The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, September 09, 1898, Image 2
THE ADVGCATE-DEHCCRAT, rtfSttSJIltD KVF.RV W JBAV ifORNIMC n CLEM. G. MOORE. Offlcial O.’M Taliaferro C*. CRA Vv FOHDV 11 -I. K. SMl'T. 9, 180!?. Seven tin-•-••ml divorces is pretty good f<>; Oi,:o in one year. Spain has cf lied *,0 arms over 100,000 soldi , - she is hard to ciye up. The Third Georgia Regiment is said . to hi' 1 - n ordered to Jacksonvill.* io join < len. Gee’s coininami a R will bt* sent to Cuba for gat ri.son duty. The roun i cotion bnlo got a back-set from t.ho trl. It was found to bt- 'id' i »i’Ol >< rty of groat syndioaff? formal to force the people. R has not worked thus far. The Now Vurk bulls and bears are wateiiin,'.' - the cotton crop with keen ov >. Tbo least fa vorablu report 11 m<ls to lesson the price and th< bulls get in their work when unfavorable reports are sent in. It scorns no *, that this year's cottou crop will fall far short of last year's, If this be true, there is consolation that if the crop ir> short the price will be naturally better. ft is easier to gather In pounds of lint for *1 than to gather 2d pounds for 81. The Phillip* A RuUorfT Mfg. Co., the great stove makers, whose $ 175 .odd stock was burned last week writes us “The disas¬ trous lire has in no wise hamper¬ ed our facilities for handling mail orders, We have already commenced building. Throe of our four plants are running in full blast. 1 1 The old man who looks out the world witu •>]< n feeitng mid healthy * 3 nv»f>vunot t “tp the thought gratitication at inherited his children have him no weakness nor tendency disease. Tho healthyold man tho man who lms throughout life kept, his digestion good his blood pure. Notone in thousand does <lo il Germs * through the healthy body out effect. Lm thorn ouco lodgement or lot thorn find weak spot, they will develop the million and the blood will full of them. Instead of strength to the tissues, it. will force upon them matter, and the man will llosh and the more be is to disease. Dr. Golden Medical Discovery is the only medicine that and infallibly cures all blood diseases, and almost all are blood diseases. It isn’t medicine for some ou« so-called disease, it is a cine for the whole body. forces out all the germs of ease, and replaces with rich, red blood. The Republican committee the 10th District met in Saturday last and said, to put out a candidate Congress to oppose Mr. Fleming. This is a ,’privilege they have. but it wil I** a long time the I(*fh congressional district Georgia will bo represented by Republican, It will bo a loss time and money to ran Congressman Flemiug. ^8.rfefellQ ^ s . * \n>f 1 i B 6 ^ s'4Aa V-h* Am §***-’MH StonK-irb upmU at o( ilo ott ^4* tt #»*.• V*h<lc MJ PHIS’ CARMINATIVE. tt re-r- Pi.-.rrt,, ce r-rnuto* *S* (tMKCtti ard Cnn-ie, cxrc* triad Cetac, *r.fl«ro» tke WOi, cure* C.-»F rra laluatim. IFnleri'. teortus. i^tp. i»ja im><< met* prmcBfUf. tt is pead tar t<’». er»d is a specific far *m e» »ra*na»cy. oM Drufgistif 23 end 30c For *aic n: ALLIANCE 6 TOKE. A CRITICAL TIME I j During: ' & the Battle nf’&HTltlfiLrO U1 ’ - iblLlV Qlflf flR Jn WPIf WhLL, A A RUSH w vjipht IHlvrn 1 AJtU a Mb T'lAV ua i . Thf VnrU+m at the Battle oi Santiago < 1 * Cliibii were ail Horo«*s. Their Heroic Kfforts In Clettlnic Ammunition and Hal loti* to the Front Saved the !•>»>’. h- Butter, o P*° , n . 0 I-, ’ writing from Santiago, e ..<*■< 23 rd, says: “We all had diarrhoea m moreor less violent form, and wn on wc had , . to , doctor, . . for , nr : landed we no time w<; a WJU t t . a „. 0 f rush and rush night and , , day to Iwep Urn troops supplied with arn munition nnd rations, hut thanks bo Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diar¬ rhoea Remedy, we were able to keep at worl and keep our health: |ti fac t, I in cerdy believe that at one critic*! time thi medicine wsa* tfie indirect saviour of our army, for if the packers had been unable to work there would have hoen no way o! supplies to the front. Them w^rc n > ro.i'is that a, wagon train could me My com? .vie anil my*tlf bud tl}« good for tunc to la> in a supply of tlq* medicine J p:ick-train left Tampa, Io, our liefore we an* 1 1 know in four c**e* it absolutely saved life.” The above letter was written to the manufacturers of tbismedicinc, the Cham¬ berlain Medicine Co., Do* Moines, Iowa. For sale by Dr. R. .J. Reid, Crawfordville, L. it. Brown, Sharon. —Whore is, tho man who said the world was drying up? —The new barber shop on Broad Street js nearing comple¬ tion.. —Rev. L. P. Winter is spend mg this week with his mother at Winterville. —Wo will give each week the latest cotton market report on day we go to press. —Stephens High School has a handsome Kingsbury piano now and it is quito an acquisition to that instituto. —Miss Corrine Carter, of Ma? con, arrived yesterday afternoon and will take charge of the music class of the Stephens High School. —A fter nearly" two wat va cation Kugene Gunu lias taken his place at tho depot and Mr. Latimer has returned to his home at Rutledge. —We are told that tho Macon branch of the Georgia Railroad lias had no through trains since tho storm last week. Several very bad washouts ocoured over there. —The knowing ouos who said tho dog day fallacy was a failure du not know where they “arc at" now. It rained first dog day and has rained nearly every' day since. —It is said that Mr, ’Gus Asbury of Bethesda will move his family to Mr.T. E. Bristow’s Axt place and that tho latter will move closer into town this fall. We extend a hearty’ wel¬ come to all. —- Senator Bacon has succeeded j n getting the President to ! promise to muster out two of the Georgia regiments of volunteers and it is expected that the First and Second will be the two that w iH be sent home, —Mrs. M. A. Sanford of Lib¬ erty Hall is rejoicing over the birth of a grand-daughter—the K. and Mary daughter of James H. Sanford of Augusta. We i wish the little miss a Herald. vary happy ■ lit".—cor, Augusta | —O 110 hundred and three dead Fa.g ish sparrows were within ami just outside of - nail enclosure back of S' arm ishmaelito ofllce Thurs da\ morning of last week. Thov w« t*c dr.iwned by the storm. — M : > t Ossie McCord left Wed nosJay i.ght for Murpk.ysboro Tenn.. where sdio goes to attend ti S. College. ‘Miss Ossie m an exceptionally bright young lady and will take a high stand in her classes.—Norwood cor. Clipper. Cotton Market. T'r.e f.-liowing it the Crawfordville prices cormUcd every Tlmrsdar. Low -tliddling........ ... 4 11-16 Middiiug ......... . 4 IV 16 Good M'ddliof..... ... 5 M6 BOBUfEOU DOTS I$V IN'CCGSITLS » There will L - several cotton sal buy ersa thi,, i t:; \* ea,on Miss Annie • ovall, of Ret 1 Ga., visiting net ; Mrs 1 C- Irden. u; belle . acock, i* •■■■wig her uncle Mr. D. / Saggus at Yfogarett’s Give . , ' iQ TS ' : " 00 - this week. Si - very mtxHikeii by the].':' ’» .-’.I i .irons. .••bin .. Sara nek returnee to ... their acme Mvl#te .. . Plains, after a pleasant visit Will# L Pearl Heard. * The weather in this section'was A>t favorable for picking cotton an #aving f w ^ er _ Cottou continues to sbd, fust and rot badly. Corn is also rcjbg in the field. But, little fooder has be- saved. There will be an ice cream pper at Robinson academy oil the i6th |i 4 t., for the purpose of raisin j.t’onejgb finish . ceiling the house. All are j;iged to come and help us out. Mr. C. B. Mitchell, spent tit night of the 6th with his sister, Mrs. R.|i. Mur¬ der. II says he is now look 1 ? forgav wi' nv:. and old niaids ; and thy rewards liis uncle Jesse Darden and T a Poch¬ ard* to join him in the race fj V-ppi uess I'ill’.-. Carminative aid* digrin, regu iates tlH; bowds, cures Cholera*)antum,. Cholem M-.rb Dysentery, ol Grip h.g, Flatulent Colic, Cr natal Drains fro)u , ';nid , . v nk*r. i .naucut , , | to children For * uminer complaints it is a ifle. Perfectly harmless a/ d free from iajai as drugs and chan deals. For are Alliance Store. Our Honor Roll* The follow ing kmd patron nave paid their subscriptions since cur lx issue: Mrs. Sarah Ray. 2 ',n to Not 25 ’{18. J. T. Chapman cl to Aug. 2 ’1900 Well Children that are not very robu need a warming, building and f ^forming food—something to be «4 ; for two or three months in the all—that they may net suffer frosyfcold., SCOTTi EMU LSIiH of Cod-Live? CM! ant with 5 lypophos phites hr of what Lhne *<■ *j# supplies ytb-f7 wii. thrive, grow ong »?vi be well all winter on thisspkmiii food tonic. Nearly all of them Ucome very fond of it. For adulta who are not of very stroig, with a course treatment .1». the Emulsion for a ouple of months in the fal will put them through the dition. winter in Ask first-c!as| con¬ your «octor kc?* about this, j Ik* sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. Sejthst the Sun end fish are on the wrapper. All druggists ; 50c. and 81.00. Ytk. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New ^Mothers T "~HKdiscom- forte dangers aud of v 4 *>r^ . Mi child-birth can IS be almost en-i ASk tirely avoided. Cardui^^Y V \Vineof relieves ex- /y| m pectant moth- V ers. It gives \ tonetothegen- italorgans.and puts them in condition to do their work perfectly. less That make* peg nancy and painful, shorten* niter labor hastens recovery child-birth. It helps a wocaan bear *trong healthy cliilireu. Win® has also bioucsht Iwj; Grren re»| to thousands of botnc - for years. A tew doses, oA u brings joy to levins; hearts ,-at loug •honld for a darling baby. So woman negirct to trait for this trouble. It cures nin; case* out of of Cardui. tea. All druggist, sell Wine $ i .00 pe- l-ottle. Fjt wJr!*e In ewj rtqtrto-? tpecttl dfrec'lons. • fivin symptoms, The th» Chattanooga ' md:.-,' Ac.iiory repsrtment,'* Chstta oooja. Tecs. Mrs. LOUItA HALS, cf JoTfersn, Ga,, ttys: “When 5 first took Whe el Cudoi *’ v _’d b«-n marrL'i years, Out euuivl act here any chUiria. *ii» months isisr! had a fmejiri bchy.” Morpine and Op um Habit Essilv Cured.’ For inforpution and best of ciring a!we hsdit' FRFF* addreu The < hio Cnent. Works, Lima, (.), i -Bslirtn bmi Ccu. t mm Tas Good. Un r ap. i >c r> '27: L2,?— ‘74 25 t7: Crippled by Rheumatism. Thoee wfco hare Rbamnatlem find themselves crowing steadily this worse ail the while. One reason of Is that tbe contain remedtes prescribed and potash, by the which doctors ul mercury intensify thedisetise ttoately swell by CG 418 - fa g the joints to aching and stiffen. ipoducicg S. bos a severe boon coring of Rboamattap the bones. ?• 8. for twenty yeiirs—even the worst case* ^ch seemed almost fneurabte. Cap*. O. E. Hnebee, tiw popular rat lr*om 3 ecnaboto?, with Rbe*:m»tigia of OolunblA, whiot, C« had convinced an expert eaoc nto that caret.r there that !« painful only roe dis¬ ease. fie says: “I wes a . sufferer from nue- / eular Rheumatism tot £. two years. I oould retiei cret p^a no permanent jgi frota any medicine pre- K ecrlbcdoy took mypbyslciac. bofr KSftfg I aboutu ooeen and ''tL*. ties of 1 your S. S. S., ! now ts as well m ever wit- Intny fife. 1 so •ore cured that your and medlnSr.S I would r-•■ngB fY-'ifer- Saai ■ ,y recommend me, Vj p V It to anymooddlseaee. any oce BonoTing from Everybody knows thut Rhetunfetfsn fs a diseased state of the blood, and tmly a blood remedy is the only proper treatment, but a remedy containing p-otash and mercury only aggravate! the t:*ocb!e. as.a%,Biood -feeing Purely Vegetable, goes direct to the ve^ cause of the disease and a per tnar.ent euro always results. It ia the blood FCinody guftrautoed other to dan- con tain no minerals. potasih, mercury or geroaa ‘ Books mailed free Georgia. by Swift Speeifie Company, Atlanta., BALTIMORE MUSICAL And Educational Home School, For- GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES. Cor. Lafayette Ave. and Charles St. Baltimore, Md. Barthold Meyer, Prin. Catalogue iurnished upon Vocal application. Specialties — Piano, Culture, Stringed Instruments, Languages, Elo¬ cution, with Literature, Art and Eng¬ lish Branches. Number of boarding pupils limited. Uneceptional home omforts. Opens Sept. 8th, 1 S 98 . Builders OF Crawfordville And vicinity, will consult their interest by wrrting to Standard Manufacturing Co., AUGUSTA, GA„ For Prices on SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LUM¬ BER, LATH or anything in YELLOW PINE. SATISFACTION ' GUARANTEED Daniel Springs, W E- ONEAL, L*see, Postoffice - Penn’s, Ga. The Best llsultb Resort In the South. Cottage rout and Hotel beard very reason¬ able. Coven lent by Hack or private ccnvy ance* from ( rtwlordville or Union Point. Daily mail at the Springs—Penn’s, Ga. m t PROF. P,M. WHITMAN, 209 tth St., Augusta, Ga. 6IVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects of sight, gn-inds the proper jrlaunet sail WAJt RAJiTa them. Lenses cut into yoar frame while yon wak. FREE OF CHARGE. tell* if van n«d m eiwu COMPLETE O0H00, Saw. Ortst, Oil and Fertiliser MILL Gin. rruii Cane Mill Rnd SUinxlc Uotfi**. ISnlldlnp, Factory. ,\Tul Bridge Fun-m-e Hailroftd Castings. R*tlro*uV, V*.U. and Fa vtocr »nppM»4. Brlt4ug. !’a*k.lnp. In.k.o:or3, I’ll-* CUUu^t. Fawa. Fil*6- ^Uler*. Eio. Cant ■.■very day; 1 cork 130 harui*. LOMBARD ’RON WORKS SUPPLY CO., AUGUSTA. OA. RPR llBft [!.»§•! Sfe Itb SAWS. I fSSllW R! 9 S, BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, ENGINES. BOILERS AND isiLirffikS ss: >» LOMBARD IRON WORKS A SUPPLY Ci AUG?>T 1 , Gi. blf TE K mC ' V II M ii oui^uysMsrcc. rrs rvt wexx r vTSicr csraisnx mesel « ^-™ c»r ci 4 S-FA 4 S IX’X FFJtX. c'.o-.j'.J £’Brat X? ’a WILLSo'n 'WA9HIN&TOI*, 4 CO . 0- O. *M»i. YOY ARE INVITED TO VISIT Atlanta Dental Rooms ICing Snil.c 3 .ir) & ..; 3 ’ One of the Modern Dental Apartments in the State. I 7 Offices in I 7 Towns in Georgia. We believe that progressive Washington ami vicinity, with its keen business judgement, is thoroughly apace with the times and recognizes the superiority of pro¬ fessional merit. , In the era of almost vital competition the survival _ of the fittest is becoming more and more pronounced, especially along professional lines, this is noticeably so in dentistry. To'be successful requires constant study and application. To-day the dentist who succeeds must have the latest ideas, the most cheerful surroundings, be honest, intelligent, and kind ; and use every possible effort to mitigate the suffering of his patient*. This is our constant aim. Wc fully realize that the time has passed when the public will be deceived by hisrh sounding phrazffleann promises that are impossible of fullflllmeut. So we claim nothing that we are unable to do, and are not competing with cjieap John dentists. We want to call your attention to a few facts in regard to our business in this city. First—By use of our Cataphoresis we can drill out the cavities of teeth ami even take out the nerve without the slightest pain to the patient. Second—That we alone manufucture and use Aroppena for the painless extrac¬ tion of teeth. Third—-That it is perfectly harmless, and can he placed on the gums of children, oldpeoele, adults, delicate or strong, with equal impunity. Fourth—That our artificial teeth are true to nature, restoring lost contour and expression. Fifth—That placing of gold, and porcelain gold and bridge in crowns, and crown work, wc have paid special attention to this new line of work, and are using only the very latest methods and appliances, 'Sixth—That we till teeth with Gold, Platinum, Amaigum, Silver, Gntterpercha or Cement, artistically and well and guarantee them to be satisfactory and to last. We take this method of letting the people know we arc here to stay, and will for a short time give SPECIAL LOW FRIGES, and invito the most critical examination of our office and work. Call and have your teeth} examined by u competent dentist No charge. PRICES. Amalgam, Silver or Cement Fillings, according to size .50 cts, to Si.oo Gold Fillings, according to size............ ... Si.00 up Treatment and Root Fillings________________ .. . 150 Cleaning Teeth............................... ........ ________8. 1.00 Best Set of Teeth, either Upper or Lower Set . .. Co A Good Set of Teeth for....................... _________7.00 A Partial Set.......................... ....... 83.00 to 6.00 Solid 24 K. Gold Crowns.............. .... ..... ________ 6.00 Porcelain or Logan Crowns____________________ ....... 3 - 5 b Teetli Extracted Positively Without Pain_______ •50 Teeth Extracted Old Way_____________________ *5 Office, second floor, Rooms 1 and 2 King Building - , Wash¬ ington, Georgia. G. W. SHACKELFORD, Manager. JAMES B. WALKER, WARREN WALKER, Walker and Walker. COTTON FACTORS, The most complete and modern Standard Fire-Proof Warehouse in Georgia. Liberal Cash Advances made on consignments. Strict Personal At¬ tention given to all business. Office and Warehouse 827 to 837 Reynolds St. JLlTG-UST-iA, G 2 -.A.. STEWART PIIINIZY. JAMES TOBIN. PHINIZY f CO. COTTON FACTORS _A.-u-g-u.sta, ■ a - I 5 Georgia. Spears f PI Idler Successor to J H- SPEARS, Cotton i Factors nnd* Commission i Merchants. Warehouse and Saleroom: 101 A. 103 McIntosh (7-th) St. , Cor.Rsvnolds, AUGUSTA, GA Will continue the business in it* various branches. Advance* of Banfiny, Tics ami Family Supplies at lowest market prices. Liberal Cash Advance* made on Cotton or other Produce in Store. Consignments of all Field and FarmjProduce Solicited. Ample facilities and long experience will guarantee satisfaction. PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SELLING, AND STORING ALL CONSIGNMENTS, CHARGES FOR. SELLING AND STORING, VERY REASONABLE, CI 14 S. F. BAKER. JERRYT. SMITH. BAKER & SMITH, Cotton Factors, ; Fireproof Warehouse, 1 COR. REYNOLDS AND CAMPBELL STS., AUGUSTA, GA. B*t,.Consgnmonts of Cotton Solicited. Personal Attention Given All Bminess. nuim MALSBY A CO. 9 39 S. BrOad, an d 32 and 34 S For 6 ythSts, ATLANTA, GA, Genera! Agents For dfho Erie City Don Work*. ^ ■ j iidl,'A.™ K |j * >-■- 4 im J. r.Bibertb.v iLj.tKT Co. ^ •|» Saw of&cin... Mills, S«purators, Bo SicJ&r'--. i •• i -.'t -- ’ Grist Mill*. Saws. Pumps, 4 ; ,-~*r -f:-.. iaKSdnSf Stung*, Prompt Attention Given Orders and Inquiries. p@„C*t.3lo^u« FREE by meationinj tbi* paper,