The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 23, 1898, Image 2

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    Catarrh Leads
to Consumption.
A Forerunner of the Most
Fatal Disease.
Thouch its offensive features
are sometimes . almost unbearable, ,
few people are aware of the danger
of winch Catarrh is the forerun
ner. Catarrh invariably lead*
Consumption. Growing worse and
worse each winter, those who rely
upon the usual treatment of
sprays, washes and inhaling mix¬
tures find that it is impossible to
check t he disease with these local
applications which only reach the
surface. The offensive discharge
increases all the while, causing a
feeling of personal defilement, and
gets deeper and deeper until it is
The importance of the proper
treatment can therefore he readily
appreciated. But no good what¬
ever cun lie exjwicted from local
applications, as such treatment
never did cure Catarrh, and never
Official 0 ;g« Taliaferro Co
NOTICE AH legal advertising must ho
paid In advance or satisfactory arrange
rnents made at beginning for the pay¬
ment of same.
We will send the Atlanta
twice a-week Journal and the
Advocate-Democrat, both one
year for only <11.75.
Htx, £. S. StMdmaa, lute
of the DeKalb New Era.
was a good man, loved by all.
We are trying to make ar¬
rangements by which we can
give our readers some excellent
continued stories during the
coining year.
Mr. Jonatliau Norcross, term
ed tho father of Atlanta, died
Sunday at the age of 91 years.
Ho has owned the corner where
llatnmack, Lucas Sc Ho s store is
iu Atlanta since that part of the
city was in the woods.
President McKinley lias glori¬
fied himself with the Veterans of
the South by advocating the
government’s looking after their
graves. Dr. Hull of Macon pin
nod a Confederate badge on the
President’s coat Monday and lie
wore it while there.
The Georgia Legislature ad¬
journed last Saturday night.
They did very well did not do
a great deal and that is what
they should be praised for.
They kept down appropriations
very well and they ho}»e by their
acts the state taxes will be re
duced greatly for next year.
*ItK> lUward. $iU0.
The readers of this paper will
be pleased to learu that- there, U
at least one dreaded disease that
scieooe has been able to cure in
all itsstages. aud that is Catarrh
Hall's Catarrh Cure is the otm
positive cure known to the medi
cad fraternity. Catarrh being s
constitutional disease, requires* Hall’*
constitutional treatment. internally.
Catarrh Cure is taken
acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the sys
tern, thereby destroying ths
foundation of the disease, and
. .
giving the patient strougtit oy
building up the oonsutuuoo and
S,« h S
DoU«. for Any
weure. r«nd for liM of W
SsS^KasrM*— -
“I had such a spvpre ea*p of Catarrh
that 1 lost inj hearing in one par, and
part of the bone in my nose slouched
ofY. 1 was constantly treated with
sprays and washes, but each winter
the disease seemed ts> have a firmer
hold on nip. I had finally been de
clnred incurable when I decided to
try S. S. 8. It seemed to g<*t right at
the of the disease, and cured me
permanently, for I have had no touch
“M».. Jomcph.n.
“Due West, 8. C.”
Those who have had the first
touch of Catarrh
will save endless
m suffering l>y tak
«r T mg the right
£ remedy at the
outset, Others
IR rag who have for
W years sought re¬
lief and found only disappoint¬
ment in local treatment will find
it to waste f further . time
wise no
ou sprays, washes, inhaling mix
and cure it permanently.
Hooks sent, free by the Swift
cuupuuy. oa.
Robbed Them.
It is reported hero that some
unknown jiaaties went to the
h „ mco(the MiwM8 Battle, at
Barnett, a few nights ago and
robbed these old ladies of $150
in money, We could not get
particulars, but the act seems to
be a heinous crime of some
heartless men. either white or
colored. The Misses Battle are
aunts of Messrs. Lawrence and
Jim Battle of Warren ton.
Two Pointed Questions Answored.
What is the use in making a
,v »«' '<”• • ■
<«e pUWi
.he better, so that while om
in the aggregate. public
How can you get the to
know your make is the best.* 1
If both articles are brought
prominently before the public and
Both are certain to be tried
the public will very quickly and only pass
judgement on them use
the better one.
This explains Cough Remedy.
Chamberlain’s it
The people have been using
for years and have found that it
can t always be depended take upon,
rhey may occasionally novelty up
with some fashionable
Hit forth with exagerated claims,
m, are certain to return to the
one remedy that they know to
wliMe wd for cou B h., t t-oldk
and croup there is nothing equal
to Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
For sale by Dr. R J. Reid.
—Mr. W. P. Harris . came up
from a drumming tour in South
east Georgia, a few days heie^’ ago.
and will spend Christmas
— Mr. Dau Spraltin, one of the
victims of the ill fated battleship
and was a relative ! r ' t M " YcTZS& of Col. Mdlton.
of tins place,
Buy yourself a suit of clothes
from Greenesboro Shoe and
Clothing Company and get a
nice watch to give the boy for
a Xmas present.
—Mrs. Susie Peacock came up
from Teunille VV B d», S d.y to
spend the holidays with her par¬
ents. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Mann,
in this county.
who have fi „ ,
Those not x t
their this years account must do
so by Jan. 1st or there will be
more trouble m the land.
J - S. Barnwell,
—Mr. C. Bergstrom looks for
business to open up better w ith
the new vear. Good idea. If
everv bodv looked at it that way
ther 4 WO uld be no doubt about
You R ill »«-d -som. fire
ri. 1°** Yoo ‘ che^r
s u , • ,. ou
Tki (*■«* Mttl« fill*.
regular issue foe year 1998.
Next week we wssue a paper
but not our regnedition. We
extend thanks 11 our
patrons and in jreciation of
their continuance ,at h r
we expect to OXert
to the ,
large and COStly HOW
we have just put in
work to the gOO< L
. enabling ... tc.
til US
better paper, bet*
delivered more t
better our support
paper W ^1 be.
To onr correspo c
tend our thanks ■4 cong .„u
l at e them on thei) “prts t‘ keep
us P^ted . , in t respective
sections. We ho to heaifrom
them oftener dun • 1899.
To both corrfrl’Guden s and
patrons we extenf a ^ ,ea; Y
for IUI their health neaiui, happine iS and
hat theu ,. future
prosperity, and t
He cannot wait U u % trany , 0,t -
drawn-out Stor !> 1 !yfto
Sa,"or^£T f f ■’ m ,
, , ,,.,, nts t n
be well. 11^ Ascription ,can be cured, and
wr j te out a be
send in your bi ,< So here.’.,
first part of the proposition golden Medical
Dr. Pierce’s hunter
Discovery is a m iicrobe
and killer. \ ,y persons of
blot ’ encourage
breaking out o .jinsightly going sores, t f >
to prevent the < sease need of
the lungs. Th^ re is no
this state of drt iad aud discom
a..M asu cent, of
CO very” will cu re 98 per
. Mr , a Mre", s
sick c is^now lre t„* ErSSV? with s^iell.
Griffith down a
It is not typhoid fever and the
first sickness that family have
had in ten years.
Million* GIthi Away.
It \* cersainlv gratifying to the public ,
lokn()W ( >f one concern in the land needy |who
no t »fra»d to bo generous to the
Hre proprietor* of Dr.
and suffeiing. Tho
King’s New Discovery tor Coasuntp ,
Coughs and Goto*. taa«e give* *w»y ov
million trial boitlw ot: tb» *
,cine, and*th«*.ti.f.cti«of »s
u has absolutely Asthms, cured Ih |ou»nds
less cases.
ness and alt diseases of ’ ,|
and Lungs aw surely cured by 1.
on Dr. R. J. tl
iris! bottle free. Reguia si« 5 - •
Oftmtfi •» Crtmwt, Clo>re»»
Qcksmov 18.—Can Or .an clover be
gown in the spring, a» ia it a good
^ tarn under for «pr<mng the
ia, u ir How much seed w ^e acrer
xssweb ia—German cover i* not
adapted tot is spring from sowing the Utter Th» part ^ of
time to sow
August until October, though it may
be sown still later. Theaif.'nnt of seed
should be about 15 « •»
nur acre
- Ih *
Wlth the exce ptlon of
is which at the sou ^
no cron, proving
. nt service in ui
^ an d it* cuHurs does Utter
w tth the growth of summer crops
the same land. Unlike other clover
ou perfecting C*
annual and after
in tb« spring, dins down- Iftha
growth petering ts good and and cutting care U »k«» ^
but o(i r u r ^
vatM. aud when this is takan off
doTM will spring up aud the plants
^ ^ coveir tho land.—State Agrioul-
Loan* Made on lands.
We have recently made ar¬
rangements to negotiate loans
ou lauds in Taliaferro County at
very low rates atffi any person
desiring to obtain loans on
three and five vears time sho^d
Cii n ou U s.
Hokacf. A Cari. Holdkn.
im 014 Um.
o.. airi, * w ' i “—
c «~ ?
recommend Pin* C«*
I can not
ioative loo atronglr- I EBU»*
>v*e m y baby * lit* to it
I earnestly ask all mothers
Aave sickly or delicate children
g \ bout* and see what the
to s Respectfully.
a will be MURRAY.
I JobMoa s Station. G*.
? oMs' Oarntlnaffvo
/'*nWWt< vUri , r , TTONS
wrte to either of the undersigned.
‘°*?£lT h ' V. IT'"
A'iK"8ta, Oa.
Atiant* Athen*.
W.W C. F. A.
S. A.
Macon. ®»
M.K. S.F. »P. A.
S. F. a. Augusta.
® 5
a “
Ajtent(r actually getting rich; so can yon.
0ne A ^„ n t,in day, de»red si.tao
r,oo»» »f,.d c-t-io«u. free on » Pl> ncatioo.
AlpiM© Safe & Cycle Co.
And if ^Educational Home School,
i —
oim & and young ladies.
C.or. Lafovette Ave. and Charks St.
Baltimore, Aid. Barthold Meyer, Prin.
CatalL^’e Specilivtjie* turnished Piano, upon Vocal application. Culture,
d Instruments, Languages, Elo
cutbiE finches. with Literature, Number Art of and boarding Eng
Hg)l /limited. Uneceptional home
omfprts - 0l,eDS ^ 8th - ls98 ‘
t« cure, or we refund mone*.
Igbr hutkl kanlJV... h«t»»
T Letters Atfpr«j of 01 Dismission UlSmiSSIOn
Whereas John P. Moore sdministra
tor of Enos Moore deceased represents to
es|at0 . This j 8 therefore to cite »)1 per¬
sops concerned, kindred and creditor*, to
sbf.w cause, tf any they can. why saidad
™ , s n £|® r i nistraUon^an^ receit^i in.laiumry, letters of
^jsinissimt oil thefiist Monday Ordinary.
Us99 . 6 EO. H. MITCHELL.
Daniel Springs,
Pctomc. - Penn'S, Ga.
The Be*t 1 ealth Re.*ott in the South.
Cottage real aril Hotel board very reason
Covenient by Hack or private oenve
gnees from Craw ford ville or l uion Point.
Daily mail al the Springs—Pena’s, Ga.
h ypnanng —RATES —
AmumuiQv Per Day. 81.00,
Ontfll Pei Wi-ek. *
IlUltJl. ^ and S5.00,
A. Proprietor, J. ADKINS, 163 lariettaSt.
eio Mill« A r.n.r.K.1
° n *
in making your
Things that Will Please.
Shoes Handsome to fit and Suits please from the » anmllest 5 -« «> d eWld to and Cufis, ‘(^’'{j.^to Shirts N.ce
ma „ and
f £3 Gloves,
In Fact Everything
make a substantial Xmas Present
In fact everything that goes , . happ y. Call on us and we
°-fi •„„„ .v.ot will make yo-u feel ricn ana ppy Wishing p. V erv y one a
a &t . ? that mean what we say
SppTxmal vince you we
w ’ areyo " rs “
S 1 IO 6 ft tlOlfl &
__________—-------- -
^ BUgglBS, ^ -« rsn /Vll AC
HaMUBS, HaflieSS, 1 ^ 8 , llgOIlSl
I have opened up in your town a
of Harness, Saddles, Rndles, Lin, ,
line Lap Robes, Collars, Colla
Breeching Breecmn 0 Whips, 1M ^ Qils and everything
Pads, Harness e
I also
“ ^ an
tO arrive 111 a ' * These
ntflPl’ Cai* ^
so come if you want a
Hides^BeeTwarindWoo^ Sree " °*
Store, West Side of Square,
Formerly occupied by Mr. T. Richards.
JLVLgVLSta, O-eorgia.
These shipwrecked sailors are
anxious to escape from the islan i
upon which they have been CJ: '.
There is a ship concealed in ti e
m picture which will enable them to
do this. Can you find the shi: J
If so, cut out the picture, me
the outlines of the ship wr v
pencil, and forward to HoWa ,
AiNSLEE & Co., 8t Fulton Stic .
New York, and they will send you a SILK AMERICAN ¥LA
8X12 inches in size, postpaid and free of all expense, provided \
enclose with your solution fifty cents, to pay ^
for six months’ subscription to AINSLEE’S ■
MAGAZINE, the most phenomenal success 1
MAGAZINE in its line ever has published. 128 PAGES, AINSLEE’S elegantly | 1
illustrated, conceded to be the equal of many
of the highest priced magazines, and contains Ky
J. Weyman, H
stories bv Anthony Hope, Stanley
Opie Read. Bret Harte, Robert Barr, Col.
Richard Henry Savage, etc.—the greatest
writers of the age. It is a most remarkable magazine, and is wo:
many times the subscription price. months by
Remember, the magazine will be sent y° u s * x m.
postpaid, for 50 CENTS. The flag is given to you free of -i
additional expense, as a prize for solving the puzzle.
SI fulton Street. New Yor':.
PRINTING Of Any Style neatly
Executed at the
Crawfordville, Ga.