Newspaper Page Text
m s \
Back Mite?
I In constant pain when onj
your feet ?
Is that dragging, pulling
sensation with you from morn
till bight ?
Why not put the medicine
exactly on the disease ? W hy
not.apply the cure right to
L che spot itself?
I You can do it with
1 » ■>
ii; I i
Immediately after the'
^Plaster .its warming, is applied, soothing you feel|| in-^
V ■ fluence. Its healing remedies p
quickly into the penetrate inflamed down tissues, deep t| §
Pain is quieted, soreness is re- 1
lieved and strength imparted. B j
No plaster was ever made like It.
No plaster ever acted No plaster so quickly |
and thoroughly. ever
bad such complete control over all
kinds oi pala.
Placed over the chest it is
a powerful aid to Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral; relieving
congestion and drawing out
all inflammation.
J. C. AYSR CO .. Lowell, Mass.
wummm _ b:T ~ 'J_
■ p—Several talking of building
homes in Crawfordville.
—Dr. R. O. Binns was exhit
ing some light greenish-blue
feathers that were in abundance
on a frying size chicken owned
by Mrs. "H. H. Flynt. The
chicken was healthy and the pe
culiar feathers are rare indeed.
Tax-Collector’s Notice.
The unddisigncd or Goo. II. Fitclmll
ii be at tho following named places for
the purpose of collectyig State and Coun
y taxes due for the year 1898:
SHARON, NOV. 23rd.
FLUKER, NOV. 28th.
FLUKER, DEC. 12lh.
Will be at, Crawfordville all Uie time ex¬
cept dates mentioned above. Books will
positively close on Dec. 20tli, 1898. and
Pi. Fa’s, issue iu terms of the law.
' Tax Collector, Taliaferro Co. Ga.
—Mr. W. J. Norton ard force
of hands are at work building a
residence in Washington for Mr.
Jas. R. Asbury. Mr. Norton
also has a job of repairing the
old Colly place in Washington
for Mr. B. R. Beck.
A Wonderful Discovery.
The last quarter of a century records
fnany wonderful discoveries in medicine,
but none that have accomplished more for
humanity than that sterling old It household
remedy, the Browns’iron elements Bitters. of .food seems u ealt)i, to
contain very
and neither man, woman or child i____ take
it without deriving the greatest benefit.
Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by ail dealers.
Slakin ' Turpentine.
Mr. Lint Akins was here Sat
urdayi He has a squad of 95 of
Smith’s convicts down in Early
county making turpentine. He
they tret out 400 gallons of
spirits of turpentine and about
100 barrels of rosin per day.
The turpentine sells for 35 cents
gallon aud the rosin at about
$1.25 per barrel. Suppose Col.
Smith thinks there is more
money in turpentine than cotton
Pleurisy and r: ■ eamonia are acute in
Ipammat ions of the lungs, and if not
U® prompts allayed, the worst mayhap
jifiammaW^ n The celebrated Dr. John. A.
) oVlTImfrimfaekts short time.
a cure in a wonderfully
Cares Pfeo s, an Pneumonia.
jse.- are sr - : ' ' a-, to take Donors
?»TiineGd it. i ; nr: * At ail druggists.
C«S LWi’ibl p P
- ~ ““ • —
. .
Pure Ho’-r-e Via iters Pickad Up by Oai
bocal Eeaortew
What Our People Are L>®i*S Saying.
Tiling* Our Friend* Tell Ui.
“I owe my success to the newspapers,
and to them I freely give a certain profit
of my yearly Lusiness,” says John an
—Get ready for the excursion
to Atlanta on Nov. 28th.
—Manages aud rumors of
manages in these parts now.
—And it is said there will be
another marriage on Nov. 80thi
—This week’s rain ruined a
big lot of cotton in this section.
—Mr. J. W. Timberlake was
quite siolc the first of the week.
—See Tax-Collector’s notice
in this paper and pay your taxes.
—Time lost with politics this
year is now telling in the har¬
—Dr. M. P. Deadwyler was
with his many friends here this
—Mr. J. Mi Denham shipped
a car of cattle from here to Au¬
gusta Monday.
—Messrs. Percy and Vivion
Richards, of Washington, were
here this week.
—Miss Stella Holden returned
home this week after a visit to
Atlanta and Macon.
—Another colored mercantile
business added to our town by
II. J. Peek & Bro.
—A good brick mason can
find ample employmt in and
around Crawfordvilie.
—Mrs. Shields,, of Thomson,
was here this week to attend the
Audrews-Hillman marriage.
—Mrs. H. G. Barnwell, of
Washington, is managing his
father’s business at this place.
—Mrs. Jones returned Satur¬
day to Louisville after a visit to
her cousin, Rev. R. E. L. Harris.
—There will be Thanksgiving
services at the Baptist church
here on the 24th, next Thursday.
—Miss Nina Edmonson, of
Washington, came over this week
to attend the Andrews-Hillman
—This town is greatly in need
of 3, 4 and 5 room houses. Peo¬
ple are daily wanting such
houses here.
—Col. and Mrs. Maltbie have
bought a lot near Judge Mitch¬
ell’s aud will soon erect a resi¬
dence thereon.
—OrnerTaylor says the man
who takes unto himself a wife
these hard times is braver than
Hobson or Dewey.
—Several people got up to see
the stars fall Monday morning at
1 o’clock, but they did not fall
through the clouds.
—The excursion to Atlanta on
the 28th iust will be will paron
ized by our people. It will be a
good time to visit the city.
—See Greenesboro Shoe &
Clothing Co’s, big offer of a
watch with each $10.00 purchase
Their advt. is in this paper.
—Mr and Mrs. J. H. Chap¬
man have returned to their home
in Augusta. The former has
about recovered his strength.
—Those who want long com¬
munications published of any
nature must send them in by
Monday, not later than Tuesday.
—Some think our cotton re¬
ceipts at this depot will be over
1000 bales less than last year.
Over 100 bales came in Saturday.
—Mr. W. Y. Edwards shipped
a car of cattle to Augusta last
week and says he found matters
in the beef market rather quiet.
—Some of our people have
found there is a good profit in
building small houses for rent.
Mr. W. R. Reid is binding sever
a p
—Miss Pearl Rogers, of Nor
wooc i ) an( j Miss Gertrude Jones,
—-Mr. T A. ,, Asbury , , of ,
A. f
Betliesda was here Saturday on
business. We would be glad to
claim Mr. Asbury and his family
among our townspeople.
—A sewer pipe culvert has
been put in on Holden street
which was much needed.
water backed up t ere Sunday
unti! it was like a fish pond.
—M - Lmme Reid returned
Fiiday from Montezuma
A; a has been
spendin:/ a ucdightful time with
... >-s J. , L
On the Following Goods:
50 Buggies, . 42 Wagons, Stoves,
175 Bedsteads J 122
46 Bureaus, 40 Dozen Axes.
Call and See the Above bargains.
W. T. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga.
Marriage at Betliesda.
Miss Kate Scott and Mr. John
D. English were married at Be*
thesda Wednesday of this week;
The young couple have the best
wishes of their many friends in
this and Greene counties.
Loans M ade on Lands.
We have to recently made Ar¬
rangements negotiate loans
on lands in Taliaferro County at
very low rates and any person
desiring to obtain loans on
three and five years time should
call on us.
Horace & Care Holden.
Good Offers by a Good Finn.
The Greenesboro Shoe &
Clothing Co. is composed of some
of that city’s best business
gentlemen and their success has
been marvelous. They are now
reaching out for trade in this
and it will be seen from
their notice in this paper they
aim to give you your money’s
worth and a watch to boot. They
are making exceeding large of¬
fers of bargains to their custo¬
Good Corn Crop.
Mr. B. F. Wynne, of this
county has made an extra large
crop of corn this year and is now
not troubling so very ranch about
cotton prices. We are told that
he has gathered about 1500
Cotton seems to be taking second
place in the sight of some far¬
mers and they are now proud of
That must ■
- #3 e Soid! lr ; i
We liave a fcjrge Stock of
Clothing; that must go. . .
Part of it We Will
Sell for Cost. • f •
The remainder at a
Very si* ,11 Profit.
We will H ot let them
Remain In our store 9
If Prices Go F( r Anythiriir. &•
Get Yoor Part Of It. . . #
TfiU/tosmiji n 1 a rash- y T- A
Ui d y Pi h ii VC f i
' Add.
Al<etinc To-Morrow.
A specif 1 business meeting
has been c:^ 0 ^ to convene at the
Baptist chinch hereon Saturday
(to-niorro\D ^4 U ^ clock xoi the
purpose of attending to impor¬
tant business concerning the
church. Every member is re¬
quested to ' ,e ou hand and vote
on these questions.
---*--- 1
The doming: of Baby.
When a baby comes to the
house rial anxiety happiness comes. for
The careand the count clinging
nothing against and the
touch of ii e little hands
sound of tip little voice. The
highest fuF'tion given to human
beings is hanging healthy, hap¬
py children to to the world.
Over thirty years ago the needs
of women appealed to Dr. Pierce,
now chief onsulting physician
to the Invars’ Hotel and Sur¬
gical Instit'ke,' Buffalo, N. 5 ,
The result his study improved
by thirty itoars of practice is
embodied ii F r - Fierce s havor
ite Prescri]fF on ’ It strengthens
purifies am. makes healthy the
organs difftoctly feminine. It
•fives weak women the strength
and healt) necessary for the
producLior/of healthy children
and it mttgs the bearing of
those easy. T_t is sure to cure
auy weakm • Oi derangement
peculiar to v/>men; stops strength- pain,
soothes inanimation,
ens, purifiw invigorates.
- Mr: j/ i Mrs. C. A. Slack’s
membafb 9 has been transferred
from the -ptist church liere to
Mt. Stej is Baptist church and
Mr. Sim ill be ordained and
will i the Mt. Stephens
church. If.
Brightest Items from Near by
To the Credit of the Excellent County
Journals from Which We (let
the Creamy News.
—A bill will be introduced iu
the legislature incorporating
—C. D. Bolteii and Miss Sarah
Fortson were married in Wilkes
last week.
—Smyrna correspondent says:
< t Dr. Binns, of Crawfordville,
was in this vicinity, last Sun¬
day. »*
—A negro child 4-years old
was found smothered to death iu
a pile of cotton seed in Wilkes
county last week.
The finest harness and axle
oils at J. »S. Barnwell’s.
—Mr. E. Bonner, of Crawford¬
ville, spent last Sunday with Mr.
G. W. Guest —Tyrone cor.
Washington Reporter.
Everything in the world you
want at J. S. Barnwell’s in the
harness line.
—The circus which struck
Sparta last Friday, was a howl¬
ing failure, from a financial
2 Car Buggies at lowest
prices ever offered—they must
be sold. J. S. Barnwell.
—.Mi’. Richard Pounds, Mrs.
Jas. M. Harris and Mrs. T. W.
Baxter, of Hancock, were buried
in that county last week.
I will pay cash for old iron,
brass, copper and bones. A. J.
Melton, Crawfordville, Ga.
—Wilkes Sykes and Miss Rosa
Brown, and Walter F. Pierce and
Miss Sul lie Fannie Alfriend were
married in Hancock last week.
J. M. Denham, of White
Plains, is buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
— We are informed that Mrs.
Chapman, the fashionable dress¬
maker of Barnett will move to
Warrenton at an early date.—
Save money by buying
Wagonj, Buggies, Chairs Beds, Johnson’s By
reaus, and at
Washington, Ga.
—Mr. J. B. Winter, of Winter*
vilie, is offering 5,000 pounds That of
home raised Hour for sale.
looks like flour can be raised in
Don’t miss getting that tine
cooking stove and set of kitchen
ware which will lie sold at it low
cotton price at tho Advo-Demo
crat office. We only have one to
dispose of.
—Wilkes county has a shoot¬
ing and killing nearly every
week. East week a negro, Ed.
Gaines, shot another fatally and
then escaped.
W- T, Johnson, Washing¬
ton, Ga., has the largest store,
biggest stock and lowest
prices to be found between
Atlanta and Augusta.
—Uncle George W. Cohran
brought in Saturday last a 20
pound carp, which lie caught in
Little river with a hook and line.
—W ashing to n Re porter.
Harness and Lace Leather at
J. S. Barnwell’s.
—Some?one entered and stole
cotton from it house of Mrs.
Roane at Lexington last week.
This stealing business will be
greater this winter if loafers
don’t go to work.
I will be in Crawfordvijlo sev¬
eral days for tho purpose of clos¬
ing out the stock of Buggies,
Harness, etc., and will sell on
credit for good notes due Nov. 1
1899. Will sell at cost for cash
ort ti ro; note. All those
owing for buggies will please
come in and sw me about their
paper and save cost.
II. G. Barnwell.
—Mr. J. F. M. A)* ander
openeu i store in Craw, rdville
which h will co'idnct in conm.c
with h' businessher»
family il continue to reside
Lexing so he tells us.
Frt ’ , j. riti ,• s b speak
Hu him In his net/ un
def. 'big -Fcho.
At F our Score.
Dr. Miles’ Nervine Restores Wealth. j.
k y
Css BB
asp t Mv
k ]!!■■*> '/
0 NCLE EZEKIEL OBEAR, assessor and
tax collector, Boverly, Mass., who has
passed the 80th life mile stone, says:
•‘Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine lifts done •
y.veat deal o' good. I suffered for years from
sleeplessness and nervous heart trouble.
Would feel weary and used up in the morn
in;:, had no ambition and my work seemed a
burden. A friend recommended Pr. Miles’
Nervine, and I purchased a hot,tie under
protest as I had tried so many remedies un¬
successfully, I thought it no use. But It
gave me restful sleep, a good appetite and
restored mo to energetic health. It is a
grand good medicine, and I will gladly writo
anyone inquiring, full particulars of rny sat¬
isfactory experience.”
Pr. Miles’ Remedies Ds*.
sold by all drug-pV 'W
p 1sts under a positive Ss x tM®iTV2n©
guarantee, first bottle gfe
benefits or money re- • R mtoreo
funded. Book on dls- KjL<• Ept&t/V, ... >
oases of tho heart and •}
nerves free. Address, Ejtjflffi j flpMlM , iraS
PR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, inU.
Leave to Sell.
To nil whom it may concern: Undid
Kent u(l;nl»i*tnitrix of tin: ustate of John
.1. Kent, deceased lias in duo form applied
to the undersigned for leave to sell tho
riivorsionary interest In and to the dower
tract of hind assigned as dower to Ituehci
Kent, widow of said deceased and said ap¬
plication will lie heard on the first Monday
in December, 1898. This the 9th day of
November, 1899. MITCHELL,
GEO. II. Ordinary.
December Sheriff Sales.
^COUNTY. Will lie sold before the
court house door in Crawfordville in said
County sale", and ISlatc, within . I he legal lioqrs
of to the luiriiest bidder for cash, on
the first Tuesday in December next, 1898
all that tract oi parcel District, of land Georgia lying Mili¬ and,
being in Taliaferro,County, ihe 6()4th Georgia,
tia, in con¬
taining one hundred and eleven fill; acres
more or less, bounded on the North by
lands if Mrs. Fannie As in try, on l he East
by lands of Mrs Rebccea, E. Daniel and
lands of Frank Mitchell, on the South by
the South prong of Little river, and oil
t ha W out l»y » I * - * v»".4 t **.tA4*.p
Crawfordville to Woodstock in Oglethorpe place
county. Also at the same time and
all that tract or parcel of laud lying and
being in tho Go7ih District, Georgia Militia both
Taliaferro County. Georgia., lying on
sides of the North prong of-tin: Ogeechee
river with water mill, known as Jennings
mill dwelling house and other improvement
thereon, hounded on (he North and Last
by lands of Samuel 11. Rhodes, trustee lor
Ills wife and children, on the South by
public road leading from Crawfordville to
Helhauy church In Greene county, on the
West by lands former v owned by If. J.
Reid now owned* by I. F. Holden, con
tabling forty (40) acres more or le.*s. Said
lands levied on as the propelly of Rebec
ca lane Ogletre.c under and by virtue of
an execution issued from the Superior
Court of said county in favorof Albert L.
Richardson against said Rebecca Jane
Ogletrec. Written notice of levy given as
required by law.
This 8 day of November, 1898.
1). P. HENRY.
Sheriff Taliaferro County.
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