Newspaper Page Text
8100 For Year.
This is C. Bergstrom’s
Column. Please Ex
mine it and Come
and Buy of Him.
Dry Goois Department.
Dress Goods in assorted colors.
Calicoes in assorted patterns,
n ssorted patterns. 1* leach i n g,
<_ood assortment, B. d-spreads at
at loAvest prices. Flannels in great
V II ietv*. Large slock of Plaids, Sh.-et
ing a d shirting. Large stock of
Spool cotton and ba’l thread. Canton
flannel in different shades and colors.
notions and Fancy Goods.
Large assortment of diess Shirts,
Hustlers, Undershirts, s uspe ml e t s,
Handkerchiefs,Neck-wear at.dGloves, i
A \ good ,.ond assortment Qucr.rti.ient B.Ulies I,-idles' nose Hose .mu
Lc hildren’s Hose. Men s halt Hose all
in great variety.
Great assortment of Jeans and Jeans j
Pants, Boy’s Coats, Pants and Vests, j !
Come at once and buy oi me.
Glassware and lamps.
Large Hall and Parlor Lamps,
Chandelier globes, and Lamp globes,
Lanterns and lantern globes, extra
shades, burners and wicks, common
hand lamps, Looking glasses and glass
crockery, Foreign & Domestic,
China Piates, large stock of mus- j
<i ',ps aiKl.saqcers, Poj'celain, cups
a d saucer, English, steak Dishes and
Bowls. Jorge stock ot Bowls and
Drugs and Medcines.
Wizztrd, British and sweet Oils,
Castor and Kerosene Oils, Glass glue
and Putty.
Stoves and Tinware.
Galvanized Well Buckets lor bored
wells, laige and small Tubs, Bread
Triv-s, half bushel and peck measures,
Gallon and half-gallon Oil cans, Pots
and Kettles, and stove pipes.
Tranks, Leather Goods, Etc
Sole and leather, Harness, Bridles j
Saddles, Etc., Valises, Leather and
Ba k Collars.
House-furnishing Goods.
Mattresses, cotton and straw, steel
'Springs, folding and straight, Bound
Tables, Swings, Hobby-horses, Wag
Oiis, Etc. for children.
.Needles & Sewing Machine
Supplies, such as Gold Eye, Silver
Eye and sewing machine Needles for
nil the different makes of sewing ma
. -
c '
Sugar, Coffee, Bice, Flour, Lard,
1 ’ousted Coffee, Axle-grease Soaps,
of every sort, Tut nip seed, Onio 8e f s »
Candles, Crackers, Candies, Soda,
Pickles, Vinegar, Sugars, 8nuif,
t hewing and smoking Tobacco.
Hardware and Cnttiery.
Axe*, Hoes, Nails, Horse and
Shoes, shoe Hammer.-, Scissors,
shears and hair Trimmers. Knives and
Folks, spoons- Pocket Knives and
Gnu Tubes.
Whir*, the People ot thf*
Town Are Doing.
Mrs. Francis Taylor is quite feeble.
Reason Gregory is still quite feeble.
Good many hogs killed in this section
last week.
Sharon Presbuterian church is without
a pastor now.
Mr, J. A. Kendrick visited Crawford
vi’.le last week.
Several families will leave for the glory
land this week.
Preaching at Jennings church next
Saturday and Sunday.
Faiucare Your Bowels AVifti Gu&caretfl.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c, 25e. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Mrs. Murry Taylor and family have
moved to tlieg’oiy land too.
Mr. A. 1). Moore had to fix up a coffin
nearly every day last week.
V’o Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
Mr. Columbus Caluwjil is cutting lum¬
ber on W. (J. Rhodes place.
Pleaching at ltaytown Baptist church
liex ^ Saturday amt Sunday.
ho-to-brc tor Finy cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men atI . oue> bl00 d pure. 50c,*l. All druggists.
Mrs. Thomas Beckwurlh has been dan¬
gerously sick the past w eek.
Watch out lor Bob Gill erts meat wag¬
on every Tuesday and Saturday.
1 leaching at Williams creek church by
pastor Cummings next Saturday and Suu
Dr ' A ' °* Davidsou has bcen atteudin S
the sick in our district. Several sick.
The big sale of Martin A Giiswold last
week car i d a good many people to town.
Omer Oeree visits Sharon every week.
Oarer begins to look quite jld foi 1 a young
ma* .
George Moore is still confined to his
room, lie lias had a tight time.
It snowed a little last Friday night.
The iittie f dks rnjoyed it as long as it
Cure Stomach Troubles, Cold Feet and
lianas, Excessive Menstrual Flow, with
Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets.
G. W. Howard, < f Fulton county, is
foragfuK.ii; this JUtyj, W v rregLcau uty
Top wegon* ate in good demand. Our
people need them iu moving to Emanuel
When you ask for DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve don’t accept a counterfeit, or
mitation. There ate more cases of Piles
oeiug cured by this, than ail others com
Audrews & Deadwyler Crawfordviile,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Mi. Felix Wright will be deputy m,tr
slial in Sharon until Christmas holidays
are over.
Mr John Burk, of Augusta, was up to
the burial of liis uncle Mr, William Burk
last week.
If you feel Dull, Languid, Broken
Down, Debilitated, have Weak Stomach
or Indigestion, use Dr. M. A. Simmons
Liver Medicine
Mr, John N. Chapma , of C raw ford
ville, was in our district last week attenc’
Mr. W. T. Flynt and Judge G. II.
Mitchell were iu Sharon ou Wednesday 7 of
last week,
Mothers, we call your attention to Pitts’
Carminative. It acts promptly, children it :s
pleasant to the taste, and the
will take it without coaxing. It relieves
promptly and permanently. If we can
get you to use ft, yon will get others to
do likewise. Your druggist seels it.
A heap of people that are moving off
are finding some trouble in disposing of
their produce.
We spent a night last week with J. E.
Bagby and family. J. E. e peels to move
, „„„„
° ni " ‘ ’
Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine
searches out all impurities in the system,
and expels them harmlessly by the natural
Prof. E B. Moore left last week for
Waynesboro. His family will follow next
week so we learn.
However , if vou pref , r to first test i a
wonderful merits, mention the Advocate
Democrat and write to Dr. Kilmer <fc Go.,
Binghamion, N. Y., for a sari pie bottle
soluteh^frce'by^m- 1 b ° U * ^ SeDt ^
t a
Mr. A. M. Norris will be a citizen of the
ti02na disiriet next year. We are glad to
baye him with us.
Cures Pleurisy and Pneumonia.
The best remedy for lung affections.
Small doses. Price 25 cts. at druggists.
We regret to learn that Mrs. Al.
Dr. Rays mother is ve.iy sick and expected
to die at any time,
Some of the boys tried to have some
fuu in town ore night last week but they
were called to a halt.
Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablet?
prevent Dizziness, and cure Palipitatiou of Heap.
Sick Headache, Chilly
tions. mm
James Pittman and wife, of Fair Pla_\\
have been visiting the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Ellington.
Mr. Welcome Stone is now one of the
clerks at John O’lveeffe’s popular store and
will be glad to see his friends.
Dr. M. A. Simmons Liv*r Medicine,Las
since 1S40 steadily risen in public favor
and ti e demand for it far exceeds that \
any oilier Liver Medicine.
People congregate on the street, cotters
and talk about the hard times. The hard
time wagon aint loaded up yet.
Printers ink is a heap of help to a man’s
business but some people don’t want to
pay for it but want it all the same.
A cough is not like a fever. It does
not have to run a certain course. Pure it
quickly and effectually with One Minute
Cough Cure, the host, remedy for all ages
and for the most severe cases. We re¬
commend it because it’s good.
Andrews & Deadwyler, vrawfordville.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Messrs. Caldwell, Pounds. Smith and a
lot of GypsiOJ were in town last Friday
doing their best in the way of horse trad¬
To settle the Stomach and
the Nausea of Prospective Mothers, take
Simmons Sqnuw N ine Wine or Tablets.
We learn from a recent report that
Jack Sprat 1 will move from the glory ” land
to Augusta and will take a situation on
the stree t rail road.
There was a quilting and nice entertain¬
ment at Mi Id raj on last week at the home
T "“ yc " ,,sl,e "7
Don’t fail to call in and see L. S. Jack
son then you visit Sharon. He has a
complete stock of goods and they must go
regardless of prices.
Pains in Head, Neck, Shoulders, Back
Front, Sides, Hips and Limbs are readily; j
cured by Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or
We hear yerv little talk about, the bar
room at Barnett, We live in a nd'e o'
the place and have not been there sines
they reopened.
Overcome evil with good. Over-" m
your coughs and coids with One '.
' j ' "*' T ‘js so gra-1 brunch ej+il ’
j dioup ills,
monia, grippe and all throat and Iu
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfo
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
We understand that some people t t
moved away from this section are no bt
ter off; still in debt. A roiling stone never
gathers any moss.
Soothing, healing, cleansing, DeWitt’s
Witch Hazel Salye is the implacanio ene¬
my of sores, burns and wonds. It never
fails to cure Piles. You may rely upon it.
Andrews A. Deadwyler, Crawfordviile
Dr. Lawrence Brown. Sharon.
We understand there is still a split in
tlnv school on Pcaridgc. This should not
be, when there Isa split in school there i
a split lu the church also.
If troubled with Dizziness, Fare 1
Ton ,ue, Bitter Taste in mouth, Bloated
Feeling after having, Constipation or
Sick Headache, use Dr. M. A. Simmon*
Liver Medicine.
JNO. F. HOLDEN, Pres. J. A. KENDI<U K, Vice-Pres. M. F. OKIFF1TII, Cashier.
HOKACK & CAPI. ItOtllKN, Attorneys.
CAPITAL STOCK, $ 25 , 000 .
A | General * Banking I Business | Transacted.
---dealer in-
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ilats ^
Caps and Plantation Supplies.
We keep first class Goods all the time uitd have first clash
clerks. We mean basiness and will appreciate your trade.
A Call Will Convince You
JOHN O’KEEFFE, Sharon G a,
If you have corn to sell now you get
’’boot forty cents fo r it but if you have it
to buy you pay flfty-ftve and sixty cents
a bushel for your bread.
spfr. R- II- Taekson, our marshal, had
hit 1 buck wrenched last, week while wotk
ing on Mr. W. B. Kendrick’s building
; sad it put him in a bad fix.
IE afitny household is saddened death
a the failure keep by
localise of to on hand a
A and absolutely certain cure for croup
i us One Minute Cough Cure. See
tat yotit little ones are protected against
- jHfdrews murgency. & Deadwyler Crawfordvillc,
I^jJ.swreuee Brown, Sharon.
D.'Uiiis Davis colored had a fine hog
stole) . from hini last week, it was in
'order and would have weighed three
di*d pounds. Up to this writing be
hot heard from bis hog.
Constipation prevents the body DeWitt’s from
l og itself of waste matter.
tt!e Early Risers will remove the
on! !e *ud cuie Sick Headache, Bif
Ui -s-. Inactive Liver and clear the.
pi ex ion. Small, sugar coated, don’t
1 , e tiarisen.
Andrew* & Deadwyler, Crawfordvillc.
•' . Lawrqhce lirown, Sharon.
There are a great many people who
think thttf newspaper men can do their
yofck tor nothing simply because they do
nil their work on paper and it is a cheap
,'thick. It takes money, brains and a
,i ,"it deal of labor to run a newspaper.
Mr. William Burk, died in Sharon on
Dec. 8th, of cancer of the sto ntieli. His ;
remains were interred in the Catholic grave
w at Sharon. Mr. Burk one* of
d c ol i piotjeers of Sharon section. He
70 years old and had been a
cat . Htticrei foi sometime. , n „ l . 1 , imi , ir„ He i.„ lea ivas yap a „
•Mowed dadgliter and a brother and a
,»st of friends and relatives to moan liis
women Should Know It.
Many women "suffer untold agony and
misery because the nature of tieir disease
correctly understoid. They have
led to believe that womb trouble or
j, male weakness of some sort is responsi
bie for the many ills that beset woman
Neuralgia, nervousness,lmadache, puffy
>r dark circles under the eyes, rheuma¬
tism, a dragging pain or dull ache in the
weakness or bearing-down sensa
•rfuse or scanty supply of urine
''OP •dni, frequent de-ire to pass
liu-elnir —visatil
/ion glass f<*r twenty-four ini...,
,gns of kidney and bladder trouble,
lie above symptoms are oflen attribut
e>, bv the patient herself or by her pliysi
ian to female weakness or womb trouble.
lienee, so many fail to obtain relief, be
danse they are treating, not the disease
[a |self, but a reflection of the primary
use, which is kidney trouble.
In fact, women ns well as men are
made misetab c with kidney and bladder
trouble and both need the same reined’ .
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Boot is the greet
>very of the eminent kidney and bind
specialist, and is easy to get at any
drug store, for fifty cents or one dollar.
To prove its wonderful merits you may
have a sample bottle and book telling ali
, hout it, both sent absolutely free by
mail. Kindly mention the Advoeate-I)em
0<:rat • ml send your address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. V.
Royal t Absolutely Pure Powder toNO
Makes the food more defr v jous and wholesome
Correspondents' Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
lli« IlHi>i>oniny> in Their Hospectlve -Lo¬
calities. All the News.
BY Cm/.KN.
We learn that constable John Williams
while attempting to nail up th« corn crib
ef Julius Ransom, col.,* was assulted and
knocked down by Ransom.
Messrs. J. V. Andrews and .1. II. Calla
hil " bad the misfortune to lose a tine cow
on Monday last. The cow showed symp¬
toms of having been poisoned.
Mrs. A. Broome, who has been spend¬
ing some weeks with Imr daughter Mrs.
Jack Akins in Urawfordvll e, we are triad
to note lias returned home.
Mrs. W. J. Clarke, McRae, Ga., writes:
for vears have rarely hardly
know how I could k»ep house, without
D'VM-A. Simmons Liver Medicine It
i m,M ‘ me ot Soul Stonnieh and lndiges
|$ on: „iy husband or Dyspepsia, it’superior and from
personal test regard to Black
Diaught and /filin’* Liver .Medicine.
The negro George Diar who was arrest¬
ed oil the .statement of Bud Gunn as be¬
ing ore of the guilty parties in stealing a
bale of ( otton from Mr. J. V. Andrews
was aqeuittcd for lack of testimony to
convict him.
‘The farmers around Holden have joint¬
ly agreed to post their lands which we
think is a good idea. A great many hggs
aro kjjjed and other thefts committed ny
a i ei tftlu class of pretended rabbit hunters,
BuckleitN?H Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in' the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, ( leers. Salt Rheum, Fever,
lctl.ei,( liapped Hands, Ciiillbbtlns, Corns,
and all 8Uin ns, and 1-
Piles. •
, sih f
refunded. 1
sale bv Dr. It. J Reid.
BY I. N. O.
Christinas 10 days off.
Mr. M. M Boatwright and family spent
Sunday with his mother.
Mr. Will Callaway, of Helena, spent
.Sunday with Mrs. Sun Spratlin.
Mrs. Hattie Wall spent, Wednesday
„„„( Mrs Tuck Mathis,
There will boa good dual of moving
and changing about around here another
Mr. Robert Boatwright und family spent
Sunday with liis father-in-law Mr. Jim
Two Helena young inon put oil fight
mg until the Sabbath day and then they
went at it right.
Three Turks pu- ei through here Sun¬
day. Each laid a bear. We guess old
ciillie will stay at home now for they are
afraind of hears.
The sooner a cough or cold is cured
without harm to the sulTerer the better.
Lingering colds are daneeroiis. Hacking
such a cough cure is within reach? It is
pleasant, to tlie Deadwyler, tas'e. Crawfordviile,
Andrews &
Dr. Lawrence Brown Sharon.
Mr. and Mrs. .Frank Short and Mrs.
W all on and the latter’s mother spent
Sunday with the former’s aunt Mrs.
Mitry Boatwright.
Mr. Charlie Williams, from Newtown,
was in Helton Sunday afternoon. Ho
cabed on bis best girl and took her to
prayer meeting Sunday night,
Mr Web Thaxton, of Helena, had a
horse 22 years old t» full and break his
leg while running in the pasture It is
quite a loss.
Helena has a good ina».v applications by
renters hut there are no vacant houses for
them. If the people would buiid a few
houses they could rent them. Helen
will get a moveon her yet if she gets a
Dr. Bulls
The greatest remedy for UOUgn
Incipient Consumption. W
Cures at Hoarseness, once Coughs, Loss of C
In Advance.
NO. 43*
Some snow fell here last Friday.
Mr. Doc Turner visited Sharon one day
last week on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Griffith spent Sun¬
day with Mrs. Mary Taylor.
Miss Claud Dozier closed her school at
this place last Friday until August.
Mr, and Mrs. Boss Jackson visited Mr,
and Mrs. J. T. Taylor last Sunday,
j 'Dr. Davidson, of Sharon, was in our
section several days last week on busi¬
Mr. It. II. Dozier and family have
moved to Barnett. We welcome them in
our town.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor, visited Mr.
H. T. Beckworth’s family on Friday of
last week.
Mrs. Tom Beck worth, was taken quite
ill last week, up to Ibis writing she is
much better, Gregory has about recover
ed from quite a long spell of sickness we
are glad to report.
Late to bed and earlv to rise, prepares
a man for his home in the ski's. But
ea ly to bed and a Little Early Riser, the
pill that makes life longer and better and
Andrews & Deadwyler, Crawfordviile
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Messrs, George Howard, of Kirkwood,
and Alf. Howard, of Augusta, were stop¬
ping in our town hot week.
Bears the The Kind You Haw Always Bought
Miss m jn, of Augusta, has been
visiting' around our town the past
week. She returned home Sunday.
S nator* The Kind You Have Always Bought
We are ,‘orry to note tuc death of Mr,
occiiieil at hi home . t
Hie , ,. Bag,.., -
on Thursday' of l ist w
that niglit. All present eiiJoNed them
selves very much.
Bents the Klondike.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marys¬
ville, Tex., has found a mono
valuable discovery than has yet
been mads in the Klondike. For
years ho suffered untold ayonv
from consumption, a c,com pained
by hetnorages; and was absolute¬
ly cured by I>r. Kind's New Dis¬
covery for Consumption, C-ouphs
and Colds. Ho declares that
gold is of little value ill cornpari
KO n with this marvelous cure;
would have it even if it cost a
hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma
Bronchitis and till throat .and
lung affections tiro positively
cured by Dr. King's New Dis¬
covery for Consumption. R. Trial
bottles free at Dr. J. Reid's
drug store. Regular size 50c.
and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure
or pt’ictJ refunded.
“I have been using ( ASC AKKTS for
Insomnia, with which 1 have been afflicted for
over twenty years, and I can say that Cascaret*
have given me more relief than any other reme
dy I have ever tried. I shall certainly recom¬
mend them to my friends as briny all they nre
represented. ’ Thus. Gillahd, Elgin, 111
Pleanant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
Good. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Grtoe. ICc. 2Se. 5tle.
8f»rffn« flrurdy f onpanr, CUram, Montral. fir* T«rk. 9X$
o o gifit« to 4; aranUMHl by all drvf- i
\ H^im f n, ii a Actual Hu^ines*. No Text Book*,
ohort time. Cheap board Send for Catalogue.
Jk || If ■ III ■ I IMS A A and cured Whiskey home Habits with
■ ■ at