The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, September 16, 1898, Image 5

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    i *it ' l i
Poor clothes cannot make
you look old. Even pate
cheeks won’t do tt.
Your household* may
be heavy aijd disappoint¬
ments may be deep, but
they cannot make you look
One thing does it and
never fails..,..-.
ft is impossible to look
young ■with the color of
seventy years in your hair.
m i
i [ P
permanently postpones the
tell-tale signs of age. Used
according to directions it
gradually brings back the
! color of youth. At fifty your
I hair may look as it did at
fifteen. It thickens the hair
also; stops it from falling
out; and cleanses the scalp |
from dandruff. Shall we
send you our book on the
Hair and its Diseases?
The Boat Advl c© Free.
If you do not obtain all the bene¬
fits you expected from the uBe of
the vigor, write the doctor abent it.
Probably there is some difficulty
with your general Bystem which
may be easily removed. Address,
DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass.
Go to Fannins:.
Do you went to buy or trade
for a farm? If so, write us for
descriptions of some of our bar¬
gains. Let us know what kind
of place ycu want, how much
you can paV and upon what terms
-you wish to buy. We can meet
you I*
We have many farm bargains
for sale in Tennessee, North
Carolina and North ‘Alabama.
Our places range in price from
§300 to $25000. Wehavebeenin
the business of selling farms ex¬
clusively for ten years. We are
thoroughly familiar with values
and conditions throughout this
section. If you want to buy, it
will pay you to consult us.
Write for our list of farms for
sale. Sent free to any address.
Crabtree’s Farm Agency,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
To The Public.
Having sold my entire interest in the
drug business to Dr. M. P. DeadwyPr, I
am no longer o? the firm of Andrews &
Deadwyler. Dr. M. P. Derdwyler is to
assume all responsibilities of said fiim.
Very Respectfully,
W. c. ANDREW^.'
Sept. 12, 1818.
Morpine and Opium Habit
Easiiv Cured! For information and best
method of curing aboye hadits FREE,
Address The Ohio Chem. Works, Lima, O;
We handle
on the old factorage plan
with the best results and
charging reasonable conimis
sions. We obtain the best
results because we have' the
best market here—more buy*
ers, sharper competition and
larger lots oi cotton to offer
at one time. There may also
be something in our classifi¬
cations, our manner of hand
fmg, and judgment in selling,
Prompt Sales.
Good Weight.
Libetal Advances*
Ho^e Matters Picktd Up by Oai
bocal Uc sorters
What Oar People Are Oei«R and Saying,
ruings Our Prioads Tell ll.
“I owe my success to the newspapers,
and to them I freely gire a certain profit
of my yearly business,” says John Wan
—Robti H. Anderson spent a
part of this week in Augusta.
—Every carpenter in wanted. town is
engaged and more are
—Col. W. N. Maltbie spent
Tuesday in Madison on business.
sfior becoming tvooi-s Xn wAnt.hpr
the cotton pretty
—Mr. M. P. Griffith visited
Greene county and Athens this
—Mr. Alex. Stephens, of At¬
lanta, was here with relatives
this week.
Wilkes county went dry, but
low prices still prevail at the
Owl Drug Store.
New, standard make bicycle
for sale cheap, apply at Advo
Demoerat office
I will pay cash for old iron,
brass, copper and bones. A. J.
Melton, Crawfordville, Ga.
—The woods arc full of speak¬
ers these nights anrl the cam¬
paign wages warmer each day.
—Mrs. Hattie Maltbie is
Wilkes this week looking
her renting interests over there.
Get what you prescription
calls for by taking it to the
Drug Store. We do not substi¬
—Miss Janie Reid left Tues¬
day for Milledgeville to resume
her studies at the G. N. & I. col¬
—Mr. J. S. Barnwell was in
town yesterday preparing to
open up his harness business
—Miss Christine Hahn left
New York last week after a
hor brother at this
—Miss Minnie Ried left Wed¬
nesday for Montezuma, where
she goes to visit her brother J.
E. Reid and family.
—Miss Hortense Meiere re¬
turned Tuesday to her home in
Oglethorpe county after an ex¬
tended visit in this county. .
—Our correspondents surely
have our thanks for their inter¬
esting letters these days. We
know the readers enjoy them.
—Miss Nina Edmonson, re¬
turned to Washington Tuesday
after an extended visit to rela¬
tives and friends at this place.
—Miss Marie Peteet, Mr,
Strozier, and Mrs. Norman have
all been visiting the family of
Mrs. Hattie Maltbie at this place
this week.
—Mi£s Stella Holden
home from Hillman Saturday.
She has found her two months
stay at the resort both pleasant
—There have been 1,355 names
registered for the fall election in
this county, We are informed
that at least 100 of these have
registered twice.
—Marshal Tacker has been
giving our streets some needed
working this week. The filling
in of “Decatur’’ street near gin
shop is well directed.
—Mrs; William Jones and
children, who have been on a
visit to Mr. Wiley Jones in this
county, returned Tuesday to
their home in Augusta.
—Col. N, C. Edwards was in
town one day last week.
said the people were “blue”
along his line of travel when
speaking of the cotton prospects,
—Mr. W. H. Reid has had lum
bar hauled to the lot near his
bar and will soon have erected a
storeroom. It will be another
store run by colored people, we
are told.
Second Ga. Regt. U. S. V., has
returned to his father's near
on a furlough. He has
been sick.
Don’t miss getting that fine
stove and set of kitchen
ware which will be sold at a low
cotton price at the Advo-Demo
office. We only have one to
240 Kegs of Nails,
15ooo lbs. of Barbed Wire,
75o Door Locks,
1500 Pairs of Hinges.
No jok6, but ,, mod6St Statement, Give el CS:I,
d. 1116
^ rp JOHNSON, Washington, w Ga.
in, McGregor 1 rear ictl.
Hr. Malcom McGregor, of At
l auta ’ preached, at the Baptist
¥re Sunday morning
and evening;. He was not at
well but delivered good sermons.
Sunday night he was real sick.
He came here at the request of
Mr. Harris who is yet at Holmes’
Sanitarium in Atlanta.
Bought Merceir Lot.
We are informed that Col.
Horace Holden lias bought the
Merceir lot on Broad street be¬
tween Sheriff Henry’s and Judge
Mitchell’s lots. This is a good
lot and if a good house is lixed
up thereon it will make a desira
ble lot. Crawfordville dirt is
not going begging now by any
Col. Holdon Sick.
Col. H. M. Holden was .taken
seriously ill on Friday night last
with a form of remittent fever
complicated with gastric and
other troubles. Dr. Wright, of
Augusta, met the attending phy¬
sician, Dr. Beazley in consulta¬
tion, on Monday night. We are
glad to state tluit Col. Holden is
doing well at this writing.
Delegates to the Association.
The delegates to the Georgia
Baptist Association from the
Crawfordville church are Messrs.
J. W. Asbury, S. H. Rhodes, W.
C. Chapman, R. E. L. Harris
and C. A. Slack. The Associa
tions meets.this year with Shi¬
loh Baptist church about two
miles from Penfield. It convenes
on Tuesday after third Sunday
in October.
On a Furlough.
Frank Gilbert, a member of
one of the Georgia artilleries
recently ordered mustered out of
the volunteer service, has been
here this week visiting his
brother. He is on a 30 day f ur
lough after which he will be
mustered out. He says discipi
line was a thing of the past
among the volunteers when it
was known the war ivas ended.
Vo Curo Constipation ForevM:.
Take Caaenrets Candy Cathartic. 10c or SIC.
If C. C. C. fall to cure, druirgist* refund money
Will Build in Washington.
Mr’Jas. R. Asbury was in
town this week making a trade
with Mr. W. J. Norton to build
him a residence on his lot bought
in Washingtcfn some two years
ago. Mr. Asbury will still run
his business at Lynoville -while
his family will move to Wash¬
ington. We are sorry Jim did
not buy and build in Crawford¬
ville arid we are glad he is not
going to leave the county en¬
State or Ohio, City ok To '
leikj, Lucas Ooorry. j
be is j tbo CbefM>y senior partner ^ ol
the firm of F. J. Chen«y & Oa,
doing business in the of To
ledo, County end State aforesaid,
and that ea*d firm .will pay the
' ARK for each and every caee
of Catarrh that cannot be oured
by the nee of Hall’s Catarrh
C lire. Frank J. CJhkney.
Sw-orn to befbi-e rhe and sub
scribed in my preaenoe, this 0th
day o t December. A. D. 1890.
—•-— A. W. Glbast^s.
> BEAL I f Notaj’j- IhriJlc.
/ —
Hall's Catarrh Cure is takou
internally and aots direotly on
the blood, and myedus surface*,
of the systeta. Send for Veeti
Addreoe F. J. Gmknst' <t Go ,
Toledo, O
Sold bydmggLsts. ! 75c.
HaB 4 rf~Fon»ay Pill s are the
...... *** ,ots ij.
fhe Washington ^ ve l LU0?
bame out early yosterday morn
mg with enterprise. giving the
full vote of Wilkes prohibition
election on Wednesday. The
county went dry by 351 majority.
1973 votes were polled. Every
district in the county went dry
except Washington. Under the
law prohibition can be enforced
in the county in 30 days after
the election land we understand
that the lasv will be enforced in
this case, although Mr. Lowe
has license until April 1st next,
Crouch Bred, license expire pret¬
ty soon.
Populist UhnTenlion.
The following is the official
report bf he Populist Conven¬
tion held librC Wednesday:
In response to call of Execu¬
tive Committee, the Populist of
Taliaferro county assembled in
mass meeting at court house
Sept, Ihynt li, 1898. Hon. W. T.
was elected to the chair.
Tile object of the lheeting, as
stated by the chairi, was to elect
delegates to Senatorial Conven¬
tion. The nffmOs of John John
son, Jesse A, Woodall, B. J.
Wiggins bhd Alfred Baker were
proposed as delegates, Gthe and
unanimously elected. At
suggestion of Mr. S. H. Rhodes, who
privilege feel was given to any
might disposed to talk. Rev.
William Gaines came forward
and advocated the Populist
principle In a very forcible man¬
ner, demonstrating clearly to
the cbM'-ed people that it is to
their interest to vote the Popu¬
list ticket front “coroner to pres¬
ident, IJ After which meeting
adjourned. W. T. FrynT,
T. L. Chapman, Chair.
The district Senatorial Con¬
vention met and nominated, R.
E. Davison, Greene’s choice for
State senator.
—The Crawfordville string
band has organized and Miss
Corrine Carter is teaching the
boys how to play the violins,
guitars and cornet.. We hope to
have some music ere long.
The Owl Drug Store is the
place to buy your flavoring Ex¬
tracts, cake Coloring, etc.
—Mr. D. S. Stewart returned
Sunday evening from a week’s
visit up in the neighborhood of
Cedartown. Dug says that sec¬
tion of country seems to„ have
had more rain than we have had
We want your trade, and
give you the best drqgy at the
lowest prices. Owl Drug Store.
—Mr. Joe Johnson, a.pleasant
young wood, gcjntleman;.. with his from. Mr. Nor¬ J.
is uncle,
P. Johnson, in this county,
where he expects to make his
home for a while. We welcome
him in our midst.
The malarial season is now
on us get your system in good
shape by getting fresh and pure
drugs at the Owl Drug Store.
—Col. Frank Mitchell, of
Swainsboro, is here this week
among his relatives. He is on
his way home from a two week 's
stay in New. York. Frank is
—The Second Georgia Regi¬
ment of volunteers have been
to Vif* min-tprpfl S •!, out > 11 and LI
Taliaferro boys , will soon re
to their homes. It will be
happy return for many.
Fortune’s road is paved wiih economy.
therefore by purchasing your
meats, dry seeds, notions and
from Crawfordvilie Alliance store—
Old Orchard Vinegar always on
Warranted pure and guaranteed
for pickling.
Cotton Market.
The following is the Crawfordville
corrected every Thursday;
Low Middling. .....*£-* .
Middling .... r,
Good Middling 4 • • i 5 1-8
Items from Near by
the Credit of the Execllont County
Journals from Which We Get
the Creamy News.
—Angus Cameron, of Hancock,
died last week.
—Mr. M. A. Pharr, Sr., died
at Washington last week.
—There is a bountiful crop of
ribbou Wari’en tlfis year.
—The Warren county fair will
be held h!ov. 2, 3 anti 4th this
—Crops wore badly damaged
in tlio adjoining counties by the
,, Ml’. r. ( E „ McGregor , , ,,. , VlR
soon start a now paper at War
... liy the ... Washington , . , ,,, d* i L..
Co. on nails and builders hard
Sawed brackets any stylo
shape gotten but by the Wash
iugton Mfg. Co.
T Kev. , L G. „ , \ , eazey , nas i been .
called to preach dt Ellin church
in Warren.
rl11 1 lie contract . , to put ,
Greenesboro’s water works
be let Oct. 0.
Best shingles at lowest liv
ing prices can be bought of
Washington Mfg. Co.
Get our prices on laths and
and brick before you begin your
house. Washington Mfg Co.
The Populists oi Oglethoipe
county have decided to not put
out a candidate.
—Hons. W. M. Howard and
Allen D, Gaudier spoke at
Greenesboro last week.
Good as new Singer Sewing
for sale cheap. Casli
on time. Apply at this office.
—Mr. J. P. Culver, of Han¬
cock, killed a huge rattlesnake
last week near his home.
J. M. Denham, of White
Plains, is buying cowb and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
—Only 494 white votej-w were
registered in Hancock county up
to Wednesday of last week.
SeeW. T. Johnsons, Wash¬
ington. Ga., for Buggies and
Wagons. He buys in car load
lots and makes low prices.
—Harper, who killed Wallace
m Washington has been commit
ed to await trial in Superior
—Judge Hart refused to grant
a new trial to Reuben Battle, the
negro .sentenced to bo hanged at
Greenesboro. Case will go to
Supreme court.
—There are four parties S.
Oglethorpe county holding U.
revenue license to sell liquors
and the people want to know
who the venders are.
Bears the The Kind You Haw Always Bought
—Mrs. C. J. Quinn, of Wilkes
county won half of the Atlanta
Weekly Constitutions prize, 8750,
in the cotton crop contest. She
guessed within 886 bales of the
last year’s crop.
Dou'l Tobacco Kpit and Smoke Tour Life Aciny.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be>
netic. lull of life, nerve and vigor, tally No-To
liae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 50c or II. Cure guaran¬
teed. Ilooklct and sample free. Address
Sterling remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
—The Morgan gold mines,
located in* Oglethorpe county,
has recently been purchased bya
Chicago syndicate of wealth and
will be developed at once. The
prospects so far. has encouraged
the enterprise and we look for
big results
Drinty la Blood Deep.
Clean blood means, a clean skin. No
beauty t -itliout it. (,'ascaret*, Candy Cathar¬
tic stirring clcafetyour the blood lazy iiver and and ke*j) driving it clean, all im¬ by
u, the body. Begin to-day to
purities from j
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
sad that sickly bilious complexion by taking i
Cuscarets,---beauty satisfaction for ten cents. AH drug- 1
gists, guaranteed, 10c, 25c,50c.
—Last Sunday “Munch” a^d his brother George
became engaged with
some negros at a negro
church in Oglethorpe county
and in the melee a negro Abe
Echols was shot, the ball possibly passing
under his tongue and
down his throat. Another negro
received a load in the back,
^hot. neither, however dangerously
^ L .
La Grippe,
Followed by Heart Disease, Cured by
& KM %
m ■Smji M*
li'i&tfmw I // ■
m P IS
R. C. C. SITORTS, of Winterset, Iowa,
inventor and manufacturer of
Shulls’ Safety Whiilletreo Coupling:,
writes of Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. “Two years
ago an attack of LaGrippe left mo with a
weak heart. I had run down in fiesh to
mere uklu and bone. 1 could notsleep lying
down for smotherin'? spells; frequent sharp
darling pains and palpitation caused a com
stant fear of sudden death, nothing could
induce mo to remain away from home over
n ight. My local physician prescribed Dr.
Miles’ Hoart Ouro and in a few days I was
able to sleep well and the pains gradually
nnd finally cease*!. I reduced the
the dos.^j, having gained fifteen pounds, and
am now feeling better in every way than i
‘Tr.MibTitoincUos i<;, all drug¬ WFE*
ar0 EO by v. tVSiles’
gists under a positive?
tmaranted, drat bottle tfil . wHQ
^joncfita OP money re¬
j UI1 <ied. Book on ma¬ .a
eases of tlio heart and
nerves free. Address,
or,milesmedipaloo., Eisnart.iud.
Ice creaut supper to-night at
the Academy. Come one, come
ail 1.
4 Miss Lilia Hancock is visiting lf
M| , D A Sag ;: .
; Grove,
Uh0(l(:S left £or Mill
edgevilh: Monday where he is
attehiding school.
Messrs Lauipkiu and Verdery,
of Angusta were here Tuesday.
Mr. Hugh Evans, of Greenes¬
boro, is visiting relatives near
M^ss Annie Stovall returned
to 1 k\’ homo at Rehoboth, Ga.,
on Saturday.
The'young people had a very
pl&asaAit sociable Mi Akins, given last in honor Fri¬
day night, at - .
of of,Mass Floyd AVPr.V', Auto who
returnto dor dome on •
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Murden
celebrated her 80th anniversary
on Sunday last the l lth inst.
Her immediate family were pros
al «» hei * esteemed friend
Mrs. Mary Overton. We wnh
maay more happy birthday?,
—Mr. Gluts. Bergstrom wilt
advertise a line stock of Woolen
Goods next week,
—The Strom case v,s. Georgia
Railroad, nonsuited in last term
of the Superior court in this
county, has been carried up to
the Supreme court and is di t k’ot
ed for a hearing during October
term of that court,
llBfklciis’s Arnica Halve
The Best Suive in the world lor (Jut.v
Bruises, Sores, fleers, Salt Rheum, Fever,
Tetter, (.happed Hands, Chfilblalns, Corns,
and all Skin Eruptions, and positively,
cures Piles, or no pay reuquired. Jt is
guaranteed to give satisfaction or money
refunded. 1 ’rice 25 cents per box. For
sale by Dr. it. J. Reid.
i it in DiMiolved.
Messrs, A mi rows & Deadwyler,
druggists, have dissolved copart¬
nership, Mr. Andrews having
sold out his interest to Dr. Dead
Wyler. i „ 1)0 latter , liUS decided . . . .
to move to Athens soon which
his many friends here hate to see
him do. He will ....... snip his sock , ,
of drugs to Maysville and run a
drug business at that place,
Regulates Aids Digestion, Bowels,
Cures Cholera Infantum,
Cholera Morbus,
Diarrhoea, Children, Dysentery,
And all diaeaaas of the Stomach
jBoweU. It is
to the taste and
to give satisfaction.
A Few Dout will Demonstrate
its SupetUthr* Virtual.
1W K. fryoi mH