Newspaper Page Text
SlOO I* ox* Tear.
This is C. Bergstrom’s
Goiumn. Please Ex¬
mine it and Come
and Buy of Him.
Dry Goods Department.
t)ress Goods iu assorted colors.
Calicoes in assorted patterns, Carnbiic
hi assorted patterns, Bleaching,
good assortment, Bed-spreads at
at lowest prices, Flannels iu great
variety. Large stock oi Plaids, Sheet¬
ing and shirting. Large stock
Spool cotton and ball thread. Canton
flannel in different shades and colors.
Notions and Fancy Goods.
Large assortment of dress Shirts,
Hustlers, Undershirts, suspenders,
II audkerchie fs, Neck- wear and Gloves.
A good assortment Ladies’ Hose and
Children’s Hose. Men’s half Hose all
i n great variety.
Great assortment of Jeans and Jeans
Pants, Boy’s Coats, Pants and Vests.
Come at once and buy of me.
Glassware and tamps.
Large Ilall and Parlor Lamps,
Chandelier globes, and Lamp globes,
Lantefns and lantern globes, extra
shades, burners and wicks, common
hand lamps, Looking glasses and glass
Crockery, Foreign & Domestic.
China Plate., large ** of
tache Cups and sauceis, 1 oicUtVin cups
and saucer, English, steak Dishes and
lor.Te stgck pJ: ^ Bo\v
Drugs and Medcines.
Wizzard, British and sweet Oils.
Castor and Kerosene Oils, Glass glue
and Putty.
Stoves and Tinware i
Galvanized VV 7 ell Buckets for oored
wells, latge and small Tubs, Bread
Trays, half bushel and peck measures,
Gallon and half-gallon Oil cans. Pots
and Kettles, and stove pipes.
Tranks, Leather Goods, Etc.
Sole and leather, Harness, Bridles
Saddles, Etc., Valises, Leather and
Bark Collars.
Honse-furnishing Goods.
Mattresses, cotton and straw, steel
Springs, folding and straight, Bound
Tables, Swings, Hobby-horses, Wag¬
ons. Etc. for children.
Needles & Sewing Mine
Suppliest such as Gold Eye, Silver
Eye and sdwing machine Needles for
all the different makes of sewing ma¬
Sowar, Coffee, Rice, Flour, Lard,
Boasted " ’ Lolfee ’ Axle-Crease, °i Soaps,
of«ver, . ^.Turnip ,p rtnimi sen
CanJtes. Craciers, bote.
Pickles, Vinegar, Segars, &n U ff,
Chewiri^ and smoking i cbacco.
Hardware aad Caltierj.
Axes, Hoes, Nails Horse and jittle
Shoes, shoe Hammers* Scis-or-
shears and hair Trimmers. Knives and
Forks, spcoDS. Rocket Knives a: d
Gun T ubes.
Wl>t*. 'the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing,
^ C. L. BAG BY.
Printer’s ink helps a man’s business
Judge Rocker from Elim was hi oar sec¬
tion last week,
Mr. J. IV. Fallen has added new count¬
ers to hh ban
Messrs. Brown and Bracy intend moving
to Texa? this fall.
Pa-tir Embry preaches at Sharon M. E.
church Saturday and Sunday.
Crawfordville lias a very neat barber¬
shop kept by J. \V. Williams.
Call and see C. L. Bagby for prices on
mattress making and quilting.
Frost in this section last week. Heavi¬
er clothes Wi 11 be needed next.
Uucle Warren Baker, a good old darkey
80 years old, died Thursday.
Wo never have known sore-eyes &'o pre¬
valent in thia section as at present
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dard'n’s littl*
daughter, Mollie, is on the sick list.
Mr. Louis Beckworth and wife, of
Wilkes, were in our section hist week.
No-To-iiac for Fifty cents.
Guaranteed tobacco liaiilt cure, xnaKss weak
me a strong, blood pure. 50c, #i. All drutcieu
The farmers have mad a good use of
the nice weather we have been having.
We hear reports of some marriages
booked for tliit section iu tlm neav future
Malar ion is devoid of bittei* taste.
Cures Chills and Fever: acts on the liver
and regulates the system generally. All
Some tivo-liorse farms are making the
discoiltaging number ot five bales of
Messrs. Henry and Sam Chapman, of
Warren, were in Sharon Friday on bad¬
Mat avion Willi Malarion Tablets
Guaranteed Cure for Chills, Fever and
Ague, or money refunded. 50 cents, All
days ago.
BrQ{>ke a)jd I)eUa Moor , (
guests m wis
iron this week;
A. D. Moore has a Tom cat and kitten
that are making.tlie rats hide out »t the
Temple of Industry.
Rome people talk like they want to move
far away this fall. They hyafc not made
enough to payout.
Educate Your Howels With Cnsoarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forcror.
10c, 25c. If C.C.C. fail, druBRiste refund money,
Two move negroes, Lela. Jones and Bob
Veazcy, were sent to the Asylum from
this BeCtion last week.
We think the several drummers to our
town the past week fouutl the stores too
full of goods already.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
II C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money.
Mr.VieldingJHill who has b?en confined
to his tbom for several finys, is better and
we hope he will soou recover.
Wlifen vou call for DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve the great pile cure, don’t
accept anything else. Don’t be talked
into accepting a substitute, fot piles, for
sores, for burns.
Andrews & Deadwyler, Ctawfordvills
Dr. Lawrence Brown. Sharon.
Preaching at Barnett by Pastor Cum
mingy, and at Raytown by Bailor Rain
water, Saturday and Sunday.
Mr» Lon Gilbert now ha^comp ete a
convenient well now and will not have to
go abroad for a drink of water.
liable little pills for regulating the bowels;
curing constipation and sick headache;
Andrews A Deadwyler, Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Mr^odby, of Nutwood „ . ,
here Fnday. trading 1 edp.e w 1
bharon from ^road to spend «m.
lllon *^ r ‘
Malarion it endorsed by best Fiiysieian.
d r , wor , cun. F»,ui
Ar;«. Al11'hffl® «' Moffii-W-t
Dru " Co ” bt ’ Lou *’
Some of our merchants say tha- ti
business is already too well known toad
vertise it, M'e suppose they havfe let out
a good deal on time and are scared they
will win not not collect coueci it. it
Dr. Bull’s
M hefsl This wonder- ■
“rt?S‘"uS3 gyiUPa
fcy Croup ot Wtoopme- 1
cough. It never Lih to ^ PrK« 25
cure throat tad lung troubloo. ctfa
Woman’s Mysterious > Ills.
Explanation of their nalkt* by Dr. Hartrt an * toho tells how to cure them.
Women are constantly pua-
2led about their health. In¬
^5^ deed female troubles puzzle all
! Women. Older womon have
L i experience, but few posses i
if® | B| knowledge of the subject. The
periodical suffering is painful.
is accompanied by many
varying sensations that distress.
: How much of this is necessary
W W' 7 is a matter of guesswork. The
j professional whole question is shrouded iu
'/ p Hartman’s book for women,
\ B call “Health and Beauty,” treats
' thes: matters with delicacy, and at
the June time with clearness. Write
to the Re-ru-na Medicine CoiilpaMy, Columbus O., for it: it is mailed free. It
is a practical printed talk to women. Dr. Har mun defines women’s diseases as
ratarrh and tells how Pe-ru-nrt cures them. .
Mrs. C. C. Naeve, 38G Morriscfn St., Portland, Dre., writes as follows:
Pe-ru-na Medicine t Co., Ct/lumbfes, O, * I lived
Dkau Sihs:—“ began to tak$ Pe-ru-Ba whet in Columbus, O., in 1887,
and have used if and the Man-a-lin ever siftc whenever 1 needed medicine. I
have never found an equal to PO-ru-na for re: dating the menses, rind before I
began to take it I was never regular and al\vw' s had more or less pain. 1 had
tried many different medicines before I saw pi jru-na but without success.”
There is nothing mysterious about tho ar-’ on of Pe-ru-na. It is not a
“ cure-all,” but it cures eatarrH wherever locat'd, and there may bo catarrh in
any organ of the body, as all are lined with m ,cous membrane.
Mrs. M. C. Mehl, r>04 Walnut St., Columbia, F l -i«ays: 'T have been troubled
with catarrh and a soreness in my bowels for sd'eral years. 1 tried everything
that was recommended. 1 tried Pe-ru-na and i*n happy to say that I am now
entirely well.” J ,*
Dr. Hartman’s advice may be had Catarrh without fharge by any woman who will
vrite for it. llis book on Chronic As a S P mailed free. It explains the
fauger of local treatment. AlT,druggists sell 1‘ •-ru-na.
Auk any druggist foV a frtfe Po-ru-na
j for theyoarl J 8»,
(Jld-Shiloh royally entertained the iieo
^j e Hl t j ic Georgia Baptist Association
week. All who attended report a
good time.
You invite disappointment wlieit you
experiment. De Witt’s Little
Risers are pleasant, < asy, thorough Jittle
pill*. They cure constipation and *iek
headache just assure as you take them.
Andrews & Ileadwyler, Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown Hharon.
We had a family of Gypsy show folk*
to camp noar our town last week. They
gave a show every night aud some ot our
Vfif - A ’■ ‘ ' ’ '* 1
Fortune’s road is paved with economy.
Economize therefore by purchasing your
groceries, meats, dry goods, notions and
shoes from Crawfordville Alliance store—
Numsen’s Old Orchard Vinegar always on
hand. Warranted pure and guaranteed
absolutely for pickling.
Tho Advocate-Democrat'« getting out
lots of nice job work. Col. Moore’s /:ot
ton bill forms fit the bill for merchants
who buy cotton
A stubborn cough or tickling in the
'throat yields to One Minute Gough Cure.
Harmless in effect, touches the tight spot,
reliable and just what is wanted. It acts
at once.
Andrews & Dcadwyler, Crawfordville
I)r. Lawrence Brown. Sharon,
Mr. Joe Coon Moore, of Warren, Was
here last week. It is said that he and
Uncle Silas Meadows, of Pinker, were *Z
war rats the cats couldn’t catch.
Moi'c than twenty million free samples
of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve have been
distributed by the manufacturers. What
hettei- proof of their confidence in it’s
merits do you wahl!' Itcures piles, burns,
scalds, sores, in the shortest space of
Andrews & Ileadwyler Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Time-* ate distressing with a great many
of our people. They will not make
enough to pay rents nnlcb less debts, * n(1
wo bet they plant all cottori another year.
For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites,
bunif> fckin diBeiUM!I( Md especially DeWitt’a piles
there is one reliable remedy,
fraud. Uu will not be duappolnted
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Bro. Mike Taylor will have to bury Ins
man for he got hfiat itt the election, but
' himself
he bt d better not undertake it by
he might have .. bigger job than he
Experience i* the great teacher you
yj experience both pleasure and profit by
P «. U , Jr,
notkml „ nd , b „, i,„„ Cr.wlord
villa Alliance Store. Numsen’s Old Or*
c hard Vinegaf alwav* on tap. H arrant
^ and ^aranteed absolutely for
ickHn ^
not returned from the
Association at this writing. . . Vie ,, . i
th. Ais'iciation sent him out on a fishing
: committee and he does ifot know yet that
tht Association baa adjourned.
I*u.'t Teb.e^, fpit Uid ShkA« 1o«r life Iway.
v.~:.z- + ■ «Jn>*r»u,*oe or *i.
hur.iay ...j Br.u«t Oicwiy and ta, aampl. C..:ra#o fr.^-Addr... or l<.w Yore.
Shahn merchants are greatly m their
owai^itby Bueeessfnl not adveitlsing their busi¬
ness. men iu oilier towns do
not hritalo to let the public know what
they lAe to s«il.
Out Minute Cough Cure surprises peo¬
ple takeii by ts quick cures and without eliildren may
in large quantities Itself the least
danger It has won for the best
rapuU’onof cols, any preparation used to-day
for coughs. croup, tickling in the throat or
Aml.’ws & Deadtvylet 1 , Crawfordville.
Dr. La fence Brown, Sharon.
Gf * T. Mqere has built a new barn,
will tve the Wilson B. Kendrick old
nd move thereto another year,
He Hr* f»*>n
Dt rl Witch Intel Halve has the
largest sale of any Salve in the world.
This fact and ils merits lias led dishonest
people to Attempt to counterfeit it. Look
out for the man who attempt* to deceive
you when you call for DeWiU’s Witch
Hazel flalye the great pile cure. Crawfordville.
Andrews & Dead wyler, Sharon.
Dr. Lawrence Brown,
It sefius that some of thu big church,
going people give the ball-room down the
country during the summer revivals, but
whan ciUTi'shlicking time conies they will
shake their feet some for exercise.
Nothing succeeds like success. Ed¬
wards & Co.) are always successful in
pleasing their patrons in groceries, meats,
dry goi'd*, notions aud shoes. Numsen’s
Old Orchard Vinegar always on hand.
Guaranteed pure and guaranteed absolute¬
ly for pickling.
Why is It that some hands come from
Barnett to this section to pick cotton. The
crop must be very short in that section or
the fanners arc not able to hire it picked.
We have seen some peojilii quit their own
crops and go elsewhere to get something
to buy something to eat.
Pitts' Carminative Is pleasant to the
taste, sets promptly, and never fails to
jrive satisfaction. It carries children
over tlfe critical time of teething, and is
^ ff) t, 1(J of anxious mothers and puny
cliitdre ,L | n , A few doses will demonstrate
p II. Dorsey, Athens. Ga.,
W L i te* L«r “I consider it the best medicine
j ve need in rnr family. It dees
.. cUim for j t , and even more.”
Alliance Store.
Thc ba!i given on the 10th. instant, by
the Sbitrou people was a grand affair.
witnesfd G,« «te^ for - he is w*
In man > years A largo Wc w» P «
ent of joth old and young. :• unt . an I s
nars. The mU.fc was good t-.d P«r ec
order vto kept \ vfy little whiskey
Indulged in. Some ew ‘
but tl,»*y in. m-c' ticinviM.. •
and RAytown pcop e am, n ” ‘
a *#.»«• Th.y l* Vm. A good m.ny of .te
fordvI. Je people, were present, and some
flow 1 ^aiico^k '■ ; * i( ' Rm,J '
toent Fyent on until 11 o’clock anu ad went
home appy. Some of our church
ben w ill have to give an account next
■mrnrii aummi. *r when wnen the ui. big meetings « commence.
— -kr—-—'--‘ *|
MWB fr—- V% < H
I t ykwiflll M H S HZ
j j f| ICR fit
O OUCH ____ SYRUP in
c»r Hoarseness and Sore Throat,
r. j, , remedy for stubborn colds.
' druggist*,
Dina t uz-ts. p.w« irr. cents at b6
I)r. anil Mrs. A. 0. Davidson were
at Hillman last week—the Doctor was on
professional business mid Ids lady was on
a visit.
Dr. Ilenrv White was in Sharon lest
week attending a meeting of the Masonic
Bob Gilbert came in town a few morn¬
ings ago, about day brook, blowing bis
bugle to wake tbo poople up to buy Ids
beef. It made ns think of old peddling
Biicklens's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve In the world for
Bruises, Sores, Fleurs, Suit Rheum, Fever,
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chlllbluins, Cdrns,
and all Skin Eruptions, and positively,
cures Piles, or no pay veuqtiired. It is
guaranteed to give satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 35 cents per box. For
sale by Dr. It. J.Iteid.
Guarded 111* Wife's Dully In Her
\ unit For Ten Malita.
ihd., Adam Spietli, Jr., of Jeffersonville,
has recently completed one of the
strangest tasks ever imposed by the dy
iug upon those to bo left behind.
Spieth’s wife died recently of con
sumption, and upon her deathbed she
exacted a solemn promise from her bus
band. This was thnt he would watch
aloue at the vault in which her body
was to lie for ton nights, so that grave
robbers might not steal her away.
Spioth readily promised, and when his
wife’s body was taken to the cemetery
ho sot about the fulfillment of his pledge.
The vault in the Walnut Ridge bury¬
ing ground is ft lonely spot oven in day¬
time, situated as it is on a sandy ridge,
surrounded by scrub piuo trees. At
night no more dismal plaeo could well
bo imagined. Tho soughing of the
winds in the pines is trying to tho
nerves, and the fact that tho nearest
house is miles away adds to the feeling
of isolation. But Spietli did not hesitate.
Without saying a word to any one lie
returned to tiro cemotery at nightfall of
the day on which his wifo'H body was
taken there, and, taking up his station
outside tbo grated door ot tho vault, ho
watched there until day.
Spieth did this for ilvb nights with¬
out a light. Tho noxt night, however,
he carried a lamp from the house, and
it was the light moving among the
trees which led to the discovery of his
vigil. A farmer who was driving along
the lonely road Which passes the ceme¬
tery gate saw Spieth’s lamp and thought
A. * *•" fW
whipped up his horses and 'gave the
alarm on reaching town. A posse of
men who went to reconnoiter discov
ered Spietli on guard iu front of the
vault. Ho refused to abandon his post
and declined all offers of company.
When his ten days’ vigil was over, he
gave up his visits to tho cemetery. “I
have kept my promiso to my wife,” he
said simply.—New York World.
Cotton Market.
The following Is the Crawfordville
prices, corrected every Thursdayt
Low Middling....... •1 1-4
Strict Low Middling.. 4 1-3
Middling ........... 4 5-8
Good Middling ...... 4 7-8
Strict Middling..... . . i i .4 :m
And Two or ttia Blgifesr Heard, or Tlieio
nt That*’
With tli« two grviitir-t of American cir¬
cuses, menageries mid hippodromes, which
are positively booked for Augusta, Ga.,
on Nov. 7th and Athens on Nov. 8th,
come the two biggest beards of pefonn
ing t-le] hauls extant that of the great
Adam Forepaugh Show which is the
outgrowth of nearly half a century’s <<,u
leering and training- arid Ihe We.l-kiiown
Hells Brother’s drove, which
huge and remarkably proficient mammals,
.Something like a score of them nltogeth
or are seen in the splendid morning parade
and appear rlin'illaneoUsly in tbe circu
and tlie liippodrome races. Afrh a. Asia
Ceylon, Sumatra and Borneo are all ph< -
tion.eiiaUy rcptesoiitod by elephants of
every *ize and eilurated to an extraordina¬
ry amusing degrae of profl ueney in titan¬
ic un i difficult feats nut! wonderful and
laughable imitations. ■ There % are military. boxiu?
, sira)( a , n , ba!i ,, h alflIi elng. bhycling.
alderman,c, and fun-making elephants, i
lustrating different schools of training,
and J perfect iu original J, and varied
mcnt> B ol ...........
,, m ,M
whiIlM|l , iers ar e r 0 n.p*ratlv.-ly but bourn
^ J, lothinn arid as piavful j^ kit?"n They
wj lr .., t U| , t ., li)( n u , u memorable
^ upon tl , eir , oUV) SW ay in g b e ks,
e7 „ rvbody to tbe bi g Kest a „d best kind
of a show.
*• "»K«o • wry.
Tne la*t ijusrur of >■ try r< ’<- r '13
many wonderful discover:** in medieme,
but non* that have arvomplk.e.,’io' r- fr
v/MlMjr. tbe M:ry element, oi r «l
at.d r wtaer man, wonmu or child >—v a-*
k without deriviDg the cre»:««t benefit.
JtJrovvais’Ilittefs i* ey ail
In Advance-
NO. 35.
Baking Powder
; Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Alum bafein g powders arc the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
A Souk of Ponce.
Peace in the sunlight and peace in the
ra i n;
I’feace where in meadows the wild doves
Pedt ® ? " llLlds U,tu Wi ‘ ro rwl wlth the
Pe .^ | l ,",* uoa . 8 cou ntry forever!
Peace where the Krent ships have roared
with theif guns—
stars and all suns, I
Peace in the licurt.s of the patriot ones—
ln a ° d ' a country forever!
p caC6| where no Ught ritng 3 from heaven
are hurled; loved fiug
Where tho of freedom's for
ever unfurled;
Where the rod stripes of glory shall gar¬
land tho world—
Peace in Gad’s country foreVof!
—F. L. Stanton in Atlanta Constitution,
Inman & Co., Avgusta, Ga.^
Represented in Crawfordville by
VV. A. Brooks, who proposes to
pay highest cash prices. Bring
him your cotton.
"I'or «tx year. I was u victim ol dy»*
pepsin in its worst form. 1 could cat nothlup
but milk toast, and at times my stomach would
not retain taking and diacKt even that. Xalst March t
began <'AS( Ah’ISTS and since then!
have steadily in my Improved life.’: , until 1 km as well as I
ever was
David II. Multrav, Newark, O.
traOc maws utoinrtutoT^^'
OwT-NovorVirkem Potent. Taste Good. Do
Weaken, or 'Jrli-e IOC, 36c,$00
Si,.rllnK lleairtly Cmuimny, Chi««*«, llimlrril. !»<"- lork. 311
(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24, '9U.
The New Life-Giver.
rromokS Vigorous Health by instilling
OXYGEN from the ulr into the system,
and cures till forms of due:.-/; without
Medicine or Electricity. It Is as simple us
Prices of OXY DONORS,greatly the re¬
duced. Get the genuine, made by
discoverer and inventor, Dr, Hercules
Book of particulars ami price list free.
Address Di. II. fc*u'che, 20 Fifth Ave¬
nue, New York.
3^*4^ ^ liiftYlitiil IIIH ti MfikOfC fi»lO«\ClCl
1 IB k
jj ^ “fiTf---I \£f |1 f Q
^ VvOlliuU Q
\vr wbo U/ Yr »E have e»n man bandliu« refer never (.how bow to experienced any our lie sold cau .ready publications. anythin;:. make ReinR mm, rood Just and b«< V/t <° earnest now th don ° we “f 50 t 1
arc pahliiftg our
pcverslblc Mop of tl\c
Uiiifed Skifes oik! World J
66 i *6 Inches iu size,
j J ii N ’•:w beautiful rilitioa raiir ai.'i colors. Js, new cotrecled towns. to date.
titles. printed
*| The lars, --t utap on a
jj single sheet.
1 It is
A Hiotoffraph of thc World
4 jj »”j; : ^' S’ ‘"■Sf.'.l'litS:
. «.«e. Th„c,. f
3 rleaatVgianco by heipoi'u xnarj*m*i
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«r .it cuL. m evenu. such
J S ^^exp.'l?dons s j your address AUsk.a and u- wo .'i ^ v/ill »d*u« ’
Pn ui county a*cncy, ot
von bow you can wcure a
9 3 ^ ’
3 . J cr c.euci*« u™ c.ub, o. vierk. om
\ t b« surt by followms’ r-ur ant to en
if you y..-t sampi i oua t !
S 0««* * y ^ ►fu can return same ami get
k c y.,ur newspaper or hank
^ ^ » rc
a 61 E**t «fnrTTTrTr?r»ri Ninth Stre«t, New V.xrk City