Newspaper Page Text
■ W- w -
61.00 For ^SToAar.
Wi st the People of that Thriving
T own Are Doing.
1 c. L. EAGBY.
A lot of people lost, all their fodder.
Well, we guess we nad the northeaster
last week.
Dog days are about over and we are not
a bit sorry.
The Masonic Lodge at Sharon met last
Friday evening.
Insects are playing hayoc v.. h fh«
gardens in this section
Mr. J. A. Kendrick has the finest pea
patch we huvt over . ten.
Mr. J.E. Jackson, oi' Johnson county,
was in our section last week.
Ask tom Flynt how Sam Flynt put up
bis prayers on the night no was married.
Little Grady Moore has u very had son.
foot which has stopped him front school.
A good many o' our people attended
the mass meeting in C" fordvide on ti.s
. ■
31 st. Buffering
Judge M. J, Taylor is stiil
very much with his arm: he can scarcely
use it.
Mr. George T. Moore was quite sick
last week-from a 'dhotis attack but is bet
ter at this writing
Sharon school open; a up with twenty
two scholars. This ninnl! showing
for Sharon community.
There was a man surveying and taking
down our town last week. We don’t
know his idea i ' so ng
Augeline Ter roil is out of jai; and at
homo again. They gave her a grand te
cept ion when she returned.
Not much cotton coming in yet but it is
opening yerv fast t.n raft ng in tba iie;u
and about dll made that is going to make.
Mrs. Coot Elliott v, as vir ting her cousin
Mrs. Jane Hants of the Jonesboro neigh¬
borhood. Mrs. Harris has been quite
We understand tm.t the protracted
meeting at Sharon Presbyterian church
was a success and some fine sermons were
Mrs. JeSsse Taylors grand son, Clarence
8 h« r p of Was'i\t!gton eoynty, hw beck, on
a visit recently to his many relatives in
this section.
Prohibition seems to be getting hot in
old Wilkes, both sides ar.- brag;;mg ou
one another. If you don’t mind you both
will be beat.
The colored base bell game that was to
have been played m Sharon on September
the 5th was pt. •leu off on account o! rain
much to their displeasure.
Miss Lula Bn; do, of Atlanta, is stop¬
ping at the Hot.-.i Jackson at present.
She will remain here sometime looking
after her farming interest.
More than twenty mi Hie . free samples
of DeWitt’s Witch Haze! Salve have ecen
distributed by - he manufacturers. What
better proof I fheit confidence in it’s
merits do you vant? It -ares piles, burns,
scalds, sores, in the shortest; space of
Andrews & JVadwyler Crr.wfordviile,
Dt. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Good many Sharon and Warren county
people went to Fountain camp ground
Sunday. Several rattle snakes were killed
down there so Boy kin Wright reports.
Nothing succeeds like success. Ed
wards & Co., are tilv : miccc.-. fui in
pleasing their ] atron.v in groceries, meats,
dry goods, notions :vi shoe.-;. Numsen’s
Old Orchard Vinegar always on hand.
Guaranteed pure and guaranteed absolute¬
ly for pickling.
When you put a man up a court and
he won’t swear to the truth through fear
you had better not put him on the stand
at all for he criminates, him-eif.
- Bemariable Be -me.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, FkicSeld, III,,
tt»kes the statement, that see caught
cold*, which settled on her iuegs. site was
treated for a-month by liar family physi¬
cian, btit grew worse. He tr/td her she
was a hopeles 3 victim ? -oasuinpi-Mn
and that no mevcine could cure her.
Her druggist s tied Dr. King’s New
Discovery for Co mption; she bought a
bottle and to u«r delis h and herself
becefitted trom ;; =tuC5
its uae and f r • fv > i
herself poudc!
toe^ework, t.
p- trial b j
ry at Dr. IL
bottles 50 c an
vy e were vr
• iu ir.en-i s..
, *■
i.ti i* *A ilK'L
T;e C UI
It r cN* r\ A
ClOVirtMO &
pWlntS ta
ilc -ree ifjst rj
mfcsait^.aerrc you
m iiicii :.f cr c lor -rt;*, h' refund s bosc xncr.ry.
V ticAgo, k.atrdsJ) Mtm Sacs.
We understand that Eli Holden .colored,
one of Barnett’s big merchants pulled out
during court week. Eli lives in Taliaferro
but does a commission merchant-business
at Barnett. We undci stand he was deal¬
ing in goods that was subject to liscenst
and the county of Warren did not issue
such papers and Eli was running the
Malitrion la ehdoi*e<l by best Physicians
and guarantee to euae Chills, Fever and
Ague. All druggist or from Mofiit-Wesl
Drug Co., St. Louis.
.Mr. A. D. Kendrick, one of Sharon’s
best farmers, has a few rows of the Jack
son limbless cotton in his garden. It i*
well fruited. They made a close calcul**
tiononit recently to see what it would
make to the acre and estimated that it
would yield five 500 pound bales. If we
had to raise cotton we would plant Jack
son’s limbless.
-When von call for DeWitt’s Witch
Ila/.d Salve the great pile cure, don’t
5 P;;"'’ P
“fl&SSWw. Sharon. Crawlordvlll.
Dr. Lawrence Brown.
\ niiib s % ■)T?t
<• ■
n a
« P‘,
1 til * l
We will Retail Diro it Wholesale Prices
Read the following cash prices on tfew staple articles and l>e
convinced. Other ^EAD-OTH^. goods at similarly .pricesi *
ft WE * r «6fea.^W” % t
Simmon’s Liver Medicine, Genuine,..... ■5 »-r
P 3.n 3. m3. Liver 1Teti ? ....................... Guaranteed tcCure,...... ......30c.
Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic, ......30c.
Johnson’s Chill and Fever 1 omc,............ -O
Peruna,................... -c
Seng,.................... ■
Paine’s Celery Compound CO
.. 2Sc.
Castoria,.................. Guaranteed,.......... 15c.
Panama Pitt’s Carminative,..................*........ Baby Syrup, 18 c
Syrup of Figs, Small,........................ vSJ
Parker’s Hair Balsam,....................... •-U
Mustang Liniment, ................... ■■■■■ 15 c.
Panama Rheumatism Liniment, Guaranteed, ,18c.
Cheney’s Sweet Expectorant, Gum and ........ Mullein,.... ; .......
Taylor’s G. & G Cure,.........-...... -
Panama i 8c,
Laxative]Bromo Quinine,.. Cure, Guaranteed,.^ .. ...-------- 15c
Panama Diarrhea ...........38c.
Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets,................ 15c,
Panama “ ‘‘ XIZX./5C,
Witch Hazel, per pint,_________ and Envelopes,..... ____________ t ........5c. up.
Box Writing Paper —1
• • 1 ’ presenp
Anything in tlie Drug p-c , we ^ We - want r+H trade.
tions carefully andaecurately compounded. your
Respectfully Yours, STEPHENS & HAHN.
There was not near a- large a crowd in
attendance at the mas» meeting last week
s. w* expected to see ami there a;. > ery
little interest taken Several Populist*
were present and everything wu pleaaant
11 we could see there was some prohit I
lion fueling in it,
V> A 1.
fe i a,
ft* -
tf, J
s.xt /1 Hex-res.
i Inc
:L- and .red
i>ro Xi f
. .
rv-*s and etumaeh, •i.oasc
or ot’cer-- saeevmba to Rr>>trns' Iron ^
Bitters. K ?a aati us*d f&r nearly i_
quart '.’jtarv. it stanch- v^Jusd to-day rcm/Mies. fore
mu 2U.' r •-•4. 1,1-et
Browns' Iren Biy.rrs in -.coi by oh _c—y es.
! Ned Cary requests u? lo say that our
■ little dot of his riding with his best girl
■ to Moore’s mill last week was a mistake,
and he proposes to whip me and
Flynt both unless the correction is made.
He said ha was only waiting ou his uncle
Will Cary’s best girl. We hope Ned will
let us oil and give the whipping to Tom
Flynt, he is the man but he better watch
out or his uncle Will Cary might turn the
joke on him
A stubborn cough or tickling in the
throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure.
i Harmless in effect, touches the right spot,
j reliable and just wbat is wanted. It acts
j at °“<* CrawfordvilleJ
ews * Deadwyler> Brown. Sharon,
j) r £, aW rence
The Methodist, annua! meeting closed
last woek for want of a congregation,
There is no pastor of a church, that- wants
to preach to an empty house.
Truth wears well. People have learned
that; DeWitt’s Little' towc-lT
T ,«y ilon'tfilpe. „
Aodrewn A
Hr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
{ Sevsrai parties f rom .hi. and Warren
; county vit:!*.d • ou... ‘bi.. weex. we art invitation t- with them
I could not get off. We iniritd to see that
country soon :f w« h •«
J DeWitt’s Witch Hazel has the
1,r in the world,
A dishonest
. fordvilif*.
uTU li¬
. other.! pss.-ed
I r.uay 0!
Will Reid has
a Si, t if he gets to the
legfclatn viil have to leave them
! hind wh ■ sts he 'certainly
think* ajbrap > i ii
; IlJcrato Your iJovret-i Wtt’i Cescareti.
Car.tty Crtiisriis*. cure constipation
j Kc.iac. It C. C. C. tab, dra;:.:rtte retosd etoney.
Oo jrrlsjm dents' Reports of What Their
\ Neighbors Talk
. *-i ll>« 1 f ;.,>euin£* In Their Respective I-o
H iUtilities. All the News.
BY I. N. C.
Mrs. . M. Boatwright spent Sunday
with h, ’other-in-law Mrs. J. T. Boat
wright |
-rlon it Upvoid of bitter Guile.
Cures'! ils and Fever; acts on the liver
find Drnggi! refi-jites the system generally. All
Mr. C/trlie Combi and wife spent Sat¬
urday ujht and Sunday with Mr. M. M.
Boatwrd i and wife.
Mr. nil Mrs. R. M. Boatwright, »nd
liule sare visUI ” K tholr pW * uU Mr '
Hud MrlVtUUn Ctildwol! a, «»,,■ = .
visiting letytm at In .enft.
y,j u ixivft disappointment when VO
experiment DeWittV. Lit;..
Hirers are \ ca.-.-ant, o.-y, thoi - /
pills. The; cure constipadoi. tal
headache jt ;t assure you ■ v
Andrews; Deddr y ! t,r !T-lr
Dr. Lawreae Brow
Wc arc > •ry to clao th nii
our brother xd ;’i.
nci?hbOrh: d, I-lt . 01;
been sick l ■•■‘S C.ts *
Fortune’s roan
Economize V • •'"< * j’i I 1
groceries n »i , 6 "
•hofco from Jrawior, /
Nitusen's (J d Ore.'tor *
ii4pd. Wat rant- rtyil p 1
absolutely f r pick;dig.
Mr. Will Callaway had h> ■ j’lggj D
torn np by 1 3 horec runt! away t e
on Monday., The first tint; is horse ran
ni at Sardft church and againoc the wry
uome. Mr. Callaway was not injured
We bud plenty of rain,
Mr. James Gregory lost his horse last
A good many of our people are suffering
with sore eves.
Hr. George Gregory lias started around
with his syrup mill.
Murry Taylor went to Savasmah last
Monday on business.
Barbecues seem to bo very numerous
through some sections,
M iss Bell Davis, was the guest of Miss
M ollie Rotli at Sharon last Sunday.
John Taylor, visited his uncle Mr.
Willis Beck worth in Wilke-' last Sunday.
jMalarlosi WiiH Malurfon Titiilptii
Guaranteed Cure for Chills, Fever and
Ague, or money refunded. Co cents. AH
Messrs. Hooker, Atchison and others
from our vicinity have gone back to the
lflry , und
Guess what four girls enjoyed a water
^ ... .......„ elv ,, tel .. ..,
V.lut ,h W ' ,111 tor ,M l*u.-l, w„. >
Mr. 3 . Y. Garrett has lcturned home
from a v.sit to Lincoln county. He says
ha is a good Baptist no ,v.
Mrs. llowell Cosby, of Wilkes county.
Visited in our vicinity recently. The
guest of her father Mr. G. W. McAlpiu
For broken surfaces, tor -.f, insect bites,
burns, skin-diseases and especially piles
1 here is one reliable remedy. DeWitt’s
Witch Ilazel Salve. Ween you call for
DeWitt’s don’t accept counterfeits or
frauds. Vou. will not !v disiippoinled
with DeWitt’s Witch H t /A i Salvo.
Andrew n & Deiuhv; :.*r Crawfords iiK*
Dr. Lawrence - L-own, ‘ arou.
Guess what young no.u rround Barnett
likes to visit* Sharon. There must b<
some attraciion. t>h< is a mighty pretty
r, irl John.
Mr. J. A Woouall has resigned tin
Superiuteudantship at Barnett Baptist 8
S. We are sorry iogf,, him up for he is
a very nice matt and a good superiuteu
One Minute Cough Cure .uirprises pet
pie by its quick enni.' utul c hildren may
take it in large quantit.,’.-, without the least
danger. It. hits won'lor it.-. 1 f the best
reputation of any pipparatiou used to-day
for colds, croup, tickling in the throat 01
obstinate coughs.
Andrews A Duiui.vyi, i, ifrav. lordvi.ic
I)r. Lawrence I a o wn ; iron.
Mr r. !-?> •er!y of
V.'laoe \> ' * ‘ ’ ft t*.‘. A
through ouj vieitut .';*v Jtoli.e last
week He l,«- been •.> , a v, 'It to Greene
Master Clarence Sharp, Gup from Wash¬
ington county visitinu hit, grand parents,
Mr. and Jilt s. Jesse Taylor. Mrs, John
Williams is also up visiting relative* and
friends. She went up to Ur/me county
this week.
Planters Guts, CUBAN Ruro-;, Bruises, OIL RJn cures u
matiam and Soles. IVico, 26 cents.
uv x.
Much fodder 1 /,L by v.( ' v.«.vth ■
Sainiuie Nelson is on •' :k list this
Mr. I). S. Stewart went up to Atlanta
The storm of last \V dnesdaj did much
damage to cotton.
Bermuda school will close its lumtuer
term ill three weeks.
We have liad several day-6 of sunshine
which is a welcome visitor.
Mr. Soldier Crenshaw, of Warren, vas
looking pleased Sunday.
Mr. C. I. Ogletree anil family spent
Sunday with Mr. B. Wynne.
Mr. Sainiuie Smith,, of Warn-nton, is
visiting his cousin Mis. W. T. Nelson.
Mr. Henry Googerand family visited
Mr. and Mrs. G Vea/.ey Sunday.
Mr. Ji. C. Chapman has a job with the
Gv, K. R. as fireman on tile Macon
Mr. B. I'. Wynne ay , tile high water
was over about 300 bushels 01 c ^rn on his
Low land corn is much damaged by
! high waters, which is a heavy los* to
the farmers.
: Mr. C. M. Walker went ! tlnnta
M O ; .lei Mrs. W. H
' f ; V?
r w
t*. Ts*te flood, no
.' c*iAe is ...rf Ore.-s.Mc.Stc.Sue.
com .;■’ v. oh. ...
4t«7 , C*j S rutrt-n. >*- Tort. 31S
tia-TO jaQ
^ our eorre.t; ondent* are slow
dear from th dr cum:- -
Li l' le 4 .J? the ,n of irl
t L. L. Os; ‘ W.liidV. d a t « nail
j L«* 1 ’■ '<*k.
* * ], * p >
11T cr
jt *. ’.V*; j
H' iiJi f.
A: til liiiCT 71 n
CD' ■ rt REL -1
i iff. ' di. 5
.. i -A V
I J .iA 0 f i'i - *• —j..
Mr. J. T. Taylr -
from ;>ting poison C X s>
ing if ITi u would get i.ned, it vonid stop
I naev tea i{ cogs.
cAa’a’ortff a. C jitfi
Bearr tie 'll-.? If.ria Vos Hs.« Air.ais
Bigaateie /
j :ezy,-*
Xxa. ^3L<3L'so'4a.aOLOo.
NO. 29.
•. ru . iKX .M>-flm;gi
Royal tudkca Uic loud pure,
wholesome and delicious.
te L®
Absolutely Pure
luvoen aMisiMRuu'jtfs.aiusa.'a'Mit.a i whm