The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, September 09, 1898, Image 4
i Beep - e ifti SB V( If you arc young you rat urally If appecr su. old, why yGii are ap¬ pear so? Keen younc Inwardly; the we will look ettor out¬ wardly. You longer need not worry about (host little Jtrcaks of gray; advance agents of age. user s ^WSii’S ■ utmzss'ms*. s a m 1101 to V i'-r.r -swasESSk will fii.reiy restore cobir to gray hair; an:! it will also give your Imir all the v’jaith and gloss of e»r)v life. Do not u:!'u' tr.e falling of your (ongerwirh hair to threaten you hnldne -s. Do not be annoyed with dandruff. Wc will j-end you our book on the Huir and Scalp, froc upon request. Wrtln to tho It you ukt ot'Gkiti nil \.b'* Iwhit fiti t< >i »ifront th( >**.»* r.f the V.vor. v ritfs ih. lor rB, m Probably thert i* >•« - >< HfJJruJtT wbiob vltn !»** your fajHv i y»t« ui u*»y Adtlr^hi, rtraov fflL ( AVF.B. Lowu! 1 Mikftfi. October Sheriff Sale. OTATE ^COUNTY. OF GEORGIA, TAUAFERRO Will !■<- sold before the court house dorr in <dmwforttville in mid County and Stale, within Uitiltg.'i) cash, hours of gale, to the highest bidder for on th* first Tuesday in October next , lSiis, that tract or pateil of land (JcorgiftMIli- lying and being in the (itiltb U it, liu. iu Tullttferro County, eleven Georgia, (11 con Uiniug one hundred nud p uereii more or luss, bounded on the North by lauds of .Mr*. Fannie Astmry, on tha East by land* of Mrs. liebtera K. Daniel and land* of Frank Milt hell, on the South by the South prone of Uldr river, and on the ,Wctl br th«> public n»td lending from Crawfordville to Woodstock Id Oglethorpe County. Abo at ilia same time and place all that tract or parcel of land lyinfe Militia and being in the OOTtli District, Georgia lying both Taliaferro County, Georgia, Ogeei-heti on side* of tlie Nortluironj? of the river with water mill, known as Jennings mill, dwelling house ami other improve¬ ments thereon, tiour.ded on the North and East by lands of Snmuri 11. Rhodes, mis¬ ter for’hl* wife and children, on the South by public road leading from Crawfordvtlle to Bethany church iu Greene county. on the West by hunts lormerly owned by K, J. Reid now owned by J. E. llolden, con¬ taining forty (40 acres more or lass Said lands levied ou us the property of Rebecca Jane Ogletrcc ttndei tut-1 by virtue of an ereoution issued from the Superior J. Court JvicJi of Mid county in !.u r oi Albert ardson against s;. d Hci tu-., Jane Ogleiive Written mulct o levy given as required bv law. Tld* 7th day of S l»U mbr-r, ia«.s. f>. 1’. UKNHV. Sheriff Tuliafefro County. Ofliee Jfloved I hnvi‘«iovt'il inv l Ufflf up stairs o'er M. F. Griffith'.- sUnr. W.M. N. MALTBIE, Attorney at", »'raw(ordville, Gu. WE HANDLE COTTON on the old factorage plan with the best results and charging reasonable conunis S10H5. We oh tain lie t '•' rst results lieca, ..tve best market iu mere buv ers, sharper i v larger lots H t • to v at one i vv also lie sonict ’ .i* 11 cations, on: , ’ 1 ’ lln . an W£ 80 ni’81 NESS. DAVISON & FAKGO, A L CDS TA. Prompt Sales. Good Weight. Liberal Advances. SIOE-WALKNOTES. Pure Eoar-e Matters Picked dip by Oai Booai SeDortcrs ,Vh#l Oir People Ar«- Dale* >.nf! Saying. Thins* Opr Frit?*. d* T*J1 Lb. ‘■J owe my succt’K' to 'he newspk]*;!**, ' j ' >/ my yearly busincd*. 1 ’ say?. John V* flu amaker Go to C. Bergstrom for white flannel. .—Mrs. Sallie Yarbrough, of Atlanta, is visiting relatives here. —Mr. ('. H. Golucke will buy cotton here this fall for an An* —Several from this place Fountain went to camp meeting at last Sunday. Go to C Bergstrom for gray flannel, —See the big cut price advt. of Stephens A Hahn on first j page this week. Miss Kate Maltbie has re turned home after a Jong visit to relatives at Helena. Take your prescriptions to the O 1 Drug Stoiv. —Mrs. Sallie Reynolds, rela- of Green , has been visiting lives here the past week. - W. D. M widen and others are trying to arrange for an ex elu sion to Charleston soon. j Patent medicines at cut J prices at the Owl Drug Store. —Mr. T, P. Burgess preached of his best sermons at the Presbyterian church here Sun¬ day. Call on C. Bergstrom for blue flannel. One Si ugcr So wing M aohi no, good as new for sale cheap. Cash or on time, Apply at this office. - Rev. it. E. L. Harris is in Atlanta under treatment of spec¬ ialists and is getting along all right. Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded at the Owl Drug Store. Panama Baby Syrup, the best on earth, for teething chil¬ dren, only 15c, at the Owl Drug Store. —Mrs. Lula Courtney's little child, which she had with her on a recent visit to relatives here, has since died. Anything you need in the drug line, can bo had at the Owl Drug Store. —Sheep Peek, colored, brought in the second bale of cotton Wednesday and got 4 11-10 cents per pound for it. If you want a fine cook stove and complete set of ware at about half price, see Iho editor of the Advo-Deraocrat. —Mr. Jno. T. Chapman of Fla., is the first to pay his sub¬ scription to the Advocate-Demo¬ crat into the year 1900. Good as new Singer Sowing Machine for sale cheap. Cash or on time. Apply at this office. —Mr. J. D. Moore went up to Atlanta this week to have a sore treated that, has been bothering him sometime on his lip. —Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jen¬ nings went back to At lanta last week by way of Macon, visiting relatives in the latter city. Call on C. Bergstrom for medicated flannel. —Mrs. L. F. Stephens is spending this week in Atlanta looking up novelties in the mil¬ linery line for her fall stock. Call on C. Bergstrom for heavy and light canton flannel. —Miss Eugenia Chapman re¬ turned Monday to her home at Plymouth, Fla., after several weeks visit to relatives here. The Owl Drug Store leads in low prices, the others follow, —Mr. aud Mrs. W. P, Harris land children have been here this week visiting relatives and friei v Mr. Harris is traveling m Virginia I : Heavy gray aud cream fian- 1 i net at G. Bergstrom’s. Mrs G. Seals and children! have returned from their farm nvar Powelton and r- I spend me winter months s ; Crawford ville. ; 1 'lain red flannel at C. Berg- { stroiii ^ The Morphine and Opium i habit, permanently cured. All! correspondence, dent'al. strictly confi- i Address P. O. Box. 7, Crawlordville. Ga. — Miss Claude Bristow left; j last week for China Grove. Ala.,; where she will spend months with her uncle, Mr. W.! C. Bristow, aud his family. Llo to C. Bergstrom for real twill flannel. NEW CUT 240 Kegs of Nails, 15ooo lbs. of Barbed Wire, 75o Boor Locks, 1500 Pairs of Hinges. No joke, but a modest statement. Give me a call W. T. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga. >'cw Pastor l'or Jennings. Rev. J. Gillibeau, a young minister from Lincoln county, has accepted the pastorate of Jennings Baptist enurch two miles from this place. He comes highly recommended and we wish for him and his church prosperous work in that field Lost a Fine Cow. Mr. E. I. Anderson lost a fine milch cow last Friday. Site was apparently healthy that day. Mr. Anderson was here talking about selling the cow the same day she died, though he did not think there was anything wrong w j t jj j ier , jj 0 only had more than he needed just then. It is quite a loss and we sympathize with him in his misfortune. A ’(Jm- 'Wednesday. Messrs. Jim Phelps, C. W. Caldwell, Frank Mitchell and others had a nice barbecue out at old Bethel Springs near town Wednesday. We extend thanks for a cordial invitation to be present on this occasion, but be¬ sides the heavy rain that came up about the dinner hour we were too busy to be on hand. Wo know the feast was enjoyed if some of the crowd did get sprinkled. Populist Muss Meeting. On Wednesday the 14th, of Sept., the Populist voters of Taliaferro county are requested to meet at the court house in Crawfofdville, for the purpose of electing b delegates to the 19th Senatorml . , Convention, and o attend to other matters that may come before the meeting. Hon. J. R. Hogan is expected to speak, and everybody is invited. Geo. H. Mitchell, Secetary P. P, T. C. A Hero of Sftutiayo. A hero of Santiago passed through here last Friday. He was ou his way to his home in Tampa from Montauk Point. He was a Cuban, born and raised to his present age 15 years old, at Tampa. He wont over to Cuba with the American army when it first went and he stayed with it until the soldiers came back Be brought with him a huge key from a loch on one of the Spanish block houses near Santiago and had a handkerchief that he said he took from around the neck of one of the dead Spanish soldiers. The high water and washouts made him pass through Augusta, via Atlanta on his way back home to report to his family. He went over to Cubans a store awav on one of the troopships. They called him their “mascot." State of Qmo, City of To tvs leix). Lc-cas County. J. Chopey makes oath that be is* tho senior’ jvai'toer of tbe linu of F. J. Cheney & Co, Aung busintw in the Cftty of To Usto. County and State aforesaid, that said firm will pay Urn sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LAPS tor each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Fk \nk J. Chkney. Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence, this Lib day ol December, A. D. A. \7. Gi.eai.on. I SEAL ( Nofarv Public } -— i Catarrh Cure Hall’s is utk*: internally and acts directly u: the blood aud -uiucous surface of the system. Send Tor test ', monads' Address F. J. Cheney A Co . Toledo. O Sold by dm joists. 75c. Hall's Family Phis »r *• b^st. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT. by w. c. t. u. Dear Brother: Is it possible that we are to be Represented f by J a bar keeper and that without Op position. 1 I want to vote but cannot support either Of the men. I heard a half dozen men say J this morning that if a good would come out they would sup port him irrespective of party. Please let me hear from you at; once; also look up the man. Let us do our best if we get beat. * * * * + * * Now. that the political cam paign is on all over Georgia, we most earnestly entreat every Baptist in this State: first, not to vote for a single liquor sucker and whiskey sympathizer for any office whatever, from bailiff up to .Governor. Second, be sure to" vote as you pray, breth eren; if you will, you will be sure to vote right, and if all the Christain citizens of Georgia will vote that way, Georgia will go dry all over. Third, don't vote for any two faced political dem¬ agogue; -who holds to the jug with one hand and the Bible with the other. Let us not send another one of these two-faced scamps into office, any more, for the good people of Georgia have trusted these fellows too long already. , »V*% * » Honoz’ God with thy sub¬ stance, and the first fruits of all thy labor, so shall thy barn be filled with plenty, and thy wine¬ presses shall burst out with new wine. - ) —There will be services Sat uMay and- Sunday next as wa«fW. lh « Baptist church Mt. Hams absence will not m with holding services, —Miss Christine Hahn, of New York, is visiting her brother at this place. A musical was given in her honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Holden Thursday night. If any other flannel is wanted go to C. Bergstrom. —A good crowd from here went up to Atlanta on the popu¬ lar Tuggle A; Hollingsworth ex¬ cursion. It is always a delight to travel on excursions managed by these gentlemen. —The first bale of cotton to this market was brought in Wed¬ nesday by Mr. C I. Ogletree. It was ginned by C. H. Golucke <k Co., and weighed 505 pounds and wa^bought by Mr. C. H. Golucke for 5c per pound. A Good Beginning:. Stephens High School opened up Monday with a roll of eighty scholars and now has eighty six. This is truly an encouraging be¬ ginning for this term, It is ex¬ pected that the list will go con siderably over a hundred within the next few weeks, Our people should not spare any efforts Ip working for the school, It is already giving new life to the town, and let the good work go on. Robbed V i, fir i tlif tT,r Grarr. rr nrr A. startiin<r OlTvprof incident of wllicll Mr Tohn Philafiplnhin him as follows: “I was in a most dreadful condition, My skin w’as almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain con¬ tinually in back and sides, no ap jietite—gradually growing weak er day by day. Three phySI* cians had given me up For innately, a friend advised trying ’Electric Bitters. and to mv errp-ft great JOV iov and anti liHrT'risc surprise, tbe\ the firJt first bottle made a decided improve tneut. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man man. I x know kuow thev mey savea qavpd my n-v life, and robbed the grave of another victim.” No one should fan to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at Dr. R, J. Reid S Drugstore. - OUR NEIGHBORS. Brightest Items from Near by Counties. TGLD IN SMALL NOTES, To the Credit of the Excellent Count t J ournals from Which We (Jet the Creamy News. —Miss Lou Stokes died in Washington last week. —Mrs. D. C. Hill died in 1 "Washington last week. —Mrs. Victoria Curtis died at Greenesboro last week. — Cotton IS rotting rapidly in the adjoining Counties. ji eene county v has „ „ put „ , OU , . a strong Democratic ticket. — Lexington is surely - ‘ the dog- ^ o G( ie.St town of f Its Size in Amen- , . Ca -— Eeho - ; _Tile \ Snarta to rTtoh ? Sob no] in ? P attendance. f” ed , f x onday wlth 130 9n pu l nLs , I ( See W. T. Johnsons, Wash- i ington, Ga., for Buggies , and Wagons. He buys jn car load ' | lots and makes low prices. J. M. Denham, of WhHe Plains, is buying cows and paying Highest Market prices j J.01 them. j —Miss Eva Gunn has returned ' to Washington after a delight-, ful visit to relatives m Robinson. : Try tlie Washington Mfg. Co. on nails and builders hard-; ware. Sawed brackets any style or shape gotten out by " the Wash-1 ington Mfg. Co. j —JudgeB. T. Lewis had 1 cow choked to death with a pear, at Greenesboro last week, says “ | the Herald-Journal. Get our prices on laths and and brick before you begin your house. Washington Mfg. Co. Best shingles at lowest liv¬ ing prices can be bought of Washington Mfg. Co. —Mr. D. S. Cosby died in Wilkes county last week after a long sickness with $2,000 paralysis. He was insured for in K. of H. The place to buy your drugs is the Owl Drug Store, —The jaybirds are appearing in countless numbers in Ogle¬ thorpe county, says the Echo, doing great damage to fruits and corn Washmgton has at last gotten 1 The i a long felt want. opening of the Atlanta Dental Rooms is an event in the history of Wash¬ ington. They have fitted up elegant rooms in the new King building and will be permanent¬ i ly located there. The chairs, in- j struments, engines and other j equipments are the latest and 1 best. All new, every thing neat; and clean as a pin. On account 1 of high price Dentistry a good | many people had to neglect their j teeth, as they could not pay high j prices, but the Atlanta Dental j Rooms have opened a branch of¬ fice there and no doubt they will got all they Can do. Dr. Shack¬ elford, their manager, is a fine; Dentist, up to all the latest methods in Dentistry. He gives a guarantee of all work. Give them a trial is all they ask and you will be pleased. We predict j a big success for them in Wash -1 ington. Read their advertise- j meat in another column of | paper. j ! — Bob Lewis has a great patch ! of peas up on Powelton Street, tr-Vit Hell not starve befoie ti Xl ; spring. in any event. — Sparta : Ishmaelite. --...- Don't Tobacco Spit «n4 Smoke Toar Life Iwaj, To quit tobacco easily and lorcttr, be mag netic. full of life, ntrre and vigor, t^lcs No-To¬ nne, the wonder- irorker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 10c or II. Cure guaran¬ i teed. 8 A“ pla vert 8 I e Ca ’ Chlca P° M V oris. --“ ; f*Out. W clliUCC WRS sliot' &nci , i killed iu Washington Har^r. Saturday br ~ dispute ovei an account ami ute former hit the latter with a ham¬ mer and the latter shot and kill¬ . ed the former. Clean „ . i.’STSi.. „ No , beauty without it. Ctocwcts, Candy Cathar- ■ be clean your blood and Tjf keep it cleau, by 4 "SSS banish ttKd? i?4 To pimple*, boils, blotch**, tlackheadH, ; and Cascarets,-b4uty that Sickly bilious complexion by taking : satisfaction guaranteed, for ten cents 10c, All drug-i ! gists, 25c, 50c. ! -The acreage given to peach , j trees m Hancock will oe consid- \ erably increased . , this , . ran. ... i i CAHToniA fkxaatve /AJr , Yl r ^ HerHe *SS tored % ■J P. Pite" w V ‘ W’: i T IIE misery of sleeplessness can only be realized by those who have experi¬ enced It. Nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, neuralgia and that miserabla feeling of unrest, can surely be cured by Dr. Miles’ Rostorativ* Nervine. So certain is Dr. Miles of this fact that all druggists are authorized to refund price paid for the first bottle tried, providing It does not benefit. Mrs. Henry Bruns, wife of the well known Muck-smith at Grand Junction, Iowa, say,r '‘I was troubled witn sleeplessness, nervous ness> headache and irregular menstruation; suffering untold misery for years. I used various advertised remedies for female com piaints besides being under the care of local Physicians. v-Lbout help. I noticed m m Miles’ advertisement the testimonial of a lady cured of ailments similar to mine, and 1 shall never cease to thank that lady. Her testimonial induced me to use Dr. Miles’ Nervine and Nerve and Diver Pills, which restored me to health. i cannot say enough »re sola by ail drug. gjv-- ifcr.AsI gypser** 1 ' ~'3s funded. benefits or Beak money on dis- re- jfepifSesioreS Kg, .vf* M * . - Dr . medicalco.. Elkhart, mu, Go to Fannin?. Bo you went to buy or trade lor a farm? If so, write us for descriptions of some of our bar ain s ’ Let us know what kind of p.ace , you want, how 7 much ? ou a V Q W*™ , r;i ! >r what , ter:T1 f wish . to buy. meet you w can your requirements.. We have many farm bargain.-, for sale in Tennessee. North Carolina and North Alabama. Our places range in price from pOO to $25000. We have been in the business of selling farms ex¬ clusively for ten years. We are thoroughly familiar with values and conditions throughout this section. If you want to buy, - it will pay you to consult us. Write for our list of farms for sale. Sent free to any address*. ” Crabtree’s Farm Agency, Chattanooga, Term. Hair Dressing 4 . I will yisit your homes anci do hair cutting and sliompooing for the ladies and child run; also sharpen razors, ihop at Mr. P.G Lucas’ store. Give me a call. JOHN W, WILLIAMS, Barber, Crawlordville, Ga. WOMgN SbfcouM know Eeifled;; that tli« «CW Ti^S’ i % i SJHfli Is the best for Female Troubles. Corrects all Irregularities in Female Organs. Should be taken for Chcn;e of Life and before CbiU-OIrtb. Planters “OU Time” ?ea«Kes have stood the test for twenty years. Mads on}y by New Spcnctr Medicine Co., tanoojja, Tennessee. Paul G. Lucas Crawtordyv’e Ga. Aministratrix Sale TATE OF GEORGIA, TALIAFER. KJ RO COUNT Y: In pursuance 11 an or der of the Court of Ordinary of Talk.for ro County, Georgia, granted at the Sep tember term, 1898, of said Court, will be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in October next IS98. at the court house j n tp^town of Crawfordyille in said toun ^y, witiiin the legal hours of sale, the foi lowing property, to-wit: All that tractor parcel of laud situated iu the 601st District, Georgia Militia, in said connty, bounded as follows: On the North by lands of O. I’. Bonner, lands of J. T. Harrison and lai d of S. M. Whitney,on the East by lands ol W. D. Ogletree and lands of the estate of Anna Hall, deceased, on tlic South by dower lract 0 f Rachel Kent and lands • f said Hall estate, on the West ,y land* < ; q, (}, Hixc-U and lands of Romallus Co (col.,; containing one hundred and 2A? \ ( . 0Ulitv .j, Terms c*«h. This 9th dav of Sent- inter. 1S9S. RACHEL KENT, Administratrix of th state of J 4 i»n J Kent, deceased. Citation. EORGIA, T.VL1AI EifiiO COL Nit v ’,. ^. jl ’ ‘, cs ' t 7™ h- / ’ h] 4 applied to me fer f . au ministration mill- 4 :-nite of I lan-m-e c . Rhodes late of saC .-.iut, tin*;^ Cqortr an and singular the creeitors and next of tin of Clarence c. Rhod« to be ^p pear at n>' office ".tlun .ue t .me bv law, and show cause, if at> should they can, whv permunert administration not e greatcu to M' C. Rhodes on Clarence hSii and official stature. thi* 6tb >.v o.’ Sent., ls'JS. CELL H. MITCHELL, Ordinary,