Newspaper Page Text
Deadly ^ Cancer
(T* * u BN r“a| i I dr% ^ r*4r 1 f I
V y » H Vl
p> n Nlnt (live I In in I)e«
spa,r—There is Hopei ,
those S' unfortunate as to have
this dreadful affliction have con
eidered themselves beyond hope of
recovery, The doctors are ab
eolutely unable to afford any re¬
lief, and the poor sufferer might,
well consider himself on the way
to an early grave. why the
It, is now easy to see
doctors have failed to cure Cancer.
Their theories have been all wrong,
and hence their treatment mis¬
directed. They have made the
mistake of thinking that by cut¬
ting out (lie sore or ulcer, known
as Cancer, the disease would be
gotten rid of, and the patient re¬
stored to health. But the cruel
knife accomplishes nothing, for
the Cancer promptly virulent returns,andis than before.
always more
It has been demonstrated, beyond
doubt, that Caneer is a blood disease,
and can not lie cured by the surgeon's
knife because the blood can not be cut
“Several years ago my wife, had an
ulcer on her tongue, which, though an¬
noying, was not regarded seriously at
first . It refused to heal and began to
grow, giving her much pain. The doc¬
tors treated it for quite a while but
Official 0/gin Taliaferro Co
NOTICE -All Idgnl satisfactory advertisingniust ho
paid in advance or arrange¬
ments made at beginning for the pay¬
ment of same.
The Columbia calendar for
]8<)!) is out and it is up f b-datc.
It will bo mailed to any address
for 10c. by the Pope Mfg. Co.,
Hartford, Conn.
Some of those northwestern
farmers who have lately ihbved
to Willies county arenov selling
corn in the ear at a good profit.
The low price of cotton is not
troubling them.
Mr. Scab Smith has sold
seventy-five dollars worth of
pigs this year. He sold forty
dollars’ worth in one lot a few
days ago—Winteryille cor.
oiauS “
best physicians in East 1 eiuies
Swrir-" KJrTteT».“” J
RWd '
Somebody bomeooay has nas discovered uiscoveieu that lu “J
a Bermuda onion eaten raw will
clear the head of a cold. W here
upon the editor of the New
Orleans States, without violat
inir ing any anv confidence, connucnct, he ut declares! «««- '
rises to remark that a Liermuda
oniou eaten raw will clear out a
whole meeting house or at
disrupt a prayer-meeting.—Ex.
There is more Catarrh in .his
section of the country than all
othei diseases put together, and
until the last few years was sup
posed to be incurable.. For a
great many it' years doctors pro
pouned a local disease, and
prescribed local remedies, and
by coi i.--Dimly Tailing to cure with
local te.n meat pronounced it in Science has proven
catarrh to be a oonslvtutumal
uisea > v .and therefore
con utional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney £ Co.. Toledo. 0 .
nr const it utional cure >
the i; ket. It is t 7Z ken interna!
lv in i -os from 1 c ups to a
if ul. I ireetlv on
tlu :(1 Ul’Yfi
of til*
aud lonials- A < ai\
F. J. Chknly w
-71 nr.u
were unable to do her any good,
finally pronounced |t Cancer of a most
recommended but they did not
, U id after a few bottles had been used
a decided improvement was noticed,
nnd continuing the remedy she was
of the disease has
returned, though ten
years have elapsed,
Sparta. Gn.”
The cures made by
f,7* S. 8. S. are jierma
iVSvt.C A .La* bioPd rerned^'wh'ic^ rPm oLtinate
'-CkL^diseases, SpS*, because blood
the ° n,y ° ne
which acts on the
correct principle the of
forcing out the poison and ridding
system of it forever.
8. 8. 8. never fails to cure the worst
eases of Cancer, Scrofula, Catarrh,
Eczema.Contagious ulcers, KloodPoison,Rheu¬
matism. old sores, etc., it mat
tors not what other remedies have been
used in vain. It is the only blood
remedy guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
and contains not a particle other minerals. of potash,
mercury, arsenic or
Valuable books on Cancer and Blood
Diseases will be mailed free to any ad
dress by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
We have no advice to offer the
Georgia legislators. They will
eo just what we expect them 10
do—draw their salaries, drink
their beer, ride on free passes
find add to the burden of taxa ;
tion.—South Georgia Home.
The Newell place near Mill
edgeville has been selected for
the state penitentiary, The
farm will be laid out and work
begun at once to build adequate
houses for the present.
The Best Piaster.
A piece of ilannel dampened Balm
with Chamberlain’s Pain
and bound on to the affected
parts is superior to any plaster. the
When troubled with pain in
chest or side, or a lame back,
give it a trial. You are certain
to be mor%! than pb*asud with
the prompt relielf which it af¬
fords. Pain Balm is also cer¬
tain cure for rheumatism. F'or
sale by Dr. Ii. J. Reid.
The halidsome W. T, Jolu^
son hotel at Washington Which
was to have been finished on the
15th, will be ready for guests
now _ V01T soon. sio fbut r:r to t
out again.
j (im j >1 oust'd to state that
Sf ot
B „
“ d Sn e
have been informed by scores of
f th „ d results thev
have i- e0 ©i V od from it. and know
Ug valu0 from the use of it j„ my
dwn hollso Hold. It is so pleas
an t to take that we have to place
the bottle beyond the reach
the th „ cilUdren.^ ( ; llildren
For sale by Dr. R. J. Heid.
The portrait that Col Phil.
Cook found inThe S.a.e Socreta.
l > s ddlCO in At.anta protvd <
be the picture of Mrs. Bethune,
the aunt of Mr. A. Little at
Crawford. She was Miss Cher
G’ T Little. . •
I .. •> and , !u\g . raising . Will be
nx.-oiim most profitable lines
• . . \ n this section in bile
i , h u
1 •luture. * “ .. v ‘ . u . 1 v 1
l>5 of Georgia the cotton
. fS ’ * .tie -i-e ^ -rowing row n„ >m P In -nss
am the bwuers are profiting by
i raisimr May and cuttle.
very able articles in the
Planters Journal,
r: . very wisely
sts tu¬ * people of the
t together aud
v.» jntrol the price of cot
^ t AH r.
To those who are discourag 1
on accouot of damaged crop
low prices aud the like we co>
mend the following: Visually*
of this nature should be borne y
individual sufferers with res?
nation and a determination to 9
losses of property by reneW^
exertion. Despondency is bu a
hindrance and despair is 16
handmaiden of future suffering.
Hope, the last stay of the unfJ’
tunate should sustain them uR'l
brighter days shall dawn.
The Daylight Special.
Messrs. Tuggle & Hollir^s
worth will run another speeiil
train to Atlanta and return on
Monday, Nov. 28, leaving' Au¬
gusta at 6 a. m. passing Citw
fordvillo at 8:0n arriving in At¬
lanta at 11:30. The train vH.ll
emain in Atlanta until the ne<t
t iy, Nov. 29th, leaving there it
^ ' tiw btsi
this is obbof arran?
STgSKZJZ fir £
seats 50c. extra.
Th f Sunn 7 s " u th f l,ocid8aiy
110 , ami ? . s pap3r
Panted in America. It is dean
and pure, yet interesting and in
struCtive, and should be in every
Southoni home . It is arranging
, L vinthr nf inf,,-.
. .. ' ^
mg stories and sketches which . .
will place it easily in the lead of
all other similar papers.
““ “Vroup Sihit i,
su t U a sure indi
ca tionof the approach of the
disease. If Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy is given as soon as the
child becomes hoarse, of even
after the croupV cough 1ms up
peared. it will prevent the
tack. Many mothers who have
croupy children always
this remedy at hand and find
that it saves them much trouble
aud worry. It can always be
depended upon and IS pleasant
. For sale bv 5 Dr R J
Reid. p »
St wn widows and •;nd fl^flt Pio-hr
daughters of Revolutionary sol
diersnrevet living.
Ac Old i<Im. cay «r ■.ztlKM the belief ®f eorf.
real ph>s:muk> :a»p re blocl ie thi
Muse of (be E-;.jcn *7 ear uisoest-s.
T vtj,-- to Li Is fa? ' v&s a*ed
*< a bisis fr r : .c s-ij ii.-'a of rpw
hine-T. The a- vc .. - : ’
hv t.-'s V . n la J" r.n *» .’** £j*
The Legislature has sent a
committee to Tennesee to inves
the seciet ballot SJStCril,
with a view of adopting some
of the kind in Georgia.
- _ j
$ I
tS^m^ativa }
] }
2 LAMAR lean & RANKIN recommend DRUG tO.i Pitt*’ Car- I
t roinative not too strongly. I must say, I
1 <—»»“».*>*• I earneitly ask all mother* „ who „ %
f have sickly or delicate children just the J
to try one bottle and see what J
wwlt will be. Respectfully, J
Jobnaon's Station, Ga, J
j* pMs* CamslltaMvO 1
r im mold by mil Drmagftttm.
i j ( PRICE, SB CENTS. §
9^ -Uttol **,-***•«<♦> T+Pt-UiPtl**
T fort3 dangers hb discom- and of (7*3' \ ^___j a
^ child-birth can *•
,i be almost en .r/v
{j tirely Wineof avoided./^, Cardui^J
j| relieves pectant moth¬ ex¬ f
= ers. It gives
=. tonetothegen
italorgans.and in
puts them
‘ 1 condition to do their work
11 perfectly. That makes preg¬
nancy le9S painful, shortens
labor and hastens recovery after
dj child-birth. It helps children. a woman
bear strong healthy
has also brou ight happiness barren to
thousands of homes for
years. A few doses often brings
joy to loving hearts that long
for a darling baby. No it for woman this
should neglect to try
trouble. It cures nine cases out
of ten. All druggists sell Wine
of Cardui. #i.oo per bottloi
Pot idrlee la case* requiring’ special
directions, address, flvinp Department,' symptoms,
the "Ladles' Advisory
The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chatta¬
nooga. Tenn.
of Jeflbrson, Ga., jayst
“When I first took Wine of Cerdol
we had been married throe years, but
•ould not have an“ children. baby." Nina
month* later II - v
■Spi mSSmm
dtfgr«§« JiFTwill,patiently, * 1 usually cures; persistentlyX)no 3 boxes, $ 2 50
, . ,
WSwfy® Xa^^jmffiranteed to euro, or we refunn Mew money. fork.
Bemtdy Co., Cblcagp, Hontreal,
’» “
Proof* and catalogue free on application.
m^moscyol, Co.
And’Educational Home School,
crnsTrn young ladies.
G°r. layette Ave. and CharUs St.
Baltimore, Md. Barthold Meyer, Pnn.
catalogue furnished upon Vocal application.
Specialties - Tiano. Culture,
lish Branches. Number of boarding
pupils limited. Uneceptional home
omfort*. Opens Sept. 8th, 1898
Oil and Ferrillaw
Gin. Press, Cane Mill and Shingle Outfit*.
r ‘““Sj5 r .S» /VefinTO GaSUngS.
“‘Bemn^r'n^wg.'iKieotors. f pine
* Fiuia^s.
s***. fiu*. <nie«. ew.
Letters Of DiSUliSSlOll
w h rf JohnP. Mcnu-e administra
tor of Enos Moore deceased represent to
the court in bis petition.Muly tned.
he baa fully administered Enos ■ <10 es
f stalu: This is therefore .o cite an per
roncemed. kindred and creditor*, to
show cause, if any they «a . wily
miniskOr should not be diTchargeu worn
his administration, and receive ieners ot
disnr ; s . Uvi on thefiis- Monday ip January.
jsvs. GEO. ii. MITCHELL, OnBrary.
A »w Shop.
I hSve moved into my new shop r »
Brt d -Treet where I wencomc a.. n:y
wi 'e friends ’o mv handsome qua: . 'rs.
1 .{» \ MATOIW home* and do hair cuttiTK
IU inr ;,„.jr for the ladW aud ohi’i
ren: £ "1 1 have ht*Jt " s
ISC . Give me i ea! .
The, | H6 01X1^1 Qmnlloct l6SI V-/Si f**hild I I U
t0 the Largest Man or Woman.
Our Stock of Clothing cannot be suppassed by
anything outside of a city.
We Have Clothing
For Small Boys. Large Boys, Small Men, Slim
Men and Fat Men. We can fit you as handsome¬
ly as a tailor. No old goods- -No shoddy goods.
All Up-to-date in Style % Pattern.
We Have a full stock of Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Hosiery.
None better. Ladies’, Men’s aud Children’s Underwear, all
graies and slyles. In fact we have everything that goes to make
up an outfit for man or boy.
Remember We Give You ahandsome Watch
With Every $10 Purchase. A Good Time Piece
Come to See Us, and be convinced that we can save you
money enough to pay expenses.
Greenesboro Shoe h Clothing Co.
Walker and Walker.
The most complete and modern Standard
Fire-Proof Warehouse in Georgia.
Liberal Cash Advances made on consignments. Strict Personal At*
tention given to all business.
Office and Warehouse 827 to 887 Reynolds St.
JLTTGrTTST-A.,, C 3 --A-.
Augusta, I I Georgia.
Buggies, -* Buggies,
Harness, Harness, wagons, Wagons!
I have opened up in your town a full
l' ne Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Lines,
Breeching Whips, Lap Robes, Collars, Collar
Pads, Harness and Axle Oils and everything
111 cl nrst-class harness Stole. X also
have on hand a car-load of Buggies and an
othercartoarrive in a fewThese -
goods have got tobc SOld regardless of prof
its, so come quick if you want a bargain.
Highest ® Casll price A paid foi* gl'CCll Ol'
dfV IlldeS, I3eeS W&X Hlld w W OOl. i
Store, West Side of Square, Mr. T. Richards. ,
Formerly occupied by
crawfordvillL, ga.
Notice of Local Legislation.
Xo ,.„ b bmbr General
be introdticed before the present following
Assembly of Georgia with the
.mend the Charter of the
town of Crawfordville, Taliaferro County,
Georgia, approved December 27tb. 1*26.
a "^ th lI : December'istb. as'
i8sa. «ui 1894 . so
authoriza and empower the Town c.un
cil of said lowa of
“j t
^ ^ all funds iu lt8 treaS u ry of
^ fow of Crawfordvme snrtl r P pro
pnations as «id Council of said town of
cravrfOTdville. may in its discietion be
ab!e< to 8IJV and s! j wblic srhoois now
gUuat . d or til8t m .. y hereafter be situated
jn town 0 f Crawfordville, for educa
tionsl purposes.
j *1 2 i ilcs
qx.ioi.iy dfz vrzr, ?a*w? cbtaisza.
jort i i.\P9 oc -icetsA w v. ' -.r.;
ST»**-- r . L •.,™
mSrF -1 rii. »- K«CiiA 13 FFE 3 L
a ■ £> ■IhZ?* aro H. O. c
S’* ~ 1% 3 Servo Fla:
Dr lit
pprtc p 8J WHSTiISfiN * 1
203 “th it., Augusta, Ga.,
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for *11 defect* of
IhvL! 1 *' VT ° per ****** ^ WAK "
Leases cut into your frame wbileyou wait,
FBEE OF CHAR8S if you need
• mt -j cine or glasses
And Repairs for nae. ShuMnj, /iHintffi
BeiUffig, . .j>ee V. *>l r s and
i; • ^ARi) . IE ’ - PiHt r/- t J VI C. Pill CO..
H'erm, si
l)oT out’s Witch Hr- ruvo
vue*i Pitts, Sc-'.ul. Bvr .