Newspaper Page Text
is Palis?!
In tho Back? |
Then probably the kidneys, j
In the Ghest?
Then probably the lungs. £ •
fit the Joints ?
Then probably rheumatism.
No matter where it is, nor what
kind; you need have it no longer.
It may be an hour, a day, or a
year old; it must yield to
pccoo^a f £
piaster *
Immediately after applying it yon
feel its soothing, warming, strength¬
ening power.
It quiets congestion; draws out
It is a new plaster.
A new combination of new
remedies. Made after new
methods. Entirely unlike any
other plaster.
The Triumph of Modern Medical
The Perfected Product of years of
Patient Toil.
Placed over the chest it is a
powerful aid to Ayer’s Cherry Pec¬
toral in the treatment of all throat
and lung aiTections.
Placed over the stomach, it stops
nausea and vomiting; over the
bowels, it controls cramps and colic.
Placed over the small of the back,
it removes all congestion from the
kidneys. and greatly strengthens
For sale by all Druggists.
J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mas*.
Tried to Climb It.
It is said that a veteran got to
feeling exceptionally good last
Saturday and tried to climb the
Confederate Monument, Fail
ing in this he tried to make a
speech. The question is who
was he?
Sold Cheap.
There were some more stock
sold’’' re Saturday at hard
•a. mule and horse
'"WCt ght $5 each and a buggy and
^Sss brought $6. Such
th,_gs are selling cheap now and
next spring the same property
will sell for much more.
Good Appointments.
Hon. Alfred Herrington, of
Swainesboro, has been appoint¬
ed Judge of the city court in his
county and Col. Frank Fitchell,
of the same city, formerly of
Crawfordville, has been appoint¬
ed solicitor of the same court.
These gentlemen are well quali¬
fied for the places they fill, and
we congratulate these people.
This Is Y our Chance.
Messrs. Martin & Griswold the
ne ^ firm who opened up here a
ftsw weeks ago have had a trade
beyond their expectation. Now
they propose to close out their
goods at greatly reduced
See their supplement with this
paper and call early and get
what you want at the lowest
Week of Prayer.
Fearing that the announce¬
ment, which is to be made, next
Sunday, at the Baptist church
will not reach all parties; we
publish it below, in our county
paper: has
The first week in January
been A apart by the W. M. U.,
as „ week of prayer. We earn
estly desire, that others, than
the W. M. U-, yea that every
christain, in our community,
spend one hour each day in
special prayer, for the arousing
of our people to a sense of their
obligations to both God and man;
. u bring in all u “ le s
into the storehouse. Though all , ,
do not meet with, still there can
go up a united petition to the
throne of grace for‘‘Shower of
blessings” this year, (1899) on
God’s cause. W\ M. S.
Best CUBES Cough Syrup. AIL Tastes ELSE Good. JAILS.
druggists._ ■ L
25 in time. Sold by
Pure Ho ne 'Matters Pick id Up by Oat
jocal Reporters
What Oar Poople Are Li.icg and Saying;,
riling. Our Fries<1. Tell 1*.
“I owe my success to the newspapers,
and to them I freely give a certain profit
of niv yearly business,” says John Wan
—Some report potatoes rotting
real fast.
—Everybody getting ready
for Christmas.
—Ginneries are running on
full time this week.
—J. C. Peek has moved from
this section to Atlanta.
—Plenty of Christmas mud
and slash already here.
—Let’s bury the cry of hard
times with the year 1898.
—The editors and devils will
have vacation next week.
The Alliance Store is the
place to buy Xmas Goods.
—Miss Ciemmie Adams has
returned from her visit to Atlan
—Can’t you make the editor a
present of that little you owe
—Mrs. Hattie Maltbie has re¬
turned from a visit to Wilkes
—We have bad some Christ¬
mas weather already in this
—The chances for Christmas
trees and holiday entertainments
seems to be slim.
—Jack Beazley returned from
Mercer Monday night to spend
the holidays here.
—The top of the walls of the
new Holden building have been
capped with cement.
—John H. Stephens, I and II,
spent Sunday last at Stephens,
in Oglethorpe county.
—A great many cotton seed
hulls and meal are being used in
this section this season.
The Alliance Store is still
selling nice fancy candy, and
cocoanut jap, at 10c per lb.
-In spite of the cry of hard
times our merchants are having
a very good trade this week.
—Mr. G. C. Alford and family
are welcomed ho onr town. They
are living on Reynolds street.
We will sell buggies, wagons,
Harness and Saddles on time,
until next fall. J. S. Barnwell.
—Mr.Luther A. Boline and his
mother, both of Washington,
spent Sunday in Crawfordville.
—Miss Alice Van Horn left
here this week to make her ho ne
with relatives in South Carolina.
—Miss Eclipse Coilins went to
South Carolina Wednesday
where she will spend some time.
The 15c candy at the Alliance
Store is a hummer; a big rush is
being made for it, before it is all
—Mrs. Ollie Sherrer, of
Wilkes county, has’ been on a
visit to Mrs. Hattie Maltbie in
this place.
C. Bergstrom has the larg¬
est selection of Christmas goods
in this section. Don’t buy until
you see them.
—Mrs. M. A.' Sanford went up
R ome Wednesday. She car
ried Mr. Vince T. Sanford’s
children home,
—Mrs. Dr. H. F. White has
returned from Stephens and re¬
ports little Linton Howard get¬
ting on very well.
—Miss Mary Jennings, of At¬
lanta, came down Wednesday to
spend a few days with relatives
and friends here.
To arrive this week, a car of
fine and cheap open and top Bug¬
gies. J. S. Barnwell.
—Charlie Reid is here spend¬
ing Christmas with his family
and friends. He will soon com¬
plete his studies in pharmacy.
There is no use putting it
off. You need a Buggy; come
and see us. Cash price or on
time. J. S. Barnwell.
—There was a considerable
rush in tax-paying up to lues
daj , „( this week There will b«
a good many fi fa's to be issued.
^ geUled or satisfllctory ar
rangements made by Jan. 1st
■ accoun ts will be turned over to
an attorney for collection.
Holden & Co.
—Mrs. Wood who has been
visiting her brother, Mr. Frank
Janes, in this county, returned to
her home at Cedar town Tuesday.
XMAS 1898
The following to offer my Taliaferro friends AT THEIR OWN PRICE:
$5,000 Stock of Furniture.
$1,200 Worth Toys.
1000 Novelties.
300 Smyrna Rugs.
Washington, Georgia.
Preached Sunday.
Rev. H. A. Norman preached
his first sermon here Sunday as
pastor of the Crawfordville cir¬
cuit. He is an excellent gentle¬
man and will be much admired
by our people. He will board
in Crawfordville and we extend
him a hearty welcome.
A romantic marriage occurred
here last week. The* young
couple was Miss Marie O'Brien,
of this city, and Mr. Hye Hubert
of Harlem. Mr. Hubert came to
Atlanta to attend the Peace
bilee, and while here the
decided, on account of objection
on the part of the bride’s par
ents, to be married secretly.
This they did, and left at once
for Harlem, their future home.
Mrs. Hubert has a number of
friends in Atlanta who will be
interested in the news of her
marriage. Mr. Hubert is a pros
perons young business man o
Harlem.—Atlanta Journal.
Mr. Hardin Norris; clerk of tb
drug store of R. Shoemaker
Perry, Ill., says: i * A man cam
into our store the other day an
said, ‘I want a bottle of that stu
that saves children's lives,
read in the News about it. Th
children may get sick when w
can not get the doctor quit
enough. It’s the medicine yc
sell for croup.’” He alluded 1
Chamberlain’s Cough Remet
and bought a bottle before, 1
left the store. F^r .-^%*by D
R. J. Reid.
Our stock of OH. GrOODS
are being rapidly sold, anxious
that every piece shall he ing the
next two days, In orde j / ’ special
attention will he given >artment
Friday and Saturday, an /
Very Ex La it
Inducements will he offered to al
who buy these goods.
Remember we have everything that
SANTA CLAUS needs for the little folks.
Crawfordville Alliance Store.
Wllji iet ’Em Yet.
Judge S. L Rhodes, a gentle¬
man ihe who hasGpeen oilelectric looking lights into for
our town, sa,4 that the matter is
not dead by fly means and that
ere long the st ie ts of Craw ford
ville will twin'ii’ie w jth electric
lights. He sa \ as SO on as mat¬
ters is i r* are au| ijjj a t the proper
tiraje the lights b e establish
ed. :
■ j.,- Yt £ “Id.
ff- _ B ' * T J sl '°y ed ,
| ***• ^ V > eontam.dg: 2 a
. «><*• C \ ”» N *“7 " ho
» 8 ‘ >,«*”* ’»• T|M cover ’
.leit wi k wofe” Mrs. Reid’s
s then Miss
; an old piece
elic that the
le of Stephens
' well in their
night at the
The “Dea
as well pre
es connected
•tree “A Pair
well. Roger
Gorham per
‘ Uncle Joe tt
ud pussons”
of all. Tha
ich better at
c \xes at 60c.
g Store.”
Brightest Items from Near by
To tlte Credit of the Excellent County
Journals from Which We (let
the Creamy News.
—Mr. W. A. Smith died in
Oglethorpe last week.
—Greenesboro’s waterworks
are nearly ready for use.
—One farmer near town has
three hundred bales unsold.—
Oglethorpe Echo.
—Many farmers in Greene re¬
port fields of cotton not having
been picked over.
150 Rugs 30x60 Inches at
$1. Johnson’s ‘ Big Store.”
—Mr. E. W. Davie and Miss
Nellie Williams were married in
Oglethorp last week.
—Mrs. J. W. Brake is visiting
in Taliaferro county, this week.
—Sparta Ishmaelite.
An immense stock of Furni¬
ture that must be sold. We pay
freight. Johnson’s “BigStore. I i
—A negro woman stole cloth
and bolt of fine ribbon from
Greenesboro stores last week.
—Mrs. H. T. Evans is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. As
bury, in Taliaferro county.—
Her aid-Journal.
If you want a good Lee
Range cooking stove, No. 8, very
cheap, call at the Advocate-Dem¬
ocrat office right quick.
—Revenue officers captured
Mr. Hayuie Harper aud 100
gallons of low wine in Wilkes
county last week
—Miss Mary Rives, Mr. Chas.
Cary, and Miss Mary Lou Lamar
and Mr. Ed. Wiley were married
in Hancock last week.
—A father and son were re¬
cently married to a mother aud
daughter in this county. Pure¬
ly a family affair.—Oglethorpe
J. M. Denham, of White
Plains, is buying cows and
paying Highest Market prices
for them.
e Ogleihorpe Echo has
found a number of green head
wild ducks in that section—the
tucks are a sigu of a hard
—A negro by thenameof West
Evans, just over in Green coun¬
ty, stole a bale of cotton from
Mr. Fluker’s gin-house and sold
it in Crawfordville, but the cot¬
ton was gotton up with and the
negro put in jail.—Woodstock
cor. Echo.
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy can al¬
ways be depended upon and is
pleasant and safe to take. Sold
by Dr. R. J. Reid.
—Rev. J. L. Gross, of Wash¬
ington, requested his church to
reduce his salary, that he may
share with them the losses of the
times. Brother Gross deserves
a monument for his unselfish
recognition of a truth which is
hidden from some ministerial
eyes.—Sparta Ishmaelite.
We pay Freight Johnson’s on
all Orders.
“Big Store.”
After saying‘‘Capt. C. E. Ir¬
vin accepted a bushel of sweet
potatoes for a $200 debt of five
year’s standing the other day. *
* * A Tyrone merchant enticed
a woman from her home so he
could load up with her husband’s
corn for debt ¥r * * Mr. Joe
Franklin tried to get a negro to
let him have a’possum dog for
a debt he owned, ” the Washing¬
ton Reporter says “things are
not as bad in Wilkes as in Talia¬
ferro.” Taliaferro people have
not heard of anything here to
match the above.
Pains in the chest when a per¬
son has a cold indicates a tenden
cy toward pneumonia. A piece
of flannel dampened with Cham
berlain’s Pain Balm and bound
on to the chest over the seat of
pain will promptly relieve th
pain and prevent the threaten*
attack of pneumonia. This sai
treatment will cure a lame b:
in a few hours. Sold by Dr.
J. Reid.
Our Honor Roll.
The following kind patrons ha
their subscriptions since our last it paid
E. T. Nunn, 33 c. to Jan. 7 .<y .8fcje:
N. M. Humphrey 70 c. to Dec ')•
Ira Chapman |i to Jan. 22 i< .. 17 ’9*
Bear* tbs The Kind You H r a ,
Signature 4i»
“Saved Her Life.”
m m A
»// 1 a
w/m mm
M R8. JOHN WALLET, of Jefferson,
Wls., than whom none Is more highly
esteemed or widely known, writes.
"In 1890 I had a severe attack of LaGrippe
and at the end of four months, in spite of alt
physicians, friends and good nursing could
do, my lungs heart and nervous system were
so completely wrecked, my life was de¬
spaired of, my friends giving me up. I could
only sleep by the use of opiates. My lungs
and heart pained me terribly and my cough
was most aggravating. I could not lie in
one position but a short time and not on my
left side at all. My husband brought me
Dr. Miles’ Nervine and Heart Cure and I be¬
gan taking them. When I had taken a half
bottle of each I was much better and contin¬
uing persistently I took about a dozen bot¬
tles aud was completely restored to health to
the surprise of all."
Dr. Miles’ Remedies ’Dr.
are sold by all drug¬ c'Mile*’
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re¬ r f^estorMp,
funded. Book on dis¬ Health aJ
eases of the heart and g,
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL GO., Elkhart, Ind.
—Mr. W. J. Norton and force
of hands are back from Wash¬
ington, having completed Mr.
Jas. R. Asbury's residence in
that place,
—Rev. P. G. Veazey, will
preach at Jennings church near
here Sunday morning at the
usual hour for services, All in
(■o to Farming.
Do you want to buy or trade
for a farm? If so, write us for
descriptions of some of our bar¬
gains. Let us know what kind
of place you want, how much
you can pay and upon what terms’
you wish to buy. We can meet
your requirements. bargains
We have many farm
for sale in Tennessee, North
Carolina and North Alabama.
Our places range in price from
$300 to $25000. We have been in
the business of selling farms ex¬
clusively for ten years. We are
thoroughly familiar with values
and conditions throughout this
section. If you want to buy, it
will pay you to consult us.
Write for our list of farms for
sale. Sent free to any address.
Crabtree’s Farm Agency ,
Chattanooga, T< jnut
Cotton Market.
The following is the Crawf<
prices, corrected every Thursday;
Low Middling...... i 1-3
Strict Low Middling 8
Middling ......... 4 1 -10
Strict Middling ... ,,.,15.1(1
Good Middling ..... ... 5 3-10
Administrator L Sale.
gTATK OF GEORG’ .A, Taliaferro
County. Ordinary By virtue if order of
the Court of of said County, will
be sold before Hie eour Louse door in
Crawfordville in said ( „ within the
legal hours of sale, to 'jnwMtf jjigRqst bidder
for cash, the first 'I ^ in January,
on u ,. v | u v
1 Hi)!), all the right, tit Jean(1 f,arrest-which
the estate of John ,1. K* nt, deceased* has
("the same being Rachel ait” /ers ,ooTity Iptemt at,
the death of widow of said
deceased) in and * ^ a j^hnl ,| oW( .r tract of
land assigned to s Kent, widow
of said deceased, j„-i,e lands of said de¬
ceased, District. situated ' lViJ „' tt „d twins <n said tl ."'
901st Georgia Militia, in
county, being i lying cn both
skies of the | y, M(J road leading from
Crawfordville CttHliepsBaptist church,
bounded on ? , . | aI1( | K «( the estate
of said deceit ‘ * East by lands of
the estate o' on Ul< , deceased, the
,Aa Hall, on
South by I Jberty Mall lot, on the West
by IhiiiIh o’ : Jr mes F Reid and containing
ninety nix by survey.
This tl acres
Atlini nlstimtrl* of John J. Kent deceas
Tb a New York World,
p-ioltobed every Attfrn»Li l»»y except S«»
Rv '
Thrice*a-Week Edition of The
The World is fir*t among all
New Y'ork size, frequency oi
hi- pn<* ot»
! %£&£??&£?£ weekly • Its political news is prompt
monopolies anti for the l*''P e . , d
having special correspoi idence from allim
the globe. It has
by are., complete ..
capital humor page, the household
market Td departments for special de¬
woman s work and other
partments 1 wTofierthls of unusual interest. and
unequaled newspaper together one
The Advocate-Democrat regular subscnption
vear for #1.65. The
price ol the two papers is