Newspaper Page Text
a m I IIS
! > . ] 012—
If it was only health, we
might let it cling. cough, One cold
But it is a
no sooner passes of? before
another comes. But it’s the
same old cough ail the time.
And it’s the same; old story,
too. There is first the cold,
then the cough, then pneu¬
monia or consumption with the
long sickness, and life tremb¬
ling in the balanc®.
i gr I a m
loosens the grasp of your cough.
The congestion of the throat
and lungs is removed; all in¬
flammation is subdued; the
parts are put perfectly at rest It
and the cough diseased drops tissues away.
has no on
which to hang.
Dr. Ayers
Cherry Pectoral
draws lungs. out inflammaijcn • of the
Advice FPGS*
liCtU cinder >vc hrtvo n "fpillpfil Depart*
ment. If you have suiy OMinulnint what¬
ever and aesin* the* Best r.icuiritl ndvio^,
you can possibly obtain, v.rte the
doctor freely. You will receive a
prompt rep!v. without cost. ©
Address, Dll. J. C. A VEIL Mass.
i fiat -'Jbr ssz:
—Dr. Rogers preached at the
Methodist church here Sunday.
Belts, Packing.?. Oil and Lacing. W.
T. Johnson, ‘Washing'tsu, Ga
Go to Farming,
Do you want to buy or trade
for a farm? If so, write us for
descriptions of some of oui; bar
gains. Let us know. what, kind
of place you want, how much
you can pay and upon what terms
you wish to buy. We can meet
your requirements.
,_We farm b argains
for sale in Tennessee! North
Carolina and North Alabama.
Our places range in price from
8300 to 825000. We have been in
the business of selling farms ex¬
clusively for ten years. We are
thoroughly familiar with values
and conditions throughout this
section. If you want to buy, it
will pay you to consult us.
Write for our list of farms for
sale. Sent free to any address.
Crabtree's Farm Agency,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
To The Public.
Having sold my entire interest in the
drug business to Dr. M- P. Deftdwyl :r, I
am no longer of the firm of Andrews A
Deadwyler. Dr. M. P. . DNidwyle.r is to
Assume all.responsibilitir« of said firm.
Verv Respectfully,
Sept. 12, 1808.
November Sheriff Sales.
WILL he sold on the first Tuesday in
November next, at public outcry at the
court bouse in said County. ithin the
logal hours of sale, to tiro highest bidder
for cash, certain lands of which the fol¬
lowing is a full and complete description.
A one half one undivided interest and
estate in and to all that tract or par¬
cel of land lying and situated in said Coun¬
ty. bounded bv waters of Little River and
lane’s of Gridin Bros., Edwards and
others, and containing lour llundreu
acres more or i§s--: Also a one half undi¬
vided interest and estate iu and to all That
tract or parcel of land lyinginsaki Acree. count-, Whit
adjoining lands of Bristow,
ney ami others, and containing huff Sixty
acres more or J ; Also r. one undi
yidea interest and e-t:;; i:: and to all timt
Freeman. Iordan ami others, in
County and containing Sixtv u.-res more
or less. .Said property levied on as tli ”
property of E. C Moore to satisfy an ex
eeution issued fr in the Superior f >urt
saidC’ountv in or. f >Fr. I Moore
served with notice of le.-y.
thh, i tb, <;:•% of c • ff'pAjvsqy.
Sheriff it* E'nynly.
AS 3^ l M
quickly no-icl ferored. sketch
§end or —
jjatciitaJfclky. ■15-PAGE te-fii cm*,
and fail in: .ta&; ’•- V ;
S’iSitm! vjasim'n6ton d.' c
ssfUE-r 7 ' - r
in '
Pure Hone Matters Pick sc. Up by Oai
joo&i BuDorters
What "Jar Peopie 4re DoIr;; an«l Saying.
Things Our Frics.ds 1731111®.
‘■I owe my success to the newspapers,
and. to them I freely give a certain profit
of my yearly business,” says John Wan
—Mrs. S. E. Gunn is reported
sick this week.
—Mrs. Norton returned from
Augusta Wednesday evening.
Engine and cylinder oils
cheap at Dr. Reid’s.
Machine oil cheap at Dr.
—Most of our correspondents
seem to tauten „
—John P, Thompson was up
from Augusta this week talking
Harness and Lace Leather at
J. S. Barnwell’s.
—Store rooms do not remain
vacant in Crawfordville long at
a time now.
Mrs. Bettie Jennings, of At
lanta, is visiting her sister. Mrs.
Mary Holden.
The finest harness and axle
oils at J. S. Barnwell’s.
—Sorry to hear of Mr. W. B.
Jones haying so much sickness
in his family.
—Mrs. B. E. Smith, of Augus¬
ta, spent Sunday with Mrs. Mel¬
ton, at this place.
2 Cars 1 and 2 Eorsa Wagons just re¬
ceived to close out cheap. W- T-Johnson.
Washington, Ga.
—Mrs. Bently of Wilkes coun¬
ty is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Sam Gunn, at this place.
For Rent —A new . 5-room
dwelling near the Square. Apply
to U. S. Gunn, Crawfordville,
Castor oil and turpentine in
bulk very cheap at Dr, Reid’s.
—Tas Short, the professional
base-ballist, was here the first of
the week, the guest of Col. Win,
—There were over a hundred
bales of cotton brought to this
place-hist Saturd tty. 11 is coin¬
ing in rather slowly.
—The ginnersare complaining
that cotton is not moving fast
enough to make their business
- —Rev. R. E. L. Harris, wife
and baby went to Jewel’s Satur¬
day last, It was Mr. Harris’
regular appointment.
—The work on Mr. W. R.
Reid’s new store-room on the
North side of the Square is be¬
ing put up rapidly.
—Mr. W. J. Norton informs
us that Mr. .Tas. H. Chapman is
yet right ii . with fever in Au¬
If you ever expect to need
any hosiery, read what the Alli
ance Store lias to say in this pa
—Mr. and - ; C . H.
returned Sunday evening from a
visit to Washington. Charlie
was surprised at Washington’s
raitid growth.
—The electric, light question
should not be allowed to lag.
We should have lights and nov
we have the best Offer made we
will ever have.
—An experienced . , cotton , gin
ner sa ,V.S he.SCeS mOl’O cotton op
m tlW fields around m this
Action tiif.U he thought world
_ oe made „ tins , . year.
—Misses Corinne . Carter and
-n-lr.i.. Holden , e t„rned Sun
day from Macon where they had
been in attendance at the car
—Our new town council met
Tuesday night and re elected
Messrs. Tucker and Akins m
sh als. These gentlemen have
agreed to divide time from 12 o.
clock. Mr. Tucker going at
that hour in ih o night and
r: :k s r n ir: at 12 in til'' CLi a;
:v ^0. This is a good ar: ange
iin> cd My large large Store is the biggest establishment
fc— between Atlanta and Augusta?
r po I have just received two car loads of Beds, Bureaus,
Chairs and Wagons?
In order to make room for fall stock, I will sell the
above at lowest prices ever offered you.
NY. T. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga.
To Indian Territory.
Mr. A. G. Jackson, Gen. Pass,
and Frt. Agent. Ga. R. R.,
given the Ladies Missionary So
Mr. A. G. Wasliborn, a
ary at Eufala, Indian Territory,
The ladies are very grateful to
Mr. Jackson for his kindness.
*H-s!>l>(‘'.1 the Gravr.
A startling incident of which
Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia,
was tire subject, is narrated by
him as follows: “I was in a
skin w-Ir'ahuLtTeliow' eiS
sunken, tongue coated, pain con
tinually in back and sides, no
Petite-gradually growing weak
er day by day. Three physi
cuuis had given me up. For
tunately, a friend advised Hying
‘Electric Bitters,’ and to my
great joy and surprise, the first
bottle made a decided improve
ment. I continued their use foe’
three weeks, and am now a well
man. I know they saved my
Life, and robbed the grave of
another victim. ” No one should
fail to try them. Only 50 cents
per bottle at Dr. R. J. Reid’s
—Chas. B. Googer, our right,
hand office man, litis been con
fied to his bed all this week with
a light attack of fever, His
friends wish him a speedy re¬
Bears the The Kind You Hare Always Bougnt
-V- *7r
t Slaughter Prises: :
25 Doz. Pairs of Heavy Factory llose, 5c.
u ii u “ half u 5c.
a 64 Ladies’ black hose, Double
heel and sole, extra length, 10c.
10 Doz. Pairs Misses blaek, extra length,
heavy ribbed Hose, size 5 to 9, JOc.
5 DOZ. J Bill’S 3J Oil’s black dOllblc kliee
and sole, 10c.
5 Doz. Pairs Child’s good black Hose, 5c.
(j a “ lialf hose, tan and black, 10 to 20c
- a “ Ladies blaek extra value, 15 to
35 cents.
i s\r\ it 1 ail’S. • r Lotai .i . -i
t he Above Prices Need
No Comments.
I fi wfa-Rni f) ~i i i 18 A wmw V.0 «
Ul&iU y.a Jl ull t ? ij c„;g 3 - I ’•sra r.JHF ... GO %
Tlieir Thanks.
Resolved that the thanks of
Margarets Grove
Church be tendered to the Craw
book for lecoids.
Resawed, 2, that The Advo
cate-Democrat be requested 1o
publish the above.
Done 1 by order of the church
conference. Oct. 2, 1898.
J. A. Rhodes, Clerk.
Will More to Our Conniy.
Mr. Jplin M. Maddox, of Con
yGrS ' haiS boU * ht th * farm ° f Mr *
C ’ 1 OgT^tree, out in the Bat
to,, y district of this county, and
will move to this section this
winter,* We are told that some
oth er thrifty farmers of
dale comity aro negotiating for
farms yjith a view of coining to
Taliaferro county. We welcome
them and especially suchas ,
friend Ogletree.
How to Prevent Croup.
We have two children who are
subject to attacks of croup.
Whenever an attack is coming
oil my wife gives them Chamber¬
lain's Cough Remedy and it al¬
ways prevents the attack. It is
a'household necessity in this
county'and no matter what else j
we run out of, it would not do
to be without Chamberlain’s
OoughlRemedy. More ol it is
sold here than of all other cough
medicines combined.—J. M.
Nickle, of Nickle Bros,,
chants, Nickleville, Pa. For
sate by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Brightest Items from Near by
To flu* Credit of the Excellent County
Journals from Wlileli We Get
the Creamy News.
Don’t fail to go through Johnson's Big
Store when you visit Washington.
—Negroes have been stealing
corn up near Woodstock.
—Court is in session in Lex¬
ington this week.
—Miss Laura Gresham died at
Peutield last week,
^ ^
—Spaata will have a basket
and crate factory soon.
—Some farmers in Oglethorpe
county report corn damaged 50
* >u c ’ n1 -
2 Car Buggies at lowest
P nCl ‘» over J. offered—they must
be sold, S. Barnwell.
—Miss Ida, Preston and J. M.
Cook were uUnied afc s l )S1 ' la
last weak.
Best ^ r >e •md chou-im*
tobttcco Dr.Reid’s.
(jr ' bulls Sn . |U is - quite -.
sick at her old homestead near
iWlton _ Sparta Ishmaelite.
Everything in the world you
want at J. 8. Barnwell’s in the
] 1;iruoss p ll( ,
—Revs. McConnel and Mahay
have been carryiug on an inter
tent meeting at Sparta
this week.
I will pay cash for old Iron,
brass, copper and bones. A. J.
Melton, Crawfordville, Ga.
— While being sampled, a bale
of cotton was found to be afire
the inside, at Sparta a few
days ago.
Good as new Singer Sewing
Machine for sale cheap. Cash
or on time. A pply tit this office,
—Ed. Roane, of Lexington,
has the skin of a six-foot rattle
snake which he killed in Flat
woods, Oglethorpe county.
Don’t miss getting that tine
cooking stove and set of kitchen
ware which will be sold at, a low
cotton price at the Advo-Demo
erat office. Weonly have one to
dispose of.
—A great deal of wheat will
lie sown in Greene county this
season. Every fanner should
raise enough wheat for family
use then cheap cotton would not
interfere so much.
Ashley & Denham, of White
Plains, is buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
-There is dissatisfaction in
Ooglethorpe county over the
way men were allowed to vote '
when it, appears that they are
defaulters. The grad jury is ex¬
pected to look into the matter
this week.
W. Y. Kf] wards wants a 4
gallon cow at once. Any one
having such a cow guaranteed
to give that much milk can sell
by applying to Mr. Edwards.
It is reported that the De-mo
oralie ticket, in Taliaferro Co.,
sw,.p; «h« ii.'l.l. This is a .«l
victory for our neiglibor.
hear Mr. B. F. Wynne was
so overjoyed at the result of the
election that lie is now suffering
from nervous
eiton Cor. Ishmaelite.
Crawfordville Drug Store is
selling drugs as cheap as any
first class drug house in the
state. 1 have everything in th G
drug line.
—Mrs. Tallulah Hailes and Mr.
Henry Hailes were re-united in
marriage at Greenosboro last
week, after :t separation of I
years, Mr. Hailes has been in
t he fur west all these years
while Mrs. Hailes remained
Greene county and. raised their !
two children to be grown. '
Old fashiot HI dl!
rt"il i no oS(
Tie • ft C
min’ V CoIici--( liolei and Di; »»„ I
no r»(»(! S- Tf. hV i
Her Health Restored
m x
,I W^ :
till :-r % ' U*
,Pjr*.IIE misery of sleeplessness can only bu
B realised by those who have experi
encodit. Nervousness, sleeplessness,
headaches, neuralgia and that miserable
feeling of unrest, can surely be cured by Dr,
Miles' Restorative Nervine. So certain is
Dr. Miles of this fact tha t all druggists are
authorized to refund price paid fur the first
bottl# tried, providing If, does not benefit.
Mrs. floury limns, xrifo of the well known
blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, says:
‘I was troubled with sleeplessness, nervous¬
ness, headache and irregular menstruation;
suffering untold misery for years. I used
various advertised remedies for female com¬
plaints besides being under the care of local
physicians, wl-bout help. I noticed In Dr.
Miles' advertisement tha testimonial of a
lady cured of ailments similar to, and
1 shall never cease to thank that lady. Her
testimonial induced mo to use Dr. Miles'
Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills, which
restored nto to health. 1 cannot, say enough
for Dr.Miles’liomedles.'- 4
Dr. Miles' Remedies jiKv f)f.
aro sold by all drug- SjV p.witf,^*"" OS
gists under a positive & lj)— k, . <?,
guarantee, first bottle a -’■/
benefits or money re- fe fj^etores ,’A
funded. Book on dls- S ||yj %■? te0 "!'. dS® v«
oases of the heart and /
Bervss free. Address, IjiKSSft SoJ
Dll. illLiOS MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind.
November Sheriff Sale.
COUNTY. Will ho sold Indore the
court house door iu Crawfordville, in sidd
County mid State, within the legal hours
of sale to the highest •Bidder for rash, »m
the public first Tuesday in November next, 1 St).A
at outcry, certain property, of
which the following is n full and complete
description: All that tract, or parcel of
land lying ami being in (iOlst, District, (!.
M., in Taliaferro county, Georgia, con¬
taining eighty three acres, more or less
(<s:l), and hounded as follows; On tip:
North bv lands of J. I. Kent, on the East,
l>\ lands of .1. F• I’ei.l and Jane Moore,
on the South by Public- Road leading from
Crawfordville to Lvnesville mid on the
West by lands of Thus E. Bristow. Said
properly lev icd on as tlie properly of Jim.
W. I llxon under anti liy virtue of an ex¬
ecution Issued from the Superior
Court of said County in favor of Michael
Bros., against, sain Jim. \V. Hixon.
Written notice of levy given as required
In )y law.
1’liis 4th (lav of October, USDS.
1). P I1ENUV,
SberifT Taliaferro Count y.
November Sheriff Sale.
Wild, lie sold, on tin: lirst Tuonduv
In Nuvumtmi- next., wHliln tl|i- Inv.Tiil
hours of sale, t<i the highest. ’ bidder, lor
ciisli, in front, of tin- Ooiu/ty, d»)Oft ol tin' Court
lion -0 of Tnlliiforro Ooor;flu, nil
llmt, tract of !iind, situated in tin- town of
Urawforilvillc, told County, c:onttiinlpg
one Here, morn or loss, bounded on the
North bv lands of \V. J Norton- on the
Must by lands of Gcriie .Mortis and 3Jrs.
Roberta Aldus; on Soutb by lands of A.
(1. Beiizley Georgia mid Railroad,; t, rn. ninif parullol
with and outlie West
by lands of A. (}. IJoa/.lev and street mu
ninw from the Goortda. Itailroad deuot in
a Northernly direction townnis Hall pjaec.
Said i>ro|ierly levied on as tin, properly
of Titus Riehards to mi inly an e.xucut joij
against said Richards in favor of Crueillu
Edwards adiidni-l ratrix of the estate of
William (J. Edwards, deceased, issued
from the .Superior Court of said County,
and two executions ayainst, him issued
from Justice (h urt in favor of N. D, Sul.
Iivan and High Point Furniture Com; any
Written notices given as required l.v law.
This the -Jth. day of October, IMES.
I>. F. HENRY',
iberifT of Taliaferro Conulv.
we aim;
J-MA , - . 1 {
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