Newspaper Page Text
U s&r® f®s*
I *oM&
When the children get their
feet wet and take cold give cf them hot
a hot foot bath, a bowl
drink, a dose of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, and put them to bea.
The chances are they will be
all right in the morning. Con¬
tinue jhe Cherry Pectoral a few
days, until all cough has dis¬
appeared. Old cured;
coughs coughs arc also of bron¬
we mean the
chitis, weak throats and irritable
lungs. Even the hard coughs
of consumption and are always
made easy frequently cured
by the continued use of
*# W 2 nss
t; viiii ti
Every doctor knows that wild
cherry bark is the best remedy for
known to medical science
soothing and healing ir.'lamed
throats anti lungs.
Put one of
Dr. Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral
over your Sungs
The Boat Madlcal
Adrian Frtu. I
\Ye nov *<*nw of iht* m* out rml
«pnt’vhj^U'tun* In tl» 4 VMtod . Mules.
t/nufwl rijitMiririidtJe# «iMi Jan*:
one.** orolnontly tit them fur g'viiig you the
mefttrul artviH* Writ#.* nil
yurtloulmru in your !•««!. Dr. .1, AY I’.U.
I Lowell, Maas.
Go to Farinlnif.
Do you wimt to buy or trade
for a farm? If so, write us for
descriptions of some of our bar¬
gains. Let us know what kind
of place you want, how much
you can pay and upon what terms
Vou wish to buy. Wo can meet
your Wo requirements. have bargains
many farm
for sale in Tennessee. North
'Carolina and North Alabama.
i’ places range Yrt price Trom
*300 to 82.1600. Weliavo been in
tlie business of selling farms ex¬
clusively for ten years. Wc are
thoroughly familiar with values
and conditions throughout this
Section. If you want to buy,, it
will pay you to consult us.
Write for our list of farms for
sale. Sunt free to any address.
CrabtukfTs Farm Agency,
Chattanooga, Teun.
To The Public.
Ravins soli! mv entire intercut In the
drii}; business to Dr. M. 1‘. Demlwyl’r, 1
uni no longer of the linn of Amlri-ws A
Deaibvylef. Dr. M. 1*. DetulwyU'r is to
m-MitiH sill rciponsibilittcH of said tlifn.
Very Respect fully,
Sept. 12, 1898.
Morpine and Opium Habit
KusjR Cured! For Information Ami best
method of curing who ye lmdiH FREE,
.iddrcsn The Ohio C'heiu. Works, Lima, (>.
o„,hc M fartoiss*
with the !)est rcsutis and
cliarjjing reasonable comniis
sions We obtain the l>est I
results liecause we have the !
best market here—more Luy*!
ers, sharper competition and
larger lots of cotton u olur
r»t one Unit **C
1 something in >1 -sifi
eariogfc., out• ’am- • t hand
'lira and jud-. me: i m ’
h ., **■ i
“ Uil 1 *’ *
rompt Sales.
Jiood Weight.
Ribera 1 Advance.*'.
- —
Pare Home Matters P:ck«t Up by Oai
IjOCaI E-jorters
What Oar FuOj»l* Ar« Uoi *5 and Maying,
riling* Onr Fri«*d* Tell l'*.
ow* my mucous to the newspapers,
•cud to them I freely give a certain
of my yearly business," says John \\ an
—Spring shower
laid the dust.
—Rev. L. P. "Winter has been
sick this week.
If you want first class goods
go to C. Bergstrom.
.—The state election is just one
week from next Wednesday.
—Mr. Prank Wingfield, of here. Au¬
gusta, is visiting relatives
If any kind of Woolen Goods
are wanted call on C. Bergstrom.
—Jewish New Year 50f>9 was
observed by those people last
—Mrs. Julia Googer and Miss
Emma J. Beazloy have been siclt
this week. *
Fresh lot of onion sets just
received. C. Bergstrom.
—Dr. Deadwyler packed send up
his drug stock this week to
to Maysvillo.
—Miss Nannie Guest is on a
visit to relatives and friends in
—A little printer's ink will let
the people know what you have
to sell. It is cheap.
If you want black Henrietta
call on C. Bergstrom.
—Those who want to reap the
cream of the trade this season
will have to advertise.
—Mrs. E. E. Boline, of Wash¬
ington, is visiting Judge Harn
mack’s family in this place.
—It is said that Harris’ Nickel
Plato shows will perform here
the latter part of this month.
If you want maroon Henriet¬
ta go to C. Bergstrom.
—Mr. R. T. Richards, of
Washington, visited his brother,
Mr. Titus Richards, at this place
luesday ’
—Sony to know that , Will
Hubert has been right sick at
Mr. VV. A. Legweu’s residence
this week.
—Col. Horace Holden is able
to got out on the veranda at his
home. His friends are glad to
kuu bun «]).
—Mrs. W, N. Maltbio hits so
much recovered from her recent
long spell of sickness as to be
able to be out.
—Dr. J. B. Robins preached Wednes¬ at
the Baptist church here
day night and at the Methodist
church last night .
—Miss Marie Peteot returned
to her home in Wilkes county
Monday after a t wo week’s stay
among friends here.
—Mr. Ed. Howard has been
here this week looking after his
photo, business. Ed is doing
well making pictures.
—Mrs. J. E. Howard and chil¬
dren, of Stephens, arc on a visit
to her mother, Mrs. L. F.
Stephens in this place.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. G. llalm
have secured rooms at Mr. W. J.
Norton's and will make their
home there at present.
—A friend sends us a puzzle to
publish but as it contains 7 par¬
agraphs, it is not wise to donate
so much space to such articles.
■‘—Mrs. Cook Nolan, of Morgan
county, spent a few days with
her sister Mrs. Dr. Beazley iu
this place, returning home Mon
—Mr. F. S. Gunn’s new house
ou Monument street is
here i/'SSdHy
—Wo arc sorry to hear that
Judge J. I). Hammaek has the been
feeble during
week. Hope he will soon get]
nj> again. l I
—The railing for the Bank
con- W,i/arrived this week and
ifavc been put iq> The Bank
now has a most excellent outfit
of fixtures.
—There are several cases of
Mckness reported in this section.
The severe wet weather,
ed witii warm days and some
cool nights cause it.
tv. —Registrars \Y. D. Ogietree.
O. Wright anil C. fit. Golucke
have Ireeu at work this week
straightening out ; he voting lists
for the coming election on Oct.
r )t jj
- Miss Clemntie Adams, of
Adairsville, Ga.. has accepted a
position with Mrs. L- F. F tup li¬
OU' nt this place. She is ex
perienced in the millinery busi
240 Keg's of Nail:
15 ooo lbs. of Bar! ad V/ire,
75 o Door Locks,
1500 Pairs of Hii fes.
No joke, but a modost statement. Give me a call,
\Y. T. JOHNSON, Washii ton, Ga.
Stockholders’ Meeting*
The stockholders of the Bank
of Crawfordville arc requested
to meet at the Bank buildin°- in
.I,iu tills „|.,™ place „u on Thurdnv lllUl.sday, fsept. ,
am “ Jt j, ’ iruk 18Jy< at at if) o'clock 0 Cl0tk * a in R -
Wants to Know tin* Treasurer.
Charlio Caldwell went out to
0,10 of the political mootings a
few nights ago and his buggy
Collided with a Stump and the
Charlie ,,, . out
consequence, is is
K.r>0. fie had to have eight
spokes put m his wheel, and
now he is anxious to know w o
is the treasurer of the piesent
campaign fund, t/wt ie nmy -j<
reimbursed for hi s losse s.
Freo Pills.
Sond your address to II E.
Bucklon & Co., Chicago, and get
a freo sample box of Dr. King’s
New Life Pills. A trial wili
convince you of their merits.
Theno pills are easy in action
and am particularly effective iu
the cure of Constipation aud Sick
Hutidaeho. For Malaria and
Llvov troubles they have been
proved invaluable, They un!
guarani a ed to be perfectly free
from ov o ty deleterious substance
and to bo purely weaken vegetable. by their
They do not giving tone to
action, but by
££ lleguhu
8ij5e ^ ^ t8old by Dr.
R. J, Reid Druggist.
The Meeting Closed.
General meeting at Jennings
closed Wednesday after two days
success. There were large
crowds during the entire session
and many good sermons were
preached. The homes of our
town people were open to enter¬
tain delegates, but the member¬
ship of that church took care ,of
its guests without aid.
The ministers in attendance at
the general meeting at Jennings
church were Dr. J. H. Kilpatrick,
and Rev. W. Davis, of White
Plains, Rev. J. S. Callaway, of
Peiifield, Rev. A. M. Bonnet, of
Greenesboro, Rev. J. Gillebeau.
j of Lincoln , R ev . A. A. Fluker,
of Greene, Rev. A. L. Hillman,
of Atlanta.
In the Brick Building.
Mr. Paul G. Lucas has rented
the new Holden brick store which
is being vacated by Andrews &,
Dead wyler aud will move liis
stock of goods into the same,
Paul is making a success of mer¬
chandising and when he opens
up a handsome stock in the new
building the public may expect
of the best arranged stores
in ... this section. TT He is . preparing
au announcement to the people
and our readers can look for it.
Paul lias been using printer sink
and the people have found that
iusown !*?.“ mt^ios*..
State ok Ohio, City ok To ( v *>s
Frank J. Cheney makes oath
that ho is the senior partner of
the t’fm of F. J. Cheney A Co.,
doing buslnes. in the City of To
! , 3 o. County tvnd State?t)£ore«iakl.
ard that said firm will my tbti
LARS for each and every e.»se
of Catarrh that cannot be cored
by the us< of Hall’s Catarrh
Sworn to before me and S : *\
scribtHJ in my presence, tbi^ , * v i ’
day of December. A. T). lKffi.
A. W. Gleason.
j SEAL t Notar > -
( - ~i
Halistatarrh Cure is *n... •
mlor-nuliy and acts directly t
the blood and mucous Sana. • -
of tliO system. Semi fo; v te-B
Address F. J. C'dlnly A Co
Ha’i's Sold by druggists. 7ae.
Fanil Pdis are- • : T
Brightest Items from Near by
To tilt Credit of the Excellent County
Journal* froia Which We Get
the Creamy News.
—Politics getting hot iu War
ren county,
—Seventeen prisoners iff
Oglethorpe jail.
Try the Washington Mfg.
Co. cm nails and builders hard
—Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson.
about 78 years old, died iu War
ion last week. i
—Mr. Isaac Brinson, Warren a busi- f I
. toil
“ess youn 0 man oi vvaneiuon,
d,ed last Week * i
Good as new Singer g Sewin" •
M hi f le Cash i
or on time. Apply at this office. ;
-Cotton was bringing, yesta
day, from 2i to oi according to
quality— Sparta Ishmaelite.
—Miss Annie Love Brown, of
SXltlSlf Son It*
school j
J. M. Denham of White I
paying pains, Highest is buying Market cows prices and
for them.
—A matrimonial streak has
struck Sparta, at last. It is re
ported that there are to be fivfe
or six weddings to take place
here, this autumn. Who are lucky
(or unlucky) ones, as forlhnt |
v jp vjn be revealed later.—
Isllmaelite . ]
See W. T. Johnsons, Welsh-"
ington, Ga., for Buggies and j
Wagons. He buys in car load
lots and makes low prices. ]
I will pay cash for old iron,
brass, copper and bones. A. J.
Melton, Crawfordville, Ga.
New, standard make bicycle
fl; , )r sa ^ , e cloa P’ a Pply , at ^ Advo- , ,
Democrat oifice
Don’t miss getting that tine
cooking stove and set of kitchen
ware which will be sold at a low
cotton price at the Advo-Demo
evat office. We only have one to
dispose of.
—Some one robbed the week, post
office in Lexington, last
in broad open day time and while
the postmistress was about the
place. The bold thief brought
back the box that night contaiu
ing 830 in checks and kept the 816
in money that was in the same
—Mrs. L. F. Stephens has re¬
turned from a two we alt's stay
iu Atlanta.
If you want blue Henrietta
go to C. Bergstrom.
—Several car loads of the 10th
Regiment, colored U. S. soldiers,
were carried through here Sat¬
urday night, on their way to
Lexington Ky., from camps at
—Charlie Rhodes has entered
and thfe 1 . Middle Georgia Agricultural
Military College at Milledge
ville. This school is a branch of
the Stole University. We wish
Charlie success. ,
_ ’ V[ r c ’ C, ’ A, Bergstrom Vini-mm, of this
place, i and i Miss ■ Kate r j Dakmau,
of Washington, went up to At
lanta Monday to be present at
,l,o fall millinery openings,
ing note of styles.
—Services-were held at
M. E -inuehhere Sundry nigh,.
Dr. J. B. Robins preambled one
of his usual good sermo ns. He
I remained over several d-.ays with
T?o JAet. <7 T -Li. ir. P Winter VV inter.
T~Jabk A Beazley and Robt.
|a And Tuesd ay for
]\( 0 i^er University. The Former
to resume his studies whale the
latter enters with this ter ra. We
wish t-hem success.
— „ Edwards , ants- , a 4 .
Vv . v. W
gallon COW such at once. Any il-leed one
having a cow guara
to to gn cri-rp e that mat much muon milk* mmr car ear sell sell
same by applying to Mr. Jha
wards, at Crawfordville.
The Tax Rate.
Our county ’s tax rate has been
reduced several years, but this
year, while the taxable prope rty
has increased, it has been fou r id
necessary to increase the t ,:n
rate to get sufficient funds to
meet ihe demands of the count y
affairs. The Commissioners z .t
their ,. . . last meeting . . matie . the ,, rat J
for county matters O 21. and th*'
State rate being 6,21 makes , the ..
whole tax this year 812.42 cm the
(thousand dollars. This is the
hiehest rate we have ever known
for this county
Mr. pan to Speak.
Hon. J. R logan, gubernato
™1 nomta, of the Populist
-Party, will . eaa herenext Wed
nesday, J So J tember 28th. A
large crowd t expected tp be on i
hand to hen he leader of that I
])arty , ,, that , h j. . rru. Through _____ 1 , _____ erroi ]
we failed to, lake this announce
meat la.* wt ,k.----
.■ L j , » Ulg Hog- j
iVll doe p„ I UKins, rWnt , Oi ,,*• n,;, tms* I
comu ^ ha J he misfortime last!
weel; )os , ; a iinefat bog. »
was being „> lTied from the field
p 01ne , ul q t j,, weather was so not
the hog reft ted to bedriyen and j
^ was <jrag| 3 d a part of the way. |
Soon after i was gotten home it J
died. It is Laid to weigh over
200 pounds.
A Opportunity!
Wc give away, absolutely free
of , cost, . for r r limited ... time ... only,
The Peoples Common Eense I
Medical Adviser, . by K. V.
Pierce, M. D., Chief Consulting
Physician tt nie Invalids’ Hotel
and Surgical Institute, a book of
1008 pages, profusely illustrated,
bound in strong paper covers to
any one sending 21 cents in one
ceut stamp-, to cover cost of
mailing only. Over 680,000
copies of this complete family
Doctor Book already sold in cloth t
binding at egular price of 81.ul).
World’s Dispensary Meclical As¬
sociation. Buffalo, N. Y.
Kouffjit a Home Here.
Mr. C. I, Ogleti’ee has bought
the Hixouibt, on west Commerce
street in thboplace whore Mr.
Titus Richards resides, and he
has also bought the Hixon land
in the edgelof town near Friend¬
ship churci These lots are well
located and we are proud Mr.
Ogletrea lias bough a home
among us. He will not move
here He howevd^ until Jan. 1900.
will improve his property
during the -xt year.
Beat- die Klondike.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marys¬
ville, Tex., has found a more
valuable discovery than has yet
been mads in the Klondike. For
years he suffered untold agony
from consumption, accompaincd
by hemorage-. and was absolute¬
ly cured by Dr. King's New Dis¬
covery for Co isaimpt-ion, Coughs
and Colds. Be declares that
gold is of litti value in compari
son with this marvelous cure;
would have it.even if it cost a
hundred dollaitwa bottle. Asthma
Bronchitis and all throat and
lung affections are positively
cured by Dr. Ting's New Dis¬
covery for Oorsufsiption. Trial
bottles free at Dr. R. J. Reid's
drmr SSrcSeL'to store Bmriilar sizt* cito aOc
or price refunded.
- .
.■More Hilp Wanted.
The numbei High] of pupils at
, SWph«» School h« to
| |creased teacher is until need fjnothei Mrs. tiss^tant Sanford
has sixty Odd pupils in her room
and it is a grea:] strain to give
them all their pi'opor attention.
The hundred ntkrlv has about
been reached iiU he enrollment.
There are plenty competent
teachers in this section to fill the
place and it seems that some of
the advanced scholars, already
I in the school could fill the
at moderate compensation until
• ■ the number of scholars reeoure
j I too great for that aid. The latter the
is only a suggestion; 'more but
! necessity for help in the
school is a fact chat well needs
the consideration of our trustees
j . n ^ natrons airous.
lotton Market.
The following fa thi? Crawfonlville
prices, corrected every Thursday:
Low Middling ...... j .......... f.-t
Muidling....... 7
Good M'diUins... .....5 l_i
Dr. Miles’ Nervine
Effects of Tobacco.
Ss. k
w V :
m m w]
I excessive use cf tobacco especially
Mr. Ed. c.Ebsen, compositor on the Contra
Costa Sem, Martinez, cal., writes; “ITuwg
used Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine and ro¬
ceivedmuc&beaefitfromit . i wa3 troubled
With nerveless. <U*y spelte and sloeplos*.
,!CS 3. caused by the use ot tobacco ana stlm
u,aDts - 1 iock Dr ' Mil96 ' Nervine ' vi lh mar -
outfi ner^S ^ndenaWins^to' .
JSSr'l in my case a very
Nervine fa especially adapted to restores
the nervous system to Us normal condition
under such circumstances. It soothes, heals 1
:in astrengthens.
».«***— Pc 'Dr. "M
are sold by all drug- N,' Miles’ ^
gists under a positive ^.Nervine I
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re¬
funded. Book on dis¬ %/, Health A
eases nt the heart and
nerves freo. Address,
Dll. MILES MEDICAL CO.,-Elkhart, ind.
■ If yoii want gray Henrietta
go to C. Bergstrom,
—The Georgia Railroad will
se q c i K(a[) ni te tickets—one fare
roulK j trip—to the Om;i,ha Expp
sitioQ Georgia & Day ^ at the Ex
position is Sept. 29tli and tickets
are on sale now, good 15 days,
—Julius Shanklin, who bought
cotton here last fall, passed
through here Monday on his way
to his home in Carolina, being
called to the bedside of his dy¬
ing mother. He is located at
Spitrta this season.
—Fitztiugh Flynt returned
Tuesday to his studies in the
Technological School in Atlanta.
We learn that Fitzhugh has been
appointed to an office in the
school—that of looking after the
books and other matters.
—Mr. J. S. Barnwell, of Wash¬
ington, has rented the store for¬
merly occupied by Paul G. Lucas
and will put up a good stock of
harness, saddles, etc., therein,
as sobn as Mr. Lucas moves to
the brick store.
—Rev. A. M. Bennett preach
e(1 ^ introductory sermon and at
Jennings church on Tuesday
preached at the Baptist church
in this place Tuesday night. He
is pastor of Greenesboro Baptist
church and* is one of the best
young minuMer;* in this part of
the state.
—The Atlanta papers stato
that the Second Ga. Regt. Vol¬
unteers arrived in that city yes¬
terday and will remain there in
camps for 10 days before being
given furloughs.
October Sheriff Sale.
Wttl £ sold before tw
of Srtle, to ’the highest bidder for cash, on
the first Tuesday iu October next. JS9S,
all that tract or pui ctl of land lymy; and
1)ojn jn t * ie District, Georgia Mili
^ in Taliaferro huudredYnd CQunt.v, Georgia, con
one eleven (111) acres
j- y lands of Rebecca E. Daniel ai d
lands of Frank Mitchell, on the South ty
trawl - < ,,. ( ] V iiie to Woodstock in Ogiethori.e
i c .ouutv. Also at till* same time and place
all that tract or parcel of land lyina ai d
betiig in the 607th District, Georgia Militia
Taliaferro County, Georgia, lying on both
j suit's of tlie N.»rt.ii prong of the Ogecchce
river with watqr mill, known as Jernings
mill, dwelling ho'dse bounded and other the North Jmprox e- d
mentsthereon, on ai
East l:y lands of Samuel H. Ithodos. trus¬
tee for his wife and children,oathe South
by public road leading from Cravfdrdv ilic
to Bethany church in Greene coun*v. on
j t ^ e by lands formerly owned by lb
J.,Reid now owned by J. r'. Holden, com
taining fort. (.401 acres more or loss. se.,d
ou !IS the properly of Rebecca
T mie Osletrec under and by virtue o* an
execut i5n issued from the Superior Court
I of said countv in favor of Albert L. Rich
j 1 ardson against said Rebecca Jane required Ogietree
Written notice cf levy given as
bv ‘This law. September, 1S98.
7th day of
D. P. HENRY. '
Sheriff Taliaferro County.
i Notice Local Legislation.
^ hereby given that there wl „
be introducW i Refoie the next General As
* Bm witbtbC ° ° W ’
j Act to n-pealtho existingG,arte, cf
the town of, Georgia. * vr» \ me
a new charter for fbe said town o. Hiit
maUt situated in Taliaferro Vc uty, Geor
Via. to define toe corporate b-ai - x
town, and for other purposes.
CjltS WHtRt Syrup. ALL T- exit
Best L'cn^Hi Nes
Iff c
El z}?
I’- l