Newspaper Page Text
1-00 e P.
Are Arriving Almost
Daily at C. Ber & <r
strom’s. Call
and see
Dry Goods Department.
Dress Goods in assorted colors.
,Calicoes in assorted patterns, Cantbiic
n assorted patents. Bleaching,
good assortment, Bed-spreads at
at lowest prices. Flannels in great
variety. Large slock of Plaids, Sheet
I ng and shirting. Large stock of
Spool cotton and ball thread. Canton
flannel in different shades and colors.
Notions and Fancy Goods.
Large assortment of dress Shirts,
Hustlers, Undershirts, suspenders,
Handkerchiefs,Neck-wear and Gloves.
A good assortment Ladies’ Hose and
Children’s Hose. Men’s Half Hose all
n great variety.
Great assortment of Jeans and Jeans
Pants, Boy’s Coats, Pants and Vests.
Come at "nee and buy ot me.
Glassware and Lamps.
Large Halt and Parlor Lamps,
Chandelier globes, and Lamp globes,
Lanterns and lantern globes, extra
shades, burners and wicks,
- b>-v.? G:—v, Ttor.* ’ Norvr,lo<j a
J If your Grocer
Spring Announcement, 1899.
To Our Many Friends in this County. . . .
Our new and handsome Spring stock of
Men’s, Youth’s and Children’s Clothing and Furnishings
is now ready for your inspection. Shirt
We have also a large and novet line of ladies’
Waists, Collars, Neckwear and Belts.
We need no introduction to you but have this to say:
We appreciate your kinddess in the past and will assure you
the same courteous treatment for the future.
Kindly Remember Us.
Tailor-Fit Clothiers, 838 Broad Street Augusta, Ga.
You’ve Got It!
You Know It!
Why Not Be Cured Easy?
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Trouble,
Liver Trouble or Kidney Trouble.
Tate Spring Water Fr0m Ea T s a t t Ien P „ r .‘ ngS ’WiIl CUTB YOU.
-II. L. Tayfor, Gov. of Tenn., Nashville,
'T r*gara Tate Springs as the best on the
David Kirk, Pres. McCalmont Oil Co.,
P ttsburg, Pa.: “I l>elieve Tate Spring
water is au infallible cure for dyspepsia.”
J. B. Levert, 803.Perdido St., New Or¬
leans, F*b. 2, ’97: “I consider Tate Spring
a most deiightful summer resort and the
water superior to any I ev er used.”
1®,C*11 on the Edirorof The Advocate-Democrat for a 40 page book, free con¬
taining 5-50 of our 5 009 testimonials.
X Bolbe»»i PlMts barel» OcmeanAj of sWWbvi G/.RK* fVAt«e»r,fw APm a 1 >»H eoni»ry FL0H,U .§ GU DE, f
* T and —faTttw roUL A mturfM in C&taiorti* rua-ti *n aJ* Mi-*** i*+m**‘X •«wun ^
mm* M* » »f »; > fcw ” *VT,*
V j^i ihTH ^HiuTor*^ J
* mad mt OmUf wA r CIS- f K li t eifc iwv r red MIa e«v»n « e r r .oi 4 »—>■*“
* st m. sf — e*e fer o*»v N me*** *• >» ***** V *- A
2 V Hfe’P. ,9gJaawtft. “ My *
jA*r*rvic(is"iio«s7*ScKgrni*. n. t. »
CRAWFORPVII,LE. GA„ l’P * lY. APRIL 21. 1899.
What the people o. That Thriv
i.P8? Town
The News and Gossip of all that Sec¬
tion of Much Interest, Reported
By (t L. Rugby.
Messrs, Winn ami Fouche were in town
last week on business. , ’’
Mr. Will Barnett and Mrs M. E. Brooke
visited Sharon lust week.
Mi. m, w'w W. R t? Reid M hmncrht brought a , load load of of drum- drum
mers to our town last week.
Mr. George T. Moore and others went
on a fishing frolic last week.
Mr. W. E Arnett was doing some work
on the Masonic hall last week.
R. M. Gilbert and S. T. Gilbert have
exchanged plaees of residence.
Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets.
10c. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation relund forever.
35c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists money.
Mr. John O’Keefe had a horse to
become deaf suddenly last week.
Mr. R. H. Jackson doue some work’on
Mr. J A. Kendricks residence last week.
We learn that Mrs. Tom Brown near
Reynoldsyille is quite sick withacancer.
Subscribe for the county paper and
tead the news and pay up your past dues.
fo Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 26c.
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money
Mr. W. T. Johnson, the hardware man
of Washington, was in Sharon a few days
Messrs. J. A. Kendrick and J. W
Fallen went to Augusta on business last,
When you ask for Dr. M. A. Simmons
Liver Medicine, see that you get it aud not
some worthless imitation.
Mr. A. D. Kendrick has been feeble for
several days, but is some better at this
Misses Lily Barnett, Annie Brooke and
J.ove Kendrick • ! u Sfcaron
witho___lion’s head.
does not hftvo Lion Coffee In hia store,
send us hiri name and address that we
may place it on sale there. Do not accept
any substitute. S l . Ohio.
SPICE CQ.. to l ***,
j. S. Carr, Durham. N. C.- “I think ft
tho finest water to be found anywhere,”
J. 31. Studebaker, South Bend. Ind.: “I
believe there is no sj ring in America that
contains the healing qualities that Tate
Spring does.”
Thos. A. Mellon, Pittsburk, Pa.: “I be
Here there is no water in this country
equal to Tate’s for the car* of neuralgia
a» well as dyspepsia and liver troubles.”
Only the indigent and crippled soldier*
arc allowed to peddle without license
and they cannot send out agents.
to mors to gat steak for breakfast.
A Torpid Liver causes Depression of
Spirit*- Indigestion, Constipation, Head
aphe. Use Dr M. A. Simmons Liver
Medicine to stimulate that organ.
Messrs. L. 8. Jackson
Kendrick , Cr*wfprdyilR)‘Ia*t Week
wwitt to
and Lint retp^*ed. with * netv top buggy.
ft is said Ihat when the whippoorwill
calls and,the dove coos that winter is
broken but this is not the case this spring.
Dr M A Simmon s Liver Medicine
clours the complexion, givos buoynucy to
the mind, cures Headache, Liver Regulate*
8tunwfib ^ aluJ .
Marshall Welborh Stone is having our
streets put in good order. You can judge
the vim and enterprise of a town by the
street and walks.
We will put up the latest improved
clothes wire at your homes for one cent a
lineal foot. Any kiiiiL'iif tin work or
quiltiug done. C. L. Birgby.
Mrs. Jessie R. Davidson, Tallapoosa,
Ga., writes: I find Dr. M. A. Simmons
Liver Medicine a splendid remedy for
Torpid Liver, Indigestion and Liver
Troubles. I was a wreck and tired of
living, but by its use lam a well woman.
if I had caught the smart young man
who put that piece of cske in my pocket
I would have learned hint a lesson that
his mother Filed to. teach him.
A negro stole a pair of shoes from Mr.
John O’Keeffe’s store last Friday. He
went in the direction of Washingnon.
Gorden Stone failed to catch him.
For a quick remedy and one that is
perfectly safe for children let us recom¬
mend One Minute Gough Cure. It is ex¬
cellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling in
the throat and coughs. Dr. L.R. Brown,
Sharon, Ga.
Misses Smith and Ivey returned to
their homes in Washington last week.
We hope the young tadiu* had a good
time during their visit to our town.
Mr. John Chapman and Miss Ray,
daughter of Robert R#y, were married
recently at Wilt too late yV. We wish
them s happy
Prompt action in this may s
yonr trees.
Neither should cultivation be no.
ted. The trees need the bast .of aft
tion now more than ever. - Orcha
should be thoroughly cultivated dnr
the season as though you expected a
crop of fruit If cultivation is i
iected, a little hot sun and dry wea
will tell a doleful tale.
S: ate Entomoiarj% c
Culture of Upland Rloe.
Question.— Please give me some gel
eral information in regard to the onltui
of upland rice. prad
Answer.-— The following pi n is
ticaily that of W. H. Dickey of Abb<
ville, a successful grower of upland rio
Low or hammock laud is preferable fc
the planting of upland rice; in order
guard against drouth, however, the
should not be wet. Break the land
aud close, aud use the barrow if
are any clods, then nse the small
and trench your rows about 24 to
inches apart. Put in the drill* 200
800 pounds of good commercial
iaer, or barnyard manure can be
with good results if well pulven
Drop the rtt» 12 to 14 inches apart,
ting 12 tb 20 grain* in a hill, and cov*
same with a fork plow.
After this t* doue, the rice can be
tivated with very little trouble. Plo\
■hallow, using the soooter and
and about two workings will be all
One bnshel Of rloe ]
is necessary .
plant from two and one-half to
acres which on good land and prop*
seasons will yield from 25 to 30 bushel®
of rough rio* per acre. One busnei
tb* rough nee, waeu bulked, will yiei ll
about 3d pound* of beautiful white
which has an excellent flavor, Aud
considered by many to be lar
to any other rio* that can be found
tbo ttijtirktet* 2n 1
If planted in aboot Sept 1,
ready for harvesting
as the head ripens before the
you get from one to three tons of exet
lent __ Lav per acre G«>g f> r
Mr. W. H Dickey of Abbeville,
has about 20 bushel* of this upland bu#h»
that he will sell for |1.60 per e.!
sacked and delivered to freight or [
Dr.Bulli SYRUP*',,
Will cure Croup without fail, da, v
• coi
flltn tlOTI ^
forola t aferro
I C AH Wftfltt WBOHiK j.'
W. it. Gunn, GnurdiAii iof Mary J r
Bing*. appiie«to m* Un letters r.f di M i,
«i*« from said ruawiianship, and I v
pa*, upon hi* .pplifmtion on the
1 '
'HTCHKM ydinarj
Bro lie Taylor was In our town
recent •i W not seen him in some
tiinf, looking well. He is making
his In. h Mr, Tom Fate near Ray.
H>; tre are some Elders of the
later tb nts or Mormons a* „ call
theiuj around. They deny the Mor¬
mon » his county, but ail come from
Llull'd 3 followers of Joe Smith and
ddTH Yuung.
Mr. oon Moore of Warren was on
a visit Aiaron community recently,
His ma riends and relatives were glad
to mat ,m. Uncle Joe was a case once
in is so we have heard. He is quite
:ui%ld now, and shows his age.
cough, throat lrnln • ,, ion,
vo ft
* oak 1 , pain in the chest, difficult
brqath% croup or hoarseness, let us
suggest i* Minute Cough Cure. Al
Wi ,f s ie i le and safe. Dr. L. A. Biown,
Share a,
The vere thirty legal white voters in
Rayto district last year, by tho name
of Moi If you were to take them, their
famili nd the colored people of that
name e district we believo they
wcuk up a town as large as Craw ford
ville, a take all In Taliaferro county
they w id make a good size city.
T. I jibe. Druggist, Greensboro, Ga.,
writes follows: “In the past eight
years, vvi sold more of Dr. Pitts’Car
minati “pi, , ban all the soothing syrups,
colic <i nid other baby medicines
c iiibi i.” Sold bv all druggists.
A gi many wont on the excursion to
A'lant Wi .ward aome men say that
sen >*e who went, did not have a
d*y’ us at’ home, and had to draw
the m< y or this years;crop to pay their
way; s doubt this is true. Men who
have u|jK lies* in a city when an plenty excursion of
i. rua, oi m n who have
money mt justifiable In going, but our
people vho have no money, or business
either yve don’t think do justice to
themaaive*) and family.
1 cco S*ii aud Smoke four I.lfe Away.
fo jbocco easily and forever, be mag
n etUs t life, nerve and vigor, take No-To
nder-workar, that makes weak men
str»i l druggists, 50c or *1. Cure guaran
teed >klet aud sample freo. Address
einedy Co, Cbicairo or New York.
* Bufford who died in
mi, instant, iroin jujuriei
,n the railroad was brought up
th and buried in the Methodist
Dr. A. C. Davison conducting
services. He had a good many
and friends at this place. Mr.
ras p.-|ncin*ll\ .* raised in this coun
hac , * a S ood reputation. ... lit was
lnrty years old and was to have
narried on 2nd Sunday in this
His intended bride was present
turial. We extend our sympathies
Discov ered by a Woman,
her great discovery has been made,
t too, by a lady in this country.
fastened Its clutches upon hei
srysn years she withstood iu
tests, but her vital organs w«r*
ll( .^ , tm > death seemed imminent,
months she coughed incessantly,
no t sleep. She finally discover
recovery, by purchasing of u*
Dr. King’s New Discovery lor
and was so much relieved
first dose, that she slept all
with two lMjttlos, has been
cv<«d. Her name is Mr*,
ILra. Thu* write* W. 0. Ham
mo., ot Shelby, N. C. Trial bol
»at Dr. R. .T. Reid's drug store,
Jr six* 30c *nd *1.00. Every
Go Shed the Light.
j s f u |] 0 f error,
g hang thick and dark,
it* black and tbreauning gloom
but a faint spark.
e comes a stirring sound
the sun more bright
the mandate speaks,
Truth’s precious Light.”
is full of sorrow,
corne to our ears;
the millions,
griefs and fears;
came in trumpet tones,
make grief grow light
one an earnest go
Hope’s cheering Light,
i * ? ’
can be redeemed
’•enslaving might— forth
ristian will go
t the gospel light, L. L. V.
Glorisos Hews*
hich had tatused her great suf
Terrible sores would
hesd unrl fa< * and th«
no ^‘P 1 bat “er
*boWt what tbOUIIMl
al Kfectric Bitter* is the besl
iicr I known. It’» the supreme
—.„ ma ’ t«uer salt rheum,
an ,| ruD D j M It slims
b ' u '
Royal r Absolutely pure Powder Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
BY W. M. S.
Woraans Missionary Society—When ap¬
pointed at our Missionary Society to rep.
resent it in the Convention 1 hesitated be¬
fore I would consent to go, not because
I was unwilling to serve, but because I
felt a roluctancy to face the responsibility
required of me. From experience I hud
learned to know that the raising of money
for missionary purposes and the asking
people to do missionary work is an ungra¬
cious office —I had been Impressed with
the idea that it was an unwilling work,
ami that of course, where there were so
many thousands ot dollars to be raised
for Missions and so much work to be done
in that time, there would lie little or no
enjoyment, but I had made a great mis¬
take—When I met with that great con¬
course of God’s people—people who had
the love of God burning in tlielr hearts,
and such unbounded love that it reached
out encircling every living creature on
His earth. When I taw them pledging
their money, themselves and even their
children to do Ills service In spreading the
gospel—I felt a new impulse—A great
desire to go forward and to do more for
the Master.
I felt, what a blessed privilege is ours
to lie co-workers witli God.
These dear Christians had been through
a week of selfdeulal and they were ready to
do God’s work in God’s name and He bless¬
ed them with His presence. It was a season
of glory. O, that our brothers and sisters
could iiave enjoyed it as I did. It did
my soul good, and I came back strengtheu
<d and with His help I shall try to give
r « An i do more lor the cause of
anadoiiA'.aa-! h*>.5
The spirit ofloy. pervaded «ol only
the meetings but ft extended Into the
homes where the brothers and sisters were
I cared for with such sweet hospitality,
that Savannah will always be remembered
gratefully and lovingly by Georgia
My Husband and myself were
k/ndiy entertained In the home of Rev.
ami sister Pelot who with their amiable
and sweet daughter gayo us a warm
welcome and lavished thoughtful atten¬
tions upon us during the time of our
stay with them.
We shall always remember them
gratefully. JLNNIE CHAPMAN.
“The master cometh and calleth for
(Vomun has been greatly blessed by
the Christian religion. She ha* never
faltered but has stood firm and true.
She stood firm and true when strong men
denied the Savior. She wa* ready with
gentle hospitality to relieve the Savior
from hi* footsore wanderings. Sh* was
last at the cross and first at the grave.
There is such a call for Mi»siouary work
as has never been heard before. The
field is vast aDd the laborers few. Let us
gird ourselves, put on our armor and go
to work for the Lord. All cannot go
as Mission aries but all may by their con
tritution* a'd in the graud consumatlon
of the Redeemer’s Kingdom. Home
Missions must bo pressed as never before.
There is work for the Musto . mry societies. .
ar(J weak we can’t do much of our
s«lve* but while engaged in the Redeeni
ers cause wo have tlie privilege of
relying on one whose strength ts in unite,
Th* Appetite of a Goat
Is envl*d by all p»K»r dyspeptics whoo*
Stomach arid Liver are <>ut of order. All
such should know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and
Liver Remedy, give* a splendid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily habit
that Insures perfect health and great
energy. Only 25 cents at any Drug Store.
During our week of prayer and sell
sacrifice which we observed greatly 2o. to our VV
spiritual enjoyment, we raised $9 e
feel that these meetings were beneficial
to us both individually and aa a society.
They strengthened our courage and in¬
creased our zeal and our membership is
determined to “go forward" in the great
We trust that our offerings brought
during that week will be blessed by oui
Heavenly Father to the conversion of
som* soul who otherwise would not have
bad thejgospel presented to him on her.
Dr. Bulls
Cute* Cures vtevrisY pleurisy ana arH pneu- C^/tllOTh r* »
w, ^~
NO. 8.
Scraping Away Dirt From Peach Treeas
Question 12.—Is it the proper time tty
scrape away the dirt from the base of
my peach trees, for the purpose of kill¬
ing tho borers? When must the dirt be
put back ?
Answer 12.—This work should have
boon done much earlier, say about tha
first of November, but better do it now
than leave it undone, a* the borers will
certainly do your trees great damage if
let alone. Scrape away the earth around
the base of the tree, down to the hori
eontal roots. Then kill all the borer*
possible, by cutting out with a sharj
kuife whore they havo not entered too
far into the wood: in that case run a wire
into the holes and you will kill most of
them. From the middle of February to
the middle of March—according to lo¬
cality-fill up the hole about the tree
with fresh soil from the woods if easily
obtaiuod. Filling the hole with ashes,
is also recommended.
In either case, pile the earth or ashe*
about the stem of the tree, several inch¬
es higher titan the surrounding ground.
—State Agricultural Department.
'T’housands of i
* women are
troubled at
monthly inter¬
vals with head, pain#
in the d .
shoulders,sides vj
hips and limbs, - M
Bet suffer. they^nned i
These pains are symptoms of
dangerous derangements that
can be corrected. The men¬
strual function should operate
«rdoi painlessly.
makes menstruation painless,
and regular. It puts the deli¬
cate menstrual organs in condi¬
tion to do their work this properly. pain.
And that stops all
Why will any woman suffer
month after month when Wine
of Cardni will relieve her? It
costs $i.oo at the drug store.
Why don’t you get a bottle
For advice, in cases requiring giv¬
special directions, address,
ing symptoms, “The Ladies’
Advisory Department,” The
Chattanooga Medicine Co.,
Chattanooga, Teun.
Mrs. DOZEN* LEWIS. Tsiss.
of OsnaolHs, monthly Intervals »«T»I
" I wss (rouble* at back,
with tsrrlbl# pains In my bead wid
but have boon entirely rollers* by Win*
of Cardul."
i f
XL Beautiful i
Dr. Murray’s
. Hair Prsmsfsr
Core* dandruff, »top« the hair from fsU- ,
ing out, invigorates the growth, i* • i
superb drewung, while not % <ly®,
by nourishing its r<x>U, will fMMiitt vely It re- is
ttore grsy hair to its original color.
the per -excel lenee of *11 h*ir restorer*.
Pmc *, st.OO psb L*bo« Bottls.
For sale by druggists—If not, send to os
and it will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt
of price.
Murray Medicine Company,
For Sale by Owl Drug Store.
atm, rrm. C»m« Min ■■<! Sklagl* 0»«W.
Building, Factory, and Bring* Furnn** Railroad Castings.
Saw*. Files, Oilers Etc.
Cast nery day; v>ork 180 Kandi.
Oe Witt’s Witch Hazel Salvs
Care* Pile*, Seal**.
One Minute Coufh Curs, curcn,
Tbef I* what It fer.