Newspaper Page Text
81*00 Per Year.
This is 0. Berstrom’s
Column. Please Ex
mine it and Come
and Buy of Him.
Dry Goods Department.
Dress Goods in assorted colors.
Calicoes in assorted patterns, Cambiic
»-.*issorted patterns. Bleach i n g,
good assortment, Bed-spreads at
at lowest prices. Flannels in great
variety. Large stock ofPIaids, Sheet
ing and shirting. Large stock of
Spool cotton and ball thread. C anton
flannel in different shades and colors.
Notions and Fancy Goods.
Large assortment of dress Shirts,
Hustlers, Undershirts, suspenders,
Han Jkerchiefs, Neck- wear and Gloves.
A good assortment Ladies’ Hose and
Children’s Hose. Men’s half Hose all
in great variety.
Great assortment of Jeans and Jeans
Pants, Boy's Coats, Pants and Vegts
Come at "rice and buy ol me.
Glassware and lamps.
Large Fall and Parlor Lamps,
Chandelier 1 obes, and Lamp globe?,
•UP”" ob*i,e
...,deP. o.-.,'riers and wicks, coiPmoa
oaud lamps, Looking glasses and glass
Crockery, Foreign A Domestic,
China Piates, large stock of mus¬
tache Cups and saucers, Porcelain cups
and saucer, English, steak Dishes rind
Bowls, lorge stock ot Bowls and
4 %
Drugs and Medcines.
Wizzard, British and sweet Oils.
Castor and Kerosene Oils, Glass glue
and Putty.
StOY6S n . &BU _ j llHWaJC.
5 bored «
Galvanized Well Buckets for
wells, laige and small -Tnbs, Bread
Trays., half bushel and peck *,
GalJofi and half-gallon Oil cans, rots
and fettles, and stove pipes.
Tmks, Leather Goods. Etc.
Saddles^ Sole % tc., leather, Yaiikes, Harness, Leather Bridles and
Bark Collars.
HoBse-ftrn i sliing Goods.
,r esses, extern and straw, steel
^ folding »nd straight, Round
Bibles, Swings, Hobby-horses, Wag
o <f. Etc. for children.
•tieedlebALSewing Machine
all the different makes of sewing m a
chinas. •
Groceries. ]
Sugar, Coffee, Bice, Flour* Laid,
Roasted Coffee, Axle-grease, Soaps,
of every sort, Turnip seed. Onion sets,
fan Can dies 1 e-, Crackers -> Candies, Soda,
Picbles, Vinegar Sugars, fen - off,
Chewing and smoking I obacco.
Hardware and Cuttiery.
Axe*, Hoes, Nails. Horse and Mule
Shoes, sv>e Hammers, Scjssors,
shears and h. ir Trimmers. Knives and
Forks, spoon , Pocket Knives and
Gun Tubes.
CRAWFORDVILLE. ga„ b irk fr OEM HER ‘43. 1898.
Wbt* the People ot that Thriving
'town Are Doing,
Ciffton is all out in this section.
Mr. Joe O’Brieu lost his tine horse last
Several hogs were killed in Sharon last
Go to L. S. Jackson for your Christmas
Mrs. E. Elliott was visiting in Warreh
last week.
Mr. II. T. Beckworth and family are
much better.
Mr. Henry and Ben Brenshaw were in
to see us on business last week.
Mr. John Hall, of Warren county, was
in Sharon last Friday on business.
Educate Tour Bowels With Otscaret*.
Mrs. A. M. Bagby and Mrs. Coot El¬
liott were visiting in Mildrajou last week.
*° Cure CouAtlpation Forever.
r /y?*S; Clarets a *° cure Candy dru Cathartic. ists refund 10c or 25c
: : ^ “oaey.
Coi. . J.
A. Kendrick visited relatives in
Warren recently. Jim is taking his Christ
mas now.
We h M ' } about as hurd *P fciI o{ C(ild
secdim .
Zs " " “ W *** iU
,<o-To-Hae for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c, *1. All druggists.
John O’Keeffe invites you to his double
stores which are full of all kiuds of goods
you may need.
Some people in our seetion had a good
time setting up with those going to the
glory land last woek. l
Simmons Squaw Vine It >r Tablets
Dizziness, prevent and Sick cure Headache Palipitaf f Heart,
tions. > ; Sensa
Jake Tackson, colored mail lost a horse
v fhat was to be mat! byseome
vve were sorry to ‘.earn of Mr. W,
Nortous illness last week.. We hope he is.
fully recovered by this time.
Dr. M. A. Siirimons Liv »r Medicine has
since 1840 steadily risen in public favor,
and the demand for it' f ir exceeds that, of
any other Liver Medicine.
Messu. Adams & Brothers are fixing
up a good job for Mr. W. L. Kendrick.
Will’s house will be a beauty.
If we would give our lands the proper
attention in Taliaferro couuty they would
repay f ir all out lay .or expense..
Cure Stomach Troubles, Cold Feet and
Hana^f Excessive Menstruft.1 Flow, with
Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets.
Our people generally are in a bad shape
for the Coming year. We hope they will
coma out better than they expect.
When you ask for DeiVitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve don’t accept a counterfeit or
imitation. There aie ta«re cases of Files
being cured by this, than all others corn
AadTews <& Dcadwyler Crawfordville,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Judge G. H. Mitchell was in our section
last week collecting taxes. He was
wrapped up so he looked like a gypsie.
If you fee’ Dull, Languid, Broken
Down, Debilitated, have Weak Stomach
or Indigestion, use Dr. M. A. Simmons
Liver Medicine
Jim and Frank Pitman, of Fair Play,
was ia : Mildrajou section last week, ./iin
was on rhe sick list and Frank ou the
courting list.
Mothers, we call your attention to Pitts'
Carminative, It acts promptly, it is
pleasant ro the taste, and the children
will take it without coaxing. It relieves
promptly and permanently, If we can
get you to use it, you will get others to
do likewise. Your druggist seels it.
We hear that Mr. Tom and Bud Brown
arrived at their new home in Texas safe,
The old man hard times was there to
meet them.
Dr. M. A. SimmoDS Liver Medicine
Billy Marlon Kendrick iiad his fine horse
snagged last week. He called in Lon Gil
bert and he fixed him alright. He is a
little lame yet.
However, if you prefer to first test its
won( ] er f u l merits, mention the Advocate
Democrat and write to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., for a, sample bottle
Xtelv ,md book telling bv" all aboufit, both sent ab
free mail.
' '
of , feouih ^ , Georgia, _
Mr. John Furgerson,
is on an extended visit to his mother and
relatives in this section. John has been
sick but is all right now.
Dr. Bull’s
">W the interest of all the pe^e.»
Mr. Ira Ellington was in our section List
week and was quite sick, while here,
X ou may talk about soldiers day, mon
unlental da v > Christmas day and every
other day but Saturday of last week
was Bagby’s day in Crawfordville.
A cough is not like a fever. It
not have to run a certain course. Cure
Cough quickly and effectually with One
Cure, the best remedy for all ages
and for the most severe- cases. We re
commeud it because it’^ good.
Andrews & Dead wyler, Crawfordville.
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
Mr. J, W. McKinney Sr., had a tent
at his house on Tuesday ai d TUmrsday
night of last week people stopping over
with hini going to the land of milk <u.ii'
To settle the Stomach and overcome
the Nausea _ T Prospective
of Mothers, take
Shannons<8qnaw Vine Wine or Tablets.
Mr. William Bay, of the glory land,
also Mrs. Lucy Hendrick's were in to see
ns last week. They like their new home
very mueh. We haye a great desire to
see that land and couuty.
Pains in Head, Neck, Shoulders, Back,
r ront. Sides, Hips and Limbs are readily
cured Tablets. by Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or
" e think all has about gone to the glorv
land that will go from Taliaferro. They
have struck a stump of hard times down'
there. It won’t do boys you better 6e
satisfied with your old tramping ground.
Overcome evil wiih good. Overcome
your coughs and coids with One Minute
Cough Cure. It is so good children cry
for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pueif
monia, grippe and all throat and lungdSs
eases. .
Andrews & Dead wyler, Crawfordville,
l'r. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
IVe saw in the Farmers Lizht and
iumbia Sentinel that Rev. II. E. L, Harrj>
has been chosen pastor of Harlem
church and has accepted, IVe wish
brother Harris much success^ in lys new
field of labor. _
Witch Soothing, . Hazel healing, , . cleansing, DeVote’s
Salye is the implacaob*. esc
my of sores, bums, and woods It never
* aflfftT'■‘‘I
A bold thief. ,, Slldfi *bodt „ t<?n dol
lars worth of goods from J. A. Kendrick
A' liro’s store recently in day time. They
caught up with the buck and we snpposL Staple
he is now in jail. His name was
IVe never heard of any one perishing to
death in this section in fact the most of
us eat too nnich. live too fast and do.vt,
work enough and buy too much on credit.
Y T ou can raise your meat and bread it
borne and you are not competed to bu*r ea^
buggies and fine clothes until you (
afford to on a cash basis.
« D »n.„
Feeling’ after having, M. Constipation A oi
Sicn Headache, use Dr.
Liver Medicine.
Mr. T. F. Kendrick went,tpAhe Tom'
in Atlanta last week. took along
supply of safety pins, lie went along to
shake hands with McKinley and c ther .hig
men of the present day. We would rather
shake hands with such men as Washing¬
ton, .Jackson, Davis, Stephens and others
of that stripe.
.A. T _
G w •
Bears the Ike Kint DOU Have Always Sougnt
JNO. F. HOLDEN, rref*. .T. A. KENDRICK! Vloe-Fi es. M. 1 .ORIFFITH, Cashier.
sTld-Xl :■ CRAWFORDVILLE, .A. { F T^"""
A i General % Banking t Basiness % Transacted,
Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats 1
Caps and Plantation Supplies.
We keep first class Gootls all tl( time and have first class
clerks. We mean basiness and will bpredate your trade.
A Call Will Convi fce You.
Ed. 1 jec. 13th, 1398.
Hci ]so very faithful
in a d : {legislative jit duties
I beg him. There is
n °t a ember in either
branch ssembly. He Is
„ bollt ti l his seat and the
, “ist to le. tour adiourn- .
meat conies He ik»H |isses a roll call;
and he favo.economy 1'.,,- *i„, admiuistra
turn of the state gov f He also
favors low t yjs and i mend of the
m i
immm- f -wAp /- ■ a H
\ /
w. R, R
(By courtesy of Atla j (Onstitution.)
farmer ami-a 11 classes of ,irking peoph —
the poor «s well as the 1 In ali te¬
spects Mr, Toid does his le duly and
honors the people of Tali fro county,
—-tiie the nativejeouaty of the C *.nt Commoner H. Steph¬
laic Governor Alexin tin
ens, the greatest patriot, philanthropist
and etatetuan the South ev< - produced.
Mr. Reid is a very quiet ember bates
a reporter nf the prooeediiij >f the House
of,Representatives I have watched his
votes and they have been i S ht a.,d lor
the interest of all classes of the people. '
I a epohter:
Wll^t Shall p , ,, hi I tv D. cs
f —
A . seriou^ and dangerousd prevails i,
ir this cnmnirv, dangerous L v'**v> de-
The > |i of this disease -hich mi y>
divided ittldi three distinct- stages is, t
Kidney trouible,. Indicated by Jain in the
back, rheuijnatism, lu- wfth baco, frequent d«
sin* to urinate, often a burning *en»a
fcion, the ft :»w of urine being copious or
scant with i strong Odor.
If atlowe i to adflince, this reaches the
Second staqe, or Bladder trouble, with
heavy pain in the abdomen low down be¬
tween the naval and the water passage, in¬
creasing desire to urinate, with scalding
— i* .....
1™ dangerous if neglecfed.
The Third stage is flight’s Disease.
There is eomfoit in owing that Di.
Ki!inftr ’ llle g,eat ki.ney.and b'adiler
specialist has dhmAhd *‘
>mus foi its matvelh.. j ra u » •
j # « d D0Wn '
j pier’s It is hwamp-Koot. sold by all dri 'gists.
As a proof of the onderful virtues of
j t'rjs great discovery, swamp-Root. a satn
! lj>le bottle ana boA i j valuable iujorma
vjon will be sent ali .lately free by mail
i A n application to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
; N. Y. When writing kind
Ik Mention that vq read-this liberal offer
I Iti the Advracate-LAtVi crat.
Tn Advance*
|>: % m ££"2,
▼ ABSOUntEDfftllRE
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
anv.l n.Kisa POWDER
Correspondents’ Reports of Wliat Their
Neighbors Talk
tbe Huppeiilnit* in Tlieir Respective Eo
cslltlcs. All tiie News.
Sunday is Christmas day.
Mrs. Ella Oslin visited in Crawfovd
vilie last week.
Mrs. F. E. Elliott visited Mrs. Henry
Shelton last week.
Some of the farmers in our section are
not through picking cotton.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris paid us a
pleasant call last Sunday evening.
We had some gypsies in our town last
week but they did not stay with us very
Mr. John Sturdivant, of Pearidge, visit¬
ed his brother Will near this place last
Late to bwl and early to tilBut rise, prepares
« iniiii Fnr ftis iuiiiK 1 in
CH Iv to bed and a Little Early Kiser, the
j,u| tlint m.Kc- III. longur aud'Imvo*
"Sr™. * UiMidwylt.r, CWtordv%
l)r. Lawrence Browb.‘Sh#rou.
There will be a iharriage at the Barnett
Methodist clmrch Sunday morning at ll
ocioc,*. „, 4 ., <M ,i. , ...
visited . her .
Mrs. Maude ^tefart pai
w< ek ; ft ,. m ,, pkasallt , h#r . *
t er Snarta. ’
1 ast .
r * °* e nes( "y * or
e L ur > au • c now le el one
i lr ' 1 vvee P in g*
The sooner a cnmjb or co’kJ is cured
without harm to the sufferer the better.
Lingering colds are damrerons. Hacking
cough is distressing. One Minute Cough
Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when
such a cough cure is within reach? It is
pleasant tu (lie taste.
this section.
Miss Lena C. Jackson came home this
W eek fretm Washington to spend Xmas
with j, er parents.
Qur community is getting very slim
anf , if the peop]e keep on moving out it
win be slim sure enough. b
Constipation prevents the body from
ridding itself of waste matter. DelVitt’s
Little Early Risers will remove the
and onto Sick Headache* Bil
bmgnesH. Inactive Liver and clear the
Complexion. Small, sugar coated, 'don’t
cause nausea.
Dr. Andrews Lawjence & Brown, Dcadwyler, Crawfordville.
Messrs Eddie Bagliy and Joe Ellington
and their families left Sunday Jor, their
home in Emanuel couiity.
Miss Leona Jackson returned home
Monday of last week from apleasant stay
with her uncle Mr. Ben- Sharp’s family
of J’owelton. Miss Oleen came with her.
Messrs. J T. Taylor, Charlie and Joe
Griffith, Jim Meadows, Mrs. Mary Tay¬
lor and their families left for their homes
Bullock county last week.
Messrs. Ewell Jackson and Seals Dar¬
den and Misses Emmie Gilbert and An¬
nie Hell Kendrick, of Sharon, paid our
vicinity a flying visit last Sunday after,
Biickh-ns’s Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, ( leers. Sait Rheum, Fever,
Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChillbWins, Corns,
and all Skin Eruptions, and positively,
cures Piles, or no pay reuquired. It is
guaranteed to give satisfaction or money
refunded. Prfee 2*5 cents per box. For
sale by Dr. It. J. Reid.
Mrs, Chapman, Mrs. --. l inch and , Miss ...
Willie Lee Walker will move to Warren
ron after Xmas to make their future
home. We hate to give up these good
ladies but wish them much success.
Will cure a Cough or Cold at once.
It positively relieves all throat troubles.
Small doses. Price 25 cents at druggist*.
NO. 44.
Mr. Frank Huges, of Baytown, diad on
the llth instant and was buried at tin*
Baptist church at that place on the 16th.
Mr. Huges was an old Confederate veter
an and had been in bad health for some
time. His death was quite unexpected,
lie was in Sharon two or tlueedays lieforo
he died. He was a member of the Bap
tist church, Our sympathies ave exlciut
ed the bereaved.
Many a household is saddened by
because of the failure to keep ou hand a
sale and absolutely certain cure for croup
such ins One Minute Cough cure, See
that youi little ones are protected against,
emergency. A Dcadwyler Crawfordville, , ,
Dr. Lawrence Brown, Sharon.
As this will be our last items h r
present year we extend to our friends a
hearty good bye for the year 1893 We
hepe all v\il! take on new life for the com¬
ing year. Our crops haye been short and
all of our people have not prospered Hii.s
year-oil account of short crops and low
ju-ietts. You all see the evil of planting
all c'otlon and you yan now turn over a
new leaf and mix* 'something to eat and
you need not go to the glory laud to do it.
Mrs. IV. J. tharke, McRae, Ga., writes;
know bow 1 (. 0111 Cl «*• 1 . .. . h'digcl
Dr, M, A. $&&£.
,nd ffu„.
Ml M aud ZeiHn *«*'," s Liver HMSSkC Mt 1
ly You the young hear a gr.ut rt^ople e ^cih
farm wl| eic they can cun
mtt d., a HviijBeWcr. Don’t you trackball* know
, ,, t«e hum is the
' and van stop - ..... .
' iMrt.ft V -V' *
huu »||g #asv jyps. You U-tlcr slay fn fn'e
country aft work your daddy’s land, you
will (.j|,g enjay yourself much betlci than sit
a tliree leggedstool looking for
loniebody to come to town.
A Clever Trick.
It certainly looks like it, but there Is
really no trick about it. Anybody can
try it who has Lame Back nnd Weak
Kidneys, Malaria or Nervous Trouble-.
We mean he can cure himself right away
blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells,
Sleeplessness aud Melancholy. It Is
purely vegetable, a mild la*, alive, atta¬
restores the system toils tiaturgl vigor,
Tr ^ Elect ' ic Bitt er8 11,1,1 he convinced that
. boMk
thc ^ ■« * ndrkle worUev -
guaranteed Only 00c a bottle at Dr. K.
j Retd’s Drug'Store. *
Lazy Liver
*‘I I " been troubled a great deal
with <4 id liver, which produces constipa¬
tion. Itouud CASCAKETa tohoall you chiim trial,
for them, arid secured such relief the first
that I purchased cured. I another only supply be and triad was com
plotely shall too to rec
omtnend Casearets whenever J. the Smith opportunity
la presented.” 2P20 Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, A Pa.
*7*i -
pleasant. Pa ratable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
Good, Never Bieken, Weaken, or Gripe. LOe. 2£»c. SOe
lUrihf Ktatd) Cosf»»y, Ckkk|«, MMtntl. S«» T«rk. Tfft
u narantfed by mV druf
(iiU w JMU Tobacco EUbit.
nm &
209 7th St., Augusta, Ga.
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects of
iigbt, grind* tiie proper gim**#* and WAR
KANTS them.
Lensea cut into your fraiae while you wait.
FREE _ Dr _ OF __ r»M«r»r*r CHARGE tclK if you need
• DCtin-tne ui ftiuscs
(QMuAt'ne-A'A- HyO-Z/e^- e>.
AHidUK't. <f« Actual huMoew. No Text Book*.
Short tirtve. C‘kea.p board. Send for Catalogue.
a hJh m and cured Whiskey borne Habit* wub
lll out pain. B*x)k of par
ticnl*rs*ent FREE.
BE&9 b.m.wooixky, M.a
bn. OtSco 11H F. Pryor flt.