Newspaper Page Text
#B*U8HSD SVERY Friday morniwg **
Official 0;6aD TulMfilTO 0 .
-- —:
A (•o-AheftdTtift'fl.
During a short trip to Wash¬
ington this week, we called at
the places of business of several
of that city 's enterprising firms.
Washington is cue of the most
thrifty little cities in this part of
the state.
At the Washington Mfg. Co’s.
extensive works we found
machinery and men busy mak¬
ing eyorythiug from small tables
to cotton presses. Really any
one can get almost a complete
house ready for putting together,
at this shop, made to order. All
their work is good.
Messrs. Barnwell & Vickers
have a. largo stock of harness,
buggies, wagons and musical in¬
strument:, and arc selling them
cheap, consequently they wore
Mr. W. T. Johnson's store was
too full ol customers and drum*
mors for Mr. J. to talk to his
friends. Besides selling goods
cheap lie is having built one of
f 1 10 lines* hotels in this part of
I lie state.
Dr. CL W. Shackelford has
fitted up the nioesidentai parlors
in this xeiion, and he is doing
an extensive practice.
Washington is putting in water
worlcs ami oilier improvements,
iplie is m»t standing back on so
called hard times but is pushing
Mr. Fleming Nominated.
Hon. Wm. II. Fleming was
dominated in the 10th District
Congressional Convention at Au¬
gusta on the 15th inst. All the
counties in the district were rep¬
resented and an eutliusiastid
meeting was hold. Mr. Fleming
bus returned from North
Carolina midis rapidly regaining
his health. Ho will carry a good
vote in every couuty in the loth.
, The North Georgia Conference
will convene in Augusta Novem¬
ber 23rd,
Miss Winnie Davis, “the
daughter 6f the Confederacy”
died Sunday last at Nai'ragati
sott Pier U. T. Hcfi death will
be, a shock to t he many Veterans
who saw her in Atlanta tit the
late Reunion.
The Donioctals of the 8th Ala
bamaCongressional district have
nominated Cen. Joe Whoeletfor
tluiir loader. Ho has won fame
for the United States, fame for
the South as well as fame for
himself in the Spanish American
war. Great is “Joo” Wheeler.
If you want purplo IleiiTiet
'a go to C. Bergstrom.
It is a shame that the United
States does not furnish a dinner
bell for the ringing up of the
soldiers to their meals, at Fort
McUborson. Atlanta A negro
man beats on a piece of railroad
iron, swinging up on ihe porch,
using something live a hea sy
lire-poker, and that is what
Uncle Sam s soldiers are called
to their meals with.
J ee3hlnq
At* gtnnrrlh ?cr v. b cpsot,
5*»c!k ot ortfef- ds o*t rest
*«0 *t ai*kt. Ib* v*rv S**t rtmnfy
for cbH<f<a* nbOe teetbing tr
ft car** DbirkoM, r*gal*tea tb*
tuasrt Bed twe* MIs*4
CoOc. Mf:tu tb* nra OoF
*r« lAlactuM. V -el-re Morbe*. (,:!(»•
ir*. mi act* it I* *o*4
fvr «*«!:.*. see, _*J I* • (aecffir f*e
*e**iUim e*r*of pr*t**mry.
S#!d by ell Drug^iats, 25 and 50c.
A Safe Investment.
A mooting has been called for
the stockholders of the Bank of
Crawfordvilie to meet Thursday
next for an important meeting, j
All the Stock was taken at a
meeting, but Mr. jno.
F. Holden has a few shares that
after he ib willing the Bank to dispose gets- in Of, good aE ^j
working order UO Stock will be j
for sale.
The banks in the adjoin! ug coun- j
ties are doing such a thriving
business that stock in them
not be bought. Thus it is seen ;
that the investments in
connty banks a™ *kmL All
who want to get in . on the
ground lioor” should come up
promptly at the meeting called
for next week.
We two informed that Mr. J.
C. Jernegan is in the race in
Warren for the legislature as the
peoples candidate. That makes
a three cornered fight in War
« ,
BY W. C. T. U. j
Wilkes county is redeemed Ood the good from work the j j
rum traffic. Thank
continues. How long 0 I 1 Lord shall our
county be a dark spot on the moral map
of our state?
Sow to the wind; reap the whirlwind
Keep soloons and reap drunkards.
“As a man sows sd shall he reap.”
Stand for political purity, reap good
•For them that honor me, I will honor.”
Honor God by refusing to vote for men
who stand for *ialoons.
The rising generation is the hope of
our country in temperance, religion and
reform in the political world. We hope
ere long our women will so instruct the
coming youth, that all will be elevated
morally and spiritually. This is the
sphere in which they can accomplish
more than in the political arena. Teach
our boys to stand for right and ever main¬
tain their self respect. Teaching them
not to follow the multitude to do evil.
“For more than a year there were grave
apprehension of coming strife, dissension
and discord, as it was generally under¬
stood that woman’* suffrage was to be
discussed, a subject iwhich has for* yea vs
caused intense antagonism of views. This
agitation has caused a great falling off in
onr ranks, and general indifference and
want of interest in the work. But the
vast majority of the Unions, which have
borne the heat and burden of 16 years
persistent toil, met faithfully the issue
and have declared to the world by their
united action that the Woman s Christain
Temperance Union of Georgia will not
adopt the franchise department of the
national tu their work.”
“The next convention is to be held in
Augusta, between Oct. i and I 5 , 1899 .
Let all our Unions go to work, and we
urge that there be a strict account given
each mouth by superintendents of the
departments, and that these report* be
preserved by the secretaries so that an
annual report can easily bo obi aided for
the next convention.”—Mrs. Wilson;
* • • *
• * •
tleotliaphy Primary Question*.
How many counties in the state of
How many dry counties in this state?
How maty wet counties in this state?
Hoff doe. onr county differ from all its
neighbors in regard to the
What ere the people going to dd about
the whiskey traffic?
What are our city fathers going to do
with this question?
What do they do with the people that
get drunk in Crawfordvilie?
The desolate home of the young man
who killed a bar keeper in Caliafomia
last week while under the inllnence of
w hiska-y is another strong call to ehrist’au
people to suppress Ihe whiskey traffic.
The anguish of the poor boy when he
realized what he had done is enough to
melt any heart susceptible of feeling,
He committed murder under the influence
of liquor- did that w hich lus soul abhor¬
red. Oh people! do not such scenes stir
you up to rebellion . against the awful
traffic. Oh you thank God that it is not
your bov. He is somehod's boy and to
dav hearts are wrung by anguish
speakable, uuuterable. But
voter can you wash your
cencv of blood shed by liquor.
it w , re your boy, father, think you
vote to uphold tht liquor cause. Mothers,
what if he weft your loved -ne.
say that you could not stand it.
work to put the murderous agejit out
the reach of that boy. God help us
our work and save our boys from saloons.
,* ~-<£M5S 0 ^«*rpr».X A.
We are glad to see li¬ l Asbury
-till improving. 5
Guess what Lyueviue mu likes
to visit over in Wilkes
We enjoyed a nice ba . at Mr* J.
w. Posses last Thursda;
Cotton is opening up G st since
«« weather has opened of
b 9 ask!ts a «oLnd' e chance
& h wUhb ville.
Mr. Hugh Ev^us, of 1 ;boro, is
visiting Jlr. Jesse Asbur aily at this
writin S
Mr T J- a,1 ‘ ly visited
- -
. Saturday
Sunday. <
>Irs -p, j. Johnson t ».T. M.
Lunceford visited Mrs. J, nceford’x
family this' week.
I £ v isitor at
»much to
their happiness. through
A great many are savii
this section. They never any fod
der to am Unt to anything
OA8TOI 1 .
Boon the Ib* Kind Y# w« Sought
ftgoatore *
u it
We believe if the piflhib :s of this
couuty would call a uiorti id agree
on some good man tljey w« lect him
in spite of the wet side, if vould go
to work right. We heard 1 who i 9
a member of the church say 'oug ago
that he did not believe Qod uything
to do with prohibition. Jus h men
we want to beat, because we •e God’s
hand is in every good work, how any
man, who is raising boys c advocate
the barrooms is a strange thi to us—a
member of the church -t tha‘
Beauty Is Blood De p.
Clean blood means a clean . akin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets, Cafily Cathar¬ by
tic clean your blood and and keep ,» clean, all im¬
-.tirring up the lazy liver ar‘ ng
purities from the body. Begin o-day to
banish pimples, boils, complex:') blotches, by .ekheads, taking
and that sickly bilious
Cascarets,—beauty for tenet,.:* All 50c. drug¬
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, it *5c,
Valuable to VVom«
Especially valuable to women frowns'
Iron Hitters. Backache v&nuhee ’it-iwlache
disappears, .strength take* the place of
weakness, and the glow of health readily
comes to the pallid cheek when this won¬
derful remedy is taken. For sickly < Jiilurcn
or overworked men it has no equal. No home
should be without this famous all .remedy.
Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by dealers.
To whom it may concern:
W. C*Rhodes having in proper form
applied to me for permanent letter* of ad¬
ministration on tho estate of Gla’-mce C.
Rhodes late of said county, this i> > cite
all and singular the creditor* and t of
kin of Clarence G. Rhode* to be i ap¬
pear at my office within the time 'owed
hv law, and show cat'
why permanent vV aiinpV, (3. Rhodes «ce
0. be granted Rhodes’ to estate.
Witness my hand ami official signature,
this 6 th day of Sept.. 1KU8.
GEO. H. MITCHELL, Ordinary.
Hair Dressing.
I will yisit your homos and do hair.cutting
and shompooing for the ladies aud child¬
ren; also sharpen razors. Shop at Ml P.G
Lucas' store. Give me a call.
Crawfordvilie, Ga.
Office Moved.
I have moved my Law Office up stairs
over M. F. Griffith’s store.
Attorney at Law,
Crawfordvilie, Ga.
^Ufionsands troubled vals Inohthly back, hips in shoulders,sides But not women the suffer. with they aud breasts, head, limbs. inter¬ pain* need are of at 4
These paise are symptoms of
dangerous derangements that
can be corrected. The men¬
strual function should operate
makes menstruation painless, the deli¬
and regular. It puts
cate menstrual organs in condi¬
tion to do their work, properly.
And that stops all this pain.
Why will any woman suffer
month after month when Wine
of Caniui will relieve her? It
costs |i.oo at the drug storei
Why don’t you get a bottl*
For advice, in cases address, requiring giv¬
special directions,
ing symptoms, “The Ladies’
Advisory Department,’* The
Chattanooga Medicine Co.,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
of Oenarilt*. T»**S, smi
«*) w»j troubled at monttii, Interval*
with terrlbfe pain* in my bead and back,
but hate been entlrelj retlerdd bjr Wlee
el Cardui."
Catarrh is !
Not Incurable
But it can not be eored by sprays,
washes and inhaling mHttu___ ires which
reach only the surface. The disease is j
In the blood, and can only be reached j
through the blood. S. 8 . a. Is the only 1
3SJL £ e SafS"
neotly and forever rids the system of
every trace of the vile complaint.
Kiss Joels Owen, of Montpelier, Otlo,
writes: “I was *<
I Aided from infancy
( with Cntarrfe. and an 1
one oan know the
suffering it produces
belter than I. The
sprays and washes
A prescribed by tiw doc
gf Et* tors relieved ant and only
c ^ temporarily,
■' though I used them
constantly for teh years, the disease had a
firmer hold than ever. I tried a number of
blood remedies, but their mineral Ingredients
settled in my boo?; and gave cue rheumatism.
1 was in a lamentable condition, and after ex¬
hausting ail treatment, was declared incurable.
Seeing S. S. 3. advertised as a cure for blood
diseases. I decided to try it. As soon ae my
system was under the effect of the medicine,
I began to improve, and after taking it for
taro moDth* I was cured completely, the
dreadful disease was eradicated from my sys¬
tem. and 1 have had no return of R.”
Many have been taking local treat¬
ment for years, and flna themaoive*
worse now than ever. A trial of
S.S.SS, Blood
will prove it to be the right the remedy
for Catarrh. It will cure most ob¬
stinate case.
• Books mailed free to any address by
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
And vicinity, will consult their
interest by writing to
Standard Manufacturing Co.,
For Prices on SASH, DOORS,
BER, LATH or anything in
Daniel Springs,
W E- 0NEAL, Lasee,
Postoffice — Penn’s, Ga.
v»s -f alth Resort in the South.
• tiixa a i .» Hotel vfcWrsvason
:<b!o :
Covcnient by Hack or private cenvy
ances from Crswfordville or L nion Point.
Daily mail at the Springs-— Penn’s, Ga.
209 -7th 5t., Augusta, Ga.,
HIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defect* of
sight, grind* tli« proper glasses aud WAR¬
RANTS tliera.
j Lenses cut into yoar frame while you wart.
COMPLETE OUTFITS. Oil and Fertiliser
; Clin, Press, CaUe Mill a»d Shingle Outfit*.
: Bulldlngi Bridge. Castings.
Factory. Furnace
and Railroad
■ Railroad. Mill, Machinist*’and Faotorv Snppllee.
BelUug. racking. Injectors, Pipe FIMtiia*,
Saw s, Files, Oilers, Etc.
: Cu rCast every day; work ISO hand*.
And Educational Home School,
For— L
Cor. Lafayette Ave. and Charles St.
Baltimore. Md. Barthold Meyer, Prin.
Catalogue furnished upon application.
Specialties Instruments, — Piano, Vocal Languages, Culture, Elo¬
cution, with Literature, Art and Eng¬
lish Branches. Number of boarding
pupils limited. Uneceptional homo
on,for ts. Opens Sept. 8 th, 1893.
Aministratrix Sale.
^RO COUNTY: In pursuance to an or
der of the Court of Ordinary of Taliafer
ro County, Georgia, granted at the Sep
i tember term, 1898, of said Court, will be
| sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday
! in October next 1898, at the court house
) in the town of Crawfordyille in said coun
tv. within the legal hours of sale, the fdi
; lowing property, to*wit: All that tract or
parcel of land, situated in thefiolst District.
'Georgia Militia. In said connty, bounded
as follows: On the North by lands of O.
I P. Bonner, lands of I. T. Harrison and land
of S. M. Whitney.on the East by lauds cf
tY. D. Hall, Ogletree and lands of the estate of
Anna deceased, on the South by
j dower tract of Rachel Kent and lands of
i mid Hall estate, on the Best _y lands of
j G. G. Hixon and lands of Romallus Col
fins, (col.,) containing one hundred and
! ninety two (192) acres more or less. Sold
| as the property of John J. Kent, late of
1 said coun tv, deceased. Term* cash.
rill* 9th day o* September,. RACHEL 18 KENT, ^ 8 . ,
! Administratrix of the estate of John J
Kent, deceased
Dental Rooms
T/'"-i “j ”1 •
-*«-«* L J -I J LbX-LV^LJ- -* "1 L..a. O’ p^
. — > -
of the Modem Dental Apartments in the State.
(( 7 offices in 17 Towns in Georgia.)
We believe that progressive Washington and vicinity, with its keen business
is thoroughly apace with the times and recognizes the superiority o, pro¬
merit. fittest becoming more
In the era of almost vital competition the survival of the is
more pronounced, especially along professional lines, this is noticeably so ir.
To be successful requires constant study and application, io-daj
dentist who succeeds must liaye the latest ideas, the most cheerful surroundings,
lionest, intelligent and kind, and use every possible effort to mitigate the suffering
liis patients. This is our constant aim. deceived . by
We fully realize that the time has passed when the public will be
sounding phrazesann promises that are impossible of fullflllment. So we claim
that we are unable to do, and are not competing with cheap John dentists.
Wc want to call your attention to a few facts m regard to our business in tics
First—By use of our Catapliorcsis we can drill out the cavities of teeth and even
out the nerve without the slightest pain to the patient. the painless extrac¬
fcjxcond—That we alone manufacture and use Aroppene for
of teeth. children,
Third—That it is perfectly harmless, and can be placed on the gums of
peoele, adults, delicate or strong, with equal impunity. contour and
Fourth—That our artificial teeth arc true to nature, restoring lost
Fifth—That in placing of gold, and porcelain crowns, and gold crown and bridge
work, we have paid special attention to this new line of work, and are using only the
latest methods and appliances. Gold, Platinum, Amalgum, Silver, Gutterpercha
Sixth—That we fill teeth with We
Cement, artistically and well and guarantee them to be satisfactory and to last,
take this method of letting the people know we are here to stay, and vvill Tor a short
give SPECIAL LOW PRICES, and invite tli« most critical examination of our -
and work. Call and have your teeth examined by a competent dentist. No |
Amalgam, Silver or Cement Fillings, according to siZe__ 50 cts. to 8 >I.oo
Gold Fillings, according to size______________________________ 81.00 up
Treatment and Root Fillings------------------------------ 1 5°
Cleaning Teeth______________________________________________ i-oo
Best Set of Teeth, either Upper or Lower Set.................. 8 .O 0
A Good Set of Teeth for-----_---------------------------------7-°°
A Partial Set........................................S 3.00 to 6.00
Solid 24 K Gold Crowns......-------------------------------- 6.00
Porcelain or Logan Crowns_______________..................3-5^
Teeth Extracted Positively Without Pain____ •5°
Teeth Extracted Old Way.................. 25
Office, second floor, Rooms 1 and 2 King Building, Wash¬
ington, Georgia.
Dll. G. W. SHACKELFORD, Manager.
Walker and Walker.
The most complete and modem Standard
Fire-Proof Warehouse in Georgia.
Liberal Cash Advances made on consignments. Strict Personal At¬
tention given to all business.
Office and Warehouse 827 to 837 Reynolds St.
_A.-U.g-U.StEL i t a a G-eorgist.
Spears # Pilcher*
Suceessor to d- H- SPEARS,
Cotton i Factors - and- Commission ? Merchants,
Warehouse tlnd Saleroom:
IOI & I 03 McIntosh (7th) St., Cor.Rhynolds,
Will continue the business in its various branches. Advances of Lagging. Tics and
Family Supplies at lowest market prices. Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton
or othur Produce in Store. Consignments of all Field and FarmjProducc
Solicited. Ample facilities and long experience will guarantee
Cotton Factors J
Fireproof W arehonse,
6 t 3 i„Consguinents of Cotton Solicited, Personal Attention Given AH Business.
_ dTOSQ , , an d 32 and 34 5 Forsyth Sts, ATLANTA, GA.
j Gensrai Agents ^ f .or
Erie City lion Works, sd*-*-*,
The Geiser M fg. Co.
The New Birdwll Co., _gg>
j hunger Improved Sy»- .™ Sj ®
; iem of Ginning Cotton. r’S’.'fs , W,Kf,
R. Hoe & Co., it
j ' Henry Disston & Sons. ’ ^ ’L P%^*
jtarnes Ohlen «St Sons. • , r
Gardner Governor Co., ' *
Pemberthy *-- Injector Co p * A;
complete ^
1 • Carrying Engine*. a Boilers An’
line of '-A'Y-r.' '
j Saw Mills. M UI 5?aws. s. Separators, • S'".. ^
Grist Pumps- I^ ,
1 Injectors. Grate Bars. Nr- ; —
1 tjt.z ;W w
Steam a»d Pipe Fitting*. -
? ' Given Orders , and , T
prompt ' Atxeiitioii * inquiries.
[ fj«^"a.alo£ue FREE by mentioning this pa-':er.