Newspaper Page Text
$1.00 Per Year.
This is C.
Coiumn. Please Ex
mine it and Come
and Buy of Him.
Drj Goods Department,
Dress Goods in assorted colors.
Calicoes in assorted patterns, Cambiic
in assorted patterns. Bleaching,
good assortment. Bed-spreads at
at lowest prices. Flannels in great
variety. Large stock ofPlaids, Sheet¬
ing and shirting. Large stock of
Spool cotton and ball thread. Canton
flannel in different shades and colors.
Notions and Fancy Goods,
Large assortment of dress Shirts,
Hustlers, Undershirts, s u s pe n d e rs,
Handkerchiefs, Neck-wear and Gloves.
A good assortment Ladies’ Hose and
Children’s Hose. Men’s half Hose all
i n great variety.
Great assortment of Jeans and Jeans
Pants, Boy’s Coats, Pants and Vests.
Come at once and buy ol me.
Glassware and lamps.
Large Hall and Parlor Lamps,
Chandelier globes, and Lamp globes,
Lanterns and lantern globes, extra
shades, burners and wicks, common
hand lamps, Looking glasses and glass
Crockery, Foreign & Domestic.
China Plates, large stock of mus¬
tache Cups and saucers, Porcelain cups
and saucer, English, steak Dishes and
Bowls, iorge stock ot Bowls and
LH1I50 npll do drill apfl Mnfjpinpc idvdtll t)8»
Wizard. British and sweet Oils
Jastor and kerosene Oils, Glass glue
and Putty.
Stoves and Tinware.
Galvanized W ell Buckets for bored
wells, large and small Tubs, Bread
Trays, half bushel and peck measures,
Gallon and half-gallon Oil cans, Pots
and Kettles, and stove pipes.
Trunks, Leatber Goods, Etc.
Sole and leather, Harness, Bridles
Saddles, Etc., Valises, Leather and
Bark Collars.
Hoose-furn i shing Goods.
Mattresses, cotton and straw, steel
Springs, folding and straight, Round
Tables, Swings, Hobby-horses, Wag¬
ons, Etc. for children.
Needles &'Sewing Machine
Supplies, such as Gold Eye, Silver
Eye and sewing machine Needles for
all tbe different makes of sewing ma¬
Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Flour, Lard,
tioasted Coffee, Axle-grease, Soaps,
of every sort, Turnip seed, Onion sets,
Candles, Crackers, Candies, Soda,
Pickles, Vinegar, Segars, Sn uff,
Chewing and smoking Tobacco.
Hardware and Cattlery.
Axe!, Hoes, Nails, Horse and
Shoes, shoe Hammers, Scissors,
shears and hair Trimmers, Knives and
Forks, spoons, Pocket Knives and
Gun Tubes.
BARGAI NS! The First Tuesday in December m BARGAINS!
We ^ and Hausefurnisliing Goods.
Goods: Of toys for the children, a lot of Back Iliad*, Horse Collars Bridles, Hames, etc. We Will Open in the Office Building nea T Depot
This Car Will Contain the Following If You Need Anythiung in tfew Line, Come to Crawlordtide See). Don’t
vr^^TJAL^W^ALl^F^YE^OST Xfter't^aVdate'^we^wiUaR- ?-L>err n>cr at CY
11 * - ‘ be sold at
"'Sin and *U good. u„ So he tec.
Chairs. Rocking Onairs, C«*W»U. „ cost for that day only, xour patronage
ware, -Clocks, all kinds of Lamps. Bedsteads. Bureaus. line low be bought for cash
Children’s Chairs, and Rockers, Childs’s folding Beds, and we will have a nice as can crawfoe-dyille,
H.'TTN 8 C 3 -K,IS'W OLID, 1 *
TVT A < z
wi st the People ot thfct Thriving
Town Are Doing.
firC. L. BAG BY.
We had a good deal of rain last week.
Miss M. T. Bagby is visiting in Mildra
Sheriffs and Bailiffs are in every direc¬
Tin ware made and repaired by C. L.
Will L. Kendrick’s residence fs going
up uow.
Call and see us about mattress work. C.
L. Bagby.
Spare ribs, back bones and sausages
with us now.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gregory have
very sick child.
We visilfed Crawfordviile last week and
found things O. Iv.
Sharon nows is ,not published in tlie
Georgia Reporter now.
Preaching at Barnett Methodist church
next Saturday and Sunday.
Thanksgiving services were held in the
Sharon churches last week.
L. S. Jackson is in the liat this week
with the best of bargains.
Charley Hill and John Ray left last
week for Emanuel county. . ■■ j
Miss Kate Harty is having 'some brick
work done at her residence.
No-JTo-Bac foe Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed'tobacoo Iiahit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. All druggists.
There aie a lot of mad folks in Warren
about the whiskhy question.
Mr. A. J. Mel ton-was out in our section
week on a collecting tour.
Malarion is devoid of bitter taste.
Cures Chills and Fever; acts on the liver
and regulates the system generally. All
Preaching at Sharon Presbyterian
church next Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. George Griffith visited her son Mr.
T. C. Griffith in this section last week.
Overcome evil with good. Overcome
your coughs and coids with One Minute
Cough Cure. It is so good children cry
for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneu
monia, grippe and all throat and lung dis
Andrews* Deadwyler, Crawlordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, bharon. \
We.made a pleasant yivit to V-''• J- k - 1
in' ’iffickeT and Til Ba^byare sow
grain in the glory land this week.
The sooner a cough or cold is cured
without harm to the sufferer the better,
Lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking
cough is distressing. One Minute Cough
Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when
nleasaifft ^Andrews* 11 ffheHMe “
Deadwyler, Crawfordviile,
D , Klmron.
Mrs. Minnie Allen visited her sister
Miss Lula Battle at the Hotel Jackson.
Mrs. Lezette Bagby and little daughter
visited Mrs. George Gregory last Sunday.
Late to bed and early to rise, prepares
a man for his home in the skhs. Lut
early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the
pill that makes life longer and better and
w iser. Crawfordviile
Andrews & Deadwyler;
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Christmas will soon be A t and we
don’t see much sauty clause coming with
Charles Bergstrom has a colviinn iu this
paper. Wutcii it and see what he has to
Vo Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c orSJc.
If C. C. C. fail to euro, druggists refund money.
We would not be surprised if there
were ft lot of farms to lay out another
Some say wait until after Christina* for
hard times and you will see them sure
Malarion With Malarion Tablet.
Guaranteed Cure for Chills, Fever and
Ague, or money refunded, 50 cents. AJl
There is a heap of talk about the old
soldiers pensions and the education fund,
and it is done by people that don’t know
what they are talking about. YY r e i.k'.e
heard it said that our legislature don’t aint know
ing any sensible talking. \Y e
what they are doing.
P H n M BjB
pIeufisy and pneu- /N vUUgll AiafV U
tnonia fa a wonderfully
short ^;^:4 time. It promptly S m P U P; _
It is invaluable. Small doees. Price 2 d ct*
Mr. Winceiev, .‘R. section hand 011 Barnett mashed
section Ga: 11 got his hand
Several of the Sharon people attended Friday
the burial of J, F. Kendrick, last
at Raytown.
Malariou is endorsed by best Physicians
and guaranteed to cure ('hills. Fever and
Ague. All druggists or from Mofiit-YVest
Drug Co., St. Louis.
People were hunting wheat all through
this section lust week. We don’t think
they found it.
Mrs. J. V. Garrett visited her brother
W. A. Carey last week. -Mr. Carey has
married again.
Kdncato Your Bowels With Casonreta.
Candy 25ci Cathartic, curs constipation forever.
10c, If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Several of the tenants in this section
were cleaned up last week by the larnl
lords for .rent.
Don’t you como to Sharon thinking you
will be dissatisfied in buying goods from
our merchants.
A cough is not like a fevor. It does
not have to run a certain course. Cure it
quickly and effectually with One Minute
Cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages
and for the most severe cases. We re¬
commend it because it’s good. Crawfordviile.
Andrews & Deadwyler,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Everybody sowing grain that can get it
to sow. Seed wheat and oats are both
scarce in this section,
Hog killing time with a heap of our
people Inst week. You could smell fresh
meat in every direction.
Parsnip Complexion.
It does not require an expert to detect
the sufferer from kidney trouble. The
hollow cheeks, the sunken eyes', the dark,
puffy circles under the eyov, the sallow
parsnip-colored colnploxion indicates it.
A physician would ask if you had rheu¬
matism, a dull pain or ache In tho back
or over the hips, stomai h trouble, de¬
sire to urinate oRen, or a burning cr scald
ing in passing it; if after passing there is
an unsatisfied feeling as if it must bo at
once repeated, or if the urine has a brick
dust deposit or strong odor.
When these symptoms are present, no
time should be lost in romoying the cause.
Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of the
bladder, inflamation, , „ . stoppage, _______
and sometime requiring the drawing of
th# uriae witll instruments, or may nin
into “Bright’s Disease, tho most dwgarous
s t a g e df iciauey iroufel*. ' *
Or. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great
discoyery of the eminent kidney and blad
der specialist, is a P.MWve or
such diseases. Its reputation 1$ world
wide and it is so easy to get at any drug
R t oro that no one need suffer any length
Qf Ume for want of it .
However, if you prefer to first test its
wonderfrf merit., mention the Advocate-
5™* both W& ab
nnd book telling all about it, sent
solutely free by mail.
JNO. F. HOLDEN, Vr«*. J. A. KENDKICK, Vi ce-Pres. M. F. GRIFFITH, Cuslilor.
Office Honrs \ CRAWFORDVSLLE, GA. { IKIabBshed
O’clock, f 1898 .
8 to 4
CAPITAL STOCK, ........$ 25 , 000 .
A i General # Banking usiness t Transacted,
Dry •7 Goods, 7 Groceries, (Boots, : Shoes, Ila-ts,
imd PiailLitlOn buppiies. -j •
rV|TYS Vvcipb tlilU. A .laiiLUj 11
We keep first class Goods ait the time uud have first cias.s
clerks. We mean business arid tirill ajipreciate your trade.
A Call Will Convince You.
O’KEEFFE, j Sharc.n, Ga,
Bo sure and call on John O’Keeffe
vrhon you come to Sin*ton for the best o
bargains. He sells cheap ns the cheapest.
A great many are hunting other places
to work another year outside of the Utnn.
They won’t find no easy places these days.
Many a household is saddened by death
*| leh ;ls Ono Minute Cough protected Cure. against Bee
tlwt your little ones are
er hergeucy. A Deadwyler l raw ton! . , die. ...
Andrews Sharon,
Dr. Lawrence Brown,
Mr. Frank Kendrick, of near J. I’.
Moore’s mill, died on the 24 th instant,
atu , r a vcry Miort illness of typhoid pneu¬
J n~ «•*
riy indications of
Tlio progress of
1. 5*#1 catarrh is frequent- j
ly gradual. Chronio ,
rs K' catarrh secures |
5 Vy i possession with¬
K :n & tt out edge the of - knowl- its .. vkc •
$ It has become
1 . to
m common “ Every
body has a little
^^iV Catarrll ’: thatK1 T„
A -pay slight attention
V it. \eino ciasa
<a of <Mseaso is so diffl
T to shako off.
' •« K W* Many people wull
adv 0 d in years find themselves in
the Als of catarrh. Mr. and Mrs.
Ool « of Gtddings, Tex., found help in
, letter follows;
Be- ffia. Mr. Collum’s
Pc ua Medicine Co.. Columbus, 0 .
Din Sirs:—-“I think your Po-ru-na
is thj best medioine I ever tried for ca
tarj : have tried all the catarrh
me > Asa that I could hoar of and none
of thm did any good until I tried yours.
I an (my wife Man-a-lin, have both and used the about Pe
rti-tnand wa arc
wel l ] am 70 years old and my wife
is Rf When we commenced to take
yo nedicines wo were not able to see
afv'* t { she tend
,ur work, but now can
to M; Hvorlc and I see after my farm.
You t.u use this publicly If you want
to. ,v. P. Collum, Giddings, Tex.
Ad,.any druggist for a free Pe-ru-ua
Aim. :l c for the year 18 > 9 .
R, J. Cainmlno-’s dined with Mrs.
Fine Jie d Mrs. HeleirChapman on his
way last Sunday.
WfJ.pcnt last Friday night at the liospl- ,
tibl home of Bro . 1 . L. Turner and en
joyt oils self very much.
C gtipatlcn prevents the body from
ridd i 3g itsel f of waste mat ter. 1 )e YV itt s
Litjtje. Early Risers will remove the
S','". 1 “nuSK. U«r U “«d“ 3 fir S
9 »»K, to'.
cans nfea. Tkendwylc' . '.rawlordvilie. ,
Si c Frown,
Lit- i. ,-wrence . u
WelhaNS had so many papers to lately draw
up «n]d sgn up that all our dreams
have 1 >e/n about court.
M iLf. II. Battle had a lot; of trml lc
over a ;60 I ale of cotton last week. We
don’ft diink he has got it yet.
Bc,.i ‘t Tubaeoo Spit and Smoke Your Life Aiv.iy.
Toluult tobacco easily and forever, ho mag
nctiel full of life, nervo and vigor, take enli No-To-
11,ic, the wondar-worker, that makes r. men
strut g. Ail druggists, £0c or 81. Curoguaran
tend Booklat and sample free. Addreea
Swriinc Kornody Co., Chicago or Nciv York.
In Advance-
Mr. George ,T. Moore has been quite
sick the past, week with fever. We hopr
he will be himself again before this goes
to press.
When you ask for Do Witt’s Witch
^ Haze Salvedon't accept ,1 counterfeit or
aU)n The , c ale more cases of Files
^ cured by this, than all others com
bilu .j. Deadwyler Crawfordviile,
Andrews A
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Be sure and call at the Alliance Store
when you visit Crawfordviile. Their
mock of goods is suburb and they sell at
you!' price
Lincoln Veazey a negro was sent to jail
l ast Friday from the « 02 nd district for
carrying ids gun around threatening to
kill peopL.
Mothers, we call your attention to Pitts
Carminative. It acts promptly, ohildv it m
pleasant to the taste, and the i'
will take it without coaxing. It relieves
promptly and permanently. If wo CUP
i'vt you to use it, you will get others to
do likewise. Your druggist seels it.
Mr. Thomas and Bud Brown left for
Texas last week where they will make
their future home. YVe wish them all
the good luck.
Mr. Charley Ilocker of the
Stales army is at home, uohr Eliub 'Y si¬
ren county, on a furlough. lie yisued m
ihis section last week.
Soothing, healing, cleansing, DeYYin’s
Witch Hazel Salve is the iinphtcaole 1 one¬
my of sores, bums and wonds. w «
fails to cure Piles. You may rely upon it,
Andrew s A Deadwyler, Crawfordviile
]j r Lawrence Brown, Sharon,
Mrs. Cool Elliott and Bro. J. L. Turner
held services at Salem church 'I hanksgiv
ing day. Everybody failed to go llIU
them. People will forgot such services.
lioy. Mr. Qir„b.«» i^srjfssu. k.. toe.. ejeto-A
on Saturday morning before the third
U is yt v
Mr. Frank Gilbert ’.Turned to Ail >ir«t*«i
last week. It is thought he may rein fist
in the army again. Bid Foucho went
back to his command to he mustered out
of service.
Mr. Samuel Flynt, of Wilkes county,
was visiting in this section last week. He
is as full of life as ever and says he pre¬
fers this section of the country to South
Y’ou ought to hear Sntn Flynt talk of
the glory land, lie says if you will put
the same amout of manure on our land up
here that they do down thm* that we will
beat them two to one.
We took a stroll down in Warren coun¬
ty last week. There in a great deal of
cotton in the patch.Mr. Thomas Atchison
says there will be more cotton made In
his section than for several years.
Fains in Head, Neck, Shoulders, Back,
Front, Sides, Hips and Limbs arc readily
cured try Simmons Squaw Vine YVine or
Rev. Mr. Embry and non were in our
town last week. Mr. Embry left on the
2,'ird or the meeting of conference; from
the way be talked lie don’t think lie will
be sent back to Norwood circuit another
year. YVe don’t think the pay sufficient.
If troubled with Dizziness, Furred
Tongue, Bitter Taste in mouth, Bloated
Feeling after having, Constipation or
Sick Headache, use Dr. M.. A Simmons
Liver Medicine.
We received a letter from .Jack Sprat
last week. He speaks as though the poo
pie in the glory land are as bad off as we
are, and that they could not pay out.
They have got more to cat. His letter
was not very encouraging.
Mrs. ... W. J. , Clarku, ru , McRae, ,, „ r On., . writes
j know for years how have I could rarely keep been, house, and without hardly
'i r ^;f;,^v ?'A«r ,n K#om«h M iIirVrV'Tnrti/are*- It
lion: rny husband of Dyspepsia, and from
personal test rcyard It suparior (o Black
Draught and Cellin’* Liver Medicine.
Our Hontzr Kolb
The following kind patrons hr.vt* paid
their subscriptions since our last issue;
G. L. Fallen. Si to Oct. 5, ’99.
1 Rev. A. ! . Hillman, Hi to Feb. 15 ’99.
! J. II. Jackson, 50c o Jail. 25 ’99.
NO. 41.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders arc the greatest day.
menacers to health of the present
BY I. N. C.
Most of the fanners are through gather¬
ing cotton.
People around here crying loud times
and worse coming.
Mr. Billie Boatwright is the happy
father of a fine sou.
The corn crop of this section is sorry;
there is a great deal of rotten.
Mrs .LT. Boatwright end son, spout
Sunday with Mr. B. 11 . Akins and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Short and Taa
Short spent Sunday with Mrs, J. II. Gib
People arc sowing nil the grain they cai>
get,. They would sow more if they could
get it.
Mr and Mrs. 8. A. Caldwell ahd Mr.
II. L. Boatwright, spent Sunday with their
mother and brothers.
<3 ufh. ® *2* T*- IE -£L .
Boars the Hui Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature Ur
Borne of the people around here tint
got anything uwl don't want anything*
hlill they are as happy as a Juno bug.
Mr. K. A. Caldwell has given out the
idea ol moving to Atlanta auother year.
It will suit him best to stay in old Helena
and trade horses.
Helena can afford more widows than
any place in Georgia to the size of i
there are any old bachelors need a cook
lie can call on some of them.
•‘Both my wife and my*olf huve been
UBlnitf CASCAltETS and they are the Last best
medicine wo have ever had In the house.
week my wife was frantic with headache for
two days, she trlod some of yourCASCARETS, head almost
nnd they relieved the pain iu her
immediately. We hath recommend Cascareta ”
Fittshurg Sato & Deposit Co., Pittsburg,
Kgr V ^. -J& CATHARTIC ul
mmjwmmfc yi’
tfiAor mask esaiaTiRtn
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good, fie
(look. Hover Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 'ibc, alio.
Sli.rllRR Itemed, Companr, t'hlulto, Muatrral, New Tdrk. 311
lift B(j*s Tfl v’Eflv BAP gists Sold and Otl guaranteed HE Tobacco by all Uablt. drug
(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24 ’ 90
, .
The New Life-Giver.
Promotes Vigorous Health by instilling.
OXYGEN from the air into tint system,
it jid cures nil forms of dr-tuse without
Medicine or Electricity. It is as simple as
p rK , eg 0 f OXYDOKORSfint'y re
Get the genuine, made by the
discoverer and Inventor, l)r, Hercules
Book of particular^ and price list free.
1 Aildr* - Dr. 11 . Sanche, 201 Fifth -Ave¬
nue, New York.
V Man ila, Cia. Actual Buiinewfc. No Test Beat*,
j Siturc tio*c. Cheap bo&xd. Jiecui tor Catalogue*
4 mmm f IP SW3 eirassis*