The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, April 28, 1899, Image 1
THE ADVOCAT iss democrat '©JP YOL, XXIY. SPRING Are Arriving Almost Daily at C. Berg¬ strom’s. Call and see them ALL PRICES LOW. Dry Goods Department. Dress Goods in assorted colors. Calicoes in assorted patterns, Cambric n assorted paterns. Bleaching, good assortment, Bud-spreads at at lowest prices. Flannels in great variety. Large stock ot Plaids, Sheet ing and shirting. Large stock of Spool cotton and bail thread. Canton £annel in different shades and color*. Notions and Fancy Goods. Large assortment of dress Shirts, Hustlers, Undershirts, suspenders, Handkerchiefs,Neck-wear ai.d Gloves. A good assortment Ladies’ Hose and Children’s Hose. Men’s half Hose all c great variety. % Clothing. Great assortment of Jeans and Jeans Pants, Boy’s Coats, Pants and Vests. C>me a*, -'nee and buy of urn. Classware and lamps. Laiye Hall and Parlor Lamps, Chandelier globes, and Lamp globes, Lanterns and lantern globes, extra fchades, burners and wicks, common lamps, Looking glasses and glass Dippers. Crockery, Foreign & Domestic. China Plates, large stock mas taclie Cups ami saucers, Porcelain cups and saucer, English, steak Dishes and Bowls, lorge stock ot Bowls and Pitchers. Drugs and Medcines. Wizzavd, British and sweet Oils. Castor and Kerosene Oils, Glass glue and Patty. Stoves and Tinware. Galvanized Well Buckets for bored ■wells, laige and small Tubs, Bread Trays, half bushel and p£ck measures, Gallon and half-gallon Oil cans, Pots and Kettles, and stove pipes. Trunks, Leather Goods. Etc. Sole and leather, Harness, Bridles Saddles, Etc., Valises, Leather and Bark Collar*. floase-fornishing Goods. Mattresses cotton and straw, steel Springs, folding and straight, Round Tables, Swings, Hobby-horses, Wag ODS; Etc. for children. Needles & Sewing MacM ne Supplies, such as Gold Eye, Silver Eye and sewing machine Needles for all the different makes of sewing ma ahines. Groceries. Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Flour, Lard, Boasted Coffee, Axle-grease, Soaps, of every aort, Turnip seed, Onion sets, Gandies, Crackers, Candies, Soda, Pickles, Vinegar, Segars, Snuff, Chewing and smoking Tobacco. Hardware and Gnttiery. Axe», Hoes, Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, shoe Hammers, Scissors, shears and hair Trimmers. Knives and Forks, spoon*. Pocket Knive* and Gun Tubes. CHAS. BERGSTROM » CRAWFORD VILLI , OA. CRAWFOtiDVILLE. GA.. FR f, APRIL 28. 1899. SHIRON’S Eli III. What the People o! That Thriv¬ ing Town ARE DOING AND SAYING. The Sews and Gossip of all that Sec¬ tion of Much Interest, Reported By C. L. Rugby. Mr. Winslet is on the sick list. Farmer* are in a better humor. Don’t trade for a mortgaged mule or horse. Mrs. W. J. Jackson is improving in health. Several colored folks died in this section last week. Mr. Henry Smith ;ind Bob Ray are ofE on a fish this week. We repaired several sprinklers sn Craw fordville last week. R H. Jackson has moved his work shop to near the depot. Messrs. W. R. Reid and W. W. Bird were in town a few days ago. The showery weather has kept the ground in good working order. If you are a delinquent the editor wants to see you—you know what about. Henry Chapman and Mr. Culpepper of Warren, were here a few davs ago. There seems to be some dissatisfaction about our school. This should not be Educate ¥anr Bowel* With Cuscaret*. Cand.v Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. 36c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. C, L, Bagby can fix you up in a nice clethes wire with proper fastening on it. Drs. Davidson and Ray attended the medical convention in Macon last week. Prof. Steel’s school had dwindled down considerably since the free term went out. ifo Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascnrets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25o. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Mrs. W, P. McKeon is raising chickens by incubation. She is alwavs in for business. The boy* say uncle Josh Moore has been on the river ever since he caught that big carp. Whfin arV tnmlnr Ml Derangements of M’enstrUal Functions produce Miscarriage. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets Correct the derange¬ ments. Mr. Newsome will move his family to Haddock station this week, where he has a situation. Mr. Frank Gilbert has gone to the Phlllipines with the Hospithl corps of the regular army. Before the discovery of One Minute Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis¬ turbed by coughing congregations. No excuse for it now. Dr. L. A. Brown, Sharon, Ga. Preaching next Saturday and Sunday at Sharon Methodist church by the pastor Mr. Holland. We hear that Mr. /Childs will occupy the residence vacated by A. T. Gilbert on Convent street. Mothers wishing stout healthy girls should give them Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets as they approach puber ty. Miss Blanch Graham was taken sudden¬ ly ill at school lust week and had to be carried home. Rev. Mr. Gillebeau and family passed through Hhaion Saturday on their wuy to Jennings church. less, Menstruation and Pains in made Sides, Regular Hips and and Limbs Paln cured by Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Mr. Jim Flynt lost his horse last week from injuries the animal received from jumping a fence. Malaria cannot find a lodgement in the Bvstjmi while the Liver is in perfect order. Dr. M A. Simmons'Liver Medicine is the best Regulator. A sad scene was that of the intended bride of the late Mr. Ed. Bufford who fainted at the grave. J. Sheer, Sedalia. Mo., conductor on electrii car line, writes that his little daughter was very low with croup, and her life saved after all physicians Cough had failed, only by using One Minute Cure. Dr. L. A. Brown, Sharon, Ga. Miss Maggie Burk has been confined to her room with a severe case of measles for the past week. We hope sh* will be out all right again. SORE LUNGS Sore lungs, pain In the chest and pain¬ of ful breathing, the quickly fore-runners relieved and pneumonia, cured by the are old reliable Dr. John W. Bull’s Cough Syrup. It breaks up a DnBuUs cold in one night. Try it at once. COUCH SYRUP Will quickly heal Sore Lung*. Doki are null sad pieaasnt to taka. Poctos* rwMsiHd it Frio* n eta At *B M IN THE INTEREST OF A M* The following new board of trustee* were elected for Sharon High School last Friday: J. A. Kendrick, A. D. Moore, J, W. Fallen, W. F. Hill and Dr. L. If. BrowD. Menstruation made Regular and Paih less. and Pains in Sides, Hips and Limbs cured by Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. We would like to be able to attend the the Confederate reunion at. Charleston and shake hands with the boys an dhear them holloa once more. May God ble.s them all. Malaria cannot find a lodgement in the system while the Liver is in perfect order. Dr. JV1 A. Simmons Liver Medicine is the best Regulator. Sharon High School has closed for the present and Prof. Steel has returned to his home in Tennessee. We wish him much success We do not whether he will know return or not. J. Sheer, SedalVa, Mo., conductor on electric car line, writes that his litlle daughter was very low with croup, and her life saved after all physicians had Cure. failed, only Dr. L. by A. using Brown, One Sharon, Minute'Cough Ga. We heard some men arguing whether it is cheaper to own land than tp rent Ws think it is cheaper to own it if it has no mortgage on it. If it is mortgag¬ ed, it is best to give it up and rent. Mrs. Jessie R. Davidson, Tallapoosa, Ga., writes: I find Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine a splendid remedy for Torpid Liver, Indigestion and tired Liver Troubles. I was a wreck and of living, but by its use I am a well woman. J. A. Kendrick discharged two of his hands for going hunting during the bos*’ absenee, A Hotel porter was discharged too- If a hired man, white or blaek who does not do his duty he should be dis¬ charged. For a quick remedy and one that is perfectly safe for children let i.s recom¬ mend One Minute Cough Cure. It is ex¬ cellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling in the throat and coughs. Dr. L. R. Brown, Sharon, Ga. News from the Glory Landis encour¬ aging, and while those who went dovyn there from this section do not like our jokes about them, we honestly beleive that every family who moved down there would stay here now.if they were back. Used' during Expentancy, Simmons Squaw Vfne Wine or Tablets Labor fcbeer *tid Strengthen Mother, Shorten and sofes,... zema, skin diseases, and especially Piles, DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve stands first and best. Lo»k out for dishonest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. It’s their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Dr. L. A. Brown, Sharon, Ga. Some of the citizens would like to see nice scats put in the postoffice waiting room. If they talk much about it| Uncle Billie will have the seats put in, no doubt. Mr. George Brown is having some improvements made at his home near Sharon. Mr. Brown keeps up with the times and has everything in apple pie order on his premises. As the seasons of the year when pneu¬ monia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung trou¬ bles are to be guarded against, nothing “is a fine substitute,” will “answer the pur¬ pose,” or is “just as good” as One Minute Cough Cure. That is the one infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles insist vigorously upon having it if “something else” is offered you. Dr. L. R. Browu, Sharon, Ga. Mrs. W. J. Jackson is up at her fatherinlaws Mr. J. M. Jackson to recuperate her health and is under Dr. Daniel’s treatment. Hope she will soon be restored to health. Used" during Expentancy, Simmon* Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets cheer and Strengthen Mother, Shorten Labor and Rob Confinement of its Terrors. A business man said the other day that machine agents should not lie allowed to go on the premises of land owners and sell machines for double the price they can be had from dealers here. “Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world.” said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. L. A. Brown, Sharon, Ga. Mrs Lou Taylor returns her sincere thanks to the people of Sharon for their hospitality, and kind attention, to her and friends who vrere with her, at the bu¬ rial of her son,Mr. Bufford. Notone child dies People where ten formerly learned died from croup. have the value of One Minute Cough Cure and use it for severe lung and throat troubles. It immediately stops coughing. It never fails. Dr. L. A. Brown, Sharon, Ga. Mr. Lott Oslin attended court in Warren last week. He was subpoenaed but they had no use for him. His tesiimoney in a whiskey case against Joe O’ Brien was that he never was in a bar¬ room, and never saw a drink sold. He Fooled tbc Surgeon*. All doctors told Reniok Hamilton, ol West Jefferson. O.. after suffering If months from Rectal Fistula, be would die unless a roetly operation was performed, but b* cured himself with five boxes ol Buck en’s Arnica Saly*. the surest Pfl* cur* on Earth, and the best Self o' in th» World. 36 cents a box. 8oM by Dr. H J. Reid Druggist. nia 1 m l u And WI Neighbors Are %$?>>*» Bji, ALL 3 Is ITEMIZED. AU the N. County us Told by Ou ake Poneil fiT*. Is m. Gardens Ij :t<ut well, but corn looks sickly? P Mr. Rnbel Li his horse last Friday nigh I Mrs. Kate fr, Hillman visited this place Stj Miss Lena Warrenton, is vl» iting her sist# iJennie Jackson. If you have paW Blurb, throat irritation, difficult weak lungs, ftl the chest, breathing, cro hoarseness, let us suggest One jyKSpt M I Cough Cure. Al¬ ways reliable Dr. L. A. Bi own, Sharon, Ga, Mrand Mrs tones, liters of Washington were v'sitimr H mother here last Sabbath. Rev. T. J. 1 nntnlngs sermt n last Sun day at Salem t urclj was very interesting, his theme was lT jbfcc.” We see then arc some Elders of the later day Sainti or Mormons as we cull them going ariumj. They deny the Mor¬ mon part in th* uiuuty, but all come from Utah and are f<llo t wera of Joe Smith and old B igham ife Subscribe forlnd anF advertise In your county paper, ou will see that your success will be g’Slater. Our people generally are In better hopes now but it I* fettled that many of them are buying too rruieh on time. For frost bites j burns, indolent sores, ec¬ zema, skin diseases, and especially Piles, DeWitt’s Witch 'fazA Salve stands first and best. Look imltaSp Jut. for dishonest, people It’s Who try to and counterfeit it. their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods /are not imitated. Get DeWitt’s Witch ill azel Salve. Dr. L. A. Brown, Sharon. Jp-a. A great tnqjq iruim will noot have enough eottc -to 4}»nt. #pd will tuiyetoi^ttf nrie^T * * . ' rei A on tAu cemete! the but relativl Bufforj ty an(/j about t| been 1 mouth.;, at the 1 to the Anew '>nd tAtl “Disc** ■oid fee® severwrtl undinnl For thr<l uid coul d a wa J I * I oil:* imsuml 'W taninl night: hi sbsolutol ,other IN tics ■ick *fc C| fl free Regull bottle gil The worD Its clod And ’mim Truth i Anon they ui That I To every “Go sh/ The worli It* outcij wail The Bui Telling,] then 1 Words* They To shea bid j The worlf Strong i And there Seem lit But oh! ra From sil If every c] And she Come* ffl 4 ita, I. T. Klactric B9 scrofula, vu I furiug for I ■reak doctofl out *»t coi/l ure is Ant.” Ttri :»roved.— puril <4 »)ood fol remedy licet*, b«tn »t«* ltrerm hi •siisons. •treegth. J. J || R. R*i RVAl % Baking Pure Powder T Absolutely Makes the food more delicious and wholesome HQVAt SAKIWO SOWpE* CO., HE*VOgjC SANDY GROSS ITEMS. I)r J. A. Rhodes has a nice piece of wheat, Mr. B. L. Edwards has a fine piece of wheat. , Farmer* will soon be through • plant¬ ing in this sectiou. Mrs. Nannie Cot has recovered from a spell of sickness. Quite a nice at tendance at Sunday School last Sunday. Cotton that was planted a week ago is coming up nicely, G. » Rhodes is speakihg of having » strawberry hunt before long. Mr. Clotworthy and|One of his guests attended preaching here Sunday. Mr. Bob Kendrick and relatives passed here Sunday going to Mr.Brown’s. Cotton seed are very scarce In this section; so is Georgia raised seed corn G. S. Rhodes has found an iron mino on his place—at least the blossom of Iron. The fall oat crop is looking very promising but the spring planting is rather sorry. Mr. A. L. Flynt carried his son Arthur to the suigical institute in Atlanta hut he failed to be beuefttted. Our section has been somewhat excited by parties from Washington passing through here looking for the negro murderer Hose. Nine local.rain showers here this week. We need the showers sliowe of grace ” in our rightly , prats , hearts so that we may Him who sends all go od thin gs. Beautiful Hair. Can always be obtained by using that highly perfumed and strictly scientific compound—Dr. Murray’s Hair Promoter, It stops the hair froip falling fajed out, cures hair dandruff* aud-i*stor*R gray or In Advance- NO- 9. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT. BY W. C. T. U. Sam Jones says that times will be no better until the good men come to the front. If our best men would come bold ly to the front, the saloons of Crawford ville could not stand. %V. Emerson says thatmen of character are the conscience of the society in which they live. Where are our guardians? Are they fast asleep that they remain silent while three saloons are thriving in our village. Can’t our town council lend some help to protect our homes. A Drunkard’s Will. A dying drunkard, in Oswego, N. ,Y., left the following as his “last will and testament’’: “I leave to society a ruined character, a wretched example, and a memory that will »oon rot. 1 leave to my parents as much sorrow as they can, in their feeble state, bear. I leaye to my brothers and sisters as much shame and mortification as I can bring on them. I leave to my wife a broken heart and a life of shame. I leave to each of my children poverty, ignorance, a low character, and a remembrance that their father filled a drunkard’s grave.” The W. C. T. U. of Crawfordvilleis on¬ ly eeven or eight women, (rarely more,) meeting twice a mouth at the Baptist church. They feel that they have a noble purpose in view; and that their efforts are sanctioned by Heaven. Here no politics with double’face obscures the path of right, A sublime faith that the Ruler of the affairs of men' will so uphold truth j t may prevail agai nst w^o ntf, give#