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61^00 1 F&X? ‘STocn*.,
This Column
Put in
And See.
' 1 * i
; '
Wednesday's Election All Ofer the State
Shows their Gains.
The Result in the County Was a Great Surprise to
There never was a similar election in Taliaferro county as the
one held this week. The entire tickets were at sea when it came
to an opinion as .to the result.
While it was a hot contest the work was done quietly and in a
smooth humor.
The State gives the Democrats a majority of sixty or so veiny
thousand. J
The following is the official vote of the county:
Crawfordville: Sandy I-iuker: opringueld: Sharon: Raytown:
Croas:____ Majorities:
ALLEN D. CANDLER 272 *1 27 10 87 OC Go’ 484— GO
JRHOGAN 190 65 33 39 40 Ifcw 5 418 —
SENATOR 19th Dist.
, COLUMBUS HEARD 247 1 28 10 87 oc 56 4S7— 69
It E DAVISON 190 65 82 39 40 5 418—
WILLIAM R. REID 864 5 29 9 88 29 55 479— 92
G T EDWARDS 185 55 23 36 42 41 • 5 887—
d W AS BURY 8 1 fl Id
Clerkiof Superior Court
CHAS. II. GOLUCKE 286 3 31 16 88 30 56 509—117
S II RHODES 175 64 2S 33 45 42 5 392—
FRANK B. TAYLOR 264 1 f fs 13 87 32 56 479—,
• DP HENRY 302 00 88 46 41 6 420
ot Taj, R«t^rn» S'
ROBERT L. VEAZEY 281 1 13 106 30 56 512—1.
S 8 PERKINS 170 63 2 38 27 42 5 388—
Tax Collector
WM. O. WRIGIIT 264 2 27 11 88 36 57 485— 78
LCRHODES 193 57 32 39 44 37 5 407—
County Treasurer
WILLIAM W. BIRD 21 20 88 33 56 547—198
AJ CHAPMAN CI 44 Ok 20 44 41 5 351—
County Surveyor
SEAR. J. JONES, Jr. ‘ 275 1 -1 10 88 3(1 56 497—291
E II MEADOWS 79 4 05 84 45 23 190—
27 ' 5
JESSE MOORE, Ji. 103 57 9 5 200—
HENRY H. FLY NT X ' 2 27 12 91 33 50 498— 97
J E PATE o 65 83 37 42 46 5 401—
Amendments were defeated as follow*:
Majorities against No. 1—5, No. 2—10 No
Yellow Jdnhdke Cnred.
Suffering humanity should be on;>fdied
with even- means possible for its relief.
It is with pleasure we publisii the follow
ing; “This is to certify that I was* ter
rihle sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for
over six months, and was treated by soma
of the best physicians ia ourcity and ah to
no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, reoom
mended Electric Bitters; and after taking
two bottles, I was entirely cured. I now
take great pleasure ia recommending them
to any person suffering from thte terribte
malady. I am gratefully yours, M. A
Hogart yLvxington, Ky*”
Sold'at Dr. R. t. Reki’a drug store. £*0
eenti per bottle.
Our Honor Roll. ...
Tiie following kind patrons have paid
their subscriptions siiice our Hist issue;
T. N. Chapman Si .50 to Aug. 25 ’99
Arthur Ogletree, 30c to April ti, ’98.
Beauty Is Blood Deepi
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Gascarets, Candy Cathar¬
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
•tirring up the, lazy liver and driving all im¬
purities banish from the body. Begin blackheads, to-day to
pimplev, boils, blotches, taking
and that sickly bilious completion by
Cascarets,—beauty for ten emts. Aihdrug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
FALL 1898.
As the season has arrived, so our Fall Stock is now complete in even Pf-rtmect.
We consisting take the oppe-tunity tiie to inform best woolens the public made of into the ie< the option latest 01 anu our mo*. 1 x- ■-i.yJi’in , jothing, suit
indeed of very of the time to o.ak
design*. There are many who would like to take advantage ham, (; u
choice selection of a Suit, Overcoat or Hat from the many varieties on ’"More the
rush of theeeacon oegins. It will afford us great pleasure and will be a oe. -fc;, uJ ta*k
tofshow you the many new and hand seine suits in our men’s and our children’s de¬
part menu
Mr. W. A, Wright willbfe glad to see you.
I. C. LEVY’S SON & CO •5
Augusta, Ga. _
Tailor-Fit Ciotniers,
B>*w aw* OMitiiMiuts fojr (YRuTit That
ikv.drd.ri Mercury.
H-i nyoikliiS'y U’tli ttUJ’eiv tlcsti'oy
t Iki O of fun-sli and complote
ly Gttretn^a • Lfco Whoks .system
when entering Ui thlxMRyh the
mucous BtjrAtces. ITucll articles
- Aoeki never bo used exceyot on
jv e.ftcript.kina from reptlttlble
rhysiciUDH, as the dtwnage they
wiU db is ten fold to the good
you can possibly derive from
'hem. Hall’s Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co., Toledo. 0., (Amtains nomer
cury, uxtd is token mbernally,
txotjiw* dia*ectiy’ ujx>u tbo Wood
and mncoos surfq/gis of the sys
>em. In. buy ing Hull’s Catarrh
Cure be sure* you get the gen
xJrui. It is taken internally and
aacL© in Toledo, Ohio, by P. J.
Cheney <fc Co. Testimonials
Sold by Drifggists. price 75c.
per bottle.
Uai\’a family Pills aro the
—The election this week was
remarkable for its quietness.
The election lias passed and gone and
we guess nil of the candidates know how
they stand with the people now.
We see cotton is very slow to open Oil
some farms. This is giving the ginneries
a little hack set. The crop is quite short
in this section.
Mal'»rion is devoid of bitter tieste.
Cures Chills and Fever; acts on the li\ or
and regulates the system generally. All
Messrs. Foucha and son have been paint¬
ing up the Hotel Jackson pailings which
adds greatly to appearances. L. S. is al¬
ways up with the times.
Dr. A. A. Davidson, of Augusta, was
up recently hut staid so short a time no¬
body got to see. hint, lle is one of Slin
roll's favorite young men.
The present registration law we think is
a curse and a great expense to the state,.
We think the legislator tliut got it up
ought to gel one more up and quit.
Wl>st j Is oi tHt Thriving
. Are Doing.
L. "agict.
Mr. Joe > i- reported much better
this >\ eek.
Miss llm ugton, of Pearidge. is re
ported butt
CM L. r of Hillman, was vis
lting Sbari : e
Mrs. ( j_j Aas in Sharon last
week o> < luisit.
Mr. .1’ U ,ilen has shipped several
car loads oi ,1 already.
Oar duj Vi platform is kept tilled up
with c 'll u I tiie time.
C.ipt. ,U- 1 Tubert, of Warren, was in
on business.
Mr. T o' - Moore has been doing some
machine w at Fnlliu’s mill the past
Sharon is a very good business the
past wtn.r. >ur merchants were pretty
Dr. A. i ;)a\ tdson has been attending
the sick th past week at Barnett and
Fortiuu'Voud is paveu with economy.
Economise hen fore by purchasing your
groceries. ..aiis, ,y goods, notions and
shoes frfiii’P t- ■. fordvilic Alliance store—
Numseu' )n aid Vinegar always on
hand. V. .ranted pure and guaranteed
absolutely or piekl ng.
Mbs M Bugb/ is stopping in Mildra
Jon. witi) brotUer J. E. Bagby, at
Rev. t L- uings will preach at
Williams . :ek eh..roll next Saturday ami
Any oi.'L-iug any quilting or mat
trassesin.ij ing done call on C. L. Bagby,
Sharon, Gi.
Mr. B. iiwrence Battle, of Warrenton,
has been jlth us for sometime looking I
after biiMpus*.
Mrs. ; lujaman Sturdiyant, ot l’ea
Ridge, w it ■ i see tier sister, Mrs, Betuie
Moore, 11 it wc; k
SWv«t r Statons liaye be n coming into
Si v ifck. U e expect that
v,1. thin t. >.
Mr % T'igi hat- recovered iron
K-St) 1 111 t II up looking
Mr. J. * « gendric’ / V ice l’oesulent of
the Orajvfodvtile #f stockholders ^Jauk attended last week. the
meeting toe
Judge Ik II. Rhodes was into see us last
Friday, We suppose Sain was looking
out for the buttle to be fought this week.
Experience is the great teacher—you
will experience both pleasure and profit by
purchasing your groceries, meats, dry
goods, notions and shoes from Crawford¬
ville Alliance Store. Nuintscu’s Old Or¬
chard Vinegar always on tan. Warrant¬
ed pure and guaranteed absolutely for
The bugs or flies are playing havoc with
the turnip patches and gardens and no
body don’t know what kind of insect they
Amos Dallas was found guilty of f ngery
in the justice court and sent to jail to
await trif-d in February term of Superior
court, i
Therefore no new cotton buyers at
Sharon f this season. We always have
some exltra ones. Price too low wc
guess, i
Old flijan George Binns died last Friday.
He was gbmit ninety years old so said
and had boen a faithful old darkey during
his life.
One > finvite Cough Cure surprises pco r
pie by it quick curgs and children may
lake it i)u lai-pe quantities without the least
danger. It !i i« won for it-eif the 1/est
reputation cold! of any preparation used to-day
for i, croup, tickling in the throat or
obstinaj/e Andrews couglis. & Dcadwylcr, Crawfordville.
Dr. Law rence Brown, Sharon.
Mr ttad Rhodes, one of Warren coun
ty’s old'citizen», who has been a
nent mam in his time, was in out section
last week *
We k bow some men that are fanning
this yeajr that their wages all. won’t 1’Iiis amount looks
to fifty klollars board and
very hard indeed.
A negjro was hurt or cut in one of liis
hands art Flynt & Moore’s saw mill last
week. .The doctors had to amputate one
of his lijngers.
Morel than twenty million free samples
oi DeVv itt’s Witch Hazel Halve have oeen
distribnited ipro< by the manufacturers. What it’*
better if of their confidence in
merit# qio you want? It cures plies, burn®,
scalds, sores in the shortest space of
time. 1
Atidr ews Ac Deadwyler 'rawfordville,
Dr. La urence Brown, Sharon.
, V*ln e t»l« to Women.
KeptfiaOy valuable to women L« Brown.,’
Iron fi liter*. Backache vanisiiea, headache
disapp*tlrength take# '.he place of
weagn **s, and ' glow oi health rceiiily
comes fto the pailid check when this wan
derful remedy ia taken. For sickly children
•r ; > rorked men it ha. n'i wjuai. No home
Kh iuM’ without this famous remedy,
Brawnt.’lrwi Utters ia goM by all dealtfi-
Xxx Ad-vano©.
There are some men who think
a great Influence over other people
this country but when it is tested taint
a hill of beams in time of it drouth.
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve has the
sale of any Salve in the world,
fact and its merits has led
to attempt to counterfeit it. Look
for the man who attempts to deceive
when you call for De Witt’s Witch
Sal ye the great pile cure. Cruwfordvillo.
Andrews A Dcadwylcr, Sharon.
Lawrence Brown,
Mrs. Nick Edwards, of Warrenton, was
a visit to her father, Mr. John P.
and other relatives in this section
week. Shelias many acquaintances
8 baton.
Another party have left our district for
glory land prospecting. We think
of them will wear out llicir buggies
and horses traveling down there looking
Wo had the pleasure of calling on Mr.
Edmond G.olucke in his shop last week.
Mr. Colueke is an Interesting Hiker and
a lively old gontJemon. He A one of tin
ffnost workmen In this country a , l put -
I thc b(ist of furniture out of the very
best, material and lie sells it, as cheap as
the shoddy stuff they bring into our niar
kets. He is seventy two years old but
gets about a* lively as a man much
j ounger.
HueklensN Arnica Salve#
The Best Salve i:i the world for Cut
Bruises, Sores, 1 leers, Sait Rheum, Fever,
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Ohillbbiins, Corns,
and all Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles, or no pity reuquired. It is
guaranteed to give satisfaction or money
refunded. Price-25 cents per box. For
sale by Dr, It. J. Keick
MHlavlon \V I til Mulmlon Tablets
O/iro for Chills, Fever and
or money refunded, 50 cents. All
Jim Johnson's report of his trip in
Ga. is very amusing. He had a
hot time with the mosquitoes and J
(lies. Ho tells some fmiuy incidents
his travels down there.
When you call for DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve the great pile cure, don’t
accept anything else. Don’t be talked
into accepting u substitute, for piles, for
gores, for burns.
Andrews & DeadVyler, Crawfordville
L Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Mr*. BeRic Moore has been confined to
he* bad fox Sever’ 1 dt vast. She In s a
very bad tumor on hepheud. f lic' uoctm .■
were to perform an operation but thought
she wuji too weak to stand it
Nothing succeeds like success, Ed
wards & Co., are always successful in
pleasing their patrons in groceries, meats,
dry goods, notions and shoes. Numscu’s
Old Orchard Vinegar always on hand.
Guaranteed pure and guaranteed absolute¬
ly for pickling.
We expect there will be more hay'saved
this year than has been in twenty years
before. The fodder crop is so short that
buy will bring a good price next year and
and it is better feed for stock than foil
You invite disappointment when you
experiment. DeWiU’s Little Early
itisers are pleasant, <usy, thorough little
pills. 1 lie.y cure constipation and sick
heudacbe just as sure us you take tliem.
All'll Andrew* ews ,t Dcudwvlcr i/f.Hun 11* I, ( t ! lawioiuviut, i ,vfnrd v ille
Dr. Lawrence Brown Sharon.
People in Wilkes county just as soon
shoot you or kill you us not, it seams that
tiie law is not regarded m it, should he. it
does not speak well for any town, county
or community, where they are always in
fuss. People can live without all this
For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites,
burns, skin disease* and especially DeWitt’s piles
there is one reliable remedy,
Witcii Hazel Salve. IVlien you call for
DeWitt’s don’t accept counterfeits or
frauds. You will not be disappointed
with DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve.
Andrew* At Dcadwylcr Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrent'e Brown, Sharon.
While in Crawfordville last week cash¬
ier M. F. Griffith showed us through the
Crawiordville bank. It is very nicely fit
^,1 up add wc gue*s thie will be another
shaV0 up for Crawfordville aud herpeo
j ( j e _ BUiiness enterprisei is what always
builds up a town.
Truth wear* well. 1'cCplc have learned
that DeWitt’s Little Early Risers arc re
liable little constipation pill* for regulating and sick the headache. bowels
curing gripe.
They don’t Crawfordville,
A ndrews «fc Dcadwylcr,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
We - understand the Sandy Cross Baptist
cLureii has icccnsidered its action in ru
gard to paste: unc! will recall Rev, Mr.
Bell. This i# right. A church
off _ pastor without , good .
j not turn a a
son. for so doing. Vv r e have heard that
i Mr. Bail is a good man and preacher.
I Messrs, Brown A Bracy, two of our best
i i farmers, liave harvested about 14,',00
j jxiunds of pea vine hay oil of till ec
j of land, a or the wheat Was it iff of it
j That beats cotton all hollow at present
3-ats tin- The Kwl ^aie Always
Q f
NO. 33.
Royal ftiukcR the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
?.0V4/j @
S \$
Cotton Market.
The following Is the CrawfordvilL
prices, corrected every Thursday;
Low Middling....... .....4 1-4
Strict Low Middling • ..4 1-2
Middling ......... ■ 4 5-3
Good Middling ..... I 7-3
Strict Middling ... . 4 3-4
—Mr. J. (J. Jol’dan, ofWveunb
(la., was in Orawfordvillo Sat
unlay. His mauy friends in thi>
count y would like to se<* hhi
move back among us
Fitts Carmlnatlv i pleasant to -
taste, acts promptly, and never fail
gi v< > satisfaction. It, carries
over the critical time of teething, and
tiie friend of anxious mothers and
children, A few doses will d inonstrat
Us value. E. H. Dorsey, Athens,
writes - . “I consider it the best medicine
I have ever iiseil in my Lordly, It
all you claim for it, and <>w n mote.”
sale at Alliance Store
fllSBIIlil p«Jr 9 JqJI | si (f f | 8 hr
I § g g
j U| hRVe M . od y<nir valuable
iteri-s ivn a in,a them ptrfe:. !',;->»oieUim coulUn t n<
] without them. I have used Hi—;
I 1 f«*lndlgestloo ttndbiliouHn u-.:., am now com
ijiutcly cured. Kecomiiu-ml them, to every one
Once tried, you will never be without them
the family.” Eow. A. Mxux Albany, N. V.
T**or MASS SKHrasro
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good.
Good. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Cir-pe, U*c. tec, Uic
Hffrlloff Kfiardy <'ooip»By, ('hir*i;o. Jlontrea!. hew York. 321
‘ ~
j 'Trade Mark Registered Mov.-4, . Jb.
1 rp. 1I1C 1 XT ’ pw OTT T.ifp-Gl W,IV VCP *
Promotes Vigorous Health iv
oXYUKN from ti.e 11 ir ii. .. .
| anf j curcs .,)( forms of simple
Medicine dr E ctrl< ty. It
j p rea thin«.
Prices of OXYDONORS . ii
j dneed. Get the genuine, ;iliiue by
discoverer and inventor, U
I Sanche.
: Book of particulars and pr. ; ist free
Address Di. li. Sanche, 261 Fifth
|.—11—- unj _ ^- ( w York.
Letters of Dismission
Whereas John P. M< administra
tor of Enos Moore- deceased represents u
tiie court in his petition, duly ‘Led,
he has fully administerod Eno
tttC* This is tiierefore to cite ail
sons cdu cerned, kindred and creditors,
show cause, if an} they can. why said
minister should not lie discharged
his administration, and receive letters
i ilismissiod on ihetiist MITCHELL,Ordinary. Monday in
1899. GEO- II.