Newspaper Page Text
81,00 Per Year.
Is Still Dispensing
Low Price Cotton Cannot
Knock Us Out.
We Have the Goods that Will Sell
We have a lot of hats that
have been; selling at a ,bar¬
gain, tor 99c. These shall go
for 30 days at 85e.
Our shoe stock is immense,
Ladies’ solid Dongolas, $1.00,
Men’s calf lined, heavy, 2.50
Children’s Dongolas, . 20 .
Our stock of School Shoes
for children is full and complete.
We have given this department
special attention.
Ladies Goods.
Latest Style Jewelled Belts, 25
to 50c.
Velvet Metal Trimmed Belts,
the latest, 25c.
Ladies’ Linen Collars, 10c.
Ladies’ Linen Cuffs, 15c.
Kid Gloves, Black and Tan
warranted not to split, $1.00.
C41^/ w ■
w P } m ve an cm elesrant vB'gi stock c
of capes.
Nice Plush Cape, $3.00
Astrakan fall length, 4.50
Braided capes, fur around
Beautiful fur trimmed cape, 90
The Alliance Store,
NV 1’X*; til# People that Thriving .
"t own Are Doing.
1 Ci I.. bagbt.
Our visit to the general meeting was
quite pkasai'j
The meeting at Salem church last week
was poorly attended.
Mr. Turner has the prettiest colts we
have seen in sometime.
Joe Griffith intends locating in the
glory land r.aother year.
Religious cervices at Barnett next Sub
batli and Saturday before.
Mrs. Minnie Allen is spending sometime
at Norwood looking after rent.
Mr. Harriu and family of McDuffie were
visiting in.f ! ,Is chanty last weok.
They had an unruly, rowdy negro in
Sharon on the night of the show.
Rev. Gill cau has entered upon his
duties as pa tor of Jennings church.
They kef > talking of mustering out the
soldiers but we see they don’t come home
very fast.
J e
Mh n With MnUirion Tablets
Guaranty ijcure for Chills, Fever and
Ague, or m ipney refunded. 50 cents. All
Preaching next Saturday and Sunday
at Sharon I lesbyteriun church by Rev. F.
T. Sampson.
Mr. Frastus Taylor has started up his
ginnery on the old Dowdy place and is
making the lint fly.
Mr. Will Barnett has been stopping at
his home in Raytown for sometime look¬
ing after his-farm interest.
Fortune’: road is paved with economy.
Economize therefore by purchasing your
groceries, meats, dry goods, notions and
shoes from Orawfordvilie Alliance store—
Numsen’s 0*d Orchard Vinegar always on
hand. Wt.trapted pure aud guaranteed
absolutely for pickling.
Mr. W. Stone, Sr., was in to see us
last week. He still has those bad sick
spells we ar sorry to state.
Sharon w%fs depopulated last week. No¬
body in to i fi—all at work and gone to the
meetings a* d!f|erent peaces.
Messus? nt bave their saw mill crect
fd ciJMr' iuna®r i'* la«d h@g 4 .to\vji and
Are euUTtV in a hurry.
Ei experience pent-* js ilia great leather—yon
will both pleasure and profit by
purchasing your groceries, meats, dry
goods, notions and shoes from Crawford¬
ville Alliance Store. Numsen’s Old Or¬
chard Vinegar always on tap. Warrant¬
ed pure and guaranteed absolutely for
pickling, j
Wo fraye becu having some very cool
mornings qud heavy dews sometime past.
We think f rost will be on us soon.
Mrs. Mandy Kendrick lias about recov¬
ered from her recent spell of sickness
which her many friends will be glad to
If the people in our section don’t sop
lasses for awhile now it won’t be because
they aint making it. It is coming in good
Our people have had fine weather for
the past two or three week to save hay
and pick wAStm and they have made good
use of it. !
iFtlTICAL -1
Durp £ the Battle
d Santiago,
night and day.
Tlie r*cke » at the Battle of Santiago de
Cuba vr*-e all Heroes. Their Heroic
KfTorts a Getting Ammunition and
Bat ons > the Front Saved the nay.
P. E. ltler, of pack-train No.
! Santiago, De Cuba, on July
‘‘We all had diarrhoea In
* was a c . rush and mb night and
day to ke ,ti; troops supplied with fitn
munition • d ration*, but thanks to
Chamber *’»Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoealle y we were able to keep at
;p our Lealth: in fact, I sin
eerely beiS that at one critical time this
mediate ( the Indirect saviour of o nr
army, fo’.if ;he packers bad been unable
to work t. era would have been no way of
getting m r’i“ to the ‘‘rent. There were
no road-, . it a wagon train could use
My coion. •ml myself bad the good for
tune to la •» supply of this medicine
for our pr ‘ rain before we left 1 atupa,
and I kac- four cases it absolutely
saved life.
The abc kttcr was writ* 1 n to the
manufacti of this medicine, the Cham
berlain M in« Co., De* Moines, Iowa.
1 j For sale b- »r. II. J, Reid, Crawfordville,
L. R. Br . A, Hharon.
Dress Goods.
Novelty Dress Goods, beau¬
ties too, IQ to 50c. | i
Black Dress Goods, extra
values, IQ to 85c f
We desire to call special at¬
tention to our 25c, 50c, and 85c.
Black Goods. They are extra
good values.
We have a large lot of trim¬
mings, Silks, Velvets, Linings,,
etc. to match our dress goods,
at low prices.
It will just do you good to
inspect our stock of Jeans. It
is the most select stock we have
ever had.
Cotton Jeans, 10c
7 oz. part wool Jeans 12 1-2
9 oz. 75 per cent wool 25
9 oz. absolutely all wool 30
We h'ave bought too much
clothing for low price cotton.
Thev must “ sro and we have
j* marked v them down to where
theV Will gO.
j Men’s suits suits $2.25 .60
Macintosh coats 1.50
If you want a Suit we guar
antee to please you in price.
Sharon anil Raytown was largely repre¬
sented at the general meeting by old
and young and all repoft a good time.
Mr. Murry Taylor entered upon his
duties a8 salesman for T. E. Massengule at
Norwood last week, we wish him sue
Mr. Jpe Seago of near the old David
Moore mill is critically ill with malarial
fryer and it is thought lie may never get
Malarion is devoid of bitter taBte.
Cures Chills ami Fever; acts on the liver
*hd regulates the system generally. All
Mr. J. T. Turner has been appointed
coustnblo of G02nd district. He will make
a good officer. lie has been in business
of this kind before.
The quarterly meeting oi the Norwood
circuit was held with the Metolidist at
Sharon last Saturday and Sunday. A good
many were in attendance.
Uncle Bush Harper speaks in high term
of the glory land. He lias three or four
children living there but don’t stay there.
He likes old Toliver best.
You invite disappointment when you
experiment. De Witt’s Little Early
Kisers are pleasant, < usy, thorough little
pi)l«. They cure constipation and sick
headache iust as sure as you take them.
Andrews Lawrence & Brown Deadwyler, Crawfordville,
Dr. Sharon.
Mr. Austin Mershou has rosumed hi s
studies at Oxford. He Hstudying for the
ministry aud we think he will make a
preacher, lie is a good man already
The pea crop it is said will lie large this
year. A great many make them every
year aud won’t save them aud at the same
time they always bring a butter price than
Messrs. Bracy and Brown, of near
Sharon have the finest pea field we have
seen. These gentlemen are good farmers
and stay at home and board at the same
One Minute Cough Cure surprises peo¬
ple by its quick cures and children may
take it in large quantities without the least
danger. It has won for itself the nest
reputation of any pieparation used to-day
for colds, croup, tickling in the throe, or
obstinate coughs. Deadwyler, Orawforuville.
Andrews &
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Col. Charlie B. Mitchell, of Washington,
the clock, watch and jewelry man, wu»
with ns 'ast week. Old Charley is no
granger no matter where lie goes and is
■£'**&} * ivaily to talk.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gunn have returned
to their home Inthe coun try to liyc again.
We welcome them back. We wish more
white people would move into our district
but instead they are moving out.
For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites,
burns, skin diseases and especially DeWitt’s piles
there is one reliable remedy,
Witch Hazel Salve. When you call for
DeWitt’s don’t accept counterfeits or
frauds. You will not be Salve. disappointed
with DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Andrews & Deadwyler Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Mr*. Perry, of Raytown, who is one
years old, walked uptoseo her
Mrs. Fannie Taylor at Sharon
week, a diatunce of three miles. She
is in tolerable health for a person of her
and talks ficely.
The Pcarklge academy will be moved
the center of the school district and
have one school another year. That
right; we think the people in all com¬
should be united on these ques¬
about schools and all pull together.
More than twenty Hazel million Salve free samples
DeWitt’s Witch have neen
by the manufacturers. What
better proof of their confidence in it’s
do you want? It cures piles, burns,
sores, in the shortest space of
Andrews <fc Deadwyler Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Our Second Georgia boy’s won’t get
their furloughs until about the fir*t of
October. The manv friends of those that
left this section sre anxiously looking for
their return home. From what we can
a good many will remain in the ser¬
PcWill’s Witch Hazel Salve has the
largest sale of any Halve in the world.
fact and its merits has I«<1 dishonest
people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look
for tiie man who attempts lo deceive
you when you call for DeWitt’i Witch
Hazel Halve the great pile cure. Crawfordville.
Andrews As Deadwyler,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Hharon.
Since the prohibition question has been
settled iu Wilkes county we don’t bear ;
much whiskey talk. Wilkes is dry by
vote but will have plenty to wet her up in
our opionion and it will be worse than
when they sold it legally. That is the .
ease in Warren.
When vou all for Do Will’.-: WiMlj
Hazel Halve the great pile cure, don’t j
accept anything cKe. Don’t be talked;
into accepting :t substitute, tor piles, for I
sores, or burns.
Andrews A D' ndvvyler, Crawfordville
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Hharon.
All the preachers, lawyers, doctors and
prohibitionist can l stop the sale of whis*.
key in any county unless they stop tt e
making of the infernal stuff. We have
gcK>d people as any but as long as the
United States Government encourages the
manufacture and sale of whiskey; let the
county or state be dry or wet it will be
sold therein.
In Advance-
NO. 32.
Royal makefi the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Candidates are and haye been very
scarce with our people recently. 1
reckon they arc tired out talking for their
election. We heard Judge Taylor say the
other day that there was one candidate in
the field if lie does not get elected they
would have to bury him.
Nothing succeeds like success. Ed¬
wards & Co., are always successful in
pleasing their patrons in groceries, meats,
dry goods, notions and shoes. Numsen’s
Old Orchard Vinegar always on hand.
Guaranteed pure and guaranteed absolute¬
ly for pickling.
We hearour people complaining about
th a price of cotton and tliay have been
talking all the year about getting 4 aud
5 cents for cotton. They believed that
when they planted it and we have heard
some say they would make it if they did
not get but two cents for it.
Truth wears well. People have learned
that. De Witt’* Little Early Risers are re¬
liable little pills for regulating the bowels,
curing constipation and sick headache.
They don’t gripe.
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
The general meeting at Jennings church
last week was a grand affair in every
respect. Too much can ot be said of those
people for thoir kind and generous hospi¬
tality. We were there both days and can
speak what wtAqiow. There were good
congregations both days urnS especially on
Wednesday, oleaty of everything that von
could think of to eat was there in fact we
think these good people .excelled them,
selves. We heard several compliment*
passed upon them on entertaining those in
attendance. Some good sermons were
preached by different ministers and all the
services were good. Good order prevailed
during the whole lima which speaks good
for any community. Tlo* ladies took the
prcsogatlve over the men folks in number*
and beauty too but Taifaferro can boa*»
of pretty women, All enjoyed the gener¬
al meeting.
Buck lens’s Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever,
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblaina,Corns,
and all Skin Eruptions, and positively,
cures Piles, or no pay reiiquired. It is
guaranteed to give satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For
sale by Dr. II. J.Raid.
Our Honor Roll.
The following kind patrons have paid
their subscriptions since our last issue:
T. J. Portwood 50c to Jau. 22 ’09
C. U. Jordan $2 to date.
Valuable to Women.
Especially valuable to women is Brown*’
Iron Bitters. Backache vanishes, headache
disappears, strength takes health the place readily of
weakness, and the glow of
comes to the paljid cheek when this won¬
derful remedy is taken. For sickly children
or overworked men it ha* no equal. No home
should be without this famous remedy.
Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers.
Lazy Liver
«I have been troubled a great deal
With a torpid Hver, which produces all constipa¬ claim
tion. I found CASCAKKTS to bo you trial,
forthem.and secured such relief the llret
that I purchased another supply and glad was com¬
pletely cured. I shall only be too to reo«
oramend Cascareu whenever the opportunity
la presented." J. A. Smith.
2 SOJ Susquehanna Ave.. l’hUadelpbta, PS
p leMan t. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Da
Good. Hover Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. Kfc, Sc, S0«
... CURE CONSTIPATION.^ t«■>»«.’. cn««a» . a««i , «»t . <«- v .**- **
Mft fiO-TC'MC Tts ail* Sold atulRjiaranteert by aildrn*
i»u to CT'HH Tobacco ilsSit.
with -u.wh.-uier yon continue
*t4cr jf c..
| L
i" £ 1 90ii, rSNS
. (' itom
took. Jel*w>n,ill.ouch 'iJCT lie-year own for di iniar>'iat. .Tata it with wh#
— A ■•JJA-* d».
Wir* box. wUl.pul.mly. tl, iMOkllrc por.l isrt iitlr^OM
^^(nikrkQlMa *Mi«<i<a-wwlr C*. to ear#, or w* BW.U.U, refund in mon#T. lark.