Newspaper Page Text
61-00 Per Tear.
This is C. Bergstrom’s
Column. Please Ex¬
mine it and Come
and Buy of Him.
Dry Goods Department,
Dress Goods in assorted colors.
Calicof' in assorted patterns, Cambiic
in assorted patterns Bleaching,
good assortment, Bed-spreads at
at lowest prices. Flannels in great
variety. Barge stock of I laids, Shefet
ing and shirting; Large stock of
Spool codon and ball thread. Caritbn
flannel in different Shades and fcolors.
“Notions and Fffioj Goads,
Large assortment of dress Shirts,
Hustlers, Undershirts, s u s pe nd e r s,
H andkerchiefs, Neck- wear and Gloves.
A good assortment Ladies’ Hose and
Children’s Hose. Men’s half Hose all
in great variety.
Great assortment of Jeans find Jeans
jpants, Boy’s Chats, Pants and Vests,
Come at once and. buy of me.
Glassware and Lamps.
Large Hall and Parlor Lamps,
Chandelier globes, and Lamp globes,
Lanterns aud lantern globes, extia
shades, burners and wicks, common
band lamps, Looking glasses and glass
Crockery, Foreign & Domestic.
China Plates, large stock oi tnus
Japhe Ot’ps and sa’vers, Pow elain cups
bnd saucer, English, steak Dishes and
Bowls, iorge stock of Bowls and
Drugs aud Medcines.
Wizzard, British and sweet Oils.
Castor and Kerosene Oils, Glass glue
and Putty.
Stoves and Tinware.
Galvanized Well Buckets for boied
Wells, large and small Tubs, Bread
Trays, half btishel and peck measures,
Gallon and half-gallon Oil cans, Pots
and Kettles, and stove pipes.
Tranks, Leather Goods, Etc,
Sole and leather, Harness, Bridles
Saddles, Etc., Valises, Leather and
Bark Collars.
House-turnishiag Goods.
„,Mattresses, cotton and straw? steel
Springs, folding and straight, Bound
Tables, Swings, Hobby-horses; Wag¬
ons, Etc. for children.
Needles & Sewing Machine
Supplies, such as Gold Eye, Silver
Eye and sewing machine Needles for
$11 the different makes of sewing nia
Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Flour, Lard,
Roasted Coffee, Axle-grease, Soaps,
of every sort, Turnip seed, Onion sets,
Candles, Crackers, Candies, Soda,
Pickles, Vinegar, Segars, Snuff,
Chewing and smoking Tobacco.
Hardware and Cuttlery.
Axes, Hoes. Nails. Horse and Mule
Shoes? Shoe Hammers, Scis-ors.
eheara and hair Trinrpers, Knives and
Forks, spoons, Po4 et Knives and
Gnn T ubes.
Wl>*t [the People of the* Thriving
Town Are Doing.
Miss Canie Noiris’ is still quite ill.
Wilt lluruett was with home folks this
L. S. Jackson is hard to best on low
Prof. Thomas was lu our town
last week.
The election passed off quietly in our
town last week.
Preaching at Jennings Chapel next Sat
urday and Sunday.
Mr. Eddie Lee Reese is still quite *iek
near Williams creek.
Three waddings reported in the near
future in this section.
Gathering corn and potatoes is over in
this section and both are quite short.
Corn is only50c in trade in our tow’n but
we have to p*y from 55c to 60c for meal.
To Curo Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
II C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
Business is quite dull in our tfcfwn with
the mechanics and we fear it will be more
We hear that all the big shows that are
passing through are losing money every¬
•Malarlon is endorsed by best Physicians
and guaranteed to cure Chills, Rover and
Ague. All druggists or from Moffit-West
Drug Co., St. Louis.
New dwellings that ara being put up
are on a stand still now for want of mate¬
Mr. John O’Keeffe new carriage house
is completed. John believes in improve¬
Educate Tour Howols With C'nscrercts.
Candy ft Cathartic, cure constipation foi-eror.
10c, 25c. C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Go to L. 3. Jackson’s for solid goods
and then if you are not satisfied try John
Mr. j. V. Garrett and Charley Reest
left for the glory land last week on an
inspecting tour.
Malarion With Malarlon Tablet*
Guaranteed Cure for Chills, Fever and
Ague, or money refunded, 50 cents. All
her Miss grand-father Josie Ivey, Mr. of Mhscna, R> T. Kendrick was visltin an P-9!*-,
family last week.
Some say it doiT’FfMJ’ to advertise. Our
beA and largest business men do it all the
same and sudeeed at it.
No-To-Bae for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 60c, 81. All druggists.
Go see John O’Keeffee one of our big
merchants and see if he can’t satisfy you
in prices and good* too.
Our depot platform was covered nil
over all last weak with cotton. Could
not get ears to carry it off.
Malafibn Is devoid of bitter taste.
Cures Chills and Fever; acts on the liver
and regulates the system generally. All
There are Some men white and black
that won’t make their rents much less
settle any of their debts.
Mr. Bud Harper, after sSveral days visit
in this section; returned to hi* home in
Emanuel county last week.
Overcome evil with good. Overcome
your coughs and colds with One Minute
Cough Cure. It is so good children cry
for it. It cure* croup, bronchitis, pneu¬
monia, grippe and all throat and lung dis¬
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfordviilc,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Sharons trade is very geod. Our mer¬
chant are all alive to business and in for
the upbuilding oi the town.
Messrs. Ellington, Griffith and Cffap-r
man returned from the Glory land last
week much improved in health;
The sooner a cough or cold is cured
without harm to the sufferer the better.
Lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking
cough is distressing. One Minute Cough
Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when It
such a cough cure is within reachi 1 is
pleasant to the Deadwyler, taste. Crawfordville,
Andrews &
Dr. Lawrence Brown Bharon.,
Mrs. lfosalee Md'dfe and Miss Mabal
Smith, of Warren, yislted Sharon last
wesk. They are always welcome.
Some of our business men hav* com¬
menced to advertise in tHeir county paper.
This is a step in tire right direction.
Late to bed and early to rise, prepares
a man for his home in the skirs. But
early pill to bed and a Little Early Riser, th#
that makes life longer and better aud
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfordville
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
We se# in an exchange paper where a
man left his vest hanging on a fence and
when he came back to get the vest it was
gone and there was a gold watch in one
pocket. Seven years hence he killod one
of his cow* for beef and the watch was
found hanging in the cows lung* ar,d run¬
ning and had not lost but four ii.i lutes
during the seven ye irs. We believe this
is the biggest lie on record.
Will cure a Cough or Cold at once.
It positively relieves all throat troubles.
Small doses. Price 25 cents at druggists.
The quilting season is on hand. These
are great feasts for the young people ii
they cau have a gin-arouhd at night.
The sportsmen is making the woods riug
With the report of thoir gun*. We do
not know what success they are having.
Many It household is saddened by death
because of the failure to keep on hand a
safe and absolutely certain cure for croup
such as One Minute Cough Cure. See
that your little ones are protected against
emergency Deadwyler Crawfordviilc,
Andrews &
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Whiskev is the best selling article on
the market. A person nine times out of
ten can gfet it when he can’t get anything
Solicitor Bob Lewis stopped over at the
Hotel Jackson lust week. His many
friends in this section wore glad to meet
Coustipaticii prevents the bo-iv from
ridding itself of waste malter. DeWiti’s
Littlo Early Risers will remove the
trouble aud curo Sick Headache, Bil¬
iousness, Inactive Liver and clear the
Complexion. Small, sugar coated, don’t
C&usb nausea.
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfordviilc.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
These big sallaried fellows ought tq
sorter divide the thing hitrd with us poor
devils ’till this panic of time* is over
Sharon merchants are selling goods
awful cheap and a little money buys the a
heap, but the larger portion aint got
A cough is not like a fevor. It does
not have to run a certain course. (Jure it.
quickly and effectually with Due Minute
Cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages
and for the most severe cases. We re¬
commend it because it’s good.
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawford ville.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
We hall the honor of marrying a looked e ipu
of colored people last week; thov
very solemn until the knot was tied and
then they seemed to be as happy as a big
We heard one of our citizens say last
week that he would gamble on it that
there would be more cotton planted and
made next year than this, all that about
people planting big crops of grain is all
Discovered by a Woman.
A bother great discovery has been made,
and that too, by a lady in this country,
•‘Dieeaso fastened its clutches upon hei
and for seven years she withstood its
severiMt testa, but hor vitel organs were
undermioed and death ■’“otlu ed imminent.
For tbtas mcryff.. „ ««. VC/ II
and could not sleep. Bhe finally discover¬
ed a way to recovery, by purchasing of us
a bottle of Dr, King’s New Discovery for
Consumption, and was so much relieved
on taking first dose, that she slept all
nights and with two bottles, has heed
absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs.
Luther Luia. Thus writes W. C. Ham
nick & Co., of Bhetby, N. C. Trial bot¬
tles free at Dr, H, J. Reid’s drug store.
Regular size 50c and 81.00. Every
bottle guaranteed.
JNO; F. HOLDEN, Pres. J. A. KENDRICK, Vlee l'r#*. M. F. GRIFFITH, Cashier.
HORACE & CARL HOI,I»EN, Attorney*.
8 Office to 4 O’clock, Hours } CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. {
CAPITAL STOCK,., $ 25 , 000 .
A | General * Banking I Business i Transacted.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats,
Caps and Plantation Supplies.
• We keep first el ass Goods all the time und have first class
clerks. We mean business and will appreciate your trade.
A Call Will Convince You
JOHN O’KEEFFE, Sharon, Ga.
Remember 1 am still
in business and . . •
Keep Everything at Prices to Suit the Times.
Come to See Me
I Can Show You Better than 1 Can Tell You.
L.S. JACKSON, Sharon, Ga.
edy , ft-oatarrhal , tho, affections,
Alma A*Hay druggist for a free Po-ru-na
0 f ur the year 1891).
We urn that Prof. Pittard will take
charge,f Sharon high school another
year. p 9 think ho is from Oglethorpe
cou )f
(Jarmfiitive. Motgrs, we _ .call your attention promptly, to Fitts’ it is
it acts
plcttsmito t’ i taste, and tho children vulioves
will tali it v tbout coaxing. It
prompt? and permanently. If wo can
get yoyo u it, you will get others to
do likewise. y 0 ur drtiggist seels it.
We ii8 Rro, Tom Flyut since ho went
over trwusbingtoii', especially the ditties
he ’ whistle for us v'heu he canto
tli -
M issy Josh Moore and Geo. Wright
caught.,! eaip in J. P. Moore’s mill pond
last wok that weighed twenty ono and n
quart e pound*,. Lon Gilbert nays that
fish will lost Bio. Josh 850 dollars trying
tocatehmother like it.
Whei you ask for DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel jalva don’t accept a counterfeit or
imltati-n. There ate more cases of Piles
being lured by this, than all others com¬
And ew* <fc Deadwyler Crawfordviilc,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Bhuron.
r— ?
f X
. 1898.
It is h hard mat,let those days to iind
hero a man is at. lie don’t know him
if ami if you catch up with him he say*
is a solid lie.
People are slow paying their defaulters tuxes list so
e learn. We fear the
he large this year. Money is so scarce
id hard to get.
Soothing, healing, cleansing, DcWitt’s
fitch Hazel Salyeis the implacnole ene
y of sores, burns and woods. It never
ils to cure Piles. You may rely upon M.
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfordviilc
T-awrchee Brown. Sharon.
Seme say the merchants brolft the far
aud now the fanners are breaking
merchants. Well If this be true it
he even Stephen.
jWe bw day* are having corn Tile bread old ladv and collards throws
to eat. wltii
a few turnip* to season a* the
lC0 ^ j g played out.
Duu't Tobiicci) Spit imd Smoko Your life Away,
To quit tobacco easily and lot-over, lie mag
itlc, full of life, norro aud vigor, take No-To
u\ tko wornler-workor, that make* woak man
All druggists, 60e or SI. Cure guaran
*,1 booklet and sample froe. Address
lading Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
Bob Gilbert will bring nice beef to town
Tuesday# and Saturdays anil sausage and
1 Wednesday. He makes it Himself
is seasoned alright.
Uncle Bush Harper ha* returned from
e giory land where he has been on an
tended visit to his children. He will
biu:k DCXt s i ,rip S
f-‘>n Gilbert says’he shod a mule for u
gro for !t ’possum uiid the ’possum in
,c woods out the negro (said,“foe God he
>uld catch him if he could.”
We had tlio pleasure of stopping with
( r - And Mrs, Jesse Taylor one night last
sok and We enjoyed their hospitality very
Licli. expect to call again.
Bucklcns’s Arnica Salvo.
The Best : alve in the world for Cuts,
Bruisds, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Hheum, Fever,
Tel tor; (.’happed Hands, Chlllblalus, Corns,
aim all Skin Eruptions, and positively,
cures Piles, or no pay reuquimi. It is
guaranteed to give satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For
sale by Dr. It. J. Reid.
Old in.elo Charley I!agby, tho tinner,
still at Shsroh. Ho will have your ntttl
tresses niado and quilting done, work
class; call and see him or write him.
Thtirewas a negro fight in Sharon last
week in winch one was badly done up on
tho head and face. Tho town council
settled the Case by a fine of 82.60 each,
We jioni some *ay tlu*t sowa people
through this section s wtll he to
« move
a,v.:iy ftwn\ ftpr*' -t
that they will not be able to can’t get a run
hero another year. If they get it
hero we ffon’t see how they will get it
elsewhere. Hard times everywhere.
Yellow Jaundice Cured.
FiifTerlng humanity should lx; supplied
wi A every means possible for its relief.
iFis with pleasure we publish the follow¬
ing: “TUia Is to certify that I was a ter
/fhlo sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for
oyer six months, and wo* treated by some
of the best physirianstn our city aud all to
no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recom
mended Electric Bitters; and after taking
two bottles, I was entirely cured. I now
lake great pleasure in recommending them
to any person suffering from this terrible
malady. I am gratefully your*, M. A.
Bogart yLexington, Ky,"
Bold at Dr. It. 1. fteid’a drug store. CO
couta per bottle.
W* *(•« from the Reporter lust week
where Temperance gave us a pull about
tlia liar rooms from Washington coining
over to Sharon. We hud nothing to do
with moving them and wo can’t help them
going back lu small quantities and we
would say that Bio. Temperance better
save his oil for his patients in Wilkes. We
don’t need it because we haye a good sup¬
ply of temperance people in '1 tliafcrro
and they poured that oil on me until I am
greasy all over. 1 never huvo voted on
the whiskey question either way and if I
had been a citizen of WilKes I would have
voted dry. The little articles I wrote in
tlio Democrat were only about fact* and
were not intended to comment on.
Deanty la Illood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. C’nscarets, Candy Cathar¬
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im¬
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimplas, boils, blotchos, blackheads, by taking
and that sickly bilious Complexion All drug¬
Cascarets,—beauty for ten cants.
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
One of our citizen* wits over in Wash¬
ington last week on business, While over
there be thought he would price some
good* which he had to buy but the fig¬
ures were higher there than at Sharon so
he returned home aud bought the goods
he wished, Sharon merchants cau sell
goods ns cheap as aiiy town. Why not?
Thav own their own stow>houses, they
pay no town tax, their incidental expenses
arc much less every way aud they can buy
their good* as cheap as any other town
can for they buy from tha tame drummer*.
Our people should patronize home m©r
chants for anything tlmy wish to buy and
you then keep the money in your own
county and help If to build up your what county
arid town. you can’t get you
want aud a* cheap at home then it i» right
to go elsewhere.
r ,OU °
B«Sf.SSSr and sure. Mothewcan al- O V|*ll Ds
In Advance-
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum#
Atom baking powders are the greatest
menacers to hellth of the present day.
Correspondents’ Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
the IIhppenliiB» in Their Respective to
entitle*. All the News.
Mr. (did Mrs. It. 11. Slack visited rela¬
tives in the Holden neighborhood last
Miss Sallie Broome, of Union Point, U
visiting frfertds and relatives in the Holden
neighborhood this week.
Bears the The Kind Von Have Always Bougrt
The cotton of this section as far as our
observation extends will fall short of what
the farmers expo ted a few weeks ago.
Tlio farmers of this section aro sowing
both wheat and bats lu earnest this fall
which is a step in the right direction.
Wc must make the farms more self-sus¬
taining or we will soon be irretrievably
1* O li. A- Jt*. a
Bears the Hw Kind You Ham Always Bought
Auna Broome, the little twowoar-eld
daughter of Mr. and Mr/*, J. W. Broome,
’died at their dipt):.-.aft*.’ home hn the nh’lit of • Get. 8!to
Odtt. f/I I’bor litths A Aina
has gone to her Savior. Her affections
for nil with whom she came In contact
made her tho pot of all who knew her.
Her pulse is stilled, her little pratllng
tongue will never he heard any more on
earth. Her spirit has taken its everlasting,
lllght to the God who gave It. May tin?
griof-strickeii parents and relatives find
comfort in the command of our Bavion
“Buffer little children to come unto me
and forbid them nht for of such is the
Kingdom of Heaven.” The Lord is too
wise to err and too good to he unkind,
lie ha* taken little Anna ut tin- very best
time for Her and for those who loved Her
*o fondly. May we all how In humble
submission to his holy anil righteous will
Sleep on sweet angel slefep on,
’Till Gol shall bid thee arise
To luil Him In triumph
Defending the skie*.’
■* I have been using CAMCAKETS simply and as
a mild and edoctlro l»xatlr« they arc bothered won¬ with
derful. My dausbter and I were
•lek atomaeh and our breath was very bad After
taking a few doses of Ca«earet* we hare Improrea family.'
wonderfully They ara a sreat^help in the
1137 Kittenhoubo St.. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. DO
Good, Merer Hlcken. Weaken, or Gripe 10c. &c. S0C.
.d? r.*pu,, CM«wr-. *»*••!. Sew Xorl. lit
HU ID* va 1 U'lAv DID Holdahd (iits guaranteed by al'dru*- liabit.
to (THE TdOaooo
(Trad# Mark Registered Nov. 24, ’90'.
The New Life-Giver.
Promotes Vigorous Health by instilling
OXYGEN from the air into the system,
and cures all forms of disease without
Medicine or Electricity. It is as simple as
Prices of OXYDONORS,meatly re
dneed. Get Hie genuine, made by the
di-K-overer and inventor, Dr, Hercules
Sate hr.
Book of particulars aud price list free.
Address Di. FI. Sanche, 201 Fifth Ave¬
nue, New York.
Actual business. - No Text BooV^*
Cheap board. Send for Cfcta: sue.