Newspaper Page Text
Xxa. Advance-
This is o .
Column. Please Ex
mine It and Come
and Buy of Him.
Dry Goods Department.
Dress Goods in assorted colors.
Calicoes in assorted patterns. Cuminic
in assorted patterns, ]> 1 e i! o li i n k
good assortment, Bed spreads at
at lowest prices, Flannels in great
variety. Large slock ofPlaids, Sheet¬
ing and shifting. Large stock of
Spool cotton and bad thread. Canton
flannel in different shades and colors.
Notions and Fancy Goods.
Large assortment of dress Shirts,
Hustlers, Undershins, suspenders.
Handkerchiefs,Neck-wear av.dGloves.
A good assortment Ladies Hose and
Children’s Hose. Men’s ! all' Hose nil
i n great variety.
Great assortmer.t ofJeansand Jeans
Pants, Boy’s Coats, Pants and Vests
Come at once and buy ot me.
Glassware aad lamps.
Large Ilall and Parlor Lamps.
Chandelier globes, and Lamp globes,
Lanterns and lament globes, extra
shades, burners and wicks, common
Itand lamps, Looking glasses ana glass
i^of.Kery, Foreign & Domestic.
Helm Cups and saucers, Porcelain cups
and saucer, English, steak Dishes and
Bowls, lorge stock ot Bowls and
Drags and Medcines.
Wizzard, British and sweet Oils*
Castor and Kerosene Oils, Glass glue
and Putty.
Stoves and Tinware.
Galvanized Well Buckets for bored
bS latge and small Tubs, Bread
\V 6 •
Trays, half bushel and peck measures,
Gallon and half-gallon Oil cans, Pots
and Kettles, and stove pipes.
Trunks, Leather Goods, Etc.
Sole and leather, Harness, Bridles
Saddles, Etc., Valises, Leather and
Bark Collars.
flonse-furn 1 siting Goods.
Hat tresses, -of ton and straw, steel
Springs, folding and straight, Bound
Tables, Styinss, Hobby-horses, Wag
ons. Etc. for children.
Needles & Sewing Machi a CO
Supplies, such as Gold Eye, Silver
Eye and sewing machine Needles for
ail the different makes of sewing ma
S,,.,,, coffee, nice,, u,d,
3 boaj
Boasted Coffee, Axle-grease, >s.
of every sort, Tm nip seed, Onion se'q
Candles Crackers, Candies, Soda.
Pickles, Vinegar, Segatv. Snuff,
Chewing and smoking Tobacco.
Hardware and Cnttlerj.
Axe*, Hoes, Nails, Horse and i Male 1
Shoes, shoe Hammer-, Sera or-
shears and hair Trimmers- Knives t.r.d
Forks, spoons Pocket Knives and
Gun T ubes.
I thf .
Wi'T, til?; copis ot 1 nuung
Town are Doing,
Ski Foitche is still on the improve.
Miss Addio Kendrick visited
last week.
Mrs. Brown is visiting relatives at Bar
nett at present.
Cotton and cotton seed came to town
with a vim last week.
Mr. Bmntly, the horse man, was with
us last week.
Mr _ Chavlc6 Hoth is .very much improv
ul in
Yiv Bud Brown is assisting at the Bat
tie & Baylor gin.
Prof. E. B. Moore, we understand, will
leave Sliaron another year.
Mr. A. n. Moore has pailed in his old
shop lot and cleaned it off.
1 he colored , , schoo , , «i . v,, 1 T Jl D ....., 1
> •
last Friday night with an exilution.
Mr. Robert Johnson, of Norwood, was
iu our town last week.
No-To-Uat tor Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, weak
men strong, blood yure. 50c, 81. Ah diugr.ists.
Watch L S. Jackson's advt. and go and
see him when you come to to Sharon.
.Advertise your business in your county
paper and thereby sell your goods.
Mr Markwalter. the cotton buyer from
Waslilngton, was with us fast week.
For seed Rye, to L. S. Jackson , s,
go bushel.
Georgia Raised, Si per
Remember I am offering special low
prices on everything. L. S. Jackson.
International Stock Food at L. S. Jack
sou’s, the finest in the world— 25 c., 5° c -
and $c package,
Mr. Henry Flynt left, last week for his
command where ho will be mustered out.
We had a good crowd in town last Sal
unlay and good devoid trade.
31 atarlou Is of bitter taste.
Cures (Jlnlls and Fever: acts on tlie liver
and regulates Hie system generally. All
Rimscs of‘tieatAViilutm’s (weekfr !- 1 qiite
s1 ,. a
X I>r. Tomas and daughter, Mrs bu
\\ v i e visitors to Sharon on Thu
Jjj - 1 wni'l”
v ,i ^icn “Wit.,a ^ --V
Guarantied Curo refunded. for 50 ri C- -rh
Ague, Qt money . . ,
Druggists. !
Sharon can boast of some fine fat were] hogs
to kill this season. We wish there
more of them.
Mr. Albert Barnett, is with J. A. Ke.;
drick & Bro. Mr. Barnett is a nice bust- j
ness young man.
ISUueare Yoar uoweis constipation With Casenvets. forever. j
Camtv D-.itiairtie. care sref.ind
lCc. 25c. If C.C.C. fall, drugRist money, j
Nice entertainment at Mr. E. E. Dav- j
den’s on Tuesday night of last u eek A ;
crowd was on heard. ;
Mr. J. lie W. invites Fallen the is public doing when n good m bnsi- need j :
of aojtwos i» >'»
Vo Care ConBtipation Forever.
Take Cmsearets Candy Cathartic. 10eor25e.
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
Mr. and Mrs. Price Mathews also Mr.
and Mis. Jack Harris were in our city lust j
week trading, 1
Small crowd from here attended the
shows in Washington and Crawlordt ille
igst Saturday. •
Malar Ion is endorsed by best Physician*
and guaranteed to cure Chills, from Moliit-West Fewer (;.nd
Ague. All druggists or 1
Drug Co., St. Louis.
Mr. Ed. Keating lias been confined to |
his bed for several days hut it is to bo j
hoped that lie will be well soon. ■
Mr. Tass Perkins is with Mr. John j
O’Keetfo now and will he g<ad to meet j
his friends at that popular store.
Fortune’s road is paved with economy, j
Economize therefore by purchasing your 1
groceries, meats, dry goods, notions and 1
riioes from Crawfordvilie Alliance store— I
Numscn’s Old Orchard Vinegar always on j !
hand. Warranted pure and guaranteed
assoiutei, ;
Subscribe for your county paper and
read your county news and then you will
know what your people are doing.
Dr. L. R. Brown residence is going
right tip. It will be ready to move in by
Christmas and will be another ornanunt
to Sharon.
Overcome evil with good. Overcome
for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneu
monia, grippe and all throat and lungdis
eases. Crawfordville,
Andrews* Deadwyler,
Dr. Lawrence. Brown, Sharon.
Bob Gilbert gets here three days in the
week now. lie veil, beef and sausage one
dn and sausage and !>eef the next day.
A nic» party was given to the .young
people and some 'old ones too nt Mr.
FV.xlix “ Wright’s r on Wednesday evening
J t week
linn, John P. Moore was with ua last
week. He says jf they continue to make
cotton they will have to make souj) out of
the seed to live on and we Believe he is
about right. The seed now days are
wovtli about as much ns the lint cotton.
Laic to Bed and early to rise, prepares
a nia u for his home in the ski, s. Hut
en'ly to bed and n Little Early Riser, the
pill that makes life longer and better and
Andrews A Deadwyler, Crawfordville
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Our ginneries were crowded hist week.
We don’t know how much cotton is made
but il is still (•online in and \vy see a good
deal in the fields yet.
Our constable Mr. J. L. Turner had
•ome unruly negroes to contend with last
week hut. he brought lie m to time by
presenting a double barrel shot gun.
Many a household is saddened by death
because of the failure to keep on hand a
safe ami absolutely certain cure lor croup
such as One Minute Dough Dure, bee
that you i little ones are protected against
emergency. Crawfordville,
Andrews A Deadwyler
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Vl v. W. IL Kendrick is going ahead
with the improvement* on fits i e.-idi nco
and doing the most’of the work himself,
Mr K> lL Jaeksuii assists him wiien he
needs him.
Mr. \Y. .J. Ellington and.otheis left last
Thursday for Emanuel county. We fear
a heap of our Taliafsrro people will wear
<>v\t 11 i e road down there prospecting if
tli.-y don’t move down them,
Experience is the great teacher?—yon
will experience both pleasure and profit bv
tour groceries, meats, dry
.goods, notions and shoes from Crawford
vilie Alliance Store. NiibmiiiV Old Or
eiuird Vinegar always on tan. absolutely
(l( j n- Uil i-.|jiteeil for
Mr. J. A. Kendrick & Bro.. aie out in
big hand bills telling the people wh«.t they
] lilV e in stock and stating what low figures
they are selling their goods at. They
should put Hair .ulvcrtbement in (his
Every body don’t vend circurlurs.
Wo want, our Sliaron people to notice
Mr. John O’KcelfeV advt. in this paper,
Mr. O’Keeffe is one of our best merchants
’dlbongh lie Is a ba.-l.elor. IJms into
<*. er> tiling foi the, buiidmj, up of fan \ x)\sri
a»‘l county generally.
The. sooner a cough or cold is cured
without harm to the sufferer the bet ter.
Lingering colds are daaaerous. Hacking
cough is distressing. One Minute t.ougti
Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when Jt
such a cough cure is within roach? *®
DleasaiU * ‘
gpSgps If Vi NO MORE b Cental jEAD OF Chair.
| the
*g M |,| W &'
extracted by our late scienticfic lueth'H. No pain or bad results. Appli
ejUoth , . ' j „ U1IK Absolutely petlng painless and harml«s, No sleep producing with agent fn or
not conl with cheap dental eslabhsments, but st
class dentists at prices less than half that charged by them •
The undersigned ladies and gentlemen have ’'D l ei teeth extracD work
done by me, and we cheerfully recommend any * p Ar r w , 1 .,,..
j'’LevercttHiosisPii*’tla.i^fr/R'ri. n . VfalTawi.y,'
mg Wasli
ha' b M-; -'. • y] ' ,, u Ga R. M. Smith, Washington, Ga.;
IJSf&mlsm S. jfl- W« the only dentists using this
others whose names are on file in our office. are
Best set of Teeth only 88 Gold Crowns and/eeth without plates at half price.
Gold Fillings. Amalgam and . Cement at reduced prices. Gi ve ns a call and work • on will vi
find that do just as we advertise. We can ted you exactly what your
cost bv a free examination. mastication. .
Without good teeth there cannot be thorou;;j digestion.
Without thorough mastication there cannot be perfect assuffllation.
Without perfect,digestion there cannot he pioper
Without yiroper assimilation there cann'tb..jy-«utntioii.
Without nutrition there cannot bediealth.
Without health what, is life?
Hence the Paramount Importance of the Teeth.
An Arabian Proverb says; ••He who does not masticate well is an enemy to
I will visit Crawfordville Monday, December h, and remain ic days.
X))‘y OOtlS, (TrOCGFlGS) . J , )OlS, nJlOCS^ ____ it, IlHlS, i„
\ f
- 1)11 Supplies.
Caps and Tlantat
We keep first class Goods a!i L • time mid have first class
elej-ks. We mean basil less find wiii Appreciate you r trade.
A Call Will Convince You.
j O H N O’KEEFFE, Sharon 1 Ga,
Remember! am still
in business and - * •
Keep Everything at Prices to Suit the Times.
1 Can Show You Better than 1 Can Tell You.
L. S. JACKSON, Sharon, Ga.
iwiiE (Lpe il
V< \ fMMyNsv ‘A with Cleanltntrs health. if goes
•? ml have catarrh any
/ j^rr- where we can
"<•'/ be wholly
9B| te* MakeKystem
| atio efforts to
«£■ jCf/v b" free from
this' "Ung
disca. Mrs. L. A. JohnstN*^
1*U., and Ripley Sts., JdontgoincTv,
Ala.. lls her experience with catarrh
of stomach and how slm was
“ T i state to you that I have
take Vht bottles of your 1 ’e-ru-na
am'' if Man-a-lin and rejoice to say,
‘Go Dr. Ilartman and Pe-ru-na. ‘
And arnestly assure you that it
has me more good than any medi
eir ive ever taken in my life. I
pi. s it to every one 1 meet who
is s ig, as the best medicine in
the ■l, and have made many eon
vert o are now rejoicing in the
grea od which they have derived
froi ■ 6 same. I can tell yon that I
air >st entirely relieved of indigos
t /great foe which lias tortured
me any years, and can now eat
any i I desire without it is fruits or
soire acid.”
T irstand the scientific action
of 1 it is best to have Dr. Hurt¬
ran le; ;i l book for women or bis
boo' j ironic catarrh. These books
arc id free by the Pe-ru-na Medi
cine pany, Columbus, O. Alt
drug sell Pe-ru-na.
.1 ,ij druggist for n free Pe-iu-nn
A 1 j: for the year 1891).
-•’err,, of Raytown, is visiting her
gnu kn, Mr. Sam Brooks at Washing
tm e i still suffering from the fall
' ' Iks all went to Hie shows lira!
< Wtliing rrv ll .0 children. They did
*3 /tliev about seeing it them- did
- Ich saw it ail the same and
> for it, was a poor affair for
■' advertise! and the high price,
>' Weed lout 7 ae to carry you through the
jugs and when you got
• \,d ravine outyoulmd a fen 'er,u
about a nteV'_
Mr Will Buddeth, wlio has broil visit¬
ing a roil ml Barnett foi several weeks, has
returned to his company in Atlanta.
Ilon’t Tobucco Spit uni] Smolio Your’c Away.
To quit t.'liacco ouslly aucl forever, ho mag
m'l/tc, fult ot life, nerve and vigor, take Ko-To
Hae, U 10 wonder-irorkor, Dial, makes weak men
irong. All druggists, COe or 81, Cura ffiiaran? d. Booklet and sample free, Add rats
sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New Vorlt
Mrs. Molliu Taylor and two daughters
were the gm sts of Mrs. Annin Williams
01)0 day last week.
Mr. Dan Davis formerly of Warren
county hul now of Emanuel county was
married recenty to Miss Ella Gay, at Sid¬
ney, Gii.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reese, of Washing¬
ton, spent, Sunday at Harnett, Hie gue.'t of
the latter’s parents Mr. and .Mrs, G. W,
Me Alpine.
Biicklens’s Arnica Naive.
The Best Sulvc In tlie world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Fleers. Suit Rheum, Fever,
Tetter, Chapped I funds, ChilibHins, Corns,
and all Skin Eruptions, and positively,
cures Idles, or 110 pitv [enquired. It is
guaranteed to give .satisfaction or money
refunded. I’lico 25 cfjnts per*box. For
sale* by Dr. R. J. Reid.
BV h.
Wind and cold have visited us at last. •
We are glad to say Mr. Loti Armor is
able to be up a little.
Mr. Jim Moore gave the young people
a pound party last Thursday night
Mr Minor Jlobbs and Rettbin Limce*
ford made a flying 1 rip to Crawfordville
Mis. juli.i /ackery. of Xortli Carolina,
visited her brother, W. A. liea/.lev,
When you ask for Do Witt’* Witch
I!uz< 1 Salv<* don’t accept, it count!rfc-it or
imitation. There aie more eases of Piles
being cured by this, than all others
Andrews & Deadwyler Ciawfordviile,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Mr. Luke Moss and lovely wife. ,f
Oglethorpe Mr. Luke Moss county, Sunday. visited his brother
Soothing, healing, cleansing, DeWitt’s
Witch ilazc-l Saiye is the iinplacaole
iii'-.' * f voies, burns and woods. It never
fail. to cure Piles. You mav relv 1 , 1,00 it.
Andrews A Deadwyler, 'Crawfordville
Dr. Lawrence Brown. Sharon.
Mr. John Armor killed 35 birds last
•Saturday. John says all lie wauls ,s to
hear liem fly and he will get them sight
$1.00 Per Year.
Correspondents’ Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
the Happening^ in Their Respective I.o
calitics. All the Ji'uvs.
Bird limiting is the order of day now.
Miss (".nude Dozier opened her school
here .Monday.
y'disi inie fun ie Norris is quite ill at her
near WRlkiui.s’ creek.
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Jessie .Janvl past
Ibrjugh our vicinity last week.
Thanksgiving day will he observed at
Burnett Baptist church the 21lh
Mr. Bud Harper, of Sidney, Ga.. is up
vifitliiing friends and relatives i .our vi
A cough is not like a fever. It does
not ha\ c to run a certain course, Dure it
quickUr and elVeetualiv with One Minnie
Cough Cure, the lie- 1 , reined) for all ages
and lor t iie most severe ease-. \\\* re
commend it heeimse It’s good.
Andrews A Deadwyler, Crawfordville.
Dr. law reave Blown, Flinroii.
Mrs. A. M. Baghy ami Mrs, F.E. Elliott
visited the former’s sou at Mildra jou last
Mrs. J. T. Taylor and children spent
Sundav with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
L. Ilagbv.
Constipatim prevents the body lie frorrt
ridding itself of waste mailer, Will’s
Little Early Risers will remove the
trouble and cure Sick Headache, Bil¬
iousness, Inactive Liver and clear the
Complexion. hma , su^nr coated, don I
cause nausea.
Andrews A Brown, Deadwyler, Crawfordville.
Dr. Lawrence Sharon.
Miss Katie Johnson, of Williams creek,
spent Saturday and Sunday with MBs
Myrtle Taylor.
Mr. Eddie Reese is very ill at. his
homent Williams creek. May lie have a
speedy ' recovery.
Mol hers, we call your attention to Fitts
Carminative. It arts promptly, il is
pleasant u> the taste, and the cluldren
will take it, without coaxing. It relieves
promptly ami permanently, [f we can
g,;t you to use it. you will get, others to
do likewise. \ our druggist seels »t.
Mr*, (llmvles Jieesr, of Norwood, is
U. a><d aomiju- Bn-.iet i- at Rifs
The following is ’lie Crawfordville
prices, Corrected every Thursday;
Low Middling...... 41-8
Strict Low Middling ..4 5-10
Middling ......... . . 4 1-2
Good Middling ..... 4 13-15
Strict Middling ... 4 5-8
Boars tho the Kind You Have Aivnays Bought
Our Honor Roll.
The following kind patrons have paid
their subscriptions since our lit.-.t issue:
J. J. Chapman, 3!)c to Jan. 1 fill,
J. A. Chapman, 50c to April 14 ’!>!).
“My wife had |»Im|»lc*M on her fare, but
she his been taking CASOAURTS a-.*d uoubled they
have all disappeared. I bad le ri
with constipation for some time but utter tak
lug the Itrst Cascaret I have Innl 110 trouble
with this ailment. We cannot speak too hlga
ly of Cascarets." Fitmi ft mhwan.
670s Cermantown Ave.. Philadelphia. I’a.
Pleasant. Palaiabl 13 I>tcni. Taste Good. 1)0
. Ilk-. i'.x. GUc.
Good, Nfiv.if Sicken. Weaken, er (■
Ht.riio* l»i*mrrtj Company, Mofitrral. flew \*ri. 114
iU'BhS* ^oi,j ami anarantees bv ail PruR,
liu* to CTiE(nTobavvo liable
(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24, ’06.
The New Life-Giver.
... Health by instilling ..
<,hN fr ' ,ln t! "’ a,r H l , '° ,hc '- vstcm *
cures nil 1 forms of , disea-e without
M,,lk ,' ino or Electricity. It is as simple 113
Prices of OXYDONORS greatly re*
( Inced. Get the genuine, made by the
(jjsr. 0 V ere r and inventor, Dr, Hercules
Book of particulars and pricelist free.
Address Di. H. Sanche, 201 Fifth Ave¬
nue, New York.
NO. 38.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Alum baking powders are the greatest
mcnacers to health of the present day.
Partners being are hard complaining pick, about making their
cotton to not
half a crop and getting nothing h.r it. I
think they had be lev raise p corn
and potatoes.
Nothing .succeeds liko sneer s, Ed
wards A their Do., are a ways in suceessf^l in
pleasing patroi:- groceries, Nuinflrn’s meats,
dry goods, sot ions and shoes.
Old Orchard \ i;i.• ■ ■.r always o.i hand.
Guaranteed pure u':d guaranteed nhsolute
ly for pickling. •
We heard that Mr. singing Waller Partridge
has been practicing (.By your made ba
hies bunting ) since littl licit a n;:.,
her uppeanuice at his home.
A Clever Trick.
It certainly looks tike /, in t there D
rcally / uo trlc . k about it. AiiyViody can
try it who has Lame . Lie- and tt < a •. .
Kidneys, Malaiia <n Ltmlm
We mean lie can cure li.n; ej rigid away
by taking Electric Hitters. This medicine
tones up the whole system, acts as a
Stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is .a
blood purifier and nerve tonic. it cures
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spoils,
Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is
purely vegetable, a mild la alive, mo
restores (lie system tc Ira natural vigor.
Try El</tric Bitters and be convinced that
they art; a mlrlcle worker. Every bottll
guaranteed Only 50c fi b< U ! v at l *r. It.
J. Reid’s Drug Store.