Newspaper Page Text
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StfisiSsss^s ."V A
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
. and lias been made under his per
'-T.'UZS-yj' //P /-c<Uc+i 4 /i£. sonal supervision since its infancy. in this.
Allow no one to deceive you
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex¬
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregwie, Drops
and Soothing- Syrups, It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
aud Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind leu Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
the Dental Chair.
TEETH extracted by our late-sclenticfic method. No pain or bad results. Appli¬
ed to the gums. Absolutely painless and harmless. No sleep producing agent or
cocaine. We are not competing with cheap dental establisments, but with first
class dentists at prices less than half that charged by them.
The undersigned ladies and gentlemen have had {heir teeth extracted and work
done by me, and we cheerfully recommend any one of them, as to our method be¬
ing painless and as advertised: Mr. H. P. Quin, Washington, Ga.; Mr. J, W. Hub¬
bard, Washington, Ga.; Mr. T. J. Leverett, Goshen, Ga.; Mr. R. II. Callaway, Wash¬
ington, Ga.: Miss E. M. Elm, Leverett, Ga.; Mrs. R. BI. Smith, Washington, Ga.;
Miss Sallie Smith, Danburg, Ga.; Rev. J. L. Gross, Washington, Ga.; dentists and a hundred
others whose names are on file in our office. W’e are the only using this
Best set of Teeth only $8. Gold Crowns and Teeth without plates at half price.
Gold Fillings, Amalgam and Cement at reduced rices. Give us a call and you will
find that we do just as we advertise. We can tel you exactly what your work will
cost by a free examination.
Without good teeth there cannot be thorough mastication.
Without thorough mastication there cannot be perfect digestion.
Without perfect digestion there cannot be proper assimilation.
Without proper assimilation there cannot be nutrition.
Without nutrition there cannot be health. /
Without health what is life?
Hence the Paramount Importance of the Teeth.
An Arabian Proverb says; “He who does not masticate well is an enemy to
his own life.”
I will visit Crawfordville Monday, December 5 th, and remain 10 clays.
FALL 1898.
As the season has arrived, so our Fall Stock is now complete in every department, Clothing,
We take the opportunity to inform the public of the reception of our Fall
consisting indeed of the very best woolens made into the latest and most stylish suit
designs. There are many who would like to take ad vantage of the time to make a
choice selection of a Suit, Overcoat or Hat from the many varieties on hand before the
rush of the season begins. It will afford us great pleasure and will be a delightful task
to show you the many new and handsome suits iu our men : s and our children’s de¬
Mr. W. A, Wright will be glad to see you.
Tailor-Fit Clotniers, Augusta, Ga.
General Commission Merchants,
817 Reynolds St., AUGUSTA, GA.
' Person AU?\ .ion Given to Weight and Selling. Bagging and Ties Furnished
Our Customers a\ Factory Prices.
When You Need
Lumb er, Laths, Lime 7
Shingles, Moulding-! Doors, Hash, Blinds, Cement, Piaster Paris, Plastering
Hair, Sewer Pipe for vour well or ditches, Jars for your Lard, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc., ’ *
Bolts, Hinges, am l Screws for Your Doors or Blinds,
Nails. Locks, Coat or Ila Hooks, Shelf Brackeis or anything else you may
need in a COMPLETE IK MJSE, Confer with tne.
Washingti ”>n Manufacturing Co •t
They wih give you right prices every time you call on them
Correspondents’ Reports tf What Their
Neighbors T ik
tbe Happenings in Thei Respective Lo
callties. All the fhw*.
BY L. \
Everybody talking hard lime*.
Not much visiting and !i{il« news.
Sunday. Mr. Tom Rivers visited hWne folks last
Mrs. .1. S\ . Rives is much bettor w'e are
glad to learn,
Jbeir Farmers little are'nearly throujh gathering
Miss Kate Rivers is visiting Miss Nannie
hyphens this week.
Rev. Jim Bell took dinner with Mr. G.
M. Foss last Sunday.
Mr. Newton Lunceford, of Sparta, came
up last Saturday on business.
W. Mr. H. Ed. She Shorrev last Sunday, was the truest of Mr.
ire r
Guess who feels sad and hy.iely when
John Armor blows the whistlt.
Mr. Lon Armor is visiting his sister Mrs.
J. 15. Mathis, of Wilkes county this week.
Hea-aty Ig Blood D«(ei».
Clean blood means a clean, skin. No
beauty tic clean without blood it. Cascarets, Cakidy i(t Cathar¬
your and keep clean, bj
purities stirring up from the the lazy body. liver and Begin) driving all im¬
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, to-day to
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
gists, Cascarets,—beauty satisfaction for ten cents. All drug¬
guaranteed, lOcsj, 25c, 50c.
Mr. Chas. Sherrer, of Lina, Wilkes Co.,
was through this vicinity wheeling ) it last
Sunday. Chas is a good rider.
do Just mattei ask wid that him blue pber eyed dar. boy! Somebody what is
gittin lonesome I a peck.
Misses Bert and Lucy McAvoj, of Ty¬
rone, attended preaching at Carte -’s Grove
last Sunday. Come again girls yur boys
are always glad to see you.
Wilkes Mr. and county, Mrs. visited John their F. Sbcjrrcr, Mrs. of
W. E. Wall last Sunday. John fs a jolly
fellow and we are always glad o have
them visit our vicinity.
Iteuiarkftblo Reaem,
Mrs. Michael Curtain, PlaiEii&iu, Til,,
makes the statement, that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; Ike was
treated for a month by her family physi¬
cian, but grew worse. He told r she
was a hopeless victim of cons Option
and that no medicine couid ct e her.
Her druggist suggested Dr. King! New
Discovery for Consumption; she t bight •;
bottle and to her delight found herself
benefitted from first dose. She c Rimed
its use and after tnkiug six bottle, found
herself sound and well; now does *r own
housework, and is as well as she > pr was
—Free trial bottles of this Great (seove
ry at Dr. II. J. Reid’s drugstore ‘Targe
bottles 50c and SI.00.
Fine time to save meat.
Mr. D. W. Asbury visited home folks
last Thursday.
Farmers are about through pickiilv cot¬
ton in (his section.
It seems that people won’t be abb to
pay their taxes this year. I
We hope our editor will look ov.A our
short comings. We have beau sic!-.
Mr. Ed. Evans, of Greenesboro, dsited
relatives near Lyneville last Thursday.
Mr. L. S. Dorsey’s family have bfcen on
the sick list, but glad to report them bet
llncklens’s Arnica Salve
pj ie p jest g a i ve j n t ] )e WO rld for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever,
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblains, Corns,
and all Skin Eruptions, and positively,
cures Piles, or uo pay reuquired. It is
guaranteed to give satisfaction or j money
refunded. Price 25 cents per bo.j.. For
sale by Dr. li. J. Reid.
The hard times are making people rest¬
less. We all ought to trust in our Maker,
and try to do hotter. If the farmer will
raise his provisions at home, times: this will be
better and until they do adopt plan
the times will always 03 hard.
Crawfordville don’t seem to f«el the
hard times from the wav she is marrying
off her young people- milch It has alwitys marrying been
said when there was so it
was it sign of hard times. We hope they
won’t bte any harder next year than this.
Wa behave these hard times ardsant on
the farmers to convince them thst ther#
is not a living in raising cotton. We be¬
lieve if the farmer can make out to go
through another year they will bo better
off next fall by lar than they are now.
Next year they wiil raise more corn ami
meat, if they don’t we can’t see why. It
does look like this ought to be a jesson to
every farmer in this country.
B next tks The Km i You Haw A inn; Buigw
We noticed in last weeks Hpue our
Combs correspondent wanted y> know
what had become of the Lynevjlle cor¬
respondent. They said they lodges. guess I was
off getting up temperance We
guess not; we have been 9 ick abogt three
weeks. We only wish we war* able to
do that great and important work a id be¬
lieve it would of prove a great blessing to
some of the rest our correspoadants to
do all they can for that cause.
For Infants and Oiuldiea,
Trig Kind Yob Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of C I
lit x.
.Mr. 15. F.'Wwpie made o<; er a hundred
gallons of ribbon eaTWA£v™p.
'Inhere was preaching at Bermuda Sun¬
day evening by Dr, J. il. Kilpatrick.
Several Bevmudaites took advantage of
the recent cold spell and killed their hogs.
Mr. C. M. Walker and wife visited the
lattcrs brother Mr. 15. F. Wynne last Sun¬
Master Miller Brake Inis caught 10 rab¬
bi Is in one trap within thd last three
llev. J. II. Kilpatrick filled his regular
appointment at Powelton Saturday and
Cure. Stomach Troubles, Cold Feet and
Hands, Excessive Menstrual Flow, with
Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets.
Sirs. IV. 15. Jones wc arc glad to report
much better after a severe spell of rheu¬
Mr, Oscar Chapman, of Crawfordville.
spent, Sunday with the family of Mr, W.
T. Nelson.
Miss Rosa L. Veazey is with her sister
at this week; she will return home
next Sunday.
Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine
searches out all impurities in the system,
mid expels them harmlessly by the natural
The death of Miss Emma Inna Bea/ley
loaves Bermuda school without a teacher
for another year.
Mr. E. C. Chnpntan moved his famlljt
to Caniak Monday, where they will make
their future home.
Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets
prevent and corn Palipitation of Heart,
Dizziness, Sick Headache, Chilly Sensa¬
Farmers are having had weather to
finish gathering their cotton which is
hardly worth picking, it is so cheap.
Mr. George Jackson and Miss Laura
Moore, of Greens county, visited the fam¬
ily of Mr. E. T, Howell Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs. 0. I. Ogletree gave the
yourg people a candy pulling Tuasday
night of last week. W’e guess they en¬
joyed it especially the plays.
Dr. M. A. Simmons Livu 1 Medicine lias
since 1840 Steadily risen in public favor,
and the demand for it, far exceeds that of
any other Liver Medicine.
Mr. .R. I,. Veazey traveled down home in
Hancock comity last week returning
Saturday night; lie reported to us Sun¬
day that he was still cold from his ride.
To settle the Stomach and overcome
the Nausea of Prospective Mothers, take
Simmons Sqnuw Vine Wine or Tablets.
Rey. J. II. Kilpatrick was called on
Sundnv morning to marry a couple lmillng
from the lower edge of Warren. We
suppose they wero giving the old folks
the slip.
If you feel Dull, Languid, Broken
Down, Debilitated, have Weak Stomach
or Indigestion, use Dr. K. A. Simmons
Prof. S. N. Chapman closed (he fall
term of Powelton school last Friday and
an exhibition at night, lie has been as¬
sisted this fall by Miss Torlmrt of Green
and both patrons and pupils aro well
pleased with her.
Tested and Tried
For 25 Years
1 MI III— ■ ran'rwmw yg.
Would you fuel perfectly
safe to put all your money
In a new bonk ? One you
have just heard of?
But how about an old
bank ? Ono that has dono
business for over a quartor
of a century ? Ono that has
always kept its promises?
Ono that never failed ; novor
misled you in any way ?
You could trust such a bank,
couldn’t you?
like such a bank. It has never
disappointed you, never will,
It has never deceived you,
never will.
Look out that someone
does not try to make you
invest your health in a now
tonic, somo now medicine
you know nothing of.
50 c. .nd $ 1 . 00 ; .11 druggists.
SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
For information as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
reliable Information.
w. white, A .O. JACK soy,
T. r. A. G. P. A.
Augaita, Ga.
8 . Vf. wrLICKS, B. K. yiCriOESON,
C. F. A p. A. G. A.
Atlouta Atliom.
W. W HARDWICK, 8. E. 31 AG I EE,
H. A. C. V. A.
Macon, Go.
H. B. HUDSON, r. w. corn*
S. F. A. b. r. * p. A,
MUiodjroyiUo. i«WM>
— Without tVarnlmra Mob of
E w Fired On a Provost
'hers of the Third
A Disease of the Blood Resulting Smpovensi^r
Inherited or Acquired—Caused by 0
- is Always Shown by the Afflicted One’s
Emaciation—How it May he Cured.
From the Graphic, KushvUle, lnd.
Miss Pearl Wood, a popular young lady of
Arlington, Indiana. Two years ago Miss
Wood l)eoftmc seriously afflicted with facial
noQralgia au(i was not reliev (1 of her suf .
fering imtil about eight month.\ igo.
She says, “I had fairly good health until
two years ago when the faoial neuralgia de
veloped. It started with occasional pains
in my jaws and I did not know what the
trouble was. I went to a dentist, thinking
my teeth needed treating, but the dentist said
sneb was not the case as it was facial neural¬
gia. Our physician said the same thing and
lie gave me medicine which relieved the pain
for awhile.
“ A tow weeks later I woke up one night
with a fearful pain in my head. 1 tried dif¬
ferent remedies, but could not get rid of the
awful pain. I managed when to pull through, how¬
ever, till morning, the doctor was sent
for. Re said it was another attack of the
trouble and I was apt to have a serious time
of it. Ris prophecy proved true. 1 suffered
severely from this disease fur many weeks.
The pains often it ramie impossible in the night and were
so severe that was to sleep.
We tried ;i different doctor, hut he did me
no good. I had rend articles in the news¬
papers concerning Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills
lor Pale People, und although similar I had never
read of a cure of any trouble to mine
through them, somehow I felt that the pills
might had benefit me. successful Some of onr results, neighbors and
used them with I
decided to try them. I sent to Kusliville for
lialfa dozen boxes. I concluded if they were
Grawfordvills Drug Stop t /
DR. R. J. REID, Pro.
I buy my goods spot cash and I will sell
you goods iu the drug line as cheap as any
body, (’all and see me before buying.
BAKER Cotton & Factors, SMITH,
Fireproof waretLOuse,
Consign men ts of Cotton Solicited, Personal Attention Given All business.
Ship Your Cotton to
Cotton. Tractors,
Cor. Reynolds and 9th Sts., Augusta, Ga.
They Give Personal and Undivided Attention
to Weighing and Helling of Cotton. Lilieral
Cash Advances Made on Consignments. . . .
STOVES' B: 200,000 nr
They ate tnade of Southern Iron by Southern Workmen,
■who are sustained by the products of Southern Farmers.
They lust longer and mats more homes happy than, any
J other Stove on earth. S ire backs guaranteed tot 15 year*. ,
\ If your Dealer does not handle them, WRITE FOR
. 1
’ ‘‘2
V t y
r* 5 7T > . ■
Phillips &Buttorff ■ - - ■ r "
" nashville.Ktenn.
Cooking and heating stove &
Eollrwwart, Tlawsrs, Btc. '
Mantels aad Grateo,
China,'Crockery __ and Glassware, Cutlej
MriryQjJng necessary «x! convenient
lor tha Kitchen, Dining' Roam,
Lac&dry and Dairy.
EPe^Send us your job printing
trial worth but trying, all the they medicine were worth a thorough used.
; was never
“ by the time I had finisher! the second
box: f found I was growing better. I don’t
think 1 was ever more happy in my life than
over the fact I was getting well. Alter taking
the third box, the pain which had made life a
a misery, had left me, and when I had finished
the fifth box I was well.”
Neuralgia is the result of some constitu¬
tional taint which has been inherited or
acquired, it is the direct result of an im¬
poverished oondition of the blood which is
always shown by the afflicted one’s pallor and
emaciation. Any part of the body which hag
sensitive nerves may become affected.
Among the many forms of this disease are
headache, nervousness, paralysis, apoplexy
and locomotor ataxia. Some of thatn were
considered incurable until Dr. Williams’Pink, Ttvi
Pills for Pale People were formulated. been cured of
day such thousands diseases testify these to pills. having
by of modern proved
No discovery times has
snch a boon to women as Dr. Williams’ Pink
Pills for Pale People. Acting directly on the
blood and nerves invigorating the body,
strength regulating and the health functions, exhausted they restore the
to the woman
when every effort of the physician proves Utt
For the growing girl they are of the u*
most benefit, for the invaluable. mother indi spensabJe, Williams’
for every woman Dr.
Pink Pills are recognited everywhere as a
specific for diseases or the blood and thousnnii nerve*,
and bavo proved their efficacy in
ot cases. bestowed They are ®ne of mankind. the greatest bless¬
ings ever upon