Newspaper Page Text
THE ADVOC/ 1 a Ws 2 o a K >
8100 Per Year.
This is C, Bergstrom’s 0
Column. Picase Ex
mine it and Come
and Buy of Him.
Dry Goods Department.
Dress Goods in assorted colors
Calicoes in assorted patterns, Cuminic
n assorted patterns, P> 1 e a a h i n g,
good assortment, 15. d spreads at
at lowest prices. Flannels in great
variety. Large stock o! Plaids, Sheet
ing and shirting. Largo stock of
Spool cotton and ball thread. Canton
flannel in different shades and colors.
Notions and fancy Goods.
Large assortment of dress Skirts,
Hustlers, Undershirts, suspenders,
Halt Jkerchiefs, Neck-wear and Gloves.
A good assortment Ladies Hose and
Children's Hose. Men’s half Hose all
in great variety.
Clothing. i
Great assortment of Jeans anil Jeans
Pants, Boy’s Oats, Pants and Vests.
Come at '‘nee and buy ol me.
Glassware and Lamps.
Large Hall and Parlor Lamp?,
Chandelier globes, and Lamp globes,
Lanterns and lantern globes, extra
shades, burners and wicks, common
hand lamps, Looking glasses and glass
-*-2. *
Crockery, Foreign &
China Fades, large stock of mus
tache Cups and saucers, I’ovvelaiu cups
and saucer, English, steak Di-lies and
Bowls, lorgc stock ot Bowls and
Drugs and Medcines.
Wizzarrt, British and sweet Oils.
Castor and Kerosene Oils, Glass glut*
and Putty.
Stoves and Tinware.
Galvanized YV ell Buckets lor no red
wells. Inigo and small Tubs, Bread
Trays, half bushel and peek measures,
Gallon and luilf-gallon Oil cans, Pots
and Kettles, and stove pipes.
Trunks, Leather Goods. Etc.
Sole and lealhoi, llaimsi, luidli,
Saddles, Etc., Valises, Leal her am
Bark Collars.
House-film isliing Goods.
Mattresses, -01 ton and straw, steel
Springs, folding and straight, Bound
Tables, Swings. Hobby-horses, Wag
ons. Etc. for child ten.
Needles & Sewing Machine
Supplies, such ns Gold Eye, Silver
Eye and sewing machine Needles for
all the different makes of sewing ma
Sugar, Coffee, Bice, Hour, Lard,
Roasted Coffee, Axle-grease,
of every sort, Turnip seed, Onion si-ts,
Candles, Crackers, < andies, »oda,
Pickles, Vinegar Sugars, anuff,
Cbewmg and smoking D.hacco.
Hardware and Cattiary.
Axe* Floes Nails. Horst* and
Shoes, shoe 'Hammer, Scis-er-.
shears and hair T*. jmmers- Ipiives and
■ Knives
Forks. s|i, Qiu,. 1 ‘opket -
Gun T uht-s.
<Ca • CO
< 1
r (i-\
Iuouiries Answered by the State
Agricultural Depirtmant.
Soin . fact. an<i Fijuroi Rosur<tiM£ F-y(i
t’Ati r otton — Wlidi’w tn G«t a Full
tscription of tho ApitO iranco mid itnhitft
of tho Colorado rot..*.. Ho^io-Kometiy
For Bows-Wornth »t Uixio.
■Question. —Please give mo in detail
some of the principal sources of wealth
of the s >uth as at. present utiiizea, and
why is w, if there is so much wealth us
we are led to believe, that tho country
is not more prosperous ?
Answer. —T4»o greatest income of tho
soutii i's derived from cotton and its
products, grain and its products, rice,
sugar, tobacco, fruit, vegetables and
the products of the pine tree. The
south has also its stock farms, its man
factoring, mining, merchandising,
building, transportation and other in¬
terests—bringing into the country about
$1,300,000,0000 annually. One principal
reason that tho south receives so little
benefit from the vast wealth is that sho
spends it with almost absolute unre¬
straint on other sections of our own
country, and to fill the coffers of for¬
eign nations. With perhaps a few un¬
important exceptions, the south is abso¬
lutely dependent on the outside world
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been made,
anj| that too, by u lady in this country.
“Disease fastened its clutches upon hei
and for Sevan years sho withstood iti
severest tests, but her vital organs wer«
undermined nnd death seemed imminent.
For three months she coughed incessantly,
find could not sleep. She finally discover¬
ed a way to recovery, by purchasing of us
a Lottie of Dr. King’s New Discovery for
Consumption, and was so much relieved
on taxing first dose, that she slept all
night: and With two bottles, lias been
absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs.
Luther Lutz. Thus write* W. C. Ham
nick ct Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bot¬
tles free at Dr. B. J. Reid’s r'-uig store.
Re '.il»r site 50c and Every
bottie guaranteed.
for ail of the following articles, in which
sho invests each year with lavish prodi¬
gality: Painfs, oils, drugs, buggies,
harness clocks, watches, china, glass,
cutlery, carpets, curtains, stoves, woolen
and cotton goods, buttons, needles,
thread, soaps, perfumes and other toilet
articles, glovos, dress goods, all kinds of
agricultural implements, chains, nails,
clothing, furniture for our houses, build¬
ing materials for our railroads and
transportation linos, for our water
works, for our engines, boilers, electric
appliauoes. for the equipment of our
schools and colleges, and for evou tho
very commonest sheds that aro on
our farms. Wo pay millions of
dollars to outsiders for tho books
which wo road and for those which our
children study. Lite and fne insurance
companies take millions of dollars out
of the sooth oach year. Saddest of all,
the farmers pay out many additional
millions for supplies, which they con d
Just ns well rawc at home. Thus the
south, which is the most, highly favored
section of the Union in natural re¬
sources q,nd in opportunities for acquir
WRa i t j 1> pa ys tribute to tho north
nn( i we st a6d to every foreign country.
Her cotton crop has built up colossal
fortunes at the north. Her lumber
trade has established foreign companies
on a firm basis; the earnings from her
immense deposits of iron aud her mar¬
ble and minerals have gone to swell the
Two Pointed (Juestions Answored.
What is the use in making u
hotter article than your competi¬
tor if you can not get a better
price for iff
A ns—As there is no difference
in the price the public will bay
only the better, so that while our
profits may bo smaller on a sin¬
gle sale they will be much greater
in the aggregate.
How can you get the public to
know your make is the best?
If both articles aro brought
p rorn j nen tly before the public
re certain to be tried and
y ie p U pii c will very quickly pass
j J ut jf, emr . n t on them and use only
tho betterone .
This explains the large sale of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
The people have been using
for years and have found that it
j can always be depended upon.
j They may occasionally take up
v. ith some faahionaLie
1 put forth with exagerated claims,
but are certain to return to the
, 01 e remedy that they know to be
i reliable and for coughs,
tc T E5 .uh
, Chamberiuin • fvO Bomedy.
to -s c
for sale by Dr. J. Iteiu.
profits of aliens. Of all these immerse
interests, which ant as a continual drain
on our hard earned income, scarcely 1
per cent is located within our own 1-or
del's. Nearly all are outside aud jars
flourishing and fattening on the iue
blood, which is drawn from our arter
ies of trade and commerce. The an
swer to the latter clause of your quis
tion stated succinctly is this: As long as
the south pays out each year for needed
articles more than she receives for iwr
products, she will be prostrate sharpens. uiOer
tho foot of money lenders and
ghe must learn t0 handle her own or is,
run her own banks luul ma nufaelvv a
everything needed within her horde*.
She must work at home and “boai If’
there, This is a very simple lesson in
domestic economy, but it has taken as
over a-contury to master even its
ments. Tnese have now been
If a woman is in good health
there is no more healthful etji
ployment than housework. Bwi
how different when every breath
is pain, every steptortue! This
state of health, in nine cases oilt
of ten comes from derangements
of the delicate, feminine organs
of generation. The family doc¬
tor inquires first concerning
these. He most usually insists
upon an ‘‘examination.” From
this tho modest woman naturally
shrinks. She is right. Except
in very unusual cases of ‘To
male weakness” examination
are unnecessary. Dr. Pierce’s
Favorite prescription is a sin
pie, natural remedy for thesa
ills. It cures safely permauontt
Send 21 one-cent stamps to
cover cost of mailing only, and
receive free a copy of Dr
Pierce’s Medical Adviser. Ad¬
dress, World's Dispensary Modi
cal Association, Buffalo, N. Y. A
and the south is being gradually
cipate^. The day of her full deliver
ance is - got very far off. She has ever.'
requisityfor independence; climate and
soil for beautiful crops; raw matoriaL
’Each iof manufactures of. «tV*n deaorijVor
year the facilities for
tion have incroasod and arc increasing.
Manufactures aud plauts for variiTus in
dustrics arc constantly being added to
the list. When the south understands
the value of the immense traffic, which
her shortsightedness has allowed to fall
into other hands, she will assert her
right to control it, and no power on
earth can w est it from hor. State Ag
ricuiturtil Department.
Cures Hoarseness and Sore Throat f
It is the best remedy for stubborn colds.
Small doses. Price 25 cents at druggists.
150 Rugs 30x60 inches at
$1. Johnson’s 4 Big Store.”
Wo will soli buggios, wagons,
Harness and Saddles on time,
until next fall. J. S. Barnwell.
,|XO. I . .v, I’l-es. .1. A. KKVOIJK K, VIcc-I'reH. M. F. OKIFFITII, Uaxlifer.
Office Hours ) CRAWFORDVILIE, GA. / Kstahlislicd
H to 4 O’clock, ) t lS'JS.
A i General % Banking t Business * Transacted.
---dealer is -
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats,
' Cups and Plantation Supplies.
j We keep first class fiooils ;;!1 the tim ‘ me I have fir.-t class
j cli rks. W nu-.nn business and will appreciate your trade.
I A Call Will Convince You
JOHN O’KEEFFE, Sharon 1 Ga,
Question. — Will yon he so ldnd as to
give me the best method of pickling
beef? Also inform mo of the best way
to hogs. save pork. 1 expect to kill 3J l’at
Answer. —Thoro are several good re¬
ceipts for pickling beef. Tho following
is simple and will give satisfaction: Out
tip your beef in pieces to suit, rub well
with salt and pack tightly, or rather
closely, in a barrel or cask two days bo
for « putting in pickle. This draws out
th ° blood li nd tho meat must be taken
out of this first vessel and waslaod bo
fore packing for pickling. Then puck
a °* oan oa k or cypress barrel as
closely as possible, ami when tho barrel
w nearly full pour over the moat a brine
blade as follows: To 4 gallons of water
add 7 pounds of salt, 21.£ ounces of salt
potre and IK pounds of granulated sn
Buckloiis’g Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve In the world for Pets,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever,
Teller, Chapped Hands, (,'liillbbiins, Corns,
nnd all Skin Eruptions, ami positively,
cures Piles, or no pay rcmjuircd. It is
guaranteed to give satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 2a cunts per box. For
sale by Dr. It. J. Reid.
gar, boil, straiu with care and lot it bo
perfectly cold before pouring it on the
meat, t* Then put a woight on tho moat
to koop it down balow tho surfaco of the
brine. In a few weeks tho beef will be
ready for use.
The same method may be pur¬
sued in curing hams and shoulders
of hogs. If then you wish to smoko
your hams and shoulders tako them
out of tho pickle in five weeks,
wipe dry and hang up for a day
or two before smoking. Thon smoko
with corn cob? or hiekory wood for a
week or ton days, taking care that tho
moat does not got hot while being
smoked After smoking, dip tho hams
and shoulders for 33 sooouds in boiling
The Kidney Complexion.
The pale, sallow, sunken-cheeked, fin¬
tressed-looking people you so often meet
ure afflicted with “Ivklney Complexion.”
Their kldrj&‘ are turning id a parsnip
.., - '
ryhey may also have indigestion, k r
M1 |y ( . r from sleeplessness, rheumatism.
nouvalgia, brain trouble, nervous oxhiiite”
tion find sometimes the heart nets badly.
The cause is weak unhealthy kidneys.
Usually the sufferer from kidney disease
does not find out what tin: trouble is until
it is almost too late, because tlm first
uynipt()nlK art , so Ukl . in | U | sU-kuos that
le y ,| () not think they need a medicine
nr a doctor until they find themselves sick
jn bad.
I)r. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, will build up
and strengthen their weak aud diseased
kidneys, puritiy their diseased, kidney
poisoned blood, clear their complexion
and soon lliey will enjoy better health.
You cun get the regular sizes tit the
drug store, at fifty cents and one dollui,
or you may first prove for yourself the
wonderful virtu res of tills great discovery,
Swamp Hoot, by sending your address to
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. for
a sample bottle ami a hook that loll* 1 all
about it, both sent to you absolutely free
by mail. When writing kindly mention
that you read this liberal offer in the
^ Dure Powder
r Absolutely
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
water, to destroy any -.ggs that tiie (lies
may have deposited on them; then wipe
dry and wrap them in sweet, well cured
hay, and slip thorn in cheap sacks of
any kind that have no holes in them
Lastly tie up and hang in a cool place.
Hams thus treated will bo good at all
tinws. and best after hanging up for 13
months. Tno sides and heads may bo
pickled in the same way, and then
smoked or not as you prefer. Here is
another receipt for those who like spieo
flavored moats: For ovory 100 pounds
of meat take 8 pounds salt, !5 pounds of
brown sugar (or 1 quart of molasses), 2
ounces of saltpetre. 2^ ounces of cloves
and 1 K ounces of black pepper, l’ut
these in sufficient water to cover the
meat when packed, and boil and ski in
carefully; when perfectly oold, pour
ever tho meat, that has been packed in
a barrel or cask, koeping the moat
• Yellow Jaundice Cured,
FuflVi ing humanity should be supplied
with every means possible for Its re icf.
It Is with pleasure we publish the follow¬
ing: “This Is lo certify that 1 was a ter¬
rible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for
over six months, and was treated by some
of the best physicians i i our city and all to
no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, rerom
mended Electric Bitters; and after taking
two bottles, 1 was entirely cured. I now
take grout plcusuie In recommending them
to any person suffering from this terrible
malady. I am gratefully yours, M. A.
Bogart yLi x ngt >n. Ky,”
Hold at Dr, If, J. Reid's drug store. CO
cents per bottle.
weighed down below the brino. Of
course tho moat to be thus pickled
should bo well rubbed with salt and
Y>n/-(rort fr we <p.i v i boton* ri*‘-L i'aig, in
order to dmWonr the blood. /Then take
up aud wash before p.okling. Thoro
is no trouble in saving tiro side meat;
either cut up and pickle as above, or rub
well and pack in boxes, putting plenty
of salt on each layer of moat as you pack
it. If you desire to smoko tho sides,
take them out of tho salt in five weeks,
and treat them as y u do tho shoulders.
If you cannot get the oldfushioned
coarse salt, incr-aia the quantities re¬
commended at Jo ist 15 per cent. Much
pork is lost in G < cgia every year, es¬
pecially in tho son hern portion of the
Btato, by tryiiur *■<> euro it by tho dry
valtod mothod,
Loans .Made on bands.
Wo have ro.contly made ar
rangomouls to nc"otiftto loans
on lands in Taliaferro County at
VI • ry low rates and any person
desiring to ibtain loans on
throe and five years time should
call on ns.
Horace & Cart. Hqt.den.
Hurl ’X 1 innjnil f’orn.
Question ! imv" an opportunity of
bnj ing a Jmr • • »», of damaged corn at a
rO(i UGDll J)1 io* is it a safe feed for cat
tie and hog •' i i. now that it ih danger
ous to feed i » 1» • and mains.
Answer I would udvise against the
feeding of damage l corn to stock of
every description While u little of it,
fed tocatti- a:i i hogs along with other
food, might hoc prod a™ serious results,
it could not, if much damaged, benefit
them materially, If cattle or hogs
should bo confined and fed exclusively
on damaged corn for n considerable
length of time. I have no doubt that
serious siokic’ss and death wouid result
to many of the animals. In addition
to this, I am ure that the meat from
animals so fed would neither be as pala,
table nor wlioiertome as that produced
by feeding sound urain. It is a well
known fact that the fl -sli of animals is
flavored by the food they eat, and an ex
jiusive diet of damaged corn must, in
my opinion, result in badly flavored,
and possibly, unwholesome moat. Of
course, the resuits I have suggested
would depend a goad deal 011 tho ex
tent to which the corn might lie dam
aged, and this is not stated in your
question, bu. a3 a general proposition
rum ra f 8 I ^
■l^F E *5 El fefijfc WK& 8* nWl E ■ fl ■ I
MothersI This wonder- Cou S h
f Y,rrt hlI i, s Ule y when muss attacked a
by Croup or Whooping- OY ill |J*
In Advance-
I should adviso against baying dam¬
aged corn for feeding purposes.
Just here I will take occasion to no¬
tify you and the other farmers of the
state that much damaged corn has been
shipped into Georgia from tho west,
and those of you who are unfortunately
forced to buy western corn should ex¬
amine it carefully before purchasing,
and reject, all that is not absolutely
sound, otherwise yon cudanger the
lives of your horses and mules.—State
Agricultural Department.
a * pfl S
“ I luivo uucnJ your valuable CASCA
liP/rs and it ml them perfect. Couldn’t do
without thorn. 1 have used thorn for some time
for indigestion cured. nnd Recommend biliouHiH them, s.saiHl urn now com
plotoly will tn every one. in
Once tried, you never he without them
the family." Knw, A. Makx, Albany, N. Y.
'ft ii
Pkmpant, PnlatnhWi. Potofit. Tn,Rtf* Rood. IV)
Good, Nuvur Hiekun. VVwtkoti, or <»ri|>«. Uki.'Axt
Ntrrlin'x llftncily (l<iffl|mny, Clilriuco, Monfmil. Mi»w Turk. 1121
1 t s *•* •’*
t, — 1*
Hanes IhPl It is fitment iutaUil/ie j
IrrcfTnlorities become nnd the lending derangements.
for It him thin chins o' troubles, it remedy
exea ts
n wonderful " heiilinKt innaeuco Btrengthen
Ing tlie nnd itruuJ BouddiiK It upon
“whiten’’ men inn! fallinu organs. of the womb. cures
It stops flooding nnd relieves eup
i X m
I Wf- a
k ESfl !
tiresnod nnd of painful Life it menstruation. is tho best
For Change is beneficial
medicine made. It
during children pregnancy, into and homos helps barren to
bring invigorates, stimu¬
for years. It
lates, strengthens tho whole sys¬
tem. Tbi i uy,%i remedy is offered
'• to ull aiHietef. women. another Why will
i any woman suffer minute
with certain relief within reach?
Wino of (,'ardui only costs $1.00 per
bottle at your drug store.
I j, tii>natlttreiMz, for a'h'lrr, in yivlnj caura Kyirthe r'ffuhlng special "JuulUs' rtirec*
» .5 avluf/ry /Vi rirruut,'' The <luittunooij'i MeA~
u,tn* Co., CtutUanooya, Ttnn.
w Rev. i. W SMITH. Camden. S.C.. say»i
■ M> wife used Win® ol C3fd 3 »th ome
tor falling ol ilie womb and = entirely
cured her ”
:m3BEZ£t L-i£S
2Of) Tib St., Augusta, Ga.,
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all .1 Lets of
gigl)t Krill(lK them. tbe pr „ I>er K , UHW . H aail WAlt .
Lenses cut into your frame while you wait,
Actual l>u‘fne>s. No j ext 1’eK'ks.
Short time. Cheap board. Send fur Catal-nowr.
I E R r Bt an>1 TT,-.bie>
cured at lioiie v. iUi
E E Ift out pain. h»K>'toijwr
tictil* runout TKKZ.
BH WRU09& OLitJ Its X. iTjer
a Uwila, Uu,
Ilcnnly Ih HIooil Deep.
Clean blood means a clean sldn.
bf-autv without it. Guseurets, Candy Ua a.
tic chan your blood and W it cWn. ey
xsx L TSr&*: Ur ;
llish pimples, b- i. • bk h. -.
and that suklv bilious complexion £:L l.y tamni,