The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, September 30, 1898, Image 2
TSE ADYOCATE-DEMC-CRAT, Ftn»T,ISHJtD EVKKY FRIDAY MOlKfflCn CLEM. G. MOORE. A UUlClaL ff* o i o 1 A'do U.RaD si Talia lallaiei fart'd 1U Ck CR A WFORDVII LE, SEPT. 30, 1898. Mnsquitoes have been as bad recently on our citizens as Americans were on Spaniards in the recent war. The Sparta Ishmaelite says: “Under the workings of the local option law. Georgia is bound to become a solid prohibition State.” We are sorry to know that Bro. McOutchens lost his print¬ ing office and News and Banner outfit at Franklin, a short time ago, by fire. The Populist and Democratic State Committees have agreed and requested that all managers of elections be equally made up of members of each party. Some people are confident that this years cotton crop will be short but when it is known that Texas is making a big crop, the Georgia crop is no indicator. Hobson has succeeded in rais¬ ing the Maria Teresa one of the sunken Spanish vessels near Santiago. The cruiser will be carried to the U. S. navy yard and will be made now. The Atlanta Weekly Journal will now be issued twice tt week. It was one of the best weekly papers in the South, but now it will bo much better as it will come twice a week for 81 per year. Instead of being boisLous themselves, the Second Georgia' boys are keeping oiuer ou the street oars in Atlanta A few oays ago two insolent negroes wore insulting smoking and laughing on a street ear near some ladies and the soldiers took the matter in hand and put the negroes off the car. The things that people outside. see are inside of them and not No two people see the same thing oxactlv alike. One woman may look out at a beautiful laud scape and see all the beauty and roslfulness and grandness that there is in it. Another one will look out at the same scene and see nothing. The man who is perfectly well and vigorous en¬ joys life to the full. I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes people well. There isn't any t lnng mira -ulous about it-it is (lie most natural thing m the world, it Simply hi puts l the diges «v*»,h, liver, the bowels, m perfect or der and thereby makes the blood Jmd® ?hrdo° !, ''Ympifre'wJoai o« Keep a stream of pure, rich, red blood flowing into a diseased spot, and t he disease will not stay. A mau lives on rich, blood, and disease dies on it. Dr. Pie” golden V. .Ucal ‘ * n vn u- ** * * looit Associst ion lilaio. N N .. and n*ce: v ' tb* !•■*!•• - it ^ page 3 'Gon.ia r' k-iiis 4; | Cor : 4* 5 r V $ B 3 l v \S Aids ^ R S s t V. Cv»ff au; antunv Ch.'ler* h_or’tvs Diarrhoci, Dyscntcryy Tcctlsir.f ‘ I 1 -t As d all ie&* ot the stomnon c and It is u* tsovt e taste s 1 .. NEVER FAILS i to gi ve satisfoctioa. A Few Doses will Demonstrate t its Superlative Virtues. For s*ic at ALLl A.\ L SsTORd. Shot fit Him. ; Night Marshal Akins had a ! a little fun a lew mornings ago siiooting at a fleeing thief. The thief was j USt leaving Mr. Tom a ....... „ c rvr ., 1 L rli ' ' back Of Mr. Lucas’ residence, with a turn of corn when Marshal Akins dis covered him, just before light. . Several shots tired at 4 w, i were corn saver, but the , range was too , , long and the thief’s legs were too nimble for the shots to tako Gifoot. Shot Him Down. Linton Ellington, colored, who lives four or live miles from town, . shot , down , while , ., steal- . , some one ing corn out of Linton S A Old last Friday nig*ht. Linton had been nursing his corn and on the above night f he laid watch for the thief , . and about , , 11 ,ii clock i his •„ O man rode up on a horse and after roconnoitering the surroundings darted in the corn and began to till a cotton sack . -y Lmt0n . . * flrod upon him with a shot gun and the man fell, and while Lin¬ ton went to get help the thief revived and went off. The horse turned, out to be one of his neighbors. The corn and sack were left in the field but each were hid. Sold, Stole and Resold One of the would-be slick chicken manipulators worked Crawfordvilie a few days ago. His name is Joe Watts, colored. He brought a lot of chickens to town, sold them to Messrs. W. O. Holden, W. ./.Norton, Horace Holden and others and the fol¬ lowing night lie returned and got the chickeus and on the next day brought them back arid attempted to sell them again, and while he was in town trading lie found that his scheme had been caught onto and he took leg bail and left several chickens here that he had not collected for. He does not return for his pay. He is surely the “roguish efd ’ rogue on record. —Mr. C. U. Jordan has our thanks for some nice home rais¬ ed wheat. Mr. J. T. Evans says that kind of wheat flour loads with home raised lard baked in an old fashioned oven out in the yard would bring back the tastes of yore. —Wes. Williams has moved his barber shop to his new build¬ ing on Broad street. Ho will have one of the neatest shops in this part of the state when ha gets it straight. —Several —------:---- deposits of yellow ochre have recently been discov «red in the vicinity of Lexing ton This is a mineral used m the manuiactuVfe of paints most ly and brings handsome returns when it is found in sufficient quantity, for mining.—Echo, The legislature this fall will i * | ,. likely , nave there , lastj very chance at electing judges of the u , ioi . eourX There are levou , t0 , b0 , ^ted this term, Jolio 0 H««. of U,.io„ Point, being one ot them. He w jH i n a ll probability be chosen for tho bench on the Ocomulgee circuit. __ T„ lo IWh. Bvrin at at tln-e un.e. Hie stockholders of the Hank of Crawfordvillo met yesterday ar d perfected the organization , iU( j aro preparing *•' to commence i ■»»■■««»»*■* mv*** i . h>r a good banking ami 1 Bank business will J n * ;m« good t e i success from Hie siart. ; ------ — i I’alinferro May Get It. ! The state prison eommission \Y ;;; , visit ii 'lands iu the western ion of tlib ,v-m.v »«»to thUj week with a view of making aj decision as o whether they will! 1 select the penitentiary site in! this countv or put it elsewhere. ■ , a:a.y be t v in .get the There is Tit started i a viove:; ■ >erect a s* , ’.llOUt U’’ 1 iSS Winnie; Davis. The Atl i \ 4 Journal be gins the list Every confederate \ : ,• SOUS and dauchtersand v . .vseif veteran* are asked * * 1<>. This i noble wow lorv should be perpetual ‘There is also upon us the time of election. This is the time to strike* The record of every candidate must be nized. Every candidate ought to be asked publicly to set himself on one or Other, so far as the question of anceis Concerned. Only for men un equivocably committed to temperance incipleg and practices ought we to vote whenever the Christain people of Geor gia take it into their hearts to finish up this vrork yet to be done, they can do it. Any £ time the ^ Baptists of Georgia do their as they do thp work wiI1 be more than half done. All we need alertness of conscience and the courage of our convictions. \\ e may he sure that our God is with every fight for the re striction and expulsion of the evils of : Strong drink. We can be equally sure . that the best sentiment of Georgia is the same way. We work, not >r a defeat, but . . when . Georgia • . _ a victorious . cause, in we strike for temperance laws. The times are propitious, if we are ready.”— Christain Index. i . A >etv Shop. x have m „ Tol into my now shop on Broad street where I welcome all my white friends to my handsome quarters. I will yislt your homes and dp haircutting and shompoomg for the ladies and child* ren; also sharpen razors. I have added :i shoe-shining depatment,. Give me a call. JOHN W. WILLIAMS, Barter, Crawfordville, Ga. * —Mrs. W. J. Norton wentdown to Augusta last night. Her son in-law, Mr. J. H. Chapman is re¬ ported quite sick. I —There were some lively times m the old town Monday over a bale of stolen cl [ ton. It was stolen by a negro from a farmer in Wilkes county Satur¬ day and brought here and sold.— Oglethorpe Ocho. (otton Market. The following is the Crawfordville price*, corrected every Thursday; Low Middling....... .....4 1-4 Strict Low Middling. y....4 1-2 Middling .......... . 4 514 Good Middling ..... .... 4 7-8 Strict Middling ... . 4 3-4 Gov. MacCorkle’s Endorsement. Bon. W. A. MoeCorklo, Ex-Gov. of West Virginia, odda UU naino to the long list of Statesmen benefited by 1’e ra-na—He heartily recommends Fe-ro-it as a ca¬ tarrh remedy and tonic. m *1 1 I m m s i(i Hon. W. A. MacCobki.b, Ei-Oov. of Wmi Yinr»ni* Gharlkstox, W. Va., March9,1S9S. Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Colutnius, 0. Gkxtlemux:—Y our Pe-ru-na, as a tonic, is certa,iqly unexcelled, *nd in a number of cases that have oonto under my observation where it.has been used f ur catarrh, or »»y <Um»m> which Ams its origin in that malady, it has been G f g roa t boneip. Pe-m-na my hearty recommendation, both as * tonic and catarrh remedy. w w, A a. macCOIKLE vjv re-m-na Is a permanent » ndscea “£JSSt \ D& J______ utt A U druggist* sell It Notloo ot Loo.1 Utfldilon. Notice is hereby given that -the will *rSuinn be Introduced before the nextj V JairalAs viz •xIaUng%ftxt»r An Art to repeal the of the town of 1 till man, Georgia, to provide tSf oS?-‘ gj«, to dctlna the eikpomte ltmlu of said ... ..... S nfl hfllllllA P L Ufll il V 11 1 ■ HU V lltr fWllO SI8S» a SAWS, BRISTLE TW1HE, BABBIT, &o., fob amt make or ois. ENGINES. BOILERS AND PRESSES jZSXgl*. SK rgSVtftgt mi lombard iron works & a ACOVSTA. Ul. Morpine and Opium Habit Easily Cured! For information aai best metiiod of curing above hadits y'REE, a idress Tiie Ohio Cliem. Works, L uh, O. A. I- STROM, Watchmaker & Jeweler, Richard’s Store, Crawfordville Ga. Repnir Work a Specialty. alPHIM aSg ! * XaC I 0 J2k.LLi.IC* m I I LiCl j It te fttjeohrtsiy Qgeies* to __ e*pe«t a ettrgfcal other operation blood ^sense. to cure ^he ceneer, tnruedty or any ^Sng'mS^* of deaths which re¬ gu j t f ro |n ft. The disease fs in the blood, and hence can not be cut out. N Iqe tlmesout of ten the surgeon - ^ife only beaten* death. & only hog*. Tb*o gc *» thS^aVbonTan^ ^ litres m6t&- ^| fj£'%tLo«Mod aerate Setcye ^» b* remedies ■without »n»n», *d uo», and ^ VU trfeodTd^il a!?0D ^vloe hc b^^l^wint de^d t o Speet f*g«a S3 atS{ > *>JmcmriL , twenty 5 \?aiirpenaano/i bottles hod dee,for hewaaear«ATb* h/ Unowyearsohl.ondhas eij»« hl2l 9 of the wv*. a ««a re ITS Oao dav n aa B*~, Daliaa, Texaa. itmotuljlj the only bope tot Oaoeec fa dwift* Specific, S.S.S.'S. Blood as it k the oe#f ncMdy wfcfeb ’ goee to the very bottom ot the blood and forces out every trice of the dheaao. add 8. 1 contains S. k ruenoeetsd potash, purely vegetable, no memory, or other mineral. Books on Gances* wffl fee mailed free to any address by the Swift Speoifie Go., Atlanta, Go. Citation. p EORGIA, TALIAFERRO COUNT T. '-V To whom it may concern: W. C. Rhode* haring in proper form applied to me for permanent letter* of ad¬ ministration on the estate of Clarence C. Rhodes late of said county, this i* to cite all and singular the creditor* and next of kin of Clarence C. Rhode* to be and ap¬ pear at pyy office within the time allowed by law, tyid show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to W. C. Rhodes on^ Clarence C. Rhodes’ oatate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 6th dar of Sept., 1898. GEOi. H. MyrCFIKLL, Ordinary. October Sheriff Sale. OTATE OF GEORGIA, TALIAFERRO ^COUNTY. Will bo sold before *aid the court house doer In Crawfordville in County and State, within the legal cosh, hours of sale, to the highest bidder for on the first Tuesday i,n October next, 1898, all that tract or pawl of land lying and being in the 604th district, Georgia Mili¬ tia, In Taliaferro County, Georgia, con taiuing one hundred *nd eleven (111) acres by more of Iom 9 bounded on the North lande of Mra. Fannie Asbury, on the East by land* of Mra. Mitchell, Rebecca E. the DaAgl wwth and by lauds of Frank on and the the South prong or Littte river, on West by the public road leading from Crawfordville to Woodstock iu Oglethorpe county. Also at the same time and place all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 607th Diatrict, Georgia Militia Taliaferro County, Georgia, lying on both sides of the North prong of the Ogecchee Jennings river with water mill, known ae mill, dwelling house and other improve¬ ments thereon, hounded on the North and East by lauds of Samuel H. Rhodes, trus¬ tee for his wife and children, on the South by public road leading from Crawfordville to Betbany church in Greene county, on the West by lands formerly owned by R. J. Reid now owned by J. F. Holden, con tainfng forty (40) acres more or less. Said lands levied ou as the property of Rebecca Jsne Ogletree under and by virtue of an execution Issued from the Superior Court of said county In favor of Albert L. Rich¬ ardson against said Rebecca Jane Ogletree Written notice of levy glycn as required by law. This 7th day of September, HENRY, 1898. D. P. Sheriff Taliaferro County. Office Moved. I have moved my Law Office up stairs over M. F. Griffith’s store. WM. N. MALTBIE, Attorney at Law, Crawfordville, Ga. BALTIMORE MUSICAL And Educational Home School^ For GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES. Cor. Lafsyatte Ave. and Charlts St. Baltimore, Md. Barthold Mover, Prln. Catalogue tumlshed upon application. Specialties — Piano, Vocal Culture, Stringed Instruments, Languages, Elo¬ cution, with Literature. Art and Eng¬ lish Branches. Number of boarding pupils limited. Uneceptional lioma omforts. Opens Sept. 8th, 189S. Aministratrix Sale. TATE OF GEORGIA, TALIAFER. RO COUNTY: In pursuance to an or¬ der of the Court of Ordinary of Taliafer ro County. Georgia, granted at the will Sep¬ tember term, 1898. of said Cotirt, be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in October next 1898. at the court house in the town of Crawfordville in said conn ty, within the legal hours of sale, the foi lowing property, to**.vit: All that tract or parcel of land situated in thefiOlst District, Georgia Militia, in said county, botmdeei as follows: Os the North by lands of O. P- Bonner, landsof J. T. Harrison and land of W. 8 D. . M. Whitney, on the East by lands of ■ Ogletree and lands of the estate of Anna Hall,, deceased, on the South by dower tract of Rachel Kent and lands of said Hall estate, on the West ay lands of G. G. Hixon and lands of Romallus Col lin*. (coi.,) containing one hundred and ninety two (192) acres John more J. Kent-, or less. Sold as the property of late of sri.t county, deceased. Terms cash. This Sth dav of September. 1S98. RACHEL KENT, Administratrix of the estate of John J Kent, deceased. Buggies, Vo Sim o 9 Harness, Harness, Wagons, Wagons! TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF TALIAFERRO: I have opened up in your town a full line of Harness, Sandies, Bridles, Lines, Breeching Whips, Lap Robes, Collars, Collar Pads, Harness and Axle Oils and everything kept in a first-class harness store. I also have on hand a car-load of Buggies and an¬ other ear to arrive in a few days. These goods have got to he sold regardless of prof¬ its, so come quick if you want a bargain. Highest cash price paid for green or dry Hides, Bees Wax and Wool. Store, East Side of Square, Formerly occupied by Mr. Paul G. Lucas. CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. Ship Your Cotton to M. O’DOWD’S SONS & CO Cotton. Factors, ' A Cor. Reynolds and 9tli Sts., Augusta, Ga. They Give Persona) and Undivided Attention to Weighing and Selling of Cotton. Liberal Cash Advances Made on Consignments, . , . JAMES B. WALKER, WARREN WALKER, Walker and Walker. COTTON FACTORS, The most qomplete and modern Standard Fire-Proof Warehouse in Georgia. Liberal Cash Advances made on consignments. Strict Personal At¬ tention given ip all business. Office and Warehouse 827 to 837 Reynolds St. _A.1TGKCJST'-A-, ChA.. ___ rH* 'ryfZ — STEWART PHINIZY. JAMES TOBIN. * > PHINIZY f GO. COTTON FACTORS* . _A_-u.g-u.sta,, Ca-eorgia. Spears f Pilcher’ Successor to J H- SPEARS, Cotton i Factors find* Commission i Merchants. Warehouse and Saleroom: 101 & 103 McIntosh (7th) St. ..Gor-Reynolds, AUGUSTA, GA. Wltl continue the business in its various branches. Advances of Bagging, Cotton T;-:*a and Family Supplies at lowest market prices. Liberal Cash Advances made on or ether Produce in Store. Consignments of all Field and FurmJProduco Solicited. • Ample facilities and long experience will guarantee satisfaction. PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SELLING, AND STORING ALL CONSIGNMENTS. . CHARGES FOR SELLING AND STORING, VERY REASONABLE. CHAS. F. BAKER. JERRYT. SMITH. BAKER & SMITH, Cotton Factors, Fireproof "W arehonse, COIL REYNOLDS AND CAMPBELL STS., AUGUSTA, GA. M^Consgn incuts of Cotton Solicited, Personal Attention Given All Badness. ii s a Wt*p jf 39 S. Broad j and 32 and 34 S- Forsyth Sts, ATLANTA, GA. Danerft. «_____ . £v.-.tS O, 0'- 9. .* ^ „ Erie City Iron Works, /£•?/ The GeiserM’fg. Co. y 4 ; hJ T \**z\ * The New Birdsall Co., &3> } “ *! U Hunger cf Improved GmaingCotton. Sya- v/'*; S.T "v *-iA.-\, t 0 ten: R. Hoe & Co.. A-v* , Henry Pisiton A 8 oas. * - > - ■ Sames Ohlen Governor *fc Sons. Co., h .-.MU %' V '• ’ 2 Gardner : . A Pember.hy Injector Co. ’ •*•.* y v ” .? --- : . . - h <••.*'**$y V> .* ■ JT fe Carrying a complete ’ v "'•••’ ■' ' * ' ^ ' i Hue of Mills.Separators, Engines, Boilers. 'l Saw - Grist Mills. Saws. Pumps, h ” Injectors. and Grate Pipe Fittings Bars, ^———*-> Kv, -• Steam Prompt Attention Civen Orders end Inquiries. g^,Cataloguc FR EEby mentioning this paper.