Newspaper Page Text
of Taliaferro Co, -
Official Organ
NOTICE—AH legal advertising must be
paid in advance or satisfactory arrange
merits made at beginning for the pay
merrt of same.
It is ■2* that the beef
investigation is really to end
now’ soon, It is to be hoped that
it will.
Reports from the headquarters
of the money market say money
money is easaer. Hope that
good easy feeling will reach thus
]iart of the country.
Cap. P.E. Trippe is mustering
out the third inimumts at Macon
as rapidly as possible. The cap.
tains company, the Pith cavalry
has been ordered to Cuba.
Although hard times are talked
nil over this county, towns in
Georgia are building more water
works, electric light plants, big
ginneries and cotton factories
than ever before.
It is said that the Texas
through t . planting , t .
farmers are
cotton, and that they have put
in enough to supply thedemand,
without reference to the crops of
the other States. That means
low prices for cotton this fall.
Trusts m every line of business
are'being formed and the people
shuuld be getting ready to vote
lor only those states men who do
all in their power to thwart the
purposes* of these blood-sucking
A grain of sand iu the eye cau
cause excruciutiug agony. A
grain of pepper in place of the
grain of sand intensities the
torment. The pain is not confined
to the organs affected. The
whole body feols the shock of
that iitttb irritating particle it is
bo wJiew there is any.derangement
xir disorder of the d,elicate
Womanly organs, The disorder
may seem trivial but the whole
body feels it. The nervous
system fretinlness, is disordered. irritability There suUeu- are
uess and depression of sprits.
The general health of woman
depends on the local health of
the organs peculiarly feminine.
Remove the drains, ulcerations.
bearing down pains’ and other
aftiiolums of woman, and the
wholn body feels the benefit. Dr.
Fierce ." Favorite Prescription is
a sjiocitic for the diseases that
undermine the strength of
cocaitie woman. It is free from narcotics, opium,
and other
poisons which enti into many
other preparations for woman's
use. It * * makes weak women
suxmg and x ; ck women well.
There is no use talking about
stopping'lynching* as long the as
sucht outrages as that of
negr 0 Hose who split farmer
(.ran ford's head open with an
axe near Palmetto last week and
then ussaulted Mrs, Cranford.
is I food medicine for the
baky lh«t H thin .nd
wdl iKsuTtshru and lor the
zi ioa
rn I nOlin. n me D3Dy.
R IS equally £OOd for the
° I ur 8 .Jut Wn s U b j n f 1 end not well ii nourished . j
hvthrir ry tnrsr food, lood; also also fixe lor fh# tne
ariX-TUC or consumptive
..v - 4iill ijH fhal t.tat U IS Irvein* losing (l#eh liesn
find SlrCAgth*
in >CI l3\.f, fF (Of £.1 -|| rjimltr.-.n. Condition.
t ? wdstilltf, it is the lood
me mi d'cine WlCUte fhxt tnai will will hAllfi'h
£rd build up the body and
LAC new new life me and ana energy
ViAcn a., outer means tail.
*• taken In rntncier ss >
• ■•«#!« B.itfrr.
%oc. xr.S. * go. *1- «nt
St GTT A i Yc%
And What Their Neighbors Are
all sections itemized,
til the New* «f the Coiintj a> Told by
Our Wide- wak< I’eucii
Very little rain here Saturday
n ip-ht.
The farmers are begining to
plant cotton. , j
Mr. J. L. Moore of Raytown,
was in our community this week, j
VS . " nr ° ,7 , ! ,K
'm "w i
h / ve been Mr . w . p Norris.
The Edge wood school closed j
last Friday. Many of the j
chtldren^ere sorry tyee Jbe
■ •
for , the ., teacher. , „
7 or . d
v 'f; or in an, - ;
^JVr„7'vS , k,!’’ f
Sunday School Sunday evening.
Mr. Norman is a gifted singer,
and he loves to sing the sweet
songs of Zion.
Our school closed its spring
term last, Friday.
Mr. D. A. Suggus attended
preaching at White Plains last
Mr. Tuggle, , of , Union TT . Point p , nt
representing Marietta Marble
Works passed through here this
| week. He speaks of making his
j F' 1 -
8prill , ls here with her beau
tifui robe of green decked with
flowers of various kinds and
ors, giving glory and honor to
| the Great Creator let us honor
nn loo ‘
Miss Irene Young, the excel¬
lent teacher of Margaret’s Grove
School, bade good-bye to her Friday pu
pils and many friends last
leaving Saturday for Alliens
where she will spend some time
with friends and relatives. Miss
Young is one of Georgia’s best
teachers and Green county’s fair¬
est daughters. Her sweet, gen¬
tle ways and kind Christian walk
made for her many true and last
ing friends iu this community.
I?vTsr“ °
April showers make May flow
A few are still hauling guauo.
Gardeus are begituiiug to look
Mrs . Lizzie Carter is on the
sic|{ Usf thjs week
Only a few have made a feeble
effort at planting corn.
of Between busiuess bad weather HHHl is little and press time
for news to circulate.
Mr.C. R. L. Sherrer was over
last Sunday on his wheel,
Charles is a splendid rider.
If a bad beginning assures
good ending, our farmers will
certainly meet with success.
Mrs. John Meadows and little
son wore the guests of her aunt,
Mrs. W. E. Wall lust Thursday.
^ r - Boss is . a very popu
Lir widower ot our vicinity for
widows call ou him frequent
h' -
Mr. William Fluker and
daughter of Washington visited
. his sister, , Mrs. , r M. J Meadows .
(v^ho is still very sick) last Sun
Alt'. ., ^ i Ilium ,, loss, of , \\ likes
county, visited his brothel", Mr.
Gi M. Poss, last week. s^ij.
celebrated his 75 birth day ,
tli|s yth ol this month.
The sad news of Mr. OrvilLe
moanb caused from typhoid fever,
5urc “ " ,c ai,h
There is a tear for nil that die,
A iu.*ainli>« e’er ftie- humbirst grave;
But U.,lions -«vll the funvrai nv,
R*t uiuuiph »eep' above ihe hrave.
, ' m,t .... * ^ ,H ' worUi S lve !,kp , ,
umi Hi. kc> «».-.»
Y' Uei» the of early thought declines
in leviiiig’s dull nem),
- *Tte ... um jmith. »ii»Kjtli cheek die
blu>ii atone, Whivu f»de» so fast.
. tetidervsl htv'ui oi life i> golie ere
y.-uUi itselt lie past.
_ from . this . section took , .
JbOme , . ID
tne excusluU of CUU r>o.
\V’« ... \ lMUHl it ui Mr Mr. J. , , w v m Mclxm k n
ne v ami faUlii , lu>t wevli.
Mrs Miry Tay]vn . aud SOU
visited N ircod last week.
Mr. AUautou Gai rett uas a nice
rase of measles, howeveH s
doing well. 'j
Atlanta Mr. Joe last week, O'Brien on bu|ne»s w<jt to
we suppose.
Mr. W. H Bagby ami „ so\ left ,
for their borne in Montgiary
county last week.
Mr. James Garrett
flying trip to Sharon la
Mrs. Fora McKinney til |
! quite sick for some we
hope she will soon
Our little nephew sick las
Bagby. was quite this writii era f’
but is better at
Preaching next Satura<J If] f u
Sunday ^ the at Sale J? B J ? P Ca p^ %_ J f" I s - I
Miss M. R Bagby, U I, \
1S enjoying Aug s fl P
she run into the measle* 1 ‘7
unexpectedly. ■
V « reported that J rs - ;
^orse sufforing lust greatly. week, shf
doubt S
M Moonev is in
very b feeble health, bite is te
an old , lady, , , and , „ a restder _ • />,,,
Barnett section for many vj ) S. kn
Mr. Murry Taylor and |s.
‘^formers parents M lid
Mrs. Jessie Taylor last S ity
Old aunt Nettie Terrel d:‘Bast
week of paralysis. Sh*
stricken several weeks herself ago. fljid |C.
iiad not moved by IlJ^Le i
(piia remains of Mr. pffll
Bufford from August,,, Wedn^Hlr
through Barnett on
of last week enroute to Sh Ll
for burial.
Mr. T. B. Taylor’s little ,y
* b burnt recently, it is
houtfht ^ htJ would not ret sr
but last report is tha te
wjH g(jt well>
Wo understand that Mr. lie
Pi’K^nfn thewhilkev Y busiMs
n tQto It Seems to be a Wm
maUer to g et to sell the
tbttt p | aoe people"^
Warren COU nty
certainly down on whiskey, e
gally or illegally sold, but frctu
what w T e learn the Blind Tigers
have run there ever since it fiist
went dry. It devil is certainly whisky a jj>b
to keep that,
but legally. we think it had better bug® | |
BY X. !
Tax Reciver R. L.Veazey
out this week taking tax re^J
with mis
ton Mr. attended Pilcher Brake Sabbath of Po^ ScW
Sunday. I
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Oglet® Mil
spent Sunday with Mr. and
R. J. Mann.
Farmers have pretty weatht
farm work, and are rnakin
good use of it.
half Mr. through C. I. Ogletree planting is cotto aboj
seed. Charlie is a hustler.
Mr. B. W. Crenshaw, of Wal
r en. was in Bermuda Suuda
looking as pleasant as ever ,
Bermuda school closed i
spring term last Friday, wi
speeches by the children. Mi
Blanch Mapp, the teacher ?
turned to her home in Whi
Plains Saturday.
A Word
to Doctor
", e I ) av ® regard
medical protejsjo®. Oar jirepiu'*i!
are not sold tor tlie purpose of antag
king them, but rather tet kn aid.
lay it down aa an established truth t
internal remedies arc positively ini'
y US to expectant mothers. Thvdistf
and discomforts experienced duriuj^.
months preceding childbirth cmr : bej 1
leviated only by external treatmdr.i
applying a liniment that softens hnd
laxes the over-strained muscle^,
make and sell such a liniment, i
biniug the ingredients in a rn„
mother Hi ^ ^ s rnen _
We know that in thousands of ca
it has proved more than a blessing
expectant mothers. It overcomes me
ing sickness. It relieves the sense
tightness. Headache* cease, and d
fron , Swollen. Hard and Hi*
Brcaats is avoided. Labor itsell
shortened and shorn of most of the pi
We know that many doctors rect
mend it, and we know that multitul
0 f W omen go to the drug stores and 1
it because they are sure their phvsicii triJ
b*ve no objections We ask a
just a fair test. There is no poss:
chance of injury being the result. I
ca se Mother’s Friend IS seientj i
ally compounded. It ts sold at$. mos3 a
fie. and should be used during
the of gestation, although gd si]
relief is experienced if used otilv a
time before childbirth. Send for ouJ
lusUWted book about Mothers Friend
atlas.a. ua.
What has become of Moore s
Hill correspondent? We have
seen nothing from them in some
Mr. M. T. Johnson and
Powelton spent of Mr. S.
with the family
T r nnps
- Mr ' ar ; d Mrs .j. T . ... Howeii the
spent Saturday nitrht
latters parents, Mr. t . J.
Mrs. Susan Rocker 01
Sunday. The lat
is quite sick.
Mr B F Wynne has traded
his fine W horse. C o Prinrp Wei vvc
somewhat surprised, wife brans and
prized Prince next to his
Children. iipifirpTi
We hope we hate written,
nothing this week that will bring ,
dovvn down upon upon our out poor l*\ heads a
great bundle of wrath as one j f
our items did some time ago.
Bears the The Khid Yen Have Alwavs
Signature /?
Messrs Miller Brake. Roy and
Clyde Cooper, went fishing Sat
urday evening catching a fine
string of the tinny tribe some of
which weighed on- ouud.
Miss Fann : .cer of Craw
fordville it pending several
days with her brother s family,
Mr. J. H. Googer Fannie is
welcotned among us.
Ct zv js "X 1 tA xt I ■
*»“>""•** '
Rev. A. C..Rainwater and wife
spent Sunday with the latter s
parents in this section. Mr.
Rainwater attended Sabbath
School in the evening and gave
us an interesting and instructive
talk upon the lesson.
\- I ; THAT
PL Consumption is ca
j, [j J&tarrh Jm of the lungs.
^ 9 Ct rtoin compliea
i Huns moke consump
M tlon incurable.
-C- Mont cases of
^S death sumption from con- are
the direct result
” of neglected ca
P ,^-ru-n* works harmoniously tubercle from with the
nature to eiect the s
; /gs, wor sfully that
Ur is nsumption
Boils and Pimples s i * f
Give Warning.
n UNFAILING SIGN THAT When Nature is overtaxed, she ha*
her own way of giving notice that ass is t
ance is needed. She does not ask for
NATURE IS APPEALING « W impurities-which
tlie system is accumulating appeal for assistance
rnQ lUll UCI HtLli D must be gotten rid of ; they are an urgAit
u " —a warning that can not safely be ignored.
To ne; lect to purify the blood at this
time meena more than the annoyance of painful toils and
uns i ? htlv pimples. If these impurities are allowed to
remain, the svstem succumbs to any ordinary illness, and is
enable to withstand the many ailments wmch are so
prevalent F during spring and summer Seatt Wash 'd
Mr3 L. Gentile, 2004 Second Avenue e. , jg|| .
sav 3 : . “ I was afflicted for a long time with pimples, which J
w ; r „ velT annoying, as they remedies disfigured in vain mv S face S. 00 fearfully.
Aftc , r using many other 1-H rejoice ...... in i/y ~
thoroughly "cleansed my biood. and now .
coTD-ilexion, which I had before ” U
a x xtd never S. * ™
Capt. W H Dunlap, of the A. G >ra/ t
R. R Chattanooga. Tenn . writes:
‘Several boils and carbuncles broke out upon me, causing
great min and annoyance. My blood seemed to be in
rjfiW a riotous condition, 'and nothing I took seemed to do
a ny good Six bottles of S S S. cured me completely
anil my blood has been perfectly pure ever since.”
jiJpF***** j s t that ^ e best is absolutely blood remedy, free from because potash it is and purely mercury. vegetable It
and b tLe only one blood and thoroughly cleanses the system, builds up
nromntlv purifies the Scrofula. Eczema, Cancer. Rheuma¬
the general health and strength. It cures
tism Tetter Roil's. Sores, etc., by going direct to the cause of the trouble and
f °Bixiks < toTny address by the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
The Tax Bonks will Ve open April Sih for the purpose of rectiviiig the tax returns
of Taliaferro County for the year 1899. which , T I will i, fnrn fnrni. i h h, a
required by law to make out on Hanks „ n B
Each tax paver is day of February of each. vwu. Th<
list of req'ires his property subject to taxation on the 1st providentially hin¬
law each' tax payer to make his returns in person unless
dered. and failure to make returns subjects him to double tax
I will visit the various Court Grounds at the times specified below.
D ist. | PLACE: First Round. || Second Round || Third Round.
_ Ground, ____ April 17 8 to 12 a m 22 i iTto 12 a rm Line 5 8 to 12 a m
(102 li!ourt i i vLa p ni “ 5 1 to 4 pm
603 (Court Ground, “ 17 1 to 4 p ni “ ti 9am to 3pm
604 Sandy Cross, = ‘ 2 r* 3pm I 9 “ to 3 “
605 Combs, S£ ‘ 3 9“ 3“ “ 7
4 9“ “ 8 9 “ to 3 “
600 Court Ground, 3 “ ‘
5 9“ “ 9 9 “ to 3 “
007 Court Ground. -(4 £5i=£ it ■
“ “ 6 4) “ “ 12 9 “ to 3 “
608 Court Ground, •< || “ 9 '9 “ <• ( “ l 9 “ to 3 “
172 'Sharon, • 10 ;9 “ “ 2 9 “ to 3 “
172 {Raytown,
Every Saturday until and including June 24ih, 1899. My books will
601st Dist
positively close on June 24ih, 1899. VEAZEY, T. C., T. C.
R. L.