Newspaper Page Text
fcl~ Vi i
mk ¥ W omen •• • m >
Busin £33
mm KfTSI
V y&jf. Business men often
express the opinion that
there is one thin£ which
will prevent filling women man’s from
completely 'business
_puce I j/ in the
I I I 'iTii ij pended world ....... upon — they because can’t be they de*
arc sick too often, it is true that many
women are compelled to lco!» forward social to times
whsn they are unable to attend to or
business duties. Their appearance plainly in¬
dicates their condition and they are reluctant
to be seen, even by their friends. Read what
a business woman says to such sufferers;
Mrs. C. W. Jlansfleld, 53Farra- Street, pvrott, Midi., soys: nights and
“ v c :upl!o*.K>;i of faiualo inl-iwna h«ot me ana,to s.l
work ilia J roliaf from moulolna au l hope was v
out. I ooa'.J gat no m/employ gave me a box >f
r LxViiUam.s’ ! aa mny from me. A youn v laJ/ iu 1 took them aud oh e
Pina Pills for Pale Peopls. I bought more and was toe/
tor»st at night lor the first time in months. kaowledao. I
c ired ias us t.ioy also our- .1 several lAhar v’ome W my
and ...
young These piliftcertalnly build up the nervous system
til'are for me than anv phy<iv.i*m lean ylw) Jr. U ulitiriis l iuk
Pills for Pale Peonie ore dit for my gonsral t'ood health to-day. B
^TTVfVa _ "•
■■ ' I WW WJ -- «*Ki;-; r 3r49fSS3flB»e«K’ , Ui , m r TTiV1~ , ™V
^CTagmfiHBiBaMriM iingnu win irmnr~
Dr. Williams’Pink Pills for Pale People sent,postpaid are for
Saie by all druddists, or will be p ’>
on receipt of price, 5o cents per box,six boxes,.
$2.5o, by tne Dr. Williams Hedicine Company,
Schenectady, H.Y. Our new book, Plain talks
to Wop'if.N, sent free to any address on re quest, i
The Monarch cf Strength is
■■ &2&P
M mm mmm ml
mm :: i K •rrt rn
iff J Its strength comes from sold its purity. It is ail pure coffee,
H freshly roasted, and is only in one-pound sealed
packages. Each packago will make 40 cups. The pack
» age is saaled at the Mills so that the aroma is never
a I weakened. It has a de'icious flavor. Incomparable !
strength. It is a luxury within the reach of all.
Insist on “Lion” Coffee
Never ground nor sold i-\ bulk.
None Genuine without Lion’s head.
• — dol'd not. hnro I.lon Ooffre In bid dtorr,
I II -4- . V ./>f SSI F HI f t.. 8 *ond us his mum' anil addrouti that we
1A J a VWa VAJ1 g B m»y substitute. plsco It on sale there. Do not accept
any ’ywtijsq?; si’ieg
co.. ani«6s, utio.
Spring Announcement, 1899 .
To Our Many Friends in this County. . . .
Our new and handsome Spring stock of
Men’s, Youth’s and Children’s Clothing and Furnishings
is now ready for your inspection.
We have also a large and novet line of ladies’ Shirt
Waists, Collars, Neckwear and Belts.
We need no introduction to you but have this to say:
We appreciate your kinddess in the past and will assure you
the same courteous treatment for the future.
Kindly Remember Us.
Tailor-Fit Clothiers, 838 Broad Street Augusta, Ga.
You’ve Got It!
You Know It!
Why Not Be Cared Easy?
Dyspepsia, Liver Trouble Indigestion, Stomach Trouble,
or Kidney Trouble.
Tate Spring Water From Tat CD Springs, Will flllM Vf
•It. L. Tayfor, Gov. of Tenn., Nashville,
,4 I regard Tate Springs as the best on the
David Kirk, Pres. McC’almont Oil Co.,
P tt*burg, Pa.: “I believe Tate Spring
water is an infallible cure for dyspepsia."
J. B. Levert, 803.Perdido St., New Or¬
leans, Fab. 2, ’97: “I consider Tate Spring
a most delightful summer resort and the
water superior to any I ever used.”
*^.r»ll on the Ediror of The Advocate-Democrat for a 40 page book, free
taining 550 of our 5 009 testimonial*.
1 B«M* bir, t» tHcmmnd* otmtMttni (X»«w»-r, ««■*>.»« ***mrf, m*> tr, ~ 'h. 1
Pk wblrt t«s w«rk of art. it 34 | j d colon*, i imgta *tmr ; jm4 tm m** **1+* wttlj ^
^ and baaitnni roia, feaif-tooe A m*r*M i 11 mir*tu,m V*i*iit»f***, f rult* ^*n^l tn wtut* w
^ in CeUdofn* male.**. as*=AU %u iL* *:»rriwu. with A
mr «um tmA * ctuuvfh* of a«i Amt i» 4mr*fcl' Hum. t,* J
T 2 LodiaviaHlMtely. \ n\ v« vmh rvwrjon* n>»fnn j la a f*od weft ft ta ftettra a w - »i I * *
15 cts. a —*“
U ia wepty tea *
} IcVt^JSr ROCHEfTm *, Tlr lT i
J. . S. c ri Carr, Durham, TX U If. ^ C.• • ,T I think it
the finest water to be found anywhere,”
J. M. Studebaker, South Bend. Ind.; “I
believe there is no sj ring in America that
contains the healing qualities that Tate
Spring does ”
Tbos. A. Mellon, Pittsburk, Pa.; “I be
lieve there is no water in this country
equal to Tate’s for the cure of neuralgia,
a* well as dyspepsia ana liver troubles.”
Citation. T
FJBORGIA, U To All W TALIAFERRO bom U May Concern: COUN f $miri * ’ f ®
W. It. Gunn, Gnardian for Mary J’*"'' 1
nlng*, appllea to me for letters of'dlsu ”'?’ n
«i*m fro» *ald ruardhUnthip, aud I v 1 *’
-j .,
r,»s« Monday upon hi hi* May, appUcntieu next, at on my the f^/'.
Crawfordvjite, said County.
Giy f. my hand and offi
3rd ,fav of Ap.V, 1899
fills si i i
Treatui’ iit of Fruit Trees Ii ,*i«t by
the K*bruary Kre.Z'
Question.—T o what extent iid the
February freeze injure the trie ’r>^cs of
Georgia, aud is there any treat t for
frozen trees?
Answer. —The unprecedent 'cold
wave that swept over the state Rob
rnary greatly injured truic f in
manr seccions ot rue state, a »r is
highly important that such tret otild
be properly treated at once, the
damage may b3 overcome a«_i \ as
^Peaches, plums and figs have kred
most, while apples aud Of pears the mi to
be very little damatred. ] cues,
the Alexanders and TillotsoiK i the
In a great manv cases the S uma
plum was nearly killed to the ind.
other , varieties are not . so mu am
aged. The damage seems to be pied
almost entirely to the bearin ees.
Young trees from nursery stock i H ear
S££'%£3iSS of , t?i SS
injury is to the trunk the tree. The
bast tissues and the cambium iu r of
the bark are frozen aud blackens rom
SchefSmore! and* if a7ew Z the
bark is loosened from the trees. Us
uallv, however, there are about 2 r 8
inch'es of bark on one side of th< ree
south side of the tree. In some set as,
however, it is found on a. ,Y — te
The twigs and limbs ..x.. appavei -it
badly damaged The wood _
so browned, just ie
neath the buds is and son of
the twig- kiiled. < In my opinion i .'St
of these trees may recover ami lv, -e
stored to a fair condition. This, i w
ever, is a question. Many till undo -
ediy die in the course of this sum. .
Trees that were badly weakened • a
the Sau Jose scale, or from the d e -
dations ot orber insects, or from neg ot
or otherwise, iu most cases were kJ id
beyond a doubt aud should be dug ulac
once. The work of restoration cat the
for himself how much must it
awav, according to the extent t le
location of the damage. As a i
least one-third of the growth e
limbs should be cur off In a fev
it will be wise to cut rhe limbs ba o
srubbs about 24 inches. All badly u i
aged limbs should be taken outentirt y.
Tuis pruning will reduce the suriao<
be fed through the roots aud will si
ulate new growth of healthy wood, ^
the tree lives at all, it. will regain i A
idly its vigor aud retop i.-elf during ®
growing season and lie prepared io. *
fruit crop next. year. In doing t
work a smooth, clean cut should s
made with a saw or sharp pruning kni .
The cur surface should bfi painted nv
with white lead to exclude the ii.
proveut evaporaiion. This work si
have been done in March. How.
it is not too late yet, and shofld be
at once. Several prornineit gro
have already commenced the wt
Prompt action in this work may s
your trees.
Neither should cultivation be na f
te<L The trees need the bust of atr
tion now more than ever. On-ha
should be thoroughly cultivated dur
the season as though you expected a
crop of fruit. If cultivation is i
Jected, a little hot suu and dry wen
Will tell a doleful tale.
Culture of Upland Rlc. V?
Question.— Please give me some per
eral information in regard to the cultur
of upland rice.
Answer.— The following pi n is prat
tioally that of W. H. Dickey of Abbt
ville, a successful grower of upland ric*
Low or hammock of upland laud is rice; preferable in order fc^
the planting t
guard against drouth, however, the *os
should not be wet. Break the land deej«
aud close, aud use the barrow if thertl
are any clods, then use the small plow* ilfl
and trench your rows about 24 to
inches apart. Put in the drills 200 tfl
800 pounds of good commercial fertilH
izer, or barnyard manure can be nsetjl
with good results if well pulverized^!
Drop the rice ) 2 to 14 inches apart, ctm®| putffl
ting 12 to 20 grains iu a hill, and
the same with a fork plow. |
After this is done, the rice can be co,'. j
tivated with very little trouble. Plot
shallow, using the scooter and scraperf
aud about two One workings bu.hel will of be rioe all tiieOtj wi^l
is necessary.
plant from whioh two and good one-half land and to propt^ thr*^
acres, on busheCl
seasons will yield from 25 to 80
of rough rioe per acre. One busnel
the rough nee, wnen husked, will yiei
about 20 pounds of beautiful white ric«rh
which has an excellent flavor, *nd tail
considered by many to be lar stipe rate!
to any other rioe that can be found oj^
the tuMrket. will B
If planted in April the rice 1.1*4
ready for harvesting about Sept the i, anjd .
the bead ripens before strathed
_ oa _ e j f T0Bl one to three tons of exce
] en , ba y p* r >rl
Mr- H Dickey of Abbeville, Gwg I
has about 20 bushels of this upland ruers
that he will sell for $1.60 per bu#h»
sacked and delivered to freight or el M
pres* office on receipt of said amount,n sw
0Mte Agricultural Department, 1 •h C
Dr. Bull’s SYRUP"
Will cure Croup without fail. Ia, ■
The best remedy for whooping-cong’ out
Dose* email. Price 25 cte. at druggist cctol
Stephens High School Notes.
The \vt»ek has passed very slowly and
has happem-d .o change the usual
nunlue of school life.
There have been quite a number absent
nnmely, Nellie Tucker, Claude Per
kiiiis.Rac.helOhiipmau, Blanch Taylor, Amy
Ralph Golucke. Alvin Go ueko,
Kldridgc Asbury, Bert Asbury, Harvey
and, Elsie Powers has also been
.^scnt on account of sickness, We hope
^ be blU , k • ,, iu .
The Arithmetic was treated to an exam
irm+ion Friday morning,
o ur Friaay evening exercises began
>“« Friday and will continue until we be
gin to make preparation for commeuce
m ent. We bad a good many visitors out
p r idav and we hope they will come again,
days, not only *«.«>................. Fi uh that they nm>
on v ,
see the progress we have made,
Several of the larger pupils of Mrs. San
ford’s room have been promoted 1 to tno
higher spelling classes,
Prof. Sanferd desires us to learn some
thin „ abcut everything of life, botany In
—*• » - -“s'" H
the tree schools now, lie desires us to#
j u arn it from nature, by having a tiower
!tr ound the acadmy.
The debating society has been postponed
until Saturday night. 1 he subject for de
date is; Resolved, That capital puni.-h
|n( , nt should be abolished. Those on the
«%.....« .......
He ry Reid, negative, Berth lyntaud John
(_}, ifhth.
q ut mo st popular 1 ,* plnv at school is cro
quel, and , we have some flue playeis. , Wr
would put them against anybody,
*phe lthom.-lc elas is now reading
Shakespeare’s , , llauilet. ,
We are glad to welcome three pupils
back again who have, been absent quite
wllik ,. j,' ;ulu j e Rhodes, Nellie Gunn and
Bet tus Edwards.
Quite a number of our pupils attended
pj ie closing exercises of Mi«s Ella Jane
***,-A...... - ->- «' .........
or pupils, we were quite glad to hear of
her successful entertainment.
Wo were quite sorry to hear of the ill
ness of one of our pupils, Miss Gertrude
Holden. We hope she will soon recover
and he with us again.
The usual Friday evening’s exercises
S will be postponed an account of tlie mus
icu entertainment, given for tips paymeut
of the expenses of the piano.
TnTri*i" i ‘"TT~* 11 i 11111 rn 111 nimtnim 11 11 ~iT n»■ 11 mi lo l it i i m uim iL
n ] ! j
P .
Till 11 • i r , 'i jTTnn ____
AVcgekiblc Preparation for As¬
similating tlic Food andBoweb and Regula¬ cd
ting the Stomachs
Promotes Digestion,Cheer ful¬
ness and ResLContains neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mmeral.
Pumpkin Se»d~ /
Alx.Smna *
P«J,r!U Salto - # '
jfntM Sad *
yhirrtt Seed -
(lartfi<y{ Sugar Hanet .
ApcrfecI Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Constipa
riorv. Sour .Convulsions.Feverish¬
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
facsimile Signature of
exact copy of wrapper.
jjil). F. HOLDEN, Fr.*». J. A. KMNDHICK, Vlce-Fre*. M. F. O Ii IFKITH, Oa.liler,
8 Office to 4 O’clock, Hours } CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. { *1^
CAPITAL STOCK, $ 25 , 000 .
A i General * Banking i Basiness t Transacted.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough!
Bears the
I ■
\j» You Have
Always Bought.
W. M . BIRD,