago,
Tho Paekeri the Bkttle of Santiago ile
Cuba vrrj ill Heroes. Their Heroic
Kfforts i pdttiiij; Ammunition uni
RationsrfitSp Front Saved the Day.
P. E. g Pf r, of pack “train No. !l,
writing <L > a. mtiago, De Cuba, on July
2fird, sayf iVo all had diarrhoea in
more et lent, form, and vdienwv
landed w M io time to see a doctor, for
it was a UBKfush and rush night and
day to k Wpftooiw supplied with atn
mnnit. .jjlkfy.,- Colic, .rations, but and thanks Diar- to
Ghanibe/- G M Uhpieru
rhoea Iv: ffi w».trere able to keep at
work au|J|^t) b4i|'!'eAh*t o;ir |tea‘ih, 'critical bi Vac', i tin- hi*
ccrcly at one me I
medicMioindirect, saviour of out
•vrmy, fa|.®j*g_packors [WHmO'M Lave had been tumble of
to work been no way
getting i’jjBi to the irent. There were
no t ’'‘.iiflBW-- 11
My oo;uf'igf-jfiid njy« -If had the good for¬
tune I jiiy in a supply of this medicine
for our.«yyMh-r.itt before wo left Tamjts.
and I four cases it a! solui^y
saved li n,"
The \ jBpIri d aPP I letter wfts written to the
marinff •) f thin medicine, tie Chuiii
burljfiinJBppfne ForWSgk Co., Dos Moines, G’rawfordville, Iowa.
H. J. Reid,
L. R, ISImron.
Horf. iVkroad Ik par :d wilii (conomy.
Ecowu therefore by pure haring your
grotan Seatsj|ty, ^Kr.l’. good:', uoUobs and
i-hoam AihunF -
Nuni,,:|i’sj _ ! Dii ■hard Viuerftr always
hamL^AfiimnUHi pur - and guaranteed
Hie wondeaitVi
n' X *% pan, now lives 9 1
Of S ates in u Hi glil am'!,
y ■
jBr 'jews, t'h ors. Galt Rhoum, Fever,
Ye Si,',-' huppi^ Hand > < Civil .hb-hii. Corfin,
,bs viTDtions, , p ’ unir-podiiveh., 1 jfv
< irt |. Jffiejq or no pu no-squire;!, % ,s
ruaruewed > give sat is suction or
-«<- sale by Dr. >'««• ft. J-Reid. - '• <*• *'»:
Pres McKinle’y promises to
mv istigata the reports am' re
litive the trouble in the solJier:;
Cilllips. He should act quickly.
It makes & man’s blood bod to
heay tly4c the reports ol the sufieritig
heroes of '98 ur.. enduring'
yi the so called hospitals, ‘ inly
a small number were killed with
bullets compared with the deaths
from fevers and “starvation.’
Think of a man’s “starving to
death” after offering bis lit 1 ' tor
the glory of the United States.
It is a shame to the nation.
How to Look Gccd*
Good looks are realjy more than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of id) the jlta.) organs. 11 the
liver be inactive, you have a b ilious look
if your stomach be disordered, you have a
dyspeptic look;if your k-idneye be affected,
ypu have a pinched look. Secure good
h<dth,and you will surely have good
look*. “Electric Ritters,” Is a good Alter¬
ative Tjtnic. Acts directly on the sU.axach,
liver and kidneys. fWlfies the blood,
cures pimples, blotches, and boils, . and
gives a good complexion. Every
guftrswteed. Sold at Dr. Tl. J. Reiu’.
Drug Store. £0 cents per bottle.
—Some think the cotton
will be as good as last will year;
many others think it
much shorter.
„ tUs wh9ttl * T s . r r >n% ; o’"
f j vf ’WM
i - ; *•;*«*
I! t,; 7-Ti
WKBSEj&T flijnwi, Wfcrau'toed $i t wmuiy wr**-. -ver^/wari 2 monef.
Z\»*toughviA.&-j\s3.i to&ir-f, or SUrf,:r**j£ v/z.
&.***>■ ' *
—Scarcity of money . ■■■* net.
makes the near coining in of cot
* .)n doubly X/telcome.
Valaable to Wor-eu.
wm«j to the pallid cheek wheri th« woo
£>4* >? tittora U.i u 8 vAd famous by «di remedy. dealer*.
In wflL<3Lxrsixa.oo.
Correspondents’ Reports of What
Neighbors Talk
tho H«ppenin(;s in Their Respective I,o
eallties. All tlio News. ,
We had u bad time for our meeting.
Max Johnson was at Barnett last week •
S"’tie say it will rain for eleven da vs
.Mr. J. L. Turner has some very fine
Miss Annie Brooke’s school will close
to-day (Tridny).
t'lnnton Garrett is clerking in W. T.
Dozier’s store.
Mrs. Tollie Taylor, vi sited M rs. Jim
Meadows last week.
Ruben Dozier has put up a new black
smith shop at this place,
Mrs. Lint Williams visited her parents
in Craw ford ville last week.
re was a badly disappointed crowd
Sunday— it rained oh, it rained. Willie Lee Walker has about re¬
covered from a recent spell of sicknt ss.
TL'.e peaches in our section have about
all gone and we are very sorrv.
Owing to the unsettled weather the
meeting at Barnett was discontinued
Misses Annie Brooke and Annie Love
Brown, of Sharon, spent Monday night
with Mrs. Rosa Taylor.
Several ol' our Barnettites attended
court in Crawfordville last week and
s - ie were oil the jury.
Miss Willie Hockney has returned to
her home in Washington, She carries
with her the heart of one of our young
ASperience is the great teacher--you
will e xperience built pleasure and profit by
purchasing your groceries, meats, dry
goods, notions and shoes from Crtewford
villefjAlliaiice 8torn. Numsea'a Old Or
ciiftnl Vinegar always' on tup- Warrant¬
ed puce and guarr.ntend absolutely for
Mrs Frank li unwell, ot Washington,
l V_' - ’ -tter part of last week with
ef] hoj « Xhurwlay.
'-Tore than twenty million -Salve^W im samples
of De-Witt’S Witch Ilftznl imen
distributctl by the manufacturers. What
better proof of their confidemio'' ‘in it’s
merits do you w ant? It cures piles, burns,
.scalds, sores, in the shortest space of
Dr. Andrews Lawrence & Brown, Deadwyler Sharon. G’rawfordville,
Lightning struck a tree in Mr, Jim
Meadows yard one day last week, and
shocked three of the children. Two of
the boys fell to their knees and one of
tin: children could not speak in an hour.
They just did escape death.
Nothing succeeds like success. Ed¬
wards & Co., am always mi'ccessfnl in
pleasing their patrons in groceries, meats,
dry goods, notions and slide*. Numsen’s
Old Orchard Vinegar always on hand.
Guaranteed pure and guaranteed absolute¬
ly for pickling.
It is a shame the way the rising gener¬
ation is growing up, too lazy to work for
themselves. Uow do they expect to
make a living. It’s a shame although
they are not to blame for it all. Their
parents should raise them to lie smart and
industrious young men. There oncerl
lived a boy at Barnett who was once
thought to be a smart boy, but after his
father did all he could t,o raise him right
he is to-day strolling up and down the
railroad, in tattered clothes and dead
beating his way through the world.
Young men take warning and do better
than Ibis young man. The world will
(bink more of you.
BY A. B. c.
Mr. Charlie Hill is on the sick list this
Misses Pearl and Daisy Benlly were
guest.-s of Miss Ada Akins last vr**-k.
The farmers arc looking anxious for
J tin :air.s to coast, s they c in ■eg**
gatheiinij their cotton
j , - , -■:c ba the
:? W r of my ^1-' : the world.
j : p -; *r.<i ii-- m-t.-it- ,> led dishonest
>:>ie to attempt to roimu*: it. i- Loo’ ■J
■ ilr civ
! Ji V\H fj V ho 5*.' '■ !OI>t to »
■ yo-i wuen you >4, t’s ^3
i* ilfi/fi Nulye t},-< rf a —
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfordvilfe
Dr. Lawrence Brown, i-haroc
The Mildrajon school closes to-day j
j I
r Friday ) afu-r a successful term of tv/o
months under the management at pres¬
ent of Jack iieazley.
w \ a «m ^ WUEIAM TEAeur»Dyspep¬
sia, Constipation and Indl*
Regulslcs the Liror. Pric*,25eu.
A1J above goods for sale b/L. G. Lucas
NO. 28.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and deli-clow
Absolutely Pure
Mr. AUit-rt Chapman left \\ ednesd- 1_V
for Jewels, Ga. lie has accepted a post
tion asclerk with his uncle.
For brokcji surfaces, sbres, insect bites,
burns, skin disease*, and especially piles
there is one reliable remedy, DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. When you call for
DeWitt’s don’t accept counterfeits or
frauds. You will not he d;.-.;mr-„invd
with DeWitt’s Witch Haze! Saiw.
And lews A Dcadtvvler Gi.-iwfmdviile
Dr. Lawrenci Brown,'Sharon.
The farmers have had a bad time foi
saving fodder an there has been so much
rain. Those that have been a i unlucky
as to lose their fodder will have t ■O
hay when the sun shines.
Gin- Minute Cough Cure surprises peo¬
ple by its quick cures and children may
take it in huge quantities without the least
danger. It 1ms won for itself the best
reputation o uy pieparstion used to- luv
for colds, <■•/ vr p, tickling in tho ihijoiit or
obstinate Andrews jin.
Dr. Lawrel Brown, DendwyJer, Crav t'urdville.
There v\j n liig watermelon cutting at
Mr, J. S. Chapmans Tuesday night. He
has some very fine melons and .11 the
young people in the settlement, uere
there and seemed to enjoy them elves
& ^ ^ ® I s " 1 OIL cures
d 41 A Guts, Burns, Iiruiwi, Rhea
umtimu and .'x.ree. Trice, 25 writs.
3Ir. Charlie Hill had bis buggy badly
broken laat Friday by h..\-. ,-omia;
horse bitched and thr i..,p.i «i>nt-i«
•druc* > .v j -
Bears tho The Kind You Hats fitways Botigtt
There- .vas a nice barbecue dinner at
Mr. Jim. Akins residence on Tuesday
last. It was a most pleasant affair and
everybody enjoyed the occasion to their
hearts content, There w-.ui a bountiful
plenty to eat of meats, pies, bread and
cake, in fact alt that could lie desired. In
the evening th* young people enjoyed
themselves in general conversation.
Instead of fussing abo^t who
sliail and “shan’t”'get out of the
array, each man in each regi¬
ment should bo allowed to take
his choice, stay in the service or
step out. Then there would be
no harsh feelings. There would
bo as many remain in the ranks
as the government needs.
Our Honor Roll.
Tho following kind patron* have paid
their subscriptions since om last msuh:
C. M. Walker, SI to May ’90.
if. E. L. Harris, SI to Feb. 35, MO.
T. E. Nunn, 39c to Sept. 1, ’98.
N. B. Morgan, 25c. to Aug. 18, ’98.
••CAHCARETH do all claimed Tor
En<l are a truly wuflderfuJ medicine. J tiave often last
vrlfibed t or u medicine plea am, to tal:n and at
have found it in Cabarets. Hince takiiiK them- my
blcxxi huh ht-eo purlfed and wy comph xion has im¬
prove-I wonderfully and i feel much fcet ter In every
rray MKfl. tiALUC F. TibLAKS. J/LttreU, Teuo.
x * <-iUPt «t,-jMi - mxr&Ko
FiMsant. V t-w.i.s.'.. Pulatabl* '.Vexkcu Potest, G*V-?. Taste Qomt. i<-- .IM **c
sr r
... Cuttii COmSTIFATION. a * t
SlfHht Unptfy, thiinfn. 'Cnntrral i'ork. :lJ
Oiilce Moved.
I have moved my Law OiEce up stairs
ever ii. F. Griffith’s store.
Attorney at Law,
Crawford ville, Ga.