Newspaper Page Text
Every cough makes .
your and irritable. threat more Every raw g m
cough congests the lining @
membrane of your lungs.
, and Cease lungs tearing in your this throat way. | I
Put the parts at rest and 1
give them a chance to 1
heal. help You do will this, need and some | g
to you
will find it in
1 f J
From the first dose the
quiet and rest begin: the
tickling in the throat
ceases; the spasm weak¬
ens; the cough disap
pears. Do not wait for
pneumonia and con
sumption but cut short
your cold without delay.
Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pec¬
toral Plaster should be
over the lungs of every per¬
son troubled with a cough.
Write to the Doctor.
TTnusaal eminently oppornfcities mutlify am! lonfi n s ox- l (, e
perience eivina meiiieal ad iiviee. Write
you the particulars in y"»r ease.
freely Tell all experience has
tis what vonr pectoral. V
been with our Cherry "U
will receive a prompt reply, without
cost. Address, Dll. J. C. AYER.
(+ Lowell, Mass. ^
—Miss Claud Bristow returned
Wednesday from Alabama where
she has been visiting her uncle
W. C. Bristow and family. We
are glad to learn that Mr. Bris¬
tow is doing a thriving business
in Alabama.
A Tara Sign of Croup.
t. Hoarseness ‘ri0^4, to in a is child sure that indi- is
Cr croup a oi ’’’
.fiirh % ,i v efi as soon ’a
jjW bud .*nd,becomes hoarse. o i- even
after the croupy cough has ap
p,. peared. it will prevent the at¬
tack. Many tnothers who have
croupy children always keep
this remedy at hand and find
that it saves them much trouble
and worry. It can always be
depended upon and is pleasant
to take. For sale by Dr. R, J.
A Wonderful 5!v vry.
The last quartet of a century records
many wonderful discoveries in medicine,
but none that have accomplished more for
humanity than that sterling old household
remedy, Browns’ Iron Bitters. It seems to
contain the very elements of good u ealth,
and neither man, woman or child l„,i take
it without deriving (he greatest benefit.
Browns’ Iron Bitters is soid by all dealers.
The editor was in quarters
Close to a shooting scrape in
Athens Monday nigh, in which
one of the U. S. soldiers station
ed at Athens was shot very badly
by an Athens policeman. The
soldiers \vere a little rowdy and
said they would learn the South¬
ern rebels something, and after
knocking down a few men and
taclfling the police the latter fir¬
ed into them and wounded two;
one shot through the head and
will probably die.
Mrs. Lyle’s Death.
Mrs. J. T. Lyle, of this coun¬
ty. died at her home near Sandy
Cross last Friday. She had
been iq bad health for several
mouths. She was a good lady
and we sympathize with the be¬
reaved in their sad loss. -
a 8 : DS
Colds are easily taken and often de¬
velop into bronchitis or consumption.
You should cure a cold promptly with
Dr. John W. Bull’s Cough Syrup.
This celebrated remedy is most effi¬
cient and will cure a cold at once.
COUCH **s*> *aj>**a bYfliKr
Promptly cures Stubborn Colds,
Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors
recommend it. Price cts. At aii druggists.
Beet Ccmgfc Byrap.
in fcto £
Pure Home Matters Pick a <1 Up by Oai
_,ocal Ee aeries
vVhat ‘Jar People Ire «•“.<* Sayiug,
riiiugs Our iTrie 3 .de Psll C*.
‘‘I owe piv success to the newsv-apers,
and to them*I freely give a cevtain profit,
of my yearly business,” says Johu wan.
Harness and Lace Leather ;*t
J. S. Barnwell’s.
—Miss Emma J. Beasley
mains quite sick.
—Prof. Thomas has accepted
a school at Sandy Cross.
—Dr. Ciaero Lucas, of Wash¬
ington, was here Tuesday.
—Dr. Robins, of Athens,
in Crawfordville this week.
—Mr. Timmons, of White
Plains, was in town Monday.
—Sam Meiere returned to his
home in Oglethorpe this week.
_Our people enjoyed recently, tine
weather for gathering
—Mr. L. A. Moore, of Hill
man, was in Crawfordville Mon
—Mrs, Maucle Leary Evans’
babv was buried at Athens Mon¬
—Mr. Winter and family spent
this week at White Plains with
Dr. King.
—Mrs. Sallie Reynolds, of Si
loam, spent a few days in town
this week.
—Mr. Hood Strozer, of Wilkes
county, spent Bunday in Ciaw
—Mr. C. H. Golucke took a
trip to Athens Monday and Au¬
gusta Wednesday.
—Miss Eclipse Collins is visit¬
ing Liberty Hall again. Sliq is
improving rapidly.
—Mrs. Johnson, of Louisville,
Ga.. visited Rev. R. E. L. Har
ris' family this week.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Howard,
of Stephens, spent a few days
in this place last and this week.
Mr. A. Broom, of Holden,
spent Sunday with his daughter,
Mrs. J. R. Akins at this place.
—jMr. J. F. M. Alexander was
down this week looking fora
ho like and lot to move his family
another year.
u ufn to* Augusta, Bnnday Pr
is rapidly recovering from
spell of sickness.
—Jack Akins acted as depot
watchman for the Georgia It. It.
Co., Saturday and Sunday night.
So much cotton was on the plat¬
—Sheriff Henry got in a negro
prisoner, Frank Harden, Wed¬
nesday night, charged with a
misdemeanor, lie was arrested
in Wilkes.
—Louis Berman and sister,
Mrs. Cohen, of Madison, spent
Sunday with Mr. M. Berman at
this place. Louis is clerking in
Madison now.
—The cotton seed business
has been livelier here for the
past week than any time this
season. They go up to 12
and 121 cents at times.
—Rev. T. P. Burgess preach
ed at his regular appointment at
the Presbyterian church here
Sunday morning and night. Hej
preached at Robinson that after¬
—Mrs. E. G. Seals has moved !
her household and kitchen furni¬
ture from here back to her plan¬
tation near Powelton. Tom is
still High here School, attending Stephens!
—Mr. Powers, who is in with
Mr. Alexander, has rented the
Holden house near the post office
for another year. Mr. Alford
will live at that ‘place until
—Messrs Alexander and Pow¬
ers' Friday of last Lexington and opened came down the j
-dock of goods of up
the former at
the S. J. Jones stand. We wish
them success.
—We publish in this issue of
i our paper * 1 the advertisement of
Dr. G. YV. Shackelford, dentist
who will be in Crawfordville
Monday December. 5th for 10
days—read his card.
—It was reported here a few
days ago that Sanders Favor
{colored, witness in .who COUrt was here a prominent against,
se veral negroes for gambling,
was found dead in or near Little
river several days ago with his
1 **"* *
On the Following Goods:
50 Buggies, 42 Wagons,
1T5 Bedsteads, 122 Stoves,
40 Bureaus, 40 (Dozen Axes.
Call and See the Above Bargains.
W. T. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga.
l)il>tHeria neat’ Jtetliany.
We are sorry to lean that there
j s considerable diptheria up |
around Bethany church. Sever
al eases have been reported, j
The little girl of Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Broom, If years old died j |
an q was buried last week. The
bereaved have our sympathies.
Moving - South.
We are sorry that so many of
our country citizens have taken
a notion to mo ye to South Geor
gia. Mr. J. T. Taylor and sev
eral others in his neighborhood
are preparing to move down
that way soon. All sections of
iC of Georgia are
rS but it is a mistaken idea
that any are better than
Georgia. We wish them well,
t, u t predict; they will yet want to
" Taliaferro county ’ again.
From Now Zealand.
Rfefton, New Zealand,
Nov. 23. 1896.
I am very pleased to state
since I took the agency of
Chamberlain’s medicines
sale lias been very large,
especially of the Cough Remedy.
j u two years I have sold more
the particular remedy than
all other makes for the previous I
live years. As to its efficacy,
have been informed b.y scores of
persons of the good results they
have received from it, and know
its value from the use of it in my
own household. It is so pleas¬
ant to take that we have to place
the bottle beyond the reach of
! children, j
For sale n
a i- -
We hin n>e Stock of
Clothing nmst go. . .
Part of it We Will
for Cost; e
The! remainder at a
Very small Profit.
We wj!! Not l< them
t in* in ou store,
i '
If Prices Go For Anything.
Get Your Part Of it. . . .
Alisiancs i Store j
Brightest Items from Near by
To the Credit of the Excellent County
Journals from Which We Get
the Creamy News.
The finest harness and axle
oils at J. S. Barnwell’s.
—Jesse Johnson died of pneu
monia in Warren last week.
Hi < Hiurest CouMdcntble.
Mars pal Akins had a big time
Saturday catching disturbers of
the peace. He made several ar
rests and had quite a court to
appear before the city council at. •
the.ringing of curfew. Sat nr
day show days seem to put ai
little more life in those who want
to makji Mur things British lively. Columbia. i
Our friend James J. Chapman
is gettif ? along all right in the
far We He writes as follows.:
“I’m much better pleased than
when 1 first arrived in the ‘Wild
and Wpoly West. ’ 1 was pros
pecting near the B. C- 1 ~ ie this
and Use week. Fo ^
fertile lands and immense
trees etc.”
^____ _
Hotel and Sur- be sold. f.
Buffalo, N. A, _r
study improved .Tas. M. M >u
fears of practice is Baxter, \y
hP r> Pj It erce strengthens s Favor - in that o - .
- 0
m akes healthy the w ' ac
feminine. It b ass, cj
affections.''' ' ' in.
’ Tl,
J. D. BOTKIN, Br till
druggist for a free Po-ru-na Tel f<
r«r thoyenri8»». mu
~ ;
0 kru that Prof. Pittard will tako guart
?®)f Sim - --—i! 1 • -
‘'o tfiiij Loans Madeou Lands.
Wfe jiave recently made ar
rangd*-ents to negotiate loans
on lq ie is in Taliaferro County at
verv itiw rates and any person
desffi k to obtain loans on
thffi’Llud tiv > years time should
' A 1C Nf ,
—Mr. A. J. Chapman, of near
Grafordvil’e was in the village
Monday last and broke bread
with us at the noon meal. We
were right glad to have him
with us, even for the short time
he was here. Powelton Cor.
W. T. Johnson, Washing¬
ton, Ga-, has the largest store,
biggest stock and lowest
prices to he found between
Atlanta and Augusta.
Bear? tie The Kind You Haw Always Beugtt
Sigaatnro ir
I will be in Crawfordville sev
eral days for the purpose of clos
ing out the stock of Buggi 0S,
Harness, etc., and will soli on
credit for good notes due Nov. 1
1899. Will sell at cost for cash
or short time note. All those
for buggies will please
come in and see me about their
paper and save cost.
*■* G. P a UNWELL.
—The circuses claim to ‘have
lost money by showing - in Wash¬
Everything Barnwell's in the world you
want at J. 8. iu the
harness line.
—Harris’show did not make
expenses at VVarrouton, so the
Clipper suggests,
L' Cal’ Buggies at lowest
l>rieo» ever ottered - t hey must
be sold. J. S. .Barnwell.
Dr. W. E. Hannnack and wife
returned to Atlanta Tuesday.—
Washington Reporter.
—Miss Ethel Arnold and Mr.
Horace Smith were married at
Lexington last week.
—Mr, E. Swann, one of Lex
iugfcou’s wealthiest citizens died
suddenly 1< ritlay night,
—Mrs. Map, mother of J. P.
Mathews is reported very sick
at * 101 home in \\ arreu.
I will pay cash for old iron,
brass, copper and bones. A. J.
Melton, Crawfordville, Ga.
—Mr. R. ]1. Callaway, two
miles south of Washington, lost
his gin house by fire last week.
Lawrence Burley, who os
capT^ April from the lias sheriff been recaptured. at Warren
—Miss Mary Lou Whfieler left,
Saturday, for Barnett, where
she will teach school.—Ishtuuel
i to.
Ashley & Denham, of White
Plains, is buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
—Mr. Jno. McCalla, of Elbert
county, hired the Oglethorpe
convicts, fruits of last court, at
$90 per year each.
..-.-. Tlie* 4 G -.y.ft s, juall in the
! county, people are tired of vot
ing this year. The elections
should be four years apatt.
— W. T. Broolcs, of Oglethorpe
county, reports a white partridge
near his home in a covey of com¬
mon birds. He will try to cap¬
ture it.
—Warren county’s fair was a
failure at the last, inonent last
week. Owing to failure to ad¬
vertise and short crops, it was
hard to get interest enough to
insure success.
Wagons, Save Buggies, money by Beds, buying Bu¬
reaus, and Chairs at Johnson’s
Washington, Ga.
—Lawrence White, a young
negro, robbed the express office
at Washington last week of
$73.70. He hid $42 of the money
in a potted ham box in a potato
patch under the vines.
Don’t miss getting that fine
cooking stove and set of kitchen
ware which will be sold at a low
cotton price at the Advo-Demo*
crat office. Weonly have one to
dispose of.
i W'ACy ■ %
“Saved Her Life.**
K: k m va
& A if
' V ••
m iH A V. A
R ji
If. 1 '/■ Iff
M RS. JOITN WALLET, of Jefferson,
Wts., than whom none ts more highly
esteemed or widely known, writes.
"Tn 1S90 I had a severe attack of LaGrippe
and at the end of four months,.in spite of alt
physicians, friends and good nursing could
do, my lungo heart and nervous system were
so cowpietely wrecked, xny life was de
spaiivid of, my friends siting me up. 1 could
only K,'.ocp by the .K*e oi opiates. My lungs
and heart pained mo terribly npd my cough
wa$ most aggravating. I could not lie in
one,position but a short time and not on my
left side at all. My husband brought mo
Dr. Milos’ Nervine and Heart Cure and I be¬
gan taking them. When 1 had taken a half
bottle of each I was much hotter and contin¬
uing persistently 1 took about a dozen bot¬
tles and was completely restored to health to
the surprise of all.”
J)r. Miles’ Remedies ’Dr.
are sold by all drug¬
gists under a positive Cm
guarantee, first bottle
benefits funded. or Rook money on dis¬ re¬ ^RestdiW feL 1
eases of the heart and Health ^
nerves free. Address,
J)R. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind.
NOTK'M- Alt legal mlvcrlNinglm,jst, be,
paid in advance or satfisfaelovy arrange¬
ments made at beginning for tlie pay,
ment of same.
Leave to Sell.
To till whom it may concern: Um bel
Kent mlnifnUtrntrtx of the estate of John
.1. Kent, deceiised inis in due form mipiie:'.
to tlie undersigned for leave to sell the
reversionary interrsl in and to the ilower
trad of laud nvdgned ax dotver to Rneije!
Kent, widow ni said deceased and said ap¬
plication will he heard on tlie first, Monday
in December, 1898. This I he Di li day. id
November, lSi) 1 ,).
GEO. II. MITCHELL, Ordinary.
December Sheriff Sales.
^COUNTY. Will he Mild before the.
court hou>m door in Crawfordville in xaid.
Count,y and .State, within the legal hours
of sale", to the burliest bidder for cash, on
the first Tuesday in December next, ISfiS
all that tract oi parcel of land lying Mili¬ and,
being in theC04th District, Georgia
tia, in Taliaferro County. Georgia, con.
talniug - one hundred ami eleven (111) acre*
more oi 'less, hounded on the Not ih by
lands jfj.Mrs. Fannie ‘Rehi-eci^ET Asiittry, TCoiieT on Un: 1 East
lands by land tot Airs iimT
of!Frank Mitchell, on tlie South by
the Sou 1 A 1 prong of Little river, and on
the West by Hie public rani leading from
Crawfordville to Woodstock in Oglethorpe
county. Also at the sayie time and pin e
id! that tract or parcel of land lying and
being - in the 0o?th District, Georgia Militia
Taliaferro County, Georgia, lying on hot It
sides of the North prong of the Ogeeeiu o
river with water mill, known a* - Jennings .
mill dwelling house ami other improvement
thereon, bounded on the North and East
by lands of Samuel li, Rhodes, trustee for
liis wife and children, on the South by
publie road leading from Crawfordville to
Bethany church in Greene county, on the
West, by lauds former v owmd by !t. .).
Reid now owned by J, K. Jbfiden, con¬
taining forty (40) acres more or Jess. Said
lands levied on as the properly of Rebec¬
ca lane Oglctn-e under and by virtue of
an execution issued from the Superior
Court of said county in favor of Albert L.
Richardson against said Rebecca Jane
Ogletree. Written notice of levy given as
required by law.
This 8 day of November, PfiiK.
Sheriff Taliaferro County.