Newspaper Page Text
f persons have their good
and their bad day. Others
.re about half sick all the time.
They have hi . dache, backache,
and arc restless and nervous.
Food does not taste good, and
the digestion is poor; the skin
is dry and sallow and disfigured
with pimples or eruptions;
sleep brings no rest and work
Is a burden.
What i* the cause of all thia?
Impure blood.
And the remedy?
If clears out the channels
through which poisons are
carried from the body. When
all impurities are removed from
the blood nature takes right hold
and completes the cure.
If there is constipation, take
Ayer’s Pills. They awaken the
drowsy action of the liver; they
/core biliousness.
Writ* tm our Doctor.
have thn exclusive sorvlrfts of
•otno of the moat omhuMit phypWsluna f all the lit
the United Htatos. Write n-t*ly
j>*rtloul*ni in your You will ro
Lowell, Ma»i.
Col. Jim S nilh, of Ogle¬
thorpe, will not make more than
1500 bales of cotton this year
where he usually gets 2500. Ho
says the man who fanned suc¬
cessfully this year will do to
farm again.
Cotton Market.
The following is ttie Crawfordville
prices, corrected every Thursday;
Low Middling...... .....4 1-3
’Str.ct Low Middling ........4 5-H
Middling ......... .... 4 13-10
Strict Middling ... ........4 5-18
Good Middling ..... ....... 5 3-10
To the good people of Talia¬
ferro County. J will be hero for
a few more weeks. Como in and
buy you a good new or second
hand buggy for cash or long
And ou this line I will whisper
a few words to those who have
not seen mo about their long
past duo notes. ! will make
liberal allowances to those who
will come in next week and see
me. Otherwise 1 will send for
the buggies and get them.
From ibis decision there is no
appeal. H. G. Barnwell,
Representing J. S. Barnwell
and Barnwell A Vickers.
Mr. Anderson Jones informs
us that he has nearly two hun¬
dred acres in oats, and that they
are looking remarkably fine.
These oats were sown during the
last plowing of cotton.—Wash¬
ington -Gaze tier
Constant coughing is hacking verv'annoying, and irri¬
and the continuous
tation will soon attack and injure and the
delicate lining of the throat air
passages. Take advice and use Dr.
Bull's Cough byrup in time. Tins
wonderful remedy will cure you.
IT® ■ mi
Cures a Cough or Cold at once.
Doses are -:n:.U nnd plf**snt to tnkc IKxtors
recommend it. l*rioe 25 cts. At all druggists
A New Shop.
I have m<>\ ed ; :<» mj iew .hop on
Broad atrevi * lunrc 1 w.ieotne all my
>' ,t« friends ■ omc iiimrtc 'Si.
U air cutting
and tiui chUti
rvn. * ► f i r. a\** zc. kifd
a *hot- t. t u.e call.
Jo!i' i.
Ok ra a.
agpapaaaaM All U V 1
Beet CVtUkr'i Tir* 5 IrM
In tin * sbIef#
71 lK NOTES.
o*e Matters Prckac. Up by Oai
joeal Beoortew
Vfhei Oar People Are Ueieg And Sa>inff.
Things Our Frie&ds Tell Us.
"1 owt my success to the newspapers,
and to them I freely give a certain profit
of my yearly business," says John Wan
—Our correspondents are ap¬
preciated this week,
—The sleet began to fall Mon¬
day morning early at this place.
—Still the demand is good for
rentable houses inCrawfordville.
—Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jarrell
was in Cravvfordville yesterday.
—Mr. M. F. Griffith’s sick
children are improving but yet
right sick.
—Mr. W. Y. Edwards shipped
a good lot of turkeys to Augusta
1 iS wee '
—The cotton seed business
continues to be lively here oc¬
—Mr. A. I. Strom has moved
his shop to one window of the
barber shop.
—Mr. J. N. Chapman has add
ed some improvements to his
carnage s lop.
—The" winter weather this
week was changeable—sleet,
rain and sunshine.
—Willie Darden, of Norwood,
canvassed our town for the sale
of books last week.
—Martin & Griswold’s big bar¬
gain store will bo opened up by
next Tuesday morning.
—There was another crazy
negro brought to town one day
last week and put in jail.
—The recent cold wave was
the cause of the death of many
large hogs in this section.
Undo Henning is 83 years
old but he enjoyed a trip to At¬
lanta on the excursion this week.
—Dr. G, W, Shackelford will
be hero Monday next and all \\Hio
need dental work should call on
—Miites Lucy and Freddie
Beazley returned home Sunday
after a short yisit to relatives
—Remember after this week,
The Advocate-Democrat will be
in its new quarters on Askin
—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chapman,
of Covington, attended the Chap¬
marriage hero Wed¬
—Rev. A. L. Hillmaeand Mrs.
and Miss Huuter, of Hillman,
came up Monday and went to
—We are informed that Mr.
Vason McWhorter has been re¬
appointed fertilizer inspector for
this district.
—Miss Lottie Young went up
to Atlanta Monday after spend¬
ing a few days here with Mrs.
A. J. Mellon.
—Any shortcoming in news in
our columns should be oxcusi d
on account of our getting our
office moved.
—Col. Horace Holden has
bought the Jennings house where
Mr Winter lives and ten acres
of land adjoining it.
—Mr. C. Bergstrom has
ed up his Christmas goods and
invites the public to inspect
them. They are cheap.
—When you got ready to visit
the Advo Democrat hereafter
call at our new office on Askiu
street to which place wo will
move this week.
—Dr. Jack Beazley left Sun¬
day, by way of Union Point, to
his home in Stilesboro. The
doctor lias many friends iu this
his native section.
—Messrs. Tuggle & Hollings
worth made another hit with
their excellent excursion to At
kuna this week. They always
maice those trips successful.
Messrs.'Paul* —Rev lv E L Harris l
G. Lucas, A
Melton. Jno. 1‘. Chambers. A\ .
MaltblO, B. 11. Kitlg, \Y. R.
Gunn and several others went up
to Atlanta Monday on the day
—Capt. P. E. Trippo has been
mustering out the soldiers of the
Ga. at Augusta. Capt.
Tri po was reared in tills place
and wo suppose he will give
Crawfordville a call before he
returns west.
do-trs Armor Bros, believe
>tore will be re-opened
1 iu a a* day>. ;.a court* they ex
(1 u V. to the ' ‘
< or Jreenesboro
k: II.
On the Following Goods m 3
50 Buggies, 42 Wagons,
175 Bedsteads, 122 Stoves,
46 Bureaus 5 40 Dozen Axes.
Call and See the Above Bargains.
W. T. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga.
In Florida.
Mr. Henry J. Anthony, son of
Capt. Anthony, formerly of this
place has been elected tax col
lector of Dade county Florida by
alarg0 volo . The Anthony boys
ar0 doi well in West Palm
Beach in the land of flowers.
A Little Tot’s Blessing.
Two little Crawfordville chil
camo to the tabje after
the time for the blessing to be
asked. The oldest one inquired
jf there was going to be a bless¬
j ng asked and being told to ask
a blessing herself, replied she
did not know what to say. At
this juncture the younger child
brightened up and began to say
what she thought sufficed, say
in g:
As I went down to Silver Lake,
I met a little rattle snake
He had eaten so much jelly cake
It made his little stomach ache.
—Mr. J. T. Turner and Miss
Leona Amason were married in
Wilkes last week.
Mr. Hardin Norris, clerk of the
drug store of R. Shoemaker,
Perry, Ill., says: ■ “A man came
into our store the other day and
said, ‘I want a bottle of that stuff
that saves children’s lives. I
road in the News about it. The
children may get sick when we
can not got the doctor quick
enough. It’s the medicine you
sell for croup. * i . He alluded to
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
and bought a bottle before he
left the store. For sale by Dr.
R. J. Reid.
CO cro
Will Soon
A Beautiful
Line of
That will
Vanish all
of Hard Times.
This will be SANTA
CLAIS' Headquartersin
Crawfordville, and the place to
buv ail vour Confectioneries,
Tovs, No\e!tie5, Etc. Etc.
Crawfordville All ance Store.
Loen* Made on Lands.
We hava recently made
rangements to negotiate loans
on lands ill Taliaferro County at
very low pates and any person
desiring three and;five (to obtain time loans should on
call on us.
Horace & Carl Holden.
Found Clo lies Hid.
Frank 1 Henry, of this place,
made a queer discovery in the
woods e^st of Mr. W. A. Leg
wen’s ,ast week. He found
almost a complete suit of clothes
that had been covered up in the
pine straw. The clothes consist¬
ed of a, coat, vest, shirt and
drawer^. ' They had been cover¬ time.
ed up there for some
Frank thought at first he had
found the remains of foul murder
The pajrty who left the clothes
probab|y did so to escape stolen being
indentffied, or else he had
other clothes and left his old
ones hid out.
—S<prry to note that Miss Eu
dora Polvin and sister remain
quit ill at Union Point. We
mis dm visits of the Review.
> Erro|.
Errors in print last week made
us say “Kid gloves guaranteed
to s it, and red flannel per yd.
5 to ) cents-”
Th/i above should have read
Kid loves guaranteed not to
split nd red Flannel per yd.
124 30c.
Cva fordville Alliance Store.
For fifteen
On Our Already EX¬
Price on
ThlS # fllP
ink (.‘API t- Mllu ,,1/1 2-,^ III
ell nn,i ll if ic j| Tll’l 1 Oft TVt*
/Jrviil/l COYlUl llof IlOl - HI of 1(1 fdl’rl i ll 11 if" IT
wa> not xm,. lor tlie xi A tact f ,
tilPt . WC -i IlclYC ‘l stock . ,
of I lotting that must
be .-old.
Brightest Items from Near by
To ths Credit of the Excellent Connty
Journals from Which We Get
the Creamy News.
—Cotton has got a little rise
on it during the last week.
—Time to settle up and make
arrangements for another Jear.
—Lexington has just lost a
mule by death that was 35 years
_Miss Lizzie Gentry and Mr.
q jp ew were married at Union
p 0 int Nov. 24.
—Mr. Walter Smith and Miss
Mattie Amason were married in
Oglethorpe last week.
—Mr. Homer Bradberry and
Miss Cumi Smith were married
near Maxeys last week.
—Miss Mary Lou Harwell and
Mr. L. B. Stovall will be married
near Union Point, Dec. 14.
—There were twenty-five ac¬
cessions to the Sparta Methodist
church, last Sunday.—Ishmae
J. M. Denham, of White
Plains, is buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
—Messrs. E. W. Bethea and
L. R. Grimes killed a partly
white partridge in Hancock
county last week.
Jf you want a good Lee
Range cooking stove, No. 8, very
cheap, call at the Advocate-Dem¬
ocrat office right quick.
—Powelton correspondent of
the Ishmaelite says Mrs. G. E.
Seals has had a relapse and has
been quite sick but is better.
—The Sparta Ishmaelite is in¬
formed that one nursery sold five
thousand dollars’ worth of nurse¬
ry stock in Hancock, this season.
Save money by buying
Wagons, Buggies, Beds, Bu¬
reaus, and Chairs at Johnson’s
Washington, Ga.
—Prof. Pittard will have
charge of the Sharon high school
another year. Prof. Moore, the
present principal, will go to
Waynesboro - —Washington Re¬
—Mrs. W. B. Boswell died at
her home in Penfield on Thurs¬
day night of last week. She
was a sister of Mr. Frank Janes,
of this county. The bereaved
have our sympathies.
—Pecan nuts are being ship¬
ped to New York from this place.
They are very fine and were
produced in C. A. Alexander’s
large grove in the edge of town.
—Washington Gazette.
Pains in the chest when, a per¬
son has a cold indicates a tenden¬
cy toward pneumonia. A piece
of flannel dampened with Cham¬
berlain’s Pain Balm and bound
on to the chest over the seat of
pain will promptly relieve the
pain and prevent the threatened
attack of pneumonia. This same
treatment will cure a lame back
in a lew hours. Sold by Dr. R.
J . Keia.
All Vfr T Lua nd Arnold Arnold nccidentlv acciaentn
shot Mr. Will Reynolds in the
face and eyes while out hunting
last week near Woodstock. The
latter , was taken . , to Atlanta i flout., fnr lOl
treatment for his wounds.
... Washing'
W- T. Johnson,
L-,,-, ton, CT-i LL, 1-ioc has tne fl-iA lorcrpst" largest sfnre Store,
biggest stock and lowest
nr pr.ccS ices tn lO he Fc found 10li.lL between LCl\\
Atlanta and Augusta.
— It is a matter of general re
net o-ret that til at Vfr Ail. J T • F X. M. Alexan- Alexan
der has detei mined to mote hiS
family to Crawfordville. Lex
ino-ton denlores the loss of this
oxcellent/family, the best
Wishes of tile entile to. n f .O
with them for success in their
new home. Mr. A. is very much
0U , agMl b , <,«!«*<«
doing place.—Echo. a profitable business -U
Ctiamhenaras omborlain's Colic lolc. camera
and Diarrhoea Remedy can al
wavs be depended upon and is
i pleasant ^ and safe to take. Sold
Every day sfreugfiMn# the of etai
neat physicians thut hspvre blood is ths
cxvse cf the ra^jority of our d»e«s*».
Tvr*Mty-£v* iA.vs yssrs af* this i£:*ory w»s used
as s tor ike ■< Browns’ Iron
Bitter.. The maay ro.-aerktLiepares edFi i ei ed
by ibis oiJ boasckohl r.raooy W
j-’jM.-en: to prove tiat tun --ivery -cvrrtet.
jjj-ewui’lion ie sold ly aL thaxlan.
Her Health Restored
^TvUrlE 1 misery of sleeplessness can only be
realized by those who have expoii
euced it. Nervousness, sleeplessness,
headaches, neuralgia and that miserable
feeling of unrest, can surely be cured by Dr.
Miles’ Restorative Nervine. So certain is
Dr. Miles of this fact that all druggists are
authorized to refund price paid for the first
bottle tried, providing it does .not benefit.
Mrs. Keury Bruns, wife of the well known
blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, says:
’’I wa 3 troubled with sleeplessness, nervous¬
ness, headache and irregular menstruation:
suffering untold misery for years. I used
various advertised remedies for female com¬
plaints besides being under the care of local
physicians, wi-hout help. I noticed in Dr.
Miles’ advertisement the testimonial of a
lady cured of ailments similar to mine, and
I shall never cease to thank that lady. Her
testimonial induced me to use Dr. Miles’
Nervine and Nerre and Liver Pills, which
restored me to health. I cannot say enough
for Dr. Miles’Remedies.” RT-*“““
Dr. Miles’ Remedies Qf,
gists are sold under by a all positive drug, jgv- few' Mllss’" ^ .*
, •
guarantee, first bottle W?—sViGrVUn© i
benefits or money re- Ef--. 5 Restores
funded. Book on dis- Kb* n,,„uL ^ .v
eases of the heart, and V'wA
nerves free. Address, SiS^Bl_______
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkbart, Xnd.
Tax-Collector’s Notice.
The uncklrsigncd or Goo. fl. Mitchell
will he at the following named place* for
the purpose of collecting State and Coun r
tj tuxes due for the year 1898:
SHARON, NOV. 23rd.
FLUKER, NOV. 28th.
FLUKER, DEO. 12ih.
Will be at Crawfordville all the time ex?
oept dates mentioned above. Books will
positively close on Dec. 20th, 1898, and
Fi, Fa’s, issue in terms of the law.
Tax Collector, Taliaferro Co. Ga.
The Rev. Irl R. Hicks
Annual Almanac and monthly paper.
Word and Work.;, are now known from
sea to sea. We are pleased to call the at¬
tention of our readers to the Almanac for
1899, now read}-. It is a splendidly print¬
ed and illustrated book ot 116 pages and
the storm forecasts and diagrams and as¬
tronomical and scientific matter are supe¬
rior to anything that lias eyer been seen
before n a 25 cent book, His monthly
journal, Word and Works, is one oi the
best literary, home and scientific maga¬
zines in the country, besides contain! g
his monthly storm forecasts with expla¬
nations. The subscription price of Word
and Works is SI.00 per year and a copy
of the Hicks Almanac is sent as a premium
to every yearly subscriber. Single copies
of Word and Works, 10 cents. Price of
Alnrumc alone, 25 cents. Send your
order t,o Word and Works Pub, Co, 2201
Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo,
Leave to Sell.
'J’ To all whom it may concern: Rachel
Kent administratrix of the estate of John
J. Kent deceased has in due form applied
to tiie undersigned for leaye to sell tlio
revorsionary interest in and to the dower
tract of land assigned as dower to Rachel
Kent widow of said deceased and said ap¬
plication will be heard on the first Monday
in December, 1898. This the 9th day of
November, 1S99.
GEO. H. MITCHELL, Ordinary.
December Sheriff Sales.
S™*£'““ nvnmiTA -r.mmnu
court house door ia Crawfordville in said
County and Slate, within the legal hours
of s& j e te the lushest bidder for cash, m
the first Tuestfcw in December next, 1838
all that tract Go-tea oiflparcel District, of land Georgia lying Mill- and,
being in the
tia, iu Taliaferro County. Georgia, con
tainins ono hundred and eleven North (111) acres
more or less, bounded on the by
lands of Mrs. Fannie Asbury, on the East
by lands of Airs Rebecca E. Dauiel and
lauds of Frank Mitchell, on the Fouth by
the South prong of Little river, and on
the West bvthe public road leading Ggiethcrpe from
Crawfordvifle to Woodstock in
coun ty. Also at the same time* and p.aee
all that tract or parcel of land/ lying Militia and
being in the 607th District, Georgia both
Taliaferro County, Georgia, Abe flying Ogeechee on
sides of the North prong of
^ ^ Wfttor milK kll0 otb/?r y, n as Jennings
ni jH Hwellins house and improvement East
thereon, bounded on the North and
by lands of Samuel H. IH/iodes, trustee for
};,.;hanv church ia Gr« One county, on the
West by lands formed \- owned by U. J
Reid now owned by , T V. F- Holden, con
ca Jau* Ogietree un jer and by virtue of
ail execution issuer , from the Superior
Court of said conn, tv in favorot Albert
Richardson apar .*t said Rebecca Jane
0 letrce Wriu , notiC e oflavy given as
“ _
re uireiiby !aw .
This 8 day of / November. 1898.
D. P-HENI.y.
A W oBderfal D1
Th« last quarter of a century records
in _ .. .
BAny woo lerful discoverie; snemcme, for
but ' isat have accomplished \core
, tu.niJiity . ;han that Kerling old house hold
ii.-*c , 2y t >o*w’ Iron Bitters. It reeaus to
^ Jje very etementt offfood
g 3 ’ fl? her man. womtn or efina isse
art avrivttg the
j’ Lxr. B.tten is ^ by a.*