Newspaper Page Text
Hj I
1 ■‘Mfk I
9 '-S
TI.o Kind You Have Always Bonslit, and which has been
ia u o for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of
nnd has been made under hi* per¬
^, infancy.
sonal supervision since its
c * * 44 M Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex¬
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR!A
Castor'a is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Sind Ring Syrups. It is Harmless and I’leasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
uml allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colie. Tfc relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Pauaeea-Tlio Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
a 4 ♦
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
■ *
t/i) the Dental Chair.
TEETH extracted by our late scienticfic method. No pain or bad results. Appli¬
ed to the gums. Absolutely painless and harmless. No sleep producing but with agent first- or
cocaine. We arc not competing with cheap dental establisnientii,
class dentists at prices less than half that charged by their them. teeth extracted and work
The undersigned ladies and gentlemen have had
done by me, and we cheerfully recommend any one of them, as to our method be
in- painless ami as advertised: Mr. 1I P. Quin. Washington, Ga.: Mr. J, W. Hub¬
V Goshen. Ga.; Mr. R. H. Callaway, VV ash
bard, Washington, Ga.; Mr. T. J. Leverett, Washington,
ington, Ga.; Miss K. M. Jilin, Leverett, Ga.; Mrs. R. M. Smith, Ga.;
Miss Sallie Smith, Daubing, Ga.; Rev. J. L. Gross, Washington, Ga.: and a hundred
others whose names are on file in our office. We are the only dentists using this
Best set of Teeth only 8'U Gold Crowns and Teefli without plates at half price.
Gold Fillings. Amalgam and Cement at reduced prices. Give nsa call and you will
find that we do just as we advertise. We can tell you exactly wliat your work will
cost bv a free examination. mastication.
Without good teeth there cannot be thorough digestion.
Without thorough mastication there cannot be perfect *3r>imiUxtiuil.
Wttliwut. p<.rCwwi<YVgreih/tt »4uciv lomtullic mupet
Without proper assimilation there cannot be nutrition.
Without nutrition there cahndt be health.
Without health what is life?
Hence the Paramount Importance of the Teeth.
An Arabian Proverb says; “He who does not masticate well is an enemy to
his own life."
1 will visit Crawfordville Monday, December 5th, and remain 10 days.
FALL 1898.
As ilm season hns arrived, so our Fall Stock is now complete in every department,
We take the opportunity to inform t he public of the ieception of our Fail Clothing,
onsistlug Indeed of the very best woolens made into the latest and most stylish suit
designs. There are many who w ould like to lake advantage of the time to make a
efioico selectlini of 11 Suit, < >vrroi>at or Hat from the many varieties on hand before the
rush of the season begins. It will afford us great pleasure anil will he adcllghtful tnsk
to show you the uimiy new and handsome suits in our men’s and our children’s do
Mr. m • ,«’ A, . W right will be glad i to ;
. > ~ see you. *
I. C. LEVY’S SON & CO •9
Tailor-Fit Clotniers, Augusta, Ga.
General Commission Merchants,-
81 7 Reynolds St., AUGUSTA, GA.
Person Attention Given to Weight and Selling. Bagging and Ties Furnished
Our Custom ere at Factory Prices.
... -V w a-.
#hen Y’ou Need
Lumber, Laths, Lime ^
S n.-'.i 7. Moulding*. Doors, “'ash. Blinds, Cement, Plaster Paris, Plastering
Ha r. Sewer Pipe ior your well or ditches, Jars for your Lard, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc.,
Bolts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Doors or Blinds*
Nail?. Locks u at or list Hooks. Shelf Brackets or anything else you may
Et-ed in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with tne.
Washington Manufacturing Co.,
They will give you right prices every time you call ori them
BY W. M. S.
For the benefit awl pleasure fi f a |j those
tire Dili lost. 0M |
Nov. _ • |tli, 1838.
My Dear Sisteis, Crawfordvi; ! (}„.
Your very kind letter am, |„, S of .. r .
tides, prepared by your Deai <Kl Hotic
ty, came And them, to our address in i>lea.“.j din time, and
wft ns a very ( _■.jj),
awaiting us upon our return. During the
pleasant weather of spring, little R u trurier au( i
fall we are st home very our work
keeps us on the move, and w, have just
recur e>) from a trip. And , r , .r you
want to know kow we liked contents
of the box. 1 am afraid you *jn be di *_
appointed if you hould den , i «> know
lust how we j eel when reem vu - these do-
b. promoted * bvhnin" Y " hearts { 1 'Jf, ■ f^^ai
hislers away hack in ,, the star.-. \\ e arc,
of comae, glad to have the u-i [til arllcles
sent, but they are more than < oub |y ap
predated on account of the • . f roln
whence received, and the nob: generous
1,nil,nsc-411(1 1 ‘ lovirm- A Christum I l'“ 7i, 11 ,i..„ tl !^ t
prompts you 111 sending r tU; ., , m Vj Po
us ,
fully understand How a urn-,,, ;ur y RU( ]
his family enjoy receiving ar d opening
r.^ l ‘ t ‘ ’ 1, T«;7ou ! w f n J°> 11
than do the .
even more ) ou preparation of
the box at your home. I imv; s:iw a box
opened that did not meet exactly the
wants of the family, and theo iOi u *t rc -
ccivou by us is no exception Io t%t rule
Everything .,,,7, in it was just vvhul ; vf , m() , t
- ' (opHii-r ~ that tl- ‘' 1 , • 11< i 1 ■ ln
deoil pi ompt the (leal heads amt bcar t, g
i hat prepared it. all Aliev > Qj iyi^g the
pleasant surprises round, we, Ui <m dur
knees, offered him our most sincere hanks
and pin veil His richest blessing , ufo vou
all. Mi-good wife and mother uci .a' t
e 1 indeed vvith everythin" an s* mo
personal She is loiter written 79 her of by .<g f 0od s j s .
ter. now years age ud has
been a Baptist fifty years, she that;/ ri piegt me
to say to that dear sister artich)' e i, CB .
peciaily glad to have the IUttde b y
lier mother anil now en joys the H c *socl itS“
suranee that when the Fatl| C allslHT
home she will “incot hei thelc uud be
able to thank her with all .]*! with all
the Dear Sisters for their gr at kindness
to her and her children here. i.
Our work here is among the -^reek In¬
dians principally. Seminole We howevt also^ s „ to tbc
Cherokess anil q’j ie j u .
diuus, at present are greatly lapel Ifiisturboil
over the allotment of their am) this
will, to them soma for extent, avvlulo. impeed^' Our ur work
among field of il- mie j iel - u
is in the midst ol the r p 0( -tor
Buckner who spent his life asftk Indian
Missionary. IUb home is i'tSt'ne mile
from where we are now living „jp W j d0 w
byes there now. And now my* r sisters,
may the Lord greatly bless J* - ( j gj 5 vr .
you that joy of heart that e BSJinly to
liis faithful children, Y our Avoer and
Bisters. » l
A. G. Washburn, Wife am i 0 ther.
Itllssionnry Work. \
We so often hear objections Work. W< se q t 0
Foreign Missionary - e no t
going to discuss, wish that subject special!’ t For
the present we to apfia
si/.e Home Missionary Work, 1 n the
United .States, not in Georgia, 1 Tirl
iaferro county, but in our hor md
our firesides, and tables. V\\ ’he
most efficient and successful ,
we can do will be a careful an> erful
reading of the Bible. “Search Scrip¬
tures. for in them ye think ye . eter¬
nal life, and they are they wlii testify
of me—Jno. 5:39. We give, o av ol j r
money to send the Bible to the Athens;
seemingly very anxious salvatio/ for the), t Q learn
of God and liis plan of At the
same time we have the Rim j n our
houses, and fail to read it, or r-j U j re jt 0 f
our children. Whatincotisist utv j Hear
God’s command, “Thou shut love the
Lord thy God with all thine a eart, and
with all thy soul, and with alq b y might,
and these day words which I Com na nd tiiee
this shall be in th ce heart:
and thou shnlt teach theui diligently
unto thy children, and slialt t ,g Q f them
w '/icn J len ,^ tliou ou walkest s \ t , Iestl ,* by u the thine wav ouse, and when and
thou Rest down, and when thq.ri#est up.
Deut 6: 5, 7. Listen :« hce com
j’ u ‘, • " ■* ‘ 1011 shall teach thejj ililjgent
Do we obey this comn ail . Per .
haps we supply each cuild wit. a
and then feel that our workir lbat lineis
completed,and havebutopeuedachannel ourconciencegased, thn.,,
h which
we should work. These long .vinter eve
mugs, after teas it might be f )un d both
pleasaut cars? and profitable bmJ'I? for all^ie family
“ s' 1 are
Mosies or Joseph be selected f 0 r study
the smallest child would sc in become
interested 111 their history. We have
known instances where all the family,
either read, or repeat a verst Q f Scrip
tures. at the tables either horning or
evening; with good effect.
by them parents, each child v„uid with
hand pleasure, come to the table. v-Rh Bible in
to take part in the reqjjmr of the
SSsa Bible. B liat
more appropiute [ lace.
what more opportune time. (Wn at the
table, to instill into the 0 f
young, food the goodness of God in supply
mg for the nourishn.eut of the
body, it at is the same time; reminding them,
that He who sends Sown from
heaven, “The Holy Mating," for the
sustenance of the soul. While thus
gaged we ourselves can sit a. the feet of
Jesus, and learu of him. Una of the
beauties of the gospel is, thaf the more
we give out the moTe we ha ic. Every¬
thin we, through the influence of the
spiritual Holy Spirit open our hearts to impart
truths to others, oifr hearts .ire
enlarged, and in toublt with the Fountain
Head, from whence flows all the gospel
sweets and there we do “With joy draw
water from the wells of salvation*” and
like the Psalmist are led to exclaim, “My
cup runneth over." If all the parents or
even would those who profess to love God.
Bible adopt the familieS plan of daily reading the
with their an increase in
both spirituality and morality would
soon who be perceptible. Jno. H. Finley,
was a plow boy at sixteen and a col
For Infants and Children.
hie Kind You Rave Always Bwgfet
Bears the
lege president at twenty eight, was asked
what book most influenced his early life,
•'the Bible" be at once replied, Sunday "It after¬ was
the book of books. Every read for
noon, my mother would lions
at SSHSHSfe a time, to brother and me. People
are those regarding the training nvy
mother gave me in the Bible and cate
chism." It is said that Dr. William R.
T[ arpel% president of Chicago University,
has a keen sense of having a great mis¬
to perform to the present generation, being
that his aim is threefold, one
to popularize the scientific study of the
lsible , should not each parent keenly
feel that they haven great mission
perform to their children? They expect
it and God requres it. ‘‘The father to
children shall make known thy trutl—
Isaih 33. I9 ,
I The troos are taking off their summer
! (.1,,11111,,, *' *’’’
paid Sharon , filing
Dr. J. J. Cooper a ’
visit laU week.
Mrs. II. T. Beckwortli is on the sick ,
j ju
Mr. G. R. Gregory ^ is .... still quite feeble.
last «<r bmulav r‘ M aua had t** to go comtiug *r k i, Mon- r
day without them.
7? iiouuie, . little - soil c .^ ti or . M X r. ;;na jus. Ar ,. a 11. r T
laytor, fell iroin a window on fliursdn)
of last week nud was very badly hurt, he
is getting along nicciy notv.
Mr. Lonnie r laylors liou->e caught ,, on
fire on Monday of last week. It was dis
covered in time to save the house. He
i ost nothin" bml'for but a half a hale of cotton,
ThiH’s these hard times
Guess what young man went to see Ins
best girl in the rain on Thursday J„*,, night of
Mr. Ned O’Brien is at Barnett visiting
his brother Joe.
There was no Sunday sciiool at Barnett
last Sunday on account of the enclemcnt
Messrs. Garrett and Reese intended to
start for Emanuel county this week but
have declined the idea.
We think that Bro. C. L. B. should not
say any more about people going to the
glory land, for all lie wants is a chance
and he’ll be gone.
Several white families will move into
Barnett section next year.
Mr. Jonnh Weathers wtll move to our
section in the near future.
Mr. J. E. Bugby and Mr. Jacob Rocker
will start to moving down the country
this week.
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott has been visiting
relatives at Williams creek for the past
Justice C. L. Bagby spent last Monday
with Mr..]. L. Turner.
There was quite an amusing incident
Oceured at the court ground of the 602ml
district court last Monday. There was
sdme seed cotton to sell under a distress
warrant. Lincoln, a negro man. bid in
the cotton and then wanted constable
Tnrnoi to carry it to Barnett where he
could sell it to the ginneries there and then
pay Turner for it. Bailiff could not see
it that way.
Advice to
There are three great reme¬
dies that every person with
weak lungs, or with consump¬
tion itself, should understand.
These remedies will Cure
about every case in its first
stages ; and many of those
5 more advanced. It is only
u.- most advanced that are
♦ . , T7,„»n tbeee nrp
f J wonderfully hopeless. r.ven relieved uiesc atict lire are
| f itself greatly prolonged; remedies?
What V are these
t r- Fresh air, _• proper End tood and
scoffs Elusion
* of Cod-Liver Oil With HypO
t &*ieh» /■ /•ncoln'/vt Re afraid of
f i b«« no. of and tn a drink air. |
Eat nutritious food
t h nlentv of milk. Do not fofget t
t 1 f b S ro tt’s Emulsion ^ mu ^ lon is IS the ♦ f
oldest, , , the , most thoroughly , ,
t .
* J tested and the highest en- *
dorsed of all remedies for J
{ * wcak thmatt throats, weak weak. lunffS lungs and unu * .
t consumption in all Its Stages. ^
I scott ************** ' * sir<ssgfe™-1
S*** 3
p or information as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, both
Freight A
Paszenger and
write to eitlicr of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
reliable mfertaation.
JOB W. W nlTE, A. a. JACK BOX,
T. P. A. G. P. A.
Amffmtte, Ga. H
C. F. A P. A. G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
S. A. C. F. A.
Alaeon, Ua.
S. F. A. 9 . F. A tfA.
Htltedjrer tlie. ilfUK
In Afflicted llilsr
One Wet Death, with Six Other Children, fcy a Cyclone while at
School, the Other, a Warned Son, was Hun Over by a
* ; 1 •„ ' ’ Railroad Train—The Mother’s Health Shattered.
. t: ? c
From the Times , Paw Paw , HI.
So much has been said regarding the al
most miraculous cure of Mr?. Ellen A.
kirk, of Paw p in from a serious illness,
that a reporter interviewed her and ascertained
the facts Mrs. Oderkirk was found to be a
ver y genial lady about fifty years of age, and
a j )rom i n pnt member of the W. R. C. She
has met with many sad misfortunes in her life.
On June 20th, J890, her younger of son, Robbie,
a bright lad nine years age, and the sun
shine of the home,-was one of seven children
who were killed in an awful cyclone sad experience while at
school. That was not the only November
of Mrs. Oderkirk’s life, for on 11,
1893, her only remaining and child, Lewis, by Burling- a mar
ried son, was run over killed a
ton train.
principal this trouble was neuralgia of the stom
ach and was very severe.
The story of her complete and wonderful
CUfe jg de80ribed in ber own worda> as fol
] ows; attacked
“About eight years ago I was
with severe pains in the stomach which
would usually waken me from a sound physi- sleep.
These pains were pronounced by local
cians to be neuralgia of the stomach. At first
the attacks occurred every two or three weeks.
but thev became more -severe and I would
often suffer three or four nights in succession
especially if I overworked or became fatigued
or excited. • ■
"I treated by four , local physicians ..
DR- R. J, RESD ? Pro
I buy my goods spot cash and I will sed!
you goods in the drug line as cheap as any
body. Call and see me before buying.
Cotton Factors,
Fireproof "W areliouse,
B®-Consignments of Cotton Solicited. Personal Attention Given All Business.
Ship Your Cotton to
Cotton. Factors,
Cor. Reynolds and 9th Sts., Augusta, Ga.
They Give Persona! and Undivided Attention
to Weighing and Selling of Cotton. Liberal
Cash Advances Made on Consignments. . . .
They are made of So-afhem Iron by Southern Workmen,
■who are sustained by the products of Southern Tanners.
They last longer and make more homes happy than any
. other Stove on earth. Tire backs guaranteed for 15 years.
If your Dealer does not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE*' t A
_ > mm
•' - <
■ HI .1
m Wffijsik,
ipSpi gHP 1 Hay m 1
r £--.i 7
& < > • a W/
x ■'
1 f I ✓
- ■■ r V
y ^Spus-s '
Phillips &Buttorff Mfg.Co'. *<■
'• r*;-^**LrW avwpACTufiSRs of r-v.
Mantels aad ©rates. Boll® vrw are, Tin**erA, £t«l
CHinaTCrockery ^DCACfifiSW , ^
and Glassware/ Cutlery/
Jraryflung for the uomam Kitchen, r y and Xfinlag ooovecletit Eocsn, BICYCLES
Laaairy and hairy. A SPECIALTY.
EJ^Senfl Us your job printing.
me any permanent relief. I became dis»
couraged and it seemed that I was doomed to
be a constant sufferer the rest of my life.
„ ‘.^^“plJuVr 'the iCcnte
condensed form all
cssary to give new life and richness to the
blood and restore shattered nerves.
relief, “I was and willin. the K to pills try anything that 50 offered
box six boxes as t $2 cost and only could cents be had a
or for ..tO,
at any druggist’s, Medicine or direct by mail Schenectady, from Dr.
Williams’ Company,
X. Y., I supplied myself with a quantity of
them. I had not taken them two weeks
when I noticed a marked improvement in
ray condition. had consumed I continued taking tight the, boxes pills
until I seven or
tan si L-afsa^dfass
something I I have troubled not been in able the to least do with for
years. am not
nervousness as I was during the time of my
stomach troubles.
“So far as I know I am well and because
of Dr. Williams’ Fink Pills for Pale People
a complete cure has would been like made. hear of
If any one to more
the be glad details to have of my them ^suffering write and relief I shall
Ellen* A* Oderkirk.**
Mrs. in Ellen A. Oderkirk, whose name ap.
pears the above statement personally up.
peered before me, Police Magistrate of the
village of I>vv Paw, Co. of Lee, and State of
Illinois, this the 23rd day of June, 1897, and