The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, September 16, 1898, Image 6
; •.I;.i';..l,Ii,I•;11liiiIlf};H}J^,.i«*W lirr'ijL i 1 V V* 9 V 1 AVcgctablc theToodandHegula- Prcparallonfor As - similaiing .YhsandUawelsof . hud iluiStor ' PromolesDigeslion,Cheerful andItesUContalns neither - ! ness i Opiura.Morphine nor Mineral, il IVot N.ntcoric. ■■ VIy y*‘ fj/Old ' JKonplan Ss/ d ~ jttjtJmmr * f\<'cfuJi* Suit* — slnitc Jlnpermin* Sad * - * Jft Carbanatt Sofa * flqrifuxt ftarmSccA - 1 . ruirar, y A perfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, forConsHpa sion. Sour Feveri sh¬ Worms .Convulsions, ares and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSinale Signature of KEW YORK . £F tXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. MERCER UNIVERSITY, MACON, GEQRCIA. A li.gli Gra<l" Ins! billion, willji iiiuX good crjulpnicnt and with an excellent Faculty, i 1, ciuivcs iii 1 iii in I. iiqruage Liteiaturc; Greek Language and Literature; Kn "li-li ! . luiruage mid Lllcrature: Miidcm Languages; Mathematics and Astronomy; Natural } list on; Physii s and ClicnniMry; History and Pliilosophy; the liiblc; and Law. Many studeni; linish the colie,ge year at u cost of SIUO.OO tor all expenses. For CutaL cue or further information, add 1 css P. D. P(t>LLOCK, President, Macon, Ga. HO, * CAMPAIGN WORkEES. i J Every-Day Counts Now. To enable rolormers to carry on mi aetiyo, agressive cwmpkigu during the coming tutmaor. plncin;; sound doetorine In the hands of “doubtful” voters, we have reduced the price for the campaign to 25 Ceiiis—25 Gents—25 Cents. Oiiu in)mo or a thousand, "5 cents each pays the hill from now to Oct. 10. At this low rate (about cost i we should have no ,000 new names during July and August. Won’t you send In ten of that number. Every reformer knows the solid value of one copy of The People's Party Paper. il for straight, anti-fusion, unadulterated Populism. It is battling for the tight.* of the people. loin our already large family and get others. Huud tlio Quarter to PEOPLES PARTY PAPER, ATLANTA GA. — When You Need Lumber, Laths, Lime _ ' Miin, V', Mouldings. Doors, Bash, Blinds, Cement, Plaster Paris. Plastering Hair, M wer Pipe lor your well or ditches, Jars for your Lard. Jugs for your Syrup, etc., Bolts, Hinges, and Screws tor Your Doors or Blinds, Nails. 1 ,01 Coat or lint Hooks. Shelf Hraekeis or anything else vou 111av tiiid in a COMPLETE llOl Sll, Qoufcr with the. Washington Manufacturing Co M WASHINGTON GEGKGIA. t ky will give you right prices eiery time you call on then, Ship Your Cotton to M. O’DOWD’S SONS & CO •9 Cotton Factors,, Cor. Reynolds and 9th Sts., Augusta, Ga. Thc> Give I’crsoim! ami Undivided Attention to Weighing aud Selling of Cotton. Liberal Ady.linos Made on Consignments. . . . SHIP YOUR COTTON -TO- MOSS & BRAMLITT General Commission Merchants, 8 i 7 Reynolds St., AUGUSTA, GA. 1VE DOCKS BELOW f TTON EXCHANGF. WE MAKE LIBERAL CASE ADVANCES UPON COTTON HE: ■> STORAGE AT REASONABLE RAI LS IYrw>n Attention Given to Weight and Selling and Ties !' :r: ,.- 1 ; Our Custonurr *t Fa torv Price*. THY US AND YOU WILL miP A GALS. For Infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bough! 4 Bears the Signature of 4 CO I \J You Have Always Bought. THE CINTAUR COMPANY. NtW YORK CITY TEMPERANCE EY V.'. C. T. U. Pray, Then Vote «fc Von Fray. Think of praying, ‘'Hallowed be thy name," and then voting to license the liquor traffic, which causes God's name to be continually blasphemed; "thy will be done,” and then voting that it shall not be done; ‘‘lead us not into tempta¬ tion,” and then voting to placet tempta tion in every one’s path; "deliver us from evil,” and then voting for the greatest of evils, if so be that a little money may come to the town treasury; “give us this day our daily bread,” and voting to license that which takes bread from thousands of almost starving children.__N. Y. Wit¬ ness. * * * * * V Mr. Spurgeon, in his new book entitled '•Salt Cellars,” tersely remarks thatgrape juice kills more that! grapeshot.” He also advises each married man to keep his wife’s husband oiit of the public house. **A ** Sam Jones said “I lisve been 011 this ‘.our longer thru many of the soldiers were gone to the Span! ih-Americau war, and much of the time I rave been fight¬ ing a worse enemy jf the United States than Spain. I mean die rum traffic. When vice : s to be put down and virtue promoted the cluiskiin in called upon by a voice which he cannot disregard, by the voice of religion and of God, to take an active and zealous pari. IjVhen vice pre¬ vails, the christain is an listed soldier and should ever be fc id in armor. Silence is crime, and inactivity is trea¬ son.” *. * ♦ * ♦ * 11 The hand that rocks life cradle rules the worle.” Mother do you know your power? Uso it, not at the ballot box. Teach your boys to be noble, to scren the ignobla; teach them to use no unworthy methods regaradless of the end to be ac¬ complished. Teach them to vote for no party who uses liquor to obtain the pur¬ chasable votes. Teach them to vote for men who stand for purity, uprightness and temperance. ♦ * * + * * We do not wish to go into politics. \V T e do not claim the right to do so, but we do claim a God given rigdt to raise our voices for purity, temperance, righteous¬ ness and good government. We expect to work on the basis of faith and prayer and honest methods. Whiskey is a desolat¬ ing foe of home, church and state, If you send a whiskey advocate to the leg¬ islature do you not strengthen the whis¬ key combines; do you not givj, one more vote against every temperaftgie--H>easuf&; do you not repudiate the work done by the good people of our county in the late election? The whiskey associations are trying, all over the land, to get their representatives into the law-making body of our commonwealth. Christain people, do not let party he the Trojan horse which shall betray us into the hands of the enemy. ******* Temperance catechism. i Who wa« the first drunkard? Gene¬ sis 9; 20, 21. 2. Who took the first temperance Judges 13: 13, 15. Did any mentioned in the Bible ever take a pledge of his own accord? Daniel 1:8. Was he any healthier aud wiser in con¬ Daniel 1: I5, 17. Ought to drink wine? Proverbs 31: 4 - we to make companions of drunk arils? Corinthians 5; il. 3. Can any drunkard enter the king¬ dom of heaven? I Corinthians 6: 9, 10. 4 Does God pronounce woe upon c’runk ards? Isaiah 5: 11, 22. Why liars he promised this woe? Isaiah 58; 9, S- 5. Are drunkards likely to get rich? Proverbs 21: 17. What are the conse¬ quences of drinking? Proverbs 23: 29, 3O. How may we avoid these oonse queuces? 23: 31. What will be the re drink? Proverbs 201 1. 6. Where was the first temperance society: Jeremiah 35; 5, & 7. What blessing did God pronounce upon the first temperance society? Jere miaii 35: 17, 19. Is iutemperance a vice? Halations 5: 2I. When is temperance a virtue? Galatious 5 : 28, Extract. We place before our young people few questions on temperance. Who will reply and send answers to W. C. T. U. next Monday, We wish to publish them •a our Temperance column, ******* The first article in this column last week was written by a Taliaferro man and the second article was copied from Rev. J. F Euetis’Field Notes in Christian Index. CASTOR IA For Infanta tmd Children. Hie Kind Yob Ha»s Always Bought Bears tne Stinatvirv .'f Mi Valtij ble to Y'onaew. Ejpeeiaih-' >..luabie to wometi is Fronu Iron Bit»r>. R'gtket’id vooishes tb. Sti :ii hikts health the pUre reatiily ot vreaki aa l t ie vlow of jt.-fui e,v>;ps to tb paii cf eiiivk when this remettkis taker.. For sickly or oy, rw. -V »- r* cti it has no eijual. No should he - itiiout this Sanous B.t> its’In.. Uittere i* soki by *11 The Thin CO . >—» '* *•; -? m ^ # 5 * 'A® m m •H Et V >• m : -v :; ba — W The popular use of a spring medicine is founded on experience. With the coming of the spring season comes languor, debility, a “dragged out” condition and a general lassitude summed up in the familiar phrase'— “that tired feeling.” tfi from the gross effects of the fatty foods of winter, there is no medicine equal to Dr. Ayers Sarsaparilla. It not only cleanses the blood, but re~ vitalizes »t It puts a spring into the step and a sparkle into the eye that betoken health. It restores the lost appetite, induces refreshing sleep,and reduces the liability to disease by neutralizing the conditions essential to the development of disease germs. J ■ W ; ' Always AskfoL life; Ayers. ' . i .? ■ . « As a spring Medicine during the months of March, April, and May, I know of no other preparation that can begin to compare with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It is the leader of leaders.” r W. A. WEISER, M. D., Bourbon, Ind. “I Cannot speak top highly in praise of Ayer’s Sarsapad'H, From experience, T cai«, u ,r. 4 vecommend it as the best spring medicine.” ISAAC o. SPARKS, Patsey, Ky, « I have used Ayer’s Sarsaparilla in my family for years and highly recommend it. As tt spring medicine, it haa ho equal,” A. B. NICHOLS, Ellery St., Cambridge, Mass* “ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has been a household companion in our family for years, I take it every spring, beginning in April. It tones up my system., gives me an excellent appetite, end makes me sleep like a top. As a blood medicine, it has no superior in - my opinion. H. R- WILDEY, Philadelphia, Pa. “ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is without an equal as a blood purifier and spring medicine, and cannot have praise enough. I have watched its effects in chronic cases, where other treatment was of no avail, and have been astonished at the results. No other blood medicine that I have ever used, and I have tried them all, is so thorough in its action, and effects »o many ’ permanent cures as Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.” F. MERRILL, Augusta, Maine. . DR. H. E®£8§*Send us your fob printing. 1 NEWiENTERPRISE; s’ 5TO VES' 200,000 HYBKY SUWSEfcCTfCW. OBB e/WSO ^ They are made of Southern Iron hy Southern Workmen,’' who are sustained by the products of .Southern Farmers. They lust longer and make more .homes happy than any J other Stove on earth. Fire backs gi taranteed for 15 years. If your Deafer does not handle them, ’WRITE FOR CATALOOUS. > 4 ____ sm M - "_-J \i MSa W II i 5 C:-, Y'-! ^ i 4 4 J t" , - % I v* V -I mi ■i rG r-s« - ... m 1 mm®’ mmm & r a" ; I A i % J \ - f. g Phillips & Buttorff Mg. Co \ NASHVfLLE.OTENN,, '• ,,-v^^jrv' BAWOPACOSBiW OF »f COOKING AND HEATING STOVES r flitted and Grates, HoUo^rare* * Xt ~. \ -w t * ChinaT Crockery and Glassware. Cutlenr WOOOE N AN? W.LLOVrtV^^E. Evirythinc na«»arT sad eeuvenksit j *. A for the Kitchen, Lining Room, UUL&dry and Dairy. A SPECIALTY. WE 1 S Firms BIG MONEY or Safes sell „ at . In Exclusive Territory. Our sight. City or Country. OUTFIT FREE. NO CAPITAL NEEDED Agents actually setting rich; so can you. One Agent, in one day, cleared S73’40 Proofs aud Catalogue free on application. Alpine Safe & Cycle Co. CINCINNATI, O. A. I- STROM, Watchmaker & Jeweler, Richard’s Store, Crawfordville, Ga. Repair Work a Specialty. fMmiai Makers NOT CCUNTERFSITBR 9 refer to experienseii ism, b*t to to*»« who have sever sold anythin. Jsst »ew we are piiihisg OBI RCYCTslWe. Map* of me United States and work! 06 x inches in sire. Ii besutifnl eeler^. ' - 1 S 96 e l idea sad >.:rracted to New railroads, new towo«. New counties. pneted , The largest i&ap 03 a singla shssu . ,. It is A PDofogroDit of fr«e WorW . I One side skews a colored of «r great C er*iitr>, wiih r -i!roads, co«utles, rlrers. 1 towns, etc. ther side saews an a quel.y B elegant map of ifae World, :o«aeng all cojot ties at a glance by help of a margmal tedu. . > u a ;«o shews ocean etrrreote riratMut dss ! ccversrs, and accurately Ettrh leones »hc 4 steses d.s cf alt currant erects, »s wsja »ry pntes, Caban battles, Ari: a»se»<*«*, p^’sr Expedition Aisskro gs-'l r.e; 4 s, etc. | . will Send a* ycrar address a: ' ' T “ a-.r»s« | ’ von bew you cob secure a ccactv zgst&jt or s?Ed *1 oo and we will forward a oopy By P 03* , le?e^ fr»n 9ao .» S«. piano, orK. I S 9 the start hv fslle—ir-g ear clan w If roc get satcp'es ar.d don t want !c ta-x sage with os can tvrarc soma *a>-gat 1 ) „T cash back. Year newspaper ox baals y wi.i tel! you we arc responsible. « RAND, Ninth McNALLY Street. New & York CO. City j | 61 East