Newspaper Page Text
' I
Perhaps you hove had the
grippe or a hard cold. You
may be recovering from
malaria or a slow fever; or
possibly some of the chi!
dren are jus! getting over
the measles or whooping
Are you recovering as fast
as you should? Has not
your old trouble left your
blood full of Impurities?
And isn’t this the reason
you keep so poorly? Don’t
delay recovery longer but
' Take
i £ n
h. i
t <j*S
B ; remove a!I ftr.purl* It is
11 ties from your blood.
i also a tonic of immense
-M M ■ value. Give nature a little
i help at this time. Aid her
la by removing all the products
: of disease from your blood.
i If your bowels are not
just right, Ayer’g Pills will
! make them so. Send for
tur book on Diet in Consti-.!
a • pation. ..
la 1 Write to our the exclusive Doctors* services
.. We have phy*i- '/ '
SB * of some of tho iro.«t eminent
clans in the United States. Writ© reply,
freely and roceire a j>Tompfc
■without cost. AYER, a;
, Address, DR. J.C. ‘
~ ' Lowell, Maas.
Capt. J. W. Asbary a Candidate For
the Legislfttpre.
At a meeting of the undersign¬
ed recently held in Crawford¬
ville, Ga., it was decided to r e *
quest Capt. J. W. A-sbury to be¬
come a candidate for the House
of Representatives from Talia¬
ferro County on the prohibition
ticket. Capt. Asbury has con¬
sented to make the race. We
hereby aruicuicp. him ft prohi
tion candidate for the Legisla
ture and ask the support of the
prohibitionist of Taliaferro
County in his behalf,
E. H. Ogletree, T. O. Gunn,
S. S. Ellington, 3. W. Allen, H.
M. Harrison, Charley Chapman,
W. F. Bishop, Jno. N. Chapman,
G. S. Rhodes, Charley Ogletree,
J. W. Farmer, O. L. Chapman,
O. P. Bonner, A. S. Lunceford.
Ia Chieaso.
Chas. L. Smith writes ns from
Chicago, sending us a supscrip
tion to this paper and saying
that he is there refugeeing from
yellow fever in Mississippi. He
says he wants the news from the
South and sends for the Advo
Democrat. Y/e are glad that
Charles has a good job with a
large cotton firm and is better
pleased with the South than he
is Chicago.
O AS TOiaiA .
Bears the The Kind You Haw Always BotigM
Go to Farming’.
Do you wnnt to buy or trade
for a farm? If so, write us for
descriptions of know some what of onr kind bar
gains. Let us i
of plade you want, how much
you can pay and upon wliat terms
you wish to buy. We can meet
your requirements.
A have farm ^ oargams
e many
for sale in Tennessee. North j
Garolina and Norta Alabama,
Our places range in price from.
jSOO the business toMSOOO of selling xarms ex-!
clusively for ten year,.. We are
thoroughly familiar wrL values j
and conditions.throughout
section. If you want to buy, it 1
will pay you to consul r us.
Write for our list of farms for ■
sale. Sent free to anv address.
Crabtree’s Farm Agency,
Chattanooga. Tenn.
To The Public.
Having sold mv en’ire interest ia the
drug business to Dr. .VI. F. Deadwyi >r, 11
am no longer of,the firm of Andre ws &,
TYeadwyler. Dr. M. F. Deadwyler i, to
assume*!! rf-iponsibiliiies of said fiim.
Very BespecF ’Ey,
W. .. ANDREW?.
Sept. 12, 18f’8.
lure Heme tiattera Picksc. Up by Oai
uoo&l Be sorters
miat Oar People Are Doins and Saying.
Things Our Fries.da YsllUa.
“I owe iny success to the newspapers,
and to them I freely give a certain profit
of my yearly business,” says John Wan
Pine Stationery at the Owl
Drug Store.
—Paul G. Lucas spent a part
of this week in Atlanta.
—Jas. K. Sanford spent Sun¬
day last at Liberty Hall.
Extracts and flavoring of all
kind at the Owl Drug Store.
—Mr. Buck Fluker, of Union
Point, spent Wednesday here.
Belts, Packings. Oil and Lacing. W.
T. Johnson, Washington, Ga
—Don’t forget the ice cream
festival to night at Liberty Hall.
—Cattle are reported dying in
several of the adjoining couuties.
—The warm weather of this
week does not indicate an early
Condensed milk at the Owl
Drug StorQ.
—See notice of Messrs. Horace
& Carl Holden offering money to
—Capt. Rad. Rhodes, of War¬
ren, was in Crawfordville this
Patent Medicines at cut
prices at the Owl Drug Store.
—Everybody is talking of the
improvements going on in Craw¬
—Rev. L. P. Winter is improv¬
ing after a short spell of malarial
2 Cars 1 and 2 Horse Wagons just re¬
ceived to close out cheap. W. T- Johnson,
Washington, Ga
—Col Horace Holden is having
a large double buggy house put
up on his lot.
—Mrs. Jim Golucke, of Atlan¬
ta, spent a short time here with
relatives this week.
Baker’s Chocolate at the Owl
Drug Store.
—Mrs. J. W. Meiere, of Ogle¬
thorpe county, is visiting l’ela
tives in this county.
—As a general thing there is
very little burglary practiced
about Crawfordville.
—It is no new sight in any
part of town now to see new
buildings being put up.
Don’t fail to go through Johinon’sBig
Store when you visit Washington.
—Mrs. L. P. Winter and chil¬
dren have returned from an ex¬
tended visit to Gainesville.
—Messrs. L. A. Boline and
Quince Johnson, of Washington,
spent Sunday in Crawfordville.
—The Advo*Democrat wanted
to get into its new quarters by
Oct. 1st but will not be able to
do so.
Galatin 10c. package at the
Owl Drug Store.
—Mi*- W. T. Johnson’s new
advt. on this page tells of some
special offers he is making this
—Great deal of the cotton
stalks looks like rust had eaten
them up—nearly all of the bolls
are open,
—Messrs. Jno. F. Holden and
Jno. II, Stephens took m the A1
G. Feild ministrel in Augusta
Tuesday night.
—Dr. W. F. Hammack return¬
ed to Atlanta Monday after
spending a few hours with his
father at this place.
—Misses Ella Hall and Ella
Norton wept up to Athens Wed
nesdan to enter the Normal;
school. Miss Hall has attended j
several terms before.
-Mrs. Annie Sanford CochS
rane, of Barnasvule, went down
to Augusta yesterday after
spending a few days with her
mother's family at Liberty Hall, i
Mr. E. I. Anderson hasa !
e;ne sow and pigs of the Ohio Im-;
proved Chester stock that he will;
n reasonably. He also has a 1
n j ce of of. shoats Apjily that he him would)
dispose ^ to at:
Crawfordville. ! •
—Mrs. ^ Quisenberrv, returned
i . ves ter- ^
* M rs. W. f. Morris in this
v '"‘T, Eoljes returnee. . *rom .
ivDheLgeville Monday and aftm
vlSiiU -= ^oiacxe s A amii\
here returned to her home in
—The registrars have found a
large Tst of questionable voters
on the registry list, and we ex
pect t ar. list Will oe reduced , about: ,
two hundred.
igi : 53%.
I. . l
Bcf; Coagli Syr^in. Tuite« Use
ir time. SoH by Anugi*ic.
I :
'9" "r23,
:* ‘9
My large large Store is the biggest establishment
between Atlanta and Augusta?
1 have just received two car loads of Beds, Bureaus,
Chairs and Wagons? .
In order to make room for »i fall stock, I will sell the
i • •
above at lowest prices evpr offered you.
W. T. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga.
All persons indebted to Dr.
M. P. Deadwyler or to the firm
of Andrews & Deadwyler will
please settle with me as soon as
possible. M. P. Deadwyler,
JJr. Joluisou’s Death.
Mr. Richard Malcom Johnson,
of Baltimore, Md. is dead. He
was well known in this section
having been raised at Powelton.
Ho was a remarkable man. His
writings and toachings will be
monuments to his memory.
Loans Made on Lauds.
We have recently made ar¬
rangements to negotiate loans
on lands in Taliaferro County at
very low rates and any person
desiring to obtain loans on
three and five years time should
call on us.
Horace & Carl Holden.
Ice Cream Festival.
The ladies will have an ice
cream festival at Liberty Hall
park to-day (Friday,) and every¬
body are requested to come out
and enjoy themselves. The ob¬
ject is to raise funds to finish
paying for the Confederate Mon¬
ument and all should give it
their hearty support.
To the Vqfers.
On account of being engaged
with the Board of Registrars I
find that it will be impossible for
me to see all of my frjends, be
fore the election. I take this
method of asking the support of
all. Any favors shown me will
be greatly appreciated,
Very Respectfully,
C. H. Golucke.
la Hi* New Quarters.
Paul G. Lucas has about got¬
ten things straight in his new
store and has began to shell the
country with good goods at rea¬
sonable prices. Paul now has
one of the handsomest stores in
this part of the state and has a
most attractive stock of goods
to offer his customers. See' his
advt in this paper and give him
a call.
A Fine Fall Stock.
The Alliance Store is again to
the front and gives our readers
this week short talk about the
good things in that store for
customers. They are making
some low price offers on dress
goods, capes, shoes, jeans, cloth¬
ing and everything in their line.
You cannot offord to buy goods
before looking over their stock
and getting their prices. Read
ever y word they have in this
1 r and rofit by it>
-Only one election fight re
rted ^ to ^ date
^ _ TATEor „ - )mo > Civ* ,, 'ml o> lo ( sr- | !
ledo. Lucas C©L v in.'Y.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath
that he is the senior partner of ;
the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,!
dping business in the City of To
lodo, County and State-aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the j
LARS for each and every case
of Catarrh that cannot be cunffi
by the use of Hall s Catarrl
Cure. Frank J. Cil’Ney.
Sworn to before me and su’>
scribed in my presence, this :
(j a y c f December, A- D. IKm
_—a. W. Gi.,:
, sew ) Notary P.
—f Cure
Hall’s Catarrh is ....
internally and acts : ;?ly <■
the blood and pi noons ; u.iy
of the syt-tem. Send for testi
Address F. J. Cm:: - : cv J? Co . ■
Tol&do. f)
'Sold HuB’.'rjaiiiy bvdruggists. 7
p.ta •
Electric Lights.
The talk of Electric lights for
our town will likely be renewed
now and the talk should bo fol¬
lowed up with action. Just at
this time we can have a plant put
in here at a remarkablyQow cost
and it would be the best chance
in a lifetime for our town to
make a step forward. We need
them and every citizen should
work to have electric lights.
IJ.Qvrl>Q You Standi
There are three amendments
to the State Qonstitution to be
voted upon 1 ne$t week. Two oH
these refer to tjie electing of
Superior court judges and the
third to the electing of solicitor
generals fyy tho people. These
questions are submitted to the
voters and eveyy voter should
so mark his ticket to vote for or
against these amendments as he
may choose.
]!ir. Hogan Spoke.
Mr. J. R. Hogan arrived here
Wednesday night on the fast
train and made a speech at the
court house as per his appoint¬
ment. He had a fairly good
house and his hearers were well
pleased with his talk. Quito a
number of Democrats wont out
and enjoyed the jokes ho trot off
on them.-- Ho presented his side
of the question to the satisfaction
of many. .
Cattle Dyefiifr.
Mr. Jno. O. Stewart tells us
that the cows in this part of the
county are dying considerably
now with something , peculiar.
He attributes the trouble to their
eating grass thq,t was pverflowed
by swollen streams that left the
grass covered with mud. His
theory seems to be very good.
It is often the case that calves
die from eating dirt, and if it
kills calves it is likely it will
kill cows.
- ...... - '* * '•
I have moved into the handsome new brick store on Broad
Street, recently vacated hy Andrews & Deadwyler, whore X will
Be Pleased to See All My Old Friends
and Customers?.
I have a full stock of DIXY GOODS, HATS, SHOES,
PANTS, NOTIONS, Groceries, Canned Goods, Candies, Cheese,
Crackers and all goods kept in a FI RST CLASS
General Merchandise Stock,
And I am constantly adding new lots of the latest goods to
my already complete stock.
X am selling these goods
At L y Vv Ootton Prices.
To be convinced of the above facts, come and see me. Be*
quaVtCfS Oil jiroaCl , ntreCT. ,
rilCmDCT I11V nGW
Brightest Items from Near by
To the Credit of the Excellent County
Journals from Which We (Jet
the Creamy Soys.
—Cotton is about all open in
Warren and Hancock counties.
—Wilkes county's taxes will
be §11.01 per thousand this year.
Try the Washington Mfg.
Co. on nails and builders hard¬
—Mr. W. H. Amason died at
his home in Oglethorpe county
last week.
—The Sparta Ishmaelite re¬
grets to record the death of Mrs.
Elijah Wheeler.
New, standard m cycle
for stile cheap, apply at Advo
Domocrat office
—Miss Mary Kent, of Monroe,
has been very ill. with typhoid
fever.—H e r a 1 d -Journal.
I will pay cash for old iron,
brass, copper and bones. A. J.
Melton, Crawfordville, Ga.
—Prof. E. B. Moore, of
Sharon, was a visitor here last
Saturday.—Warrenton Clipper.
Good as new Singer Sewing
Machine for sale cheap. Cash
or on time. Apply at this office.
J. M. Denham, of White
Plains, is buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
—Sparta is still on the im¬
prove. Two- new brick stores
are rapidly going up there and
many other improvements.
See W. T. Johnsons, Wash¬
ington, Ga., for Buggies and
Wagons. He buys in car load
lots and makes low prices.
—There is one Democrat, one
Republican and one or more
Populist candidates in the race
in Warren county for legislative
—The report current hero that
Miss Beulan Kent, of Monroe,
will be married Sept. 20, is
denied by friends of her family.
—PI e rald-Journal.
W. Y. Edwards wants a 4
gallon cow at once. Any ope
having such a cow guaranteed
to give that much milk can sell
by applying to Mr. Edwards.
- While carrying on a meeting
in Gmn Hill, recently, a negro
stole Rev. J. H. Kilpatrick’s
harness. The thief has managed
to avoid capture.—Ishmaelite.
Don’t miss getting that line
cooking stove and set of kitchen
ware wnich will be sold at a low
cotton price at the Advo-Demo¬
crat office. We only have one to
dispose of.
M S@ved Her Life.”
if) w
mm i Hr
iW r
M R3. JOHN WALLET, of Jefferson.
Wls., than whom none Is more highly
esteemed or widely known, writes.
"In 1S93 I had a severe attack of LaQrippe
and at tho end of four mouths, in spite of all
physicians, friends and good nursing could
do, my lungs heart and nervous system were
so completely wrecked, my life was de¬
spaired of, my friends giving mo up. 1 could
Only sleep hy tho use, of opiates. My lungs
and heart pained me terribly and my cough
was most aggravating. I could not lie in
one position but a short time and not on my
1 eft side at all. My husband brought we
Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart Cure and I be¬
gun taking them. When I had taken a half
bottle of each l was much better and contln.
uing persistently I took about a dozen bot¬
tles and was completely restored to health to
thp surprise of all." fSSBK
arc I>r- sold Miles’ by Remedies all drug- mi N D?. p
gisfs under a positive BkA "Mllea*
guarantee, first bottle g GkA itM
benefits or money re¬ i^Restoiyip.
funded. Book on dis- %. NeaWi A
eases of the heart and
nerves free. Address, Eg m
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind.
—George Melvin, a stone cut¬
ter who worked at the Granite
Hill quarry, was killed by the
night train at Cainalr, Saturday
night.—Sparta Ishmaelite.
—Four cent cotton does not
authonizo farmers to pay over
2oc per hundred for picking and
in some sections hands are de¬
manding 30c and refuse to pick
it for less.
Dnot, Dlqpil Dd-p.
Cl run Wood mean* a clean nlun. No
beauty without it. Caacarpta, Candy Cathar¬
tic dean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirriiiR np thq jaty liver and driving all im¬
purities from tlia' body. Begin to day to
banish pimple*, boils, blotches, blackhead*,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
(,’sscnrets,—beauty for ter; cents. All drug
giKtt, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c.
—The regular nominee of thQ
Populist party in Warren epunty,
Mr. Corrjbs, has come out of the
race for the legislature, chair¬
man Ha west and secretary Burk*
halter of the party have resign¬ l*th
ed. Bolters met on Sept.
and nominated a ticket. Things
are in a st«,tQ of disruption dowq
there it soetns.
Dlioaxn of thf (Hood cmmI X< rrx.
No one ncoj suflipr with neurnljria, Thk
disease is quickly and {jermcuwiitly a«f«d
by Browns’ Iron Ilittors. Every iJiituM* of
the blond, nerves and stomach, chruciM
or Bitters. otherwise, Known siit-eumbs and udmI to Browns’ ro-arl Irvq
for u
quarter of a century, it tUntls to-day
most among our mnM vnlrn-d rri-iedU*.
1 Browns’ iron Bitters is void by all deaptf,