The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 23, 1898, Image 4
9 oo Drops C ASTORIA _________A ■ ... ______________ ''' ' 1 ‘ i AV^JetabJe Preparation Regula¬ for As - slmilating the Food and ting the Stomachs and Bowels of I M AN I S /( HILDKDN ikessandRest.Contains PromotesDigestion.Cheerful- neither Opnim,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. __ mu n- uKinjircaza MrJmn* * KMUSJu Amit Stmd • A perfect Remedy Stomach.Diarrhoea, for Constipa¬ tion. 5our jConvukions ish Worms .Fever ocss and Loss of Sleep. Tec Simile Signature of CtLfy/z&Z* NEW YORK._ Alb months old J5 Dosrs -JjCtNrs “it EXACT C0PV or WRAPPER. L. S. JACKSON, Remember I am still in business and . . • Keep Everything at Prices to Suit the Times. Come to See Me I Can Show You Better than I Can Tell You. L. S. JACKSON, Sharon, Ga. —r FALL 1898. As the season has arrlvcsl, so our Fall Stock is now complete in every department. We take the opportunity to inform the public of the iceeption of our Fall 1’lothlng, consisting Indeed of the very best woolens made Into the latest and most stylish suit designs. There are many who would like to tuke advantage of the time to make a choice selection of a Suit,"Overcoat or Hat from the many varieties on hand before the rush of thr season begins. It will afford 11s great pleasure and will Ik- adelightful task to show you the many new and handsome suits in our men’s and our children’s de¬ partment. Mr. W. A, Wright will be glad to see you. I. C. LEVY’S SON & CO., Tailor-Fit Clotniers, Augusta, Ga. When You Need Lumber, Laths, Lime, Shingles. Moulding*. Doors. Sash, Blinds, Cement, Piaster Paris, Plastering Hair, Sewer Pipe for your well or ditches. Jars for your Lard, Jugs for your Syrup, etc., Bolts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Doors or Blinds, Nalls. Isx'ks, Coat or Hat Hooks. She f Brackets or anything else vou may need in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with tue. Washington Manufacturing Co M W ASH 1 NGTON, G EG KG 1 A. They wi!* nive you right prices every time you call on them - I Oxydonor! (Trmle Mark Registered Nov. 24 . ’ 96 . The New Life-Giver. Promotes Vigorous Health by instilling * »XYGEN from the air into i he Mini cures nil forms of disease without ..... ........ .. Prices of OXYDONOKS greatly re dneed. Get the genuine, made hr the iTnZ™ * nd invrnU ’ r ' 1>r ‘ ,krcul " Book of particulars and price list free. Address Di H. Sanche, Ml Fifth Aw, New lork. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what It was mad® tor. CUSTOM! For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the % Signature % The 1 VA You Have Always Bought. THC CINTAUM OOMMNV, NIWVOM ClTV. COMPLETEfwlSin5SS5 MILL OUTFITS. (itn, ( Hnr Mill autl ShlnRli* Outfit*. Birtldfft(gr, KrMtft* Castings. Factory. Furnace and Katlr.vad Rallrv^ad. Mill. Machinist#'ami Fa*-U>nr v uy*pltf«. Bolting. raclrtt’K, Kitting*, S«» s. Fllr'tfk Ollt»!i. Etc. Q3T<'ast dexy: t cork ISO hands. LOMBARD IRON WORKS* SUPPLY CO.. AUGUSTA t UA. Alll RCpilDC H « ■ jli ML I nlllO ■ ■ o| SAWS RIBS BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, &c., FOB ANT MAKS OF «IM. FNG'NES. BOILERS AND PRESSES And R.nalr® for ®am. ShafttBf, J*»ney». *•:**»*, lnipic*.'r®. Pip®®. VaiTw sad Klwlag®. LOMBARD IRON WORKS k SUPPLT CO, Al Ot STi, 6A. Wants a Di msary. ij r Editor:— ! ! * _ As one who reads ywr paper an<J note. the Temperance Column each wejek. 1 desire to sa ^ a few " ,rds 0n the 5, t jeC After a personal esp«nence in dry , towns and blind tigers. I an convinced from observing the workings of the dispensary system that in this isibe true solution of the whiskey orobleri and a better »olu li<jn than local optioi or bars, there are several . reasons: In the first place I-iay down the sit,on that a well conducted dispensary under strict municipal control reduces drinking from 1-3 lo'/i- 2nd It prevents social treating to a Urge extent by profiting I drinking on ' the premises. ird It takes the enJtyd vlliskey question if proper la*s are in ,U establish ment a. nearly out f municipal politics as possible. onl'| . 4th. It opens uring sunshine jand prevents night orgil t ■ 5th. It is a guap nt e« again.t poispn ous tobacco juicejN 1 pepper to help whiskiei. take 6th. The profits. go pay s for the citizens a diverts the pro its from the pocket! ^ individual to 1 he good of all. have 7th. Dispensar gies proven iiji Geor¬ gia where annua reached 814 ,000 00 that #34. in ej^rv ,00 ' 00 was net pro fit above expenses 1, - credit of the* -ow n. The Dawson DisT 9ar y *" one ye»|r hits reduced taxes ii le town and cloun< y $2.00 per thous The Camilla Dii» pensary, paid a jit on 814,000,00 gro.« w sales over $2,00 to the town in 1896«. The Fort Game '’penury Pfid a bou» t 82.500.00 salts if known, but a safe : es - timate in all is o profit nj, e re / 8100.00 gross • considerable tra Stead of a coutii is a thing that inducements or as a necessary e devil to digging of all. This question by the people make their taf ligh er. Don't Tobnee® S|> To quit tobacc netic, lull of life, Hue, the wonder -i strong. All druv toed. Booklet Sterling Remedj H 1 News is scar C S. and wi family,, sment Mr. Ran S? hurt; he is ge Mr. R. L. B Sunday with wife. Mrs. W. D. 1 been visiting h Nash. ♦ Mr. and Clin Miss Nettie 4 parents. Mr. John Gr Atlanta wheie best girl. One of Mr. came very near Satur. a \ Mrs. J- T. F ; Miss Rosa spet, Mr. Mr. B H. Bbsti th» Sign.tar® Ud / of Mrs. M. M. i Miss Rosa spe ster in-law, Mrs. C Will Jackson he dwelling of Mr. while the famil The burglar secured! 1 and potatoes. He by Mr. A. S. .Rich to Mr; W. I). I’ arried him to jail in \ night. t Sore % ■ Sore throat am n ? 3 J dieate an affe< tubes which mt 6 Cough Syrup a couc UP Cures Hoarseness v rhroat. Doses are small »nJ pleasant to t. e. Doctora At uldtU8g15 " Wart® em Bara Qrasrios.—I iave Please two aiulee with Warts on their ears sell best method of removing tham. Answer. —Thef* are varicus methods recommended for removing warts. The best plan, however, is to cat then off with a sharp knife, and either bora the place where cat vdth a hot iron or wash it for several days with acetic acid. The warts are simply attached to the skin aud will not return if treated as di¬ rected— State Agricultural Department, CASTOR I ■ ■ I ■ A • » For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Hlie Always Bought Bears the Signature of Dwtroying Wild Onion*. Qctestiov 14 .— How can I get rid of fh^wiM oniona k* ve this trouble every spring. answer 14 .—Thia inquiry comes up **» _ nner " U,? regularity every spring .nrint» and we underhand from experience of having to throw in the ri <>P s gallons of milk, rained by the **rat of the onions which the cows have eaten. These plants are among anpear Ppe when the spring weather begins to encourage vegetation aud ior thls reason, as w as rum fact that cattle are fond of them, milk cow * should not be turned into a pas ture in which they have gained a footing The cows, so long deprived of tender «**«“ iood wiU eagerly seek out the > onion, and devour them. The only P lttn we know of is to plant some crop » n Perior growth, such as cowpeas or crimson clover, which has a tendency *> supercede the onion growth and to cut this crop before the “buttons” on top <*t the onions have time to form. By this plan we accomplish a twofold purpose. The onions are prevented from forming additional roots, and the “buttons" can¬ not mature to be scattered for another crop. If a cultivated orop is planted, this will also tend to destroy the onions, the roots being plowed np during the oourse of cultivation, but the process of eradication is necessarily a slow one. If either of the above plans (or both, because a cultivated crop may come af¬ ter the German clover), is adopted, we most not expect to be at once success¬ ful. Where the onions have taken pos¬ session of the land, it may be some time before their destruction -is entirely ac¬ complished.—State Agricultural De iDelicatel (Children! ; They do not complain of j* anything in particular. They eat enough, but keep thin and * pale. Theyappear fairly well, You jg jj but have no strength. really cannot say they are call them sick, and so you delicate. What can be done for them ? Our answer is the same that the best physicians have been giving for a quarter of a cen¬ tury. Give them ! scon’s Emulsion £ of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- S ' phosphiies. It has most S re markable nourishing blood. power. It $ jj It gives color to the brings strength to the mus- the x cles. It adds power to nerves. It’ means robust j* , health and vigor. Even deli- # $ cate flesh infants if given rapidly small gain in J F a amount J; J» three or four times each day. ij S 50c. «nd $1.00 ; all druggists. £ SCOTT Sc BOWNE, Chemists, New York. The World alt Almanac Encyclopedia ^6 for 1899 Illustrated of the Spanish American War * READY FOR SALE jh J J JANUARY EVERYWHERE ^ jh 1st, 1899. j* jljtjtjt Jtjh’jhjhjhjhjhjhjhjh Together with The Battle Calendar of the RepubKc® Compiled by EDGAR STANTON MACLAY HhtorUs at the U. S. Navy. - Jh* J* THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. PRICE 25 CENTS. jijM Postpaid to any address. THE WORLD, Putttter Bufldfng, NEW YORK. x A Sew Shop. I have moved into my new shop on Broad street where I welcome all my white friends to my handsome quarters. I will visit your homes and do hair cutting and shoinpooing for the ladies and child¬ ren: also sharpen razors. I have added a shoe-shining depatmeat. Give me a call, JOHN W. WILLIAMS, Barher. Crawfordville. Ga. The Ills of Children. Dr. Hartman offers his advice to parents on the treatment of coughs and colds. “ jk TI!T to guard against, colds. ^^1 K A R ll 1 children *\ begin the “IS? wnh taking cold. If your child catches cold don't wait a moment before attacking that cold. To the ignorance or neglect of parents is due the fatal termination of many children s com Vj . plaints. informed to the ............ ... , If you are not as proper course to pursue [ to drive off UMNT cold , wr te to Dr. Hartman, president of the Surgical Hotel, l Columbus, O., for advice, and ask for \\ '\ A I f if [> | |] \\ V some of his free books facts which about contain colds V \\W HV . x \\ ] the most pertinent catarrhal diseases, \ A and coughs and all It l \ ' Pe-ru-na, Dr. Hartman’s great pre¬ /k W I scription, is wholly vegetable. It wards off colds entirely if taken at the beginning in proper doses. It breaks up settled colds quickly; it is x m scientific and safe; there is no mys¬ tery about it. Dr. Hartman’s books tell just how it acts and why. All V 1 druggists sell it. Mrs. C. T. Rogers, Elgin'rlll., says: vsaESr.. Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus , O. /. “Your medicine saved \r&< Drab Sib:— my baby’s life. We stopped all treat¬ ment but yours, and now he is a l beautiful boy. It was certainly a / /, »/ ®l I miracle.” writes Mrs. to Becking, the Pe-ru-na East Medicine Toledo, Co.. O., Dear Sirs: —“ Pe-ru-na is the best medicine I ever had in my house. V * My children had a bad cough, add ■> one of them had the lung fever. I cured them all with Pe-ru-na." j ...... ____ flpWgOLZ Proper knowledge of the treatment of coughs and colds is of the first importance to parents. This knowledge is offered free. All catarrhal diseases succumb to Pe-ru-na. — Crawfordville Drug Store sa* DR. R. J. REID, Pro. I buy my goods spot cash and I will sell you goods in the drug line as eheap as any body. Call and see me before buying. CHAS. F. BAKER. JERRYT. SMITH. BAKER d SMITH, . Cotton Factors, Fireproof COR. REYNOLDS AND CAMPBELL STS., AUGUSTA, GA. B?*L>Consignaients of Cotton Solicited. Personal Attention Given All Business. Ship Your Cotton to M. O’DOWD’S SONS & CO., Cotton. Factors, Cor. Reynolds and 9th Sts., Augusta, Ga. They Give Persona! and Undivided Attention to Weighing aud Selling of Cotton. Liberal Cash Advances Made on Consignments. . . . NEW ENTERPRISE STOVES ” 200,000 MnaNonof. mvmmr on •tvtmm They are made of Southern Iron by Southern 'Workmen, ■who are sustained by the products of Southern Farmers. They last longer aud make more homes happy than any other Stove on earth. Fire backs jMaranteed for 15 years. If your Dealer does not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. s •mi mi; Ii (S. v \) J 7 t - Sf , ■ Phillips & Buttorff Mfg. Co. NASHVILLE, TENN. MANUFACTURERS OF COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, i Mantels and Grates, Hollowwtrc, Tinware, Etc. DCALSR 8 W China, Crockery and Glassware, Cutlery. i WOODEN AND W 1 LLOWWARE. Everything necessary and convenient LJ 1w // Wl l /— .Q W for the Kitchen, Dining Room, *— * “ — Laundry and Dairy. A SPECIALTY. I , ■ B^-Send us your job printing