Newspaper Page Text
Foreigners in China buy nearly
everything on credit, giving signed
“chits” for every purchase, the reasou
being their unwillingness to load
themselves down with silver or native
coin, while paper money fluctuates
too much.
Salt and pepper rn be shaken inde
pendently fro. . r. ,v!y-designed box,
a partition *og placed in the center,
With !he sifting cap formed of two
..tors of metal, with the perforation
PQ arranged that they will register
,.th but on e chamber at once.
A shipyard at Ominato, Japan, still
V 1 N? perftt, ° n ' WftR eBtftbl,8hed over
1,900 o 1 years ago. ;
Lyon A- Co'«“Pick Leaf’’ Snmkln* Tobacco
stand* at the top fur it« delicious aroma,
tioofi as can I o made. Try ,,
dlsfigurr the hhina scenery with large adver
hi urate Your Bow,-!* With fa*caret*.
t niidy ak.’il Cathartic, cure constipation refund forevar.
3(r, laildruggiats money,
A traveler in Porto Rico h ivh 'hat a oitfai
efiuni f/i the present average American id*
( Bntx-r < an lie niirchaw-fl there lor two ccnta
Catarrh Cured
Blood Purified by Hood’s Sarsapa
rilla and Health Is Good.
"I was troubled for a Ion*? time with ca*
tarrh and a bad feeling in my head. I be
gan taking Hood’s Harsaparllla, and it did
mea world of good. My sufferings from
catarrh are over and ray health Is good.”
Mr*. A. A. Libby, Pownal, Maine.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
!h America's Greatest Medicine. $1; si* for
Hood’s Pills cure all Liver Ills. cents.
I MClflll.
“Doesn’t your husband’s roving
uornan^whVtlkcI great inlercsUu Lrn
“What do you mean?”
“Why, it waa all people ooulddo to
krgi him out of starting for the Klou
dike, and now he talks of nothing ex
cept Cuba and Hawaii and the Philip
|lU , eg
“Oh, yes. He’s in there now with
a lot of limps and books that show how
„n,ch on tilts cost. I eni'onruge him in
it There will bo now places for mak
mg fortunes dmi-overed constantly,
uud I never saw anything like ’em for
keeping a man homo o’ nights.”
Millionaire* ol the World.
To be classed as a millionaire in
ttie United States n man must he
worth at least $1,000,000; in England
lie must have live times as much, or
$5,000,000; in Germany, 1,000,000
marks, or $‘250 000.
Restored to Hoalth by Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vogotablo Compound.
“Can Du IKy Own Work.”
Mrs. Patrick Dankiiy,
West \Vi listed, Conn., writes:
I “Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam:—I t is with
pleasure i that I write to you of the
btneflt 1 have derived from using your
wonderful VegetableCompound. I was
very ill* nulTt IV(1 with female wcalc
ness and displaee.nent of the womb.
I could not sleep at n i^“h t, lmd to \\ a 1 k
the floor, I suffered so with pain in my
siiU aide anil anil small small ni of mV m,y h-u-1; Dane, Was was iron t mil
bled with bloat ing, mid ut times would
faint away; had a terrible pain in wy
heart, a bad tio-tc in my mouth all the
t[me and; butnow. thanks
tt> Mrs. lMnkhaia and her Ve^etablo
Compound, 1 fee 1 well aud sleep well,
can do my work without feeling tired;
do not blout ur liavo nuy trouble
“I sincerely thank you for the good i
advice you gave me and for what your
medicine has done for me.”
••Cannot Praise It KuougU."
Mis* Gertie Di nkin,
Franklin, Neb., writes:
“ I suffered for some time with pain
ful and irregular menstruation, failing
of the womb ami pain in the back. I
tried physicians, but found no relief.
“Iwiis at last persuaded totry Lydia
E. lhnUhams \cgctable Compound,
uud cannot praise it euough for what
it Ims done for me. 1 feel like a new
persan, uud would not part with your
me-tiicine. I have recommended it to
•evera l of my friends.”
•------- ------— ■ - —— —
Lazy Liver
**1 have hft ii troubled a great deal
with a torpid over, which produce* eousiipa
tion 1 fouiid r A SCAR KTS to be all you claim
for them »ml scoured such relief the first trial,
that I purchased another supply aud was pom
piewly cui-eti I shall ouly be t,v> *latl to rec¬
ommend CXtsi-arcts whenever the opportunity
Is presented C9S0Susquehanna J. A Smith Pa.
Ave., 1’hiladelphia.
tmadc ma*h rto*rrf mo
Pleasant. Palat.-,b> vnont T« G-vvl Pc
Hood. Never S-.-Wm W vakvi. or Gripe. Kk 3bc. 50c
fW'Wi&r €•»! •.. Okic.f*, M M (rr«i. In \e*± XJD
0Q-TO-BAC So'.d anfi pusrsntccd btr a’’ dr ug -
git-t* to n'KE roftacco Habit
WHtSf At L
Svrup. T*>ua CwkaL v * .n
t,*5 iq tint - ,,,. Dt AmtC'iMl •4
* N v* I
Wliat Ilai Been AMomnllihed A<coinpll*heu.
During the comparatively brief
period that there has been concerted
tction to secure an improvement in
, he condition of the road* throughout
United Htatea a #raat deal ha 3
been aceompHshed. The League of
4 mer j oan Wheelmen has been among
-ho most active workers in this worthy
JftU se. As a body it has agitated the
matter perflistentJy, while the in
livi(Jaa i mem bers have forwarded the
oropaganda throughout the cities and
iriiinrrea villages in in all all sections sections of OI tne the United umi
^ates. The agricultural element has
been surprisingly slow in waking up
:o a realization of the value of good
roads but the farmers every where are
vow beginning to take a more active
, n t e rest in the subject than ever be
fore. Lot a farmer once realize that
ue can transport a much larger load of
produce and With I.,, less u wear ,pnr ana n.nrl tear tea
jn his horses over a good road than
vor a poor one and he at once sees
ii )A nrAptipal ^ imnortanrd ] of the ciues
tlOU to himself personally. .. Homo
yi , lirH aRO a careful comparison was
made between the relative cost to the
farmers of tho Southern States and
the farmers of France in the matter of
gottiug their produce to market. In
t i 10 ] ftt t er country a man and two
horses can accomplish more than two
men and four horses are able to do
over some of tho notoriously had
roads with which we are afflicted.
Many of the roads which run for nun
dreds of miles through the Alps, over
lofty passes and at great distances
from largo towns, are of a sort such
as the average American farmer never
saw. And at the same time leading
jut of tho capital of the U nited Htates
thoro are roads of a sort that have not
been seen in Western Europe for cen
So couVy was'wakinTup^o the
^fuX^Vha^h^ 3g and work that
a good work a
ihould h0 db he he “ IP pad along in every * way.
1 Gravel Bond*.
Road improvement is one of tho most
i important questions for consideration
of the farmers, and should be thor
oughly discussed in the Institute and
Farmers’Clubs during the winter.
Good roads are absolutely necessary
for the comfort and convenience of the
farmer, and now is the time to put the
roads in good shape to meet the win
ter storms; all holes and depressions
should he tilled or leveled. AVliere
water stands after a raiu is the best
way to ascertain where lepaii is de
Where good gravel can be obtained
it makes the best, and cheapest road,
and can bo put on the roadbed during
the winter,
bornt; in mind ^ that
It slio.rm bo a
«ood gravel road once well constructed
! p ^ 9 k e r 0 e f q to IZZnliayZTd
team can haul four tons over a good
road easier than the same team can
. haul 1200 pounds over the mire beds
that our common roads become after a
wot spell. ..
i Then a farmer who owns a nice car
I riage and 1ms good horsee and harness
to match hates to have them all splashed
„.J I .Itu m«.l trh o„ h. .w™.
to ,.' town. A good gravel roild Will DO
; tree r Ot emu muu nn atm ,1 .l, ausv. is t
Some argue in favor of macadam or
broken stone, but the western stone
won’t resist the action of frost aud
; don’t pack and become smooth like
gravel. -
1 Whore Good Roads Fay.
It is _ acknowledged, says tile _ Masuua r ,
Telegraph, that if the Oranite State is
to hold tho prestige of ttie past and
still remain tho great Mec vu .for visitor*
and tourists, that tlio otato must set
to it that the roads are put in the best
condition possible. ! he people ol
other States aie building systems of
Hplendid roads which form a very at
tractive feature, and one that will do
much to attract outsiders. New Hanip
shire has got to do the same, and a
grand State road up the Merrimack
valley to the mountains is an imme¬
diate demand of the condition of ailairs
at the present time.
Incrt-aRlns rroitierlty.
The stone roads that have been built
around Charlotte, N. O., mainly by
convict labor, have done much for the
progress of the place. l iity miles of
bard roads are down and they are to
be extended to the county holder
line. It is said that it used to be a
feu’, worth hiaggmg aoont fot a fmmei
to get to town with four bales of cot
ton on a wagon drawn by four horses,
but now ho thinks nothiug of hriug
iag six bales ou a wagon drawn by
JFnrtfjpiipli* About the Crusadf*
The motor carriage will be another
ahouter for good roads.
Aud what the highway most requires
is better drainage and broader tires.
The mauv cycle-oaths ou Long
Island afford such good all-the-year
riding that wheels can be advantage
otislv used there at almost all seaaous.
The plan of appointing an engineer
as overseer of the roads of South
Orange. X. J.. ts being considered. It
ought to be done. The practice there
of annually throwing earth and sod
upon the macadam to “protect” it is a
disgrace to so progressive a town.
The hard roads of Long Island are
so attractive to wheelmen that increas¬
ing numbers are constantly using
them. Two years ago 40,000 cyclists
a aveled on the Long Island railroad;
« At year 1G,1,000, aud this year over
250,0*10. going to aud from different
riding points on the island.
The Riston Dispensary, the oldest
a*:\! on:\: tH'i n in New
ling tan i. tr<aic.l 'JG.Gdl new patients
during the year 1897,
Certainly nobility is of blood and
birth, and he who would be immortal
must have care for his posterity. fus.-*
ing can be more absurd than the
OUr gentry * J make concerning * titles ano
p^ces , ol precedence. , Th in ^y are are of a a
mind vnth those foolish old .
Louis \l\ , and think that nob;
consists in La droit du monter lan*
I© carosse du roi. Ihey forget fha
what is calledblue blood u often very
,>a ^ hlood. f know a family of -ong
descent and high communion
^s possible been ways. “grated Nothing in can almost ennoblej b
it- ««rked Nearly by every member of of it nj
some coarseness
sique—some l lewdness of conduct;
this withstanding int«r-m-irriairp
»«d the introduction of ne bloof
This stock may safely be backed t<
produce profligates in every generation dishonorable one ol
more of
Every member of it has a certain iuH
bihty of shame P°“®“ : h\
blood lias had its inlet turougii Vi o
and must have its outlet in
Ultimately . , it will -,1 Brine/ tiring anout a h f ,nt tho me em
tinction of the race. The
Plato has truly said, are wicked naiT be#
cause Of n e f tueir V, ^ ■ i* organization f rfranization_^thei, incil. P ar |
onts, and not they, should be pjj -
ished.—The Humanitarian. r
The World’s Biggest Silver Wine. !
The biggest silver producer inf
wor u at present is the Broken
proprietary Company, in New 8<
yyales. rp he out p ))t 0 f that compa on"
m t n08 f or the fiscal year ended
3 l, 1898, was 6,122,270 fine ounce f
s ji v0r The Anaconda Copper Min £
Q ompan y ) j n Montana, 5,074,030 came seco| ,
w jt|, a production of oun i
of 8jlver it i s worth noting tha J
both Qf these mine8 t he silver is p -
t j IlC0( j j n connection with other me’f
__ at Broken HU1 with ]ea( i an d at Ai
con(la Wltb copper T i !e ] at ter is pri
cipa py a cop per mine, since the
[” r “ fl J he greater part ° f the value
Th e C « m P““ ia Huanchaoa da Bo
.. h ™ . b< *, s bad “Peratmn of its minla
9eriousi y interfered with for the lai,
two years by water and other mishap
production in 1897 was lei,.j
kilograms, or 4,88b, bid ounces ot
ver. I’lns is not much more than of -
half of the maximum output,
was reached in 1893, and was281,uf
kilograms, or 9,034,38o ounces. FU
gineermg and Mining Journal.
their fruit to Amerlcajn large quantities, p
Beauty i* Blooil Deep.
Clean blood means a. clean skin.
b lc*cle»n and keen it. clean,
your blood
stirring pimple*,^iK^otche^'bta^kb^ ur> the lazy liver and driving all f
snd that sickly bilious complexion by tab
—«--:—>--— V
Two towns in Kansas—Dost spring
Practical Education.
The tendency of the times is toward*
died* of dollars have been spent, has hj
covered in ttie time of need that what |,
been learned is oflittle value. Why? Simb.l
because time and attention have been dev, A
tf to th<,orusm ;; u, ul.rathei^{dhwS
jf „t least a portion of the time had been
allied branches. A business education is
inestimable value to every young places man ar v*
vouu , wom ,ui. One of the best
know of t, ■ secure » practical business
j (shod nearly eleven vears ago, c^lle^wasest^ and is one «>k
coUo^e is “the very best of everything;” location best; and
equipments, best methods, best
best teachers. We are informed by■ desk Fremajnt
Willard .I. Wheeler that every time, in tbu
study liall is taken at the present oolie^
Rowing the .mpularity demand, .^tho and tlie Col
always in
noon as competent. All who expert to pat-*
ronlze a business coUege will do well to
r< 1
mso's curb is the medicine to break
children's coughs and colds.—M bs. M. (i.
Hi.vnv, Sprague, Wash., March *,
Mrs. Winslow’s Sontltinir Syrup for children
teething.soften* the u'tuns, reduces inflamma¬
tion, allays l>ain. rurt-s wind colic. £>c. a bottle.
Oddest House on Kartli.
The oddest domicile on earth is that
recently erected in Yokohoma by an
eminent German bacteriologist. It is
a microbe proof house, built of glass
blocks. There are no window sashes,
mul the doors, when closed, are air
tight. The air supply is forced into
the room through a pipe and tillered
through cotton wool to cleanse it of
bacteria. To insure farther steriliza
tiou the ail* is driven against a glyc- 'oap
er i ne -coated plate glass, which
tines all the microbes the wool spares.
The few microbes brought into the
house in the clothes of visitors soon
die in the warm sunlight with which
the house is flooded.
Mrs. Tiptop—I am sorry you were
not at my reception last evening.
Mrs. Highup (coldly)—I received no
invitation. Mrs. Hightop (with
ed surprise)—ludeed? It must have
miscarried. 1 had among my guests
three foreign counts, Mrs. Htghun
So that is where they were? I desired
to eugage them last evening to wait
on the table at our theater party sap
per, but the- employment agent told
me they were out.—New York Weekly,
telUhe iX;
yon re out when , you . re m ■ wlitch shall l n
k be mum. - xonfesrs S^at6^man.
As She Understood It. —He-Whv
did you fail to recognize me on the
sueet today? She—I didn’t see you.
He—That’s strange. I saw you twice.
She—Oh, that probably accounts for
it. 1 never notice a mau in that con
ditioa.—C^ioago News.
ITotv’* This!
We offer One Hundred Dollar* Reward for
f^“&&££^£? tUat caun ° nba cured by
e 0.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props.. Toledo
the&U^i a^anATevihta all business
to transactions be perfectly honorable In
and financially able to carry out
any obligation ma*ie by their jirm. Tole
West * Teuax. Wholesale Druggists,
WAL1 ; no Kis.van- & Marvin, Wholesale
H »™ee™*™ e l° 1 £ ig ^ }trter uaiiy,
act j ng directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaceof the.
Hall’s Family Pills arethe best
iMVW* uncutf ruby $•? the 4
flowers, surmounted by an
size of a hen’s egg.
No-To-Bnc for Firty < ents.
Guarnuteefltobaccohabitcure.makes.weak drsggist
etrong, blood pure. 50c, $1. All
sessions of evil spirits might otherwise enter
and remain,
Lift Awtr.
D> quit tobacco easily and fowver, takeNo-To- iwina*
Be tir, full oflife, nerve and vigor. weak
Bar, the wonder-worker, that makes men
etron *- All druggists, 50c or $1. Gure guar
anteed. Bookietand sample lree._ Address
bteriing Remedy Co., Chicago or Ne w kork.
b is said that if the ‘voice of elephant . , ,
, ve re a« loud in proportion as that of a night
ingale his trumpeting could be heard around
xo Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative refund Bromo Quinine if itfallstocnre TabletSyAU
Druggists money
The Chinese tael is a coin that has never
existed. It is simply a unit used for con¬
To Cure Constipation Forever,
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c.or 25c.
If C. C.C. fail to cure, druggists refund money
A recent school census in Philadelphia
showed that 10,000 children of school age do
not attend school.
H. H. 6 keen’s Sons, of Specialists Atlanta, Ga., are the
the only successful Dropsy advertise¬ in
world See their liberal offer in
ment in another column of this paper.
A .spring Chicken.
“Madam, what was the name of this
GoTightly stared hard bird at the in
Iantllady a8 he spoke . The
qneation> skillfully eluding the fork
with w hich he supposed he had im
pa l e d it, had leaped from under the
knife and struck him squarely
i n the shirt front,
Name, Mr. Golightly,” said the
landlady; “I don’t think it had a
“You should have called it Hope,
said the unhappy carver.
“And why Hope?”
“Because,” be bitterly answered, as
he scraped the gravy from his neck¬
tie, “because the poet says that ‘Hope
iprings eternal in the human breast. > >>
—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Seventy per cent of the patents
^ranted in Russia are to aliens.
fr kr estimated rhat oi the \VWie
population of the globe about 90,000
die every day.
& #
ft *
■> I
'iti'Wfii-c'M-i : ’*S-'
Many persons have their good
day and their bad day. Others
are about half sick all the time.
They have headache, backache,
and are restless and nervous.
Food does not taste good, and
the digestion is poor; the skin
is dry and sallow and disfigured
with pimples or eruptions;
sleep brings no rest and work
is a burden.
i What is the cause of all this?
Impure blood.
And the remedy?
A 4
It clears out the channels
through which poisons are
carried from the body. When
J *!he all impurities blood are takes removed right from hold
and completes the cure.
If there is constipation, take
Ayer’s Pills. They awaken the
drowsy action of the liver; they
cure biliousness.
Write to oar Doctor.
We have the exclusive services ot
some of the most eminent Dhysiewkns in
the United States. Write treely all the
particulars ic your case. You will re¬
ceive a promrt repVf, without cost
Afiureas, DR. J. C. AYKK,
k LowaU, Mass.
Venver Man Selected.
‘• bi t f in f pe ^ 0r 01 the postotflee de
oartment. t He succeeds George n.
^mett, of Ohio, who is assigned to
* ' ^ ____1- iieiu
Groom A*.*d 90 Years.
A marriage license was issued Friday
t George Bush, aged 99 years, and
* T. t y Prophet, aged 83 They
reside miles from Little Rock, Ark.,
aud a .re never outside of the state.
1 l
i k.
4 —IS Mmm if
J. '■ /
t i J HI
vu.- t — wy,
‘jn PA \X
% l
ik 3
x->n <
Put a piece of Ivory Soap in the dainty
basket mother love prepares for the baby. Pure,
unscented white soap, like the Ivory, is the
best for the rose-leaf skin of the new-comer.
Scents too often disguise impurities that would
injure it. Be wise in time, before the mischief
is done.
The vegetable oils of which Ivory Soap is made, and its purity,
fit it for many special uses for which other soaps are unsafe and
CopyriK^t, 1891, by The Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati.
E VERY vegetables, farmer SUCCESSFUL who raises berries fruits,
grain, knows by experience
the importance of having a
large percentage of
in his fertilizers. If the fer¬
tilizer is too low in Potash the
harvest is sure to be small, and
of inferior quality.
Our books tell about the proper fertilizers
for all crops, and we will gladly send them
free to-<wiy fartmet, -
93 Nassau St., New York.
All Kinds
Of Repair Kits,Tire*'
Saddles, Graphite. Cements. Every¬
W bicycle thing pertaining to a
kept in stock.
Write us or call at
0, ':',Z our mammoth bicy
Qsr elf house and we will
tell you all about it.
The oldest and largest house in the south.
New and second-hand wheels of every make.
Repair department complete.
The Loosley Cycle Company,
Second Ave., (opp. P. O.) Birmingha m, Ala
Money in Chickens
For *5c. in st-amps we send a 10 J
FAGK BuOK giving the experience
of a practical Poultry Kaiser—not
r ’ * i an amateur, out a man working
r \yeara. for tioluirs and cents—during 25
* It leaches how to L>eieot
Jaud Cure Diseases; Feed foriigg*
for Fattening; which Fowls to
1 Save for Breeding; everything re*
VA % quisHe for profitable Foultry rais
v ing. lUMIH. i'Uiil*H!>alNoJ
CO, 1^4 Leooard direct, York,
W * ANTED—Case of bail health tint B ITA-N S
» will not t-eneiit. Seuil f> cts. to Riyan* Chemii-ai
Oo. NewYork, for 10 samples aud 11KKI testimonials.
Am. N. U., No. 48, 1898.
Climbing Up^Down Stairs
, ___ L, CARRYING ing, scrubbing heavy and burdens, other laborious washing, duties iron
are P roductive °f an enormous amount of
BH illiWlM sufferingamong women who are already weak
and prostratedby The performance the ravages of female dis
eases. of these heavy labors
ivt skvg is ing obligatory is not. This to many feature women, of the household but the suffer- bur
iraci ‘P| ’Ll take dens the may trouble soon be to removed learn how. if women Afewbottlesof will only
IprpOTl dUiOlixo rto FEHALE
TRADE (C3-. F. F>.) MARK
will regulate all menstrual irregularities, and
restore the entire female organism to its
proper condition. Take St. Joseph’s Liver
Regulator in small doses if there is any ten¬
dency to constipation or indigestion.
Gerstle’s.Temale Panacea has made a most wonderful cure on the
wife of one of our tenants. She had been bed-fast for twelvemonths, but your
medicine has cured her and she is loud in her HIXON praises BROS.. of same. Claiborne. Ala.
Get this medicine will from send your druggist. bottle, If all he charges does not paid. kaep it,
send us $1.00 and we you a
L. GERSTLE & CO., Props., Chattanooga, Tenn.
t oncession to rrmters.
reaucuuu tu th7l£e°havmg a
been accomplished by mutual , agree
menf between tbe employers and tue
Typographical union.
‘ J
- --—
Howe for Gm. Wheeler.
The citizens of Hnutsville have pnr
c b as0 <i a g U e horse to be presented to
(j; eae - a i Wheeler. The presentation
take place Thursday.
[ i
/f%0RE it II
vP fat a m
; -
i'n msmsi r
i-i tr.i LL
>- 'r?- ,-r c
Galatia, Ills., Nov. 16,1893.
Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Gentlemen-.—-We sold last year, 600 bottles of
bought three gross already this year. In all our ex¬
perience of 14 years, in the drug business, have
never sold an article that gave such universal satis
taction as your Tonic. Yours truly,
Permanently Cored
Insanity Prtventsd by
PtoHlre enre for oil Nervous Disease*, Fits, KpUeft jr.
Spasms and St. Vitu*'Dance. No File or Nerveuoa««*
free •fter firs at Fit day’s patients, n»e. they Treatifieand$8 peyiDR expreea trialbottift cbergosonlr
whrn received. Bend to Dr. Kline, Ltd, Bellerua
Institute of Medicine, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia?»•
Bmw In flk D I O Y ■ quick relief DISCOVERY; and worst
cases. Send er book of testimonials and iO tlsys’
treatment Free. Dr-E-H tkEER'S B0K8. Atlanta. 6a.
and Whiskey Habits
cured at home with¬
out pain. Book of par
_ ____ticularssent FREE.
__..SSSaSS Office B.M.WOOLLEY, 104 N. Pryor M.D. St
- - -
, cm* rttn is * / \ V ./Y / \
xrfl tbe Age
the Teeth? what to call the Diflferent Pxrts of ta«
Animal? Hew so Shoe » Horse Properly? All tills
.adlort«Vdu.blelBform.tloa m* itoobt^ed Ijr
jjorSe book, which "we Vo^varo p- a ?
pa, on .-eceipt of only 25 cents in stamp*.
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