Newspaper Page Text
$1.00 For Tear.
Wam ■" il C. 'WrW ' if* f
VI ■
Do you come to the close of
theday thoroughly exhausted?
Does this, continue day after
day, possibly week after week?
Perhaps hausted you sleep. are. even Then too ex
to some
thing is wrong. All these
things indicate that you are
suffering from nervous ex
haUstion. Your nerves need
feeding and your Mood ea
Scott ^Em wIgjon
of Cc<J-Hver GH, with Hypo
phosphites of Lime and Soda,
contains just the remedies to
meet these wants. The cod
liver oil gives the needed
strength, enriches the blood,
feedsthe nerves, and the hy
pophosphites give them tone
and vigor. Be sure you get
SCOTT'S Emulsion,
All druggists; 50 c. and $ 1 . 00 .
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24, ’96.
The New Life-Giver.
Promotes Vigorous Health by instilling system,
OXY T GEN from the air into the
and Cures all forms of disease without
Medicine or Electricity, it is as simple as
Prices of o;CYDONORS,greatly genuine, made by the re¬
duced. Get K Hercules
discoverer ana inventor, Dr,
E .[J^ Tart.; . ’ and mice list free.
rtue Sow i •■ft SJ »r I,
For Information as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
reliable information,
T. F. A. G. P. A.
Augusta, Ga.
C. F. & F. A. G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
S. A. C. P. A.
Macon, Ga.
m. k. Hudson, F. W. COFFIN
S. F. A. S, F. & P, A.
Milledgeyille Augusta.
ltroets vrith you whsttinr you continue the 1
nerYe-kiiiirnf the dtssire tobacco for habit. tobacco, I* ©•T<>*BACJ c-wl jraEaBp
remove* auiDO-y^|j Aj
oat nervous district*. exj>e t
etoro! a ]OTt*manfcc-„a ’L'/ai 8 § 3-t—::: \
SIS ^w^JP^rwm.pattePtiy.pereigfatly.Oaa I vouch for as. T&ke it frith
ESSsc® bo*. $ 1 , TMuolly cares; 3 boxec, ft.SO,
xnteed to cure, or refund
furling Sternly Co., Qontreol, lew fork.
*A ftl 4
” ’ *k : rt t
‘98 Models, High Grade,
We Have do Ag*3is btrt Self Direct
to the Rider at M*m. facto rsr’s
Prises, Saving You all
Agent's Profits.
3e«: BiattTiai*. Surttb fiitwh. Eigk:
6-epaat m-xifis. We shipanvwhere with
privilege of examaoLoii. pay txpreas
ebarges both ways and refand yewr
moriey if not as represented. Every
“Acme” is fully owiraoiWed against
all Aociitentt a* well a* Defective Work
tna,ns/iip. Send for catatogue.
102 Main St.. - • Elkhart, Ind.
tlie People ot tlut Thriving
Town Are Doing.
1 C. L. BAGBT.
Mr. Burges? 1ms returned home,
Mr. J. W. Fallen’s ginnery is running
along now.
Some eotton has been sold in Sharon,
staple is dark.
Mr. A. D. Kendrick has put him up
large barn.
Mr. Bob Veazey and Richer Brake were
us last Saturday.
Marshal .Jackson lias erected two more
lamps in our city.
Airs. Askew and children, were visiting
in Sharon last Saturday.
We have another green meet market in
town. Mr. A\ . F. Hill is manage!.
We held court this week in our district
but had very little business on hand,
MissM. T. Bagby spent part of last
week with Mrs. R. W. Taylor near Bar¬
Mr. Charlie Griffith, of Pcaridge, was
seeing the sights in the glory- laud
The protracted meeting at the
terian church closed last Saturday
two additions.
Mr. John Taylor of this section
I is uncle Mr. Lewis Beckworth of
countv last week.
Several of our welts iu this section
country have caved during the recent
spell of wet weather.
We were in to see Stephens &
last week. They have a new stock
drugs and will serve you right.
We learn that Jennings church lias
ed or will call Rev. Gillibeau. It is
that Mr. Gillibeau is a flue preacher.
Mr. William Sturdivant and family,
Pea Ridge, have moved to Mr. J. W.
Kinney’s and will make that their home.
Malarion is endorsed by best Physicians
and guarantee to cuae Chills, Fever
Ague. All druggist or from
Drug Co., St. Louis.
A negro-by the name of Amos
m I'D’- ‘
ney wjo had him unoertns employ.
has left.
Mr. Walter Pittman has moved
the George W. Brown's old store,
will run a restaurant in connection
his beef market.
When you call for Dp,W itt’s
Hazel Salve the great pile cure,
accept anything else. Don’t he
into accepting a substitute, for piles,
sores, for burns.
Andrews Lawrence & Dendwyler,
Dr. Brown, Sharon.
J. A. Kendrick & Bro. bought
first two bales of cotton sold in
county on the 27th day of August at
cents per pound.
Mr. T. F. Moore is the miller at Mr.
W. Fallen’s mill. We expect Tom
a good one as he is pretty good at
thing be undertakes.
More than twenty million free
of DoWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve have
distributed by the manufacturers.
better proof of their confidence in
merits do you want? It cures piles,
scalds, sores, in the shortest space
Andrews & Deadwyler Sharon. Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown,
There was twenty hales of cotton
ped from Sharon depot up to last
day evening. We will thiible that
this week wc expect.
We think Murry Taylor visits
ington now about three times a week.
it Murry if you think you are solid.
know the attraction is great.
Bro-. John W. McKinney spent a
pleasant hours with us at our home
last Friday. Bro McKinney is a good
talker aad a lively old gentletnan.
Nothing succeeds like success.
wards * Co., are always successful in
pleasing the*r patrons in groceries, meats,
dry goods, notions and shoes.
Old Orchard Vinegar always on hand.
Guaranteed pure and guaranteed
ly for ptckliDg.
We aaw little Asbury Edwards have
dog and a goat hitched up together to
little wagon a few days ago. They seem
to work very well ai’d were under good
We learn that Re.v H. M Harrison, of
Sandy Cross, has charge of the Crawford¬
ville circuit of Methodist church. Mr.
Harrison is a good preacher, so said, and
we think he is a good christain man
Bears tee TSlC KM foil Hava "J"" Always fiotgli
Sigaavire / / 1 T
Diseases of Ue Blood am! Sovt*
No one seed goffer with neuralgia. This
diseaae is quickly and permanently curad
or otherwise, eoceamte to Browns’ iron
Bi;ter*. Known erad irsed for nearly a
quarter of a century, it stands te-day fora
most among our most valued remedies.
lirowr: ’ Iron Bitters is soid by ail daalwa.
Washington, D.C., April 1, ISOS.
Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, O.
My Dear Doctou: — It gives me
pleasure to certify to the excellent
Curativfi qualities of your medicines:
' $
mm m 1 •oil* Jam \
Hon. J. I). Botkin,
Congressman-at-Large from Kansas.
Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin. I have been
afflicted, more or less, for a quarter of
a century with catarrh of the stomach
and constipation; a residence in Wash¬
ington has ineFedbeil these troubles.
A few bottles of your medicines have
given me almost complete relief, and I
am sure that a continuation of their
use will effect a permanent cure.
Pe-ru-na is surely a wonderful rem¬
edy for catarrhal affections.
There were four barrels of fish in
last Saturday. They sold at 5c at
We hear that the boll worms arc
much damage to the cotton crop,
have boll worms every year but we
too many bolls of cotton for the price
people get for it.
A stubborn cough or tickling in
throat yields to One Minute Cough
Harmless in effect, touches the right
reliable and Just what is wanton, it
Iv.-'.er. t.W
Dr. Lawrence Brown.Sharon. ■
The good people of Jennings church
making the necessary preparations for
general meeting which convenes at
church on Tuesday the20th instant.
guess a good many people will attefld.
Politics still a heating. It is who
who now; tho biggest man will gel
They are still having barbecues and if
will do any good towards electing
we think somebody in Taliaferro ought
be elected on that issue alone this year.
Truth wears well. People have
that DcWitt’s Little Early Risers are
liable little pills for regulating the
curing constipation and sick
They don’t gripe. Deadvvyler, Craw ford
Andrews &
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
We learn that some of our people
anticipated emigrating to tha glory
the coming fall have backed out and
remain where they are. Well, we
this is a wise conclusion. Rolling
never gather much moss, is an old
and we believe it is a true one.
Another murder in Wilke3 comity
cently. They are coming pretty
now. Murder is getting to be a thing
nothing all over the country and in
eyes of the law. A murderer nine
out of tcu is turned loose upon the
to commit the same crime again.
don’t look like we are much of a
or christatn people.
We had a trip of three days last
out at Springfield colored church
eight 01 nine miles from
Around this neighborhood you
term it an all colored colony. We
saw a white man out there. These
people seem to be industrious and of
ty fair intelligence for their race.
run from one to five horse farms, TIi
crops upon an average are tolerably
especially the grass crop and we can
one thing, it is well cut up or laid off
plenty' of bad rough roads. but It was the a
and lonesome place* for be us, and
of that section s.ern to happy
A Narrow Escape,
Thankful words written by Mrs.
E. Dart, of Groton, S. D. “ Was
with a bad coid which sett led on xny
cough set in and finally terminate I
Consumption. Four Doctors gave
up, saying I could live but a snort
J gave myself up to my Savior,
ed if I could not stay with my friend
earth, I would meet, ray absent ones
My husband advised to g'-t Dr.
New Discovery or Consumption,
and Coid*. I gave it a trial, took in
eight, bottles. It has cured me, and
God I am saved and now a well
healthy woman. Trial bottles free at Dr.
K. J. Reid’s Drug fftert. Regular
5uc and 81.00. Guaranteed or price t
During the Battle
of Santiago.
The Packers at <Iiie#B*ttIe of Santiago de
Cuba wore all Heroes. Their Heroic
K (Torts in Gel tin*; Ammunition and
Buttons to the Front Saved the Day.
p. E. Rude;, of pack-train No. 3,
writing from Santiago, De Cuba,.on - July
23rd, says: •TV « all had diarrhoea in
more or less violent form, and when we
landed had iv/’nic to see a doctor, f or
it was a c of nt h and rush night, and
day to keep the troops supplied with am
munitiou and (Tims, but thanks to
Clnunbgriaf.'s ••'.die, Cholera aud Diar
rhoea Kcmiyh kip Jjmi-health; we were able in to fact, keep 1 sin¬ at
work and
cerely believ' ’0S k at one critical time this
medicine wits t)j, tihe inuiredt saviour of our
army, for if packers had been unable
to work there i ml;! have been no way of
getting sttppliC- to the front. 1 hero wete
no roads that a wagon train could usq,
My comrade and myself had the good for¬
tune to lay )" 1 "pppl)' °f this medicine
for our pad: before wc loft lamps,
and I knowv Jar cases it absolutely
saved life.”
The above ktter was written to tiie
manufacturers of this medicine, the Cham¬
berlain Medic re Co., Dos Moines, Iowa.
For sale by Ilr. 11. J. lteid, Crawfordvdie,
L. 11. Brown, Sharon.
We are having some right cool nights.
Miss Salliu ‘■ issoii is visiting friends at
this place. , *:
Mr. Jack ‘-uiriey was at Lyneville one
day this work,
Crawford Mb n is at home from linn ta¬
ville voluuvj'vL ps on tha sick list,
Mr. CL 1 1 inwards passed Lynevilla
one day t'> : hft. was going up iu
in ..v „•
•S. ..n!
jJA-i i
Satufflay, Liu , cowP^of saddles
unseen. hi
Malar! fi With Malarion Chills, Tablet# and
Guaranteed#''tiro for Fever
Ague, Druggists. or tt ’ fney refunded. So cents.
No man 10 is a true Christian can
for the bar-rooms; though every man
a right to do as he likes.
Key. j, S. Callaway preached a fine
sermon to a large crowd at Phillip’s mill
church last Sunday from Die Acts 9; 6
“Lord what wilt thou have me to do.”
DeWitt’s WKch lla/.el Halve lias the
largest sale of any Salve in the world.
This fact and its merits has led dishonest
people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look
out for the man who attempts to deceive
you when you call for DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve the great pile cure. Crawfordville.
Andrews & Deadwyler,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
What will the prohibitionists do in
the eomifig election. Shull we go back on
our word or shall we be steadfast and im¬
movable? We can’t be true and be way¬
ward. We Vvill leave that much with
thosb who love the strong drink.
Rev. Jbo. S. Caiaway has been elected
to serve Phillip’s mills church another
year, den’t think they could do bet¬
ter. lit is a fine preacher and a Christian
gcntlempn, and he lias done a great work
for that] church since he has been there.
Not much sickness at this writing.
Mrs. Dr. Nash spent last Wednesday
with Mr. W. H- Sherrer.
Mrs.jW. E. Wall attended preaching at
Phillip*mill last Sunday.
Miss Ina Echols visited little Zeli
Sherrer a few days last week.
Our roads arc crowded with agents ami
candidates. Hurrah for both sides.
Mr. and Airs. W. B. Nash wero the
guest of .Mrs. Mamie Sherrer last Sunday.
Alias Beazley and Miss Julia Huff visit¬
ed Union Point last Saturday and Sunday.
Airs. Mary Lunceford is spending this
week with her son, Mr. Overton Lunce
Mrs. Martha Sherrer a- d daughter,
Mrs. Lee Beazley visited relative' u our
vicinity last week.
Mrs. Sallia Taylor and daughter,
Mamie D. Taylor vUite.i friends in
vicinity last Sunday
Air. Tom Consus hail a working
last week end a nice barbecue uiuner
which was enjoyed to the fullest c
Mrs. Maude Shfeutu has me finest weed
patch ot our neighborhood though.; i
kindsr mixed with •*. little corn, it was
intended for roasting ear patch.
Guess who gays he will have to burn off
his potato patch after the first frost, to
find the rows and then *li of liis jxn
would be toasted ;• once and he will give
al! of the knock players * cordhti inv
tiefa to coint and partake with ltitn
the llappeninifs in Their Respective Lo¬
calities. All the News.
BY I. N. C.
Mr. Robert Smith has been sick for
some time.
There was not much fodder saved
around here.
Mrs. John Walton, from Newtown, is
visiting Mrs. Frank Short.
Mr. Reuben Fanning wears a broad
smile—it is another fine boy.
Mrs John Armor spent Sunday here
with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Boatwright.
Mrs. Wes. and Airs. Will Combs, from
Stony Ridge, spent Thursday night here.
There is a certain man in Helena who
wants to know how long a musquito lives.
Can some one tell him.
Misses Ella and Lucy Short and
Maggie Gofer visited friends and
at Newtown Wednesday.
Mrs. S. A. Caldwell, Mrs. J. T. Boat¬
wright and Mrs, M. AT. Boatwright and
son spent Wednesday with Mrs. D. M.
Malarion Is devoid of hitter taste.
Cures Chills and Fever; acts outlie liver
and regulates the system geuerally. All
The farmers are quite busy now. They
are picking out their five cents cotton.
They ain’t got any time to talk proliibi
tion, but there are a few loafers around
who do not do any thing else but talk
Mr. George Short and wife • of Ogle,
tliorpe county, passed through Helena
Friday last on their way to visit tlieir
mother, Mrs, Eugenia Glaze who
has been quite sick but is
sdme better.
Tlie Sure La Grippe Cure.
There is no use suffering from this dread
ful malady, if you will onlyiget the right
relncKly. Y’ou arc having pumall through
J r b«#.» your - hirer is out of order>
Hit Fffi M tttnbitio'J*
»U *»x,, ’
have a bad COld^R’ fact h .*® gvoh
used up. Electric Bitters 1sthe only rein
ody will give you prompt and sure relict.
They act directly on your Liver, Stomach
and Kidiieys, tone up the whole system
and make you feel like a new being.
They are guaranteed to cure or price re
funded. For sale at Dr. It, J. lie id’s
drugstore, Only 50 cents per bottle.
Cotton picking is on now.
Marble playing is all the go at
Mr. Ned O’Brien iias started his gin
Mr. Walter Lynn and family are
iu Augusta.
Mias Katie Gregory was the gue ,t of the
writer last Sunday.
Mr. Dyer, of below Raytown, was in
our section last week.
Mr. Jimmie Battle, of WarrentOD, was
at Barnett last week.
No-'to-llaii t or Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes v:oak
men atrone. blood pure. 60c, (1. All druggist*
Miss Beryal O’Brien visited Mrs. Barney
Wheeler last Friday.
Protracted meeting commences at Jen¬
nings church to-day.
Rev. Henry Harrison, of Sandy Cross,
is the pastor at Barnett now.
Little Katie Rocker lias been visiting at
tlie home of Dr. and -Mrs. J. J. Cooper.
Mrs. Askew, son and daughter, of Pow
eltou, visited Mrs. J. T. Taylor last week.
Kducuto Four liowol* With Cusnareta.
10c, Candy If Cathartic, C. curs constipation rorerer.
25c. C. C fail, druffffisu refund utoaay.
Messrs Charlie Griffith and Jim
Meadows, Hr,, visited Emanuel county
last week.
Murry Taylor, visited Washington last
Iriiiay. I litre is some great, attraction
over theie.
Experience is the great teacher—you
will experience both pleasure and profit by
purchasing your groceries, meats, dry
goods, notions aud shoe* from Crawford
ville Alliance Store. Numsen’s Old Or¬
chard Vinegar always on tap. Warrant
kd pure and guaranteed absolutely for
.Miss Marie O’Brien, of Atlanta, visited
our vicinity recently, the guest of Mrs.
Helen hapman.
Miss Myrtie lay lor, lias return*}.! home
from 'ii extended v isit, to friends and re —
atives .n Wilke* county.
Miiton Beckworth ol near
Moore’* mill is visiting in our section, the
lis aunt, Sirs. Mary Tayior.
»-i ?vuen
ile Witt’s I Ea v
lil plecsant, easy, th<
Pit*. re constipatit
just as sme as you tu
J Deadwyler, Crr ‘ ’
Dr < ence Brown Sharon.
In Advance.
NO. 30.
Royal mak«s the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Some of our neighbors arc speaking of
moving to other sections. We are sotry
to give them up. but wisli them success.
Miss Fannie Cary returned to iter home
in MilledgeyiUe after an extended visit to
relatives in our vicinity. She carries with
her the heart of one of our young men.
For broken surfaces, sores, insect biles,
burns, skin diseases and especially DeWitt’s piles
there is oue reliable remedy,
Witch Hazel Salve. When you call lor
DeWitt’s don’t accept counterfeits or
with frauds. DeWitt’s You Witch will not IlaZol be Salve. disappointed
Andrews & Deadwyler Ciawfordviile,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
BY A. B. C.
The nights nrt? geWhlg is getting cool
The The persimmon will have look ripe, out
opossum to
Before very many nights,
Mr. J. W. Ellington is making syrup
at his house this week.
We are glad to sen Alisa Della Hill up
again after a two week’s illness.
Miss Olie and Katie Love Pittman vis¬
ited Miss Settie Ellington last Saturday
and Sunday.
Guess who the boys were that got dis
appointed so badly last Saturday eve.
Come again it will not always be so,
Mr. Felix Chapman lias entered school
at Pride, Ga., for a term of eight months,
under Die 11? St .» .of 4,, ?
wj v .*V-,
We'had .1
c llu .,i., v .. 1 , t Ny mu y
Wc nol ahvaj-s have good erowok A lit
j mve fl „ 0£K j school?
Our old friend A. C. Chapman thinks
he will start for Porto Rico about the last
of Oct., to make his little fortune. We
wish him much success.
One Minute Cough Cure surprises peo¬
ple by its quick cures and children may
take it in large quantities without the leakt
danger. It has won for itself the best
reputation of any pieparti ion used to-day
for colds, croup, tickling in the throat or
obstinate coughs.
Andrews A Deadwyler, Crawfordville
Dr. Lawrence Brown, .Sharon, »
If you should smell a strange brand oi
cologne when you should meet Messrs.
Alva and I: 1 Chapman don’t ask them
what kind it is, but just say I reckon
they have been “possum” hunting aud
through mistake caught a pole cat.
On last Sunday eve little Emma Stew
art, daughter of Golden Stewart, fell
from off tlie yard fence uud dislocated
her right arm, which gave Iter severe
pain. Dr. Cooper was sent for and he
soon gave her relief. She is getting
along niceiy.
The general meeting convenes next
week at Jennings church and the most of
the good ladies are busy this week, cook¬
ing pies, cakes, etc,, for the occasion.
We do like to attend such meetings and
we always try to be on hand to help out
a good cause.
Mr. J. S. Chapman says lie has the fin¬
est crop of potatoes this year lie has had
for a long time. He is a good farmer
and always makes plenty of everything
for home consumption. If all our far¬
mers would do this and grow less cotton
they would no doubt be better off, for we
can q afford to raise cotton at the present
Lazy “t hr been tronbVd Liver « treat deal
wtili a torpid liver, which produces constipa¬ claim
tion if uu CAril iKKT;-> to be all you
for them, and secure; vio.'i relief the first trial,
that / purchased alcther supply and was com
rudely can -i. 1 shall only bo too triad to rec
omiuer.d (tMcarec. whenever J, the Smith. opportunity
Is presented." Mcsrjuehanra Are, Philadelphia, A. P«.
TRAQe ***** tfcamTsiieD
PieasJMit. Pair** ti J * tent. Tast<* Good. I*
Gouci. Ne ver j, Vf>akefi, i>r Gript .iOc, tit, 50e
[rrling R eraser Cmmfimj, thitom* J«» Yurt, ttt
UG-lQ-m Sold r. guaranteed by ail drag*
tyj CLUm . Tobacco Habit.